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Tarrian Skywalker

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"I am uncertain how you will be received by potential employers," Vothe admitted. He continued to drift towards his ship, his voice the only sound that he created even as they crossed rubble and duracrete, as soundlessly as if he were no physical being but perhaps a trick of the light.


The boarding ramp lowered as they approached. "Tell me," he said. "If your body and mind could be healed of what Ason Antilles did to you, would you wish it to be so?"


It was a critical question that he should perhaps have asked sooner. He didn't yet know whether he wished for her to be healed, but where they were going in light of this news changed the equation somewhat. If it was a matter of credits to receive the proper care and research, Vothe had no shortage of those. Though he didn't look it and certainly didn't live like it, he was among the richest men in the galaxy in liquid assets.


And he was trained in the Jedi arts himself. There was some chance that he could help her himself.

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Terra took a few faltering steps towards Vothe’s ship, then leaned heavily on one of the support struts, turning her face towards the Anzanti. A strange craze of lucidity was in her eyes, as if a veil had fallen away from her face. The ever-present snarl was gone, and her features had softened, and for a moment she became the scared girl of sixteen standard years she was. Her voice had a softness that overrode the gruffness, and in its center was a dreadful fear.


“I was once a girl with dreams. I…”


Her voice broke, and her eyes closed for a moment, and her face contorted with pain


“I left home desiring to become a smuggler, a crack-pilot, to gamble and ride the wave of adreniline across the solar winds…”


When her eyes opened they were hard once more, but held a fire within, appearing as glowing crimson embers in the low light.


“And look what happened. A Sith Master broke me to his will and made me his pariah. Marked me with his filthy blood...”


Terra traced the reddened tattoo on her face with an armored finger

“If you’re up to the challenge, or whoever else can, I wish to be healed of this blight…”


To the Death...

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Vothe simply nodded and boarded the ship. He wondered what would happen to her if she were healed. There was no doubt that the damage to her psyche would be even more difficult to repair. She could never go fully back to what she had been, that much was certain.


As he began the ship's startup sequence and pre-flight checks, a terse comm came in over one of his private channels. Calling in on our favor. Need you to take care of someone. Details attached. The sender was a member of a crime ring which he'd contacted for intel once several months ago while he'd been leading a small Black Sun operation on Triple Zero. The favor was owed. He perused the details. Target seemed bland, insignificant. The job was to kill him and record it. A much lesser agent than Vothe Kyrik could have handled it, by all appearances.


"One last illegitimate job, it seems," he mused to Terra. "I intend to seek employment within the Empire on Carida, but I have been contacted to perform an assassination on Coruscant first."


He lifted the ship up off the ground and calculated the jump to Triple Zero, then minutes later they were off into hyperspace.

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  • 5 months later...

A familiar refrain, a familiar cargo manifest, though there were a few differences as Faust's mischief kept playing itself out, the shipment arriving just before the news of the quarantine hit Coruscant.


The captain this time was a captain Cole and his co-pilot Garamonde. They really found it odd that they'd go to Dubrliiion. They knew it to be a former Imperial base now under Black Sun leadership. That didn't seem right, but Garamonde in particular, despite his doubts, was an orders were orders type of guy, talking Cole out of turning around and acting aghast when Cole made jokes about selling the entire shipment to the parties they were delivering to. In the end, Cole just chalked it up to someone playing politics.


"This is Captain L. Cole of the Galactic Alliance," he commed down to Dubrillion. "For reasons I can only guess at, my superiors wanted us to deliver an entire cargo ship full of bacta to you, along with... let's see.. assorted antibiotics... some hazmat suits, and ah, what the hell, here's the entire manifest." He sent it down, then leaned back in his chair, feet up on the console, showing how much he really cared about this mission.


Garamonde gave him a hard look, but Cole shrugged it off. "We're following orders. Don't have to like'em, as you'd say. Just have to do them. Not like we're stealing this stuff or acting as an accessory or anything, my jokes aside," he said with a cynical laugh.

O how wretched is that poor man that hangs on princes favors! There is betwixt that smile we would aspire to, that sweet aspect of princes, and their ruin, more pangs and fears than wars or women have, and when he falls, he falls like Lucifer, never to hope again.


