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Odan looked at the man called Daggot Lester, he could sense no decption coming from him. Which was very odd to Odan seeing it first as a trap instead of what it truly was, a harmless meting.


He shoved the thought away and spoke to Daggot in Jawa Trade language, "as my companion has just said Master Dashel and the protocol droid are not able to be here. But I would be happy to try and translate to the best of my abilities."


All why this happended Odan felt a small tremor in the force it had a mischevious feel to it. Though he could still feel the presence of the Dark side in it.


Emotions ran through it like water in the Orrineswa River on Eriadu. He sensed no ill intnet from it though and ignored it and put it in the back of his mind.

"An infinite mystery is the Force. Much to learn, there still is." ”” Yoda

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The hours of playing with people, entertaining children, and annoying merchants began to bore the apprentice. Looking around revealed a place that seemed a little busy, but not overflowing with patrons. Making a B-line for the door, Talrin made sure to hid his sabre and secure it. He even lowerd his hood as to seem less "noticible". This being his frist real time in the mean world, he was finding out things the hard way.


After walking in and finding himself a drink, he started looking around for something humorous. He saw a few females that enticed him, and offers of money that also interested him, but in other ways. Realizing that this was a good place to be, the man sat there, in the middle of the room and waited for someone to mention something to him, or start something with him...either way it would be more fun for him.

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The smile that came to Daggot Lester's face did not touch his eyes. He responded to the Odan's sally in the same Jawa trade language. "You are mistaken young Jedi. Jedi Dashel contracted with me to provide a droid to translate the Sand People's language directly. He wanted no mistakes with the negotiations to bring the hostages home."


At a slight motion from Daggot Lester, Xevious stepped forward. "Please, meet Xevious, a friend of mine." Daggot, watching Odan's eyes, and laughed dryly. "Don't worry, Xevious won't harm you and my droid is nearby."


Finishing his drink, Daggot signaled the bartender for another. "So, I guess the only question remaining is when you want to head out. Since your Jedi, I can safely assume you will be prepared for the Desert?"

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She had been there for quite some time, out in the wilderness that was the deserts of Tattoine. On the outskirts of the eastern dunes where the wild people lived. She'd had her time out on the outer rim, helping those that needed aid, and how had come back to here. Having had Obi-Wan speak to her after the death of her last padawan, she'd come here to where he had once lived for years unfound until he had been ready.


She had come to peace with all that had happened, now remaining in secret, though watching through the Force, those that were near, but not too near.


The Force can do terrible things to a mind it can wipe away your memories and destroy your very identity. - Carth Onasi

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Cypher allowed the conversation between Odan and the man to progess without his intervention as he let his senses go about himself. Although true his power would seem like that of a Jedi Knight...he was still an Apprentice until his trials. He had trained far beyond the need of a normal student and had become quite comfortable in the force's abilities.


But something caught him off guard.


Not far from his own table came a slight tinge in the force. A form of anger that he had not felt since his dreams of his father's death by the hand of the Sith lord. A small amount of the Dark Side's aura came from a single entity who radiated with a hope yet to recall his 'sins' so to speak. Cypher examined the figure (Talrin) with his force sight as he kept his back opposite the bar. He saw the lightsaber and the young appearance of the boy. He was merely a trainee, having but only his training sabre on-hand.


That was when the immense presence hit him. Cypher turned his head immediately towards the Maladron Dunes far off to the East and could not take his body away from the direction. There was an empowering force spike somewhere in the desert that he had never sensed before now. He slowly stood as he focused his force sight.


You can do it Cypher...


