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Tarrian Skywalker

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The force of a million explosions ripped through space, as the Death Star fired it's unimaginable super weapon. Certainly no governments in this galaxy would allow this thing to exist, let alone be used, if they knew it existed. His munificent-class star frigate was blown to smithereens, as the blinding light ripped through the space around him. Holy mother of Allah”¦ JIHAD thought, as every curse he knew ran through his mind. His loyal, beloved crew, vaporized in a mere instant. THE INFIDELS!!! Anger of thousands of voices screamed in his head, as this tyrant had taken out even his own people as he attempted to wipe out the true believers.


The tyrants mistake though, was underestimating the Fascist Jihadists. This would not be overlooked though. The commander of this small moon sized battle station would pay for his insolence. Because of the tyrant's shortsightedness, he had overlooked the invasion force that had already been deployed, which thankfully, included JIHAD. The invasion force landed, catching every waking ewok off guard, throats in the hangar were slit, and most of the landing was a huge success, little fighting needed. No communists were ready for the invasion, they all thought the war was clearly over. NOT even close. Recited JIHAD to himself. The fighting truly commenced when the alarms had finally been set off within the Death Star. Finally, the Fascist force finally started losing significant numbers. His commanders reported to him that they were making great headway, the enemy forces still proving to be no match for the droid armies. Droidekas were able to secure whole sections by themselves; SBD's bringing down blast doors left and right, unable to be stopped. JIHAD found himself near the front lines, able to take down the Viet-wok soldiers with ease, as the their primitive weapons were no match for him and his soldiers.


Soon the Jihadists had secured a passage way to the control room of the Death Star, and were fighting for domination of it. As the army of many thousands killed everything they came to within the space station, they had no mercy for these communist oppressors. The blast doors to the control room was soon brought down with a bombardment off SBD's, and immediately stormed by Droidekas and B3 Ultra battle droids. Every man and officer within the control room was slaughtered. No exceptions; Anything with a heartbeat was killed. After the control room was secured, and no life forms were detected hiding anywhere within it, JIHAD entered with a satisfied sense of accomplishment. He looked down on the floor as the ewok his contacts had described to him as the commander of the space station, this ”œWill Wolly”

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((I'd guess how I stating killing the lot of you in my last post wasn't clear. This time- no mistakes. Adios, Copias-Gatos! Hasta luego, Endor!))


A noble and great leader would stand and fight when the odds were against him and everything he held dear was in the balance. A brave leader would rally his people and fight for till the end.


Willet Wolly was none of the above and after conking a subordinate over the head, putting his green commander's hat with its little red star on the unconscious Ewok, taking his battle axe and running, Wolly made a small modification to the controls.


Enough was enough. It wasn't bad that thousands of unimaginative, incompetent Ewok copy-cats were assailing him on Endor and his new super weapon. To add insult to injury they were doing a bad job of it. With a coughing laugh of "Hack-Hack-Hack!" and a snorting laugh, Willet set in a command to the surface and pulled one last manuver before the Jihad forces reached the bridge, firing up not the weapons systems but the engines and sending a remote order to his people on the surface.





Down on the surface orders to fire their full nuclear arsenal and to "heat up this cold war" and to stop those Jihadists from "contaminating precious bodily fluids" were set in order. A hundred Taepodong 2 hyperspace missiles are fired up and set for points all over Endor and in the stratosphere.




On the Death Star, the Ewoks, fighting off the Jihadists in the doomed to crash control center, let out a great cry: "Huta huaataaha! Yub yub!"


[Translation: You can't fight in here! This is the war room!]





Swingning his axe like a madman, forgetting the Communists, Jihadists, and the like, Wolly lets out a roar of "Club Club Commander!" and carves a bloody, oily path to his shuttle.


Laughing maniacally, Willet runs like hell, and boards his escape shuttle, taking off. He clears the battle by knowing one pushes on the big throttle thingy and makes use of the big red button to make his enemies go BOOM!




At that point the Death Star Potempkin runs into Endors orbit, hurtling down with impossible force, just as the nuclear super missiles, each one capable of clearing half a civilized planet in radiation, launches.


Down below on the surface, an Ewok, wearing a cowboy hat, rides one of the missiles, waving his hat as it falls, descending into oblivion.


In a secret war room, a deranged ex-Imperial, a human of all things with a bionic arm to match Darth Vader's, seeing this fate, rises up.







As Wolly vanishes into hyperspace, all life on Endor and in the surrounding area blinks out in a great nuclear holocaust that irradiates the entire system and wipes out all other remaining ships from the smallest shuttle to the might Death Star. The gaseous planet and forest moon remain, albeit as a charred ball of rock that will ever more be devoid of life.


Wiser heads doubt if it could have ended any other way.


We'll meet again

We'll meet again,

Don't know where,

Don't know when

But I know we'll meet again some sunny day

Keep smiling through,

Just like you always do

Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away


So will you please say "Hello"

To the folks that I know

Tell them I won't be long

They'll be happy to know

That as you saw me go

I was singing this song


We'll meet again,

Don't know where,

Don't know when

But I know we'll meet again some sunny day


We'll meet again,

Don't know where

Don't know when.

But I know we'll meet again some sunny day.

Keep smiling through

Just like you always do,

'Til the blue skies

Drive the dark clouds far away

So will you please say"Hello"

To the folks that I know.

Tell them I won't be long.

They'll be happy to know

That as you saw me go,

I was singin' this song.


We'll meet again,

Don't know where,

Don't know when

But I know we'll meet again some sunny day

EWOKS RULE ALL!!! rotj-wicket.gif



Totus vestri substructio es adiungere nobis

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  • 5 years later...

The forest moon of Endor was swathed in close-feeling air, the trees forming their own brand of atmosphere. Blocking out all direct sunlight, the abundant greenery gave the illusion that one could be alone on the entire moon, when in reality there could be any number of creatures hiding behind any tree or under any rock.


As there were in this particular clearing. Tirzah heard the telltale crunch of leaves beneath softly padded feet and jumped forward, hands outstretched, to seize the Ewok by the wrists. "GOTCHA!" she yelled loudly. "That's twice in a row, Dika!"


The fuzzy warm creature jabbered at her and yanked his paws away, then she felt herself stumbling backward as the paws gave her a shove. Her left heel caught a knot in a fallen log, and the little girl sprawled backwards over it, falling roughly onto the palms of her hands.


