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Karys Narat iv-Adas

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Everything posted by Karys Narat iv-Adas

  1. As hell broke loose Lucifer set about events in motion. First he headed inside his ship as to give the impression he was not involved, while inside he in fact headed to the ship armory motioning his apprentice to follow him where a number of swords and various weapons hung up. He gave a few words to his apprentice. ''Pick a weapon, and arm yourself. Locate and neutralise that sniper and any targets of opportunity by any means necessary. Ensure Lord Ar-Pharazon and his apprentice remain unharmed and...unspoilt. Once they are out of the picture more or less...flank right I shall go left, cluster and then draw them into a crossfire on each other however be wary of the ylsamari they hold, take the little beasts out first otherwise our ability to use the force is significanctly lessened. I shall activate the ship gun turret above the cockpit to lay down suppressing fire.'' With that the kiffar looked to the weapon rack picking his two schimitars placing them at other side of his belt before picking up two flashbangs, two thermo detonators and one Cryoban grenade along with his lightsabre(s). Moving to the cockpit the sith lord activated the outer defenses before lifting the craft off the ground to rooftop level allowing for a quick getaway if the need arose. Signalling his ship AI via his neural link to seek out and identify the sniper threat, Lucifer leapt to the nearest rooftop out of the open exit ramp and proceeded to leap roof to roof via the nearest to the spaceport towards the one who hid behind the crate and threw over a flashbang using the force to manauver it closer hoping that the yslamari didn't drop it short as he prepared to attack the rear...or was his hope. Scanning the area the AI found it's objective and marked the target beginning to attempt to 'suppress' the snipers position to hopefully allow his apprentice to manauver to her, as the 2 rapid fire heavy laser cannons a it's front and the Dual 360 degree rotating laser turrets placed above the cockpit opened up.
  2. As Lucifer observed he felt something...distant. Looking around he found it was not of this world but of the force, of the bond he shared with the Alcazarin's...something had changed. Searching he found the source. It seemed Darth Oni had returned, and was sending a message to those that remained through the shared bond, to him this could either make his plans for the Alcazarin's easier to accomplish or more difficult...and yet he also felt from the force something else not from Oni, a disturbance far off almost that unsettled him. Something was not quite right. After he was done here he would check in with his apprentices before he went to Gala, it had been some time since he had heard from them, and if he felt this disturbance maybe they did too. At this thought he returned to what he was doing and observed the confrontation...at least for now, then he felt another disturbance like the force was trying to tell him something was wrong with the picture in front of him. He didn't trust this mandalorian...along with the feeling in his gut and what the force was telling him he didn't like it one bit, it was too quiet.
  3. Still next to his ship and dressed as the combat veteran he was portraying...briefly Lucifer attempted to follow the flow of the force and brush past the shield or so was the hope to Lord Ar-Pharazon and what seemed like his new apprentice. He hoped to let them know by this subtle nudge of pure darkness that slowly drifted through the force from him that he was ready to back him up if needed against his agressors if they so much as blinked.
