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Everything posted by Oblivion

  1. "Your mission..." A haunting and familiar voice echoed from the chasm in which the Sith Lord contemplated, "...is a simple one." The stark silhouette of a towering beast, rivaling that of the mighty rancor beast, arose slowly. The arch of its back curved round, stretching up with his back. A constant secretion of ooze seemed to pour from its body, leaving a trail by each thunder footstep. Emerging fully from the shadows, both arms raised and grasped the columns in which the large armament room rested upon. While the texture upon its skin was as fluid, whenever the beast contracted its muscles, the tips of his fingers became solid and began withering the hardened marble away like dried clay. With a large snap, the monster pulled the cemented material and balled it in palms. It then proceeded to smash the substance together into a mammoth ball of rock that formed under the sheer intense pressure its muscles exerted. "...Live." Soon thereafter, the beast let forth a frightful roar that shook the room. Despite it's bulky size, the creature was terrifyingly fast; able to close the distance between itself and the Sith Lord outright. One swift blow was enough to send the man flying clear across the room, slamming into the solid wall with such velocity and sheer intensity...
  2. The communication cleared without any interference. Stationed below upon the surface of Kamino, the Imperial traffic controllers gave the foreign ship a clearance code to land. Nothing further was stated or implied.
  3. Oblivion


    It became ever more apparent that this was a cohort of sorts, having been summoned with only detail of himself inquired. Never the less, it seemed obvious that a matter this grave would require precision and technique; one from the force assembled seemed adequate at the least. Adjusting the height of his cloak with a shrug motion, he allowed his forearms to enter out and cross against his chest. "As to you, my ladyship... It has been far too long." After the man articulated but the last sound, it seemed their rightful leader and summoner made quite clear as to what was to be. Oblivion knew this man well enough to call him birth right. Every move calculated to staggering limits, well beyond the norm. A confident nod was all that was needed to reflect these emotions, knowing full well whose eyes fell upon his figure. "To the depths of the abyss and back, you have my support..."
  4. Oblivion