Allowing his sight to travel out of the bar and towards the Dunes, Cypher seemed slightly dazed in his stance. All he could see was a 5 foot diameter of a retical with the edges obscured by the force. Suddenly it jumped as if having been pushed abroad, sending his presence high into the sky. It was there that he saw something. A lone figure (Kirana Sunrider) standing in the center of the Dunes where no man would usually bother to go, holding herself in a strong nature that showed a determinant soul. He could not get a clear vision before the presence collapsed, causing his sight to overload itself. Cypher suddenly lifted a hand and removed the scarf that covered his blind eyes, allowing the dazzling baby blue orbs to free themselves from the fabricated prison. He turned his baby blue eyes up to the ceiling and tried again to focus, but could not. His stern experienced face...the scar under his right eye...all were simple signs of his own mistakes...and now this. He could not focus his mind for the first time. Something about the presence...confused his senses.

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Talrin felt something odd...someone was looking at him.


The eyes of the young one looked over the room quickly and almost fearfully. No one could have known him. He came here looking for something but not someone to spy on him.


What was he worried about...this is what he was looking for...someone to look for him.


Talrin slowly stood up and flashed a smile to anyone who might be watching and headed to the bar. After ordering what he wanted to drink he turned and faced the room, tapping his finger on his glass while the other fiddleed with a throwing knife in his other.


Feeling the drink affecting him so soon after drinking it, he made a move that was kinda stupid "Hello everyone! How's everyone doin? I'm lookin for something to do...any ideas?"


Only when he was done did he feel it was bold...but terribly stupid. Rolling with the problem was now his decision and he stuck to it.

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So... one has been testing his Force abilities... time to disappear... for now at least... Her thoughts were amused as her presence there in the dunes was discovered. Maybe it was because she'd not been expecting a padawan to be able to sense her from that distance... maybe it was because the padawan in question was the padawan in turn of her old padawan, Dashel. The Force worked in mysterious ways, she was no stranger to that.


For now she would remain hidden from view from all, both through the Force and visually, until she was ready to reveal herself. Kira had noticed the young sith in the presence of the two padawan's she had been watching. It would be interesting to see what happened next.


She headed back into her desert dwelling, on the edges of one of the canyons. Her speeder parked within the hold of her ship, which in turn was hidden within another cave adjoining her dwelling, the various safety features set to keep the desert scroungers out.


Kira took a glass of precious water with her to the hold of her ship where she began to run through her training routine. Sinking into the Force once more, this time her focus on keeping her body in tune with the Form she had speciallised in.


The Force can do terrible things to a mind it can wipe away your memories and destroy your very identity. - Carth Onasi

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Odan turned the Sith, who had just done a very bold and reckless move of revealing himself to everyone in side. "Whatever he is thought", Odan, "he sure isn't one fore secrecy."


Odan then slowly opened his mind to the force feeling it's presence all around. He then focused on the Sith and spoke to him through it. "One should always hide their presense in places and times like this."


He then broke away from the Force, hiding his presense. He turned to Daggot and Xevious, "why yes and I beileve the first place to go would be the Needles in the Jundland Wastes." He then laughed, "I see those hostages as a bit more like invaders and trespassers on Ghorfa land."

"An infinite mystery is the Force. Much to learn, there still is." ”” Yoda

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Talrins head spun around, looking for the person who must have been next to him talking. The voice came out so clear but no one was close enough to have said anything.


"Secrecy is only needed if you have something to fear though. I have nothing to worry about I dont think. But thank you my friend...if you are indeed that. Please come out, I could use a friend right about now." The words were said outloud but in a manner that wasn't to noticible. The alchol had surely done the trick to make this experience much easier.


The...for lack of a better term at the moment...force adept slowly made his way to his old chair and sat there, hoping to have the stranger show from the light. All the while, sitting there fiddiling with the glass with one hand and his cred chip in his other.

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Xevious nudged Daggot Lester who was occupied with speaking to Odan Zeus. Daggot turned irritably to Xevious to see what the problem was. Upon spotting Maeltalrin, Daggot simply nodded in the newcomer's direction.


Xevious lumbered over to where Maeltarin had resumed his seat. He sat at the man's table and ordered another round for both of them. In a gravely voice too low to be heard by anyone else said,"My master says that should you directly challenge the Jedi you will die, but he said the way is open for you to join us in our expedition to the dunes."