"Hey!" she whined, standing and dusting her hands off. "Not fair!" Dika babbled something apologetic, but Tirzah stopped him with a hand, her nose turned to the wind. "It's getting dark, isn't it? Mommy's trying to cook again."


...why are the pretty ones always the most hazardous to your health?

May the Forth therve you well...

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Ash smiled to herself as she looked out of the window of the small cabin that had served as her and Tirzah's home for the last few years. After they'd left Hapes, they'd done brief stints on Corellia, Coruscant, and Nar Shaddaa- it hadn't been until Nar Shaddaa that she realized how much a large population adversely affected her adopted daughter's unique talents.


So, after some searching, she'd settled on Endor as their new home. And now, here they were. The cabin overlooked a lake, waterfall in the background. It had taken Ash a little bit of adjusting to their new lifestyle- going from having every modern electronic convenience to having to rely on the battery power that she could harvest from the Blackstalker's solar panels to be able to connect to the Holonet and keep at least partly up to date on current events; as well as growing and hunting their own food.


She blew a strand of hair out of her face as she bent over the pot that contained their dinner for the night. Hair dye was also hard to come by when you were seriously living in the middle of nowhere, and her long hair had returned to its rich auburn color as a result.


Tirzah's voice floated through the breeze. "...Mommy's trying to cook again."


"Hey, I heard that!" Ash knew Tirzah would hear the smile in her voice. Her first few weeks of cooking had been... close to disastrous. Though she'd gotten better- slowly- sometimes meals still didn't go as planned.


Tirzah and her furry friend came running into the cabin, Tirzah giggling and Dika- well, Ash only assumed it was the equivalent of an Ewok giggle. She still wasn't quite sure what to make of some of the Ewok's mannerisms. Still, Tirzah got along well with him, and if that was all it took for her daughter to have a friend, then Ash would go along wholeheartedly.


A grin on her face, she gave dinner one final stir. "Wash your hands, love. I promise, tonight's dinner is edible."


[Jade Skywalkers FTW since August '03]

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Tirzah's face fell. "Mommy, I don't want to wash my hands. Dika pushed me and now they hurt," she pouted, holding her palms out for inspection. Inside her mind, in the place where the little fairy lived, she felt Mommy grow hot and icy all of a sudden, and the child immediately regretted drawing attention to her scrapes. In her attempt to garner pity and attention, she saw that Dika was going to be sent home early. Oops. "But, I mean, it wasn't his fault," she continued quickly, her conniving mind searching for a way to divert Mommy's ire. Dwelling on her desire to keep her little fuzzy friend close, she rocked back and forth on her heels, stuffing one of her injured hands into the back pocket of her jumper. The other she extended in the Ewok's general direction, translating her will to the unseen fairy.


Tirzah felt, rather than heard, the gasp escape Mommy as Dika rushed through the air towards her and landed in her waiting arms. She squeezed him tightly and whirled around, toddling the twelve steps to the table, and set the Ewok none too gently on the chair beside her. "He can stay for dinner, right?"


...why are the pretty ones always the most hazardous to your health?

May the Forth therve you well...

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Ash shook her head and smiled, her momentary anger fading away at the hopeful look on Tirzah's face. "Yes, he can stay for dinner. But only if you go wash your hands. With soap. I'll spray some synth-skin on them once they're clean." As her daughter skipped off to the refresher, Ash fixed Dika with a glare. "Be more careful from now on, you hear me?" The Ewok jabbered back at her, nodding his head in agreement. Satisfied, she turned back to the cooktop, transferring dinner onto three plates.


After a quick inspection of Tirzah's hands, Ash joined the "children" at the table, smiling at their antics as they poked back and forth at each other. Eventually the food disappeared and Tirzah and Dika bounced back outside to take advantage of the last few moments of sunset. As she sat on the doorstep of the cabin sipping a cup of caf watching them play, she couldn't help but smile. As much as she sometimes wished that Tirzah had friends her own age- human ones that spoke Basic at least- and sometimes wondered if she would be better off on a planet with an actual human population, she couldn't deny how well her daughter had begun her transition toward being a young woman.


Plus Tatooine was the first low population planet that came to mind. And Ash didn't miss Tatooine. At all.


Casting an analytical glance at the horizon, Ash stood. "Tirzah? Time to come in, I don't want you getting eaten alive by the biteflies again."


[Jade Skywalkers FTW since August '03]

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After waving to Dika as he departed, Tirzah skipped indoors, and meandered through the cabin in search of Mommy. Little Fairy flitted about in her mind, pointing her finally in the direction of the back door, where Tirzah knew Mommy would be sitting, her chin in her hands. She did this sometimes, where she would sit on the back porch and ... how did you say it ... stare at the Big Water, and the Fast Water, and the Warm Bright going down into the forest. The little girl crept out and sat with her, pulling her knees up to her chin and laying her head down on them.


Mommy was strange sometimes. She didn’t have any good stories about growing up, and all the teachers at the orphanage had always talked and talked and TALKED about what growing up was like and how to do it, and Tirzah had often gotten bored very quickly and instead would focus her attention on how to climb out the windows into the trees without anyone noticing. Funny how people didn’t seem to think she could do it because she didn’t see the way they see. But Mommy knew how she could See, how the Little Fairy could Show her what things look like. Tirzah even had the sneaking suspicion that Mommy could See in her own way too, but had forgotten.


Shyly, the seven-year-old snaked her hand into Mommy’s and tugged on her fingers. “Mommy, tell me a story,” she whispered, although she didn’t know why she felt the need to be quiet. She asked then what she knew her Mommy would not tell her, or would only tell her from the beginnings of her memory about it, two years ago when she was taken from the orphanage. The story was never satisfactory. But maybe this time would be different. “Tell me about where I came from.”


...why are the pretty ones always the most hazardous to your health?

May the Forth therve you well...

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Ash sighed softly and squeezed Tirzah's hand before wrapping her arm around her daughter and pulling her close. It broke her heart to not be able to tell her daughter who she was or where she came from, but she was no closer to remembering her life before Hapes than she had been when she'd taken Tirzah away from the orphanage.


The temperature dropped as the sun dropped fully below the horizon, and Ash felt Tirzah shiver slightly. "Let's go inside, sweetie, and... mommy'll try to explain this to you a little bit better, okay?" The little girl nodded, and Ash took her inside and settled her onto the sofa and set the fireplace alight. "I'll be right back." She smiled down at her daughter, patted her head, and headed into her bedroom, shifting things around in the back of one of her drawers until she found what she was looking for.