    A clear wisp of atmosphere forming a funnel downwards was seen from above. Nothing more. Yet from this subtle motion came the intrepid vessel housing the dark duo who remained strapped inside. Velocity increased as the throttle was pressed down further, even as closer they became with the ground. A sly grin washed over his face as another lever was twisted by his pale left hand, curling over his wrist and guiding the tight A-Wing to veer off course and settle upon the concealed hangar's grounds by mere yards. Swiping a hand past his brow, allowing the silky strands of platinum hair to fall past his shoulders, the sky opened up for the pair inside at last. "Pardon the theatrics," The man said with a very thwarting undertone that was more blunt than ever, "Flying has never been my strong suit." Emerging forth, carrying the hand of his female associate Tarrian Skywalker, he guided her as far to the platform. From there, his hands became lost in the long black cloak that seemed to mold to his very body. All but the pale facial features pierced out from the abyss, carrying himself in a manner that made him appear as if floating more than walking upon the earth. I've come, brother... with company.
  5. A vagrant gaze across the thickened glass shield showed the furious onslaught of precipitation bordering lethal velocity. Shrouded by ever constant darkness, the man did smile upon its image. "How very curious this planet can be," A gentle twist of his wrist called upon the drink which he had taken up with his guest, the hovering cup laid upon his palm before all of his slender fingers curled around its surface. "After all these years of study and research here, it still can surprise one such as I... As it would seem, our path off planet side has been breeched for now until the storm subsides, m'lady." The last drop was savored from his draught, the empty vessel cast aside and rolled aimlessly down the long corridor in which they stood against. "Our meeting has passed... A pity, really. Now it is just you and I." --- A message came through once again to his quarters, the same drone of a living being summoned to the cause. It was brief upon first inspection, immediately knowing the receiver. "Heh, dear friend, your timing is ever so impeccable." A quick glance shot over to his humble guest, extending his hand over to the woman in the same motion. "Care to join me in a special mission to the point of no return?"
  6. During the brief moment of reflection, the open swishing of air quickly rushing through the still room was felt. Out from the gapping doorway a lone Imperial officer maneuvered across the marble flooring towards Lord Oblivion. Leaning down slightly to match eye levels, the man whispered something in his ear before just as promptly exiting. "Well, now. That is certainly most interesting news." Beginning to rise from his seat, the readjusted the linings of his cloak and finished what remainder was left inside the cylindrical glass shot. "It would appear my dearest friend and ally, Lord Exodus, has been dubbed the new Dark Lord and wishes my company upon Coruscant. You are honorably invited by proxy, I am sure, to attend. This meeting appears to be the same we are carrying here. Perhaps we can both attain more answers with many minds at work."
  7. "As I stated before, I favor that which I can control. So far, there has been little to hinder this set of values... Time away, secluded in the darkest depths, miles underneath the surface; a man can truly think clear for once." The lids of his eyes parted wide, the edges of the glass rustling back and forth before the seizing hand was gripped at the wrist by the other. Letting out a very loose breath and recomposing himself once more upon the chair, his vacant gray eyes traced once more over his company's figure. "Pardon me. Moving right along," Politely coughing into his hand, his back straightened and leaned forward more with his guest's own posture. "There is nothing more powerful than intelligence. I make a habit of keeping track of activites within the Sith order -- one of the mandates being affiliated with the Krath, you see. You are well known to me by ink, but it is only now I see you with flesh and blood." "I must uphold the order now that I have returned to the surface. I can not do this alone. Once I realized you were still alive, I sought action immediately. I need your skills and your resources to pull this together. Matched with the Empire and manipulating what remains of the Jedi and allies alike, this new war could turn a profitable coin in our favor." Dropping the glass low behind one half of his face, a daring smirk lurking beneath the glossy sheet being turned and contorted further, he uttered but one last statement before freezing still in the stance. "What say you?"
  8. "Straight to the point, I see. Yes, well..." The arm which clung to the edges of the cup moved about with a certain rhythm, casually swaying back and forth as if teasing the liquid substance to spill forth from its confines to no avail. "Lord Ryu I have not heard from in ages... I'm afraid I'm not the single best man with all these answers, see. I, like you, have been in retreat to the shadow's touch; dormant, lifeless... I shall inform you the best I can from the information my men have gathered in the past months." Sliding the brim of the glass up against his lips, the man's neck titled back with a slight grimace before both eyes flared back wide once again. "Who rightfully owns the crown title of Dark Lord escapes me, but there is a much larger threat. An ancient race of cybernetic beings threatens the galaxy. As much as I am intrigued by their conquest or purpose, this is a burden that threatens us all. Our own planet of Cardia has been lost, as well as several others, to their wake." There was a solemn pause by the man's speech as he gently lowered the glass infront of him. His elbows rested against the marble surface, hands interlocking together as they now rested underneath his chin.
  9. Between the transmissions, he had seen to that the preparations of the fabled woman's journey. An endless surface plagued by that of the elements, surrounded by the dark umbra of clouds regardless of time; some eyes can see despair and emptiness. They were all the same to him, perhaps even more so on Kamino then elsewhere. That little constant of the weather was pleasing when all else seemed to be changing around him elsewhere. Never the less, Oblivion made sure there was an escort and an even surface to guide her into the war halls. The Imperials had fashioned what was above, as he was in charge of what dwelled secretively below. None the less, he was accostumed to the style and decor. The room they met in was spacious as it was luxurious with simple marble and white patterns. Her voice caught him between the gentle pour of a glass, the red vibrant substance flowing into a second cup as the first had filled. One long pale hand stretched across his collar and folded back the dark hood covering his face. Long locks of velvet silver hair fell to his shoulders, a wry glance cast towards the entrance where his guest now appeared. The man gave a quick examination, eyes traveling down her body and tracing back up. There was no doubt; her mere presence exuded that of the fabled queen figure herself. "I favor that which I control... My records have never lied to me before, nor have they here. Welcome, Ms. Skywalker. Please, do sit down." The same hand which had relieved his hood pointed down across the long table to the other side where, after she had been seated, he did the same. The opposite glass that had been poured on her arrival sailed deftly across the air and towards her end slowly, meeting within safe reaching distance. "I apologize that I was so vague in my message... You may call me Oblivion, if you so choose. Titles and names do not savor my fancy as well as faces and expressions though, I must warn you." Picking up the remainder of what was his glass, he held it aloft by his side as he continued to speak, "I was an apprentice of the late Lord Dagon and Dark Lord Kakuto Ryu during his service... It is a shame it took so long for our paths to meet."
  10. Oblivion


