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(Just so its clear; Quietus isnt in the meeting room with all the other Sith, hes in his chambers watching those who arrive before he makes his entrance and such [which will happen later after 'enough' sith have arrived] So just puttin that out there)


Quietus did not turn as Barabbas entered his private quarters. The Dark Lord was facing away from the door behind a desk that was lavish beyond anything that was actually needed. At that moment Quietus was looking out the window into space and towards the planet below that had served him so many times in his past life.


"Greetings Darth Barabbas... I trust you have a reason for entering my private quarters rather then joining the other Sith in the meeting room?"


The Dark Lord finally turned from the window in his chair, and faced Cineon for the first time in a long time. He had know this man briefly in his past life, but that did not matter in the slightest.


"You have somerhing to say to me I assume?"


I ate a hippo. It was delicious.

May the Forth therve you well...

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"Yes, my Lord. I have sensed a disturbance in the Force. Some wizadry unfamiliar to me is dwelling nearby, out in space, outside the ship. It's disturbing. I sense a presence in the Force, but it is an unknown entity and it is not inherently good or evil. I thought that maybe you should know about it."


Wow, you're a sick bastard. I thought I was bad, making minions eat their own brains and all
MasterJediJesus: Now you're just being a [richard]

When I get angry, people start dying.

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Quietus grinned a little and sat back in his chair, looking up at the Sith that stood before him, a Sith who had a hint of worry around him.


"Yes I am aware of the presence Darth Barabbas. I have been watching it for some time. Did you think that I had not noticed it as you had? Yes... It seems to be following someone... Either myself or one of our fellow Sith who wait patiently in the meeting room for my words. It is strange indeed...."


Quietus stood from the desk and the lavish chair that he was sitting in and walked back over to the window, staring out it again. It was clear this time that he was not staring at the planet itself, but searching for the source of the mysterious energy that was surrounding the Heretic. Given the nature of the presence, and that it seemed only Barabbas and Quietus could feel the presence, there were only a handful of thing that it could be.


Whether it was because the two Sith had come in contact with a presence like this before, or because the presence itself wanted only them to notice it, it was a strange occurence to say the least. Quietus had an idea of who, or rather what, it was, but decided not to voice his views until he knew better the company he was holding.

"Tell me Barabbas... What do you make of it?"


The Dark Lord turned to Cineon again, who would be the first Sith to openly voice his opinion to the Dark Lord in this reign. As he looked at Cineon, he could see that the man stopped himself as if a question had suddenly popped into his mind.


"...of both my reign as Dark Lord, and whatever it is out there."


Quietus again returned to his desk and sat down again and leaned back again, waiting for his responce.


I ate a hippo. It was delicious.

May the Forth therve you well...

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"Well you didn't kill your Master like I did to become Dark Lord, so I find you weaker in comparison to the Dark Lords of Old. As for the presence outside, I'm not sure. The one called Nurgle and his... followers, seem oblivious to the disturbance. Whatever it is either chooses to only allow us to know it's here, or we simply are the only ones powerful enough to sense it on any level. If it's something tangible, that is, and I suspect it is. If it is a being with the Force at it's beckon call it is neutral. Neither dark or light... and only one religion fits that bill, if I may dare to say so."


He grabbed at his hood and pulled it down, revealing his face. "There's more than strange things in space that is troublesome here," he said looking in the direction of the main chamber where the other Sith had gathered.


Wow, you're a sick bastard. I thought I was bad, making minions eat their own brains and all
MasterJediJesus: Now you're just being a [richard]

When I get angry, people start dying.

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Quietus nodded and looked out the window once more for a few moments, contemplating what he had just heard and how he would respond to such words.

"Unfortunetly Barabbas, I did not have the luxury of killing off my predecessor to take the throne. The Sith were without a Dark Lord, and I rose to the occasion rather then watch my brothers and sisters scatter like so many grains of sand in the wind. If that makes me weak in your eyes or the eyes of another, then that is not my problem. If you feel I owe you something, that I need to prove myself or validate myself as the Dark Lord then by all means tell me."


Quietus again stood and rounded the table, approaching Cineon as he lowered his hood.


"But i will only entertain the thought for so long. With that being said... Master Nurgle and his companions are a strange bunch to be sure, and their arrival brought with them an air of secrecy. As to what their secrecy is about I do not know. Only time will tell about them.... and about our friend outside."


I ate a hippo. It was delicious.

May the Forth therve you well...

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"Well, this meeting obviously isn't happening anytime soon. Are there any women on this ship that I might be allowed to violate and rape?"