As she settled back down onto the couch, Ash snugged Tirzah up against her side, feeling the slightest bit of apprehension. She had never shown Tirzah the holos she kept before- she wasn't entirely sure exactly if Tirzah would be able to full see the holos, and therefore be able to completely understand what they were. But her daughter kept asking, and she had decided there wouldn't ever be a better time.


Smoothing back the hair from Tirzah's forehead, Ash began her story. "Well... You know that Mommy worked at the orphanage where she found you. But... I don't remember much before that, sweetie. Not too long before I started working at the orphanage, I- well, for lack of a better word, I woke up on Hapes, on the 'Stalker. I didn't know who I was, where I was from... And the only clues I had were these." Activating the first holo, she pressed it into Tirzah's hand. "This one is of me, when I was much younger, with another girl. I don't know who she is, but... it's looks like we were friends." She repeated the process with the next one. "This one is the other girl from the first holo, a few years later. There's a man with her, and they both look very happy."


Ash's gaze lingered on the third holo, and she felt Tirzah's gaze on her as she waited patiently. "And this one is the two people from the second holo, maybe a couple years after that. It's almost the same as the second one... But you're in it. You were just a baby, but it's definitely you." She sat there and watched her daughter holding the holos, trying to hide the grimace of pain on her face as she rubbed the point where her spine met her skull. The familiar pain that had always appeared when she desperately tried to reminisce about the holos came back with a vengeance, and she remembered the other reason why she hadn't pulled them out in so long.


"So, sweetie... the reason I've never been able to tell you where you came from... is because I don't know."


[Jade Skywalkers FTW since August '03]

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A strange sense of warmth and belonging flooded the little girl, to a degree that she hadn't experienced since she left the orphanage with Mommy almost two years ago. Those times had faded to a distant memory, the noisy chatter of rowdy children, the pushes and shoves and practical jokes, the mocking at her inability to read a datapad, the strange sense of calm when she was alone outdoors. Tirzah didn't miss that life in the least, and her heart had nearly burst with happiness at her departure. And now that sense filled her again. It was happy, but more than happy, and sad, but more than sad. Having no words to describe the depth of emotion coursing through her tiny body, the girl did the only thing she could think to do: she began to cry.


Mommy immediately scooped her up and began stroking her back, hushing as though to soothe her, but Tirzah pushed her arms away. It was not a feeling she wanted to lose, it was a strong, whole sensation of a past she knew she could not reclaim. "What do they look like?" Tirzah whispered. In her mind, she could almost picture the man. She had very limited experience with males of any kind, as they were in a caste beneath even the little orphaned girls. But this one, the one that she could See, was different. He had smiling eyes that promised gentleness and fidelity, abundant laughter and fierce defense. His hair was untidy, and he had a shiny red line that ran across his face, a mark of a previous owie that no one had put synthflesh on.


The cube in her hand grew warm as she felt the Little Fairy flit onto it. It began to hum, a deep resonance that filled Tirzah's chest and seemed to shake her whole body. As she listened in wonderment, she felt the object rise from her hand. Somehow, she knew what the Little Fairy wanted, and she turned her attention from the cube and it dropped to the floor. She turned her open palm to face Mommy and the Little Fairy darted away, seeming to disappear into her mind. The cube ceased its humming, but Tirzah could feel a pulsating emanating from Mommy's mind, and she held still, very still, until it stopped. Sightless eyes strained against darkness, and she twitched with anticipation.


...why are the pretty ones always the most hazardous to your health?

May the Forth therve you well...

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The last thing Ash was consciously aware of before finding herself on the floor was the last holo beginning to glow and hum, floating above the palm of Tirzah's hand. As Tirzah would so succintly inform her later, she then dropped to her knees, hands clutching the back of her head as her brain began to assault her with images that came so fast they were the equivalent of mental static. Scene after scene flashed by, so fast that Ash couldn't even begin to see where they were or who was in them let alone begin to understand any of them.


The flashing slideshow eventually slowed, allowing her a glimpse of her past. Ashley whispered something in Jaina's ear, a conspiratorial smirk on her face... Ash's efforts to hold onto the scene failed as the images sped back up, blurring together. Just when she thought she would be forever stuck in the feedback loop, the mental scene coalesced and slowed into something intelligible again. He looked at the two sisters suspiciously, drawing a burst of laughter from both of them. "Poor guy doesn't know what he's getting himself into," Ashley joked, winking at Jaina. The last part of the flashback freeze-framed, burning itself into Ash's mind. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew Tirzah was hanging over her, breath held, and with no small amount of effort she reached out and grabbed her daughter's hand, mentally shoving the image from her mind to her daughter's.


And then she was suddenly aware of the world around her again, gasping for breath, her heart trying to beat its way out of her chest. She realized she had a death grip on Tirzah's hand and loosed her grasp, pulling her daughter close and gently stroking her head. She took a deep, shaky breath, trying to process what she'd just been through.


Finally, she found her voice again, though when she spoke it was little more than a whisper. "Jaina. Her name's Jaina."


[Jade Skywalkers FTW since August '03]

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Letting the holo drop from her fingers, Tirzah reached out tentatively, her hand finding its way to Mommy's cheek. Her palm was hot against the cool skin, but she held it there patiently, willing Mommy to stop her trembling. In short order, Tirzah felt a hand cover hers, and heard the breathless whisper, "Jaina. Her name's Jaina."


The name started something in the little girl's heart, some flash of a half-formed infant memory, sounds and smells and people, weak and strong presences, a moment in time that mixed abundant joy and extreme grief. And she felt that presence in her mind again, the sense of the strongest presence she could hold onto from those brief not-quite-memories. But it wasn't the girl whose name Mommy said as though it was the only word that could ever matter. It was the man, the one the Little Fairy had shown her in her Sight.


The man's powerful grief clung to her, and Tirzah's breathing quickened. It seemed to be meant for her, aimed at her. In a strange and frightening way, she knew she was there, present for the moment of grief in the man's life. Maybe even the cause of it. Uncomfortable in the shadow of the emotion, Tirzah reached in to the Little Fairy and pushed, pushed hard. The feeling fled, and with it, her Sight of the man. Confused, and only slightly afraid, Tirzah clambered back down into Mommy's lap, curling up tightly and holding perfectly still. She worried a strand of Mommy's hair around her fingers, her fragile childlike emotions in somewhat of a shocked state.