    = Communication Link Message: = An etheral silhouette appeared on the screen of the desired party member's controls. Soon matched was a very monotone voice that seemed more of a whisper than ever carrying any real tone. "My, you certainly are a hard woman to find... You must be wondering who this is. Call it a man of similar interests for now. We can discuss matters further at my estate... Your computer already has the co-ordinates by now. Seek me out if you wish to be enlightened... You've been gone from us for far too long. Let's hope that reputation of yours still holds true in these years." The last lingering words were held up in space before vanishing completley, the projected screen returning to its neutral function in darkness.
  11. --- As the healing ritual proceeded, the kind hearted woman who tended to the Grandmaster could feel an ominous energy growing beneath the patient. Creeping out slowly, shrouded in a black veil and dripping forth an eerie substance of the same hue, a sword emerged and hung in the balance much as Sanare. Slightly longer than the lighter twined blade, the two edges collided against each other, the Soul Eater alive once more... Away!... Her fate is mine to control, not of yours!... Intertwined above Armenia's body, the levitating blades struggled back and forth. All the while, the viscous substance that emptied from the Soul Eater's handle drizzled dark spots upon her outfit that wriggled and twitched. Each drop reached closer to her neck, a small measure away from entering the open chasms of the woman's mouth... Attached are we... The symbiot must live with its host. To these ends, I do not wish her death... She will live once more anew, with me... Finally, a drop escaped her lips and entered inside. A wisp of clouded grey smoke emerged, bringing her that much closer to breathing once more at a alarmingly rapid pace then the previous ritual. See now!... With the many souls that reside in me, the souls of Kamino will save her... And she shall be stronger then ever before. ---
  12. Following the debriefing, chance would have that his fellow comrades were not far now. He could feel the flow of the shadow guiding him. Upon its call, messages and thought freely transpired in either direction. The man need not even open his eyes to gauge the visual world, as the plane which he drew from, which they drew from, made reality so much clearer than any objected by mere human eyesight. Whilest Exodus approached the former Dark Lord, so did he. As if not to make too much of a late enterance, Oblivion appeared in full form, draped from head to toe in a long flowing cloak. As customary, it would be in his best interests to still bow before Kakuto, rising soon after to meet them at eye level once more. "Fate would have our paths cross together once more... It gives me great pleasure to serve in such an honourable conquest as I have been informed. Let us finish this, once and for all..."
  13. There was a certain measure of public knowledge about the inner working of the Krath that passed through word of mouth within the order. That did not go without saying that some vague points which seemed to emcompass the passive handed organization beneath the scenes could easily be lost. Often times, this was inacted purposefully. It was now Oblivion's duty, as he had repeated many times before the same rhetoric, the true nature of the particular sect he now assumed power over since Lord Dagon's administration. "You may be rest assured knowing that only the most loyal of my subjects that have studied under my vigilant watch know of such sorts. The pratice of alchemy is often seen as mysterious and sometimes forbidden a one. I have also personally made sure that any volumes that have lingered in the remote parts of the galaxy have been retrieved, thus far. I intend to keep it in such a way; so commands the nature of the darkness at times, as I tend to see it." Bringing himself back into a higher, more erect pose within the chair, his eyes continued to pay the strictest of attention to the new Dark Lord, making aware of his intent both physically and mentally the volume of his words. "Particularly, the number of followers in the Krath are limited by my stretch of influence. Only two of my apprentices know enough of alchemy to pass on the gift. Given the intensity of the training, you can imagine the number of those who have also failed under these conditions. Any willing soul is allowed to learn, mind you. I need only time and open minds before more members can be alligned within the order."
  14. It seemed, within moments, the act of his call bid the presence of the one he wished to speak with. Through the darkness, she emerged and began to speak. To any other man without first understanding the shadow's work, the experience would be unparallel to any other, inspiring fear and doubt. Continuing to stand tall, he lowered his eyes and followed the trail she had left towards the solitary room. Upon entrance, the Sith Master took up the seat she had requested by gesture, laying both arms flat against the arm rests with legs turned slightly outward. "Let it be known first that Montar carried a heavy front with him... I had come to appreciate the position he enabled me, in my effort to bring greater influence within the order. Alas, beyond such words of wisdom, I was to remain stagnant in my role by his judgement alone... He did not make use of my knowledge, therefore I remained deep in my studies back upon my world of Kamino." Readjusting himself within the chair, hands beginning to clasp together over his lap, the man's eerie calm voice persisted in the response... "It is to these ends I feel a certain... disfavor-- towards those who assumed the role as you have. Although, they are the same ends that allow one such as I to have faith in knowing that you shall benefit from using my talents in a far greater fashion then he."
