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Darth Jade

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*Keiran nodded grimly*

"Well, I know that through physics, to create such a crystal, you'll need to be in an incredibly hot environment, I suggest finding a blast furnace somewhere in the city for that. I also know, that immense concentration in the force will be required and that you'll probably be exhausted after you finish, however the benefits will be great. As you said the saber will be quite powerful, and since the crystal will be created by you, it will be completely unique and will symbolize only one thing, you."

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*Ben'a reflected on this as he continued probing the innards of the lightsaber he held before him.(


"Fair enough, Master, that pretty much concurs what I knew, though I was not aware of the level of intensity required. I will only be a moment here, and then I will be ready to begin.


*Ben'a thought of what the significance of this event would mean. A symbol all his own, to be sure; but what would that mean for his place within the Jedi Order? Wold the power that came with his blade damn him, or save him? What of the others around him? But Ben'a knew one thing: this was neither the time nor place to be asking such questions. The time for them will come soon enough.


Ben'a finished probing the saber, having absorbed the knowledge of what went into its construction -- including the crystal within, a truly flawless diamond that could only have been created through the Force. But Ben'a needed to rest before he attempted his own construction...*


"If you need me, Master, I will be resting for a while. I believe that I now have the knowledge of what I need to proceed.

"Ihre ganze Unterseite sind gehören uns..."


Proud Member of the J.Net Addicts' Club since March, '04!

The Original Anti-P.I.M.P.

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"Excellent, I wish you luck"


*Keiran stood, grabbed his saber from the table and clipped it to his belt. Keiran then patted Ben'a on the shoulder and walked out of the bar. Once he reached the street again, Keiran looked around and thought to himself.*


"Well... while I wait... I am on Corellia... and Corellia is the place for ships..."


*Keiran walked over to an air taxi and chartered the driver to take him to the spaceport. Once the taxi arrived at it's destination, Keiran paid the driver and entered the busy building. Keiran proceeded directly to one of the spaceship showrooms and began browsing through the ships that were for sale.*


"I've always loved the Strife II... and it's taken me far. But lately it's been too small to accomodate passengers... plus it'll be too much trouble to sneak back to Coruscant and recover it, especially since I have no idea how the battle is going..."

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*Ben'a watched as his master left the bar where they had been discussing the construction of his lightsaber. He was now alone with his thoughts, and what he thought of now was the circomstances of his departure from this, his homeworld. It hadn't been a bad departure, by any means -- Ben'a hadn't had that kind of tragedy-stricken upbringing that seemed to make for such good stories of heroism.*


"But then, I'm not in the business of being a hero, am I?"


"Yes you are -- you are a Jedi, after all. And that's what Jedi do -- that's what I did."


*The emergance of that voice in his head took the Padawan by surprise -- this voice of his consciousnes (at least, that was what it seemed like to Ben'a) had butted in with an intensity that he hadn't known before. It had always been there, that was true, but Ben'a had always resisted it; he was determined to make his own path, to make his own choices. Ben'a walked out of the bar, and into a nearby hotel. Paying hard credits for a night's stay, Ben'a went up to his room to rest and meditate for the task ahead...*


"Are you the voice of destiny?" he asked his own mind as he sat and sank into the Force.


"No, Ben'a Solo, I am the voice of your father... It has been a long time, my son."


*Ben'a looked up, to see an apparition -- an apparition of a man he had seen twice before in quick visions of a past of which he did not know, wielding a blaster and protecting a young Twi'lek woman -- his mother! It seemed hard to believe, but at the same time, the Padawan knew it to be true.*


"Yes, the Force is strong in you...and I know you will use it well. Now, you must rest..."


*And without further throught, Ben'a fell back onto the small bed, quickly falling into a dreamless sleep.*

"Ihre ganze Unterseite sind gehören uns..."


Proud Member of the J.Net Addicts' Club since March, '04!

The Original Anti-P.I.M.P.

Founder, The Satirist's Guild

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*Keiran began speaking to the ship dealer at the spaceport*


"We give you good deal ya?"