  4. Lucifer looked at his chrono as he finished the meal he was given. He saw his apprentice had not touched his and remained silent for some reason. After closing the hologram he motioned for the receipt of the bill seeing as Ar-Pharazon had not turned up or so he thought. Motioning his apprentice to rise the kiffar left the establishment shortly after a old man and then he felt it...a slight tinch of light accompanied by darkness from the one that appeared to be following the old man or what appeared to be an old man, little did he know it was a now former jedi turned sith. It seemed fresh almost. Rising from his seat the Sith Lord left shortly after the two deciding to begin preparations to leave himself. He paid what was owed and headed towards his own ship 'The Black Heart' back at the spaceport. Moving through the crowd Lucifer couldn't help but consider what he had felt coming from from the one he had felt back at the establishment...it was uncommon for a jedi. sith or otherwise to be here that was until recently. He had to investigate this matter further. Moving through the crowd in the street he finally made it to his ship when he noticed something going on where he had the supposed 'techs' earlier. They appeared to be aiming weapons at the old man he had seen earlier and the strange feeling he had felt from the one who followed him. Intriqued the kiffar looked at the goings on from next to his ship and used his robotic eye to zoom in and have a look while being quite distant from the goings on. It was then he noticed a peculiarity from the force..a void almost nearby, he knew of only one thing which could do that seeing as he knew Naboo didn't have any natural nexuses close by so to speak of...Yslamari. How he hated the little buggers. It was at that thought he overheard a name he was all to familiar with being called out to the 'old man'...Ar-Pharazon. The young sith thought that this was the cause of why he had not turned up or that he had but the two had not noticed each other in the same place. At least now he had found him, changing his choice of view Lucifer switched the robotic eye to the thermo vision setting via a quick blink of the eyebrow. The heat signitures showed up as a reddish orange while non-sentiant objects as a kind of faded out blue. He noted Ar-Pharazon was somewhat surrounded in a perimetre as he gazed his eye about. One showed up as being behind a crate, one on a rooftop going by readout and another who appeared to be mandalorian in origin standing in front of Ar-Pharazon...if ever he needed a hand it was now. He realised these must be CoreSec going by the badge this one wore. Thinking upon his mission Lucifer tried to place the mandalorian to any people he had seen at one time or another or things he had seen on the holonet. Thinking on it he placed a mandalorian Commisioner of CoreSec from what he had heard. He realised these were the people he was meant to kill, Ar-Pharazon's task entrusted to him and in their death and delivery to places unknown he would become a master. Thinking about it he figured this provided a unique opportunity. To prove to Ar-Pharazon that he had uses, and prove his loyalty. Besides he really needed that item and since this group were his targets. Lucifer looked to his apprentice and spoke. ''It seems we have found Ar-Pharazon and our targets all in the same place. We shall help him if he is attacked, until then we shall stay distant and watch the show. This provides us a opportunity to lure them to where we want them.''
  5. As Lucifer stayed seated he sent another message to his trusted employee...of a sort back at the Sith Temple. The meal arrived before he sent it and thus he took a quick bite before proceeding.
  6. While he waited for his order Lucifer decided he would check up on ny updates within the Sith via his datapad connected to the sith mainframe. As he checked through he found something interesting had happened. It seemed Sheog had for some unknown reason on the very eve of battle disappeared leaving the sith to fend for themselves...in his place a man from the kiffar's past had taken his place as Dark Lord...the Sith Assassin and Illusionist Darth Asperser. The Sith Lord contacted one of his contacts deep within the sith temple on Coruscant, a ever reliable source of information to convey a message from him to the new Dark Lord. He appeared before another as a simple hologram.
  7. After walking around for a while Lucifer was beginning to get a little annoyed being surrounded by the wretched civilians of this city...or as he liked to view them just cattle and pawns of chess to be moved about or disposed of. His stomach started given him signs by eery rumbles that let him know he was hungry and so he was forced to question a passerby as to a good eating establishment. The kiffar looked into the man's eyes as he stared back, he reminded the sith of a hillbilly of some sort with at least one goofy tooth and a bad accent. Crinching slightly containing his malcontent Lucifer spoke to him doing his best to be civil and polite, the last thing he wanted was trouble if he could avoid it...at least for now, there were bigger things to worry about. ''Excuse me. Sorry to disturb you from your path but I was wondering I and my friend here are looking for a good and reputable or popular eating establishment...price is no limit to me. I was wondering if you live around and know of any such place.'' The man stared blankly a moment as the information processed in his tiny brain before he responded. ''It's no problem at all. As it happens I do know such a place, I thinks they calling it Blue or some such name it's expensive but you bet your bottom tooth the meals are to die for! I hear there was an attack recently at the place when those no good dirty rotten scum came and wrecked the city, the cantina was where some jedi died, my cousin told me. They crazy they are, no-one in their right mind would stay open after that but they still open! I can show you the way if you like.'' Lucifer looked upon the man...he was growing bore dof the man's long winded speech but at hearing of a establishment to eat he decided to let the wretch live...for now. Speaking he replied. ''If you would I would apprechiate it.'' Lucifer didn't really mean the words he spoke but he decided it would prevent problems for now. With that the hillbilly lead the kiffar sith and his apprentice until eventually they came upon the now infamous cantina. Leaving the man to go about his business after a slight payment Lucifer trod slowly his steps with purpose, moving his robotic eye slowly about as he entered, he let his robotic eye take a look at each person inside for abut a brief moment as he continued to walk, ever the cautious type. He was certain he felt a very strong dark aura coming from one of the patrons...it was a familiar feeling that felt vaguely familiar as if from Dagobah but when he looked all he saw was a generic man of Naboo alongside another man who he could feel was also dark albiet weaker with a tinge of light. Paying nevermind for now he motioned for a table towards the side at a seperate table at the back which hadn't alreayd been occupied, with a full view of the cantina's two entrances, but away from both. He sat with the better view of these entrances and the barkeep, while leaving his apprentice with the more obscured view. He spoke to the newly named Darth Muerte. ''My apprentice. Now we eat and wait until Lord Ar-Pharazon replies to my message.'' At that he called the barman over ordering two Corellian Ale's and a couple of ewok steaks medium rare. Little did he know the dark feeling he felt in the bar came from Ar-Pharazon himself.