  15. "Heero," The man added with a bit of suggested criticism to the title. Upon further inspection, he seemed to look and react just as any other apprentice he had witnessed before; the only other exception being the fellow man standing before him. "A unique name, to say the least. Ason is an honorable man in our order. He shall teach you well. You should mind everythig he says... that is, for your sake." Without another thought, his eyes turned to meet the Sith Lord's once more, "You have most certainly changed in body and form, but that is no excuse to forget who you are. I feel the soul of Orik within you, yes, but it is you who are stronger willed then he... Through my pratice with manipulating souls, it is all too obvious." Placing a hand upon his shoulder, he continued, "Let me know if the burden becomes too troublesome, my former apprentice... I may have ways to ease the load back in my lab upon Kamino." Patting him lightly, a few minor adjustments were made to the clasp upon his cloak before lightly bowing his head in Ason's direction once more. "I feel we'll meet soon enough with this new Dark Lord... For now, I must take matters into my own hands and seek her out. It is bad enough that no proper introduction has been made. Farewell." -- After his depature, Oblivion continued down the long stretch of hallways within the ship's massive hull. It seemed the further he went, the more the darkness grew; a pleasurable feeling that never seemed to confront him in his existance. It was to this effect he was able to feel the rightful one who summoned him, complacent in meditation as it were. Lowering his eyes, breathing deeply the cool air, the moment he exhaled drew forth words that could be heard by the Dark Lord. It is I, Lord Oblivion... Leader of the Krath... Present yourself to me so this ordeal may be hastened. Unlike you, I do not keep myself hidden... I am here openly at your command. Make yourself known at once.
  16. For the first time in their time together, as far as he could recall, the man audibly laughed in response to the comment of his past. It was true, there were many things he had not revealed to his former study about his past. Shrugging his shoulders lightly, folding either arm across, he lowered his eyes and nodded before speaking back in that same dull melody he was often infamous for. "It is true, Ason, that I was used much like the same device that was strapped to me in that war effort. Although I held little knowledge of the darkness or its ways, my faith to the order could never have been more great that day as I was willing to sacrifice my body, if need be, on a whim to kill even a single Jedi." Brushing a long piece of silver stranded hair aside from his brow, his grey eyes met with more feeling in that moment, absorbing this new entity that seemed to have manifested and changed with his exuberant life force. "I must ask who divulged such information to you since many of those members who participated with me are now either deceased or inactive, as I am aware... As to why I may not have revealed this earlier... well, there are many things that I felt not to bring to your attention about myself. Perhaps, if you can spare the time, I can satisfy your curiousity about my past in full detail one of these days."
  17. Rising up from the machine after a successful boarding, the Sith Master stepped down the ladder and, at last, made it onto solid ground. Never the instigator for flying, it was nice to be on a plane he could control once more. When such matters were not pertenint in the past, they meant much more to the man now, finding a strange fulfilment in knowing this truth. It was obvious, by the flow of the message by the deliverer, that it was a massive summoning. Strikingly similar as Montar's own ceremony, there was an abundance of darkness swelling in the center of the vessel, moving inwards. Suddenly, just prior to having moved in concert to where the others previous seemed to head along, he felt something deep resonate inside of him. A paniced thought that raced through him, causing him to turn back to the hangar. Upon gazing with his own eyes, he saw the silhouette of the figure whose body loomed and traveled towards him. (Ason) Pulling down his own cloak, the pale stretched figure of his face showing in the luminous background, Oblivion made his presence aware to the body. "...There is only one who I am aware that professes such energy as you," He hesitated in his speech, making eye contact with the shrouded man, "It has been too long, my apprentice."
  18. OOC: Moving. Skip this.
  19. --- Hailing from Korriban, the course of the black plated A-wing haulted above the atmosphere of the planet under the Sith's possession, staying well within its orbit. A quick relay from the cockpit of the ship signified to The Heretic that the Leader of the Krath wished to seek the new Lord's council, as he was so summonded to perform. ---
  20. Oblivion


