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  1. A single beam of light cut into the darkness that hung over the interior of the derelict Eternal Vigilance. Tentatively, it moved onward, creating a narrow path through the ship, leading the vessel's lone occupant. In an effort to preserve power, most of the ship's systems had been shut offline, and life support was shaky at best. Still, his scans hadn't found any significant damage to the ship and he was confident he could get it moving again. Brad wasn't sure what to expect of the Eternal Vigilance, having never visited it in the past. It's wide corridors and open expanses were not typical designs for ships, and walking through the vessel it was easy to see it was not designed solely as a warship. A power still hung in the air, an ancient force that permeated the walls and led Brad to believe this ship was more than it appeared. Luckily, the ship was set up in a conventional fashion and Brad quickly found the bridge. Setting his light down, he started to work one of the consoles, attempting to bring the ship back online. Slowly, power was being restored to the ship, and soon the lights on the bridge flickered to life. It was all a matter of time, as the computers ran through diagnostic tests before everything was brought back online. That task would essentially handle itself at this point, so Brad began to work on interfacing the Eternal Vigilance's guidance computer to his own ship, The Ebon Blade. The Eternal Vigilance was too big for him to pilot on his own, but with enough time he knew he would be able to get something set up that would allow him to bring the vessel back to more accessible territory.
  2. "Yeah, yeah, I know, nothing's there." After entering the Pyrshak system a few days ago, Brad's life had consisted of many sensor sweeps of the planets in the system with short bouts of sleep mixed in. As impressive as his sensor package was, his ship could only do so much. Finding something hidden by a Jedi Master was not something that was supposed to be easy, no matter how large that object was. The only thing he could say with any certainty at this point was that the ship itself was not near Manaan, the main planet in the system. Frustrated with his lack of progress, Brad slapped his sensor package offline. If it was a Jedi installation, hidden by a Jedi Master, and a general conduit of the Force, surely using his power was the simplest way to find it. Slowly, he reached out with the Force, focusing his mind on the planets in the system. The distance his senses were covering were enough to tire him, as his abilities were being pushed near their limit. One by one, however, his mind advanced, gathering information about the various masses that surrounded him. Suddenly, he felt it, on the edge of his senses. With considerable effort, Brad focused on the presence of the Force in the system. He let the Force guide his hand as he piloted his craft towards the source of energy, letting up as he felt the planet come into view. It was here, of that he was sure, but nevertheless he flipped back on his sensors and scanned the planet. The ship was now orbiting Navlass, but nothing was detected on the planet. "Damnit, it has to be here!" he called out, disappointed at the capabilities of his ship once again. As the orbit around the planet continued, he could feel it clearly, without much focus. That was when he realized it wasn't on the planet itself, rather it was on one of the planet's moons. Adjusting his course to coincide with his senses, he was treated to a glimpse of the ship as it rose into his field of vision. The Eternal Vigilance, he had found it.
  3. "I'll get it done," Brad replied. With a quick nod as a farewell, he turned and went back the way he had come. There was no reason to idle on Tython, especially now that he had something productive to do. If everything went according to plan, he would be back in a few weeks. Based on what he could feel in the Force, that was a good thing. Something was brewing, although he couldn't quite figure out what it was. All he knew was that there was a role for him to play in it, and he needed to make sure he would be back in time for the show. Once back inside the cockpit of The Ebon Blade, Brad took whatever information the Temple's database had on the Eternal Vigilance. It would give him something to read on his journey. Soon after, the ship was taking off and launching forward into hyperspace.