  8. Lucifer recieved the com message and after looking at it briefly became aware that his apprentice Drake (Raven37) was behind him a short distance. The kiffar briefly stopped and turned his head to look at Drake a little as he allowed him to catch up. When the two were next to each other he had little doubt the apprentic ewould take note of the difference of appearance the sith currently had in that he was wearing clothing more akin to a veteran of the war just trying to get by albiet underneath he wore his normal armor. He spoke almost as a whisper as to avoid suspicion from the crowd walking around them as he greeted Drake. Soon enough he walked away from the main crowd and happened upon a remote garden among the buildings...one of many such gardens in Theed, it was here that he could speak more...openly so to speak. It was here that he spoke more loudly albeit not so loud as to agrner attention from anyone who happened to stroll by. ''Ah my apprentice...Drake. Your last report was satisfactory however we have other business to attend to now. We are to meet Lord Ar-Pharazon again to acquire the item we require to implicate CoreSec and the Jedi as per the plan. I believe it time you relinquish your old name and gan your true name....a name fitting of a sith. For as a sith you if you are to be feared and respected you must have name that speaks for you, a name that would remove you of your past life and speak only of your sith life and of the fate that would await those who betray you. My apprentice, from this day forth you are Drake no longer...you are reborn Darth Muerte, in my presence I will call you by this name and you will learn to remember it. For it is more than a name...among the sith such a name speaks much of the man who wields it. The meaning of the name is that of 'death' and speaks of what would happen should any cross you. Now come Lord Muerte let's see what lies before us. Use what I taught you of the technique of Quey'tek and conceal your presence entirely in the force to be as a void just as I have. None must know we are here...at least not yet.'' With that the kiffar walked from the garden still using Quey'tek to conceal himself as a void in the force. Any who would attempt to search would find nothing.