Wow, you're a sick bastard. I thought I was bad, making minions eat their own brains and all
MasterJediJesus: Now you're just being a [richard]

When I get angry, people start dying.

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Quietus could only let out a chuckle at Barabbas as he turned away from the SIth and returned to his desk.


"Nope. Im afraid I havent had time to properly outfit this ship yet.... Sadly Kakuto neglected this ship even before his disappearance. Afraid all thats left are cyborgs and severely rotting corpses..."


Quietus again shot Cineon a strange glance.


"...If you're into that sort of thing. I plan on taking some fresh specimins from the next planet we destroy though. Once I do, I'll give you seconds on them. After me of course. After all, it is my ship."


The Dark Lord let a very wicked and disturbing grin cross his face just then... The kind of look that only a severely demented Sith could get away with. Which considering the present company, was not all that hard to find.


I ate a hippo. It was delicious.

May the Forth therve you well...

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Cineon shrugged. "As long as they're still warm, but I'd have to actually be desperate for some to do that... and I've had Alora."


There was a long awkward silence.


"But then again... who hasn't?" He let out a hearty laugh.


Wow, you're a sick bastard. I thought I was bad, making minions eat their own brains and all
MasterJediJesus: Now you're just being a [richard]

When I get angry, people start dying.

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From the appearance of more and more attendants, having lacked any formal information before that other Sith were gathering, Oblivion kept word to himself before approaching any others. There was a sense of caution in the air, as any gathering of darkness would seem to run along a narrow fault towards chaos at its brink. The mild tempered man humbly stood alongside, completly still until one imparticular guest broke his former attitude. What swagger and presence could not be undetected from his gaze, as all too infamous with the black-cladded menance known as Exodus.


Feinting a small gesture with his hands as to catch his attention, the Sith made his rounds towards where the infamous assassin and shadow wielder idley stood as well. Crossing his arms and taking in the new attire, eyes trailing back and forth between the gauntlet and his face, Oblivion stood erect with a vaguely cheerful expression that lined from ear to ear.


"Such company as Lord Exodus himself must surmise that this meeting is not one of meager coincidence. As I take, it is a gathering of sorts; those who trail the shadow's flow at its core seem to have been drawn nearer, I suppose, by a single source."


A slim pale finger stretched across his brow, turning back a long loose silver strand of hair before flashing a momentary grin, "Whatever the case may be, it is good to see you again, old friend... I don't suppose you've been testing droids all this time, have you?"


The comment led them back to the time where, as a young Sith Lord, he had employeed the workings of the assassin's earliest youthful skills. The data that had been recorded and stored to improve the models upon Mechis III were still in effect to this day, able to copy and counter what had happened and play back scenarios flawlessly with instant feedback.


”œAll worlds begin in darkness. In darkness, all worlds shall end.”

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Quietus snorted slightly in a very un-sithly way as he looked sideways at Cineon for a moment before returning his gaze outside of the ship.


"Yes, it seems everyone has. Or rather, she has had everyone she chose. But... I can say that I have yet to fall to her power and skills of seduction..."


Quietus trailed off slightly, and begin to truely think for the first time in a while, and then a grin spread across his face.


"...not that I would be against it though. Just kind of makes me regret not having my way with her when I still exhibited control over her, rather then the other way around."


Quietus chuckled slightly again and paced across his massive quarters. Thinking about it he realized that he had not sent an invite to this meeting to his former apprentice, wherever she currently was.


"As for the corpses... They've been cold for a long time. But the decision is up to you. The morgue is at the other end of the ship."


I ate a hippo. It was delicious.

May the Forth therve you well...

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The Sundered Heart emerged from hyperspace above the desolate planet of Korriban, the woman leaving her droid to pilot the craft to it's landing place on board the Heretic while she made final preparations. She had gone for her dark looks for this trip, having taken care that her makeup and clothing were showing off her best features.


A black and crimson molded bodysuit accentuated her figure, a silver belt rested on her hips, holding her whip and sabers in place. Her outer robes of matching crimson and black held hidden secrets within it's folds. Her clothing all made with a light armored mesh over silk lining. Her hair was loose, bouncing around her shoulders as she sauntered out of her ship, onto the decking of the Heretic.


The seductress could feel the power of those already there as she was escorted to the meeting room. The first her eyes were drawn to was her first former apprentice, Exodus had done well for himself. She kept her distance for now, though smirked in his direction. Revenge could be sweet if she chose to. The last time they had met she'd had enough of this plane of existence. After having lived in the nether world as a spirit, she had decided she preferred the pleasures she could get with flesh and blood.


