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The Gateway

Tarrian Skywalker

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  • 11 months later...
  • 10 months later...

Nivana looked from Darex to Darla and managed to nod a couple of times. "Yes." she said in a soft but completely certain voice. "I am ready."


She brushed a curvy lock of hair from her face before she lifted from the seat. Her right hand absently felt for her lightsaber even though she knew it was there. The feel of it hanging at her side helped to stoke a fire of determination. Nivana's honey hued eyes stared, with steely certitude, into Darex's own emerald lit eyes.


"Ready when you are."

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((If you haven't, it will be very helpful for you to read the description of the place in the first post of the thread))


"Then come," Darex said. He lead the way to the part of the city with the various biodomes, stopping discretly to speak to several people along the way while Niv was chatting with Darla. All the arrangements in place, and their destination reached, the Jedi Master turned to Niv. "Your trial to become a Jedi Knight begins now. May the Force be with you."


He backed away, motioning for Darla to come with him. As they did so, a short pudgy man approached Niv, a frantic expression on his face. "Please, miss! Did that man just say you were a Jedi Knight? I need your help! Please, I've been robbed. That man there," he pointed out a black masked man moving quickly from the scene, "he stole an item of extreme importance to me! Please, will you get it back for me? It's a diamond of immense value! Please!"


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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Niv barely had any time to bid her companions good-bye. Hardly a heartbeat had passed between the farewell of the two Jedi and the arrival of the frantic man. Somewhat surprised, she eyed the retreating thief and then glanced back the victim before her.


"I'm a Jedi." She answered without admitting or denying knighthood. Her eyes skimmed across the crowd again and locked onto the masked man. "I could help you, but I think you'd be better off taking this matter to the local authorities."


While Nivana believed her own recommendation was the best course of action she couldn't just stand there and not lend a helping hand. "Your name, please?" she asked while keeping subtle track of the thief.

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"No, no, no," the man moaned. "They didn't see him...they can't help me...they will not get here quick enough and that theif will get away..."


He grabbed Niv's hand desperately. "Please, please, please go after him. My name is Ha'lant. Please, you're my only chance..."


It was clear that the man was desperate, but was in no condition to chase after the masked man himself. The masked man was moving quickly, like one who had this whole thing planned for a long time, and moved with the ease of one who knew how to use crowds to his advantage.


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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She nodded once and then slid, with familiar ease, into the crowds. Being from Coruscant she knew how to weave her way effortlessly through a mass of moving people.


She had lost visual on the thief but could occasionally sense his extra hurried rush through the endless waves of surging lives. Steadily, Niv closed the distance between she and the pursued.


Once she rounded a corner she caught a glimpse of his head through a break in the crowd. She pressed through the crowd and was about to lay her hand upon the thief's shoulder when an elderly woman seemed to appear out of nowhere and run into Nivana. The pair of colliding women nearly toppled over. Niv caught her balance and grabbed hold of the woman before she could fall to the ground.


The old woman steadied herself and shoved the Nivana away. "Watch where you're going girl!" She snapped. "You young people... always rushing.. rushing.. rushing..."


"I really am sorry." She apologised again as she stooped to the ground to pick up some parcels that had spilled from the lady's arms. She handed them back.


"You most certainly are sorry." She mumbled as she snatched her belongings back from Niv. "The universe doesn't revolve around you.. you know..."


"Yes. I know." the younger woman admitted as she scanned the crowd. Her lips pressed together tightly as she realized she'd lost sight of the thief. "Are you okay?"


The woman nodded and, still muttering about how wretched young people were these days, pushed past Nivana.


The younger woman glanced back to where she'd last seen the theif. Her lips pressed tightly together when she realized he was out of sight. She moved in the direction he'd last been heading, this time careful to be more aware of her surroundings.


It didn't take long before she once again closed in on the thief. His presence was familiar to her now. Niv rushed through the crowd yet did in in a way that didn't really draw attention to herself. She rounded a corner and there caught full view of the thief this time. She quickened her pace and called, "Excuse me... sir."

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The man spun around, the black tails of his mask whipping in the wind. "Who are you?" he demanded. "You've been following me for quite a ways now. What do you want?"