  9. Darkness came to Naboo...at least that was what most would use to describe who was coming. Finally the sith lord Lucifer had arrived albiet none would know he was here accept those he wished to know. Instantly he set about hiding his signiture in the force via the age old practice of Quey'tek masking his alignment and signiture and thus concealed himself from any who would want to interfere in his business. None here knew him so far as he knew other than Lord Ar-Pharazon himself so he had an advantage. The Black Heart now temporarily renamed Tempestes and using a 'borrowed' transponder number from a similar ship entered the space around Naboo, as was common he was met by the voice of the air control who wished to know why he was here and all the usual enquiries...albiet it appeared security was slightly tighter for some reason. Eventually he was granted access and it seemed that his trip to Outer Heaven was not a waste of his time afterall. So far as Naboo security were aware he was but another civilian here to enjoy the sights of what remained of Theed after the aftermath of Ar-Pharazon's rampage. Landing on one of the public landing pads that was furthest from Ar-Pharazon's ship. The kiffar sith doned attire familiar with a war veteran to account and cover for his many scars...a fitting disguise considering he could well be considered a war veteran anyway having survived the war and been present at the Death Star battle that decided the fate of the GA and Empire...that was until a wretched scum outwitted him and subsequantely ended his life as a smudge on his ship's hull. If anyone questioned him he would simply use his alias...Draco Vaanas unless of course they happened to be Ar-Pharazon for whom was the reason he was here. Stepping outside his ship Lucifer made sure it was secured and the security systems were active as he closed the exit ramp and headed into the city however he briefly turned his robotic eye to zoom into the far landing pad where there appeared to be a group gathered around a rather grotesque looking ship....it was pretty obvious it belonged to Ar-Pharazon simply due to the fact there were real skulls imbedded into it, it appeared to fit his personality alright. The thermo vision of his robotic eye detected an unusual amount of thermal signatures in the area indicative of something happening...to his mind it could be either one of two things. Either someone was waiting for Ar-Pharazon or there were simply alot of tech's in the area refueling the ship. Turning himself the sith lord walked the opposite direction and headed deep into the city away from the commotion, he started investigating a few of the stores. Sending a messsage via his com-unit the kiffar sith let Ar-Pharazon know he was here and questioned where he would like to meet to sort this business. He figured while he was at it perhaps he would give a heads up so to speak and re-affirm his loyalty just in case it did turn out to be a threat. ''Lord Ar-Pharazon it's Lord Lucifer. I have arrived and wish to enquire where would be the most opportune location for which to begin this exchange. Oh and another thing I think someone might know your here either that or ther eis simply alot more tech's around your ship for some apparent reason, I have the distinct feeling the ship with the skulls I saw belongs to you...if so it appears that my thermo vision indicates there is alot of unusual activity nearby.'' After it was sent the kiffar decided to have a little more of a wander and walked around. Most tended to avoid him simply due to the way he looked alone...the scars told tales however due to the Quey'tek he was applying none knew who he really was...or rather what he was. Stepping down a alley he came out into a square and to the sight of death, it appeared Ar-Pharazon had already been through here, the kiffar stepped back into the alley quickly and walked the way he came before making a turn down another alley among several buiildings and worked his way through the cluster. It appeared today was not his day as what appeared to be nothing more than a petty thug decided he would pull a knife on the kiffar and demand money...it was the biggest mistake he could ever make. Before he even knew what hit him the man found himself with the kiffar's hands around his neck and his head suddenly jerk sideways in a awkward angle resulting in his premature death. Lucifer quickly vacated the alley and into another of the main streets following the crowd through to some of the more obscure shops and stores. Edit: Made a slight edit after discussion with those involved however the bulk of it is the same as before.
  10. It had been a few days since the kiffar sith had arrived at Outer Heaven and passed between when Lucifer arrived until this very moment. He didn't enjoy it, having to wait for his ship to have it's transponder number and identity changed. He had found man offering a fair price for the task however it was taking slightly longer than first anticipated. The only marginally fun episode was when a group of thugs thought they could steal the sith's credit chip only to find soon after what a mistake that was when the leader of the bunch began screaming in pain, much to his friends befuzzlement...the sith lord had taught him a grave lesson by entering his mind and making him relive his embarassing moments...over and over again to the point of physical pain. Deciding he had spent more than enough energy running around on the station that had over the past few years been taken over be smugglers as a safe port to rest between jobs and drops. It wasn't very special at the moment, and the lack of interest in buyers and contractors making their way to the port made it somewhat depressing nowadays since his last visit...cleary his apprentice presence no longer being here affected the place. Shotrly moments after his latest ale at one of the many watering holes on the station Lucifer recieved a com message informing him his ship was ready. Paying the tip the sith headed to the vendor he had previously employed and paid the man after inspecting his handiwork. He had done well...the ship was temporarily renamed the Tempestes and the transponder was legit 'borrowed' from a similar ship of familiar design. Paying the man Lucifer reclaimed his ship and headed to the deep of space and from there to Naboo. He had been delayed long enough...he would not be delayed again.