Meanwhile, Daggot Lester was staring openly at Cypher's eyes. He seemed completely at a loss to deal with the sight. Eventually, he recovered his wits enough to speak up. "Master Dashel said that something unusual might occur and I wonder if he was refering to our friend there. Since both parties seem to be at some difference in opinion, maybe its best if all of you come along. After all, with the two different viewpoints would come a better understanding of any situation we will encounter."

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The suprise that hit Talrin when the stranger sat down quickly subsided when the drinks arrived. He took it with a smile and a nod.


"Thankyou, but why the drink?"


After hearing what the person had to say the boy cocked his head. He shot a look of quizzical nature to the person in his company.


"What do you mean confront the jedi? I didn't even know one was here....and before I go anywhere lets get to know eachother and your master...a little better. The names Maeltalrin, or talrin if it rolls off your tounge easier. It's odd how you just picked me out of the crowd and offer me a job to attack a jedi...what makes you think I even know the first thing about them other then common knowledge?"


The rest of the drink went running down the throat after it was done being used to talk. Feeling extremly happy but trying to hide it, he orderd three drinks. After that Talrin sat back comfortably and put on his game face, keeping as plain as he could considering all the alchol in his system at the moment.

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The Jade Scorpion came out of hyperspace and landed in the desert outside the spaceport, right beside Master Nom Anorus's ship. Scorpio walked out upon Tatooine's surface, and grinned. "Tis good to be home once again", Scorpio said as a tear rolled down his eye. Scorpio remembered everything that had happened here before. How his family had been killed by a sith faction, because his parents were exiled Jedi. How he had helped slaved wookies escape to live with the sand people. How he had helped the sand people keep out unwanted guests by having the wookies protect the sand people. He remembered the twilek and miraluka had found him after his parents were killed, and how the twilek had raised him.



He remembered how years later he had found the sith faction, and killed everyone of them, and how he had killed many since. Only after that did he realize his mistake, and his hungar for peace and redemption did grow. He looked everywhere for Master Nom, only to find he must have went into the spaceport. So Scorpio decided he would head east over the Maladron Dunes to visit his once home. When he arrived, it was exactly as he had left it. His family's home was still in rubble, and his family's graves were still marked, although they had fresh flowers which was unusal for Tatooine.


He knelt down and spoke to his parents."Hey Ma & Pa, it's been a long time", a tear rolled down his face. "I know now that my revenge was exactly what ya'll warned me about, and I'm sorry" Scorpio started crying. Then he looked over at his sister and brother. "I only wish I could have saved you both" and with that Scorpio kissed each marker, wiped his eyes, and walked back to his ship.


When Scorpio returned to the ship, Master Nom still wasn't there, so Scorpio decided he would meditate for a minute, and after meditating, he told HK to stand guard, only allowing Master Nom to board his ship. HK replied, " With pleasure Master, Bring on the meatbags". Scorpio laughed at HK and rolled over in the small cot in the back of his battlisk war ship and went to sleep.

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Finishing her training routine, Kira took a quick sonic shower, changing into her light-weight tan tunic and placing her brown robes on... more for desert camoflauge than her usual coloured garb. Still keeping her force presence hidden, Kira headed back to the hold of her ship, taking out her speeder carefully and resetting her security systems before she left the protection of her caves. She kept to the shadows of the canyon's, careful to keep her senses aware of where the Sandpeople were, even though she had a truce of sorts with them.


She would see what her neighbours were up to. They usually sent out hunting parties at this time of day, and there was known to be a krayt dragon lair in the area. She would head out and see if they had discovered it's lair yet...


Kira parked her speeder below an outcrop and climbed to the top, her senses stretched out, feeling a hunting party out on the dunes. She would watch them and see what they were up to today... It had been fascinating watching them, learning about them. Kira had gotten them some supplies from the township from time to time and had an understanding with them, though she never interfered in their business. She was tolerated and let come and go, but that was about it. Laying beneath the thin rock ledge, she brought her binoculars out and scanned across the desert at one of the hunting parties...


