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Darth KenObi-Wan

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  1. Thanks guys. I'm glad you liked it. Anyway, the long awaited continuation of this unconnected series. This is called Clean-Up and is rated M, cause it will scare little kids. But I think it's one of my best. Clean-Up It was always messy, cleaning up after a murder. Obi-Wan couldn't help but think that the person who thought that up was the master of an understatement, as he scrubbed the crime scene, to make it semi-presentable. His Master was supposed to be an advocate of the Living Force; was supposed to respect all life. Obi-Wan wasn't sure what this latest endeavour showed respect for, but it sure wasn't life. He couldn't believe that Qui-Gon Jinn was capable of such carnage. Obi-Wan glanced at the table, where the victim lay, massacred, by the person Obi-Wan was supposed to be able to trust with his life. That trust was severely shaken, now. Finding that the stain he had been working on for a good ten minutes had finally come off, Obi-Wan dropped the brush and sponge in the bucket of soapy water. His hand hurt, his wrist hurt. Heck! He just hurt, all over. His Master had offered to clean up, but for him to clean up, meant that he would be within reach of his favoured weapon, and Obi-Wan could not rule out the possibility that his Master might try to do it again. That was something that Obi-Wan just could not allow. Glancing again at the victim, Obi-Wan wondered what it may have been like in life. He wondered what it had looked like, what it had smelled like, what kinds of quirks did its personality contain. He could gain no information from the body before him. He honestly couldn't even tell if it had been male or female. Turning away from the gruesome display, Obi-Wan went back to scrubbing the areas around the room that had suffered during the struggle. It seemed that his Master could do nothing without making a debacle out of it. Obi-Wan merely sighed at this thought and scrubbed harder. He didn't want this latest incident known throughout the Temple. In another room of the apartment, he could hear Qui-Gon changing; cleaning himself after the incident. They still hadn't decided what to do with the remains, but Obi-Wan was content to leave that bit up to Qui-Gon. But before that could happen, he had the task of cleaning up after the murder. A thankless task if ever there was one. Rinsing off the brush in the bucket, Obi-Wan realised that it was not as hot, or as soapy as it should be. He carefully lifted the bucket and took it slowly towards the refresher, careful not to spill any on the carpet. Emptying the water into the drain, Obi-Wan noticed that the sounds of his Master dressing had ceased. He figured that the best course of action was just to continue as he had before. Once the bucket was full of hot water, and soapy again, Obi-Wan slowly made his way back to the scene. Or at least, he would have, had there not been a fairly tall, well built Jedi Master blocking the door way of the refresher. "Master?" He slowly took a step back. Qui-Gon merely stepped towards him. "Obi-Wan, do you know what all of this means?" The bucket was forgotten as it slipped from slack fingers. "No! No, please!" Obi-Wan said desperately as he backed away from his Master, further. "Oh, yes. After that little incident, I'm afraid I have no choice." Qui-Gon continued to advance the entire time he was speaking, quickly backing Obi-Wan against the wall. Feeling his back against the wall, Obi-Wan slid down to the floor, and curled into a cowering position. "No. Please, Master, no!" "Oh, yes, Obi-Wan. We're going to have to eat in the cafeteria, after the mess I made of dinner." ----------------------------------------------
  2. LOL! I've read this somewhere else. FFn, if I remember correctly.... Hmm. It's as good the second time round as it is the first. Bravo!