Of the others, some were familiar, some weren't. Some she hadn't seen for a long time. Her eyes travelled over those gathered, her smile widening, her eyes beginning to secretly sparkle. This meeting would be very interesting indeed. It had been some time since she had seen her former master, mischief forming within her mind...


Darth Alraune

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Quietus chuckled lightly as he noticed the Sundered Heart emerge from hyperspace in the distance.


"Speak of the devil... It will be... interesting to see her again."


Grinning ever so slightly, he reached out and touched Alora's mind breifly. The gesture was more of a 'hello' then anything, simply acknowledging her arrival and Quietus' satisfaction that she had answered his call as so many others had. But with the arrival of Alora, Quietus knew that the time to reveal himself and speak openly to those gathered Sith, some of which still showed signs of resistance to his reign, was drawing ever closer.


The Dark Lord knew who he had asked to come to this meeting; it was only the best of the best, the Sith who had made the most impact on the galaxy as a whole. There were still a few choice Sith missing from the gathering, but the Dark Lord could tell that they would arrive shortly.


Turning his attention back to the present, he turned to Barabbas and spoke.

"Indeed... the time for the start of the meeting is soon approaching. If you will excuse me Barbbas, I have some final preparations to make."


He escorted the Sith out, and once the door was closed, spun on his heel and walked the length of his massive accommodations. The Dark Lord gazed out into space once more with his hands clasped behind his back, his mind still on the mysterious presence that resided somewhere outside the Heretic. He sighed and let his gaze fall to the floor in front of him as he began to think harder and harder about what it was he planned to do with this meeting of Sith.


His mind finally settling given the things that were happening around him, Quietus turned from the window, and changed into his dress robes. Up until then he had been wearing his combat robes that he had been wearing since the battle of Csilla, and so they were quite tattered and even slightly soiled from the various fights the Dark Lord had been in.


I ate a hippo. It was delicious.

May the Forth therve you well...

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Upon being escorted out of his personal chambers the changling put his hood over his head once more. He did know of these Sith. For some reason he had the overwhelming desire to think of them as weaker than he. The only other Sith here that he really recognized was Alora.


"Amazing. It's like I speak it... and it happens!"


He chuckled to himself. It would be best not tease a seductress, even if he was heartless. In his mind Cineon knew that it was he who deserved to be the Dark Lord of the Sith, not Quietus. He brought about the assasination of Darth Havoc, his Master. Had Havoc completed Barabbas' training things would have been different, but he was not stupid. Had he attempted to remain Dark Lord Kakuto would have killed him. If Kakuto died then the throne belonged to him. He kept these thoughts buried in himself, but his rage was immense. Perhaps his time would come.


Wow, you're a sick bastard. I thought I was bad, making minions eat their own brains and all
MasterJediJesus: Now you're just being a [richard]

When I get angry, people start dying.

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The Shadow's Shine appeared out of hyperspace over Korriban. It felt good to be back in the shadow of the ancient Sith planet again, Sirvani realized. It had been too long since she had been here. She brought her ship to land on the Heretic, then rose and went to the back where Torin had been sitting out the ride.


"We are going to a grand meeting of the Sith," she told him, "as you know. There are many masters here. I want you to observe and speak only when you are spoken to. I will test you on your observations later."


She threw on an outer robe over her standard, midriff-baring tunic and motioned for Torin to follow her. They headed directly towards the meeting room. On the way, Sirvani told Torin a little bit about Korriban--how it was one of the most ancient homes of the Sith in the galaxy, and about the famous Sith Lords that had battled and were entombed here.


As they entered the room, she fell silent, observing the others present. Many of them she knew and remembered, while others she was not aquainted with. Pleased to see Alora again, she approached the woman. "Imagine seeing you here. How have you been, Alora?"


It had indeed been a long time since the two women had seen each other. Sirvani would be interested to hear what Alora had been up to; at least, whatever she had done that hadn't been conveyed by her rather popular reputation.


Emily:"Were you a carrot?"

John: "No, I was more like celery."

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The hooded figure glanced up each time someone new entered the room; a rarity it would seem. Perhaps the Sith had even less amongst their ranks then he had initially thought. Of those present, though, he knew a handful of them and those that he hadn't met, or even heard of, probably weren't worth knowing anyway.


He couldn't help put raise an eyebrow as Alora walked into the room. Not out of any sort of desire, but out of amusement that they still allowed the worthless whore in their folds. No wonder they were lacking members, she probably chased them all off while trying to jump their ”˜bones.' How she was not infested with diseases he did not know, but then on the other hand”¦she might be and he just couldn't pick up on it.


Regardless, he kept his mental blocks up and his hood down. A low profile was what he sought and it was a low profile he would have.


