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Cal Regium

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  1. CAL REGIUM'S CHARACTER SHEET Identity [!ident] Real Name: Cal Regium A.K.A: Senator Balhann Homeworld: Originally of Sullon, but cloned on Naboo and believes he is from Naboo. Species: Human Physical Description [!dscrp] Age: 42 Height: 5'11" Weight: 160 Hair: dark with graying areas; medium length Eyes: Brown Sex: Male Equipment [!equip] Clothing or Armor: Black pants, black boots, a gold colored belt, and a black long sleeved shirt with a collar. Over top of that Cal wears a long red cloak. Weapon: Datadagger Common Inventory: comlink, and loads of credits, A lavish penthouse apartment in Theed An office in the Theed Capital Building GH-7 Medical Droid BC-714 Luxury Transport Heavily Armed Security Guards Cathar assistant named Adrianna Faction Information [!factn] Force Sensitive Alignment: Lawful Neutral Current Faction Affiliation: New Republic Current Faction Rank: Senator History: [!hstry] Force Side: Light Trained by: Shavv Yorr, Talon Karrde Trained who: n/a Known Skills: n/a Background: Cal was once a young general working for good within the ranks of the Rebel Alliance. Soon after his enlistment his good friend and Jedi Knight, Shav Yorr, discovered Cal's true potential. Cal began Jedi training under his friend, but things soon became uncertain for the young padawan when his master disappeared from the galaxy. This would become a trend for Cal. The great Jedi Master Talon Flick took over Cal's training in Shav's place, but like Shav, Talon disappeared; although for less mysterious reasons. Left alone on Harrun Kal, the general never completed his Jedi Training and eventually died during an Imperial/Sith assault on the Jedi held planet. Bringing Regium's story up to speed will take the followers of this unique character through dark, twisted times full of experimental procedures, desperate moves for power, and things yet to be seen in the known galaxy. Cal Regium is no longer a wholesome young man full of potential, but is now a middle-aged man who requires the near constant assistance of his GH-7 Medical Analysis Droid. Ship Registration [!ship] Name: Spartan Class: Luxury Transport Model: BC-714 Length: 55.2 meters Armaments: unarmed Armor: Light alloy Anti-Personnel Defenses: Ray shieds, safe room connected to escape pod, posion gas chambers, self destruct sequence
  2. Cal Regium


    Sitting on a veranda overlooking Theed and its majestic waterfalls, Cal Regium quietly relaxed whilst reading a book via his datapad entitled Governments: Purpose and Pleasure written by a popular culture, anti-establishment Corellian. It was a pleasure read for the senator who spent most of his time pouring over works of a more serious, philosophical nature. Adrianna appeared in the glass doorway, announcing herself with a subtle grunt. "Sir, I have news." "Adrianna, welcome. Come out and sit with me a moment," Regium said, putting his book away. "Well sir," Adrianna said, now standing in front of Cal, "the Republic forces you requested have arrived. I can put in a call to their leader if you would like to speak to him." "I prefer to leave them to their own designs, as long as they're here. Nonetheless, put in a call to the commander and inform him of my where-a-bouts. If he wishes to speak with me I am available." Cal paused, once again gesturing for Adrianna to take a seat which she did this time. She was quite an alluring Cathar. Her legs were long and lean, accented by curvy hips that would make a Twi'lek jealous. Beyond her body, Adrianna's eyes were a seductive emerald green that sparkled wildly in the Nabooian sun. An unnoticeable twinge of lust surged through Cal as he watched her take a seat. "Tell me about the meeting," he ordered. "Everything is a go, Sir. Construction can begin whenever you are ready." A datapad was pulled from Adrianna's robes and handed to Cal. "Corelli had designs of his own that I think you will find quite suitable. The Queen may think otherwise, however." "Leave her to me," said the senator with a cocky tone. "Meanwhile, begin conducting the agreed upon arrangments. I want the facility constructed as soon as possible. Mr. Corelli is free to conduct business as he sees fit." For a moment Cal's eyes caught Adrianna's and a youthful, charming persona seemed to float out of the senator. The two stared into each other's eyes for only a second, but Adrianna saw deeply enough to notice something unusal about Cal. "When you've finished that statement let me know," Cal said shaking off the moment. The warm sun broke through a cool breeze leaving the two sitting peacefully with nothing to say.