  4. The Ebon Blade's oversized hyperdrive sped the party quickly along to Tython, giving Brad enough time to take a short nap. Among the present company, he didn't have much to say, finding it best to feign fatigue. There were things he could have discussed with Kirlocca he was sure, he was someone Brad was familiar with and somewhat trusted. The Padawan and mysterious Moon character, on the other hand, were wild cards, but he didn't feel the need to exclude them on such a small ship. The journey was over before it became a problem, however, and the ship landed safely on Tython within a few hours. As Kirlocca and the others left the ship, Brad soon fell in line behind them, following them through the Temple. He could sense the unease in the Padawan, as he too felt some unease being on the overly peaceful and quiet planet. There were planets all along the Outer Rim that were busier than this Jedi hideaway, and Brad hoped he would be back to civilization shortly. What was stranger to him, however, was what he could sense about the Wookiee. He didn't discover why Kirlocca needed to come to the planet, and he feared his business was shadier than he imagined. Nevertheless, he knew it wasn't the time or place to question the Jedi Master's business, and he had come to Tython with a purpose, which he intended to see through. To do that, he needed to find Darex, but that task proved to be easy enough as Darex soon found them instead. Sensing it best that he get his business done and out of the way, Brad started off their meeting after the customary greetings. ”œIt's been too long Darex, far too long. I hope everything is well, and I'm not being sent off to some random act of mischief on the Jedi's account. You contacted me about a job, hopefully through one of my aliases, although it wouldn't surprise me if you found a hole in my cover. I came to find out what it was all about, and possibly more.”
  5. As the Wookiee's presence filled the ship, Brad knew it was time to leave Gala. The landing ramp raised as the repulserlifts kicked in, bringing the ship up into the air. It wasn't long before The Ebon Blade was heading out of the planet's gravity well. With a slight lurch, the ship shot forward to lightspeed, heading off to Tython, making short stops along the way just in case they were being followed. "Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking," he shouted back to the main cabin. "We are now at cruising altitude, you are now free to roam about the cabin. We should arrive on Tython in a few hours."
  6. "That's fine with me, we can go as soon as you're ready. Am I driving, or are you?" Not a particularly funny joke, he knew, but it was necessary to lighten the mood after talking about the evil in the galaxy. Traveling with Kirlocca was sure to be a strangely familiar experience for Brad, although it had been some time since he had last been a part of the Jedi. Jedi Masters always had a tangible air of power about them, and that wasn't something you found in the far reaches of the Outer Rim. One Jedi Master he did not understand, however, was Dahar. The man who vehemently championed the destruction of the Sith was oddly quiet, doing little as he left the area. He was difficult for Brad to read, and that made him uneasy after dealing with simple smugglers and crooks for such a long time. Dahar was someone Brad would be keeping an eye on in the future. There were more pressing issues at the moment, however, and Brad nodded a quick farewell to Kirlocca before heading off to his ship. While his ship was modified to prepare to fly in a hurry, it still took some time. He wanted to rendezvous for Darex and find out what this job was all about soon. As The Ebon Blade's massive engines began to hum to life, Brad back in the cockpit, awaiting for Kirlocca and, most likely, his Padawan.
  7. Brad was rather taken aback by the newly anointed Master's apparent zeal. It seemed as though Kitt's death had allowed to Order to change, although Dahar could believe in a fringe theory on how the Jedi should act. Admittedly, he knew little about the man, but he felt the man's ideology was clouding his judgment. Darkness was not encompassing the galaxy because of a few isolated terrorist attacks, nor was it due to the inherent flaws present in the new government. In Brad's eyes, it wasn't spreading at all, rather, the darkness existed just as it always had. Confrontation with the Sith was inevitable to protect the innocent, but rushing off to destroy their Order mercilessly and without purpose was not the way to go about it. ”œYou might want to calm down Dahar, rushing off with that kind of attitude is only going to get you killed. The dark side isn't something you can eradicate, it always has existed and it always will exist. All you can hope to do is minimize its impact, as you should, but you need to go about it the right way. And perhaps the Order should be more concerned by what's going on right now, Kirlocca. People are starting to talk, and these implications could have a negative impact on the Order's image in the galaxy. I wouldn't underestimate the value of public opinion.”