The Force can do terrible things to a mind it can wipe away your memories and destroy your very identity. - Carth Onasi

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The ship named the Jedi Assassin landed in a small space port near the Eastern Dune Sea. Disembarking, he was immediatly swarmed by merchants, craftsmen and beggars. A snarl sent them running in the other direction. The last thing he wanted was to deal with those lousy scum that plauged the lower class. The scum of the earth as he saw them.


He walked around the corner after locking down his ship and setting it to fire upon any and all intruders. He came upon and rather shifty man shortly there after with several canteens of water and a new looking speeder bike. "I will take this and the canteens, with or without your consent" The man looked stunned then refused. Draken smiled grimly. "Bad idea, corpse."


He stretched out his hand slowly and summoning the force, caught the man in a force grip. Slowly he began to clench his fist and the force obeying his command began to cut off the air to the man's throat. Finally Draken slammed his fist closed and heard the sharp crack as he broke the man's neck. The body slid limp to the ground and Draken mounted the speeder bike and sped off into the desert.


About an hour later as he sped through the desert, something struck his speeder and knocked him from it. He rolled as he slammed into the ground and came up onto his feet, his saber dropping into his hand as he leapt up onto his feet and stood ready. Almost immediately the sand around him burst as dark figures leapt from the sand, their battle cries sounding loud in the silence as they leapt to attack him.


A snap and a hiss a second later, signalled his entrance into the battle. His darker then blood lightsabre blade leapt from the hilt, as he spun almost before the blade had ignited. His movements speeding up as he joined himself to the battle. He parried blows before the opponents realized that they had been turned aside.


He twirled to the right, dancing between two of the sand people. His sabre the extension of his right arm as it turned aside both attacks and then slipped lightly through both defenses to pierce them both where they stood. As they fell, another moved to take their place. The sand people seeming to add two warriors to the fight for every warrior he killed of injured, his only advantages being the agility that Makashi offered and the force being with him.

E nomini patri, et Fili e spiritu sancti.

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Noticing the speeder coming across the desert, Kira moved out from where she had been beneath the overhang, to be able to move quicker if need be. She had intervened several times on behalf of travellers that had been ambushed, making the sandpeople back off. She opened up her awareness slightly, preparing herself to intervene again when she felt the taint of the darkside.


A Sith? Out here? Kira kept a close watch on what was happening out on the sand as the battle broke out, seeing how skilled this sith was. Usually the Sandpeople held their own against the bounty hunters that came out this way from time to time, this though was different. That a Sith was out here at all concerned her, especially when she intended to look out for the padawan's of her former with their tasks, and they were not all that far away from here. It would now mean revealing her presence, something she hadn't intended to do yet a while. The padawan would realise he had been correct in feeling her out here.


Kira swiftly moved back down the rocks to her speeder, removing her outer robes and throwing them across the vehicle, leaving only her tan tunic in place. She would face this Sith... before he killed too many of her 'neighbours'. She made her way around the rocks, imitating the call of a retreat for the sandpeople, what sounded like an animal cry of sorts. Usually if they heard the cry, they would break off their attacks. This time became no different as she stepped out from behind the rocks and calmly walked towards the Sith, watching the Sandpeople retreat back to their bantha's, be it very reluctantly on their part to end their battle.


"Leave them be Sith!"


Kira gathered the lightside of the force around her like the comforting blanket it was, her blade not yet ignited, though the hilt in the palm of her hand, ready to use. Still, she withheld her strength, letting the Sith think she was not as powerful as she actually was. It had helped her many a time, making her opponants underestimate her.


The Force can do terrible things to a mind it can wipe away your memories and destroy your very identity. - Carth Onasi

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Hearing the animal-like cry, the Sand People perked up. They turned and began to run away, heading back the way they came. Draken turned around confused by the raiders running from him, when they had been so interested in battling him in the first place. This angered him to no end, he was not the kind of person to be attack, then fled from. Then he heard it.