  3. Cal Regium


    A regal, sparkling, yacht like ship eased its way through Naboo's atmosphere. Rumbling from the air turbulence, the ship nearly shook Cal out of his seat. Never had he enjoyed space travel, or any quick sudden movements for that matter. In only a few seconds the ship was resting on a landing pad outside Balhann's personal apartment, but it was an hour before GH-7 managed to ease the senator's nausea allowing him to walk off the ship. "Good day, sir. I trust you had safe travels?" asked Adrianna. "Yes Adrianna, travel was fine and the meeting was a success. You know Pors," Cal said, motioning towards the Muun. Adrianna bowed politely but not before casting a menacing glance at the senator's companion. "Sir, many things have happened in your absence." The group proceeded indoors conversing almost silently as they walked. "One of our shipping vessels was attacked by an unknown enemy. There is reason to believe pirates are to blame. Luckily no one was hurt and only a few goods were lost." Cal thought hard about the situation while allowing Adrianna to continue, "Also sir, an Imperial Star Destroyer was detected in our system. They made no efforts to hide themselves, but also never showed any signs of aggression." His brow furrowed as the group entered his private offices and the numbers thinned to three. "This is all very interesting Adrianna. Prepare an official statement while I contact the Republic. I'll call you later to discuss our other ventures." Adrianna left the room, the door clicking as it closed behind her. Cal staggered across the shining floor, eventually collapsing in his chair. "What will you do?" asked Pors. "What any good senator would do, my friend. Use these events to my advantage. I see this news playing to our advantage. With the media on my side I can make anything happen." Cal smiled a slightly sinister smile. He enjoyed manipulating situations in order to get his own way. "One way or the other though, the Empire will learn to respect our space, Mr. Hill." Cal tapped a button on the arm rest of his throne while GH-7 began more treatments.
  4. The gleaming luxury craft was speeding through space retracing its progress to Gala while, in his private lounge, Balhann enterained his medical droid, who he was physically connected to, and one of his most trusted confidants, an elderly Muun named Pors Hill. "I don't understand, Pors," the senator said as colored liquids pumped noisely through clear tubes to GH-7, "He referred to me as a general several times, and he seemed to recognize me, yet I have never met the illustrious Onderin Starlisk." Pors replied in a deep, steady voice, "Perhaps he was familar with your face from Holonet broadcasts. Plus, it is doubtful that the leader of the Republic Military would not know the names and faces of all his financers." The Muun's words trickled into Balhann's ears easily calming the senator's concerns. "Too true old friend. Still, something seemed different about that meeting. Regardless though, it has begun." Cal raised a glass of dark red liquor, "Here's to a prosperous, peaceful Republic."
  5. No flinch could be seen as the droid's needle pierced the scared muscle tissue on Cal's shoulder. The Senator had grown used to the constant pain, but had never rid himself of asking why? Many years had passed since he had awoken, supposedly lost in an endless coma. He'd been told his Senate seat had been protected, but reviewing Republic law on his own he had never been able to justify any reason for such action. Beyond the white room he could not remember anything. Nothing of his former business or political career, his wife, did I have kids, his childhood, my parents; all memories were lost. The droid finished injecting the thick silvery soup, and pulled the thick needle out of Cal's arm, leaving a drop of blood to be wiped away and bandaged. The arm hung, numb from the thick liquid which now surged through the Senator's veins. It would gradually spread thoughout his body, leaving him a vegetable in his bed until arrival. The Republic victory would make my victory harder, but we must learn to survive on our own. His eyes closed as the droid laid Cal's feeble body on a bed. Images--the same he endured during each of these treatments--would haunt the man until his eyes opened, rescuing him from his torture.
