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Darth Heretic

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"I never did like taking orders from those I dont know, and you know that Bishop. But you also know how much I made it my duty to protect the sancuary of Mimban. I treat all aliens to the planet who I dont know the same....your 'side kick' will be no exception."


*Raynuk didnt really care for much at this point, as was seen and understood by getting face to face with Bishop*


"Who is he and why is he here? It was a simple question Bishop..."


*His eyes turned to the talker*


"Or perhaps I should allow you to speak for yourself..."


I ate a hippo. It was delicious.

May the Forth therve you well...

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Deep in the dark shadows and darkness of the temple laid a Cloning Device. Slowly it began to form the Sith Lord Impede who was killed three days ago. It slowly formed his fingers and then began to grow his arms. By the time it was done Impede's eyes were hard to open. It was like being reborn again. He took his first breath and began to choke on it. The air was moist and thick as the smell of mildew swiftly rubbed Impede's nose.


He opened his eyes slowly trying to block the bright light that hanged over the table, which he laid on. Impede lifted his head but dropped it back onto the table for it was to heavy.


He tried again and gained some of his strength back. The Sith Lord looked around to see no one. He was greeted by no one and he was seen by no one. He lifted his body up and then sat on the table. His eyes rolled down and he noticed he was naked.


" Oh geese..."


He lifted his hand and tried to use the force to bring a robe to him, that was near , but he had not gained all of his force strength back. He stood up and walked over , with a few falls, and grabbed the cloak and then placed it on. He tied the rope and walked through the halls. He fell over a few times and grasped the walls to keep him self up. He finally made it to his room and got his clothes on.


He walked out, holding his head, and wondered the halls.

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Garet was powerful enough to sense his Master's disappoint in the recent actions of the Sith. But he could not concentrate on that right now. The way his Master spoke signaled there was a great challenge on the horizon. He found a strange sense of excitement at the prospect, whatever it was. He followed his Master in his much less powerful flash speeder.



"It would be meaningless to fight with you now. You're too scared and ashamed. Live with the shock. Keep it bottled up inside you. Silently."

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Malvagio allowed a blink, something he had not done since his arrival.


”œThat is quite a long story to be told standing in the hallway, but suffice to say, the Bishop foresaw a great loss for the Sith under the leadership of Abbadon. With my aid, he has foreseen a great many things. That is why he has chosen to return now. There is much to be rectified.”

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Tarrian left her room and started down the corridor...Nahstaa in tow. "We are leaving mimban, and I don't know when we will return. I hope that you have gotten everything you require."


As they walked, Tarrian stopped at a room and told Nahstaa to wait a moment. She went in and gave the attendants a vial with instructions to clone immediately. She handed the attendant a note to give to the patient when he emerges from the cloning tank. The note told Jareth that Viano was fine and awaiting him in his room.


Returning to the corridor, she continued down the staircase and stopped a moment to view Bishop and Raynuk with the urchin. Quickly turning her head, she headed out to the field where the Hell's Remembrance sat waiting for their departure. She entered the ship and handed Nahstaa a case, "Here, take this up to the cockpit and wait for me there. I will be there momentarily to get us going."


She took her things to her own quarters and placed them on the bed. After a minute, she made her way to the cockpit to join her apprentice and get ready to leave.

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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Jareth's soul lingered in the astral plane. There he spoke for what seemed like lifetimes with his most hated opponent Keiran Valoria. The two men learned much about themselves and each other during their quest through the world of the dead. They saw the highest peaks of heavan, and the lowest valleys of hell during their journey. The two fallen warriors gained insight on the world and the force, and gained a sage-like wisdom from their experiences.


Now was the time....Jareth's cloned body was complete, and it called for his soul to rejoin the realm of the living.


With a large gasp, Jareth's eyes snapped open, and his soul entered his newly formed body.


Naked and cold, he lifted himself from the bacta tank, which had been keeping his body free from infection during his cloning process, and then stepped lightly onto the cloning facility floor.


