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Tarrian Skywalker

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Even though he had recommended a similar punishment, a heavy weight settled on Onderin when Darex delivered his judgment. Kirlocca had been a staple of the Order for a very long time, a fierce warrior against the forces of darkness. It hurt to see him diminished in such a way, so caught up in the war against the Sith that even decisions like the one he had made had seemed clear at the time. The burden on Onderin was heavy enough that he almost wished he hadn't started all of this, but still he felt the will of the Force had been served in this matter. He had done the right thing to bring this here, and Darex was doing the right thing with this punishment. It was simply a very poor situation, and a regrettable one, but what had needed to be done had been.


Onderin had little doubt that Kirlocca would continue to serve the light side, and even during this temporary sojourn from the Order, would stand in staunch opposition to the forces of darkness. Onderin was rarely gifted with visions of the future, but when he touched the Force he knew that Kirlocca still had an important role to play in the Order's future. Indeed, he could very well end up saving them all....


"Kirlocca," he said as the wookiee began to leave. "May the Force be with you. Please don't think I respect you any less than before." The last thing he wanted was for Kirlocca to think that he had prosecuted him in order to lay him low. He considered Kirlocca one of his few friends in the Order, and if it came down to it, he would still trust Kirlocca with his life and would lay down his own for the wookiee. He only hoped he got a chance to prove that.


As he left, Kirlocca gave the floor to someone else, and Onderin now turned his attention in that direction.



There is nothing good in war. There is good in why we fight them.

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Kitt was as silent as one could get as the Council debated and delivered over Kirlocca's actions. Although the punishment in the end was strong, it made even Kitt flinch a bit to here the words of punishment against the children as a focal point, as Kitt was hidden within the Force now because of that very same technique. Dressed fully in the black clothes of CorSec, along with it's insignia upon both his shoulders, Kitt stepped fully into the light and moved to the position that Kirlocca was just at. With a bow before both men, he hoped that the two were not so deaf to the Force.


"I requested this meeting under the most extreme circumstances. I am also very sorry for keeping you both in the dark for so long. I am Kitt Fitt."


Kitt took a moment to allow the weight and shock settle in, as he knew both would undoubtedly have shock in hearing such news.


"I am not returning to the Order yet, nor will I hold discussions upon it either. My purpose here must remain a secret. And for reasons I can't yet reveal, my identity has been hidden, and will continue to remain hidden until I finish my mission. I also will not reveal myself in the Force for obvious reasons. This is a guarded secret that I am committing to you both, as something tells me that you two are both going to need extra guidance in the coming months."


Kitt stood and awaited for both Jedi Masters to speak on the matter of secrecy. He took a moment to glance at both Darex and Onderin in their eyes. He had chosen both to sit upon the Council with him at Tython. Although, neither of the two knew how much weight Kirlocca had put on selecting the two as well. Kirlocca believed in balancing out the points of view, and believed that Onderin was his balance, and Darex would balance out Kitt himself. Onderin sits upon the Council mainly due to Kirlocca, as Kitt did wish him removed of rank upon the withdraw to Tython. But for some odd reason, Kirlocca believed that Onderin was better off to be flat out forgiven. In fact, that was always the way with the Wookiee. Kitt allowed for a smile to appear upon his face as he thought upon what the Wookiee would do with his time now.


Jedi Masters never die, they just fade away.

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Almost as soon as Kirlocca walked out of the doors of the room, a weight was lifted from the once Jedi Master. He couldn't quiet describe it, nor would he attempt to either. He simply acknowledged that it was lifted and that was it. Deciding to make the final house keeping, he walked towards Ads, looking only for a millisecond at Qaela.


<< You are now in the care and apprenticeship of Onderin Starlisk. Watch him carefully and learn. You may keep the lightsaber as safe keeping for me. It may end up being a token to remember me by. >>


Kirlocca understood that most of the words he just spoke to Ads was trivial to the padawan, but it time, he would appreciate the gesture.

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The room was quiet after Kirlocca left, but only for a moment. The CoreSec officer stepped forward, and what he had to say surprised Darex immensely. "Kitt?" He couldn't keep the surprise from his voice. A smile came to his face. "It's good to see you again."


