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Darth Heretic

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Nahstaa was bored. Very bored. He decided to go look for his master.


He looked in her chambers, and when she wasnt there, he just started wandering. after about 10 mins, he came across her outside the throne room. The doors into the throne room where shut, and his master wasnt in the best of moods...



Reverend of the Lords of Hate sep' 05, Destroyer of armies.

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"Forgive me," Jareth spoke to Kalynn as his apprentice spoke. "I must attend to this."


Jareth very much did not wish to break touch from his new infatuation. Her hand against his arm was cold to the touch, but brought warm feelings to the very front of his mind.


Turning to Viano, Jareth gave a scornful glare which quickly melted to a sympathetic eye. Jareth remembered what it was to be under the wing of a master. Following around in seemingly useless tasks rather than focusing on his own training.


"Viano....Do you wish to be a powerful sith or a murderous animal? Your thoughts say the latter. The passion of youth must be bridled lest you turn to the ways of the lesser killers in this galaxy. Your purpose in this world is yet unknown even to those with foresight far beyond anything that I possess. War is upon us young one. One that will see the Jedi crushed under our incredible power. Many will die, and the carnage will be great. Nothing you have seen in your life will equal what you are about to partake in. I do wish that we had more time to train you, but time is beyond my control, and yours. We must prepare anyway that we can, and I feel that, for you, the best way to prepare is NOT to upset me by disobeying my orders. Now go, get some rest, turn your anger toward me into something usefull. In time, you will realize your place, and you will have the power to change that place, but now is not that time. Your father was great because of his actions not his genes. All that you posses of him is his dna. Until you yourself have preformed great things, you are just an apprentice. Now GO!"


Jareth pointed his finger violently toward the living quarters. His chest heaved at his anger. He could not WAIT to take out his agression on the Jedi.


"My dear," Jareth spoke to Kalynn, he was becoming more comfortable around her, and was not embarassed that he let his emotions show. There was no hiding them from her anyway, he might as well not even try. "where were we?"

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Kaylynn watch young Viano and smiled at him...as he walked away, she looked back at Jareth and placed her arm through his. "I think that you were going to walk me to my parents. And tell me what you have been up to the last few months."


They continued to walk for a bit as she waited for him to respond.

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Jareth clutched Kalynn's arm tight under his own. He felt his way through the force toward his former master and Kalynn's father. As they walked, he spoke.


"You know of our progress on Dathomir. Our acquisition of the planet was quite an adventure. Lord Ahriman has become very powerful, and is wise with the lost arts of this galaxy and the sith order. I, myself, did not have time to complete the goals I had set for myself, but perhaps once this war is over, I can return to my research. Master Abaddon's ascension was rather brief, I wish I could have had more influence on the present state of the Sith, but I was busy with other things. I am still not convinced where my loyalties lie within the order."

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Piro's ship was being thron around by the atmosphere of Mimban, his hull was starting to take damage while his deflector shields slowly began to fade. Piro pulled off a lucky landing in the docking bays of the Sith citadel.


"That was too close."


Piro got out off his ship and pulled out the Mandalorian armor that he had just bought, and walked to the Sith Training Facility to find his master Nurgle.

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Viano merely nodded. In time...everyone finds their place...master......He hid his thoughts in the darkest recess of his minds where even some of the other people in the temple would never find them. They were locked in a safe and he held the key.


Viano didnt even respond to his Master after that and deliberately walked past the living quarters to another part of the temple. He ventured far and soon found a staircase hidden amongst the stone walls. The stairs and walls were creeping with moss and weeds. It seemed to have not been tended in quite a while.


The young apprentice wandered slowly down the stairs looking about him. It was dark and it smelled of musty spring water. Viano's nostrils took in all around him since there was not much to see - it was pitch black.


As he ventured forth he reached the bottom of the stairs which emptied themselves into a large room with a single, tiny square letting sunlight in a small spot of the floor. His eyes traced the sunlight slowly and they darted quickly to what appeared to be a shrivelled foot bathing in the white.


Viano stepped forward slowly. What is this? Who is this? Who in their right mind would be here?


"Please...kill me..."


"What?" Viano stepped closer, somehow his "inner" sight kicked in and he could see the man in front of him even though the light in which he now stood was non-existant.


"I have been here too long...please...."


"Kill you?" Viano's lips were quenched of blood. He had never killed. He craved it. He craved power. His anger flared slightly at being so low. Someday father...I will be as merciless as you... He regained his composure. "Why should I kill you..."