"Leave them be Sith!"


He spun around, his saber still ignited and in a guarded position caught sight of a very tanned Jedi walking toward him. His eyebrow rose in suprise, typical of the Jedi. Always interferring with whatever was happening. "A Jedi, here? Now what would a Jedi be doing on Tatooine?"

E nomini patri, et Fili e spiritu sancti.

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"I could ask you the same thing. What brings a Sith out to these desert wastes?"


Kira eyed him cautiously, seeing his anger playing across his face at having been interupted from his slaughter of the sandpeople, also his surprise at seeing a Jedi out here. She could also see the sandpeople still reluctant to leave, probably curious as to the outcome of what would occur between the Jedi and the Sith.


Her silver hair was tied back from her face, whisps of her fringe lifting slightly on the desert breeze. Kira's vivid blue eyes matching the startling blue of the sky above them. The Mirialan remained calm, having had many encounters with Sith... some she recalled in detail, others she vaguely remembered were not called Sith but something similar. She still had some gaps in her recent memory, though she did recall Rocketblaze now. Kira knew she had been a guest of his... of sorts. That he had taken her off Ilum to some planet she couldn't recall. It was one of his followers she had fought, though with the sense that it was more a training session than a real battle. There were things that happened during that battle that she was still yet to rectify, though she would do so very soon. She didn't recall much more of what had occured there, until she had woken again on Ilum, locked in a crate with only enough air to last until Onderin had come to rescue her in her very much weakened state.


Kirana's attention was rivited on this Sith in front of her, watching, waiting to see what he was going to do. The moment he moved agressively towards her, she would ignite her own saber in defence. For now she waited, seeing if he would answer her.


The Force can do terrible things to a mind it can wipe away your memories and destroy your very identity. - Carth Onasi

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The hustle and bustle of Mos Espa did not seem short lived despite the early hours of the day. Fatigue did not plague Nom however considering he had plenty of chance for sleep on the trip over. The Jedi Master made his way through store and shop looking for supplies that would be needed for the long training session. After renting some droids to help carry the goods, Nom only needed on more stop.


The dust from the surround atmosphere seemed to kick up slightly as the Jedi Master approached the nearest moisture farm lingering outside the port. The man in charge seemed rather macabre, as if living Tatooine had pushed one too many buttons.


"I need Forty Gallons of water please." Nom spoke in a polite voice despite his hatred for such contemptuous activities.


"I'm going to need 200 credits for that." The man seemed to grunt rather than speak. It was as if he had a small dust storm of his own lodged in his throat.


"200 hundred for a bunch of water?" The Jedi Master still wasn't used to the idea of paying so much for a resource available at the tip of your fingers back on Coruscant. "Here." There was one obvious attribute in Nom's voice as he left for his ship. His synthetic polite attitude was definitely no longer pleasant.


After loading the supplies in his ship, the Jedi Master approached that of his apprentice. The entrance seemed to be blocked by an HK droid.


"Is there a doorbell on you somewhere?" Nom smiled for a moment and wondered if droids could sense sarcasm.



Justice without force is powerless; force without justice is tyrannical


- Blaise Pascal

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"I could ask you the same thing. What brings a Sith out to these desert wastes?"


"Indeed you could ask me that question. Yet, how would you know that I would give you a truthful answer. "


He closed down his sabre and held it in his hand. He looked behind her at the Sand People. "What is your connection to those misfits of nature? Of all the people and races that I have met, they seem the least friendly and most apt to want to fight. Tell you what, you tell me your reasons for being here on this planet and I will tell you my reasons for being here. This way we both get a bit of an idea of what the other is here for."


He looked tward the Sand People again, they were a restless group, that much was certain. What they would do though was the question, would they stay behind the Jedi or would they attack him. He reached out to the force, testing the currents to see the nature of the Sand People and the nature of the planet through the Force.