    The familiar warmth of his partner had passed as the sun began to rise above the barren wasteland's horizon. It was not long after she had stirred that his eyes began to open, having to reacclimate himself to the surroundings once more. Moving up from his spot, a hand brushed over his face and hair before turning to see Sirvani. It was obvious, without the use of his vision, to feel her presence expanding deep within the shadows. So obvious, as it was, the feeling became astranged to even he. A question of origins played out briefly in his head before quickly coming to terms with the events and its correlation to this new found ability. Most peculiar... The thought resonated in his mind and, at some level, could feel his mistress every breath and thought echo from afar within his mind. The man continued with his fancy as he too became dressed once more, strapping the heels of his boots at last before closely guiding himself by her side. Dropping down to one knee, his lips gently met across her shoulder and cheek before slowly anchoring himself back up onto two feet once more. "The shadows beckon me once more... I must heed to their call. Take care, my own." Bending down to retrieve his cloak on the opposite end of the temple, the Sith Master quietly returned to the darkness without a trace of sound. Closing his eyes, he could feel himself returning to his former state; the grey hue returned to his eyes, the soft exuberant skin falling back to pale, the intense high of the night falling from his body until nothing remained...
  21. Oblivion


    The dark flames of curiousity, sparked by the man's initial interest, fell from his control as they now held onto the deep embrace. As she had moved her hand to touch his hair, the Sith grasped a hand around the back of her soft neck, deeply caressing as his fingers moved down her spine. The folds of his shirt became pressed against her body, slowly pushing down until they laid flat against the cool stone flooring. He could feel himself rapidly move into a state of the present where all his attention was focused on Sirvani and her alone. Even as his eyes remained closed, purely by touch he could feel movement she made in her entire body, the vibrant red skin color that she embodied symbolizing all of which he wanted to control. As the two cosmic energies of the powerful Sith matched in likeness to one another, the elements around them seemed motivated by their act. The candlelight which illuminated the dark hallway now burned more intensely, even the hardened earth giving way as the very nature of the darkness seemed to spread out from them. Pulling his head back from their embrace momentarily, Tethyn's usually listless eyes were now turned a darker hue to the point where his pupil and iris matched in a deep black tone. The one hand that traced down her spine now carefully slipped under the clothing folds around her back, following further and further down... "Intriguing to see if the rumors about your people are true... Although, I do not plan to disappoint either."
  22. Oblivion


    "This is the remedy," Feeling the smoothness of her fingers spread across his cheek, he motioned to clasp her hand once more, idlely moving the still remenant ring upon her finger up and down while intertwined in their embrace. "I must break myself... for one night, let me be free from the shadow's torment. Your fire, our light, it will ease the burden... Be mine tonight. You know that I am more than capable... You, too, shall be free from burden. It is what your heart desires." At last, the man drew his lips close to hers, meeting firmly against her flesh at first then pausing, as if waiting to the call signified by the passionate manuver.
  23. Oblivion


    "You should know too well the feeling of scorn and of lost... While mine may not have been as abrupt of an end as my late master's would have, the terrible gap of priorities and allegences beyond yourself can also be just as painful. You lose a certain part that, no matter the test, can never fully be mended... Then there was this dream; then... there was you." Feeling partly withdrawn from the comments, his actions began to slow. In order to convey his thoughts and emotions, while still keeping himself in check, his gaze drew to that of the onyx-filled fire. Each subtle move of his fingers, how close in proximity they were, brought a brighter or softer hue. Oblivion had devised many experiments dealing with the working of humanoid souls, having invested many hours in tests for harnessing its purest energy. Now, in its stead, he was able to gauge something deeper then just raw power itself.
  24. Oblivion


    Curious, he had anticipated a far more harsh reaction, yet at the same time it was unsurprising. They both had a common thread, having been lost from their mate for so long, the joys of company made far more sense then what reality seemed to warrant at times. As their eyes drew upon one another again, he leaned back in towards her neck, this time muttering into her left ear softly. "...There was a reason I sought you. That... is not it." A hand gently cupped her exposed shoulder, feeling out the warmth as the dark flame seemed to slowly spread around the site. It did not yield sensations of pain, although it drew forth a feeling of stimulation, feeding off the fiery passion within. "You came to me in a dream... Ever since, my mind has been warped... I must have you. I must find out if this feeling is real... Is this insanity? Perhaps. Who knows. The very question beckons the title, sometimes."
  25. Oblivion


    There was a sense of delight in knowing that those words uttered were true, continuing to stare intently back at her with the same amount of confidence and sincerity. Time would continue in their hold, the man beginning to lightly trace the bottom of his thumb against the surface of her hand. Knowledge over the elements, often turned for violence and bloodshed, now became used in a much more sly and inticing way. A small stream of water, cool to the touch, was sent along the back of her forearm in a seductive manner. It moved across her dark red skin, tracing every curve of her arm and began to dissipate at the base of the woman's neck. "Tell me," The Sith spoke in a hushed voice, slowly taking his guest's opposite hand with his as each now became seized, "To a changed man, all your feelings. I can see it in your eyes, I always have, this exuberant fire that never ceases to calm. Though your body acts one way, your spirit never lets go of this emotion..." Shifting his weight further, taking a step closer so that they were near eye to eye, the silhouette of his figure would become blurred. The candelight that highlighted his features would intensify while all other objects were torn aside, leaving only his image. "I shall be honest with you as well... Through my dealings with other members of our order, I noticed this trait in all the great Lords of our era and those of old... Yet, for some reason, I continue to lack this feeling, this emotion you possess. Sirvani... It is to these means I wish to meet, your body and mine..." Then, like a stroke of lightning, his back craned heavily forward, meeting his lips with the side of his guest's tender neck. Fingers tighting their hold upon her hand, an even visual dark flame began to manifest around the tips of them, feeding off her energy slowly.
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