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Gren had to restrain himself... Whoever this person was he was on the thin edge. Almost idly placing his hand over the hand on his chest his fingers moved automatically to several pressure points. Not applying pressure but more then ready too.


Moving the hand off his chest he said,


"Incompetent? No... Foolish... Yes. Your endangering everyone in this base. Your free to scan the box in any way, shape or form you desire unless it damages the scanner. Do so. Then get out of my way."


The box was small... The metal walls thin... Gren wasn't an ambassador. The Jedi was here to mince words and play nice. Gren wanted to get this job done and leave...

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OOC: I'm afraid my character has other places to be. Sorry to pull out, hope things pick up.


IC: Knowing that time was short, Tares decided to leave the situation in Gren's capable hands. Before he left however, he faced Captain Langway, "I'm afraid my services are required elsewhere. If you would pass a message along to your leader, however: tell him that Rihn sends his regards, and would like to further diplomatic relations with the Black Sun. I'm sure you know who to deliver that message to."


With that, Tares walked off the scene as his personal ship flew down on call. Several minutes later and he was in hyperspace, away from Dubrillion....

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OOC: I am here guys and have been reading, obviously havent needed to post as yet



IC: Mindan sat in his persoanl quarters, watching and listening over security vid footage what was going on, admittedly tense, though no sign of that he allowed to be visible.

Member of Jnet Addict Club 12/05

Order of the Nocturnal


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OCC: A week has gone by and only thing you guys have done is argue about scanning a box. This is a RPG, there isn't a bomb in the box that can kill us all, so whats the matter? I thought this was diplomatic relations, not a sissy fight.

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((Number one keep OOC out of the thread, unless used for some sort of description. There is a reason for WBS. Number two, I am rather fed up as well, with this entire thing. Hurry up and conclude this.))


Slicer's writer, feeling the need to post something IC with this person after, repermanding the newbie, find himself at a loss for somethign to say, since afte rall most of his posts so far, while seeming well thought out, had really been the product of ten to thirty minute typing sessions, of what ever came from the head, followed by a quick spell check. However, faced with this dialimia, in the middle of Spanish class no less, all he could have Slicer say was.


"Esto es una carga de mierda"


With that Slicer, stalked his way toward the hanger, he would go deal with the new guy, who had recently landed, for all he knew after all, he could be connected with this rebel shake down.

Slicer.jpgMy sig is my profile...


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Chik was itching to get out of his ship, so he did. He making sure he had all his weapons first, knowing that Dubrillion could become a hostlie environment fairly quickly.


As he closed the ramp, he saw a man in his 20s about twenty yards away and in a suit of armor he identified as laminanium plating. He assumed that this is the Black Sun agent the slave boy was supposed to go and bring to Chik. Chik turned to fully face this man and waited for him to come to him.

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Slicer didn't not break his stride, even after he found out what lay before him. Of all the specsis that the galaxy had to offer, the one it felt the need to bring before him, just had to be another freakin wookiee. He was getting mighty tired of these, beasts, prefering more or less to put them down like the animals they were then to negotiate with them, though he did have to admit, they were some very smart critters.


He watched the ramp closed behind the rather big wook, who after a quick evaluation by slicer, was put off as a juvinille.


SO out of all the wookiees they also bring me a kid no less. Great!


He stood, before the wookiee, stopping short ten meters away to keep from having to look up at him. He blaster stayed where it was as did his rifle. He had come fully armed, yet at the same time empty handed.

The wookiee however, did have a gun, matetr of fact after a brief scan though his helmet the wookiee had to have at least three blades on him, and something resembling a crossbow.


He decided he would iniate first contact, which he already knew would be difficult, given how wookiees, weren't known for speaking basic. However, he was sure he had, had enough experience in basic to pick up what he needed to know. Being the man of many talents had many uses, among his extensive knowledge of the galaxy, he kne w a grand total of eight different languages, shyriiwook happen to be among the eight that he knew. Then again if all else failed, he coudl simply run it through his ship's computer and have it translate for him. Though he was rather confident in his ability to under stand what the young wookiee was going to say.


"You have come here, with weapons? What is it that you wish of us? ... Wookiee."


His hand found it's well to his belt, where there it rested, waiting and almost willing the wookiee to come at him, even though he knew that there was no way some wookiee pup would be a match for him, no matter how big the pup was.

Slicer.jpgMy sig is my profile...


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Chik knew the man had stopped to not have to look up to him, he respected the man for his intelligence. A guick look at the man and Chik could see he had a vararity of weapons in his use.


When the man didn't speak, Chik spoke. He asked in his native language,"I wish to join Black Sun." His CBD(CommunicationsBeltDroid) translated for him.