He paused, glancing over her scrutinizingly. "You're a Jedi, aren't you? Blast that simpering Ha'lant. I suppose you'll want his gem back. Well, I'm not so inclined to just hand it over to you."


He stared definantly at Nivana, clearly thinking he was brave to stand up to a Jedi.


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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She stared back at the man, her own leer bordered on echoing the defiance in the theif's eyes. Why did everyone have to do everything the hard way?


"Whether I'm a Jedi or not isn't the issue. You took something that doesn't belong to you and it needs to be returned." Niv took a very cautious step toward the man, her senses sharp and aware of everything surrounding. "Could we please solve this problem in a civil manner. You could return the stolen property personally or I could return it for you. And we could all go our seperate ways without having to drag the authorities into the situation."

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"You'd call the authorities?" There was the first hint of fear in the man's voice. "If I agree to return it, what will you give me in return? I'm willing to bargain with you."


Clearly, the thief thought he stood something to gain in this bargain.




Meanwhile, Darex escorted Darla to the other side of the city. On the way, he made his proposition to her. "What do you think? Are you up for playing a part in her trials?"


His eyes betrayed a hint of twinkle. It was clear that while the Jedi Master took these trials seriously, he was also enjoying the time. "I want to test all aspects of her training and personality, and you have played a large part in her life."


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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The city they walked through was truely a marvel of engineering. Darla spent most of the walking staring in awe of her surroundings. No matter how far so travelled the galaxy it still found ways to amaze her.


When Darex popped the question of Niv's trials Darla stopped to look at him.


"If there's anything I can do to help you I will..." She apsued thinking for a second. But I don't want to hinder her. I have a lot of faith in Nivana, but I know she cares for me greatly. As I've already shown if she was in danger the Jedi code would be disregarded if it meant saving her. I guess I'm just a little worried that she might have picked up my bad habits."


Darla laughed sheepishly. It was, however, a serious concern and Darla was sure that that was what Darex wanted to test Nivana on. She could only hope that Nivana's resolve was stronger than her own and that she wouldn't let her emotions rule her Darla herself often did.


"But I think you're right. If Nivana is truely to become a Jedi the bond between me and her can't be something that gets in her way. I'll help you test that. What did you have in mind?"

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Darex turned to her. "Well, when I gave Ulos his trials, I hid my presence in the Force, then attacked him, making him think I was a Sith Lord who had killed me. It was the ultimate test for him...he thought I was dead, and this was his chance to take revenge on my killer."


He picked up a trinket off a stand and examined it. "While I don't think that would be right in this case, I think something along those lines would be good. If you were presumed dead, you could hide your Force-signature. I want to test her connection to you, and how she will react. Of course, we can't let her know it's part of the test. I can pull off the greiving, and my mind is shielded enough, I think, for her not to be able to break through and find out the truth."


He returned the trinket to it's place and turned to the beautiful woman standing next to him. "So, what do you think? Do you have any ideas of ways you'd like to 'die'?"


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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Darla stopped in her tracks. This really wasn't what she had expected to be doing when she thought about playing a part in Niv's trials. It took her a few moments to take it all in. It seemed like a sick joke to play but it would be the ultimate trial. The idea of it didn't rest too well with Darla.


But she realised that the only reason she felt uncomfortable was because she didn't want Nivana to get hurt. Darla still wated to protect her apprentice. The time for that was over, if she continued trying to shield Nivana from harm then she would never become a Jedi Knight.


Darex was right. As mean as the trick seemed it would push Nivana to her limits. Being taken by Trowa and facing his monsters had helped Nivana to grow. She had been taken out of her comfort zone and forced to use the abilities Darla had taught her. This was the same thing.


Darla had never taught Nivana how to be emotionally unattached though. She was pretty sure that Nivana had a big head start on her when it came to that. The young woman had always been reserved and controlled, the way a Jedi should be. The way Fynn used to be...


"I'm not overjoyed at the idea." Darla finally offered. "But I think that you're right on this one. If anything's going to test her it'd be that. My trials were pretty straight forward. I duelled and I had to just make a hit in a kill zone. But I had been a Jedi apprentice and a Sith Lord for years before I got to take my Jedi trials."