His smile turn to a confused frown. "You've been undercover with CoreSec?" That didn't make much sense to him. Why would he leave the order in the state of flux it had been in after his murder? Darex remembered that time well, for that was when he and Kirlocca had taken over as dual grandmasters. "Why did you feel you couldn't return to the Order? And why reveal yourself now?"


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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"That fact that our strong protect our weak is what sets us apart from the beasts. We were able to evolve from animals scrounging for what we need because we are different from what is found in nature. Where you choose what is easy, taking regression over progression--to revert back to your basic animal instincts--I have chose to do what is good and what is right. It is this ability that raises us above the wild animals, yet you have chosen to fall back and waste your words trying to excuse your decision and cast it in a new light, but there is no light that can be cast on the darkness, for any light destroys the darkness."


At that, Kirlocca strode into the auditorium and addressed Ads.


<< You are now in the care and apprenticeship of Onderin Starlisk. Watch him carefully and learn. You may keep the lightsaber as safe keeping for me. It may end up being a token to remember me by. >>


"Wait, what? What's going on? I am sick of switching masters every other day, what do you mean I'm Onderin Starlisk's apprentice?"


Generally, hitting someone in the head with your weapon kills them regardless of whether they're wearing a life-sustaining mask. I'm pretty sure this is general combat strategy whether your target is Darth Vader or some thug on the street.
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Kitt focused his eyes more intently upon Darex. His questions and sheer surprise seemed to overwhelm the man at the moment. Although even with such a strong surprise, his questions directed at Kitt were partially already answered for him.


"As I have already stated, there are some things that I cannot yet reveal to either of you. But I can explain to you both as to why I am here now."


Kitt took a single step backwards, showing the room with one hand to both Jedi before him. Although Kitt was also careful not to leave to sight of Darex, whom was seeing things through a hologram, and most likely could not see the room that they were in.


"This is the room of where Senator Dirrm Gir’tey died. I will spare you some of the more boring details, but in short; he committed suicide. In fact, he did so at the heavy urgency and influence of the Force..."


Kitt let the last part hang in the air so that both Jedi Master could see where there was a need for Kitt to reveal himself to them.


Jedi Masters never die, they just fade away.

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Kirlocca couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at Ads' outburst. If the padawan had only known how quickly things could turn in his favor, as things always did upon a Jedi going under an apprenticeship of Onderin, he wouldn't be so upset. Placing his left paw upon his shoulder, Kirlocca spoke with some wisdom that was wrapped in a soft and caring voice.


<< Ads, you are young and skilled. Trust me when I say this, I know that you are closer to becoming a Jedi Knight than you realize. Onderin Starlisk will be your final master, and the time won't last long. >>


There was far much that Kirlocca would love to say to Ads, but his time on the planet would need to be short. So the Wookiee lingered to see if that was enough to satisfy the padawan, but then he would have to leave.

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"Okay. I guess you know more than I do about this. Why is this happening though?


Generally, hitting someone in the head with your weapon kills them regardless of whether they're wearing a life-sustaining mask. I'm pretty sure this is general combat strategy whether your target is Darth Vader or some thug on the street.
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Kirlocca could only let out a sigh. The truth was something Ads would not fully understand, as it could mean a great deal of judgement against the Council itself. Although, not entirely because of their action, or that Kirlocca's own was right. But it would draw some unwanted attention. He was almost certain that neither Onderin nor Darex would openly state why Kirlocca was exiled out, or that he was even exiled. To keep a clean image, they may just declare that the once Jedi Master took a sabbatical.


<< You are not yet ready for that answer. But you will be in time. But for now, keep your eyes focused upon your goal. Adhere to the Code, and follow the Force. You will have your answer in due time. >>


Kirlocca now took a step back, refusing to at all look upon Qaela.


<< But now I must leave. Onderin will be out shortly. May the Force be with you... >>


Kirlocca now turned and walked towards the Spaceport within Drev'starn, where 41D already made the call for his own personal Owool starfighter to meet him there. Soon, he would begin a life on Kashyyyk without the worries and burdens of the Jedi Order...

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Qaela opened her mouth to respond to Ads' charge, but before she could vocalize her counterpoint, the Kirlocca entered the scene. She waited silently while it addressed Ads and took special note that the creature didn't look her way. For a second, she had the urge to smirk at the Kirlocca when she gathered what had happened. It wasn't a desire to be agreeable or even to stay out of the furry creature's wrath that stopped her, it was the realization that she could sense him in the Force as before. A frown formed on her lips as she realized that he had not been stripped of the Force as he had done to her children. That sense of alarm only increased when the creature left without undoing the block placed upon them.