  11. As The Black Heart exited hyperspace and drifted momentarily in he deep of space Lucifer contemplated his two objectives. Many would be risky, but in the end the cost was worth it. Going over the final detaisl of his plan the kiffar input several co-ordinates and began the first of several micro jumps to avoid detection as he headed to Outer Heaven...it would be the one place in the galaxy where his presence would likely go un-noticed and he could easily replace his ship's transponder number and name with a falsified or 'borrowed' name and number...albiet temporarily for the task at hand at a reasonable price, it also helped that at least one of his apprentices (Calmin Ayion) owned the place so eh could conduct his business without interference being a 'friend' so to speak to the CEO of the vast structure. Inputting the final checks and co-ordinates he hit the dial sending the ship hurtling into the dark of space again as stars began just beams and streaks of light.
  12. A message comes in from Darth Lucifer to Lord Ar-Pharazon informing him he will be there shortly after his current business is dealt with.
  13. A message comes in for Ar-Phrazon from Darth Lucifer pertaining to his objective. ((See Pm for details))
  14. The Black Heart belong to the relatively unknown sith lord Darth Lucifer makes one or two micro jumps as to not be tracked before heading to Coruscant. While mid-flight a message was sent to the infamous sith Ar-Pharazon.
  15. A highly encrypted message arrives for Drake (Raven37) from Darth Lucifer informing him to go to Coruscant and wait for his arrival at the docks.
  16. As Lucifer prepared the takeoff sequance he noticed he had a message and so he took a look while waiting for Calmin and Zuko to board. So it seemed that his quarry had moved on, something he expected given the delays he was being subjected too but something he could also remedy. The kiffar thought of it as rather like a game of chess...his opponent had made their mvoe now it was his turn---however whenever he played chess he always played to win, and as such was preparing and moving the pieces about the board ready to make his checkmate. Turning to Calmin he spoke when he noticed he had entered along with Zuko. ''Drake has reported. It seems our quarry has as expected vacated Naboo and as such phase two of our plan is now in affect, remember hat was written upon that note...infiltrate the nest of our enemy and implicate as specified. I will drop you off on Coruscant since I have to see to other matters there but once planetside your task is your own...Zuko will go with you and keep overwatch and become your contact on the outside. For now you work as a team. That is all.'' With that the kiffar turned to the front of the ship and closed the exit ramp to lift from the surface of Dagobah. For now he would say goodbye to this god forsaken place...home to another of the sith's sanctuary's. Mid-flight he sent a message to Drake (Raven37) informing him to rendevous on Coruscant at the docks.
  17. After speaking with Drake, Lucifer continued his walk to his ship although just as he was about to board his com-link started to beep. Peering at it he listened...as he looked he was intriqued as a slight smile gripped his lip. So it seemed Sheog had made something of himself, the sneaky hutt had achieved what he always wanted...true power---as Dark Lord Of The Sith. Thinking carefully and wagering the risks as well as the negatives against the benefits of helping, the kiffar calculating the chances of success...and of a cunning plan as he found that two tasks seemed to coincidently co-incide to his advantage. He sent his reply.
  18. Lucifer was pacing at a steady speed along the hallway when he was rudely interrupted. It seemed his apprentice Drake...had finally arisen again from his bacta slumber. He used the force to abruptly grab the young man's throat as he uttered harsh and biting words that would feel like needles up the man's spine. ''And why should I take you back. You are a pathetic excuse for a sith...I gave a simple, basic task and you failed me. I am not in the habit of giving second chances---yet under the circumstances I may have a use of you...this is your only saving grace. But do not fail me again or mark my words...your death shall become legendary among apprentices. The task is simple, I need a emissary to go ahead of us to Naboo, find out if the agents of CoreSec and the Jedi with them are still present. If they are they must not know your attachment to me...I shall teach a skill whereby you would hide your alignment in the force to this end. Find out this information however you can and report back. If CoreSec and the Jedi are not present we can assume they are on Coruscant already and concluded Lord Ar-Pharazon is the culcrit if this is the case that is where Calmin and Zuko come in.'' The kiffar turned to Calmin and Zuko handing them a note as he spoke. ''Your task should be explained well enough on that. Use this as a test of your skills and what I have taught you so far.''