A small smile graced Darla's face and she seemed a little more at ease.


"I want the Jedi council to accept Niv fully. I trust your judgement and I know that you'll test her better than any other Jedi could. So, I'm in. As for how to die? That is a tough one. If we say that I've been killed then she might want revenge on the killer. I know that she can control her emotions well, but vengence is a powerful one. I'm not sure that I'd want to push her tha far. Is there any kind of insect life here? I could get bitten by something? But with my healing abilities I'd probably be able to expel any venom from my body... Unless it was fast acting and I wasn't aware. Hover car accidnt maybe?"


She looked Darex in the eye.


"Or would you like to see if she can resist the urge for revenge?"

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"I'd like to say that that thought hadn't occured to me," Darex replied, "but it would be a lie. Yes, I would like to test and see if she chose to take revenge. It wouldn't have to be anyone that killed you...we can set it up to be anyone you want. And I won't let her take her revenge, even if she wants to, so that person is safe."


He paused. "As for trials, I believe that there is much more to being a Jedi than proving that you can use the Force and fight. Call me old-fashioned, but that's what I'm trying to bring back into the Order, as much as I can, so I choose to test my padawans in such a manner. If they don't pass, I'm not hesitant to train them some more either. Not that I'm saying the only thing you can do is 'use the Force and fight'," he added with a smile. "I know you all too well to think that little of you."


He reached out with the Force to check on Niv's progress. Almost time to move on to the next phase. He turned back to Darla. "Niv is making good time. So, how do you want to go about this? It doesn't matter how you die...just make up something that will be clear on who the killer is, whoever you choose."


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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Nivana placed her left hand on her hip and looked, with a softened stare, upon the man. She could sense his fear. She didn't want him fearful, fearful people often make foolish decisions.


"Bargain?" She asked quietly. Her left hand very slowly moved up to a lock of hair that was draped over a shoulder. Niv twirled a finger into the dark strands as she appeared to be in deep thought. The crowds continued to flow around and past the pair as Niv subtly focussed more of her attention on the man... into the man. She radiated a soft serenity. It encircled and included only she and the thief.


"I have nothing with which to bargain, I'm sorry." Nivana said in a mesmeric tone. "However, this situation can be solved easily enough. You can right the wrong and walk away with something that most consider more valuable than jewels. You could walk away still in possession of your freedom. Keep hold of that which is rightfully yours by returning that which is not yours."


She spoke firmly but with an underlying placidity. Nivana hoped the calm would cut the sharp edges off of her words. She did not want to inflict further fear into this person.

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The man listened to what Niv was saying. It was clear that he was a bit shaken still, but willing to bargain. "Well...it's not something tangible...I was hoping for something tangible. I'm just trying to get some credits...my family is barely surviving. This gem would have fetched me at least 200 credits, more if I did it right. I wish my life hadn't come down to this. I used to be a good person, you know. I was," he insisted. "But then everything went down the drain."


He hesitated. "I guess you can take this back...if only for the sake of the person I used to be."


He handed her the precious stone, then suddenly, his whole manner changed. The worry and fear fell away, to be replaced with a confidence. "Oh, and Darex passes on his compliments for making it though this phase," the man said with a wink. He handed her a slip of flimsy. "He told me to give you this, but that you're not to open it until you've finished this task completely."


He bowed gallantly at her with a strong, encouraging smile, then walked away, vanishing into the crowd, his duty complete, and his pockets carrying the 300 credits Darex had given him for his services.


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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Darla thought about it for a few more minutes. It would have to be something believable. She was after all a fairly formidable fighter as well as a healer. Nivana wouldn't believe a simple stabbing in a bar brawl would take her down. Maybe a bounty hunter? There were surely people out there who would put out a hit on Darla. She had made some enemies over the years, however it had been a long time since anyone had actively tried to kill her. Still didn't mean that it might not happen though.


It seemed a cruel trick to pull but Darla felt that it might be the only way that Darex would know that she was emotionally detatched enough to be a true Jedi. It was what Nivana had strived to become and Darla knew that she could do it. The problem was how hurt she would feel when she discovered that Darla had tricked her.