-William Shakespeare

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Black Sun Reserve Fleet


Consisting of:


The St. Cathryne and fighter/bomber escort


And 12 Heavy Strike Fighters


All were loyal to their Vigo. And did not follow the orders of Zalis, but Delta and on his orders they, along with the captured cargo shuttle full of medical supplies departed from the planet towards Korriban.


There were plenty of other ships and materiel left for the leader to sell to the highest bidder, but these men would not be sold.




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  • 9 months later...

The Galactic Chaos quietly slipped through the atmosphere, as the sun began to raise on the planet.


Erdric looked out of the cockpit, down onto the beautiful green islands that were scattered across the ocean. He was looking for the office of the black sun, as he had received word that there was a decent bounty available.


After spending a few hours searching, Erdric set his ship down at an approved landing pad, and headed into the office building to meet with is contact.

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Ah yes, welcome to the Black Sun Dubrillion office Mr Erdric I believe you are here to see Mr Germaine? Please come this way….


The buxom blonde secretary's voice purred over the distant sound of repulsorlifts. The woman was of of medium height, wearing a short red skirt and a snappy uniform top, also of bright crimson, escorted the man into the back office. There he was greeted by a heavyset man with long blonde hair and an evil demeanor.


“Welcome, I believe you were interested in a bounty hunting mission?” The question was rhetorical, and the Black Sun Lieutenant would harbour no answer of ‘no.’ His grin told all the tale the young hunter would need.


“The bounty is for the head of the Galactic Senate. Godfrey d’Outremer from the sector known as the expanse within the Tapani freeworlds. You will find him at the restaurant Lias De Gress on COruscant’s upper levels. Since he has lost his wife, he has spent many days there, He wears a pale blue cloak, the bounty is five hundred thousand. Dead or alive.”


He slid the man a datacard with the information upon it.


“Now sign this contract and be on your way. Any questions”


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Erdric had know about the Black Sun for a while, and knew what they claimed to be about. But credits were credits, and thats what he needed most right now. The fat man before him was curt, and got right to the point of their meeting. Erdirc was a little anxious about going after a Galactic Senator, his usual targets were lowlifes that owed a debt, or had taken something from an important person, but never someone in such a high position. To take out a senator would truly be a test of his skills, one of which Erdric looked forward to excelling at.


“Now sign this contract and be on your way. Any questions” the man said, as he held out a small stack of papers.


Erdric hadn't said a word so far, but it seemed as though there was no need to, the man knew who he was, and what he did to get paid. Contracts were a normal thing in his line of business, but something felt off about the paperwork he was handed. Erdric skimmed through the contract trying to look for any wording that seemed disagreeable, but he wasn't a lawyer, and was being pressured by the man to hurry up and leave. So he quickly scribbled his name on the line, and handed back to the man.


"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Ill be back shortly to claim the reward" Erdric said as calmly as he could. His nerves were wrecked from the intensity of the environment, the black sun was not an organization to get on the bad side of, and he had not intentions of doing so at this point in time.


Erdric made his way back to his ship, making sure to keep an eye over his shoulder, so he wasnt followed. He took a few back alleys and doubled back a few times just to be positive. The Galactic Chaos' ramp lowered down to the ground as he approached, Vailiance had been ready to receive him, and fired up the ship to head towards Coruscant. The next few days were going to be quite interesting he thought.

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  • 2 years later...

Zalis looked out the viewport at the sight of the oceanic planet before her. Dubrillion was something of a mystery to her, as Black Sun always had ties to the planet, yet it never seemed as important to the rest of the galaxy. Narrowing her own eyes, she peered at the transport ships bringing in the Rihkxyrk fighters to be worked on. If luck held for her, they could be outfitted and prepared for delivery to some private investors. It would also legitimize that potential new operation of crafting smaller ships. 


About an hour later, she was on the surface, connecting with a few local operatives who ran the system. Still slightly hesitant of her due to their own lack of being connected to the larger galaxy. Jesper Fast, a human male who ran the facility walked alongside her as he gave a tour of the entire facility. He paused before the offices and too this time to question. “Ma’am, I don’t mean to be frank, but our facility hasn’t been used for anything too large scale, and Vigo Delta has pers-” Immediately she held up a finger to silence him. 