  3. Thanks! I know there were a few run-ons, but I couldn't think of a way to cut them shorter without ruining the mood. I know that doesn't make sense, but whatever. Ok, I don't know what this next one is called. I'm not even sure why I labeled it as complete. All I know is that I wrote a couple of months ago, at most, and don't remember doing so. (But don't worry, I'm definitely sure it's mine, it matches a plot bunny I scribbled somewhere....) Anyways, it's pretty random... Rated... PG? I don't know. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Garen Muln glanced quickly at his fellow Knight, Siri Tachi. The two of them had been working together, along with their Padawans, to track down a fugitive by the name of Oliver. He had been connected to several crimes in the last two months, and, after getting on the bad side of a galactic politic, he was now being tracked by the Jedi. They were currently standing in the rain, outside a tavern on Xatys, a small mid-rim planet, overrun with unemployment. The tavern they were outside of, was called the Islander. Though Force only knew why. It was what could only be described as a hole. Garen personally though it to be a bit flattering, but there was no time to argue over such mundane things. Their fugitive, was reportedly, inside this particular tavern at this particular time. Nodding to the two Padawans, the two Knights moved to the door. Their Padawans would follow in a few minutes, or sooner if they heard trouble. Garen cast ahead with his senses. Through the Force, he couldn't feel anything amiss, although, according to their information, their fugitive would not be amiss in a joint the likes of this one. They swung the door open and waltzed in like they owned the place. This type of entrance would arouse no interest, as most of the people they had observed going into this tavern, entered much the same way as they just had. They headed straight to the bar and quickly ordered drinks. Without seeming to look away from the Holonet display, Garen and Siri scanned the tavern for their fugitive. Both sighted him at the same time, and a quick glance confirmed their shared knowledge. Finishing their drinks, they got up and sauntered over to the corner in which Oliver was sitting, while sending a message to their Padawans through their training bonds. Sitting down opposite the fugitive, the pair sat silently, waiting out the battle of wills. Finally, Oliver spoke. ”œI've been expecting you. Although I'm surprised to see you two in particular. By the way, your Padawans won't be able to help you. Don't worry! They're fine, and they won't be harmed. They're just a little tipsy, at the moment.”
  4. Hey, Navygal! I could definitely weave it into a longer story. People keep asking if I will. But I won't. There's no way. I hate both those characters. I wrote that last one for a challenge on a different site... Anyways, on with the next one! A Vader-vignette! (It's really, really short.) I'd rate this about PG. Enjoy! Across the Stars Tatooine, a two-suned system. The planets encircling them like a protective barrier. The connection of the suns obvious. The legend said that they came into existense together, though science said otherwise. Together they remained, entwined in gravity's pull, forever destined to follow the same cycle, together. One sun was red, and neareing its death, spurting gases into the vacuum. The other sun seemed to shine brighter for it, sacrificing itself. The planets continued to circle, one soaking up most of the light, Tatooine reflecting so much that it too, seemed to give to the dying sun and its companion. Eventually, the red sun died, while two new stars sprang into existense across the galaxy. The yellow sun was plunged into darkness. It lost its pull on Tatooine, which seemed to drift slowly away . The other planet drew closer, consuming the light and the warmth of the sun. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Vader stared into the blye gaze of his son, and was reminded of another. ”œAll things die, Anakin, even stars,”
  5. I love it! But then, I'm twisted and evil, so I'm not so sure that's a compliment...
  6. This is probably an AU of some kind, and rated PG, I think, because of certain references. This time, we have Anakin and Ahsoka, after Return of the Jedi. Enjoy! Feeling She moved through the sea of beings, not knowing exactly where she was going. She hadn't known for a long time. Ever since... No! She wouldn't think of it. She had tried to find them. She had searched all over the galaxy for those she called a family, not really knowing if she was searching in vain. She stopped. A feeling, an ice cold chill made its way into her mind. She had felt this feeling before. But this time, it was different. This time, the dark did not grow, but instead, the light came. It came tentatively at first, but with each passing second, it grew, flooding her every sense, until she was almost inebriated on the almost foreign feeling. She couldn't think what had happened. When the feeling had come to her before, the darkness had grown. She had quickly learnt that the feeling was a Force-sensitive joining the Force. She knew when Obi-Wan died. The darkness grew, almost encompassing the light until it was impossible to see through an impenatrable wall of darkness. Then when Yoda had died. She didn't think it could have gotten worse, but she was wrong. Oh so wrong. But if the darkness was going... That had to mean... But, could the Sith really be defeated? She didn't know of any other Jedi who survived who would be able to defeat the Sith. Unless... But surely not... She suddenly found herself in an alley, away from the crowds. Glancing around, she couldn't help but wonder how she had gotten here. "Ahsoka." That voice, so familiar, yet one she hadn't heard or even wanted to here, in almost 25 years. Turning slowly, she came face to face with a blue apparition of her apparently dead Master. "But - How?! Only those of the light can retain their conciousness after death!" "My son. He showed me, that there was still good in me." He paused, studying her. "You don't look so good, Snips. Why don't you sit down." She chose to ignore his suggestion. "Why?" They both knew what she was talking about. "I was decieved, and there is nothing more to it, than that. I'm sorry." "But you were the Chosen One!" Some passersby glanced at her. To them it looked as though she was yelling at thin air. "People can't see me, but they can see you." He avoided the obvious jibe. They stood in silence for several minutes, neither willing to conceed defeat in the battle of wills that they had gotten themselves into. She finally broke the silence. "This feeling..." She wasn't sure how to continue. "The Sith are gone. I am dead, and so is my Master. I killed him before I died." She looked at him, really looked at him, for the first time. "You fulfilled the prophecy." Grinning at her, Anakin said, "Glad you realise that, Snips!" With that, he disappeared, and she was once again left alone, but this time, she had direction. She would find his son and join their organisation.