When the darkness passed, and she felt she could breathe again, she gripped onto Mommy's hand and ventured a question. "Who was Jaina, Mommy?"


...why are the pretty ones always the most hazardous to your health?

May the Forth therve you well...

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Ash swallowed with some effort, suddenly noticing how dry her mouth was. She hugged Tirzah more tightly as she struggled to remember, forcing the air from her lungs to speak. "Someone... someone important to me. To both of us, I think. I just can't remember why." The frustration bled through her voice, and she had to concentrate to keep from squeezing her daughter so tightly that she wouldn't be able to breathe.


With a heavy sigh, Ash shifted Tirzah back onto the couch, tucking her up against her side. The two of them sat there in silence for a while, until Tirzah's breathing evened out and gradually slowed. Ash was hesitant to move, but knew she wouldn't be doing either of them any favors if they slept on the couch all night. Gently, she shifted Tirzah to the side, careful not to wake her, and tenderly slid her arms underneath of her and picked her up. She walked ever so slowly to her daughter's bedroom and tucked her in, depositing her stuffed Ewok under one arm. With a gentle kiss on Tirzah's forehead, Ash made her way to her own bedroom, despite the fact that she was fairly sure that sleep wouldn't come to her tonight.


She detoured through the living room, picking her holos up from the floor, and deposited them on the edge of her bed. She hesitated for a moment, then pulled out the last item that had been stored with them- a hollow metal cylinder. Sitting down on the bed, Ash turned all three holos on, turning the cylinder over in her hands as she tried to recall every detail of her flashback.


Though the only weapons that Ash could remember seeing herself armed with were blaster pistols, the woman- Jaina- and the man with them had both had items similar to the one she was now holding clipped to their belts. Similar- but not identical. Frowning, Ash wrapped her hand around the object, realizing that it fit her grip perfectly, and tried to figure out the meaning in everything. There was only one thing she could think of like that that anyone would wear on their belt, and that was a lightsaber. Did that mean they were Jedi? Was she? Though she had realized long ago that Tirzah was almost certainly Force sensitive- there wasn't another explanation that explained how she could do what she could, at least not one that made sense- she had never particularly given a thought as to whether or not she herself was. But if she had been a Jedi in her past life, wouldn't they have come looking for her if she disappeared?


Rubbing her forehead, Ash fell back onto her pillow and groaned, not knowing what to think. To have been given back a piece of her past, however small, was amazing, but it left her with more questions and fewer answers than she'd had before. Realizing she wasn't going to get any farther than this tonight, she closed her eyes and ran through the scene in her mind again and again, determined to commit every detail to memory.


[Jade Skywalkers FTW since August '03]

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Pssssst. Mommy." No movement stirred, and from her vantage point in the doorway, Tirzah could feel the nearness of her mother, who seemed to be very, very asleep.


"MOMMY." An exaggerated whisper didn't do the trick either. She didn't like to be woken out of a dead sleep. But the birds were out, and the sun had to be up, as Tirzah had already been to the lake and back, and it was beginning to be quite warm. With a resolved sigh, the little girl clambered onto her mother's bed and began to shake her.


"MOMMY!" The shout generated a jolt of movement that nearly knocked Tirzah off the bed. Giggling, the little girl climbed beneath the covers with her mommy, forgetting momentarily about the fact that she was still soaking wet from her jump in the lake earlier. What she had to say was too important.


"Mommy, I had a dream that I carried a big stick that people were afraid of, and I danced and it sang. I could See, too, and it helped me to see, and I found Jaina and cut down all the heavy stuff that's in your brain."


The loud chatter of a disgruntled Ewok sounded from outside and the seven-year-old suddenly looked guilty. "And I made Dika fly again."


...why are the pretty ones always the most hazardous to your health?

May the Forth therve you well...

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Ash rarely dreamed. When she did, her dreams were always odd, disjointed, didn't make any sense at all, and she almost never remembered any of the details once she woke up. If anything, all her dreams ever did were almost certainly guarantee that she wasn't going to get a good night's sleep.


Which made this one that much more strange. Almost fully aware, Ash knew she had been lying in bed, eyes closed, trying to recall every detail of the only memory she'd been able to recover since waking up on Hapes years ago. Yet now she stood, the world around her hazy as if it were shrouded in some ethereal fog. Trying to move yielded no results- Ash found that trying to make her dream self respond to her mental commands was as effective as trying to wake herself up. Ever so slowly, images began to appear, projected in front of her as if she were watching a holovid-


The cylinder- lightsaber hilt- she'd kept with her while not really understanding what it was, spread open in front of her, a new crystal making an audible click as her hands ever so gently guided it into the place where the old one had been.


Her remade lightsaber singing as she leapt forward through the air, slashing and spinning, losing herself in the dance that was lightsaber combat.


And then, the glimpse of... what? A future that could be? Tirzah, her own lightsaber in hand, immersed in a kata so thoroughly that it would stun anyone watching to find that the girl was blind.


And Jaina.


That exact moment, of course, was the one in which she found a thoroughly drenched, rather excited child on top of her, her words coming out a kilometer a minute as she started to relate her dream from the previous night to her mother. Blinking the sleep from her eyes, Ash tried to calm her daughter down, and the girl's words slowed down enough for Ash to catch the end of her sentence.


"...and I found Jaina..."


Ash found it hard to believe that she and her daughter both dreaming of Jaina on the same night was coincidence, even given the emotional trauma they'd been through the night before. And as much as Ash hated to think it, knew how good living on Endor had been for Tirzah, she knew that their time here had come to an end.


Just as she opened her mouth to speak, Ash heard annoyed chattering out in the living room and Tirzah blurted out one more sentence. "And I made Dika fly again."


With a groan, Ash flopped back onto her pillow. "Please tell me you didn't throw him in the lake again." The last time this had happened, it had taken her weeks to get the smell of wet Ewok out of the living room. And wet Ewok was not at all a pleasant smell. Dragging herself out of bed, Ash lifted Tirzah onto her back, which her daughter giggled at, and headed out to the living room to survey the damage.


"So, sweetie, how do you feel about taking a trip..."


