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*Tarrian's voice was a shade in his ear. The deep pain encompassing him ebbed away at his heart as he tried desperately to listen. To hear. He could feel a cold touch, like kissing the lips of your dead lover. It pulled at him and his instinct pulled him away. Forcefully, he resisted the urge and looked deeper through the madness that blinded him and the pain that assaulted him.*


"Tarrian... why is she here? How did she come back?"

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Tarrian reached her hand up to Bishop's face and softly carressed his cheek. She reached out with her limited grasp on the force, and channeled it through him. Images began to appear to Bishop as he saw the garden through Tarrian's eyes.


"While you are here, you can see through my eyes." Taking his hand, she lead him out to the garden and sat with him on a stone bench over looking the cliffs.


"She was brought back by the darkside, my love. Her destiny must be fulfilled. She will rule and conquer all those that oppose her. You must take care of her and ensure her training."

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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*The Requiem dropped out of hyperspace above Naboo, the teacher could sense her apprentice... somehow back from the dead. JGoD turned and smiled briefly at Viano, the only reason for being that she had left... Son of the man she loved and lost. Well, one of the only reasons anyway, the darkness that consumed her always seemed to pull her back somehow... so here she was again... seeking out yet another apprentice. The ship touched down on the sweeping grass and JGoD smiled as she helped her son from his chair... he really had grown remarkably quickly, She could feel the darkness and hatred within him already... though considering his lineage that was hardly surprising. She took him gently by the hand as they exited the ship and stepped onto the soft grass of Naboo. She opened herself to the force completely.. three familiar presences were near by, though one was very faint, like and echo or a memory from a time long past... Tarrian, what has happened to you?. She shook the dismal feeling that surrounded that presence off with a sigh and opened herself up instead to the younger presence that occupied the near by castle...


Kaylynn... your master has returned... will you come to greet her...?*



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Kaylynn felt the presense of Lady Brooke and made her way through the castle to the front entrance. Using the force, she pulled open the doors and stood there as her mentor and the child walked through. Bowing her head slightly, "Lady Brooke, it has been a long time. Your presense is most welcome in these dark times. It is almost time for us to take back what was ours and show these new Sith what it truly means to be of the Darkside."


Kaylynn looked down at the young boy and smiled as she felt the darkness within the child. "I feel the darkness in this one as well. He will be strong and powerful like his father, the great Lord Zar. It will be only a matter of time before they fear him as they feared his father."


Kaylynn motioned for Lady Brooke and young Viano to follow her through the castle. As they walked, she spoke to Brooke about what had happened. "Father is visiting with mother. He is the one to bring her back or decide to go on by himself. Only he can give mother life once again. And he needs to find it out for himself. Their love is what will make her flesh and blood once again. He himself was killed in the Tournament, and cloned, only the cloning was inadequet and he is blind. His blindness I will fix in time, the darkside is strong enough to do it."


They entered the room where Brooke could see the open doors to the garden. As she looked out, she could see Bishop sitting on a stone bench by himself, but she felt Tarrian's presense surrounding Bishop.

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*Brooke cringed inwardly at the mention of Zar's name, some scars didn't heal so easily. But she couldn't help beaming a little with pride for her young son, he was her world now, and his success meant everything to her... thoughtlessly she ruffled his hair as they walked to the gardens... so much had changed.


Tarrian was everywhere and nowhere in that place, and she could sense that to the blinded Bishop she was nearly tangible. She could sympathize with him... losing a loved one wasn't easy, even with hatred to fill the voids lost love leaves behind. But if Kaylynns words were true he could regain that which he had lost... Brooke did not have the same luxury.


She placed a heavy hand on Viano's tiny shoulder for a moment and looked gravely down at him... a look which plainly told him that now was not the time to act up. She stepped forward into the garden, leaving Kaylynn and Viano in the doorway behind her. It felt as if unseen eyes were watching her... Tarrian did indeed reside in this place..*



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Viano stopped and watched his mother leave his side.




In the courtyard, a bug flew in front of his face and he watched it buzz it's way around his head in circles. Custom to a four year old, he was easily amused, and this little game of circling around his head was grabbing his attention.




He moved back and the bug followed him. Viano giggled a childish giggle.




He quickly covered his mouth and stopped giggling...he was not to disturb his mother. This only lasted for a few minutes because the bug started its little game again, bobbing this way and that around Viano's head. He giggled again...a bit quieter before - a giggle none the less.


Unable to contain his amusement, Viano lept at the bug and missed. He landed on the ground in his little black tunic scraping his knees.




He rushed up again. Watching the bug carefully land on the side of a stone pillar in front of the courtyard, the amused four year old watched as if he was a cat ready to pounce on a field mouse.


Viano raised his hand and....




He let out another childish giggle as the bug no longer flew. But now, his only source of amusement in this courtyard was gone...he started to feel sorry for the bug....NOT!

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Kaylynn watched as young Viano toyed with the bug and got amused by its death. She remembered doing the same with bugs herself at that age, only she had little Afri to help with it. She looked down at the boy and went down on one knee to be at his eye level.


"Viano, don't worry, there are plenty more bugs for you to learn to torture here. Come with me and I'll take you to the gardens on the other side of the house so that you do not disturb your mother."


She stood up and and held out her hand to the boy. "Come, lets go and kill some bugs. I bet we can even find some small animals for you to play with too."


She smiled as the boy thought about it for a second and then took her hand in his small one.