He wasn't sure what to make of the Sand People, however something caught his senses. A target that he had been seeking was here on the planet, this would make it that much more interesting. This man had insulted him at the Last Call, now it was time for revenge.


"So he is on this planet" The words slipped from his mouth before he realized that he had spoken. He looked at the Jedi, hoping that she hadn't picked up on his trail of thought and the slip of his tongue.

E nomini patri, et Fili e spiritu sancti.

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"Is that sarcasm, Master Nom?" HK replied."Do you see a doorbell on me Meatbag?" Scorpio awoke to HK comments and Master Nom's voice. "HK, dont call him that, Call him Master Nom out of respect." Scorpio said with a half grin. "Master, i see you have returned." Scorpio walked out of his ship, replacing his armor and katana. Master, you could have just used my speeder to go into town for supplies." Scorpio said after observing the loaded supplies, but remembered that he had not yet arrived when Master Nom had left for the supplies. Oh, sorry, I forgot, I wasn't here yet," Scorpio said.


Just then, Scorpio heard the retreat call of the Sand People, but he could tell it came from a human's throat. "Excuse me Master, some old friends need help", Said Scorpio, and with that he was off toward the Maladron Dunes. He had left his speeder incase Master Nom and HK was to follow. As he approached a ledge, he could see the sand people in distance, and two humans talking in the distance. One appeared to be a female that was very well tanned and one appeared to be a Sith, who was white as a ghost.


Scorpio kept hidden behind a rock, while he waited for Master Nom and HK to catch up. He kept his Katana in his hand incase the Sith should attack the woman. Although Scorpio had no training in the force, he knew his katana would protect him from a lightsaber as it had once already.

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((We're not that close to any township... I'll run with it though...))


That he shut down his saber and seemed willing to talk before attacking, led Kira to believe that he was one of those sith that would go for information rather than flat out battle. Interesting.


"You could lie, though the Force would allow me to know if you're telling the truth or lying."


Kira looked him in the eyes, still curious as to why he was out here, listening as he asked what her connection to the Sandpeople was, and then saying if she'd tell him why she was there, he'd do the same. She didn't think she could trust him there either. Why she was there was simple though.


"A good place to meditate away from everything and everyone else. Besides which... even these 'misfits of nature' need help occasionally."


She expanded her awareness, watching to see if he was alone or if he had friends... other Sith around that could ambush her while he kept her busy. Instead she found other lightsiders seemingly close by. If she felt them, so would he. Her attention was brought back by his comment, feeling the undercurrents of him hunting someone... So... the young sith has run from this one has he...? Very interesting. Even more so since he is now in the company of those I've been keeping an eye on. Kira would have to tread carefully here... she didn't know if he knew of the two Jedi padawan's now in the young sith's company or not. As it was, she felt another youngster in the Force and his Master close by. While the presence was familiar, Kira didn't think they had met personally. Maybe they'd been at the same base at the same time, but hadn't actually met.


"We're about to have company it seems. But tell me. Why do you seek the young one?"


edited for typos


The Force can do terrible things to a mind it can wipe away your memories and destroy your very identity. - Carth Onasi

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((ooc)) Cypher, Mael, Odan I have not forgotten you.


((ic)) Xevious stared directly at very young Mael and replied in his gravely voice, "My master is no Jedi, but regardless of that is highly sensitive to the force. He can sense auras, even those many miles away. Yours, he says is tinged with darkness but not so strongly it would pose a threat to those two Jedi sitting there."


He took a sip of alchohol and continued, "your viewpoints, however, raise challenges to those to sitting there, and my master's master thinks you need to be there to further both their education and yours. He said that you will trod down a dark path and that this is the first steps down that path for you."


Xevious paused, turned and looked where his master had risen from the table. "I think its time to go, will you join us now?" he said over his shoulder.


Daggot Lester had indeed risen and was striding out of the bar without looking back at the two Jedi Padawan's. He dissappeared out the door momentarily and then was seen again, guiding several speeder bikes and looking intently back over Xevious, both Padawans and Mael.