To look upon him is to forfeit your very soul to his every whim

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As her Former master touched her mind her sensual lips curled upwards, her violet eyes sparkling. She returned his touch with one of her own, happy to reacquaint with him.


Alora lowered her eyelashes at Cineon's comment as he came into the room, her thoughts unreadable. Her gaze shifted to each of those present, pondering if it was worth her while to practice her arts of seduction on anyone else in the room and leech power from them in the process. By blessings of the Goddess Slaanesh... The smile on her lips was for the gifts she had received from the Gods. The best being that she would never suffer any affliction from performing her arts. Never would she suffer any of the diseases. For now, she kept her pheromones in check, though felt it could be rather interesting if she were to release them here... mischief very much in the forefront of her mind.


As Sirvani entered the room her smile warmed. The beauty moving to embrace her good friend. "It's been a while. How did the wedding go? I had been looking forward to being your bridesmaid..." There was slight hurt in her tone that they had forgone the formal wedding and eloped instead. She had noticed the ring residing on the red Twi'lek's finger. "I've been well. What have you been up to?"


Darth Alraune

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Her jaw tightened at the mention of the wedding. She knew Alora meant well, but she had abandoned that life completely. "I've managed," she replied. "Sorry about the wedding...but I'm just lucky we managed to get married after all."


She didn't think her friend knew anything about what had happened, but Alora knew her well enough that she would be able to tell how much pain Sirvani was still in. Her mental sheilds were strong, but Alora would realize they were stronger because of the trauma she had been put through.


She noticed Alora's glance at the ring on her finger, and paused for a moment. She hadn't even considered taking it off. The thought had never crossed her mind. She had forgotten that she was even wearing it. She struggled for a moment with the decision. That life was as good as dead, so why did she cling to it? Why didn't she want to rid herself of this last symbol of her past? But Sirvani was stubborn. She didn't want to take it off. It seemed...wrong somehow. After all they had been through together, his memory deserved this one bit of preservation. Sirvani was a Sith--she was allowed to be selfish.


Quickly clamping down on her thoughts, she changed the subject. "I must say I was surprised when I learned who the new Dark Lord was. He just couldn't resist," she commented coyly. Both of the women knew Quietus well, although Alora certainly more so.


Emily:"Were you a carrot?"

John: "No, I was more like celery."

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The Tigershark appeared out of hyperspace in a low orbit around the planet. Jareth roused himself from a nap he was quite enjoying and zipped down to the planet surface on manual pilot.


Once the ship touched down, he returned to the hatch and motioned for Azumi to follow.


"Mind your manners, stay close to me, and try not to speak unless you are spoken to."


The sith master noticed her aprehension and gave her one more reassuring word,


"I told you, you are safe with me, but I do not wish to fend off a room full of angry sith, as capable as I may be."


With a slight smirk, he then led her off the ship, into a large structure, and then through a series of corridors. After the short walk, the two came to a door and Jareth could feel the darkness eminating from the room. He had shrunk himself from the force during their small commute from the ship, but as the heavy doors to the meeting room opened, he allowed the darkside to show it's true strength in him.


Entering the room he did not speak. The sith master simply took a seat. Azumi stood behind his chair to his right side careful not to meet eyes with any in the room.

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Alora was instantly sorry that she had brought the subject up. She had been out of touch with Sirvani and hadn't realised that something had gone wrong. The last she had heard from her was when she was still planning the wedding. She'd heard that they had eloped, though nothing after that. "Please accept my apology Sirvani. I didn't know." She wouldn't have mentioned it if she had of.


Taking the change of subject in her stride, Alora inclined her head, "Yes... I was rather surprised myself. I hadn't thought that he would take on that mantel again, though stranger things have happened. We'll see what he has in mind for the Order soon enough I gather."


One thing she had felt while in the room was the dislike and disgust radiating from some of the gathered. It seemed not everyone thought her skills of seduction were worth anything. Alora knew differently though... it took a certain kind of mentality to do what she did... and to be able to use the art of illusion so closely with seduction. Information gathering, the leeching of powers and energies from those she targeted, the power she had to make them do what they didn't want to do... or thought they didn't. She fed off the negative energies, her expression one of enjoyment as she inspired the worst in others to come out. Knowing that she inspired negative emotions in others was worth what she did. Knowing that she did her job right...


Darth Alraune

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Torin stood behind his master as she spoke with the female named Alora. At first he was instantly attracted to the woman that approached his master, but his physical attention soon turned back to his own master. It was only a faint attraction, merely physical, but present. It was a thought that only touched Torin's mind occassionally when in the presence of Sirvani and one that made him slightly nervous in her presence, but he could not deny the attraction to her beautiful red skin. He had to reject the idea. He didn't want such a thought to show for fear of demonstrating some form of weakness, that was the reason for his nervousness.