[Jade Skywalkers FTW since August '03]

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"A trip?" Her voice fell. Mommy usually asked questions that she already knew the answer to, and this one meant that they were leaving. Again. Unfamiliar places, strange people, leaving Dika behind. Her arms and legs began to tremble, but that was probably an effect of the cold that was now sinking in from her shenanigans in the lake. Probably. It was only the memory of her dance, the fluid, rhythmic twirl of the humming Danger Stick, and the memory of the strange woman'sname that calmed her. Releasing her hold on Mommy's back, she slid off onto the floor.


"Where are we going?" she asked quietly, trying to imagine new places, this life beyond the shady lake and gentle falls. She could feel that Mommy was hesitant, but why? To avoid disappointing her? With as little movement as possible, she reached a hand up, not quite able to reach Mommy's shoulder, but rested a hand on her arm, and whispered in her mind for the Little Fairy to comfort her.


...why are the pretty ones always the most hazardous to your health?

May the Forth therve you well...

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"Where are we going?"


Ash's mind had solidified around the idea rather quickly, and though she didn't know exactly where they were going, she knew why they were going. She knelt down in front of Tirzah, taking her daughter's hands in hers. "We're... we're going to find the Jedi, sweetie. I think they can help us... both of us. So..." She stood, picking Tirzah up and swinging her around in a circle, elliciting a giggle from the girl and breaking the somber mood they'd both fallen into. "Let's go pack, okay? This'll be like an adventure for us."


Packing was a short affair, though Ash did most of it herself as Tirzah flitted about the cabin playing with Dika. She smiled as she watched the two of them chasing each other through the house, her smile fading slightly as she realized that Tirzah would be leaving behind her first real friend.


She shook her head, breaking herself out of her reverie and turning her attention to finishing their packing. Her daughter's unique abilities were becoming more evident, and Ash had no idea what to do sometimes.


Tirzah and Dika moved their antics from the house to the beach in front of the lake as Ash began to move their belongings to the 'Stalker and start preflights. She sat on the boarding ramp, alternating between watching them and staring at out the lake, drinking in the last moment of peace before their lives changed.


With some relunctance, she stood and called out to Tirzah. "Sweetie? Say good-bye to Dika... it's time to go." She watched as her daughter said a tearful good-bye to her furry friend and slowly dragged her feet to join Ash at the foot of the boarding ramp. Putting her hand on her daughter's shoulder, Ash smiled. "I promise we'll come back and visit him, sweetie, ok?" Taking Tirzah's hand, she turned and they walked up the boarding ramp together, toward the next stage of their lives.


[Jade Skywalkers FTW since August '03]

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  • 4 years later...

The Nebula's Glory slipped out of hyperspace like Emerald's knife between the ribs of her enemies, swift, unchecked, and with a show of violent affection. The hovering moon of Endor, once a brilliant green orb that would have complemented her eyes, now limped through its orbit, a singed ball of black and brown, mere pinpoints on its surface retaining the viridian glow of life. It was lucky for those little furry bastards, Emerald thought to herself, that their own suicidal kin had not completely obliterated the race from the face of the galaxy. As it was, their good fortune still made them solely fit to wear as slippers, and with the rarity of Ewok pelts in the black market these days, any that they managed to collect here would go for a pretty penny back on Nar Shaddaa, or even on Coruscant itself.


"Look at that burned-out hellhole," the Hapan muttered, settling into the co-pilot's seat. The cockpit seemed empty, somehow, with Ruby back on Nar Shaddaa tending to their investments. There was a much smaller chance of anything on the ship spontaneously combusting, to be fair, in the Chiss' absence, though their robotic tag-along gave her enough to worry about, she thought irascibly as she kicked insulation from her boot.


"How many, you think? I don't exactly relish the idea of skinning the sons of bitches myself," she complained to Sapphire as she fidgeted with her knife.

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A comm message came rocketing into Emerald's Comm unit located in the cock pit of her vessel like a perverted metaphor into another perverted metaphor.



Hi yes sorry for the delay, we will take all of your mines, you can deliver them to the Dubrillion outpost.


Also if you have Ewok pelts we will take no less than two village's worth. The market for exotic carpets and rugs is skyrocketing.





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"We should try for about 50 if we can get them," Sapphire replied. "They're going for about 10,000 credits each right now, although that price should continue to climb. I'm not worried about finding buyers."


As Emerald complained about the idea of doing the hunting themselves, Sapphire laughed. "You forget, my dear, that we are pirates, not hunters. Who needs to spend all that time dirtside when we can just liberate them from someone who has already done all the messy work for us?"


She set the scanners on active and let the Glory drift into a high orbit around the moon. It wasn't ten minutes before they hit paydirt. "Take a look at that," Sapphire said with a low whistle. "Hawk-series freighter, just breaking into orbit from the southern continent over there." She ran the freighter's ID through her systems, and it came up as registered to a large game-hunting business. "Sloppy," the red-head commented, shaking her head. "If you're going to be running illegal hunts, at least have the foresight to change your transponders." She had already done that for her ship, which was broadcasting the name The Perverted Clone--a name she had stolen off a ship that they had found abandoned when they took over the Diamond Tower on Nar Shaddaa.


As she moved her ship closer, her scanners picked up more information. "There's enough native soil traces on their hull that it seems they've been there for at least a week. They probably have a nice full payload of furs. Shall we?"


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Supply and demand necessitated that as an object was more precious and sought after, it would be more valuable. A better question would be why, even with the Ewok's endangered nature, the pelts were still very rare and worth 10,000 credits each, when more dangerous game like whole rancor leathers fetched a lesser price.


About the hawk freighter, a trio of tiny Ewoks wearing the red armbands of the Viet Wok sat down. One fussed over the controls, a confused expression on his tiny little furry face. "Awuita! Awuita!" He cried, pressing a button that caused the system to dump its waste into orbit. The two other Ewoks ignored him, sitting down on the floor, a spear in one hand, the other carrying a stone handaxe, both dripping blood as they casually each ate a human arm and leg respectively.


The attempted poachers had been successful in their first few days on the burned out shell of the Forest Moon, the Viet-Wok, surviving in caves and even a few dedicated fallout shelters, leading the poachers to a rival enclave. The rival Ewoks taken were feral and vicious, and their pelts of dubious quality though still authentic despite the pronounced hair loss on some of them along with some various obvious radiation burns. The poachers, drunk on their success let their guard down on the third night. The next two days were a nightmare for the survivors as the Viet-Wok infiltrated their ship, killing and eating, or in many other cases, eating and then killing the poachers. The beleaguered survivors took refuge in a cargo hold to fend off the primitive, rabid horde. An Ewok colossus, a deadly hulking mutant Ewok, warped by the radiation was especially fearsome, coming in at five feet tall (Hey, these were still Ewoks...), but still all fangs, claws, and fur.