He stretched and accustomed himself to his new body once more. It was an exact replica.


the cloners did a good job he thought to himself as he examined his arms and hands.


The sith lord's clothing had been layed on a table across the room. Jareth made his way across the metal floor and placed on his black underarmor, and then pulled his fiber armor vest over his head. He clipped his belt about his waist, and then affixed his guns and lightsaber in their respective places.


Once he was clothed, he wrapped his cloak about himself, and made his way through the temple. His cowl hung low over his eyes, as they were still sensitive to even the dimmest of lights. This would soon cure, but until then, it was rather uncomfortable.


The first stop Jareth made was in Viano's quarters. He spoke to the boy.


"Come and seek me out when you wish to continue training. If you will still have me as your master."


He then left without waiting for response and found Impede walking as if he were a child, just learning their first steps.


He smiled as he realized what had befallen his friend on Hoth. Impede did not survive the battle either.


"Hello my friend.......let me help you." Jareth spoke as he placed an outstretched hand to Impede's head.


Through the force, Jareth felt inside of Impede's mind, and strengthened his motor reflexes back to their normal levels. This would aid him in walking, as well as movement in general.

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Impede looked up at Jareth and grabbed his wrist. He pulled him self up and held the wall trying to keep balance.


" You know thats the third time I've died. I never get use to it. I feel like I was frozen in carbonite."


Impede held the wall like a helpless child learning to walk. He breathed heavily to comsune much air as possible.


" Those Jedi will pay.....Jareth?"


Impede looked at Jareth in a wierd way.


" Are you okay? You seem a litte.....I cant put my finger on it. Like if you are turning to the Lightside.."


Impede stared at Jareth with a distinguch look.

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"HAHAHA" Jareth bellowed out a laugh at his young friend's comments.


The sith lord then abruptly stopped, and all humor was vacated from his face and his tone as he spoke.


"Know this....The darkside is very much alive in me. I have been to a place that few ever go, and understand now the true meaning of darkness. I am sorry that I cannot share it with you. Just know, that by not devulging what I have seen............I am doing you a favor."


His tone then became much less somber as he continued with Impede through the palace.


"Now, What should we get into........hmmm...."


Pondering, he waited for Impede to suggest something.

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((I can't go talk to the Hutt's as Will is gone.))


"Well then....." Jareth spoke at this new revalation. "That calls for some celebration. Lets go to Coruscant. I believe there's a pint at the Last Call with my name on it!!"


Jareth walked out to the hangar, and noticed, to his suprise, that his ship was not there. It must have been left on Hoth......


"Ummm....We'll take your ship. I'll need to purchase a new one once we're on Coruscant."

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Nahstaa obeyed his master without thought, taking the case to the cockpit.

When tarrian came it, he asked her

"Where are we going master. Can I get some clothes there, cause these ones are really getting old, very old."



Reverend of the Lords of Hate sep' 05, Destroyer of armies.

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Listening carefully to Rocketblaze's instructions, Tash gives a small nod as he turns and flies off to the Dark Tower. Rubbing the bridge of his nose, he thinks over what had just happened. At first glance, it looked as if Rocketblaze had finally flipped. But Tash knew better than that. There was something big going on here, something that, at the moment, was beyond him.


Has he finally flipped his lid? If I didn't know him better, I would have thought so. But... he always has a reason for what he does. There is something big going on here. Something that, at the moment, is beyond me. I have utmost trust in Rocketblaze, and he will reveal his plans soon enough. Therefore, I will do as he asks, and I will follow him wherever he goes.


Dropping his hand, he guestures for Cineon to follow him as they head back to the Dark Tower.

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The arrivals of numerous Sith registered in his mind, but were not really considered. John was growing highly, equally impatient with the Order, he needed something to do, a task of any shape, something to get away... He was bored; unfortunately, he did not have a little place of his own to go and torture civilians, he only had the planets of the galaxy for that, but they were riddled with red tape.