  8. Standing to the side watching the events unfold before him, Brad was only mildly amused. He had seen enough spars during his days in the Order that this sort of thing was rather boring. Two Jedi going against each other would never bring out the best in a fighter, they would always be forced to hold back their power for fear of injuring their opponent. When Jedi Masters were involved, Brad could only imagine how much of their ability was being held in reserve. It was the reason he didn't enjoy sparring against his colleagues. When he draws lightsaber, every fiber of his being is put into the battle, every skirmish is a struggle of his heart and soul. It was the reason he had taken it upon himself to master Vaapad in his exile, knowing that its philosophy would be the only way to use all of his strength to vanquish his enemies. The arrival of another, however, divided Brad's attention between the stranger and the battle taking place. He had felt this one's arrival through the Force, and not sensing a threat from her he decided it was best to ignore this intruder, at least for the time being. There were larger issues on his mind at the moment, and the aloof troubles of a random apprentice were not his concern. Still, her arrival was unsettling, displaying his lack of knowledge of the affairs in the galaxy. When he had arrived, Brad had feared the Temple was destroyed and the Jedi were gone from Gala. The arrival of this woman showed that he may have been mistaken, and it gave him a sense of urgency to get off this rock before something bad happened. As the trial concluded, Brad removed his hat and began to cross the room toward the Jedi Masters. There was no way for him to hide at this point, the Jedi knew he had returned. Abandoning the Order was not something he was proud of despite what he had accomplished. He feared they would accept him with open arms, and the cute little display before him did little to squelch those fears. Emotion, especially affection, was something Brad rarely showed, believing it to be a sign of weakness. Seeing two supposed warriors hugging it out like long lost fraternity brothers was unsettling to him, but it wasn't something worth bringing focus to. ”œCongratulations, Dahar, isn't it? I'm guessing you both remember who I am, so let's just skip the pleasantries, I'm here for a reason. There have been some rather unsettling reports going around about the Order, reports I hope are merely the government's lies. There was a rumor about the Jedi being implicated in the recent attacks, something I'm almost certain isn't true. I fear we may be entering into a dangerous realm, and it's not the best time to be off gallivanting around the galaxy all by my lonesome. So one of you tell me what is going on, and who let the galaxy go to hell while I was away?”
  9. Gala. Though the mysterious man emerged far on the outskirts of the system, the image of the planet filled the cockpit and memories of the planet filled his mind. Last time he left Gala, his differences with Kitt Fitt, the former Jedi Grandmaster, began to arise, coming to a head at Helix Station. In essence, Gala marked the beginning of his end as a Jedi, a drastic change in his mentality, really it signaled a rebirth of his character. Returning to this planet, he knew, would present some challenges, but he did not expect to be as overwhelmed as he was. Images flooded his mind of a different path, the path he would have followed had he not allowed himself to succumb to his rash dissent with the Jedi Code. It was a life he knew he couldn't have lead, he could not allow himself to be a mindless sheep, blindly following the Jedi Code. For this reason, the man's return to Gala sprung an internal debate. If there were indeed Jedi here, this would be an opportunity to show he was still alive. Perhaps the Order today would be more open to his alternate view. Few people in the Order could serve as a better devil's advocate than him, and the very nature of the organization would serve to temper his recklessness. While he detested how little the Jedi did to protect the innocent, he also knew his great flaw was being too quick to act. Still, limits to his freedom would hamper his efforts to do what needed to be done. Deep down, he knew the Order would never be willing to go as far as he was, and with good reason. Not everyone had his obstinate resolve, and he knew what he did could lead some to evil. Philosophical concerns were an issue for another time, however, and it seemed necessity would force him to show his hand. Hiding who he was would be no easy task if Jedi still walked the Temple's halls. While he had become an expert at hiding his sensitivity to the Force, drawing it deep inside and making his mind an impenetrable fortress to unwarranted attacks, there were those in the Order who knew his face. A beard