Her heart told her that she had been betrayed or, at the least, Starlisk had failed. The Kirlocca was able to wield the Force and was leaving. This was not part of what she had bargained for, not in the least. She didn't care if the creature had been stripped of some meaningless rank as that meant nothing in reality. He would still be recognized as the master he was and with just as much respect. He would get to walk around free while her children remained locked away from the Force. There was no justice in that, not at all. If Starlisk had truly failed her, then she would get her vengeance against the Kirlocca even if it meant returning to Furion. She wouldn't harm Starlisk himself, though. She had grown fond of him and his malleability toward helping her. If he got in her way, she would have to do something about that, but until then, she would spare him any wrath.


Then her head caught up with her heart. Emotions were the strength and weakness of the Sith, not of her kind. She needed to be careful not to let them overwhelm her. If the Starlisk had failed, then perhaps there was something that could be salvaged of this. Her children may not get the vengeance they desired immediately, but she could still benefit from this entire scenario. Surely the Kirlocca wasn't the only one who could undo what had happened to her children. She would devote her life to finding a way to safely break through this barrier no matter what the cost. There was no need to make enemies unnecessarily, not when she could still benefit from speaking to their Council.


Starlisk deserved a chance to explain what had happened. She had made mistakes by assuming things before and it had cost her. Better now that she be patient and uncover the entirety of the situation before taking action. She owed Starlisk that much at least for taking her to her children.


She turned her attention back to Ads. Based on a few things Starlisk had said and what she had observed of people in this universe, she was fairly confident that the Kirlocca had been stripped of his rank. Without any mockery in her voice, she said, "He has been cast down from his position for what he did to my children. If you are to be spending time with Starlisk, we may be seeing a lot more of each other throughout the near future." She shrugged again, "Either that or we are going to be fighting to the death."

Qaela Sig

Send PM's to Travis.

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Onderin was just starting to think about how he inherited a padawan when Kitt stepped onto the scene. He raised his eyebrows in surprise--he had addressed the man specifically outside and not even suspected who he was. It was remarkable that Kitt had been able to hide himself so adeptly... in fact, it was almost impossible. Onderin touched Kitt with the Force as Darex addressed him. At first, he could feel nothing. There was nothing that suggested this man was actually Fitt, certainly not the strong presence of a Jedi Master. But then, as he focused, he realized with a start that he could feel something like a wall of light... the same thing he felt when he focused on Qaela's children. In order to hide, Kitt had essentially cut himself off from the Force. Which meant more than anything that it could be undone.


That would have to wait a moment, however. Onderin was indeed glad to see Kitt alive and well, but for now the former Grand Master was revealing why he had come around. Onderin frowned at the news about Dirrm Gir'tey committing suicide; that didn't seem at all like the man he had served with in the war. Unless the man had come down with PTSD or some other post-war related disorder, it didn't add up that he would simply give up on life. Which made Kitt's presence all the more important.


"You're going to use psychometry to find out what happened," he concluded. That was a technique that Onderin had always wanted to learn, and he hoped maybe to get a chance at some point. As someone who had served in CorSec during the early years of his adulthood, the ability to look back in time based on an object or location fascinated him. It was the ultimate crime solving tool.



There is nothing good in war. There is good in why we fight them.

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Darex frowned inwardly when Fitt told them that he couldn't say why he had mysteriously disappeared from the Order, leaving everyone to think he was dead. But he knew the man must have a reason. Regardless, that clearly wasn't important now, at least in Fitt's opinion. When the former Jedi spoke of the murder, Darex's frown reached his face. "Was the senator Force-sensitive?" he asked. "I'm also curious as to how you know it was influenced by the Force. If this is a new Sith method, we need to be able to identify it beyond the shadow of a doubt."


It was strange; when he was a Knight, he never would have jumped to the conclusion that this was a Sith attack. But the Sith of that time had been much more active. It had frankly concerned Darex how quiet the Sith were being, because that usually meant they were planning something. If they had been sitting in the background figuring out how to influence people to kill themselves, that could be why they had been hiding somewhere in the background of the galaxy.