He called through the bar's open door. "Gentlemen, the situation has changed. Because of our delay, the sandpeople have been hurt beyond the ability to care for the wounded. We need to go now."


Lester waited impatiently while the two Padawan's made up their mind.

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"So it would seem. I seek the young one for a personal reason. He is the former apprentice of my former mistress. When I confronted him a short time ago, he accused me of being the threat to her. Part of the threat that she was quite afraid of." He paused for a moment and looked at her. The look on her face was of sheer confusion. He held up one finger.


"Let me explain a bit more. You see I had fallen for my mistress, or should say was falling for her. She was killed not long ago, by another of her apprentices. As you can imagine, I was crushed, on top of this fact add to it the fact that her soul is trapped in the netherworld. Neither in this world or in the other.


So you can imagine how much the accusion cut to the quick of my heart. I intend to make him answer for his words." He held up his index finger once more and turned slightly so that he faced the rocks behind which A padawan hid.


" Stay back, young Padawan. This concerns you not. " He turned back to Kira. "Would you happen to know of a small enclosed canyon?"

E nomini patri, et Fili e spiritu sancti.

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"Intriguing. You fell for your mistress? Who might she have been?"


Kira found it interesting that this one was hurt by words of another regarding the former mistress... very interesting. That it was a personal matter between the two of them, she didn't know how to handle with regards to how that young sith was with two jedi padawan's she had been keeping an eye on.


"I can't imagine a sith being afraid of much."


That this woman seemed trapped in the netherworld was most interesting as well. What happened when she returned? If she returned? The threat behind making the younger sith answer for his words was what she was concerned about. Did she protect the young one? Try and see if he had decided to turn to the light or did she leave the sith to their own agenda?


She noticed him turn towards the rocks, knowing he'd felt the other padawan as well.


"There are plenty of enclosed canyons. Why do you wish to know? I will tell you one thing. Harm those that are with your young friend and you will have me to answer to. I'll be watching."


The Force can do terrible things to a mind it can wipe away your memories and destroy your very identity. - Carth Onasi

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Scorpio wasn't surprised that the Jedi and Sith knew he was there, his mother and father knew where he was all the time by using the force. Scorpio stepped out from behind the rocks showing himself to both. "Attack her, and it will concern me" Scorpio shouted. Scorpio lowered his Katana showing he will stay back for the moment. As Scorpio overheard the two talking about a sith padawan with Jedi Padawans, he kinda chuckled. Scorpio thought to himself, "Just goes to show you, no one is beyond redemption".


Scorpio wondered where Master Nom and HK were, he had left his speeder for them to follow him with. Scorpio knew he would need help if the Sith attacked the female Jedi, and in a way, wanted to let his friends know he was home. All of a Sudden Scorpio let out a wail unfamiliar to most , and another, somewhat familiar to most as Shyriiwook. A few minutes later, about 14 of the Sandpeople, and about 7 wookies showed up behind Scorpio. Scorpio grinned and winked at the Sith that stood below, "Just Incase", Scorpio said.


Scorpio and the group stood there, waiting to make sure there would be no conflict here. Their Reunion would have to wait just for a bit.

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As soon as Scorpio left, Nom turned to his newly aquanted droid. "You stay here with the ship and watch the supplies I just bought." By the time HK was able to voice any objections or concerns, the Jedi Master was already gone having taken Scorpio's speeder.


The speeder stopped about one hundred yards behind Scropio. The fact that he was surrounded by sand people and wookies did its part to tickle Nom's curiosity bone. His first inclination was to jump in and stop whatever was infolding. However the Force soon took guidence and told him to wait. This would prove to be a useful window in the resoursefulness of his apprentice.



Justice without force is powerless; force without justice is tyrannical


- Blaise Pascal

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"She was Alora Darkknell. She saved my life several times, the first of which being when I fell in battle at the Sith Academy. I hadn't fallen for her at this time, we hadn't even met yet. This though was when she agreed to take and train me. This is where we began, with a short trip to Courscant. This was where my training began."