He had not noticed the ring on her finger and certianly would not have thought the piece of jewlery would have contained that type of signifigance for her, but apparently he had underestimated his new master. He noticed the tension that Alora's comment caused and became even more curious when the sexy female said, "Please accept my apology Sirvani. I didn't know"


Didn't know what?, he thought. He obviously had a master with a past, one that he did not yet know anything about and one that would probably always contain many mysteries.


At the mention of the new Dark Lord, Torin began to scan the room. He wanted to see the man named Quietus. His eyes had never beheld any one of such power, but standing in the room with so many Sith of higher rank, Torin felt as if for the first time he was surronded by examples of what he wanted to someday be. He could feel the power radiating in the room. Even a person as inexperienced with the ways of the Force as Torin could feel the immense power filling the room. It made him hungry.


He remained silent, keeping to his thoughts as he observed his master and the other Sith.

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Not a social being in any respect, the Sith Master Haphaestus entered the meeting room and surveyed its occupants. He was somewhat surprised by the number of Sith that had gathered--for a long time had they been scattered and unorganized to the point where he hadn't been sure how many still existed.


But perhaps this was a time for change. Perhaps the Sith truly would reorganize and rally under Quietus. Still, he didn't quite think so. Quietus by himself wasn't quite competant enough, in Haphaestus' mind's eye.


The being didn't sit, but choose a wall and stood close to it, his watchfulness remaining behind the cover of his helmet.

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"Don't worry about it," Sirvani replied. "As for Quietus, I'm sure whatever plans he has up his sleeves will be interesting. I remember the last time he held the mantle of Dark Lord, although I was a lot younger then."


She felt Torin's fascination with both their conversation and the other Sith in the room. It amused her. She remembered early on in her training the Sith gathered on Mimban under the Dark Lord Bishop of Battle. She had felt the same way--a mixture of awe, intimidation, and desire to be just like them.


And here she was, a Sith Master. But she didn't feel like she had gotten the title the same way as many of those old Masters had. Her path had been unique, and despite it all, she didn't think she'd want it any other way.


Emily:"Were you a carrot?"

John: "No, I was more like celery."

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The time had come.


Brushing a speck of dirt off his shoulder, Quietus amused himself slightly in how ridiculous he actually looked and felt right now. He was not a diplomatic man to say the least, and much preferred to be in the thick of battle with his adrenalin pumping, but sadly he was not as young and brash as he had once been so long ago. He was one of the elder Sith now, hearkening back to the days of the more famous Sith of this era who he often found himself butting heads with. But now, now was the time to be diplomatic, no matter how ridiculous Quietus looked in his dress robes. Nodding slightly to his reflection, the Dark Lord clasped his belt around his waist, and turned for the door.


Exiting his personal quarters, the Dark Lord could feel the gathering of the Sith not far from him. Their combined power radiated from the room and washed over Quietus as he moved closer to the room and stopped outside the door. With a bit of hesitation he took a breath, and opened the door, stepping inside and giving it all it was worth. He instantly flooded the room with his presence, overpowering the individual presences of the room. With the entrance of the Dark Lord the room visibly became darker, and instantly Quietus felt all eyes fall to him.


He glanced around the room slowly, making time to make eye contact (or as close to it as he could) with every Sith who was gathered, even the apprentices of the other Masters in the room. He wanted every single person in the room to know who he was, and what he was standing for in the grand scheme of the galaxy. Some of the apprentices though quickly diverted their eyes; out of fear or out of respect Quietus couldnt tell, but none the less they could not look him in the eyes. When he made eye-contact with Alora, the Dark Lord could not help to suppress a small grin at seeing his only apprentice, who was now quite clearly a very different woman from the last time they saw each other, and her powers had seemed to only continue to grow.


Taking another deep breath, the Dark Lord spoke for the first time, addressing everyone at once, and scanning the room as he spoke, his voice booming and filling the room to match his presence through the force, and the darkness that was pouring out from his heart.


"Welcome my brothers and sisters. You have all come because I called for you, and your presence is a sign of your loyalty. Not to me, but loyalty to the continuation and survival of the Sith as a whole. There are others out there who chose not to answer my call, chose to ignore this meeting that I have called to ensure our survival. For too long the Sith have been without a Dark Lord."


At the mention of the previous Dark Lord Quietus noticed the slightest change in the collective mood of those gathered before him. It was clear that some, if not all, still harbored feelings of loyalty to Kakuto, if not resentment towards Quietus for 'taking' the mantle of the Dark Lord.