  19. After running through the various tunnels Lucifer finally found the source of the commotion...or rather what was left of it. He saw that whatever threat it may have been had been dealt with as whomever it was lay dead upon the cold cobbled floor bent in various awkward directions. It seemed he ahd caught the end of the fight. With the threat dealt with he no longer had a need to stick around and thus he began to make his way back to his two apprentices but not before finding a presence nearby he recognised...Sheog, he had met him once before on Coruscant however then he was but a apprentice yet the force indicated he had grown significantly since that time. No matter---the kiffar continued en-route, making it back inside the training room just in time to see Zuko using what he had taught him of Force Speed and heading straight towards Calmin with sword in hand, he saw both had gotten to grips somewhat of combat and that for now would do. The kiffar spoke out one word. ''Enough.'' At that he spoke again to them both. It was time to begin the assignment. ''You have learnt enough for now of the basics of combat. Now we proceed en-route to Naboo, during the journey I'll see if we can't make a quick stop and see about acquiring a sabre or two for you both...at least for now...in time you will make your own. Let us hope those we wish to find are still where we want them, if not it matters not we will find them again. Clean yourself up inside the ship you must both be ready for what lays ahead.'' With that Lucifer motioned that both his apprentices despite their battered condition follow him to his ship.
  20. It was taking time as Lucifer ran down the corridors to investigate the source of the rumbling. The rubble that was falling in parts and the many places in the temple that were near identical made it difficult to traverse. So far it had taken a fair while and as such the kiffar decided enough was enough. Focusing within the force he made his way towards the scene as time seemed to slow for him while to the average eye he would be but a blip in the wind passing by as his legs began 'speeding' forward. Hopefully to see what was going in time and find the cause of the chaos. Edit - Made edits to those of whom it concerns hope it's ok now.
  21. Lucifer heard a ruckus outside before feeling the building shake as pieces of rubble fell from the ceiling...one large chunk nearly squashed him forcing him to dive out the way less he be pummeled into a red paste, he spoke briefly to his two apprentices before leaving them to their fight. ''Continue on with the fight. I shall be back momentarily it seems someone is looking for trouble.'' And with that he left the room making his way along the many corridors, running the direction he heard the noise coming from and where he felt at least 3 presences in the force, two powerful masters at least of which one had to to be Ar-Pharazon. Yet he felt something different about the third person...at first it was subtle but then he felt it again to be sure. It was conclusive, it appeared that whomever this was...was pregnant, and with twins or so it seemed at that however that was not his primary concern he was here to investigate the commotion so he may finish training his apprentices and move on with his mission. Running along the corridor the kiffar soon found the group after barely managing toa void several instances where he came close to being crushed by rock as whatever was causing the shaking loosened up the old rock of the corridor walls, had it not been for the force he would have since been crunched into nothing but dust. It appeared Qaela, Ar-Pharazon and the other armored man whom had earlier given him a false name appeared to be in some type of fight with another powerful sith. Upon feeling him he found this was the other powerful force user he had felt in the area. Deciding on whether or not to intervene he thought upon it momentarily calculating his chances of success and if he helped what would he get out of it. After the momentary calculations were over he surmised it was wise to help Ar-Pharazon and Co...not just this but by helping Qaela he would in fact pay off the debt he still owed to her for saving his life once before. Thus he took into account all actions currently playing and and his subsequant reaction. He noted the twin laser blasts but identified them as a deceptive measure from his opponent, adrenaline filled his veins as did the force...he always liked a challenge and this would be no different, he always enjoyed spoiling a party. Lucifer remembered seeing this man only once before did he see him within the Coruscant Sith Temple, he had kept to himself but seemed the type to decieve and then kill his foe. The kiffar focused as he maintained a visual upon his newfound opponent standing to the right side, close enough to see the events unfold but far enough that he would be relatively unharmed or as unharmed as a sith could be. Letting the darkside fill his every being he stayed back at first before waiting for an opportunity to strike, as the man was distracted or so it seemed by Ar-Pharazon, Qaela and the unknown mercenary he struck out letting a visible streak connect him to the assassin as he slowly drained the man of his health in affect weakening him to feed his own power, if it lasted then the man would be weakened enough that at least one of the others would strike the killing blow. Lucifer spoke once letting the man know he meant business just as much as those he was currently allied with albiet a uneasy alliance. ''You dare to enter here and start a fight with a woman, for shame. Do you have a reason or did you just feel the need to kill her. Not that I would be bothered per se personally but currently I owe her a debt a debt I intend to repay here and now, thus you picked the wrong time and place friend to fight her.'' <> ((Note: I mentioned the use of avoiding rubble, running to the scene and observing the fight and then the use of 'drain' via the force as set up for this assist))
