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Tarrian Skywalker

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For a moment there is merely silence, then slowly a low, barely audible chuckle breaks into slow, controlled, but all the same maniacal laughter. "Good, good. We have him in our pocket. We can move against those CorSec fools soon enough I think." The laughter dies down and Faust voice becomes hard as ice, though malicious glee still drips through between the twists of his "s"s and soft vowels.


"I have news that may interest you yet if your ties to the Sith are still worth considering, indeed all of Black Sun. My place at the conference guaranteed a universal and conditional pardon for those accused of crimes during the galaxy's last and longest civil war. Those simpering idiots have bled themselves dry and can no longer stand the taste of the stuff. We have a peace and a chance to move about openly I think. If we are careful, it can be exploited carefully without turning ourselves into fugitives from this new law and new order."


Faust chuckles once more. "I shall need to clear matters with Smash, but I think a discrete and decisive strike against CorSec might be in order if we can muster the strength. We cannot play our hand too heavily, nor leave evidence trailing back to us... For old times sake...." he thinks for a minute, a small spiteful urge growing up in him for some fairly recent slights at the Conference. "On another note, I'll need you to see about procuring a few sets of storm trooper armor. Though this new peace has its opportunities, let's not let it settle in too easily. Oh, and as usual, do be discrete about this. As said we cannot play our new hand too heavily, and the hand that gets caught will be removed faster than Skywalker's over Bespin.


You have my trust and approval as a full agent of Black Sun and special operative. Use it well."


The comm dies out- granted it was for Delta initially, but Faust, not the one to care, shrugs. Heading back to his ship after giving a few quiet orders, he heads out to find Smash.

In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed - but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.

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"Good, good. We have him in our pocket. We can move against those CorSec fools soon enough I think."


Terra smiled at the thought of crushing the rising power in the core worlds.


"I have news that may interest you yet if your ties to the Sith are still worth considering, indeed all of Black Sun. My place at the conference guaranteed a universal and conditional pardon for those accused of crimes during the galaxy's last and longest civil war. Those simpering idiots have bled themselves dry and can no longer stand the taste of the stuff. We have a peace and a chance to move about openly I think. If we are careful, it can be exploited carefully without turning ourselves into fugitives from this new law and new order."


Terra's tethered mind grasped his words, and a dark hope fastened its bloody teeth into her thoughts. Perhaps she would soon be able to return to the dark god, where she felt she truly belonged. However, like her mind, her allegiance was split between two factions. Hopefully, she would be able to adequately serve both sides without hurting the other. She listened, intrigued, as Fuast continued.


"I shall need to clear matters with Smash, but I think a discrete and decisive strike against CorSec might be in order if we can muster the strength. We cannot play our hand too heavily, nor leave evidence trailing back to us... For old times sake... On another note, I'll need you to see about procuring a few sets of storm trooper armor. Though this new peace has its opportunities, let us not let it settle in too easily. Oh, and as usual, do be discrete about this. As said, we cannot play our new hand too heavily, and the hand that is caught will be removed faster than Skywalker's over Bespin. You have my trust and approval as a full agent of Black Sun and special operative. Use it well."


Pride and joy swelled up in the back of her darkened mind. She had earned the great General Fuast's approval, not something gained easily. Now she had a new mission, to procure several sets of boni-fide stormtrooper armor. What it was for was of no concern to her. It simply was a mission, and that was all she needed to know. As the commlink died before her, she stood, and began to wonder where it would be best and discrete enough to procure a few sets of armor. In her mind, she felt she had three real options; one would be to kill a bunch on stormtroopers for their armor. Not very discreet. The second option would be to go to the Golden Link, in order to gain information as to where to get armor. More than likely the owner would point her directly to her last option; The Galactic Gun Shop.


Undoubtedly, they had armor of many types for sale. Hopefully they would have several sets of Stormtroooper armor, perhaps even equipped with Imperial identifiers. Terra finished getting dressed and rearmed and then set out towards The Ossus Fallen and its crew of Krath War droids. As she sat down in the cockpit, she ordered the pilot droid to take them out of Dubrillion's gravity well. As The Ossus Fallen cleared the shadow, it went into the welcoming blue folds of hyperspace, making several secondary jumps to avoid detection.