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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Ads had no idea what was going on. As Kirlocca left the auditorium, Ads simply stood there, unsure of what to do or think. That's when Qaela spoke up, giving a much needed, although even more shocking explanation.


"He has been cast down from his position for what he did to my children. If you are to be spending time with Starlisk, we may be seeing a lot more of each other throughout the near future." With a shrug, she finished, "Either that or we are going to be fighting to the death."


"What?" Ads blurted out. "What did he do to your children? They look f--" Ads stopped short as he glanced at Qaela's sons and seemed to feel a flicker of...nothing ((please note that Ads stopped short, he didn't drop an F-bomb)). Realizing that with a Jedi Grandmaster and a Nightsister involved, things may not have been quite as they seem, he continued, "well, they look fine, at least..." Ads looked back at Qaela as his voice trailed off.


Generally, hitting someone in the head with your weapon kills them regardless of whether they're wearing a life-sustaining mask. I'm pretty sure this is general combat strategy whether your target is Darth Vader or some thug on the street.
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Kitt had to openly shake his head at both Jedi Master's comments.


"Onderin, psychometry won't be effective here, as they only point to elements present, or current during a use. And Darex, I never said it was the Sith. And Dirrm was not Force sensitive."


Kitt inhaled a big breath and then released it as he spoke. He could feel Onderin probe him in the Force, a sign that he was curious.


"While Darex, you can't feel it from your distance, Onderin can testify to what is within this room. Similar to the crystals caves on Dantooine that bond with it's users so much that they can leave an impression behind, so this room feels the same way. I can't say it's for sure the Sith, because the feeling is tied into a similar feeling I felt back when I was Grandmaster. But I think I may have a speculation as to what it is..."


Kitt left it open to see if either of them wanted to here what was on his mind. He had a vision some time ago about this coming storm, but didn't think it could manifest during his time, due to the lack of a powerful Force user willing to perform such an act. But it would seem that he was off...


Jedi Masters never die, they just fade away.

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Qaela snorted in derision at the blindness of the Jedi. "That beast took them from me and then, instead of just 'protecting' them as he claimed he was doing, he had them stripped of the Force and bound in that cursed web of light. Even being close to them is discomforting and actually trying to touch them in the Force is painful and gives me headaches." Her voice was getting a little heated, but the rage was still quite safely under control. "No mother should ever feel pain just for being around her children. That wretched bastard deserves far worse than what it seems he got."

Qaela Sig

Send PM's to Travis.

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There wasn't really much to say about Ads listening to Qaela, everything was quite obvious from what she said.


"Not to excuse what he did, and of course I know nothing about the situation, but seeing as their father was a man with terrible power, isn't it possible that Kirlocca protected them from his enemies or perhaps even from their father wanting to destroy any potential rivals?"


Generally, hitting someone in the head with your weapon kills them regardless of whether they're wearing a life-sustaining mask. I'm pretty sure this is general combat strategy whether your target is Darth Vader or some thug on the street.
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Onderin stretched out with the Force again, trying to get a sense of what Kitt was feeling. He had indeed been desensitized to death during the war, but that didn't mean he couldn't feel the impression that had been left on the room. The first thing he noticed was the lasting echoes of Kirlocca's presence, and not from the conversation they just had. It was likely that the wookiee had been here when Dirrm had committed suicide. He also got a glimpse of Dirrm's own presence, but he was much less familiar with the Senator than he was with the Jedi.


He found, however, that he had literally no idea what Kitt was talking about. The fact that CoreSec wasn't investigating this room meant they knew the circumstances of Dirrm's death--at least the facts, if not the motivation. There was something else there, deeper than Kirlocca's and Dirrm's presences echoing around the room, but he didn't recognize it. ((At least, I assume he doesn't. I'm as much in the dark here as Onderin is.))


He looked back at Kitt. "Perhaps you should share your thoughts, Kitt," he said.



There is nothing good in war. There is good in why we fight them.

