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Dartha Athanth

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Everything posted by Dartha Athanth

  1. I think you're great at coming up with names that match the species. I always do my names by jabbing a finger randomly at a page. I loved Ansion too! The Luminara/Bariss cafe scene has always been one of my favourite book scenes. "Haja, my sweet, what are you hiding under that big ol' robe?" *sI am a racist* Though it irks me that in that book, lightsabers don't short out under water...
  2. Lol! This whole scrap sounds like it's going to cause trouble later! I've got a feeling the gammorean will end up eating hte note in his sleep...
  3. Whee! Why didn't I see this sooner? Anyway, I love KOTOR! And always finish it. Nice reasoning there behind Revan's decision to continue light.
  4. There is no plural for sheep, as well, is there? And people keep on saying 'fishes' - it is not the plural form of fish(noun) but the action! Anyway, nice story! Did me some cheer on a rahter dreary night.
  5. I think it's kinda cool that you promote your fic in your sig. *otherwise drowns in influx of names of places and people* Don't worry, Chiss names do that to me.
  6. Long post! I love Obi Wan's ruminations about sand- *snicker* Can't tell you how much I love this fic, but you're sort of the best updaters her. Love the emotion with shmi too.
  7. Nice story! I like the concept, though with the Jedi's marshall law.. one would think they would fall to the dark side...
  8. *woo long read* One problem with me so far is that besides a general trend of what's going on, I odn't really get a sense of where the story is going - a.k.a I don't see the overall arc. So far, even with all the excitement, I odn't know why but it just seems like those slice of life stories to me. But that's just me. And this really is very star-warsy, but then i found kung fu panda to be star0warsy as well. Haha
  9. I meant the ani in the story! 'snot my fault you have the same name as somebody else. Just found it weird to have some character described like that from another character's point of view. Obi-Wand sounds more convincing a word/name than that. Hmm good idea for a HP crossover haha.
  10. Ami: IT'S DARTH NOW. MUAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! ++++++ What drudgery, Po thought of his life as he dished out noodles and collected the pay. What wouldn't I give for the exciting life of a Jedi Warrior”¦ As if the Force had heard his wish, all the holoboards in the skyline, around the little restaurant, and even the giant projector at the rooftop of the Jedi Temple projected the Jedi symbol that resembled a flying ship. (In the case of the superprojector on the Temple roof, it was projected against the cloudy skies of coruscant, making it look like a cheesy cartoon rip-off to the casual observer, but of course it sent Po's blood racing fast enough to win the galatic games.) Po's mouth slacked wide open, and some drool actually appeared as words that he'd never thought he would hear filtered though his seemingly non-existent lugs. His world was silent but for the words for a few seconds, and then. ”œTHEY'RE CHOOSING A NEW DRAGON WARRIOR TODAY!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!1!1!”
  11. And ani is not. Heehee! A family is a much more plausible explanation than "Tatooine is full of aliens, we won't attract much attention with Jar Jar around." Ha!. Like the part about anakin's feelings at being a slave. And the romance is more plausible too... nine year old boys generally don't have that much hormones. More!
  12. Whoo so many posts! Havne't got through all, but will soon.
  13. Whoa so many posts. I felt that for the last one, the sections were a little too short, made it feel rather disjointed to me.
  14. MUAHAHAHHAHAH! MUSTAFAR MAKES ITS APPEARANCE! PEOPLE GET TO BE BURNT EARLIER! MUAHAHAHHAHAH! *ahem* I think there's an explanation in one of the books why the Nemies are so good even though they are cowards - since they are cowards - they want the best protection available.
  15. Whee, a new fic! Reminds me of wookiee_jedi. hahah. This sounds like a revan/malak situation! Interesting, I'll look out for more.
  16. Yay obi instead of Jar jar! And they know the queen this time! They aren't as dumb as the original. Whee I can't wait for more!