To the Death...

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  • 3 weeks later...

A shuttle landed in Jacen Onnd's personal hangar, setting down with a hiss and a clank. It had just returned from a trip to Corellia to pick up a most important being. The ramp lowered and a team of Black Sun agents stepped down, followed closely by a professional looking woman and a man of oriental descent. They made their way through the base, coming to stop at Jacen Onnd's office. They entered to find him sprawled in his chair, a half-empty bottle of whiskey in his hand.


His secretary, Rachel Dawes, stepped forward and kindly shook him awake. Jacen convulsed and fell backwards out of the chair. He righted himself before looking around to figure out what was going on. When his vision finally cleared he realized what had happened and he took his seat again.


"Its good to see you all again. As you know our time on Corellia was well spent and now we will have the full resources of the Black Sun behind us. Dr. Pang has developed what we hope will be the correct strain of the virus we desire. Agent Bale is already on Coruscant looking for General Faust's request."


Jacen turned towards one of his most trusted men.


"Agent Larren, I need you to make your way to Naboo and capture a few Gungans. They will be our starting place. The rest of you can resume your duties, but be prepared for the call."


Proud member of the JNET Addicts Club since November '05

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  • 2 weeks later...

Terra smiled to herself, the only expression of joy she had shown for some time, as The Ossus Fallen emerged from the long hyperspace flight above the planet of Dubrillion. She was once again here. Hopefully, this time she wouldn't be almost killed by her fellow agents for her equipment. To kill more of her fellow agents would leave a painful blemish upon her record. She brushed her one pale hand through her golden hair and pulled it into a single long braid that ran its way down the back of her black uniform.


As The Ossus Fallen docked at the Black Sun Base, Terra made ready the half-dozen stormtrooper uniforms that the proprietor of the Galactic Gunshop had given her. She bit her lip in frustration. They did not have the identification codes that would make the disguises complete, but perhaps there were specialists that Black Sun employed that could get such a thing programmed. Two of the Krath pilot droids helped push the container onto the repulser-sled, which Terra herself took down the landing ramp onto the docking platform. She stood by the sled, nervously awaiting General Faust, the Sith so very much like the darkened god. Hopefully he would be pleased.


To the Death...

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A small remote hovers into the room, left by Faust on one of his earlier visits. Unlike the usual Seeker-Remotes he used, this one's purpose was a bit more benign.


A blue specter appears out of it, carrying Faust's holo-image, in turn linked to the Hunter himself cybermentally. Faust's posture appeared to be sitting, placing him in the cockpit of his ship. His face looks a bit tired, a mute testimony to some of what the former Imperial general had been up to since he last made his appearance.


The eyes on the remote take in the details. "Progess? Do you have the crew assembled for this job? I assume weapons will not be an issue either at this point."

In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed - but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.

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”œProgess? Do you have the crew assembled for this job? I assume weapons will not be an issue either at this point."


Terra smiled, her white teeth highlighted by the blood-red of her lips. She already had a few members in mind. She bowed her head, in reverence, arms against her sides, before speaking in her gravelly voice.


”œYes, general. I will assemble a team at once. We have all the weapons we need. We shall strike them in the heart, wipe them out to the last man. There will be no mercy. I shall use my connections to call on greater allies. They will not know what hit them until they are dead.”


To the Death...

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Like the wretched, tetanus-ridden blade of a serial killer who preyed only on innocent and carefree girl scouts engaged in acts of charity and kindness, the Lich slides back into realspace above the planet of Dubrillion.


She is visible for only a moment before her sophisticated cloaking device slides across her like tarpaulin across the corpse of a girl scout, shielding her from sensor sweeps and almost all visual scans except any made at point-blank range.


She slips into the atmosphere like a tarpaulin-wrapped corpse dumped into a slow-moving river in the dead of night, drifting slowly to the surface and alighting like a loathsome, virus-carrying parasite landing on a baby's soft skin and plunging its proboscis into the tender dermis with an insectile disregard for the pathogen-based death sentence served on the infant.


