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Darth Heretic

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Darth Vauler noticed Xen-Que pass him by. Ar-Pharazon would take care of him. He sent a force message to Impede and Impede only. "Well, the young Impede. A Jedi only by name. Prove you are a jedi knight, i am but a sith apprentice, surely you can't have trouble with me. Come into the temple's grand hall and you will find me."


Pain is the release of weakness from the body.

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* Impede closes his eyes.*


" He has made into the temple and heading to the basement. That must be where Mess is."


* He hears the message sent by DV.*




* Impede stands up. He runs and loses the group. He goes to the temple and runs up the steps. No one was to be seen. Impede just walked in and ran to the hall where he was told to meet the sith.*


" Where are you!"

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OOC: First off...WTF?!


Secondly: No way would bluedust and co make it planetside. With the storms that tear ships to peices, and the defence grid. You'd all be toast. But since I was gone... Im too late. Whatever...


Thirdly: XQP is as good as dead now. (I think)




*Raynuk had remained leaning agaisnt the wall, waiting for anything LAP would have to tell him. His eyes had been closed, and slowly opened with the faint beeping in his head. He came too, realizeing he had dozed off slightly, his mind racing with the question of the beeping. Raynuk stood from the wall and walked out rather quickly, the realization hitting him. In less than a minute he was in the control room, the Jedi's ship landing captured on the hidden cameras scattered around the planet. Three forms exited the ship. Raynuk cursed slightly and sent the orders to the hidden hangers. He stood from the panels and exited the room, heading straight for the basement. THere was no doubt that they were here for Tisserand, and there would be no way Raynuk would allow that. Raynuk knew the Temple better than anyone, and felt the presence of a Jedi sneaking around in the basement. Raynuk slowly decended apon the form of Xen-Que, and soon turned the corner to face the man down the hall*


"You are doomed to failure my friend..." Came the booming voice down the hall, echoing all around Xen.


"You were foolish to think you could come here and live."


*The hall lit up with white Light, and a moment later, the menacing black hole of a Lightsaber ignited in Raynuk's other hand. The conflicting lights sent shadows everywhere, but Raynuk's face was most predominant. The Sith's hood was up hiding most of the features of his face as a cruel and sinister smile crossed the Sith's face*


"Your move..."


I ate a hippo. It was delicious.

May the Forth therve you well...

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The lights in the grand hall turn on almost imediatly. In the center of the hall stands a sith, covered in blood. He looks up to the jedi. "What a disapointment! They'll let anyone be a jedi nowadays. I remember when fighting a jedi was a challenge. So... I get an apprentice sent to me, jedi knight by name. You still have much to learn Lord Impede, embrace the darkside, it is the only thing that will save you from certain doom. I am more powerful than you could ever dream of, you're friend, the blademaster, is walking into a trap. Mes Tisserand is not here on Mimban, and you're taskforce will not leave alive." The doors in the room slam close, at the exact same time, they are lodged shut and will not open. Vauler had gotten his collection prior to getting ready. He pulls out a green lightsaber. "This one i took from one of your kind, I will add your lightsaber to my collection as well." The green blade turns on with a snap-hiss and he waits for the jedi to make his move.


Pain is the release of weakness from the body.

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* Impede stared at the man.*


" Silence!!"


* Impede quickly took off his robe and threw it in a corner. He grabbed his hair and tied into a pony tail. He reached down and took his saber off his belt and ignited it. The blue saber glowed. He reached down with his other hand and grabbed his other saber. He ignited it and a green light shot up. He twisted the handles together and made them into a saber staff. He spun it around and made the arm, holding the saber, completely straight. With a serious face he spoke.*


" Bring it."

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"Wow, i've never gotten a blue lightsaber before." He deactivated the lightsaber and threw it away. He pulled out hexious's duel lightsabers, he had repaired them. He connected them and turned on the red blades. "Tell me, Jedi, have you ever seen a sith apprentice do this?" He held the duel lightsaber in one hand and with the other, shot force lightning, it hit impede in the chest, being the last thing he'd expect to come from Vauler. Vauler allowed him time to recover. "Join the darkside, and you can have that power, you can have all of the power you'll ever want!"


Pain is the release of weakness from the body.

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* Impede fell on the ground. His breath was heavy. Impede stood up. As Vualer was speaking Impede forced pushed him into a wall hard, causing the wall to break. Impede force pulls him. Vualer was at Impedes feet.*


" Hehehe."