"Yes, since Kaktuo's disappearance the Sith as a whole have fallen apart. Some of you may despise me for what you perceive is me taking the role of Dark Lord from Kakuto, and that I do not deserve it. IF that is how you feel, then please... Feel free to get the hell off my ship."


Quietus put a deliberate edge on the end the sentence. He had heard via vicious rumors that people were unhappy with him being Dark Lord, but that was not his problem.

"There was time between Kakuto's disappearance and my return. Tell me... Did any of you seek out Kakuto? Did any of you take on the responsibility of leading the Sith through this dark, leaderless time? No... No you did not."


Quietus let his words sink in as he looked around again, his face showing that his patience and and diplomacy were failing him.

"Any questions?"


His patience was now gone, and now that he was worked up, he wanted to see what his fellow Sith were thinking.


I ate a hippo. It was delicious.

May the Forth therve you well...

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Jareth rose from his chair and gave a slight bow toward the Dark lord...a dark lord that Jareth himself had unseated from that very throne so long ago.


"You have called us here, and, so far, all you have told us is that you have called us here.....and that we as an order have been leaderless for some time, and that we no longer are. We are all quite aware of this Quietus. So, I suppose my first and only question would be 'where do you plan to lead us?'"


Darth Revenant, as Jareth had been dubbed what seemed like lifetimes ago, knew he was playing a dangerous game answering what was an obvious rhetorical question, and speaking of the dark lord by his name instead of by his title. True he had no aspirations of power any more within the ranks of the sith, but he was not the type to hold back his opinion when asked. He would let it be known...directly or through subtle implication.

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The foundest whisper held dearest news, so it seemed. As light as the wind exhausted from his breathe, so too were the words that lingered inside his mind. Long had it been since he had seen this man, long since he had even felt aware of him. That was of no concern since, being that which the assassin was, sensation far superceeded the actual notion of his very existance. It was veiled, as certain characteristics always seemed to be about Exodus. One thing was for sure, he was never coy about topics such as these, nor much of the jesting type. To this, Oblivion took great care in such speak of elder knowledge...


"So it seems," He replied, in the same low and soft tone with each word pronounced delicately, "we have a common interest. Perhaps we can discuss this afterwards in more private of settings. There is much to detail from my research as well upon Kamino; things even you may find suitable to your own fancy."


As per usual, whenever something remotely intriguing occured, it was followed by an interruption of sorts. It had come to him in many different forms in the past, but this was more no less of a surprise then any. He, as well as the amassed other Sith, seemed to be awaiting the Dark Lord just the same.


Once the rather brief speech was ended, followed by the most obvious of rebuttal, Oblivion took up from his side upon the table as well and gracious moved closer to Darth Revenant's side with arms sternly crossed against his chest.


"A splendid question in its own rite, but I am more curious as to the man beneath the crown before all else... It is clear to me that the generations of Sith have begun to spread apart during the times both before and after Lord Ryu's absence."


"If I may add," One glance was offered towards Jareth before idlely staring back out towards the Dark Lord's figure, "What concerns you most about taking such a role without contest? If the pride and shame for not rendering the throne through blood effects you so deeply... than your reign will not stretch far beyond your own grasp. Aside from this gathering, tell us who you really are and what you are capable of as leader."


”œAll worlds begin in darkness. In darkness, all worlds shall end.”

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Lord Barabbas was only simply amused by Oblivion, vocally expressing so even. He became serious and looked at him. "Lord Quietus' plans are of common interest to your desires?" Disgust was evident in his voice as he pointed out the obsurdity of the statment. "Even knowing that I may be the only one that thinks so I'll speak for the entire room by saying... who cares about your insignificant plans?"


He knew that the insult he spewed was uncalled for and was worthy of fighting over, but he did not care. Whether he got a tounge-lashing in return or they fought over it. Either was fine. In fact, fighting someone right now would actually be rather nice.


"I will speak to our Master's defense in this instance. He stepped up first. The rule is his. The only two men that can contest his rule are myself and Lord Ryu himself, as we're the only two men with any kind of claim to the throne."


He knew that his brash and arrogant statements would make him no friends in this room, but he did not care, he was not here to make friends, nor was he planning to make his move to regain his throne.


Wow, you're a sick bastard. I thought I was bad, making minions eat their own brains and all
MasterJediJesus: Now you're just being a [richard]

When I get angry, people start dying.