would do little to disguise himself from a Jedi Master, even if that Master could not access his mind. The Force had been a private indulgence during the man's time in exile, and he had learned much during his studies, but he knew he lacked the power to trick a Jedi Master. If he was quick and used a solid alias, perhaps he could get the details for the job and get out, but doing so wouldn't be an easy task. As the ship edged closer to the planet, the man continued arguing with himself over what he should do, and he was running out of time. The ship entered atmosphere under the guise of The Wayward Raven, the most well known of his ship's aliases, and soon made its way towards whatever remained of the Jedi Temple. It was surprisingly intact, even improved upon, but just by looking at it he knew it was no longer the center of the Jedi Order. A slight thud signaled the craft had set down outside the Temple, and as the man exited the landing ramp the decision was made. He had returned to Gala to do a job, and revealing who he was would make that job easier. It was time to discard the masks that had protected him for so long, it was time for him to stop hiding behind an alias. It was time for him to become Brad Warren, and perhaps a Jedi, once again. Making his way inside the Temple, the exiled Jedi let go of his restraint. His mind was flooded with the overwhelming sensation of life around him, signaling the Force's presence inside him. Reaching out, he knew there were three people inside the Temple. Knowing that they were the only hope he had of establishing contact with the Jedi, he advanced deeper into the structure. With his hat drawn low on his head, covering his eyes, and his lightsaber and pistol both visible and at the ready, just in case, he emerged onto scenes of battle. Seeing a wookiee doing battle with a lightsaber, all Brad could do was let out a sarcastic utterance. ”œGreat,”
  10. "It's as I feared then, we are going in blind." Brad let out a brief sigh, frustrated with the lack of information. The lack of information was preventing him from coming up with a plan of any sort, and going into battle without any idea of what to expect or how to operate would get people killed. As the announcement came over his comlink, however, he was a little relieved. "Perhaps I was wrong, and we'll get more information at Double Helix. I'll see you there." Without delay, Brad exited the Council Chambers and returned to the hanger. As an afterthought, he thought he hadn't shown enough respect to the Grandmaster. In his time away, formalities were not something dealt with on a regular basis. He quickly decided there was no sense dwelling on it, and no harm done. Making sure the refueling of his starfighter was completed, Brad climbed in and tapped into the Temple's database to ensure his coordinates for Helix Station were up to date. After running the standard pre-flight checks, he took the small craft out of Gala's atmosphere and on its way to Helix Station.
  11. "So the rumors were true," Brad replied, glad to be greeted by someone he was somewhat familiar with. Although his stint in the Augury was brief, he felt he had some idea of who Kitt. Still, it was odd for Brad to see someone he considered a colleague to be in charge of the Order. He was unsure how Kitt would influence the Jedi, but an in depth analysis of his policies were something for another time. "Congratulations on the appointment. I'm sorry I didn't recognize you, but it's been quite some time since I was last in contact with anyone. My time away has been a necessary learning experience. That's all a story for another time." Brad paused for a brief moment in order to formulate exactly what he wanted to say to the Grandmaster. He was sure that Kitt was aware why the long lost Jedi had returned, but nevertheless it was important to address the current situation. "My return does not come under the best of circumstances, as I'm sure you are aware. For quite some time a shadow has been present in the Force, a dark tide foretelling a cataclysmic event in our immediate future. I'm sure even the Padawans can sense that something is not right in the galaxy. "I fear the tides of war will soon be upon us. While many of my philosophies have changed since I last considered myself a Jedi, I remain committed to doing what is necessary to protect innocent lives." As Brad finished this thought, uncertainty welled up inside him. He had finally reached his main point in the conversation, yet he feared that he would glean little information on the battle from the Grandmaster. "My efforts to procure information on whatever the coming darkness might be have produced nothing. If there's information about it to be had, I'm sure you have it, and I need that information. I need to know whatever you might know. I don't want to enter this breach blindly."