"Ok... Tell her a bounty hunter tracked me down. A good one. There wasn't even a struggle, he got a clean shot with his blaster, fast before I even knew I was in danger. I'll project an image into her mind just before a shut myself off from the force. She'll believe it's real. The rest will be in your hands."

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Darex nodded. "It's a good plan," he replied. "I will let you know when to cause it to happen...I'll double-click my comm."


He quickly filled Darla in his ideas for the rest of Niv's trials, and how they'd work out to test her. "So that's the general plan. I'm so glad you could be part of this...and...thank you for letting me test her," he added quietly. "It's almost like....well, the trials that I never got to give Shy. It means a lot to me."


He shook his head, and continued to walk alongside Darla.




The note, once Nivana opened it, contained a credit chip with 200 credits on it, along with a sheet telling her that she was to purchase a special crystal for her lightsaber with the money. What it didn't say was that there was only one shop in the whole shopping district that had lightsaber crystals, and that the crystals were rather expensive...


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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Taken aback by the theif's sudden switch in attitude and by his revalation of being in cahoots with Darex, Niv could do nothing but nod the man a fond farewell. She was then left standing still and alone in the constant current of hectic civillians.


She slipped the precious rock into an inside pocket of her garb and read the letter. Her eyes then scanned the crowds and the city that loomed around and over them all.


"Purchase a crystal." she whispered to herself as she continued to eye the unfamiliarity of her surroundings. "Alright." she said a bit louder.


A male passerby glared at her for a moment, Niv's voice having jerked him out of his own important contemplations. He frowned at her and then melded into the shifting crowds.


Niv smiled after the man and then turned to head for the nearest set of buildings. She roamed about and visited several shops, hoping that within at least one there would lie the crystal she sought. None of her visits to the stores turned up what she needed, not even after she'd been given directions to other establishments that might have what she was looking for.


She eventually meandered into the lobby of a grand building. An overly comfortable chair seemed to beckon to her. The young woman heeded it's call and sank into it's supple comfort.


Her eyes closed as she attemtped to find another avenue that would lead to her intended destination. As she did this the tips of her fingers absently drummed atop the hilt of her weapon. It laid along side her right thigh, concealed beneath her bunched robe.


'There has to be a way... Darex wouldn't send me on an impossible mission...would he?' she wondered as life streamed continually past.

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Darex's revelation touched Darla to the core of her being. Although he was controlled and calm, he really did have an emotional investment in all of this. He would never however let this get in the way of making a fair judgement. For a moment it seemed Darla had been given a glimpse beneath Darex's armour.


"It means a lot to me that you're willing to do this. I know it must be difficult. But at least we know that she's happy and relatively safe."


The last time they had seen Shy-Ree she had been serene. She had found her place and it wasn't among the Jedi. Darla placed a hand on Darex's shoulder giving it a gentle squeeze.


"I just hope Nivana forgives me for this afterwards." She grinned showing how much more at ease she had become with the plan. "So what happens after all this? Any ideas where you're heading?"


Nivana and Darex had become like family to Darla. She knew that after the trials there would be nothing to hold them together and they would have to go about their seperate business. She had some ideas of what she would like to do herself but knew that she would miss her friends deeply when they parted.

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After a few thoughtful moments Niv realized she was drumming her fingers along the length of her lightsaber. It was a habit she'd picked up from the very first time Fynn had given her a training saber. She wondered about him for a moment, wondered where he was and if he was faring well. She supposed that if something went wrong with her former master she might sense it... maybe.


She drew her fingers up the concealed hilt of her weapon and called up the time when Darla had taken her to Ilum to seek out the heart of her saber. Once in the glittering crystal caves the overwhelmed padawan couldn't decide which crystal to harvest. She had closed her eyes and let the crystal call her to it. She had been drawn to the dull amber stone that would eventually find it's destined place in her lightsaber. That day she had let the Force guide her to that which she sought...


"Of course." she whispered.