John turned lightly noting the simple bloody mess that had replaced the simple mess that was Gene, he allowed a slight smirk. "You know, even warriors do enjoy not being thrashed about... Eventually, your berseker rage might lead you to attack me. I'd very much appreciate that, it would be intriguing to note the slight improvements in your physical abilities away from my watchful eyes."


Taking another slight pause, John continued to speak, "Kase is approaching the ends of his training, since I feel something pulling me away from this place, I might consider letting him continue your training in my stead. Without a mere word of flattery, tell me how you truly feel about that?"


John crossed his arms awaiting a response, just as he did, he could sense Searcy walking up into the room...

Heathen Master of the Lords of Hate

KR: I'm like the freakin' Martha Stewart of Chaos.


He was also a Marxist, which is dumb.
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Darth Searcy starts clapping as John senses him.


"I am glad you can use your basic Force powers. I will even be estatic if you can show me some of your fighting ability. But this is not the time nor the place for it. Their is a job for us to do. We are to find a suitable source of slave labor for the Sith. Now lets go. This is not a mission for your apprentice. This is for us. Leave your apprentice here. Lets go."


Micheal turns on his heels and walks out, black cloak blowing in the wind.

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John's eyes hinted lightly with their old characteristic firey anger, that occurs when someone he would consider the dust on his boots order him around, then responding as it were, "While I do not attempt to flaunt my superiority... I do demand respect."


John released a large amount of electricity from his right hand, catching squarely on Searcy's back, the following was the sensation of Searcy's robes igniting with force flame and finished with a slight choking sensation. After several seconds of holding Searcy in the air through the force, John released him, a loud thud as he hit the floor.


"Now then, Searcy... We have a task to perform do we not? I would much prefer if you hurried and did not lolligag smoldering on the floor."


Turning to Gene, "Seems you do not have a choice. I shall return shortly, however, Kase will instruct you as it were for now."


Dragging Searcy along the floor with the Force, John approached the hangar bay... "Slave labor, you say? Well... we have a variety of options and I might as well pick up a Force-sensitive Twi-lek female while we find these other slaves."

Heathen Master of the Lords of Hate

KR: I'm like the freakin' Martha Stewart of Chaos.


He was also a Marxist, which is dumb.
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Micheal stands up smoking from the mouth and skin. He seems unaffected by the flames licking at his skin. He dusts off his shoulders wtih quick gestures before throwing his hands toward John. Balls of pure darkside energy begins to cricle around his hand. They exhbibit the heat of fire, with the blackness of night. Capable of killing with a well placed throw. Micheal summons a total of five balls of energy and has them orbit his hand.


"Do not underestmate my ability. I have been through more trials and tribulations than most of this greand Order. Do not presume to expect respect from me. This is not my original body. Should I find my saber, I could create an exact copy. But that is also for a later date. Lets go."


He walks out with the still smoking robes. His death saber had not been harmed in the least. It still retained the skin on hilt as well as the rotting carcass. He boards a FireSpray and motions for John to get onboard. The controls were an exact replica of his first ship. He powers up the engines and waits fpr John to get on.

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Tarrian looked over at Nahstaa and just shook her head. "There will be a change of clothes there." She went about setting in the coordinates and getting all the systems up and she finally closed the ramp to the ship. After a few moments, the Hell's rememberance finally lifted off the planet and headed into the skies of Mimban and into space.

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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(( OOC:: I was instructed to make 3 lengthy posts in my quest for saber parts. This is 1 of 3 and coincidentally my fiftieth post. whoo hoo.))