"I have been here for ten years now...since the last war...I was captured...I am...was...a Jedi..."


Viano's eyes arched up. "A Jedi? Come now..."


"Yes...a Jedi...but I can't move...I'm dying...end my suffering..."


The apprentice laughed. "Your suffering has just begun..." And with that he kicked the man square in the chest.

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::This time there was no need for a hammer, Ahriman was progressing at great speed into the deepest levels of Sith alchemy. The alloy flowed around him like mercurial serpents and formed into an elaborate suit of plate armor. While to Ahriman the metal felt cool, any other who touched it would set a fire in their flesh. With a mere act of will, the Sith Lord formed a helmet over his head, crowned with a golden eye.


The Sith Sorceror was prepared for war...::


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Tarrian slammed opened the doors to the throne room and entered, leaving her apprentice outside. She stopped at the sight of Bishop and the urchin standing infront of the Dark Lord. A cold glare in her eyes, she turned to look at Malvagio. Grabbing him with the force, she threw him into the wall and stalked towards him, she bent down as he slid down the wall and grabbed that god forsaken board from his wrist and broke it into tiny pieces on the floor.


Looking over at Master Abbadon, "I know exactly what to do with this one." She picked him up with the force and threw him out the doors of the throne room to slide across the stone floor of the hall and into another wall with a loud crack. As she walked out of the room, she used the force to slam the doors shut behind her.


She stalked passed Nahstaa and picked up the little bald man and dragged him out of the Temple.

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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Impede saw Tarrian throw the older man threw the room. Listening to the conversation Impede wore a smile across his face. As the doors slammed closed Impede walked towards them and lifted his hand. With a flick of the wrist he swung the doors open. He slowly walked through and slammed the doors shut as he entered outside of the temple. Impede hid his face under his hood and gleamed at the man with disgust and then a Tarrian with passion for death.


" Do try not to kill him my lord."


Impede chuckled with plesure and humor. The man who laid alive on the floor was soon about to be laying dead on the floor. Impede put his back against the wall and watched to see what will happen.

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Nahstaa watched his master as she got really really angry. It seemed that without effort, Tarrian stormed into the room, and the man flew out, followed by her.


"Hehehehehe... thats gotta hurt." he said, a good bit more respect for just how powerful his master was crawling into his mind.


Nahstaa shared a look with Lord impede, smirking.



Reverend of the Lords of Hate sep' 05, Destroyer of armies.

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*Laughter, the taunt of fools and the arrogant. Bishop's robes fluttered with the wind, another mindless display of self-appreciation. So much flaunt with so little to say. The Dark Lord raged before him as though he thought he might get his way, like a child who throws a tantrum when his parents inform him its now time to stop playing with his toys. All the taste for power, with no idea of how to invoke it. With patience, uncharacteristic of a Sith Lord, Bishop watched Abaddon come at him with his saber out.


Gently, as though shifting from one comfortable position to another, Bishop placed his left hand behind his back and unrolled his right arm to the side. His limb extended out away from his body, empty with the fingers pointing diagonally towards the ground and his palm facing Abaddon. Through what could have been simply his lightsaber falling down his sleeve and into his outstretched palm, slight of hand, a Force trick, or perhaps a combination of the the three, there was a flash of chrome and a snap of red light.


No burning women felt the need to scream. No babies cried in the night. No one felt their chest tighten when Bishop's saber ignited. There was no need. For screams are the echoes of pain, and death rides silent to its victims.


The tip of the saber caressed the stone where he held it, his lips sealed closed and his body motionless. When he drew it back to be raised against Abaddon's first swing, the tip carved the shallowest of niches across the floor in front of him. Each of his blocks was batted back and away under the force of Abaddon's powerful swings. Power wasted in his futile attempts. Though he struck hard, none of his strikes came near to threatening Bishop's life.


With slow, half steps, Bishop backed away from the swinging, allowing Abaddon to cross the line drawn in the stone floor. Allowing his blade to fall away from one of the blocks, the tip crossed above the floor from his left back to his right where it was held firmly in his grasp, Bishop took a full step back. Abaddon's blade passed over his front with the same ferocity as all of his attacks, yet still all it could find was the folds of his robes. The heavy black cloth slid where it had been severed, half catching on his shoulder's and arms where it hung lifeless but without hindering.


He could feel the Force around them being accessed, and it was immediately apparent for what as Abaddon's strikes grew quicker. Almost without thinking, Bishop increased his own speed to match the strikes. Lazily, he flicked his wrist out in a strike which Abaddon latched onto to take advantage of.