* Impede flicks his hand and sends him flying again against a wall. Impede continues to repeat this process.*

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The lights turn off in the halls again, vaulers lightsabers off. Impede tries to find Vauler, but his presence is masked. Impede cannot see in the pitch black, suddenly he feels a sharp pain in his back, an elbow strike. The lights turn on and Vauler picks up Impede, who dropped his lightsaber, by the collar. He looks into his eyes for a second and then throws him against a wall, the scrap metal left over from the Sadism's Revenge began to rattle. While Vauler held Impede against the wall, the scrap metal pierced into his clothing, pinning him to the wall. "Don't be a fool, Impede, you don't want to die in vain do you? For a unworthy cause, like I told you, Mes isn't here." Impede began to feel his airways closing. "ONLY YOUR HATE CAN DEFEAT ME!"


Pain is the release of weakness from the body.

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*Like a dark spear, the Hand of Bishop streched from the storming sky over Mimban as he returned to the Sith homeworld. The smell of visceral combat was intoxicating to say the least. Some would say because it fed the most primal of instincts. But the true warrior knew that it was because combat employed every level of body, mind, and heart. That it taxed every avenue of awareness available to the combatents. It was the ultimate expression of oneness. The ship touched down on its customary landing pad.


As he stepped out of the hanger, the skys cracked open and rain began to fall. Rivulets ran down his black cloak to the ground. Bluedust and Orrick suddenly found themselves drenched by the downpour that was so customary to Mimban. Lightning sparked in the sky overhead, the stench of sulfur and burning air filtered down across the Sith compound. Bishop could feel Raynuk down in the basement near Mess. Undoubtably with company, or soon to be joined by it. A Jedi, obviously new was in the main hall. He did little to hide himself and seemed allready locked in combat with Darth Vauler.


He doubted any of the others there would be so foolish as to leave their guard down and were masking their presence. However the world was one of darkness and pain. The ancient temples and the power of the Sith were contained there, and light was an anathema to this place. Their location was vauge, but there none the less. He wove his presence amongst the dark energies that traveled the worlds surface, masking his approach towards Orrick and Bluedust. At fist, his rising form blended with the swirling black clouds, though as he dropped his sheild against detection his form was easily visible by the facility backlighting him. Beneath his cowled hood, he grinned.*


"Jedi Master Bluedust. How very sardonic. As I recall, the last time you visited a Sith world, wasn't your body a soul a prisoner of it? And you bring fresh meat to the grinder I see. Adi-Wan's apprentice, wasn't he? Orrick I believe?"


*Topping the hill between them and the buildings where Raynuk and Xen-Que Poleb faced off, Bishop continued down the other side. Black shadows covered his face through his approach.*


"Lord Ar-Pharazon and I would be most pleased to welcome you to Mimban, enjoy the scenery while you can."


*The wind picked up for a moment, slinging the loose ends of their clothes around their bodies while the rain continued to pour down upon them.*

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*Impede looks down at the Sith apprentice, a slight twinge of fear passing before his eyes. The Apprentice had caught Impede off guard with the lightning, and with that Impede lost his edge in battle. The apprentice was speaking, but in the large room the words echoed too much to be audible, and the pressure on Impede's neck was not helping. Impede struggled to breath and looked right at Vauler. His eyes quickly glanced to the saber staff, now lying coldly and silently on the floor behind Vauler. Impede closed his eyes, focusing on the saber staff. His eyes blink open as the staff ignites and flies through the air, separating in mid-flight. Vauler saw the saber staff coming, and turned his head just in time to see the staff split, one blade spinning uncontrolled through Vauler's hand, severing it, while the other seemed to be guided by an outside force. It severed Vauler from his head.


Impede was able to move now, the choke broken. Impede falls from the wall, barely landing in a crouch. He reaches his hands out as the sabers come back to him. He looks down at the body and screams, the sabers again leaving their master's hands and slash the body up. The arms were cut into small pieces, before the legs were cut off and crushed under the booted sole of Impede's boots. The sabers return again and he turns them off, putting them back on his belt. Impede gets on his knees and garbs the head. He smashes it against the chest. Blood squirts on Impedes face. The chest breaks open and so does the skull. Impede drives his hand and grabs the heart. He rips it out and squeezes the bleeding heart. The blood gushes out.*


" You where the one that was weak!!"

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*------comms jedi base---------------*


Bishop of battle you always did know how to make an entrance but im afraid your simple sith antics merely ammuse me my friend i am much faster stronger and i know more knowledge of the force i wish the best of you my friend but now i beleive is not the time to convert you or fight you, you know who ive come for and you know why.Hand over mes peacefully and we will leave and not take this planet over.


*Force messeges the jedi on the planet *

Get to my side now!

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Viano could sense that something was going on within the palace. He stood there in the main halls as Jedi swarmed in. Father was killing Jedi on the holocron...these are bad people... The child looked at one of the Jedi running around.


"You should die. I am Barohm Zar's child. You will die."

