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Dartha Athanth

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Everything posted by Dartha Athanth

  1. I do believe it's spelt duracrete. And the Lieutenant is Binks??!?!? NOOOO!
  2. Yay UPDATE! She's safe now, me thinks. ANd i knew who it was from the moment obi said 'hello there'. Poor obi. He's the best character in Star Wars to torture. Me thinks the Sith here have good hearts. protecting a child?!?! Hmmm wait.. if the Yoda here is good, does it mean he's bad in the universe we know?
  3. Obi issa coming sa-to termsa with his responsibilitiesa. I missed the 'revelation' by the queen, though. That waso ne part of EP 1 that I liked.
  4. Ooo she's preggers! I see where you stand on that controversy.
  5. Ooo this is much more serious than Ep 1! The Ep 1 city just seemed deserted. A nice read before I head to class. C3P0 is being an ass again...
  6. Obidala = Obi-wan Padme romance Siriwan = Obiwan and Siri (read jedi apprentice) romance. I prefer this because Obidala is just....wrong.
  7. I like that! Haha I use hard anoized stuff or what ever it's called. It's non stick as well as non-scratch. Loved the story! But won't the lightsaber melt the pan?
  8. I betaed beofere and was betaed by pyx/sadja for sithhunters. If I read something, like ami, I try to post a reply. There seems to be way less people around fanfic nowadays, though. Yeah, and now I don't even have time to write. I've rewritten Sithhunters lots of times.
  9. Ooo Boba's 13 here. Loved this update, cos I love your Kit and aayla. Though I would expect them to think more about the clones and their implications. But I guess, as Fett said, Kit isn't the thinking type.
  10. Yay update! I love how cocky Anakin is here. Though it would make sense to have him cockily good here.. or they would make him turn here so the real ani wouldn't turn! noooooo! (ok random speculation) Loved it!
  11. :( At least she got away. I liked the guard's banter, it's so stereotypically 'guard'.
  12. Yay! she's going to be saved! But somehow I think it won't be that easy..... I want private lessons with Lukie too.
  13. Obi gets motion sicknesss! This seems more like Death star 2 destruction than Ep 1 getting messed up. And the lastline made an Obidala seem possible. Some punctuation issues, like Obi's question to anakin.
  14. Aren't you from Singapore? With a name like Bleeding, Fighting, and Arithmetic, the story could have been about Asian warriors. LOL LOL. Which is the reason why I suck because everyone is so far ahead of me. (I've gotten full marks for all my stats quizzes here so far. )
  15. LOL I like the punishment too! Finally someone whose math is worse than mine.
  16. Yeah I can't believe it's almost finished! YOu should get a prize for the longest completed fic or something. SOme typos here and there, and great point about nemoidians on a budget. And I find it funny that a Jedi master can be described as 'obedient'.
  17. LOL hahaha! The coconut nut is a big big nut, If you eat too much you get very fat. The coconut nut is a big big nut, This delicious nut, is not a nut! It's a cocofruit... (Iiiiiiit's a cocofruit) It's a cocofruit (Iiiiiiit's a cocofruit) Just reminded me of this song.
  18. The concept is kinda neat, but the OWWW and ARGH detracts from the mood, like some people have already said (I'm too lazy to look at their long posts). And longer sentence structures would help.
  19. Poor obi! At least Quiggy won't die at the hands of maul this time! (Or did I speak too soon?)
  20. I think it's more than PG 13 but it's good, dark stuff. And the chapter before, I think the dark side is brushed off all too easily. But then, I am a Darth(a) so...
  21. Nooooo Qui is Gone! (ahahahahha) Dooku looks like he might turn back... And I do believe it's aide. Oo scary times, scary times.
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