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Now Qaela's anger was directed at the ignorant Jedi pup. "Who is that furball to dictate how I raise my own children? Ar-Pharazon intentionally gave me these children and even risked his life to protect me while I carried them. Even if the Kirlocca was right to take potential enemies away from me, he violated the game by stripping them from their birthright. Had he killed them, then it would be just another low move in the game. I would be enraged and would get vengeance, but that is to be expected. What he did is worse by far. Instead of giving them a clean death, he consigned them to live as half people! He kept them alive so that I might have hope of retrieving them, but now that I have them, I cannot ever be truly comfortable around them and their people will never accept them. He is a vile, despicable creature worse than any Sith I have ever had the misfortune of coming across!"

Qaela Sig

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Kitt took a second to process what exactly Onderin had said, or was feeling. Either or.


"As you two may know, I have the gift of foresight. When I first became Grandmaster, before the peace summit, I had a vision within the Force. It was of the future. It was of a coming war of the Force, but not sides of the Force. Instead, it was an attack upon the Force. The imagery I got was of a mysterious figure trying to trick Force users into fighting against each other, and then poisoning the Force. I of course didn't believe such an event could ever happen, as it would take a skill unheard of. But the feeling of the vision left me to believe that this figure could manipulate anyone with the Force. Such a feeling now remains here on Bothawui, within this room. Someone forced Dirrm to kill himself through the Force."


Jedi Masters never die, they just fade away.

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Kitt's words, although vague, were concerning. "So you believe this war is starting, then?" Darex asked. Just then a small figure ran through the holo. "Sorry," Darex apologized. He scooped up the small boy and held him. "I have to say that I, like you, am a bit skeptical," the Jedi continued, his concentration not broken by his son's unexpected intrusion. "But if you believe that this is not just the Sith, but something bigger, we need to be alert."


He glanced at Onderin. War had always been Onderin's expertise, and he wondered what his fellow master would have to say. He turned his gaze back to Kitt. "Being aware of a possible threat is one thing," he said. "But until the possible becomes a reality it is simply a distraction. What would you have us do?"


((OOC: Sorry we couldn't get this done before I left the country. Darex will continue being a bit skeptical, but that won't prevent him from being interested enough to do some follow up if Kitt suggests it. You're free to post my actions along those lines if needed. I'll see you all in June.))


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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Kitt lowered his head, almost in a disappointed fashion, but the feeling he left open to Onderin and Darex to see from his body suggested that perhaps he felt a bit misunderstood. Raising his head again, he spoke in a softer tone then maybe was expected.


"A war is coming, but not in the sense that you two may be aware of. My only suggestion is for the Council to be alert and watchful as it breaks out. But when the war does start, it will be very alluring to the Jedi Order to send aid."


Now turning more directly towards Onderin, Kitt spoke in a very firm tone.


"The Jedi Order must not participate in any fashion."


Jedi Masters never die, they just fade away.

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Onderin frowned and understood just why Kitt had seemed focused on him. To Onderin, it was utterly essential to the Jedi that they remain fully engaged in all major galactic ongoings. To help those in need, to make sure that good always triumphed over evil, was critical to the Order's vision. The Force had a will in all things, and to stand by and let events unfold without being involved was to ignore that will. Kitt had always been on the other side of that spectrum, it seemed, and for a time he had tried to prevent the Jedi from getting involved in the final days of the Galactic Civil War--in the time when they were most needed to ensure that the Empire was finally defeated once and for all. Of course, Onderin had been locked in an Imperial prison at that time, so he didn't know the details.


He simply could not see what standing by would accomplish. On the other hand, if what Kitt said was true and that this was a war on the Force itself, then perhaps his intuition is not what would serve the Order best in this case. But weren't the Jedi called to serve even if the cost was high?


Onderin met Kitt's eye. "You know how I feel about standing by when we can accomplish something good by getting involved," he said, knowing without a doubt that the former Grand Master did. "What would the consequences be if the Order were to participate in this future war?"



There is nothing good in war. There is good in why we fight them.

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Kitt could only muster a shrug as he let out a breath of air, not one that he was holding in either. He knew that Onderin knew he couldn't provide a straight answer to his question.


"You know as well as I do that the future is always in motion. But what I can offer up to you is what I believe will happen. This perversion within the Force seems to echo another who has ill will. If such an ill will can create such a strong mess of a war, the damage to the Jedi could end up being one that is beyond recovery. Jedi themselves might end up being damaged from participating."


With another shrug of his shoulders, Kitt seemed to acknowledge the lack of results.