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*The rain continued to pour over Bluedust, Orrick and Bishop of battle. it was the customary weather here on Mimban, a never ending storm of rain and thunder cracking over head, almost making fun of those who dwelled on its surface. The thunder rumbled softly overhead, slowly growing in intensity. It took the three men several seconds to realize that the sound wanst the thunder at all. Bishop was the first to see it, aided by his positon atop the Temple itself. a flash of lightning in the distance, was the backdrop of the sight Bishop saw through the force. Five seconds passed before Bluedust and Orrick saw it, and by then it was too late. Ten second after the Jedi saw them, 60 Z95 Headhunters swooped down low to the ground, and in a single pass, blew the unguarded and undefended Jedi Ships that had landed on Mimban to peices. orrick and Bluedust dove for cover as the ships exploded in a hail of crimson laser fire, peices scattering over a 50 foot range. The last 10 Headhunters couldnt get close enough to the ships before they exploded to get a lock, and so the frustrated pilots took popshots at the Jedi before rejoining their squadmates and dissapearing back into the skies above Mimban. The whole process had taken less than a minute, and now the Ships of Impede, Bluedust, Xen-Que Poleb, and Orrick sat destroyed and burning on the Mimban soil.


The Jedi were now truely and utterly trapped on Mimban...a course of action that Raynuk had initiated in the control room when he saw the Jedi*





OCC: BTW, i just remembered. Bluedust, you cant call for reinforcements. The Atmosphere of Mimban deflects and repells all comm signals outside of the planet because if it's strong electromagnetic field.


I ate a hippo. It was delicious.

May the Forth therve you well...

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*Bishop tipped his head slightly towards the communicator that Bluedust pocketed.*


"I very much doubt that a communicator of that size has the power and range to penetrate Mimban's atmosphere. It is a wonderful thing, isn't it? The most natural of defenses, it even blocks out ship scans. Your ships might have had the communications power to reach whoever you were trying, but that seems a little late now."


*He took a few more steps closer to both Jedi.*


"And I'm suprised that you would delude yourself into thinking we would simply hand a guest like Mes over to you."

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OOC-Daumnnnnnn that sucks



IC- Ryoo pushes the kid over while saying, "Boy, this is no place to be playing around." When Viano hit the ground, he slumped into a "black" sleep... Then Ryoo runs full speed, saber glowing, to the back of BlueDust...



For those of you who knew me, it was great, for those who didn't, welcome.



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OOC: Ignore my last post.


* Impede hangs on the wall. He sees a rock on the ground. He uses the foce making the rock fly at Vualer. He looses grip of Impede. Impede jumps off the wall and lands on the ground. Impede raises his hand. The saber retracts back to Impede. He tackles Vualer and pionts his saber at Vualers neck.......*

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OOC: We changed the story because i didn't want to die


IC:Vauler breathed heavily, he looked for his lightsabers, he couldn't reach any of them, his arms ended up behind his back. He didn't want to win this way, but he told Impede, the truth, something Vauler sensed in him long ago, once he arived here. "Kevin, you don't want to kill me. I am your brother... Xanatose."


Pain is the release of weakness from the body.

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Vauler grinned and put his helmet back on. Vauler gets out a red lightsaber and handed it to Impede and took the blue one. "I have killed a jedi, i take his lightsaber... this lightsaber belonged to the late Darth Sadism, take good care of it."


Pain is the release of weakness from the body.

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Xen-Que stared at Raynuk.


"You destroyed my ship."


Destroying a man's ship is worse then insulting his mother.


Xen-Que used the Force and whipped Raynuk's lightsaber from his hand, and out a window.


Xen-Que raises his arms into the air, "Come on Montar, give me your best shot. I'll give you one for free."


Xen-Que uses sanctuary against any attack Raynuk may use against Xen-Que.

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Since she was no longer needed on Mimban, Tarrian grabbed her apprentice and Viano and headed back to the last call on the Hell's rememberance.


OOC: The Jedi should not be here, since there is no way that they could have gotten this location. I have read this thread, and Bluedust's post are illegal as there is no way that they could have landed here. And you can not say to go to another thread and look it up. If a Sith comes to me asking for a ruling, ....

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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Sensing the battle taking place outside, Sauron decided not to get involved, instead he roamed the hallways back into the throne room, finding a new presence talking with his apperentice.


"Ah, Ar-Pharazon, so nice to see your return. I see you have met my apperentice, Cineon. I also see you...... as usual....... have found your way to the throne, imagine that...."


OOC Note: This is my character who I have developed for months, and no one but me has the right to control him. Piss me off and die

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ooc: Enough You guys did not find this planet that easily. Start over and do it the hard way. RP is not always easy. I went along for a bit then I read into it. Start this from the beginning.


[Associate of the Illinois Mafia since November 2001.]

Member of the Four Horsemen

The League of Shadows

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