The landing ramp lowers like something really ominous and portentous, and Geki stalks out, looking a little like General Grievous leaving his landing craft hundreds of years ago but way more intimidating and with a more plausible character arc.


"Did somebody want to see me?" he inquired of the vacant air as if it would give him an answer.


http://www.themire.co.uk-- being a veracious and lurid account of the goings-on in the savage Mire and the sootblown alleys of Portstown's Rookery!

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As Terra finished cleaning the blood from her face, her mind felt as though the evil blade that had been lodged there so long ago had just been twisted, reopening the wound, and let loose a wave of darkened thoughts. A Sith had arrived. She felt a wave of nausea flow over her as realization set in. She slowly turned, her hand of flesh shaking ever so slightly, to one of the nearby agents of Black Sun.


”œOne of the Sith are here. Be not afraid. I will go and speak to him.”


To the Death...

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Faust gives out a short set of instructions and a nod of approval. Finally, a specialized data cache and codes is dropped off, representing one of Faust's final contacts with the Imperial remant (said informant neatly tied up as a loose end, to be literally swept under the rug after a disintigration).


The remote hovers after Terra, its lenses taking in the form of Geki. Faust, watching on the other end, hides a moment of hesitancy- while Faust was not exactly a paragon of sanity and stability, a fleeting doubt entered his mind on if Geki could keep to the low profile and stick to the plan. The moment passes and Faust's grin is wide- the maliciousness and chance for sheer damage and chaos would be a appeal enough.


"Geki, old friend," he states, speaking to him as an equal. "It is good to see you. I trust you'll find the plan to your liking?"

In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed - but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.

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Descending upon the land, like a huge woven burlap sack of heinous sins made manifest, was the DUVUCUS, a spacecraft more iconic than the Millennium Falcon. And vastly more important.


Ar-Pharazon's custom-built spaceship made its way toward one of the designated landing pads. Slowing its speed, the vessel cruised along carefully, before setting down gently. Without wasting a second, the powerfully evil Ar-Pharazon exited his craft, bedecked with weapons and a nagging penchant for war. For no reason whatsoever, Ar-Pharazon violently grabbed a hold on the Force, and gratuitously propelled himself through the air, in a series of several hundred flips, directly to where Geki and Faust were standing. He nailed the landing.


”œYou know, it's a damn shame that Darth Havoc is not on hand to join us in this pending mayhem. Apparently that ship has sailed.”


[Associate of the Illinois Mafia since November 2002.]

Member of the Four Horsemen

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The Marie came out of hyperspace with its occupants only slightly hung over. The landing procedures ended, and the group of men, Delta, Crosa, and Kayal emerged to see a group of EPIC SITH LORDS chatting like old friends.


It was strange, but the sight ended the hang over in a moment. They didn't go for their guns, for the only thing to do was negotiate.


Delta bowed, "Sirs, I assume you are here for the mission? Black Sun's hospitality is yours."




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Terra's crimson smile grew as the last of her allies arrived. The Epic Sith Lord; Lord Ar-Pharazon, Mandalorians; Delta and Crosa, and the handsome rogue; Kayal. With this potent combination of allies and old enemies, nothing would be able to stand against them. With her hand of flesh trembling, she rose to her feet, and surveyed all those who had gathered. Each one had a specialty. Together they would stain Coruscant red with blood. She nodded to Faust, before slowly speaking.


”œThank you all for answering our call so quickly. I'm sure you all know the danger that is facing us, going straight to the main base of our enemies, but that is what it will take to wipe them out. Now”¦ We need to dress in these uniforms,”


To the Death...

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Faust just gives a faint smile and nods.


"I do wish I could join you on this adventure, but given my profile, it's best if I'm publically seen elsewhere. If nothing else, I can help provide a useful alibi. I'll be watching. Contact me on this channel here after the operation goes down."


With that, the holo image flicks out.

In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed - but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.

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Without wasting time, Ar-Pharazon engaged in profane magic.