Kase pressed against the accelerator and shifted his weight carefully to navigate the swoop bike through the dense forests of Mimban. The upper foliage reflected the planets heat, making this place miserably hot and humid. The blue Twil'lek had removed his hood and wrapped his lekku tightly around his neck. The air felt thick against his flesh. It smelled of the rotting flesh and decaying fruit from this jungle. Fruit which provided food for the amplitude of strange scurrying animals Kase had seen from his vantage point. These small scurrying animals provided food for larger reptilian creatures and those reptiles food for even larger and more dangerous beasts. Just as in the deserts of Tatooine where Kase had survived for many years of his life; here everything had it's place.


Seeing that the sun had dipped down from above the umbrella of this immense jungle, Kase had begun looking for a place to camp the night. He swung the bike into a thicket of short underbrush and dismounted. He'd been ridding for nearly two days straight, and his fears where confirmed when he checked the swoop's near exhausted batteries. Getting out the generator to charge the bike and connecting the cables appropriately, Kase listened as the low rumble of the machine echoed against the lush environment around him. If this was to be his camp for the night he knew he would need a place to sleep so the Twil'lek set about clearing some of the underbrush to make a shelter.


As darkness continued its slow crawl across the land, Kase baited a trap and hid himself behind the thick roots of a giant Riniclish tree. Waiting patiently he saw a large wild Nuna pecking at the sweet flowers and berries Kase had laid in the trap. Quickly flicking his throwing knife into the creature's tiny brain Kase killed it. Repeating this sequence twice more, Kase accumulated a tasty meal for himself and started a fire for the cooking.


Cleaning the fowl carefully, Kase spiked the meat above the fire and relaxed. He watched the night sky as the limbs above shifted with heavy winds from an approaching storm.


The three birds satisfied his desire for a fleshy meal and Kase settled into his robes, putting a little more wood on the fire as the temperature dropped quickly.


The Twil'lek drifted off to sleep. Dreaming uneasily among the whispers of long dead warriors he awoke to the sound of distant and booming thunder.


Another thunder-crash ripped through the air and Kase blinked, realizing he hadn't seen the night sky above light up at all as evidence of distant electrical activity.


After a few moments Kase heard the thunder again and this time caught the distinct sound of snapping wood with it. Extinguishing his fire quickly, Kase crouched down against the swoop and drew his Sith Sword.


The wind brought a familiar scent to Kase, and it terrified him. It was something he had not smelled in many years. Quickly scrambling to move himself up the nearest branches of a sturdy Riniclish tree Kase attuned his ears to the approaching chaos of the forest.


He could hear the creature's growl, its breathing was slow and deliberate, it's thick drool splashed down against the grass as its claws pushed down anything in its way. The stench was overpowering as Kase caught the first glimpse of the beast. There in the dark before him came a mighty rancor, lumbering through the forest towards his camp. Kase noted that she looked weak, stumbling forward from tree to tree, and that her growls were only a whisper of the fearsome roar he had known the beasts could unleash.


His electrobinoculars confirmed his fear. Examining the creature he saw a great laceration in the abdomen of the beast. The bloody and infected gash dripped life from the beast as she stumbled in search of prey. Zooming quickly onto her back Kase saw a rancor cub holding tenderly onto her back. The poor beast was mad with fever and sickness and desperate to feed her baby.


Kase moved quickly to prepare for her coming. The beast was far enough away that he could prepare, but he knew he had to work quickly. She was making enough noise that he was sure she had scared off all her prey, so the Twil'lek got in front of her and killed many of the larger beasts who were seeking escape. Dragging the bodies Kase left a trail of blood into his trap...


Once the trap was set Kase moved through the trees quietly, knowing well the powerful sense of smell this creature possessed. She found enticement in the smell of the fresh blood and followed it, until the still smoldering scent of his former fire called to the mighty monster.


She lumbered through the forest and into his nearby camp. Furious and finding no remaining nourishment for her child the rancor smashed off back towards his baited trap, destroying his swoop bike in the process.


Back on the trail of blood she found a strong slip of vine suddenly surrounding her massively hoofed foot. Kase pulled hard against another vine and the bait moved forward and caused the beast to lung. He had tripped her with her own momentum against the vine secured around her ankle and the sturdy Riniclish roots. The mighty creature struggled forward and fell to her side, catching herself with one claw and throwing her cub off her back and into the ground.