One brave poacher confident his comrades in the cargo hold would be safe, tried to make a break for the cockpit. He was able to get the autopilot up, evading almost a dozen of the furry breasts including their mutant colossus. Once the ship took off, he was surrounded, skinned alive, and is currently being eaten. The life signs that could be scanned on the ship dropped from about 12 Ewoks and 3 very scared hunters down to 12 and 2, the remains of the other 6 hunters now scattered around the ship or resting in Ewok bellies.


"Awatchuta!" the Ewok cried, hitting more buttons at random, this time turning off the gravity for a half-second.


At 10,000 credits, one should really ask if something as bad as a rancor really was the most dangerous game?

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Well… kriff me…


With his back to the durasteel plate of -- Wait, what was this gorram ship’s name again? Did it matter? It might as well have been called the Lost and Hopeless for all he cared -- the ship, Malin cursed inwardly. He cursed outwardly too, but there weren't too many around to hear him, so the point was lost. Instinctively and impulsively, he palmed the scruff of his beard and the handle of his favorite DL-44. Safety was in short supply. One fool made it out and managed to get the ship airborne, but the damned furry mutants ran the ship aground again. Malin barely sealed the cargo hold in time before catching sight of the moof-milking, caf-swilling, carpet monkeys chowing down on the crew’s second in command.


Now, Malin sat in relative silence. The silence was relative because he could still hear the munching of hungry creatures echoing through the ventilation system. That and the only other person in the ship with him was - just his luck - one of the loan sharks that had his number, Verithos Chagron. And he was rattlin’ his teeth like a gorram Dathomiri maraca on steroids.


“Go to Endor they said, you’ll be rich they said, you’ll pay off your debts they said... DAMN SURE WILL YOU MISERABLE PILE A POODOO!” Malin exclaimed, slamming his foot into the solid durasteel of the cargo hold that he’d trapped himself in.




The rough twenty-year-old smuggler plopped to the cold floor, nursing his foot. He looked to the other sniveling ruffian that served as his would-be cellmate and gave him a wide toothy grin. “Well, Chagron? Ya happy? You wanted to come along for insurance, and make sure I pay my debt to yah? Now what? We’re hip deep in Ikopi dung right now. That’s what!!”


Malin shook his head. There was no need to get angry. Angry didn’t solve problems. No. He needed a plan, and he needed it fast. Malin stuck his hand into the comfort of his duster and withdrew a cigarette. He took a few more seconds to find the lighter to accompany it and wasted no time in lighting it. Following a deep breath out, Malin took a huge drag, letting the fiery ash burn his throat to cinders and send his mind awhirl with whimsy and joy. His foul expression turned to a warm smile and his glassy blue eyes leveled on the Quarren pacing nervously in the low light.


“Alright Chagron, I have an idea… You’re not gonna like it. But, I’m afraid, we have no other choice.” Malin said. He propped himself to his feet as the Quarren’s look of despair seemed to break with the offer of good news.


Malin, with the ease of someone tying their shoes, flipped his DL-44 from its side holster and plowed Chagron’s head with red hot plasma. The body fell with a meaty thunk and before second guessing could pin the smuggler’s arms to his sides, he took out a shiv and began the nasty work.


Welp, guess that’s one debt repaid…



A few moments later - -


Malin, having completed a bit of his gruesome deed, used some of the crew’s provisions to sweeten the deal, amping up the smell of Chogran’s detestable corpse. Then, he added a couple sparkly surprises to the mix and wrapped the whole macabre package in the Quarren’s ‘discarded’ clothes. When he was sure the decoy would suffice. He carefully - with one hand on the door and the other on his surprise - opened the cargo hold door. When the barest of sounds crept through the cargo hold and he could smell the rotting flesh of the other poachers, Malin tossed his surprise out to the left of the hold and sprinted like a mynock outta hell through the ship. He grabbed one of his DL-44s and pushed onward toward the starboard side emergency airlock. In his other hand, he held a thermal detonator. If he was caught, he would not get eaten…


Because that was not on his intergalactic bucket list, believe it or not.


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The communications display lit up, and Emerald found her eyebrows pulling towards the zenith of the ship. Dubrillion was one of the last known outposts of the all-but-defunct Black Sun. Curiosity would always get the cat, however. She typed out a quick return comm before responding to Sapphire's question.


"Works for me," Emerald shrugged, standing to move to the weapons control console. As she did so, however, she noted that the freighter they were tracking had begun to dump its waste into orbit. "They're going to make a run for it," she said quickly. "Let's spring our little trap."


This system had long since been devoid of any real lawful presence, and as such, even the poachers themselves were fairly accustomed to being poached. There was a finesse required in evading pursuit long enough to dodge the gravity well of the colossal gas giant, and the best poachers would be able to slough off pirates that thought to try their hand in the black market of furs.


The Gems, however, had an edge of their own, one procured through blood, sweat, and tears on the homeworld they had now sworn for the eightieth time never to return to. With a couple taps of her finger, Emerald commanded the pulse mass mines into the weapons tubes, and a second later, they fired. One on either side of the escaping freighter, the Hapan mines would create a gravity well of their own, tying the freighter to the system in time for the disguised Glory to establish a tractor beam lock and seize their cargo.


"Ready tractor beam. I'll worry about their shields," she said crisply.


A series of ion blasts strafed the freighter in its attempt to escape the rapidly expanding gravity wells of the pulse mass mines. At this point, the Perverted Clone was also bound to the system until such time as the pulse mass mines released their hold. They were committed; the only option was to win the skirmish ahead of them.

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It was almost comical to watch the freighter attempt to jump to hyperspace. There was a brief flash of light and then nothing. With the flick of a switch, Sapphire engaged the tractor beam. Slowly, the two ships were drawn together. But something seemed wrong. Normally a ship of that size would know that with proper application of the engines, they could bounce free of the Perverted Clone's tractor beams. And any poacher would try to break free when accosted by pirates. But this ship did none of that. It just sat there quiescently as the Gem ship approached. "That's strange," Sapphire commented. "They're not putting up a fight. We'd better be prepared."