  6. Cal Regium


    "Your Highness, I can assure you that this contract will benefit the people of our planet and is within all of the legal bounds of the Republic. Agreeing to this deal will provide a substantial amount of trade and wealth for our people, and will make us extemely valuable to the Republic war effort." Cal sat across from the young queen in a great round room surrounded on all sides by tall windows trimmed in gold and red marble. Brilliant beams of sun broke through the glass making the floor glitter. "I trust your wisdom Senator Balhann, and I agree that this deal appears to be beneficial for our people and the Republic as a whole. You have my permission to progress with your plans, but I warn you Senator, be careful before making any more of your statements," the youthful ruler said, referring to Cal's recent Holonet transmission. "I do not want my people's trust in the Republic's protection weakened by your words of fear. The Sith threat is great, but next time show some tactifulness." Senator Balhann nodded in response, "Yes, your highness. Thank you for your approval." With that Cal backed away from the royal and removed himself from her presence. He ignored her scolding words revealing nothing to his gaurds who were waiting for him just outside the Queen's chambers. Down another long hallway the group walked, on their way to a far away destination.
  7. Cal Regium


    Cal walked slowly down a marble hallway flanked on the left by large windows that looked out over crytal clear water. Three gaurds followed at a distance and Adrianna, Cal's personal assistant, stuck close to his side recieving whispery orders. "Contact KVC, Adrianna, I'll convince the council that aligning with such a manufacturer is a good idea. I'm sure some of them will question my tactics, but we'll..." One of the Queen's handmaidens walked by, too close to the Senator and his assistant. Cal did not want anyone to overhear his conversation, but quickly started speaking again as soon as the young girl was out of earshot. "Go to Coruscant and contact Mr. Correlli with our offer. I'll meet you at the Senate chambers in a week. Until then, you have your orders." Adrianna was dismissed leaving Cal to continue walking down the long promenade alone.
  8. ((Just to be clear, Balhann and Cal are the same person. Balhann is Cal's Name of State)) "Citizens of Naboo, today we face a crisis." Senator Balhann looked straight ahead into the cameras, "The Empire has once again attacked our Republic without provocation, starting another war. Many of you have probably seen the footage released by the Empire depicting the destruction of the Sith Temple on Coruscant. The Empire would have you believe that the Jedi, supported by the Republic, purposefully attacked the Sith stronghold. I tell you these accusations are false. Our own Republic investigators have yet to determine the extent of Jedi involvement, but I assure you that in no way was such an attack sanctioned by Republic authorities." Balhann lowers his hand and looks from left to right addressing the press, "The Republic would never have supported an action that would have disturbed the peace we so briefly enjoyed. I urge you, citizens, to examine Imperial transmissions critically and thoughtfully before judging." A concerned expression washed over Senator Balhann's face, "I find that it is my duty, loyal citizens, to discuss with you today a serious issue that must be addressed. Perhaps it is time that the Republic broke all ties with the Jedi and their so-called enemies, the Sith. The dispute waged between those two organizations has brought endless carnage to our peaceful streets, sky lanes, and trade routes. It is time that we, a unified Republic, break our reliance on these””mystics." Cal's eyes narrowed and his face grew stern, "We have the technology to take care of ourselves. We no longer need the support from people claiming to have magical powers." The press listening to the senator's speech shuffled and grew restless as Cal spoke out on a very controversial issue, "Many of you would claim that the Jedi have always been there to aid and protect us, why abandon them now?" "That is a good question, and one that I will answer. In the past, Force users have risen