"Yes yes, I'm sure you will, I'm looking for a medium size freighter"


"OHhhhhhhh, freighter ya? We have maaaaany freighter ya?"


"Well show me the damn ships will ya?"


"Ya ya, ships me show, ya?"


*Keiran sighed as he followed the illiterate toydarian into one of the frieghters*


"This will take a while..."

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*Ben'a awoke the next morning completely rested, and ready for the task ahead. It would be better to construct the hilt of the blade first, saving the crystal for last as that would be the most taxing part of making his lightsaber. And for the hilt, he would need parts that he did not have at the moment, but fortunately his trusty R8-V1 was with him.*


"Come on, friend. We need to find some parts..."


*The droid beeped happily as it followed Ben'a from his room, and the hotel itself. They were in a "not nice" section of the city, so Ben'a knew there might be something with sutible parts laying about...and sure enough, he found it. A swoop bike that looked like it had been abandoned for at least a year. It didn't take the astromech droid long to cut a sufficiant piece of metal from the wreck; with it, and a few other salvaged parts, Ben'a and R8 headed back to the hotel.*


"Looks like it'll be another night's stay, buddy" the Padawan said casually as he flipped another credit chip to the hotel manager.


*Ben'a's mind was completely blank and attuned to the Force as he assembled the parts; power pack, wiring, casing, lens, crystal chamber and connectors, all according to the workings he had gleemed from inside his Master's own blade. Everything hovered in midair in front of him as the parts formed together, and at last, the hilt was ready.*




"There is only the making of my crystal, now..."

"Ihre ganze Unterseite sind gehören uns..."


Proud Member of the J.Net Addicts' Club since March, '04!

The Original Anti-P.I.M.P.

Founder, The Satirist's Guild

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*After many hours of browsing, the toydarian showed Keiran the last and oldest ship in the lot. *


"I've never seen anything like it..."


*Keiran explored the facinating ship inside and out for the next half hour. After he was done, he spoke to the dealer.*

"Where'd you find this ship?"


"You like it ya? Me find it drifting in space, me board, me explore, me bring home ya? Me talk to friends ya? Powerful friends ya? They say it called "Sith Infiltrator" ya?"


"Sith Infiltrator..."


*Keiran looked over the ship once more*

"Yes, there is no doubt, this ship is alive with the dark side... Interesting..."

*Keiran looked back at the dealer*


"How much?"


"1500 credits ya?"




*Keiran paid the Toydarian and boarded the ship. After familirizing himself with the controls, Keiran blasted off into the atmosphere and experimented with the antique ship in the atmosphere of Corellia*

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*Ben'a, his saber hilt now complete, chose to have a nice meal before attempting the final step of his lightsaber construction; the heart of his cause and the symbol of his committment, the crystal. It would take a massive effort to even survive the heat of the oven necessary to produce it, not to mention drawing on the Force to form the crystal itself, but after feasting on his favourite dishes and a short nap, the Padawan was ready...though he knew it was not normal for one to construct their saber so early in training.*


"But that which does not kill me, will serve to make me stronger..."


*Ben'a knew enough of the layout of Coronet City to find his way to a suitable source of heat -- the local metal refinery. After refreshing himself, the Padawan made his way there, with a single grain of sand in the palm of his green-tinged hand. This would be the seed for his crystal, and a powerful crystal it would be. He soon arrived at his destination, but the workers musn't know he was here.*


Better use the back way...


*No one saw the Padawan as he made his way to a blast-furnace. Ben'a sat down in front of it, and gave himself completely to the Force; he entered into a connection that he hadn't thought possible until now, inexperienced though he was. An hour passed as he meditated in preperation, and when he finally got up to enter, there was a reddish aura about him -- an aura that was visable to even non Force-users. He was now ready to enter the fire, and without hesitation, he walked into the moltan mass...*


That is strange, it feels like warm breath...