Suddenly ”“ from a festering, drifting, distant thought ”“ the evil Sith legend realized that the dark side of the Force surrounded him. The evil aura sang, and the sphere of corrupted energy pulsed - even without looking, he could feel it - and the thought came that if he spoke his evils aloud, the planet itself would feel great pain. With him and with the Force. All one. He raised his opened hands as if in some mockery to prayer. Immediately, the aquatic life, for hundreds of miles in each direction, exploded into toxic chunks of death, initiating a crude process that would eventually kill Dubrillion's oceans through the proliferation of poison, unless Black Sun reactively engaged in some sort of fast-paced eco-saving water reclamation project. Though, Ar-Pharazon doubted that Smash Dausaku cared about the environment.


”œSo, what's first on our agenda?”


[Associate of the Illinois Mafia since November 2002.]

Member of the Four Horsemen

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Geki, who had been standing slack-jawed and vacant-eyed for several hours- several days, possibly, sometimes he lost track- snapped out of it suddenly. Slowly, a beatific smile, like the smile of a depraved serial murderer who had found the Force in prison but was still really kind of messed up inside, crept across his face, and he acknowledged his dark brothers in Lord Ar-Pharazon and Faust.


"Do-gooders, eh? Any Jedi in that mix? I dislike them quite a lot."


http://www.themire.co.uk-- being a veracious and lurid account of the goings-on in the savage Mire and the sootblown alleys of Portstown's Rookery!

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"What is first on our agenda good Lords, is formulating a good plan of attack. I volunteer the Marie for this mission, she is a good ship, good supply, and fancy enough for anyone's taste. Plus, turbolasers in the atmosphere make epic fireworks."


Delta nodded slightly, and took off his helmet. This plan could work, the Marie wasn't a known Black Sun vessel, and as a corvette, she could do a hell of a lot of damage.




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OOC: If I put something in my character sheet, I mean it!


IC: The evil man standing before Delta, was named Ar-Pharazon, but was often addressed with the same titles that would be used when addressing kings, emperors, and living gods. Though human, the evil child once born on the Astaroth system grew into an imfamouis Sith legend. Now, the galaxy was well aware of who he was, even at thirty-five years old. Standing at six feet and one inch, Ar-Pharazon wiped away some of the black hair that disparaged the stern view of his powerful brown eyes.


His black cape hung over an even blacker robe that reflected his foul soul. All of his clothing reflected that. Even his artificial arm, constructed by evil sorcerers, wielding ”œwar-hammers”


[Associate of the Illinois Mafia since November 2002.]

Member of the Four Horsemen

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A cold feeling had fallen over the Black Sun base on Dubrillion. Jacen had sent his team out on their respective missions, but now he needed to find something to occupy his time. He pulled up a personnel list to see where the operatives that he knew were stationed and was surprised to find that Delta was in the very base that Jacen now occupied. He grabbed an unlit cigar and a bottle of whiskey and headed toward the hangar that Delta had recently landed in.


As he entered the hangar he was surprised to see many more figures than he had expected to. He immediately recognized Delta, as well as the famed Sith Masters Ar-Pharazon and Geki. The other two figures he knew only from his time on Coruscant. Had he not recently experienced the amazing powers of a Sith Master first hand he would not have believed that the phenomena before him was real, but after seeing a Sith Lord summon a river of blood it wasn't much of a stretch to believe that Ar-Pharazon was capable of setting himself ablaze and living to tell the tale.


As he came up behind the two Sith and the Black Sun operatives he pulled the unlit cigar from his pocket and cocked an eyebrow at Ar-Pharazon.


"Would you mind?"


Proud member of the JNET Addicts Club since November '05

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Delta grinned, "Then my ship will be used!" He nodded to Jacen. "Nice to see you alive and well....."


He backed off a bit from the conversation, and dialled up the comm. The construction should be complete by this time.


A comm wave dissipated from this planet, and made its way to the deep of space.




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Delta laughed, "He is still chasing skirts, still making bastards no doubt. I'll wager he is getting himself in trouble somewhere."


He nodded to them, clicked his comm to send out the automated transmission.


Then he looked back at the bunch, "So when shall we depart? Or are there other sith that we are waiting for?"