The rib snapping kick lifted him into the air, tipping him forward and dropping him to the ground before he caught himself in a half-way kneeling stance. His right hand rather was rather casually extended before him, as though balancing out his back half, and his left hand was till tucked neatly behind his back.


Coagulated blood dripped off of his exposed ribs onto the floor, pooling in the cracks and divots of its imperfect surface. Abaddon stood back from his opponent, apparently drunk on his own successes. Standing flawlessly, Bishop came to a fully upright position. His blind stare penetrating the black shroud that obscured his eyes. The bones jutting from his chest cut tissue again as they slid back into his body to accommodate the posture change. Abaddon's hand flew, though Bishop did not even turn to watch the knives find their mark, confident already in where they would land. Expressionlessly, Bishop turned his hand over, pointing the lightsaber blade off to his right and down again when the doors burst open behind him.*


”œTarrian, Tarrian, Tarrian”¦”

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As Rocketblaze parked his Swoop, he heard a bunch of slamming and splitting. Since he was in no mood to get involved in the affairs of others, he simply kicked up his feet over the handle bars and relaxed. It'd end soon enough, and surely somebody would call if he was needed for anything.


PSN ID: Lord-Pent

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Standing outside the Temple with the Urchin, she vaguely noticed the two follow them out. She could hear bishop's voice in her head, and did her best to block him out. This Urchin would answer some questions as to what was wrong with Bishop or she would kill him in the process.

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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The talker stared blankly forward, sprawled on the ground outside of the temple. He was sure one of his ribs was broken, though it bothered him little. Apparently oblivious to the wound, he arose from the ground and faced Kaylynn's mother. He noticed the other two observing him with sadistic, immature smiles upon their faces. The scene could be comparable to three upper classmen versus a freshman's baby brother.


”œHello again, Tarrian?”

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"If you don't want me to speak, than I won't."


He stared back at her, unblinking. Contesting their egos was unnecessary, as far as he was concerned. If she had questions, she would ask them. If she wanted to punish him for not being as powerful as her, she would do it. Whatever the course, the outcome would be the same.

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OOC:”¦you should probably read a character sheet before posting how exactly someone fights...Abaddon is not a power striker”¦he prefers speed and dexterity”¦although the showy comments do fit.




The Sith Master shook his head. He could read the mans every move; the Sith Lord's cool and controlled motions were tame and predictable, revealing his level of training but showing non of the elder's experience. Abaddon, a former weapons master, had used his earlier attacks to test the water and reveal his opponents strengths and corresponding weaknesses. He found the latter more true than the former. He did however learn that showy movements and elegant speed would not intimidate the blind warrior before him. He let the darkness diminish but continued to emit the noise that burned Bishop's ears.


His Death would not be a silent one, pain would consume him and his cries would fill the temple while his blood caressed the floor.


Abaddon watched Bishop raise himself from the rubble, his ribs sliding back into place revealing puncture wounds that shot small streams of blood onto the ancient Sith stonework. The alchemicly altered brick glistened as the dark liquid fell to the ground with splatter that sent droplets against the wall. Abaddon entertained the idea of making it rain that blood.


Before he could finish such a thought Bishop struck. The Dark Lord of the Sith then lifted his saber too effortlessly block the new counterattacks with ease and perfection. Each strike and parry indicated both his skill as a swordsmen and Mastery as Sith. The title ”œDark Lord”



Father Bad Touch, Dark Priest of the Lords of Hate since Sept. 2003.

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OOC: My god...I cant leave you people alone for a day can I?




*It was an odd sence for Raynuk to watch two of his close friends fighting it out as intensefully as Bishop and Abaddon were fighting. Raynuk had been in the throne room throughout the talks, breif fight, and Tarrian's enterance into the room. Raynuk stood in the shadows of the room, but made no attempt to hide his presance in the room. For Raynuk, it had taken much effort to hold his tounge in the proceedings at hand, knowing better.


But for Raynuk, knowing better never quite suited him as it should have. Raynuk stepped forward, out of the shadows and approched the Force Lightning that surged across the room from Abaddon to Bishop. Knowing full well what he was doing, Raynuk stepped directly into the lightning.*


"I think that is quite enough Master Abaddon...."


*Raynuk outstretched his hand and harnassed the bolts of electricity back into his own power, feeding off of Abaddon in a way. His eyes were casual, not defiant against Abaddon. Risking a glance at Bishop, who he was now sheilding, he looked back at Abaddon*


"...I know I will probably regret this Master, but it is my opinion that killing Bishop will serve no purpose."