*But as soon as the molten metallic ore enveloped him, Ben'a could feel the strain on his body and mind -- it was indeed an incredible strain to keep this up -- but he did just the same, there was simply no other option. He held out the grain of sand, and watched with the Force as particles of some unknown substance latched themselves onto the grain. Ben'a understood that it was at his command of the Force that this was happening...*


Keep it up, Ben'a, keep it up...you can do it...


*The voice of his father in his mind gave Ben'a a new surge of energy...the process accelerated, but the strain at keeping this up was taking its toll. The sensation on the Padawan's skin was getting slowly hotter, by the time the crystal was two-thirds complete, the heat was approaching the temprature of hot dishwater.*


"There is no emotion, there is peace...there is no ignorance, there is knowledge...


*Strength lay in the words of the Jedi Code, and Ben'a used it...the process was nearly complete, just a few more moments...*


"There is no passion, there is serenity...there is no chaos..."


*The crystal was complete, the Padawan knew; slowly he staggared out of the molten pit, the lava falling away from his diminishing aura. The crystal in his hand still glowed hot, but it was rapidly cooling...but Ben'a was getting sleepy, his energy nearly completely gone. He found a quiet corner of the factory, set his crystal down to cool, and fell into a deep, recuperative sleep...*

"Ihre ganze Unterseite sind gehören uns..."


Proud Member of the J.Net Addicts' Club since March, '04!

The Original Anti-P.I.M.P.

Founder, The Satirist's Guild

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*Keiran pulled the Sith Infiltrator, dubbed the Strife III in honor of his previous two ships, through a series of complex manouvers, pushing the ancient ship to it's limits. Keiran exited out of a loop and cruised through the skyscrapers of Coronet City as he reflected on the ship's capabilities.*


"I'm sure this ship was very advanced back in the day... but to todays standards it's kind of... sluggish. However it still flys very steadily, I'm sure with a bit of updating, I can make it cutting-edge once again..."


*Keiran continued his manouvers of weaving in and out of the buildings in Coronet City as he assessed the mysterious ship.*

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*It was impossible to tell how long he had been out when Ben'a awoke from his sleep. But it was readily apparent that it was long enough for the crystal to cool completely. It was ready, and now the Padawan was ready to complete his saber. But as he exited the factory, Ben'a felt something different -- it was like every sense he posessed had been magnified -- including his attunement to the Force. It was like a tingling radiance throughout his body. As he exited the dark building, Ben'a glanced down at the crystal in his hand in the fullness of daylight.*


There must have been some interesting impurities in that molten ore... he thought to himself as he looked down at the dark emerald-colored rock.


*Ben'a made his way back to the hotel at a leisurly pace, remembering that it was a good thing he had paid for another night's stay. R8 beeped his droid greetings as the Padawan returned, making him smile once again.*


"Yes, it is indeed good to be alive, R8. We've got a lot of interesting times ahead of us, my metallic friend..."


*Ben'a was ready to finally finish his saber, and as he took a seat on his bed, he opened himself to the Force once again, bringing the hilt that he had crafted and the crystal into the air before him. With the Force guiding his hands, he opened the hilt and set the crystal, connected the powercell, and dropped the lens in. The saber was ready, and so was he, and as Ben'a finished sealing the hilt, a warm feeling coursed through it and up into his hand.*


"Here goes nothing, R8...


*Ben'a pushed the activation button, and a shimmering emerald blade of pure energy extended rapidly from the silver hilt. A look of extreme satisfaction came over the Padawan's face. Getting up, he swung the lightsaber -- his lightsaber -- rapidly and with a purpose. This was his blade, and this was his power; a power that would heal and defend.*


"Come on, R8. We've got to find Master Keiran."


*Ben'a deactivated his saber and walked out of the hotel, looking for his Master.*

"Ihre ganze Unterseite sind gehören uns..."


Proud Member of the J.Net Addicts' Club since March, '04!

The Original Anti-P.I.M.P.

Founder, The Satirist's Guild

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*Ben'a supposed that his master was probably out buying a new ship, so with saber in hand and his droid behind him, he began roaming the city, heading for the spaceports. It was a pleasent day on Correllia for walking, so the Padawan set a leisurly pace.*


I wonder what interesting vessel he managed to find...