  12. Very close to the planet Gala's gravity well, a small starfighter emerged from hyperspace. It was clearly on a course to land at the Jedi Temple located on the planet, and its operator assumed he would be virtually unnoticed on any security teams monitoring the planet's orbit. He had been flying ships much larger than his small snubfighter into secure zones undetected for quite some time and had yet to come across a situation he couldn't handle. Nevertheless, there wasn't a pressing need to land on the planet unnoticed in this situation, and thus the pilot broadcast the appropriate codes to enter the planet's atmosphere unopposed. Some semblance of secrecy, however, was necessary for the pilot, so he sent the information in under one of his numerous aliases. Having the connections that he used to have, the pilot hoped that his cover would be solid enough to fool any security personnel dealing with his clearance to land. His codes were all correct, he was sure, and he was using a Republic friendly alias, so he was almost certain his attempt to land would go smoothly. Soon his belief was confirmed, as he received clearance to land. The pilot carefully navigated the ship through the atmosphere and into a familiar hanger inside the Jedi Temple. The pilot exited the starfighter and left its refueling up to the hanger technicians. A single lightsaber worn as his belt was enough clearance for the hanger technicians not to give him any trouble as he entered the Temple further. He was a tall man, and in his complete battle regalia he was a formidable sight. Unfamiliar logos etched in gray on the armor were a remnant of an old organization of the Republic, and it did raise some suspicion in the people he passed on his way to the Jedi Council chambers. In hopes of remaining unquestioned, the pilot was reaching out in the Force to express his intentions were urgent and meant the Jedi no harm. It had been some time since he had walked these halls, yet he remembered the layout of the Temple as though a map of it was etched onto his brain. He quickly reached the council chambers, managing to avoid any unnecessary conversation along the way. Silence hung over the chamber, like the calm before a great storm, yet still he entered. He stood in the middle of the room in a powerful, yet clearly unmilitaristic pose and reached out in the Force throughout the Temple. The lack of knowledge on the current power structure of the Jedi ultimately hurt his chances of finding whoever he was looking for in the Temple. Sensing a presence entering the Chamber, he turned around and faced whomever it was that was inspecting the room. Deciding it best to ask this person for help, he decided to set the tone of the conversation by opening it up. "Excuse me," he said in an impressively calm tone, "I need to speak with someone in a position of power around him. I'm afraid my time away has left me lacking in information about who I can talk to in the Order. If you could find the Grandmaster, or even just a Master, to come here I would appreciate it. Just tell them Warren is rejoining the fold, and it's not without cause." Not wanting to create a conflict, he assumed, the intruder exited the room off to find someone above them in rank. Hoping that what he had asked the intruder to do would be done, the pilot paced the chamber as he waited for someone to come and explain what was going on to him.
  13. Brad Warren'S CHARACTER SHEET Identity [!ident] Real Name: Brad Warren A.K.A: Nathan Reynolds, Alan Drake, Thomas Cobb Homeworld: Corellia Species: Human Physical Description [!dscrp] Age: 20 Height: 6'4" Weight: 215 lbs Hair: Dark Brown, Unkempt Eyes: Blue Sex: Male Equipment [!equip] Clothing or Armor: - Typical Black Spacer Clothing - Custom Special Forces Armor Brad's armor is designed to maximize protection without sacrificing mobility. This is achieved by using separate sections of armor plating over a bodyglove. While this does leave some areas of Brad's body more vulnerable to attack, maintaining his mobility to allow unhindered use of his lightsaber is far more important. The armor plates were created using a custom metal consisting mostly of phrik and durasteel, allowing the armor plates to be relatively light-weight while maintaining incredible durability. In fact, the armor plates are capable of withstanding lightsaber strikes in addition to blaster fire. The helmet features an advanced HUD which is designed to interface with his weapons and provide adequate night vision when necessary. The armor system also regulates body temperature and can be sealed in order for it to be used in the vacuum of space, using an enclosed oxygen tank carrying two hours worth of air to accomplish this. The armor's boots feature an electromagnetic system that can be engaged to allow the armor to lock onto metal surfaces Brad is standing on. The armor plates are pained in a mostly black pattern of urban camouflage, and the plates sit on top of a solid black body glove. Weapon: - 4x Lightsabers (1x Green, 1x Orange, 1x Blue, 1x Purple) Based upon the design of legendary Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsaber, Brad's primary lightsaber has been lengthened and streamlined to allow it to be easily used to better accommodate his larger hands and lightsaber technique. A hidden button activates the weapon's dual-phase