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An arched brow turned as the rash speech faced his own. There was an uneasy change in the environment as this other became so easily offended at a mere question. Any being with an ounce of reason beyond being clouded by the darkness entirely could very well decipher the deeper meaning behind his statement. What was considerably taken as an offense was but an inquery towards the innerworkings of a man he had not known. Given any other situation, beyond such titles of the Dark Lord, the renown scientist and follower of the Krath's teaching had every right to ask what was necessary of him.


"I understand your response, my brother," As easy as it would be to turn an eye to hate, there was no need to boldly steep into such emotions. The thin silver-haired man remained calm, at ease; the inflection of his voice remaining constant throughout the conversation.


"...I merely inquire as to the nature of a stranger who stands before me, be it one who possesses such prowesses already as successor to the throne or any other man. I am at a lost of what desires you speak of elsewhere from what my tongue has spoken this day. I assure you, there are none."


Turning an eye away from the objection, Oblivion's gaze loomed back towards the abyss which stood in Darth Quietus' step. Quite often he saw objects not as whole, but what rather the impression the darkness had from them; the negative shape which surronds and defines a person for whom they are. There was a great amount of energy and intensity about Cineon, though it would not be his first nor his last time encountering such a creature. Such were the policies of revealing himself from his labouring studies to commune elsewhere that these risks be met.


"Now without further interruption, please continue, mi'Lord." The man's eyes would lower in respect towards the Dark Lord's position, aside from his natural inquisitive responses towards the man behind it. Taking up a more formal stance, having placed either arm in the long loose sleeves of his ornate and traditional attire, he reamined still and listened intently.


”œAll worlds begin in darkness. In darkness, all worlds shall end.”

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Quietus turned his attention to Jareth as the man spoke. Quite honestly, if it had been anyone who had asked such a question, they would find themselves lacking a tongue immediately following. He nodded out of respect to Jareth, indicating that his question would be answered in all seriousness.


"Your question is one that I am sure your brothers and sisters share Darth Revenant. But you are correct, all I have done is speak of things that you already know. No... the only purpose of my words previously was to solidify the fact that if you do not trust me as a Sith, and as the Dark Lord, then you are invited to leave. This meeting is not meant for me to flex my political muscle or to inflate my ego by glorifying myself because I am the Dark Lord and you are not."


He turned to Barabbas as he supplied a retort to both Jareth and Oblivion, and let a small grin cross his face as he turned to Oblivion to answer the looming questions in the air.

"My concern is not of myself or my mindset. My concern is that there are those among you that are so thick in the head that you have already made up your minds about me, and that you will only harm these proceedings. I have no problem with taking the mantle of the Dark Lord without bloodshed... I have no desire to slay my fellow Sith, especially one such as Kakuto Ryu."


Quietus looked around the room again, and even allowed himself to expose a small weakness in the form of a sigh. He took a moment to collect himself and then continued.

"I will not deny that Kakuto was one of the best Dark Lords that we have ever had, and on many occasions. I do not seek to re-write history or even push the memory and teachings that you have gained under his watchful eye from you. If anything, I hope to continue and build upon the work that he started."


He looked to Oblivion in specific now, speaking directly to him.


"You wish to know who I am, and that is a fair question. I am, Darth Quietus, but you know that already. I have come back from the far reaches of death, battled the spirits of ancient in my quest to return to life. There was a time, before my death and burrial here on Korriban, that i was known as Raynuk Montar. Under that name I accomplished a great many things in my own right. I was the apprentice to one of the greatest Sith I have ever known, Barohm Zar, and his memory, wisdom and teachings still guide me to this very day. I was the man to whom Mistress Alora here apprenticed under. She is the only apprentice I have ever successfully taught to the rank of Sith Lord, and thus her success, both under my watchful eye and beyond my teachings, inspires me and rests my worries about my own capabilities, ensuring me that I am the only thing that stands in my way.

I have slain countless Jedi, and I have battled along side them as well when a greater evil threatened the Galaxy. I have seen my friends and allies, including Zar, fall around me to these greater evils... And I have bathed in their blood as I continued to fight. I have come face to face with Dark Jedi and Blademasters alike. I have battled them, sometimes emerging the victor, and sometimes being cut down where I stood. But I have never lost the taste for battle, I have never surrendered myself to defeat without a fight.

You ask of my capabilities as a leader... And I can not think of many. I have held this mantle, I have withstood this burden twice before in my lives. Both times were utter failures. Some of you gathered here have known me long enough to remember these times. In both cases I rose to power un-challenged. Both times it was I who steered the collective will of the Sith out of darkness that sought to destroy us. And both times I was defeated in the true blood-filled fashion."