*Coronet City wasn't much different from how Ben'a remembered it; things never really seemed to change very quickly in the galaxy these days. It seemed that if change were to happen, it would either be too slow to notice, or as quick as a day or two -- however long it took to forcibly sieze a planet. But still, to the young Padawan, it was good to be back on his home turf. He continued to the spaceport, all the while expanding his awareness to try and spot his Master.*


"There can't be that many Force users here," he mumbled to himself as he arrived at the facility an hour later. R8 beeped an acknowledgment.


*Ben'a stood still for a moment, again expanding his awareness as far as he could.*


There you are, Master...


*Ben'a had sensed his Master's connection to the Force, but his Force-sense did a double-take at the ship he was working on -- could it be? -- yes, it was, an old Sith Infiltrator... The Padawan smiled to himself as he decided his next course of action. If his master was preoccupied with fixing his newly acquired ship, he should be easy to spook...so Ben'a cleared his mind completely and sank into the Force, letting it quiet his movements and mask his preasence as he tiptoed in close behind Master Keiran...*


"Well, that's an interesting find you've got there, Master!"

"Ihre ganze Unterseite sind gehören uns..."


Proud Member of the J.Net Addicts' Club since March, '04!

The Original Anti-P.I.M.P.

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*Keiran laughed as he finished attaching a new power coupling to the ship's power array*


"Yes, Ben'a, yes it is a nice find. Though one thing you should know, haha, when you're trying to sneak up upon a force user, make sure you disconnect yourself from the force and rely on your own sneaking abilities. Force users are easy to find for force users, so it's best to make yourself look like an NFU, just think, how did you find me here? Because I was attached to the force, that's why.


Though that's off-topic, let me take a look at your saber?"

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*Ben'a handed Master Keiran his newly-crafted saber with a slight reluctance...but then he realized the Jedi Knight wouldn't harm it -- he knew enough of sabers anyway.*


"You were right, Master, it was no easy task making the crystal...but it was worth it...I feel stronger now."


*As his Master examined the hilt Ben'a had constructed, the Padawan closed his eyes and tried to relax a bit; there was a strange energy hovering about this vessel, though it was faint from time...*

"Ihre ganze Unterseite sind gehören uns..."


Proud Member of the J.Net Addicts' Club since March, '04!

The Original Anti-P.I.M.P.

Founder, The Satirist's Guild

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*Keiran held the saber in his palm and examined it from every angle. He then held it in his fist and waved it around.*

"Excellent weight distribution..."

*Keiran pressed the activation switch and the emerald saber activated with a snap-hiss*


"Excellent... that crystal being synthetic is very obvious right now"

*Keiran performed a small kata with the saber and ended it by slicing a piece of sheet metal on a table in half. Keiran then deactivated the saber and handed it back to Ben'a*

"Excellent craftmanship there Ben'a... I've never seen a saber like it! I knew you could complete the task. Now that you have your own saber, I think it's time you learned how to master a lightsaber, however, two jedi dueling on corellia will surely be noticed and can possible be reported to the imperials, so let's head to a sparsely populated location, I was thinking along the lines of Tatooine, what do you think?"

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*Ben'a accepted his saber back from his Master with a gracious smile and nod.*


"Thank you, Master, I appreciate the compliment."


*The Padawan thought about the prospect of learning to master his new weapon, and the thought of going to Tatooine intrigued him, though he had never been to that world. However, everyone knew of it and its environment, at least...*


"Yes, Tatooine does sound fitting, Master. The desert there holds many interesting things, or so I hear -- and it is out of the way..."


*Ben'a gave a small bow to his Master before entering the Strife III, looking about the interior with his natural curiosity...this was indeed an old ship, from a far different time. The Padawan took a seat at what looked like the navigator's station, and began perusing the various controls and dials...*


"When will the ship be ready?"

"Ihre ganze Unterseite sind gehören uns..."


Proud Member of the J.Net Addicts' Club since March, '04!