Draken paused for several moments. What was he to do, the situation was getting rather difficult for him and would possibily prove to quite deadly for him if the Jedi kept coming. This padawan was becoming quite annoying and it appeared that another Jedi just arrived on the scene as well. He pondered his situation for a moment.


"Why do I wish to know about the enclosed canyons? Because I wish to settle this matter in private, without the interference of other people. Strictly between him and I, nothing more, nothing less. As far as the young Padawns that are with him, they are none of my concern, so long as they stay out of the way. However, this much I can warn you and I mean this, should they interfer then I will take whatever measures neccessary to remove them from the situation.


I will attempt for it not to be fatal, however should they attack me. I will hold nothing back. You may have a part to play in this matter, nothing evil, just a message to pass on if you would?"

E nomini patri, et Fili e spiritu sancti.

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As he spoke of this Alora Darkknell, Kira put a face to the name. She had heard of the famous seductress, had seen holo images of the golden haired beauty. Kira had also been warned that Alora went after both men and women alike.


"So your Mistress was the famous Seductress. No wonder the charm comes through. And she's caught in the netherworld... who else has she trained? I've heard interesting tales about her. Tell me something, is it true she goes after women as well as men?"


She wanted to confirm that her information was correct. This Sith did seem to be honourable in some aspects, surprisingly enough. Her curiousity had been spiked about this woman though, wanting to know who else she had trained. Something was teasing her senses... to do with someone else she had been in contact with.


Kirana turned to face the young padawan and the group of wookiee's and sandpeople that he called around them. It seemed that this young one didn't have any confidence that a Jedi Knight, who just happened to be the former Leader of the Alliance, could handle negotiations with one Sith Lord.


"They will not be necessary young one. You may go about your business with your Master, this doesn't concern you."


Kira turned back towards the Sith Lord as he spoke again, understanding that he wanted to deal with the young sith in private rather than making it a public affair. It seemed that he was honourable, though Kira would still remain cautious.


"I'll not interfere with your dealings with the young sith, as long as no harm is done to those he is with, and as long as he goes willingly with you."


The Force can do terrible things to a mind it can wipe away your memories and destroy your very identity. - Carth Onasi

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Odan did not say anything but did a small curt nod. He then walked toward the speeder bikes carefully looking at them and then hoped on to a 22-B Nightfalcon speeder bike. He did not wait for the others to take off. Once on he got on he flew out of the city going as fast as the speeder would let him.


It flew over the sands of the dune sea leaving a tail of dust and small rocks behind it. He could feel the Sith lords presence, he always imgainned the dark side to be as cold as the icy surface of Ilum, but instead it was as blazing hot as the suns that flew above him.


As he neared the gathering group of Force sensitives, he slowed the speeder bike down to a stop. He then stood behind a small outcropings of rocks, not holding his saber or an other weapon. He just stood and waited for the outcome.

"An infinite mystery is the Force. Much to learn, there still is." ”” Yoda

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"Yes, she was the famous seductress. I admit, I picked an amount of charm off of her. Other then myself, I believe that there is only one other apprentice that had trained. His name is Exodus, a Sith Master according to what I have recently heard. Which reminds me, I have forgotten my manners.


My Lady, I am Count Draken Shadowlord. I am a lord of the Sith and also the ruler of Serenno. " Draken bowed at the waist, his cloak swirling out behind him as he bowed to her. As he straightened up he reached over to her and brushed his hand past her ear and held out a single small rose bud. It was the scarlet rose of Serenno.


"Here you go. Now as far as your questions about what she liked, I will not answer that question. There is somethings that are not to be discussed with people that were not involved. I apologise if this offends you but somethings arent to be discussed. Tell me, if I was to give you something to pass along to the young sith would you pass it along to him?"

E nomini patri, et Fili e spiritu sancti.

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