up and protected us from outside threats. This is a fact evidenced in the actions of the famous Obi-wan Kenobi whose exploits are cataloged in our planet's histories, or even the adventures of the current Republic Admiral, Onderin Starlisk. He has dutifully served the Republic for years while maintaining his status as a Jedi Master." "But I say to you loyal citizens, are their actions in response to outside threats, or do they create these so-called threats to maintain a position of power? What makes the Jedi so different from the Sith? How do we know the Jedi and Sith are not working together in an effort to overthrow our free Republic?" A long pause-- "The answer is simple, we need only look at the evidence, the history of this seemingly endless war. When year after year our very existence is threatened by the actions of Jedi and Sith alike, I say it is time for action. It is time for Admiral Starlisk's resigination and for a true member of the Republic, not aligned with the Jedi and whose judgement cannot be clouded by religious beliefs, takes his place. It is time that the Republic declared the Jedi and Sith separate entities. The actions of those two factions should not concern or impact loyal, hardworking, peaceful citizens of the Republic. We need to send the message to all Force users--no longer will we be drawn to war to support their claims for power." Balhann's fist smashed against the podium, "No longer will we be considered inferior subjects by religious fanatics." "I plan to bring these claims before the Republic Senate in our next meeting. I will not allow your existence," Balhann said, pointing at the cameras, "to be threatened by foolish, power hungry tyrants." The media reporters in the room all stood up shouting questions such as "How can you call for the Admiral's resignation during the middle of a war," but Senator Balhann and his entourage quickly turned from the podium and rushed out of site.
  9. Cal Regium


    Fluids pumped our of the GH-7 Medical droid, through long clear tubes, and into Cal's weak arms scared by daily injections. The light from the large window streched, elongated, to the edge of Cal's chair leaving the senator hidden in a shadowy darkness. His eyes remained closed, ignoring the pain from the needles and burning fluid. He could feel the cold, aching sensation of the liquid rushing up his arm, through his heart, and warming as it spread through the rest of his body. Since before he could remember this had been a daily ritual necessary for his survival. Doctor's had never been able to explain his injuries, but gauranteed him a long life despite the medical droid's consistent, mandatory presence in his life. "Is this about over GH?" Cal said through clenched teeth without opening his eyes. The droid beeped a response that apparently Cal understood. "Good, get these things out of my arm." The droid spent another fifteen minutes removing the i.v.'s and cleaning Cal's arms, and when finished floated away into the darkness. A long groaning, sigh fled Cal's lips as if something heavy was pressing on his chest. He opened his eyes and spent a few moments staring at the wall in front of him. It was covered with mirrors from floor to ceiling and reflected back to Cal an image of an old man worn by time and heartache. "No, Cal," the giggling girl said as she danced through the field of sun drenched flowers. A younger version of the senator chased after the golden haired darling, laughing. He placed a rose in her hair and dared to kiss her cheek. She smiled a tooth filled smile at him. Cal turned away from the girl's face in the mirror and rose from his chair. A cane clicked across the marble floor growing closer to the large window. The senator walked through a glass door and out onto a balcony, looking across the river at Naboo's famous palace. It was a beautiful place, and the only place that made Cal feel even slightly warm inside. Without this view, on rainy days or while traveling in space, the senator could be a hard, discouraging man, but on days when the sun reflected off of the gorgeous architecture a glimpse of humanity would grace Cal's face. "Adrianna," Cal said to his assistant who had just walked out onto the balcony, "prepare for the holonet transmission."