  17. S_H: Thanks! Muahahahahahahaha! A_T_S: That's what the later part of the story is for.
  18. *looks down bashfully* To the RP posts: My char is AWESOMENEZZ, YOZ. But Darsha in the main RP has been dead for quite long, and Talli is stuck with a weird Hartel post and has no idea what to do about it. Thanks for the comments, guys! A_T_S: They're basically random names I picked up, except for Windu, for a particular characteristic, but since Shaak Ti's female and your nerddom has rovided me with the evidence, I shall just change it. Second post! I have to post fast or I will forget the movie. ++++++ The house was on top of the restaurant where he and his father, Sebulba, worked in their noodle shop on Coruscant. A rather quaint affair of organic material, it was located in the ”˜Reservation' of Coruscant, a quaint reminder of how Coruscant was in the past. With an added dash of quaintness. The only redeeming factor, Po thought, was that it was located near to ”“ oh joy!!!!!1!11!!!! ”“ the Jedi Temple. Just that he was stuck here in this shop”¦ ”œWhat took you so long?”
  19. KUNG FU JEDI Ok, I guess you can guess what movie I just watched. No guarantees on this though. Disclaimer: Georgie and the pandas. And Ms Jen Kenobi for the exclamation marks. ++++++ Once, there was a warrior so mighty the earth trembled where he walked. Mountains fell before him, and his enemies fled, and spread the glory of his awesomeness with every whisper that they whispered. Cherry trees showered him with their blossoms, (never mind that the better ones were in some island off the east coast) and maidens swooned at the sight of him. His awesomeness was such that he could use it as a sword, and his enemies fell into pieces at the sight of him. His awesomeness was such that he could use it as a spear, and enemies grasped their hearts as they fell into pieces, pierced to the very core. But most of all, his awesomeness was such that it was like a lightsaber, the producer of all light, that blinds the dark, and enemies were blinded, even as they grasped their hearts and fell into pieces. He was.... HE WAS.... HE WAAAAASSSSSSSSS................ THE DRAGON WARRIOR JEDI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!1!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!! ++++++ Even the Furious Five, masters of all the Jedi arts, or Kung Fu, in the mystical Jedi language, bowed to him as their leader. The 'Tiger', Master Mace Windu, looked upon him as a friend. The 'Crane', graceful yet strong Aayla Secura, danced with him at balls, and the Mantis, tiny Master Yaddle, frequently perched on his shoulder. The ”˜Monkey', exuberant Master Kit Fisto, planned the greatest games with him, and the ”˜Viper', sweet but deadly Bariss Offee, whispered words of love in his ear. And as he swept her under him, her face just inches from his, her heart fluttering rapidly against his, he would say in a deep and cool voice, with just the right amount of awesomeness ”“ ”œWe are Jedi, and we must follow the way.”
  20. I like the writing letter bit, breaks from the majority way in which the book is written are always nice. And I suddenly laughed at the name 'Rashguard' after I developed an itchy rash. The training bit was interesting.
  21. Don't worry, I think you're one of the post regular updaters. *looks guilty* And I'm sure Kit finds Aayla attractive.. if only I could find that picture of the two of them snogging... Anyway, I like your observations about politics, and theinsight into Kit's mind - reminds me of Cestus Deception, I really liked him there. Good that you brought in more Jedi into Ep 1, felt really overwhelmed in Ep 2 since we've been accustomed to only a few jedi since 4,5,6 and even 1.
  22. OOOOOOOOO!!!! Glad to see he's recovered, and glad in a way to see him meet 'Vader' muahahahhahaha! I FEEL THE SAME WAY ABOUT HSM TOO. However, I don't see much point to his snow shovelling, other than passing time and getting mixed up with 'Earthly' implements. (Ok, I wouldn't know a snow shovel when I saw one too.) Well, but then, I'm a sort of minimalist/pragmatist , I like stories where every part of the story is relevant towards a certain goal, whether the furtherance of a theme, or aluusion to sequels down the road etc.
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