"With the future remaining in motion, I can not say anything will be certain. But if you want what I have seen, well.... It looks like the Force could be poisoned. And those that join in the war will be it's victims."


Jedi Masters never die, they just fade away.

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Ads turned toward Qaela and pulled his feet up onto the stage.


"I don't think you heard me right. I wasn't defending his actions, just asking a question that I thought seemed important. But why does this make them half-people? Aren't they now the same as the vast majority of the galaxy? Most people I've met seem perfectly happy and productive even without the Force. How are they different from everyone else?"


Generally, hitting someone in the head with your weapon kills them regardless of whether they're wearing a life-sustaining mask. I'm pretty sure this is general combat strategy whether your target is Darth Vader or some thug on the street.
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Onderin nodded. "Then I think the only thing we can do is move mindfully forward. Once the war starts, the Council can make it clear what the Order's stance is going to be..." he said. That was about all he could do right now. The problem was, some of the other Masters on the Council were impulsive. He might be able to restrain himself and stand by without getting involved, and he was certain that Darex would be able to, but could they convinced Dahar and Dashel to do the same? Only time could tell, and this war could end up being divisive as many wars had been in the past for the Jedi. The future was indeed very much in motion--Onderin only hoped that he could see clearly enough to do his part in avoiding some kind of disaster.


"Kitt, I noticed earlier that you have hidden yourself in the Force, and to me it feels much as Qaela's children feel," he said, changing the subject. "I had intended to ask Kirlocca to restore the children to their original state, but I feel he has already left the planet. Can you do it?"


He suspected that Kitt was the originator of the technique. Qaela was no doubt displeased that Kirlocca had been able to walk away with his connection to the Force intact, but if the children were restored, perhaps her grievance would be settled.



There is nothing good in war. There is good in why we fight them.

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"You know nothing!" Qaela snapped back. "Here," she said while waving her free hand around them, "those who can cast spells are very, very rare. Among my people, they are far more common. They are the ones who lead and control everything and are free to live as they wish. Those who don't have the ability to wield the Force are lesser and are bound to the spell casters. The lucky ones exist at the bottom of society as mere peasants; the rest are slaves. Without the ability to cast spells, my children will be looked down upon and mocked. They will never be able to amount to anything of significance."

Qaela Sig

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Kitt was at first hesitant to even mention to Onderin that he could do such a thing, but decided against any form of denial, as it wouldn't help anyone in any circumstance. With a quick and short nod of his head, Kitt responded.


"I can... But I won't."


Kitt paused, but not long enough to where Onderin was able to respond back.


"I don't want to risk me being identified as Kitt just yet to anyone outside of the Council. But with that said, I did leave it open enough to where two Jedi could remove it. Since Ads in under your care now, the two of you could easily perform the needed action to restore."


Kitt was content to leave it at that. He didn't want Qaela to even know that he was alive, let alone that he held any hand in the action. But not for any other sake then now was not a good time for her to know. Her knowing would result in her acting out of anger, and would endanger multiple situations. Even Onderin had to be able to see that.


Jedi Masters never die, they just fade away.

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Ads thought for a moment about all that Qaela had said.


"So why did he do it? And don't just say it's because he's a horrible furball. What's the real reason?"


Generally, hitting someone in the head with your weapon kills them regardless of whether they're wearing a life-sustaining mask. I'm pretty sure this is general combat strategy whether your target is Darth Vader or some thug on the street.
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Onderin was startled when Kitt said that he wouldn't do it, but once the man had explained, he understood that it made sense. He couldn't honestly predict how Qaela would react if she found out he was alive, especially if she learned that he had been the one who had performed the technique on the children initially. It ultimately didn't matter who restored them, as long as it was accomplished, and if he did it himself, Onderin might be able to paint the Council's decision in a particularly good light in front of her. Hopefully it would be enough to satisfy her, for otherwise, Onderin would have no choice but to side against her. And so when he hoped she would accept it, he hoped so for her own sake. It would certainly go a long way toward proving that she was not a danger.


"That sounds like a good solution. Can you teach me how to restore them so that I can do so with Ads?" He had touched the children in the Force earlier, and what he had found was much like a cage. He had no key, however, and no idea how to go about opening it.



There is nothing good in war. There is good in why we fight them.

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