  22. Lucifer viewed his apprentices as they conducted their exercise. He felt them disappear from the force, they were both successful...at least for their level of skill. The sith lord spoke again. ''Excellent, both you you have done well by harnessing the darkside to your will. However there is another aspect of the sith way which also you must learn before we venture forth...that of combat. Take a sabre or any weapon from the weapon stand on the wall. You shall fight one another and through it you will gain a understanding of both each other and the darkside. Only by fighting do you really know someone...much of a person's personality can become evident during a fight and it is then that you expose their weakness. You begin as soon as you are ready, harness your anger, your rage into your very being and use what I have thus far taught you of the force...do not kill your opponent but bring them to their knee's through any means and try not to maim them...irreversibly. I shall observe the fight so try not to disappoint me.'' Lucifer then proceeded to stand aside before noticing Drake...he seemed unconscious, it appeared that in his last punishment the sith lord had 'pushed' too hard causing him to lose consciousness...no matter he would recover in time. Looking to a acolyte, one of the very few in this temple the kiffar spoke. ''You there come here.'' The acolyte approached cautiously before speaking. ''Yes Mi'lord.'' Lucifer replied motioning towards Drake (Raven37). ''Put him in a bacta tank and get him out of my sight.'' With that motion the acolyte onbliged dragging away the motionless Drake out the door and along the hallway before placing him into a bacta tank. It would be weeks before he would arise some of the doctors speculated. ((Done with permission from Raven37))
  23. Lucifer waited as Zuko returned...just as predicted he would, and then seeing Calmin conduct the task before sending a pulse that he also would feel to let him know to return to his master now that he completed the task, however Drake was a little slower but for the moment the kiffar ignored him letting him do the task. He was sure the lesson what teach him what was expected. Facing Calmin and Zuko the sith lord spoke. ''Better Calmin. Zuko, you have excelled yourself. As you both have learnt the darkside and the force offer much however it also has another use...to hide your very presence in the force, your alignment be it dark or light from even the most powerful of jedi. This technique is known as either Force Concealment or as I and many other sith prefer....the Quey'tek meditation..this will be your most valueble tool for you shall need it soon enough. It has the ability with practice and use to mask your Force alignment Light or Dark as I have said, your ability to use the Force, or even your entire presence from other Force sensitives whom you wish not to know you are of the force.'' Pausing a moment Lucifer continued. ''This ability may manifest in different forms; the Dark Jedi Vergere would shrink her presence in the Force to a microscopic size, where she was almost undetectable and able to avoid mental attacks, even from the Jedi GrandMaster Luke Skywalker. Emperor Palpatine was the most powerful and notorious user of this power, having hid his dark nature for over three decades from the Jedi Council, even when in the same room. It has been argued that the Sith turned Jedi Revan of the Old Republic may have used the technique to shield his true light-side affiliation on Korriban in order to infiltrate the Sith Academy of the day. The sith Darth Traya also used a powerful version of this to evade both the surviving Jedi and her Sith apprentices, as well as mask her nature from her own student, the Jedi Exile who in turn mastered this ability. Other users in the galaxy include the Jensaarai, who constantly hid their presence in the Force from others as they did from both the Sith under Darth Vader and the New Jedi Order up until recent times. The Jedi Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda were said to have both used a form of the Quey'tek meditation to shield themselves from Palpatine and Vader in their exile. When properly applied and maintained, a Sith Lord or Dark Jedi can mask their own dark signatures appear completely benevolent to even the most powerful and alert Jedi. Control of this Force ability can be trained to be so precise that is possible to allow only certain individuals to sense your presence even when hiding from adversaries. Attempt this now. Focus upon yourself and the force...reach and grab your own Force Signature and pull it closer to yourself. In this you shall conceal your signiture, alignment and ability to use the force from even as I said earlier the most powerful of jedi. The more you concentrate the easier it becomes. It is akin to containing a wild rancor. Hold your power, and make it disappear, swept under the rug. So to speak and you will become truly invisible in the eyes of others.'' Pausing a moment Lucifer let his apprentices practice the enw technique while he sent a com directly to Naboo, if he was to assist as was his task then he would need to let the appropiate people know he was coming.