“Delta is no longer a Vigo and does not operate under Black Sun. If you check, his codes and clearances have already been revoked. The last communication you received from him is outdated, behind in the times, and was completely unaware of the change of plans or direction the organization was headed.” Zalis let the anger in her eyes flare as she stared Jesper down for a moment before she turned and opened the door to the office herself, making it clear who was in charge. “Things have changed Jesper. You either get on board or jump ship before I decide to replace you. Black Sun is mine, always has been. Disloyalty will and has been met with severe consequences. We have a galaxy to slowly put our fingers around again. The way it was run before I took over led it to multiple deaths and multiple leaders.”


Zalis walked around the main desk and sat herself down in the chair, taking a moment to get comfortable within it. She signaled she was when she put both feet on the desk. “Outfitting ships with some blackmarket parts is only half the goal here. Its too small. Destrillion is within our reach and untouched. Since our loss of Bespin, we need Tibanna gas. Setup mining facilities on the planet and allow for us to bring in the fuel source again. I’m giving you five days time to show some sort of progress on that front. Failure to do so will result in a new Vigo in charge of this outfit. Go.” As she said the words ‘GO’, both of her feet returned to the ground. She stared daggers at Jesper as he left the office. Upon him leaving, she turned her attention to the main dataport and began to work on connecting with Akor’ketez to see how the expansion of facilities within some major ports were going…


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  • 2 months later...

The work put in was massive, not just on the ships brought, but also on the facility as well. It had taken a long while, but Zalis had finally managed to gain some headway in creating a perfect space to outfit ships on Dubrillion. Even now, Zalis was a bit amazed at how long it took, mainly due to the resources to keep such a facility large enough to produce products for any warring factions, but also small enough to not get noticed by any of the bigger factions to take an interest in what she was doing. She sat behind the main desk with Jesper standing opposite of her, Akor'ketez and Fluanern on holodisplays on either side. Jesper was finishing up some of his major points of what the facility could now fully offer up. "And as promised, about 3 corvettes have the ability to land and have outfitting, but nothing major outside of a few upgrades. The eight Rihkxyrk fighters you brought have now been fully outfitted for localized defense, to which you said were going to..." He looked down in an attempt to remember where he was told. Zalis held up her hand, to which Jesper didn't see. "No need to call details. You've done a good job under the circumstances, even so with having me breath down your neck the majority of the time."


Her head tilted just slightly towards Akor'ketez. "You've already sent in your report on Titan, but since the majority of my figure heads all in one meeting, might as well speak them outloud." She kept her hands folded on the table as Akor'ketez spoke. "Titan has been running at max capacity for the past year. Since it's opening, we've pulled in triple what was expected on the books, although you ma'am have expressed before that you knew it would be a better pay off. We're fully booked for the next 3 standard months and everything remains on schedule. The BabyFace project is turning to be fairly productive in upping our image with systems who otherwise held a negative view of us. And I'm going to openly remind you now ma'am that within three weeks, the Queen Mother of Hapan is visiting and did request your presence to show her around. "Zalis now sunk in her chair. "That complicates the process at Iridonia in setting things up. Fluanern?" 


A slight head nod before he spoke, still wearing his favorite color of blue. "Ord Mantell assets are secure, and the majority of the investors in the local businesses have also taken a slight interest in our Black Market goods. Taris officials have poked around recently, as whomever is in charge of that office isn't doing a good job of keeping things quiet. And no ma'am, there is no record of who you left in charge there. There has also been a contact from Chandrila who has asked for a Czerka supply shop in return for some good charity. They technically are outside of the influence realm that you setup, so I decided I'd ask you before we moved forward with that." Zalis now put both hands on her face and rubbed her temple for a moment. She needed another vigo or two to help push the directive of the companies, but at such a time of war, while very profitable normally always lacked the right people to move up into such positions. After about a minute, she clasped her hands together and looked at everyone. 


"I'll be taking the eight Rihkxyrk fighters to Iridonia today and helping with the process of establishing both a Czerka office and supply shops in all major ports, along with Black Market goods to be fenced in. After that, I'm going to go to Titan as my home base for a short while, if anything to get some rest and relaxation. When I arrive, Akor'ketez, I'm going to have you transfer out to Taris and take over the operations there and clean them up a bit. Fluanern, you've done exceptionally with running Ord Mantell and Sandorne Palace. Maintain status quo there. And yes, I give my permission for you to setup something with Chandrila. Our next meeting with each other will be within a month's standard time." Zalis simply nodded her head and stood up. She had much to do and so very little time to get it all done. She was off planet within the hour and on her way to Iridonia with everything she would need to setup shops. 


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