((You can go ahead and post Chik's actions so that I can become apart of Black Sun already ))

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Slicer raised an eyebrow, one over the forethought, the wookiee cub had provided in bringing a translation droid, and number two, in the wookiee cub's desire to join Black sun.


While he himself, might have a problem with it, the wookiee cub had to have some merit, since he had gotten past the rebels. Then again he was rather stupid in a way, to suddenly charge in to the base, during negotiations with the rebels, he had every intention of killing, once he had a chance.


His face however, remained unchanged to the big wookiee cub's eyes, as with the rest of his body, his face was hidden from mortal eyes, viewable to only those he deemed worthy, and those around him during times of necessity.


He wondered if he had the clearance required to simply inducted another Black Sun member, figured he most likely did, as he was only six steps away from the big man himself, if one look at it like a ladder, though he had no doubt he would never fully run this organization. Then again why would he want to? Sounds like it would big hassle, especially having to put up with rebels shaking people down at random and will on a whim.


He looked the wookiee cub up and down, yea, they could use more hired muscle to begin with, it wouldn't be such a bad idea to have a wookiee cub around, he could handle their presence in moderation, to an extent.


He gave himself a mental chuckle at all the different names he seemed to have accumulated. He was a former Colonel in the Empire, a Bounty hunter, Darth Asperser, Slicer, Nadus Morex, a Black Sun Elite Enforcer-level 1, and hero to the people of ryloth. This was starting to get a bit much even for him.


Of course, now that he thought about it, it was a bit past time for him to get a promotion, so he could get a few more, privileges. What they were he wasn't sure, but he did know, that he did want to make vigo rank at least. Of that he was sure. Then again, as he under stood it, simply rising in the ranks, did not necessarily mean one would make Vigo. Instead one had to dress to impress was how the saying went. Which he really had no true intention of doing. He didn't not feel like butt kissing again to any authority for some increase in rank, which only left for him to be acknowledge on his own, or for him to forcibly take command, which while he had the physical power and skill to do so, no doubt the current men under Brendo's command wouldn't take to kindly to that. If there was one thing the guy was, he was smart, since he had employed very loyal people to him, to be in the top ranks. While at the same time appeasing him, by giving him the title of Elite enforcer. That way, he always felt like he was a hoop, skip, jump away from reaching the rank of Vigo, meanwhile, Brendo's power simply grew, while keeping one of the more dangerous individuals on a leash. Ordinarily, Slicer would feel some sort of indignation at such a ploy, but he had to give the man credit, he was indeed quite smart. Heck even had Slicer's loyalty to a degree. While Slicer would most likely never admit it in words, he had and would continue to do so in his actions. Then again, Slicer knew that loyalty only took one so far. He would stay loyal to Brendo, not as long as it suited him, but until the inevitable day, that Brendo crossed him, much likely everyone else had in the galaxy. Then when that day would come, as he knew it would. He would kill any and all who stood in his way for retribution, and then more or less move on to something else.


He motioned for the nig wookiee cub to follow him, and after some rather brief procedures, such as a rather extensive background check, the taking of Dna samples, and inscription papers, as well as a few other legal niceties, that were meant for certain kinds of Black Sun employees. Slicer has successfully brought in a Black Sun Operative-level 1 which was generally the term for newbie. After leaving the wookiee cub, Slicer had no choice but to think, would there truly be a time, where he would have to kill Brendo. Sure before he join Black sun, that time had rapidly approached, an he had bypassed, it for lack of a better word, but now that he was in the man's service, would he ever come across that need? It was a strange question to be sure, given how normally Slicer, didn't not question or think about killing his employers, mainly because they were the ones with the cash. Even petty cash was important after all, but would Brendo betray him? It certainly wasn't out of the question, the man did have a faction to back him up if he did do such a thing. Then again, he had to admit that even that faction really wouldn't stop Slicer, if he really wanted to put Brendo out of commission. Especially if he had been apart of the faction before hand, and therefore knew the inns and outs that he did know and had access too. And while it wasn't all of the classified stuff, he did know a few choice things.


He sighed to himself, something he normally didn't permit himself to do. He would simply serve loyally and if he got crossed, make all of Black Sun pay as simple as that. Though at the moment, a more pressing matter on his mind would be how to make the rebels above his head pay.


They would after all pay very dearly for the huge hold up they had caused for him. Making a way to the hanger, he boarded his ship, if he was going to stand around doing, nothing he could at least perform maintenance on the various weapons he did have. There was nothing worse then having a jam happen due to poor maintenance.