The Original Anti-P.I.M.P.

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*Keiran sat in the pilots seat*


"Well she is spaceworthy, however her combat performance is sub-par so I'm going to take it upon myself to make her up-to-date."


*Keiran professionally lifted the Strife III out of the spaceport after recieving take-off approval and blasted off into space. After breaking the atmosphere, Keiran set a course for Tatooine and the Strife III jumped into hyperspace.*

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  • 3 weeks later...

An unregistered transport descended through the atmosphere and came to rest in Coronet City.


Mike walked casually out of the ship, carrying a duffel of weaponry over his right shoulder, the only weapon on his person was his lightsaber, a weapon which was not yet tested in battle, and his custom made vibro katana, a weapon which had killed more than it's fair share of people.


He flagged down a small air taxi, and rode it to the Correli Ship Yards.


He got out and immediately saw it, his new ship. The sleek black craft glittering in the afternoon sun. The soon to be christened Shadow Strike.


The sight of the ship brought a smile to Mike's face.

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The oily Ganelon, chief factor to KVC strides forward, seeing the bounty hunter. The impoverished lord of house Bosel gracefully bows, remembering a time when his addiction to gambling and alcohol made him prey to such characters from massive debts he had run up.


"Master bounty hunter, your ship is ready. The CEC has been most vigilant following Lord Correlli's directions. It has everything you will desire." Ganelon hands Mike a set of papers, showing the schematics and billing and a pen. "Just sign here and everything you see will be yours."

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him." -Mark Twain

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Mike took the pen and began signing the papers, being careful to read each of the contracts carefully.


Once he had finished the paperwork, he handed Ganelon a large sum of high denomination credit vouchers, more than enough to cover the price of the ship.


He was now the proud owner of a new ship.


He had talked to Rane, and he agreed to buy the Shadow Rider for a reasonable price, so his new ship, the Shadow Strike.


The custom ship lifted off, the bounty hunter pilot relaxing in the pilot couch and manuevering it up through the atmosphere. The sleek beauty moving with speed and grace. Mike punched the throttle, flooring it.


Within moments, the ship had cleared the gravity well and kicked into hyperspace.

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  • 4 weeks later...

DJK's ship came out of hyperspace outside of corellia. His ship had sustained heavy damage from the stunt he performed earlier. He landed his ship and got out, attempting to repair it. He needed to get back to coruscant.


The next day DJK decided it would be too much of a hassle to fully repair this ship, he had to get back to the last call. He looked around and found a C-Wing that he could buy used, still in good condition. He turned it on and left the Rogue Jedi behind.

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The Black Flame of Hell came flying from space into the planets atmosphere. It soared slowly around the city until it came to a landing bay. Impede slowly landed the ship and hopped out. All the civilians looked at the new comer as he made his way through the city. The sith lord looked at the green mountains and tall buildings. He made his way to the hospital as the sliding doors opened. He came to the fron desk to be greated by a lady.


" Hi sir. May I help you?"


Impede raised his hand and gave it a wave at the young women.


" You will give me the code for Leslie Fvetha."


The women's face turned blank as she handed Impede a key. He took it and walked down the halls and found the room. That was when he entered the room and found his mother plugged to a resperater. Impede walked up to his mothers side and held her hand.


" Mom, rest now for ever. I am here now. "


Impede looked at the heart monitor. It beeped 2 more times and then stopped. A tear ran down his face as he looked down at his feet. He let go of her hand and turned out into the hall. Impede took his saber out and ignited the blade with a hiss. His hate grew into rage as he came up to a docter that walked by. He swung high and sliced the mans head off. With a scream, both, his head and body fell on the ground. The alram was suddenly ringing as security ran towards Impede.


" You all killed her!!!!"