Carefully, she extended their docking tube. There was a hiss as it connected with the freighter. Once the link was secure, the two pirates headed to the airlock. Sapphire drew her blaster. "Reminds me of that freighter we captured over Ryloth," she commented wryly. "Remember how the crew had thought to congregate in the airlock and try to rush us after we opened the connection?" It was the Gems' policy to shoot first and ask questions later anyway.


Once Emerald had given her the go ahead, Sapphire hit the switch. There was a few moments of hissing as the docking tube pressurized, then the airlock swished open.


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Four of the hunters heard the hold door open and, one actually using an Ewok battle horn, they blared out a call to arms. This had the unfortunate effect of all but deafening the horn bearer and the other three in his approximately vicinity. Shaking their furry little heads, they yelled out a series of battle cries and charged. They caught sight of a walking meal making a spring for another part of the ship. Two of the four, finding a meal already cooked, even if only partially cooked and slightly overdone in some regard, simply shrugged and stopped to go for the meal already generously provided for them, simply sitting down in the hall of the ship and munching. It'd been too long since they had a full meal, one setting his horn down beside him and taking out a small, rusty metal thermos.


"Woouha! Woouha?" [Translation: "Would you like some tea with your Quarren?"]

"Chuta! Yub yub!" [Translation: "Yes, please. Good manners are so rare these days."]


Two Ewoks, one with a spear carrying a serrated edge, the other carrying a pair of wicked looking hooked daggers, yelled, chasing after Malin, the one with the spear literally frothing at the mouth, his eyes bloodshot. They weren't able to catch up, their short little legs only able to carry them so far, but they smelled out his trail and kept on, their cries, louder than intended because of their hearing impairment, an obvious tell of how close they were approaching from behind.

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Hearing the splitting scampers echo off the durasteel as the fire of his blood pumped away in his ears, Malin smiled.

Hook-line-and sinker…


The Ewoks that sat, munching on Chagron, would soon find the armed thermal detonators buried in the bundle. Malin was sure that the deck of the ship would suffer too, possibly triggering some form of emergency de-pressurization of that room. He didn’t know, he didn’t care. This wasn’t his ship. Thus, survival was his only motivation at this point.


The furs, in a shape that could be called mildly satisfactory, were sealed in the cargo hold. They were all inside a bunch of code-locked containers. Malin knew the codes, but he wasn’t super interested in the furs right now. He couldn’t bloody well pay his debts if he was dead. Then again, if he was dead, he wouldn’t have debt. But that was beside the point and was not conducive to the matter at hand. Two very angry bundles of spastic fur scurried behind him with what he could only assume was fury and hunger in their beady eyes. But Malin didn’t stop. He did, however, knock barrels and other obstacles over as he went, making the trek a bit more cumbersome for the malicious mouth breathing wastoids.


As he neared the airlock, the bedraggled smuggler could hear the ship’s systems triggering as another ship closed in. His thought processes were running a marathon with his heart and neither of them could keep a steady pace. On the one hand, they were the authorities – highly unlikely – and they were here to apprehend him and the crew, which would be one hundred times better than this. On the other hand, they were poachers hoping to poach the poachers. Which, although a bit more desirable than dying at the hands of two sociopathic ragamuffins, was not the best situation. But, beggars can’t be choosers.


With little else than staying in one piece lingering on the young man’s brain, Malin sprinted for the rapidly closing airlock doors and made it in just as the pressurization system started its cycle.


With both doors sealed, one of them holding back an army of manic mongrels, and the other holding back an anonymous force of potential threats, Malin could only assume his goose was cooked. So, instead of dropping to his knees and thanking whatever benevolent deities were here to save him, or groveling at the feet of his would-be protectors, Malin settled on a crate near the wall and leaned against the cold steel. He pulled another cigarette from his coat and lit it with delicate flair. The puffs helped to clear his wearied eyes and remove the scalding vision of raging upholstery from his mind’s eye.


When two very attractive females – armed to the teeth – walked through the open airlock door, Malin tipped his hat to them. His weapons were holstered and his demeanor casual. He made no move to counter them, nor did he rise to greet them. He simply smiled with cunning charm. A cunning charm that did little to take away from his unwashed visage and seemed oddly out of place for someone in such an odd sort of predicament.


Well, at least I get to see something lovely before I expire...


Malin grumbled a little, coughing the excess cigara from the depths of his throat. “I’d mind the gap by the way. A buncha angry little critters runnin' amok in the hold. They probably didn’t take too kindly to my gift and are trying to find a way to 'return-it-to-sender.' You’ll likely find what yer looking for in the cargo hold.”


In the beat of silence following his greeting, the smuggler puffed a little on his cigarette and stretched his arms out before continuing his speech in the increasingly awkward situation he found himself in.


“I know a couple-a pirates when I sees ‘em. Heavily armed women, not sporting any colors, out in the armpit of nowhere and dockin’ with a poacher’s ship. Seems to me, you’re here for one thing. A thing that, I don’t want to fight for. So, if you’d like to kill me… Feel free. But the only thing I want out of all this is to get off this blasted rock. I’m tired, I’m upset, and I really don’t think I need to be here no more. Oh, and before a forget, there is a nasty critter somewhere in the ship. He’s only about five feet, but he’s a handful. The other poachers in the crew called him an Ewok ‘colossus’ whatever that meant. Didn’t help em though, they all died.”


Malin brushed the scruff of his beard and took another long pull from his reedy addiction before looking at the women with his glassy blue eyes.


“Iffin you’re in a giving mood, I wouldn’t mind a ride on your ship back to any port you’d be able to pop me off at. Otherwise, I’ll thank the force I saw a pair of lovely ladies before I died, instead of the scourge-ridden mongrels on the other side of that airlock door.”

Edited by Guest


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Stepping out from the haze of smoke like something out of a bad music video, Emerald trained her blaster on the poacher casually leaning against the wall in the airlock. With a cold grin that did not quite make it all the way to her eyes, she tossed her platinum hair over her shoulder. "If you're dumb enough to be outwitted by a bunch of brain-damaged nuclear-waste-ridden sharp-stick teddy bears, you deserve what's waiting for you on the other side of that door," she countered harshly.


Gesturing with her blaster toward the door that led into the main hold of the ship, she obviously intended the man to go ahead of them. "I want what's in that cargo hold, and you're going to get it for me. If you manage to not die, we'll drop you in some nice posh little pad somewhere all your own where you can revel in being a second-rate criminal to your heart's desire."