system, and it uses a green lightsaber blade. This lightsaber is usually worn on Brad's left side. An orange lightsaber, based upon the design of Mace Windu's lightsaber, is Brad's second most used lightsaber. In case of emergencies, t is always hidden somewhere on his person. Occasionally, Brad will use a blue lightsaber, based upon the design of Anakin Skywalker's blade. Rarely, he will also carry a purple lightsaber which was created by his presumed dead master, Kyp Durron, as a symbol of his past and the respect he had for his former master. - DL-44 Heavy Blaster On missions where a blaster is necessary, Brad uses a DL-44 blaster with its sight removed. - Custom Battle Rifle Brad's custom built rifle is a deadly accurate firearm that utilizes a bullpup configuration to maximize barrel length in order to increase accuracy while providing a more compact rifle system. The rifle uses 36 round magazines of high-powered 9.5x40mm cortosis-tipped rounds which can be fired in single shots or three-round bursts. The weapon is effective at medium to long range, and the attached adjustable zoom scope helps increase accuracy at range. - Custom Pistol Although it appears to be an antique weapon, Brad's custom pistol is a modern take on the classic ballistic weapon. It is designed to utilize two fire systems: the advanced gauss firing mechanism and a traditional hammer based mechanism. The gauss system utilizes powerful compact magnets to launch .50 caliber cortosis-tipped cartridges, held in 6 round magazines, at velocities far exceeding that of a standard blaster bolt with minimum recoil. Using the traditional hammer based firing mechanism, a variety of different ammunition can be used, allowing the pistol to be optimized for use based on the mission parameters. All in all, the pistol is capable of inflicting extreme bodily damage, while its variable firing mechanism allow for mission longevity and customization. On the pistol's grip is an advanced security system designed to keep the pistol from being fired by unauthorized personnel. This pistol is Brad's standard sidearm, and it is usually worn in a holster on his right side. - Combat Knife As a last resort, Brad carries a solid Phrik combat knife on his back. Common Inventory: Comlink, Datapad Faction Information [!factn] Force User Alignment: Neutral Good Current Faction Affiliation: Jedi Current Faction Rank: Jedi Knight History: [!hstry] Force Side: Light Trained by: Kyp Durron Trained who: n/a Known Skills: - Ace Pilot: While not a Jedi Ace, Brad is nonetheless a gifted pilot. - Crack Shot: Practice has honed Brad's skills with both his Rifle and Pistol to the point where he is an expert marksman without the aid of the Force. - Unarmed Combat: To strengthen his defenses, Brad has studied various forms of unarmed combat. He is capable of defending himself if he lightsaber is taken away both with and without the Force. Force Abilities: - Advanced Lightsaber Technique (Form VII Mastery): Through careful study and practice, Brad has secretly learned and mastered the Vaapad style of lightsaber combat. - Enchanced Intuition: An ability that manifested itself early in his life, Brad has an uncanny ability to read people and have an idea of they are as a person. Background: Ship Registration [!ship] Name: The Ebon Blade A.K.A.: Wayward Raven, General Toughness, Sea's Curse, Vile Wolf, Disgraceful Anger, Man's Folly, Rogue Intensity, Devil's Plunder, Shameful Death, Cry of the North, Broken Venture Class: Light Freighter Model: YT-2400 Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Length: 21 meters Armaments: - 2x CEC AG-2G quad laser cannons (1 dorsal, 1 ventral) - 2x Arakyd ST2 concussion missile tubes (4 missiles each) Armor: Duralloy and Titanium Reinforced Armor Plating, Deflector Shields, Anti-Concussion Field Generator Anti-Personnel Defenses: - Advanced Security System - Concealed BlasTech Ax-108 blaster cannon Appearance: Matte Black finish Modifications: - Oversized Sublight Engines with Advanced Thrust Vectoring technology - Class 0.5 Hyperdrive - Amplified Deflector Shields - Increased Shield Recharge Rate - Hidden Cargo Compartments beneath the deck plating - Advanced Targeting Computer - EMP Shielding Updated 06/28/11.
  14. Letting out a sigh, Brad said, "And now we wait." Hoping the admiral would not take long, he relaxed slightly, glad that his part of the mission was virtually done, but disheartened in the fact that the possibility for things going wrong was going to be increased very soon. In his experience, the Republic never delivered satisfactory results in battle, especially not an offensive one. While the team was technically a part of the Republic, he felt them separate and above them in terms of efficiency. "If only we had some capital ships ourselves..."
  15. Nodding, Brad directed the hostages towards an interior room he found in the complex. Ushering them in, he locked the door, making sure to tell the Republic they were in there. It was best to keep them shut away for now, after all they would be unable to call in reinforcements in their current situation. "I tucked them away in a room and locked the door from the outside, just try to watch the camera in there and make sure they don't do something heroic. Now can we deliver the good news to the Admiral?"
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