Impede arose his hand and sended a powerful ball of energy towards the group. The men hit the floor screaming in agony as blood splattered on the walls. He headed for the exit killing any person that got in the way. The women at the front desk tried to stop him but it was that time Impede had sabered her body in half. Covered in blood Impede ran through the city striking more people on the way. He had no control of him self utnil he go into his ship. He took off and left the planet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Warren pulls his X-wing into Corellian space and lands it in a strip near a bunch of othr X-Wings. He jumps out and removes his clothing, changing into a spare pair in the other X-Wing. He erases all memory from his X-wing, including basic data. He loads his own R2 unit into the new X-Wing and hops in himself. He takes off and pilots a course for his home.

When a man's heart is full of deceit it burns up, dies, and a dark shadow falls over his soul. From the ashes of a once great man has risen a curse, a wrong that must be righted.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Tiana glanced around quickly, at the docking bay on Correllia. So this is the planet where my master is from, she thought momentarly, while still listening to him talk. When he informed the driver to the taxi speeder that she would be driving, Tiana stiffled a slight reaction to that, and, in her mind's eye grinned. She loved driving, though she never would admit it unless she had to.


But then, I don't suppose that Master Leo will appreciate me driving... recklessly, she thought wryly, taking the drivers seat, and a moment to get the basic layout of the speeder. Leo took the passenger seat, and she took off for the Hotel Ericson.


The traffic on Correllia was not quite the same as the Coruscanti driving she was used to, but it was close enough that Tiana suffered no qualms about using the taxi speeder, or being on another planet. To be more exact, she was loving every minute of it-- the different planets, finally getting trained by someone who actually seemed to understand the Force, and was willing to teach it without the outdated Jedi ways...


Tiana shook herself out of her thoughts, and concentrated on the driving at hand, for she didn't feel like missing this hotel the first time around-- she had an idea where it was, anyhow... using the Force as a slight helping hand to locate an older hotel wasn't that hard. At least, she assumed that it was older, being as it had been Leo's father's hotel.


After a bit of driving, she nearly did crash the speeder into a nearby sign when she spotted the hotel from the corner of her eye, and spun around to safely land beside it. Tiana pulled the speeder into a smooth landing, though her driving may've been eratic. She smirked slightly at the annoyed pilot. "I don't crash speeders that easily," she said dryly. "I don't suppose I mentioned my driving skills, eh, Master Leo," she commented towards her Master as she got out of the speeder.


Tiana pulled their bags out of the trunk, and watched as the taxi speeder flew away, the pilot probably quite releaved that she wasn't still driving. Then they walked into the Hotel Ericson.


Just when I thought it was over, I watched Tiana kick Almira in the head, effectively putting her out of her misery. I did not expect that.
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The Strife IV emerged out of hyperspace over Corellia. Keiran glided the ship to a landing on top of a buisness skyscraper in the middle of Coronet City. The roof of the skyscraper was 100m x 100m and about a kilometer above the streets below. The boarding ramp of the ship extended and Keiran walked out with Onderin in tow. After Keiran led his padawan to the edge of the building, so they looked down upon the city, Keiran began.

"Onderin, you have progressed well in your training. I have observed as you started off as a young adolescent, and now you are a mature young man, adept with the lightsaber and familiar with the force. You managed to survive the battle of Hoth (where I had not) and have successfully created your own lightsaber. It is now time for you to take all your skills and bring them together. Today is the day you shall go through your trials. Throughout my life as a jedi, the only type of trials I've gone through and administered have been duels. In this type of trial-duel, you don't have to neccessarily win to pass, all you must accomplish is to prove to me that you're worthy of the title of jedi knight. The moment I recognize you as a knight, I will end the duel. Do you understand?"

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Onderin listened intently. He looked about him. The building was very tall, so he wouldn't want to fight near the edge. He would have to put all his skills to use, as Keiran said, including his mind persuasion techniques he had been so fond of. Unfortunately, he used them to avoid fights, and this fight was unavoidable. He also didnt know what would work against another Jedi.


When Keiran finished, Onderin spoke quietly, "I am ready, Master."


So saying, he walked to the center of the building. Let's get this started. There's almost no way I can beat him, but I don't have to win. I'll just have to strategize.