  10. Real Name: Cal Regium Name of State: Senator Balhann Age: 42 Species: Human Height: 5'11" Weight: 160 Hair: dark with graying areas; medium length Eyes: Brown Sex: Male Homeworld: Originally of Sullon, but cloned on Naboo and believes he is from Naboo. Alignment: Lawful Neutral Faction: Rebel Alliance Rank: Senator Clothing: Black pants, black boots, a gold colored belt, and a black long sleeved shirt with a collar. Over top of that Cal wears a long red cloak Inventory: comlink, and loads of credits Weapon: Datadagger Posessions: A lavish penthouse apartment in Theed An office in the Theed Capital Building GH-7 Medical Droid BC-714 Luxury Transport Heavily Armed Security Guards Cathar assistant named Adrianna Force Sensitive: Like the original Cal Regium, this cloned version has the potential to use the Force but not to the full extent of a Jedi or Sith. Background: Cal was once a young general working for good within the ranks of the Rebel Alliance. Soon after his enlistment his good friend and Jedi Knight, Shav Yorr, discovered Cal's true potential. Cal began Jedi training under his friend, but things soon became uncertain for the young padawan when his master disappeared from the galaxy. This would become a trend for Cal. The great Jedi Master Talon Flick took over Cal's training in Shav's place, but like Shav, Talon disappeared; although for less mysterious reasons. Left alone on Harrun Kal, the general never completed his Jedi Training and eventually died during an Imperial/Sith assault on the Jedi held planet. Bringing Regium's story up to speed will take the followers of this unique character through dark, twisted times full of experimental procedures, desperate moves for power, and things yet to be seen in the known galaxy. Cal Regium is no longer a wholesome young man full of potential, but is now a middle-aged man who requires the near constant assistance of his GH-7 Medical Analysis Droid.
  11. Cal blushed and laughed slightly at the remark about lead feet. "Well, it is a pleasure to meet you too, sir." Cal grinned, his face still red. He wasn't much for playful trash talk. It embarassed him too much. "Sorry, but I can't really claim to be able to beat anyone at anything. I guess I could try someday, but I am really tired at the moment. I don't think I could run another step." Cal stepped back and allowed the old friends to embrace one another. It was clear to him that at one time Dash and the Jedi Master had been very close companions. Cal stuffed his hands in his pockets and stood awkwardly, feeling out of place. He always felt this way when around new people. As the two friends caught up on old times, Cal's mind wandered to the far reaches of the galaxy. Where could Master Talon be? Shouldn't I have heard something from him by now? He said he was going on a particulary dangerous mission. What if something has happened to him? Should I say something to someone? For the time being Cal decided to let his worries pass. If Talon did not contact him soon though he would need to pass his worries on to someone else.
  12. A chill ran up Cal's spine as his natural cooling system, sweat, mingled with the artifical air conditioner. It was much cooler inside the base, which wasn't very comforting when soaking wet. "That's an interesting story really. I began my training a while ago under Jedi Knight Sahv Yorr, but since then I have found the need to seek out new guidance. My new master is Jedi Master Talon Flick. He left a few days ago on a mission that he claimed was out of my leauge. He left me here to train on my own, but he specifically wanted me to train physically and avoid any Force excercises till he returns. Hence the running in the forest." Cal felt his heart begin to slow down. There was enjoyment in the pain he now felt. Something about excercising the body created a spiritual release. He had never thought about it before, but for the first time Cal was beginning to understand the connection between the body, mind, and soul. A soft noise caught the padawan's attention, "What are those clapping noises?"
  13. ((YAY, somebody to play with!)) The pain of Cal's previous battle had nearly subsided. Instead a gargantuan amount of endorphins flowed through his body blocking out all bad sensations. He slowed down as he approached the clearing, noticing another Jedi crouched down over something. "Yeah, it is a pretty good day for a little jaunt, and no I don't mind, I would enjoy the company," said Cal feeling the cold sweat trickle down his forehead, back, and legs. "My name is Cal Regium," he said starting the run back up again at a slow pace, "I'm just out here enjoying the scenery and trying to do as my master told me. Who are you?" Cal strolled onward towards the base. He hadn't expected to run across anyone out in the woods, but he welcomed the company. Perhaps this person would be willing to undergo a little training with him while Talon was away.