After a bit of time, of cleaning, and reassemblign weapons and things of that nature, making sure he still had a decent amount of high grade explosives on board, and all sorts of little things that most people would be amazed to hear about. He started up his ship, requested clearence, and blasted out of the hanger, pretty much the same way the new recruit had gotten in.


Once in orbit, he found himself staring down the guns of the alliance fleet. Only they were playing nice, in trying to find a diplomatic solution to end this conflict, and so they really paid him no mind. Then again it wans't like he gave them much of a chance, since he jumped to hyperspace as soon as he cleared the grav well.

Slicer.jpgMy sig is my profile...


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"I apologize. I should never have thought someone would enter a base without a weapon, after that person had showed up at said base with guns blazing threatening to invade."


Removing his hand from the soldier chest, the bounty hunter crossed his arms. He knew Mindan was watching on the security cameras but part of him did not care. He was doing his job of keeping weapons out of the base.


"Well if all that is in that box is the scanner, you should have no problem with this proposal. Leave the box outside. Bring merely the scanner inside. Plus I will be staying with you throughout your search. And my weapons will be staying on me. But rest assured, there is no price on your head. Unless you draw some form of weapon during the course of your search, you will not be harmed by myself or any of the Red Dawn associates."


Taking a step to the side, Darkholme opened his arms to allow Gren into the base, of course without the scanner box.

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((Onderin wanted two of us down there, so, eh... yeah. If necessary, I can edit this post to contain IC orders and comms and blah, but that's hassle.))


Since Ariane had been the other volenteer to go down onto the surface to carry on negotiations, when Tares left it was assumed that whoever had to commed the surface to let them know they were sending someone else down as a replacement and went down to the surface in a single-man ship. Or woman, as such the case was.


She brought no scanning equipment, as Gren had already done that, in the hopes of saving some hassle. And besides, it gave her something to do. So it can be assumed that she joined Gren after landing with respective orders and permissions to replace Tares Vortex as an ambassator from the Alliance.


The entire situation seemed crazy, and though Ariane preferred the potential of a diplomatic solution to this, it still almost felt washed out to her that both sides seemed willing to give in without a fight. Better, but still a bit unanticipated.


((if this is not a post made in RP, I forgot to log out.))

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Gren shook his head... Pulling out the scanner he left the box where it was... All this fuss over a little metal container with wheel on it... Turning back to the Black Sun agents he brushed past... Allowing them to follow in his wake...


Nodding at Ariane he gave her instructions to watch the ship or attempt to negotiate with the Black Sun leadership before he moved off...


Priming the scanner he began his work... Not finding much... besides the hand weapons... Not illegal...


Finally he arrived in the comm station... As a Antarian Ranger he had been required to be well versed in many security and computer systems... It was likely that anything useful would be found in here... Looking at the Black Sun guards present he said,


"Anyone going to log me on or do I have to do that myself?"


No-one answered him...


"I guess I'll do it then."


Sitting down at a terminal he powered it up... The last person to log on was some agent called Jacen... He would have to hack in... Gren got to work.

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OOC: Dont even think about it Gren. There is no way in hell you would be allowedto access the cpomputer systems yourself. Show some common sense and give us a chance to post a reply for chrissakes.


Mindan was watching the security cameras when the Rebel officer entered and, without waiting for a response sat down at a computer station and began to attempt to hack in. Raising an eyebrow with curiosity, Mindan made his way over and stood behind the man, laying a hand on his shoulder and speaking with his customary deep voice.


"You are here to scan for illegal weapons, not to hack into our computer systems. If you wish to inspect them, which is not part of the agreement between your Commander and the Black Sun leader, you need to wait for someone to respond to your request. You are an impolite and reckless fool."


Mindan opened up a comm line to the rebel Commander.


"Commander, at what point did we agree to allow you to inspect our computer systems? At what point did you give your men reckless orders to hack into our systems? You have broken the agreement Commander. Do we punish this man you have sent, or do you intend to make amends for this breach yourself?"


Mindan waited for a response, his iron grip still holding the rebel officer in his seat

Member of Jnet Addict Club 12/05

Order of the Nocturnal


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Onderin received the comm and raised an eyebrow. What was Gren doing down there? Still, even getting into computer systems was not unreasonable. He sent a comm back down. "The exact words of our agreement were as follows," Onderin said, looking down at his datapad. "'They (the representatives) will be allowed to enter our base and assure you that all illegal weapons have been destroyed,' in your words. In order to appropriately determine this, it may require access to a terminal.