Her body relaxed and she sent a tendril of the Force out to cradle the crystal in her saber. She thoroughly aquainted herself with the stone's unique resonance within existence. A gentle wave of the Force then spread out from the silent lady. The wave continued to wash over the entire cityscape until she sensed faint shimmering familiarities that were akin to the stone in her lightsaber. She focussed on the ones that felt quiet and idle, crystals that were not currently being employed.


Niv opened her eyes, stood and slid back out into the surging crowd of civilians. She turned southward and made her way as straight as possible toward the slowly amplifying sensation she'd zeroed in on. Half an hour later she stepped into a shady shop. It was filled with all sorts of interesting antiquities, but none of them interested her. She made her way straight for the counter person.


"Excuse me." she asked quietly so as not to startle the shop keeper who was turned away and arranging a display. The keeper turned. "I'm looking for something. A crystal. A special crystal. I really hope you have what I'm looking for."

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Darex grinned at Darla. "Well, we have to wait for Niv to finish this part of her trials...then we'll have to part ways. You can arrange your part, and I'll head to mine."


Just then a man approached them. "Ah, Ha'lant," Darex greeted him. "So she's moved on to the next step?"


"Yes, master Jedi," Ha'lant replied. "She was very good, and persuaded me exactly how you described she should."


Darex nodded. "Good. Thank you for your help."


"My pleasure," the man replied. "Oh, and one last thing...I didn't realize how beautiful Jedi women were...first the apprentice, and now this lovely lady," he said, eyeing Darla.


Darex rolled his eyes and shooed the man away.




The shopkeeper turned to Nivana and sized her up. "A crystal, ya say? What kinda crystal? Like one for a perty necklace er sumthin'?"


Her dark eyes flashed to Nivana's waist, and it was almost as if she could see the neatly concealed lightsaber. "Er perhaps yer talkin' about one of dem special Jeedai crystals, eh? Yeah, I gots sumthin' like dat. Gonna cost you 'dough. 3000 credits. No less."


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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"Yes, I need one of those Jedi crystals. But three thousand credits?" Niv asked, shock soaking her voice. All she had was a few of her own credits and the two hundred she'd gotten from Darex through the 'thief'. There was no way she'd be able to purchase it.


But too, she had the diamond nestled safely away in the inner pocket of her robe. NO. She couldn't. She wouldn't. There had to be away to get the crystal without resorting to thievery or trickery.


"I don't carry that many credits on me. But I do have two hundred plus some." she informed the lady. "Perhaps I could give you the two hundred now and pay the rest later. With interest of course." Niv eyed the woman hopefully. "Plus I'll throw in a little something extra on top of that. Sound reasonable?"

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"To tell ye the truth," the woman replied, "I been wantin' to get rid of dis crystal for a whiles now. People been tellin' me it's bad luck, and with de strange things been happenin' recently, I'm inclined to belieeve dem."


She pursed her lips. "But I still gots to make a livin', right? Ye have a pretty face...I'll lower de price fer ya. How abouts 500 credits? Surely ye have more dan the 200 ye said ye had. Although..." she hesitated. "I do want to be rid of de crystal...I might be inclined to sell it to ya at 300, but hows would I know ye'd pay me back the last hundred?"




Darex turned to Darla. "You've been awfully quiet suddenly. What's wrong?"


He wanted to ask if she was suddenly thinking about Fynn again, but held his tongue. Perhaps she hadn't, and if that was the case, he didn't want to set her on another bout of depression.


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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Darex's question startled Darla out of her wonderings.


"I'm ok...I've just been thinking. When I asked youwhat happened after this I meant when the trial are over. Back to Seraphim for you? Or did yu have other plans."


That was a part of what had been concerning Darla, she would miss Darex a lot. But more importantly it was her parting ways with Nivana. The two had been thrown together a long time ago and Darla would sorely miss he whe she was gone.


"I've spent such a long time with Niv it's going to strange for me when she's out there alone. Teaching her and protecting her gave me a sense of purpose, made me feel like I was finally doing something good. I know it's time to move on and I know that it's time for Nivana to break out alone. But I'm going to miss her so much."