By this point Quietus was worked up, and in his mind, was on a roll. Slowly he began circling the table, inching closer to Oblivion without ever breaking eye contact.

"I do not pretend to have all the answers Oblivion... I know my limitations. I am a warrior, I am a soldier. I have never cared much for politics, but I could not hold my honor as a Sith if I sat around and watched our brotherhood slip into the pages of history without a fight."


Quietus was now standing a few feet from Oblivion, and still maintaining eye contact, and even had a slight fire in his eyes.

"I rose to the challenge that no one else did. I am capable of seeing when leadership is needed, and I am capable of seeing what needs to be done. I trust both will satisfy you in the future."

Turning to address the entire meeting again, Quietus spoke louder once more, his mood oddly calm considering his tone just seconds before to Oblivion. He was not trying to put the Master Assassin in his place, for currently he had no place, a matter which he felt should be dealt with soon.


"As I said before, I do not seek to wipe the reign of Kakuto, nor the things he accomplished, off the map. I seek to build upon them. As such, I have decided to resume the Sith Trinity..."


Quietus allowed the words and accompanying thoughts to sink into the room before continuing.

"The Trinity will be made up of one representative of each of the Sith classes; The Warriors, the Assassins, and the Krath. As I have always held an unquenchable thirst for battle and have long focused on the art of physical warfare, I will be the member of the Trinity who represents the Warriors, unless someone would like to... volunteer for the position to ensure a truly equal Trinity."

He turned to Oblivion, and despite the tirade of moments before, looked upon the man with respect and grace.


"Master Oblivion... I have heard much in the way of your mastery as a Krath. Word has come to my ears that you are one of, if not the best Sorcerer the Sith has to offer, and I know that many a enemy have fallen on account of your wrath. To me, nothing speaks more to the worth of a Sith then the amount of blood that they have splilled in order to wipe out the Jedi and further the goals of the Sith. Will you represent your class as a Trinity Member?"


As Oblivion began to answer, Quietus held his hand up, silencing him.

"Allow yourself a moment to consider it, yes? Besides, there is more to say... For the third member of the Trinity, the member who I have deemed fit to represent the Assassins, I had hoped that Exodus would be up to the challenge."

He locked eyes with Exodus as he spoke of his proposal to the Assassin, and then once again addressed the meeting as a whole.

"In both cases, the exploits and deeds of these men have come to my ears through a variety of channels. I myself have witnessed some of their deeds in the past, and I can only assume that they have grown in skill and understanding of their class. I feel that they will be worthy of representing their respective classes. I would like to point out, that because I am continuing the Sith Trinity, that you all realize that I will be flexible with where I steer the Sith."

Finally approaching his seat at the head of the table, Quietus sat down, and grinned ever so evilly.


"I encourage you speak up with your thoughts and ideas regarding the plans and direction of the Sith. This reign will be one of my fellow Sith, not solely based on my twisted desires and plans. While I will make decisions based on my will at times, they will not be the only source of the direction of the Sith. Either approach me directly, or channel your thoughts and ideas through Exodus or Oblivion. Most of you have as much to stake in the survival of the Sith as I myself do. I am giving you a voice to influence those around you, and I merely will be the tool with which those actions are carried out."


With his point and intentions clearly laid out on the table for all to see, the Dark Lord looked around the room once more and gauged the responses to his words. They were strange words to be sure, words that most of them did not expect to be said. With a few moments passing, he again looked at Oblivion and Exodus.


"Do you two accept my offer to become part of the Sith Trinity? Is there anything else someone would like to say or ask of me?"


I ate a hippo. It was delicious.

May the Forth therve you well...

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Jareth, having had his question answered, sat back down and through subtle influence of the darkside, made Azumi place her hand on his right shoulder.


The sith master then listened to the rest of Quietus' speech. Talk of trinity and classes amongst the sith did not particularly appeal to him as he belonged to none. Jareth had not archetyped himself to someone elses cookiee cutter image of what a sith should be. Darth Revenant belonged to no subgroup. He was Sith and that was enough. A pioneer dark illusionist, a fighter, an assassin, and a sorceror in his own right. By the time Raynuk's speech was finished, Jareth was begining to think that he was perhaps the only true sith left in the galaxy.


Another thought came to his mind suddenly as if an older part of his brain awakened from a deep slumber. Something long forgotten by all but Jareth and Kakuto.


He sees what I see The sith master thought to himself.


Revenant knew this to be true. Not in a spiritual sense as if Master Ryu was watching from afar on the other side of death, but in a very literal sense....for the two Sith Masters shared an eye.


A comforting thought amongst the storm of this gathering which Jareth truly believed marked the end of the sith as he knew them.

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