"If you have a problem with Gren slicing into the station, which I decidedly hope isn't necessary, then grant him access to the required files. Regardless, if there's something in there that you don't want him to find, then you have been lying to me about your legality," Onderin stated.


He then sent a comm personally to Gren. "Commander, remember that we are trying to find a diplomatic solution here. Try not to deliberately upset them more than this invasion already has," he chided the man calmly. "Usually, asking them for computer access is a little less offensive then hacking their systems, though I can't say I trust that they'd really show you what you need to see...."


He then opened a comm back to the Red Dawn members. "You are not to 'punish' this man in any way. Doing so is an act that will declare your affiliation against us quite clearly."



There is nothing good in war. There is good in why we fight them.

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OCC: Have to agree with Brendo there. It's laughable that any faction would let you access their computer systems while you were in plain sight, though I do see the nessesity of letting you in, I'll grant you access to them, we have nothing to hide.




Jacen walked through the corridors. He saw Mindan standing over the Rebel representative, sending a comm to the Admiral. He walked over a hunched over the man.


"I'll grant you access to an Operative Level Three clearance. I won't allow you to go any farther than that, as only three people in this organization are allowed access to any of that information. You should find all the evidence that you need."


Jacen's hands flew over the keyboard, logging Gren in as an Operative Level Three, then stood straight, allowing the man to do the work he needed.


Proud member of the JNET Addicts Club since November '05

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After Slicer had left Chik alone and told him to wait for someone to get him, he sat down in a chair and closed his eyes. He was thinking about what happened so far in his adventure. His YT-1300, the slave boy and Slicer. He had the appearance of sleeping, but was extremely aware of what was around him.

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((OOC: Check your posts Silas. You never mentioned deleting anything or covering your tracks. I even had that mod checked to make sure I wasn't missing anything. As for Level 3 Operative. next time explain to me what the heck that means. As for post. Brendo contact me via Pm when there is something you don't like. Not run around having a tantrum.))


Gren idly tapped through screens. Looking for anything ugly...

Edited by Guest
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((THis post is no longer needed and as such is deleted.))

Edited by Guest

Kal is a man who if he found you in back alley, you want to run away as fast as you can and pray you find the exit.

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OOC: Gren your post has to be edited pal. There is no way in hell you have access to all that crap you posted as having. Do you even read the posts in here? quite clearly anything that would 'incriminate' us would be not there. This thread goes no further until you do so.


Kal, empty your post. Repost when Gren has edited his.


I'm not gonna say I'm sorry, but cheating is completely disgraceful you guys. I can't believe that respected Rpers such as Gren and Ian would stoop so low. There's stretching things, then theres outright making things up which you have done here Gren.

Member of Jnet Addict Club 12/05

Order of the Nocturnal


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I've been asked to rule on this situation, regarding the actions of Gren. Given the dual posts between Silas and Brendo, it's rather hard to believe, while someone was watching over your shoulder, you would be able to obtain illicit files like that, much less be able to get away in one piece to transmit them. Your post is nulled.



The monarch of madness has returned!


[Associate of the Illinois Mafia since March 2002.]

[2nd in Command of the Lords of Hate since March 2002.]

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OCC: Seeing as I'm the only Red Dawn higharchy who hasn't had a completly OCC post, I feel compelled to post something, and that is this:


Who in the name of the seven levels of hell do you think you are? Did you not read the post in here. I said that I had all the files copied to my droid, then destroyed completly, do you take us for imbicles? Nobody with the brains of a Hutt would leave information that could be recovered so easily.


That being said, it was ammusing to see how you thought that you could access all that information with a Level Three Operative Clearance, in my experience, that would probably give you a little something like this:


Room Assignments

Personal List- Partial

Weapons Specs on some basic weaponary

Current Missions

And that's probably it, though thanks for the laugh.


Proud member of the JNET Addicts Club since November '05

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Just one little addendum: From here on out, get on AIM, send out PMs, do what you need to, but try to limit the OOC chatter. I'm hoping at this point the thread stays limited to IC actions and remains civil if OOC absolutely needs to creep into the thread.


Thank you much,

The Management.



The monarch of madness has returned!


[Associate of the Illinois Mafia since March 2002.]

[2nd in Command of the Lords of Hate since March 2002.]

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Mindan watched over the rebel's shoulder, knowing nothing would appear that could incriminate them, as there was nothing.


"You have had sufficient time to search the files. Move along and complete your "inspection" of the base."


Mindan tood back to allow the Rebel to stand, and sent a comm to Delta.


"Status update please Delta."

Member of Jnet Addict Club 12/05

Order of the Nocturnal


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Delta heard the comm in his helmet and aknowledged,

"I am here sitting on the barricades waiting if anything goes wrong, and we have to gun some Rebels down, or if any other Deltas come poking around."