The mechanical sound of footsteps echoed down the chamber, and their six brand-new Lemnos droids trotted into the chamber behind them. Waving the blaster once more toward the airlock, she raised her eyebrows quasi-irritably. "Let's go, boys."

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What met them was not what Sapphire expected. The man's casual arrogance rubbed her the wrong way, and she rolled her eyes. Men...why do they always think they're the Force's gift to the universe? Emerald settled her blaster on the man, and Sapphire kept hers out and roving. It was time to put their new droids through their paces.


Letting Emerald cover the man, they settled into their "marching order": the man in the front with Emerald's blaster trained on him, followed by the blonde pirate, three of the Lemnos droids, Sapphire, and then two droids bringing up the rear. The final droid stayed to guard the airlock, ensuring none of the Ewoks could transfer over to the Glory.


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The two Ewoks howled and scratched at the airlock entrance, the weapons banging on the hatch, trying to get in, angry at being denied their prey. As the pirates and the smuggler discussed business their frenzied howls could be heard.


One of them, a bit more sane and rational than his compatriot, paused, trying to remember something Great Leader Willet once said about doors like this. He stepped back and looked at a small panel with weird characters mounted next to the door that was about a foot taller than he was. He grabbed the spear from his frothing companion, offering him his hook knives in exchange and then started randomly poking buttons. A mellow beeping noise was heard and with a gleeful chortle, he pressed the button again, followed by another. Finally, his new spear pressed one in Aurebesh, that if he was literate would have been his first choice, reading "Airlock Release".


Just as the pirates and droids would have fallen into formation, a hissing sound of depressurization would be heard, clearly indicating that the battle was coming to them. Behind the duo, more frenzied growls could be heard as the remaining Ewoks rushed to the site of the battle. The Ewok now carrying the spear showed another bit of remarkable initiative, dropping and rolling under the door as it started to lift up, springing with a "Rawr!" at the ankles of the nearest creature if could find.


Its teeth promptly shattered as it bit into the ankle of a Lemnos security droid. Uncaring it was now in a room full of hostiles, the Ewok sat down and cried, clutching its jaw.


Its companion, still insane and forthing, followed him in rolling under the door as it opened and made a yell at the walking bag-o-meat closest to the door, fangs out, going right after the one he smelled and chased down from earlier, his knives flashing.

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Malin moved his right arm to pluck the source of delicious addiction from his dry lips and looked Emerald straight in the eye. “Ooh… Straight for the ego. A lady after my own heart. I take it you’re the brains and the brawn huh?” With death a near certainty, the smuggler couldn’t help but shoot for the stars. Bold had a certain flavor to it, but he knew that he had very little to lose. So, why not?


Alright Malin, time to start kissin' ass, or kissin' your ass goodbye.


Speaking of ass… Malin thought, mentally sizing up the vision of beauty in front of him. I bet she’s…


No Malin. No. What would your mother say?


Eat your licos and juma berries?


You know damn well what she’d say.


I know I know I know, don’t get your drawers in a ruffle.


Malin got to his legs and shuffled a little, loosening the stiffness in his creaky legs. “I may be second-rate in crime miss, but I’m first-rate in charm,” Malin said, flashing a remarkably white smile and winking a glinting blue eye. “Seein as how this is likely my last act, could I have a favor. Call it, the last request of a dyin' man?”


His last line, the coup de grace if you will, danced on the tip of his tongue before he gave power to his words, catching sparks in the playful coruscation of his eyes.


“A kiss’d be mighty fine. Iffin’ you don’t like the beard, the cheek’ll do. I’m not picky.” The wolfish smile on his young bearded face didn’t abate and his eyebrows wiggled in a come-hither fashion. However, the smuggler turned away from the pirate before she could follow through. And, with a chuckle, he replaced his cigarette and put his hands in the depths of his jacket, feeling the inner linings of his pockets. The tips of his gloves brushed over his guns and the last thermal detonator that he possessed. It would be a tough ride, but he’d be ready. His expression played his tongue-and-cheek to the hilt, but his body made way for possible oblivion.


His uncouth gesture ambling to the back of his mind, a terrible dread hung over the fading light of Malin’s thoughts. Flashbacks of blood-soaked white plastoid, nestled against a lonely stuffed animal with matted blood lingering in the tufts of its fur. The screams of a little girl filled the space between his ears and the smuggler shook for a moment. The pupils of his pale blue eyes contracted for the space of a second and his breath caught in the back of his throat.


Gorram. It’s been too long since I’ve had a drink.


Instinctively, the veteran’s sore hands gripped the leather of his military issued DL-44s. The low light of the airlock chamber was not enough to fully illuminate the gruff man’s movement, but Malin didn’t hide anything from his captors. He didn’t wish to start the show before the curtain was drawn. It wouldn’t be very sportin’ now, would it?


Let’s see what these carpet monkeys have done while I frittered away my last moments.


“As you said. It’s time to…”


A feeling of cold uncertainty bound Malin’s spine. A chill in the air shifted and his gut began to twist. The tension of the moment seemed greatly out of context, but the hissing that came from the airlock removed all the clouds from his thoughts.


The first carpet monkey seemed to waste his valiant assault with pitiful sobs on the floor, but Malin’s keen eyes didn’t dwell. The smell of another fetid ball of fur rolled its way into his path and right into the waiting barrel of his DL-44. The images of poachers being ambushed, swarmed and eaten alive barged into the hefty bulk of his mind’s eye. But the trigger of his blaster was like the trigger of his will. No tension would clog the motion. He was the fastest hand on Naboo. And he would not get eaten.


The Smuggler’s eyes grew somber and distant. The red fire of his DL-44 erupted and tore through the air, splattering the Ewok’s brainpan all over the airlock chamber. So, the preamble was done for. There was no more hedging. Let loose the dogs of war and see these feral carpets to their graves. That was apparently, the only way.


He took another drag from his cigarette and pushed on, checking the corners and firing the second any furry head popped into view.


With his jacket open, and his silent crusade marching through the corridors, a small bloodstained silver locket stood out on the black of his dirty button-down shirt. One word could barely be made out through the blood. Felicity…


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A heavily encrypted comm arrives for Sapphire from Coruscant, a deep throaty voice that was as filled with fire as it was with sultry smolder.



You'll never guess what golden boy is up to. Might be time to reign in the leash before he gets carried away and takes his lovely little new toy with him. Wouldn't want to have a repeat offense, would we? Topaz out.


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