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Allies were everywhere now. The fool Jacen was here, undoubtedly drunk as always. She hadn't invited him to her mission, but perhaps another set of hands would be helpful. Her recommendations for the mission and plans seemed to go over everyone's heads. Perhaps they would listen to Delta, all those present here seemed to be listening to him.


Terra nodded in response to Delta's query. Although she had been assigned the duty of creating and leading the mission, Delta was in charge now, he was after all the superior officer. No one was listening to her anyway. She nodded once more, a little more solemnly, and spoke up, hoping to the gods that somebody might listen to her.


”œWell, we have The Marie, our private ships, and a whole bunch of allies. As Vigo Delta has said, perhaps it is time to depart, unless we are waiting for more allies or our objective has changed.”


To the Death...

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In a moment of evil passion, the Sith Master named Ar-Pharazon violently grabbed hold of the Force and lobbed a tomahawk several million feet, into the unsuspecting head of a great philosopher in another city. As the evil weapon connected, the great theories that would one day be put forth to solve every problem imaginable, faded forever.


[Associate of the Illinois Mafia since November 2002.]

Member of the Four Horsemen

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As the philosopher died, leaving behind a widow and three small children, the crew of the Marie was packing up shop. Weapons were gathered, populace slaughtered, and things tidied up. The Sith were taken aboard, and given the lush quateres they deserved.


In a few moments they were in the air,


In the next few, They were in the vastness of space.




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  • 2 weeks later...

An Encrypted comm came in for Members of the Black Sun.



"Greetings. My Name is Agent Tengu. I would like to request the audience of any Black Sun Member capable of executive, wide-scale decisions. There are coordinates listed here for such a person. I will be waiting on the Planet Taris. You may reach me at this number, or come for this galactic-wide profitable proposition. We have dealt with your agent....Delta. If he is available we would like his presence. If not. No matter. You know where to reach me. Farewell."




There are worse things than rusty spoons.
No... No there isn't.
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((I guess I never technically left, so I'll handle this one seeing as everyone else is off planet.))


Jacen was lounging in his office, puffing on yet another cigar, when the comm came in from his assisstant, one Ms. Rachel Dawes, regarding a meeting on Taris. Considering how long it had been since Jacen had been off planet, he felt this was a good opportunity, and as such, he seized it. Within minutes he was changed into a suit, aboard a Black Sun shuttle and setting off into hyperspace.


Proud member of the JNET Addicts Club since November '05

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Descending like a spiraling chaos orb, toward the Black Sun facility on Dubrillion, an escape pod once jettisoned from the Golden Dawn, appeared. Resting inside was the rich and powerful leader of the most infamous criminal syndicate of all time. Steering the small craft with maximum proficiency, Smash maneuvered towards a landing bay.


As the craft landed, there was a brief moment of suspense for all operatives that were working in the proximity. Steam hissed, as the escape craft cooled down. A hatch sprung up, as a virtual geyser of valuable paper bills bloomed high into the cool night air. Immediately, a man of great personal worth emerged.


”œGreetings, humble employees and villains, alike!”

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Kayal had been busy doing... absolutely nothing until Smash burst into the facility in his usual grand and ridiculous matter. Well, unless you counted leaning back in a chair and licking pudding off of a spoon something, which most people didn't. Ever since Delta had taken off on some odd mission with a sith lord and the total bitch that had tried to kill Kayal that one time, he'd been mostly wandering the facility by himself, alone, with no one else, solitary, devoid of human presence as it were.


That was all changing now, or so he hoped, and Kayal was so lost in his excitement that he forgot that the best way to exit his chair would be to go forward and not backward, and ended up tumbling head over heel to the floor. Kayal quickly righted himself, cursing his own clumsiness and saluted Smash, hoping he wouldn't think him ridiculous or if he did perhaps in that slightly amusing way that would make Smash laugh, or something... he wasn't sure how that worked.


"I'm here, my lord, and ready for duty," he winced, that sounded really dumb... "Or whatever, you know." Perfect, and that sounded even better. Kayal gave what he hoped was a winning smile.



The RP is like JNet's Middle East.
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