  14. Alone in the training room and slightly recovered after his break, Cal stumbled back onto his feet. He withdrew his shirt and set about resuming his training. He started with a light jog around the room. Each time he made the circuit his eyes were drawn outwards towards the green forest. He looked around, and without hesitation slipped out of the window and into the great outdoors. This will be a much better place to train then that stuffy weight room. Cal set off at a brisk run through the woods, not worried about what evil could lurk around the upcoming corner. His heart began pumping harder and harder, his thighs burned, and his mind told him to stop, but something inside Cal urged him onward. It was a slight euphoric sensation that grew greater with each step into the wilderness. Soon Cal was rolling through the woods, scattering small creatures as he pounded down the soft trail. Ahead was a ravine of some 15 feet deep, at the bottom was a fast moving creek, and the only way across to safe level land appeared to be a low hanging yet sturdy looking vine. Thinking fast, Cal lept into the air at the edge of the cliff and just before he began his descent his hands wrapped around the organic rope. Unexpectedly, Cal was lifted into the air. The vine seemed to be pulling him upward instead of allowing him to swing freely across the ravine. He rose into the air through leaves and branches and past tree dwelling animals. Through gaps in the vegetation Cal caught glimpses of a wide expanding forest overflowing with life. Lakes, rivers, and streams, all connected and glimmering like jewels in the afternoon sun. Vast waterfalls cascaded through the trees into what Cal could picture as being cool pools of thick fresh water. The scene was heavenly and filled Cal's heart with warmth. In such a place all thoughts of war, death, and the Empire did not exist. Cal was at home in those woods. Cal happened to look up, just to see where this strange vine was taking him, and at the last instant Cal knew what was to be his fate. This plant was a man-eater. Cal had grabbed the wrong vine. He was being drawn into a fearsome looking plant that was nothing more than an enormous mouth with large hardened teeth spread throughout. Cal tried to swing himself off the vine, but he suddenly realized that the plant had become entangled in his feet. His next thought went immediately to his lightsaber, but as he reached around for it he found that it was not on his hip. His heart began to beat faster as he drew ever closer to his gruesome fate. He started grabbing all that he could, but the plant proved to be stronger until at last Cal managed to gain a good hold on a strong limb. The plant pulled at Cal's feet, but Cal clung to the tree with all his might. Please let go, please let go, were his thoughts as his body was stretched. Much more of this and I will be torn in two, PLEASE LET GO! Then, just as Cal swore he could feel the muscles in his abdomen give way to the unending tension, the plant released him. Had it been able to read his mind? Had he somehow willed it to let go of him? Or, had it simply grown tired of fighting him? All were questions that Cal was not immediatly concerned with. At the moment he was worried about getting out of this tree at back to base. He climbed out down the tree, no longer taking the time to enjoy the scenic views. His body ached all over. Zee couldn't have planned a better workout than the one Cal had created for himself. With great tedious effort Cal soon found himself safely on the ground next to the cliff. Slowly he worked himself into a jog and headed back towards the Jedi base where he would seek out a hot shower and a warm bed.
  15. Cal strolled out of the cafeteria stuffed with fresh fuel and followed closely by Talon's droid Zee. He walked at a swift pace towards the training rooms all while releasing gases from digesting foods. Loud noises issued from Cal's front and rear portals, propelling him down the hall. Zee beeped a few request, but Cal paid it no mind, all he could think was, Man, I shouldn't have had those Correllian Beans! He entered the training grounds, slightly relieved from his digestive turmoil, and set to work. He followed a strenous routine designed by Zee which was meant to allow for maximum muscle and stamina buildup. Pushups, lunges, sit-ups, pull-ups, and many more kinds of ups were performed by Cal Regium during his difficult training session. By the time Cal was finished it was nearly five hours after the time that he had begun. The padawan dropped onto the floor and leaned against the wall, utterly exhausted. Zee, the droid, rushed over demanding that Cal keep working. "No, No, not now Zee, I can't keep going. That's enough for today. Master Talon said he would be back soon, but he didn't mean five minutes from now. We still have tomorrow, the next day, and probably a little while after that until Talon comes back. Hopefully by then I will be in good enough shape to please you, but right now you have to give me a break. These things take time for us organics." Frustrated with the padawan's performance, Zee rolled away knowing that he wasn't going to get anymore out of his trainee...
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