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  1. Tea'dora took her ship in and landed on the planet... there was an installation not far off from her landing site... she had seen it as she brought her ship down... something there intrigued her... She headed off in the direction of the installion on the long walk... her rage grew stronger as she went, and there was nothing there for her to take it out on... where is all the life on this rock? Coming out of the clearing, she looked at the structure... it was just that... and empty structure... but there was someone there... someone she could feel...
  2. A small ship exits hyperspace above the planet and monitors what is going on... after many months of searching for her brother... without success... she is alone and angry... rage filled the young woman, and she reached out to see if there was anyone or anything here she could channel that anger towards...
  3. Tea'dora and Theo board the ship and head for space.
  4. Linking her arm through Theo's, she turned him around and led him back the way that she had come..."Ah..it just so happens that I have one...I took it from where I was." As they walked, she told him of her little trip..."I thought I could go on without you dear brother...that I could be whole. I was wrong. I was incomplete and I could take no more without you at my side. I'm sorry I left you, will you forgive me?" She stopped at the ship and waited for him to say something.
  5. Tea'dora smiled at her brother..."yes, it has been to long since we have been together. Life has been empty without you...we must never be separated again." Kissing him on the cheek, "We must find the other sith to finish what we started..."
  6. Landing the ship, she decends the ramp and walks the planet. Trying to feel her brothers presence. She knows that he is here...
  7. Tea'dora


    In search of her brother, she heads back to the last place she had seen him.
  8. A ship leaves the gateway and heads for space.
  9. Tea'dora smiled at him..."I am more the a decent mechanic...here are my credentials." She handed him the papers, and as he took them, she softly touched his hand. "As you can see, I am very good with putting things together."
  10. She looked at Drake and smiled..."I'm Tea'dora, and you can't help me, but I can help you. I'm here for a job."
  11. a small freighter landed on the Gateway, and Tea'dora slowly exited the ramp...she paid the fee to dock and looked about...walking slowly, she asked a mechanic who was in charge and where she could find him...she knew perfectly well, who he was, but she wanted to know where his office was... After getting the information, she walked towards his office taking in all the different corridors and security personnel stationed throughout her travel. She stopped outside of Drake's office and waited, she had heard voices inside and decided that it would be best if she didn't interrupt.
  12. Tea'dora just fades out of existance.
  13. Tea'dora closed her eyes and let her hate for the master stew and felt the air get hot. As she concentrated, she saw herself move around the master and kick him in the back. As she saw him fall, she opened her eyes and pushed the hair off her face that had suddenly fallen there, as she saw the master begin to rise.
  14. Tea'dora heard her name and started out of the ship. As she reached the bottom, she felt herself lifted and her air cut off. She looked at the master and knew what he was doing. Hate was nothing compared to what she felt for him as he tried to use her to get to Theo.
  15. Tea'dora glared at this man that she now called master. He may be attractive, but he was annoying as well. She turned and followed after the Master, carrying the sword she had selected. She thought to herself, trying to keep her thoughts to only herself, Oh, I am well on my way to hating you already. She noticed her brother beside her as the two followed this Master back the way they had come.
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