  7. Dartha: Thanks. Don't worry, it's still sort of vague in my mind, too. Tiana: Thank you so much! That is exactly what I needed! Now I sort of have a vague plot planned out for it, where as, before, I barely had an idea of how they got to that point... So, thank you. You may see it elsewhere in the future, but with a backstory.
  8. Another Siriwan! Yay! This one is another AU, too. But it's completely unconnected to the last one. It may also be advantageous to mention, that I'm a little hesitant about posting this one, so please be as critical as you want. I'm not sure what rating to give this... perhaps PG-13 just to be safe... Enjoy! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Today was her visiting day, and as Siri Tachi walked towards her destination, she reviewed her other appointments. She had a meeting with the Council this afternoon about a mission they were assigning her. Siri was not exactly thrilled at the prospect of leaving her visitee on his own for too long, but at least the healers would be there, she supposed. Siri stopped at the reception desk and collected a bowl of soup and a spoon. Looking into it, she thought, No wonder he's lost so much weight. Moving further into the healer's wing, she came to a side corridor, that led away from the main wards. Turning down another corridor, she started to count off the doors. Stopping at the thirty-eighth one, she knocked and entered, knowing she would get no reaction from the inhabitant. As she entered, she glanced around, locating the inhabitant in one of the back corners. Walking over to him, she said in an overly cheery voice, ”œGood morning, Obi! I trust you're feeling well today?”
  9. Ani: Thanks! Brendo: Yeah. Sorry about that. I was playing with it and ended up with multiple copies. This was the best that included everything I wanted it to include. Hmm. *plot bunnies spawn and take over bedroom* Uh-oh. Dartha: Lol! I thought about you after I wrote it. Tiana: Thanks!
  10. Lol. That's awesome! Only Threepio would worry that she didn't have enough luggage in a situation where they may have to evacuate at any moment.
  11. I love this story! I never feel sorry for Anakin, either. Especially not in the movies. He whinged a lot, and threw a tantrum when things didn't go his way. Then he turned to the Dark Side to draw attention to himself! Ok, that last line is just a joke. Meanwhile, I feel sorry for the trooper. I could totally see Obi-Wan forgiving that trooper... But... I don't know where I was going with this... I hate my brother.
  12. This one is unbeta'd and I started it in chemistry, yesterday. Then finished it at 11pm. It's kinda sad, and a death fic. (Thus it recieves PG-13) I think it's an AU ending to Revenge of the Sith. So if you don't want to read any of that stuff, don't read this. Just to prove that I really do support the Siriwan relationship. Going Home He laid there and stared. He stared out for what felt like an eternity, waiting for the pain to abate. He knew they were looking for him. He wasn't sure how he knew, he just did. He was barely able to register that they were coming. The sound of a speeder found its way to his ears, the engine struggling to keep up with the pilot's insistence on haste. He tried to roll over, to watch the approach, but found he didn't have the strength. He tried, in vain, to access the Force. His strength was waning fast. The speeder stopped, and he could hear footsteps approaching. ”œThere he is!”
  13. Ami: That's the same reason as why I always choose to dry the dishes. I'm always telling my brother that he missed a spot. I was the one who said that the coconuts are veggies. Simply on the reasoning that they don't have a seed on the inside, like fruit. Ani: Obviously she doesn't realise that. If she were to use canola/olive oil it would be even less of a problem. What are Teflon pants? Dartha: I wish we had pots and pans like that. Yes, a lightsaber would melt the pan... And lead to not having to do the dishes... *starts plotting* Darth Brendo: Thanks! Sorry about not explaining that.
  14. Wow! Another update! Something tells me that Obi-Wan is taking a pretty big risk at the moment. It might not be in character for his other self to talk to people like Bethani... And what if Jinn noticed... Oh noes! Update soon! Please!
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