Darla remained calm while she spoke


"I really am glad to be a part of these trials, but I know I'm just helping to push her further away from me. I guess pretending to be dead is the best thing to do. I can remain her teacher forever and Nivana can't remain my pupil. I really am ok, it's just taken me a great deal of thought to get my head around." For a moment Darla smiled at her friend. "I sure am gonna miss you too you know. I've been giving some serious thought about helping out the Rebels, so I think I'll head to Gala after this and see if I can be of use there. The idea of started out all over again... It's kinda daunting but it feels good too."

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Nivana leaned toward the lady. "I haven't got much more than 200 on me. All I can offer is my word that I'd return and pay the final 100 if you do decide to sell the crystal for 3."


She moved back again, her fingers drumming at the lightsaber hilt again. "Or... perhaps a trade," she said cautiously.

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The vendor's eyes lit up at the idea of a trade. "Oh? What do you have to trade me that would be valuable to me?"


It was fairly clear by the way the woman had responded eariler about willingly lowering the price that she had known the price was exorbitant. Indeed, the true price of the crystal could be no more than 250 credits.




Darex listened. "Starting over is always refreshing sometimes. I'm sure the Rebels will be glad of your assistance. Although, I hope that won't prevent us from seeing each other."


He treasured his friends. It seemed that so many had perished--Ish, Camsie, and the others--and were no more. He wanted to keep the friendships he had left, but understood that too much attachment would lead to danger for him and the others. It was with this reasoning that he could part ways with Darla and Niv without the parting being unbearable.


"As for after Niv's trials, yes, I do need to finish Seraphim's training. Although..." he paused, "there isn't really much more I can teach him. He wants to be a healer, and I am certainly no expert. That is one reason why I left him with Skye while we rescued Niv. He's rather bold when it comes to what he deems right and wrong, but he's a quick learner. Ulos was too."


His mind flashed quickly to his old apprentice. He wondered where the man was. He hadn't seen him around the Order in some time. But the life of a Jedi was a busy one, as Darex knew very well.


"Do you intend to keep on training apprentices while in the Alliance?" he asked. "I know the Admiral, Onderin, is a Jedi Master, and I'm sure there are others. You would not lack for other Jedi to relate to."


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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"I don't really consider my a Jedi after what happened on Roon. I'm discovered that I'm willing to use the darkside if I feel the means justifies the end. A Jedi wouldn't do that. Maybe a momentary lapse would hapen in some Jedi, but I knew what I was doing and I'd do it all over again to save Niv. They only reason I stayed among the Jedi was to get Niv where she is now. But when it's over... I won't be a Jedi anymore. I'd like to think of myself as a force-powered freedom fighter instead."


Darla smiled.


"I guess it's all to do with perception, but there will come a time when using my darker skills will save my life and the life of others. I can't see that as being wrong and I can't stay in an order with codes that are so different to what I feel is right. So there'll be no more apprentices for me. Not any time soon at least. Perhaps if a true order of shadows is born I could train those seeking a broader understanding of the force. But until then I'm just going to try to do some good."


Speaking to Darex made things clearer in her mind. The strange mood that she had been in cleared away like morning mist. She knew what she had to do now. Dying wasn't a cruel trick to play on her apprentice. It was a symbolic act of seperation. It was just what Nivana needed to know that she could make it on her own. It was just what Darex needed to know that Nivana was in control of her emotions enough to carry on even if a loved one perished.


A Jedi knight wold be born from all this. It was Darla's duty to cut the umbilical and let Nivana become what she desired.


"I'm not exactly sure what I'll be doing in the Rebellion, I'm not being big headed but, I do have many skills." Darla winked. "You know a long time ago before I started down this path I was a fighter pilot, can you imagine that?"


Darla chuckled to herself. It seemed a life-time ago that she thought she could save the Galaxy by gunning down TIE-fighters. It was strnage to think that in a few months time she might be doing the same thing all over again.


"I know that we'll still see each other. I wouldn't want it any other way. But I'm really going to miss you and Nivana. But I guess that's just a part of moving on."


There was no longer any sadness in Darla's mind. Just a sense of hopefullness. The future was bright and they all had many adventures ahead of them.

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