He lowered himself into a defensive fighting stance and activated his green lightsaber. It was smooth in his hands, with grip on the lower half. It fit his hands like a glove, and he could manipulate it almost perfectly. He let a half-smile snap on and off his face for a split second.



There is nothing good in war. There is good in why we fight them.

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Keiran watched as Onderin walked away, probably to stand at the center of the building, however Keiran didn't know, he just stood looking down at the speeder traffic below.

"Very well, let's get this started"


Keiran smiled and held both his arms out beside him, he inhaled the fresh air of Corellia and smiled. Keeping his back on Onderin, Keiran leaped forward and dove down to the ground. Hurtling along the building at over 150 km/h, Keiran kept his cool and his mind open, reaching out to the force. He reached into the building and waited for the oppurtune moment.



Through the force, Keiran felt a weathervane sticking out the side of the building, just above a transparisteel window. Keiran activated his saber in his right hand in mid air and held his left arm out. Just as he passed the weathervane, Keiran's left arm grabbed onto it and swung Keiran's body towards the window. He held his white saber in front of him and crashed through the transparisteel, startling the office workers inside. Keiran crouched on the ground for a moment, collecting his thoughts, then stood and looked around.


He saw many people staring at him in disbelief, all holding datapads, all wearing high-class clothes.

"I apologize, I was simply testing the integrity of your building, unfortunately you're building has failed my test..."


Keiran quickly strode off, not wanting to be questioned, however Keiran's main objective had been attained, Onderin probably had no clue where he was.


Keiran withdrew his connection to the force and pulled up his hood, as he approached the turbolift. At the lift, Keiran looked at a sign saying: 70th floor.

"Hmmm that puts me about halfway down the building..."


Keiran stood in a corner, keeping an eye on the busy turbolift, waiting to see how long it would take Onderin to find Keiran.

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Onderin watched in disbelief as Keiran jumped off the building. Onderin tracked his signature through the Force until it suddenly disappeared about half way down the building. He sighed. "This could get interesting," he said to himself.


He ran to the edge that Keiran had jumped off. There was a broken window at about the place where Keiran's Force signature had worn off. Onderin took a deep breath and jumped in pursuit.


He felt the air whisteling by him. He streamlined himself until he was two-thirds of the way to the broken window. Then he spread his arms and slowed his fall. He grabbed the window sill with one hand and used the Force to fling his body through the opening.


He nodded at some of the people, "Did you see a Jedi come through here a minute ago about yea tall?" He motioned with his hand, placing it just above his own head.


They all pointed wordlessly. Onderin thanked them and headed through the door, activating his lightsaber as soon as they were out of sight. Keiran was near by. Onderin continued walking slowly, his lightsaber in a defensive position.



There is nothing good in war. There is good in why we fight them.

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Keiran heard footsteps as he saw a green glow come from the corner. Keiran flicked a switch with his hands and allowed the lights to go out. As Onderin stepped into the room, Keiran saw Onderin through the light of his saber.


Keiran pressed his activation button on his lightsaber and the white blade leaped to life, illuminating the whole room in a glorious glow. Keiran opened himself to the force again and leapt forward at Onderin, saber coming down in an offensive slice.

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Onderin readied himself when the lights went out. He raised his saber in a basic number-one block, his saber raised parallel above his head. The two weapons met with force and locked.


The apprentice spun away from the Master and counter-attacked. The blade was blocked effortlessly by Keiran, who had seen the attack before it had been sprung. Onderin remembered what he had done during the dogfight the two had engaged themselves in back at Gala.


He used the Force to build a barrier of the Force to block his mind, but not fast enough for Keiran to notice. Then he 'wrote' on the 'wall' so that Keiran saw in his mind Onderin's written move.


Onderin wrote that he would swing left to right, then jump back to a defensive stance. He followed through with the left to right swing, but in the split second of Keiran's confirmation of his plan, Onderin swung back to the left. The move was as unexpected as finding a Wampa on Tatooine, but Keiran's non-Force instincts had him parry it just in time.



There is nothing good in war. There is good in why we fight them.

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