*Raynuk outstreched his other hand, and shot the lightning harmlessly into the wall of the throne room as he continued to speak to Abaddon casually.*


"You may not care what I think anymore Abaddon, and thats your right. But I for one am not one to sit by while my friends are harmed...Even if I must temporarily break alligance to you in this moment."


*The lightning continued to flow through Raynuk, and it was obvious that Abaddon was trying to force more power into the fellow Master, trying to short him out, overpower him with Force Lightning untill he could take it no longer*


"Know this Master Abaddon...I still follow you, but I have known Bishop longer than I have known you. I have always respected him as my friend, and he is like a brother to me. He stood supporting me in my early days of leadership, and without his help we would not have brought the Sith here to Mimban. I only ask you to respect what he, and I...have done for the Sith in the past."


*Raynuk felt the hair on the back of his neck start to stand up, an indication that if he was not careful in channeling the output, Abaddon would indeed overpower Raynuk.*


"If you tell me to step down...I will. But I will do so with a heavy heart."


I ate a hippo. It was delicious.

May the Forth therve you well...

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As the anger boiled in her, she cut the connection she shared with Bishop. He felt strange to her, and she didn't need to hear his voice to finish what she came to do. Using the force, she threw the urchin back into the wall of the temple and held him there.


"Why are you here? What is it you think that you can achieve here?" She wanted to snap his neck, but she also wanted to know some answers. "What has happened to Bishop, and are you responsible for it?"


She used the force to put more pressure on him and push him further into the wall.

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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Impede's smile turned side ways. He looked into the eyes of the urchin. Impede's eyes swirled blue and green. Every thing around him grew quiet and cold. Impede ran his eyes through the mans mind. Cell by cell, the Dark Sith Lord ran his mind through the other man mind. Impedes eyes turned to Tarrian and every thing went back to normal.


" He knows some thing....some thing...." Impede whispered but loudly so Tarrian coulkd hear.

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The winds of the planet carried with them the stink of a power struggle. An animal and a tamer, fighting each other. Each one showing their "might" through pathetic tricks and showmenship. While their worst enemy was being attacked, all the sith would do is sit around and butt heads. Stupidity was the only word worthy of description here.


Flying down, a black ship landed on the outskirts of the main temple. From it a dark figure returned to the planet of Mimban. Darth Sauron, had returned.


Making his way through the force, he sensed his ex-apperentice from the anger in her mind. Expanding his senses, he also felt the duel between Master and Lord. The sith had come to this, nothing but a mere display of weakness. He knew this influence had spread over Tarrian, something he knew he had to change.


As the urchin listened to the Sith, a slight tingle began to spread around his back. Before his brain registered reality, the molecules of his back and the wall began to meld together. With in seconds, the two seperate solids were now one, fused together, still keeping the urchin alive despite the massive amount of pain.


From behind a tree, Sauron stepped out, "My old apperentice, please tell me the sith's weakness hasn't spread to you too."


OOC Note: This is my character who I have developed for months, and no one but me has the right to control him. Piss me off and die

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Tarrian turned around and looked at her Master. It had been a long time since she had seen him. And he once again fell into the role of teacher. Holding her anger in check, she watched as he melded the urchin into the wall. She possessed the same power to move the molecules, but often went for the more painful ways.


"Master, it has been a long time. Why is it that you ask if I am weak?"

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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Looking at the Urchin, the sith master continued to sense the growing battle inside, "The sith as we once knew is no more my apperentice. Unlike the old days, our brothers attack each other instead of attack the true enemy. It is my fear this influence has gotten to you as well...."


OOC Note: This is my character who I have developed for months, and no one but me has the right to control him. Piss me off and die

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Tarrian looked at him for a minute and sighed. "No Master, I do not fight with my family, but this one is not of our family, as a matter a fact, I am not sure what he is...but I am sure that a part of me is gone and I feel that this one had something to do with it. Bishop is not the same, and this one is the only thing different with him...he brought him here."


How is it that this one man can make her still question everything. In his presense, she still felt like that weak Jedi she once was.

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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Sauron shook his head, "Perhapes Bishop is the only sane one among the sith. Perhapes he sees things others do not, such as the specific weaknesses of the current dark lord. Or perhapes he is merely insane."


The dark master shook his head and sighed, "Regardless, their fight merely shows the weakness in the sith right now. No dark lord would ever let opposition face him upon his throne...."


OOC Note: This is my character who I have developed for months, and no one but me has the right to control him. Piss me off and die

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