Delta looked around the barricade he could hear his men becoming restless. Ready for any action.


"Sir do you have any orders for us, anything at all?

As you know sir I am ready for anything you wish me to do. Anyway all is well at the front gate sir."


Delta awaited a reply from Mindan




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Mindan listened intently to Delta's report and sent back an acknowledgement.


"Understood Delta. Continue to monitor the situation and keep me apprised of any developments. Maintain defensive posture."


Mindan stood back and waited for the rebel to leave the command centre.


OOC:Hint hint...lets keep things moving.

Member of Jnet Addict Club 12/05

Order of the Nocturnal


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The computer in front of Gren emmited a soft beep, indicating that it had finished it's scan. It had turned up no illegal weapon specs, plans, or anything else in that nature.


Jacen turned to look at the man. He had tried many things while at the base, most of which had been against the terms of his coming down here, and it was time for him to leave, and Jacen said as much.


"Commander, you have looked through our computer systems, attempted a hack, and scanned through our base. We have nothing illegal, now it is time for you to leave. You will exit through the front of the base, taking with you everything that you brought into the base. You will take the Captain as well. You will leave the planet and return to your fleet. You will report to them that you have seen nothing, as you have not, and then your fleet will leave with all Alliance personel. You have over stayed your welcome, and now you will leave."


Jacen turned halfway, waiting for Gren to stand and be escorted out.


((Gren I sent you a PM about this post, so don't jump on me if you read it before you read your PMs.))


Proud member of the JNET Addicts Club since November '05

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COMM TO: Red Dawn FROM: Chiss Ascendancy




"This is Nokktin'okr'tihnt, Head of the House of Tihnt, Leader of the Chiss Ascendancy. I call on you for aid. The Empire will not take our leaving the, lightly and this revolution will be crushed without the support of your people. This is a time of desparation for the Chiss and with your pledged support I can promise an allegiance between our two people for all eternity.


"I cannot say much more for now. I do have a revolution to run. Please make your reply in haste."







Resident Tech and Video Game Geek


Well, crap, Sasori is correct.
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((OOC; Ariane. I'm going to take some liberties here. Sorry in advance))


Standing up Gren nodded once at the Black Sun officer...


"I'll leave your base... But I'll tell my Superiors exactly what I think... i won't be dictated too... And thats that you and yours are foul little creatures who appear to be hiding something... As for leaving... That isn't up to me. Thats up to the Admiral... You can argue it out with him."


With that he turned... Collecting the other Rebel Officer and his equipment on the base he boarded the shuttle... Lifting off he moved the shuttle to orbit... A few standard clicks away the fleet orbited the planet...


Making a quick comm call another a second Alliance shuttle appeared... Docking with the shuttle both Rebel Officers transferred over... The shuttle was left there for the moment... A pair of E-Wings orbiting it from a safe distance.


The new transport quickly made its way to the Divine Retribution, where Gren disembarked and made his way to the bridge and the Admiral...


Upon entering the bridge he saluted to his superior...


"Admiral Starlisk. Commander Sairdonga reporting..."


Gren stood military straight... Holding the salute... He didn't think the Admiral would be too pleased with him...

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You can argue it out with him.

Tried that, it didn't work too well, seeing as y'all are still here...))


Jacen was laughing as Gren stood and left. He really didn't give a shit what that little scum bag and his possy of Rebel's thought about him or Black Sun. Some idiotic group who was going around trying to destroy a now innocent faction which had done nothing since they were under new leadership. All Black Sun had tried to do was get back on their feet and run some legal business.


He watched the man leave, wishing desperatly that Mindan wasn't watching, or he'd shoot the damn man in the back before he left the command center. He was tired of waiting on a hypocrite faction who thought it would be funny to pester a group that had made no moves against them since Huuran Kal, and was now completly legit.


"I'll leave your base... But I'll tell my Superiors exactly what I think... i won't be dictated too... And thats that you and yours are foul little creatures who appear to be hiding something... As for leaving... That isn't up to me. Thats up to the Admiral... You can argue it out with him."


Jacen laughed even harder. Foul little creatures. This man had quite some attitude to say that in a base swarming with people who were all ready to stun him then touture him in the most inhumanly way possible.


((Excuse the language. I'm sick right now, and feeling a little pissy. Though I have to say that that felt extremly good to write.


Edit: Oh guys, we have to keep this shit going to another two days. On March 17 we will have reached our one month anniversary. There's a month of RP I'll never get back. ))


Proud member of the JNET Addicts Club since November '05

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