Kase closed his eyes and created a tight force grip around the mother's throat. She did not fight the sleep she had been seeking for so long, and Kase sensed in her a great amount of relief as she passed.


Recognizing that her death was welcome, Kase slowly approached the frightened Rancor cub.


Reaching out with his mind and sensing fear, anger and doubt Kase worked to fill the child's mind with impressions of security and safety. The creature rushed at him and swung it's claws towards him, pushing the Twil'lek off his feat and throwing him hard against the trees. The throbbing in his ribs was substantial, but Kase concentrated, trying to make the creature understand that he meant it no harm. Kase could see the confusion in the creatures brow as it looked to it's dead mother. Kase tried to clear the cub's mind of doubt and aggression.


The cub swung hard again against Kase, but this time the sith was ready and ducked quickly past the blow, running towards the pile of slaughtered animals.


Offering the rancor cub the very bait that had tempted his mother to her death Kase lured the cub. Offering thoughts again of security and safety Kase tried to calm the beast, finally it lumbered over to the carcasses without second thought and ate hungrily, practically from Kase's hands. The cub looked malnourished and Kase was sure he had not eaten in days. He had relied on his mother in his young age to provide his food.


Seeing that the cub was distracted with its meal, Kase approached the mother to examine her remains. Her belly had been split open, the wound cauterized unevenly with a saber blade. Kase examined her foul smelling stomach and intestines carefully, using his razor sharp throwing daggers to make the precise incisions.


His suspicions proved correct when he found the half digested remains of a warrior in her belly. His body had been rendered in parts, swallowed whole and rested now partially digested.


It was a grizzly sight to see a fellow follower of the Dark Side in such a condition, but Kase reached out with the force to sense the location of the warrior's saber. It shone as a beacon in the dark, and not too far away.


Discovering his smashed speeder Kase made way quickly on foot toward the location of the force signature. He followed easily the trail the injured rancor had left behind in her wake as well.


It was several hours journey before the Twil'lek found the hilt, broken and smashed beneath a rancor foot print that had been partially washed away by days of rain.


The scenario played out in Kase's mind as he examined the near destroyed weapon. A fight had begun, perhaps the man had gotten between mother and son, or perhaps he was just a fool looking for a fight. He had made some crucial mistake in battle and been taken into the great maw of the beast. His death had come sometime after his body had been ripped in two and he'd been swallowed, probably calling to the force for his saber in a desperate attempt to slice his way through the rancor's tough skin.


The great and noble beast had no doubt swatted the weapon down as she would any annoying pest, causing herself the huge and uneven wound.


Kase pried open the shattered light saber shielding to examine the components. It appeared to him that the everything from the blade shroud emitter down to the primary crystal mount had been smashed hopelessly beyond repair. The saber's excellent inert power insulator however appeared to have absorbed the shock well. Kase had his saber's primary power cell, and might be able to salvage some of the wiring from the upper housing.


He folded the parts into one of his many hidden pockets and found a small rock outcropping to sleep against. The storm had arrived and the rocks protected him some from the downpour. His ribs were fractured, and he was exhausted from his journey and from the fight. The Twil'lek fell quickly into a restful sleep...

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*Rather fluidly, Bishop began to speak. As though he had been waiting for that line to trigger his own. It was as though he continued the conversation where Malvegio left off.*


"To begin with, we must establish a Sith presence on a small planet called Arbra. The New Republic sought to keep its presence a secret. However, things like that cannot be kept from every being in this galaxy. There is a race of sentients there. Scatter them, destroy them, or enslave them as you wish."

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"Once enough slaves have been collected and their numbers moved to the planet, you will oversee a mining operation to harvest the crystaline power rods within the planet's crust. Those especially deep and especially saturated in dark side energy are the ones we favor."

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