  24. ((Ok Drake and Calmin you two will have to catch up it's been nearly a week now since a post from you two I can no longer delay Zuko than he already has been or delay my own storyline anymore although I'm afraid IC'ly you will suffer as a result since I made it clear what was expected when you first were chosen.)) Lucifer stood emotionless as Zuko took off around the temple however when he diverted his attention to both Calmin and Drake he found they stood silent and appeared almost in a trance...no matter he would soon rejuvenate them. ''Do you not listen. I gave you both a specific instruction...to listen and to practive this new technique, I expect you to listen and reatc accordingly. Maybe you are in need of a enlighenment and to remember.'' With that the kiffar sith lord lifted Drake and threw the apprentice into the wall before subsequantely doing the same to Calmin. It was after this he spoke, clearly angered. ''In the field of battle to not listen to orders will get you killed especially when the time comes that you will face your first true enemy, I will not tolerate ignorance. Now that I have your attention...listen, I shall not repeat myself again. There is a technique whereby you may use the force to speed up time and indeed yourself as a result both physically and mentally, allowing you more time to make decisions and react in both combat or simply as I said to run faster. However there is but one drawback when using this ability, after extended use despite the appearance of no visible signs of fatigue it has a draining effect on a Force-user's energy and metabolism, and thus requires a longer recovery period than other abilities. Greater aptitude of the force with training grants greater boosts to speed and/or greater duration of the technique. This increased speed enables us to see the world and the entities around you in a slow motion like state, allowing you to dodge attacks easily and attack quicker with greater accuracy. To use this technique focus on channeling the force through your body and into your muscles in your arms and legs to augment them to move faster this should grant you a speed burst unlike you have ever felt. Travel around the temple and then return.'' After this Lucifer focused withi nthe darkside pulsing so that he would have Zuko come to him. Hopefully he would be drawn to him for his next lesson.
  25. ((Ok we have waited long enough. Sorry Calmin but we are moving on with the training you if you can catch up then that's fine, and I hope you don't mind me moving you into the training area for times sake.)) Lucifer finally spoke once he saw Calmin enter beside the other two. ''It is time to continue your training. You must be made ready for our task ahead...within which lies many dangers, dangers which will need to be negotiated. It is time you learnt of combat both unarmed and with a sabre that you will be able to dispose of any threat with ease, in time you will construct your own sabre but for now listen. There is one technique I told Calmin on Onderon which neither you Drake nor Zuko have learnt yet. Calmi nfor this one moment you may practice the same technique...I shall teach you all the next technique following it at an equal speed. Just as the force can be used to sense others it can also be used to physically help you. One such use the force can grant is to speed up, both physically and mentally, allowing you more time to make decisions and react in both combat or simply as I said to run faster. However there is but one drawback when using this ability, after extended use despite the appearance of no visible signs of fatigue it has a draining effect on a Force-user's energy and metabolism, and thus requires a longer recovery period than other abilities. Greater aptitude of the force with training grants greater boosts to speed and/or greater duration of the technique. This increased speed enables us to see the world and the entities around you in a slow motion like state, allowing you to dodge attacks easily and attack quicker with greater accuracy. To use this technique focus on channeling the force through your body and into your muscles in your arms and legs to augment them to move faster this should grant you a speed burst unlike you have ever felt. To others you will be but a blur but to you all around you will slow down and mere seconds will seem like an hour. Try this now, travel around the temple using this technique for as long as it allows you.''
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