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*JGoD smirked at her son's games and watched as Kaylynn led him away. She took another step into the garden, Tarrian's presence growing stronger with each step she took, until finally she stood before the blinded bishop. She knelt down with her hands upon his knees and looked up into his shadowed face... especially here, with her hands on his knees, could she feel Tarrian... she was inside of him and all around them both... they were one. For a moment her heart was clutched by a terrible sorrow.. she had been this way once. The black she wore was not only a symbol of her dark vows... but of her status as a widow... she had worn no other color since the death of her husband. Looking into Bishop's face JGoD felt as though he could see her... but that was not possible, Kaylynn had said herself that he was blind... but there was something about this place and him in it.. something different. She stood once again and sat beside him, still wordless, but confident that he knew who she was... and so did Tarrian... in whatever form she currently took... The pair sat in silence for some time before Brooke finally saw fit to break it.*


"I can sense her here... in the air, in you... in everything around us... strange..."



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a form started to shimmer and appear on the other side of Bishop, her hand on his. She sat there and spoke softly, knowing that Brooke could hear her.


"This is my place, Brooke. This is the place that Bishop and I always came too. I am strongest here." She looked over to Brooke and smiled. "It is good to see you and young Viano here. Kaylynn will need you for training."


Tarrian looked at Bishop and back to Brooke, he will need you as well.

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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Viano frowned and looked at Kalynn.


"You're not my mommy. Let go!"


He struggled with her grip, and then reluctantly calmed down.


"I'm telling..." He mutterred as they walked off, a slight smirk on Kalynn's face.


The place she brought him to was beautiful. There were exotic plants everywhere, small animals hiding this way and that, a bug or two floating above and around the grasses and strange fauna.


It was beautiful. Somehow, that brought a sick feeling to his stomach and he desperately clutched it. He felt as if he was going to throw up.


"This place...is...uh --- "




His thoughts were interrupted by the ominous hum of an insect past his ear. He giggled and jumped after it, clapping empty air. A dissapointed look painted itself onto his face. The four year old had much to learn about the wonders of life.


"Make it stop..."


The buzzing continued. Everytime the insect came close, Viano jumped after it, swiping at nothing but it's buzzing trail in the air.




He reached down to the ground and tried to rip out grass. He then threw it with half-effort at the bug, but, because grass is not that aerodynamic, it flew back into his face, eyes, and mouth. He spit it out.



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*At first Bishop didn't notice the arrival of Brook and her son. Wrapped in Tarrian's presence as he was. The touch at his knees caught him off guard and his head drifted slightly to the side as he refocused. As he noticed her, she phased into the reality that he could see. Through Tarrian he could 'sense' the garden and the woman now sitting at his side. Every texture and color was rendered in his mind. The flowers glowed brilliant shades of red and blue amongst the green haze. He turned towards Tarrian first, her shining skin, dark eyes, and rose lips blurring her features slightly. Beatiful as she appeared before him now, her spirit was just as noncorporal as ever. The garden on the far side of her was faintly visible through her body. He turned to the other side where Brook was sitting, the dark shadow that was her cloak and her face existed in the same dreamlike distortion as did everything else in the garden. Her words brought a slight nod, then listened as Tarrian spoke as well.*


"Yes, so much has happened here. When Tarrian... when she died, I knew that she would want to be put to rest here. I didn't know at the time that she would stay here, perhaps I was blind then as well. It was only in death that I became aware of the truth. Funny that blindness can you make you realize the truth. A fitting cliche. I came back after that. After Kaylynn had found me. I do not know how she came back, but she came to me. I supposse I needed to be here to know why she had come back. To know that Kaylynn needs to continue with her destiny. I supposse that is why you are here, Brook."


*Tarrian's last statement passed by his ears. Silenced to him for it was not something he was to hear. It was something for Brook to know and understand. Concern Bishop would never have allowed her to harbor had she made it known to him. He turned back towards the brilliantly lit garden and took expanded his senses beyond the world Tarrian had created for him. His sight dimmed slightly as he moved out to Kaylynn and little Viano. The presence was new and familiar. One he had not expected to feel dancing through the garden in persuit of pray with Kaylynn watching over.*


"Is that... he has not returned from the dead as well, has he? It's not... the same."


*He turned his face towards Brook, focusing on her face through the dark cloth covering his eyes. Cloth darker than the shadows around his face.*

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Kaylynn smiled at the young boy and knelt down to him. "Viano, not like

that. You are your father's son you are very strong in the darkside. You

need to use that to your advantage. Just as this place is beautiful and

makes your stomach feel bad, you can make it go away. Fill yourself with

the Darkness, pull it around you like this." Kaylynn closed her eyes and

gathered the force within her. She let the darkness consume her and she

opened her eyes and looked at Viano. "The beauty of this place can not

touch me, but I can use the force of the place to my advantage, watch."


Another bug started to buzz around his head, and he swatted at it only

once before Kaylynn held up her finger and told him to wait. He heard

the word, even though she said nothing. Holding out her hand with the

palm up, she waited a moment and then grabbed the bug with the force.

It seemed to stop in mid flight, and just stay there. Suddenly, it looked

as if the bug was flying backwards, and it slowly was pulled to land on

the palm of her hand.


Viano looked at the bug that was moving on her hand and Kaylynn

held her hand out to him. "Take the bug and kill it as you like. Then

you do as I did and capture the bugs yourself." She watched him take

the bug by the wings and waited to see how he disposed of it.

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*Brooke shook her head*


"No he is not the same. He is his father's son, but he is also mine, named at Zar's request for the son he should have had. Zar's last request..."


*She let her words fall away at the end, not something she wished to speak much on. She had been there, she had seen it all... and beaten herself up over it every day. If she had truly been there, not only in spirit, could she have changed things? But It did not do to dwell on 'mighthavebeens' it made the body and the mind weaker, and weakness was a luxury she could no longer afford herself. She would see the sith rise again, like a mighty fist to crush all opposition... Brooke cast her eyes in the direction of Kaylynn and little Viano... they would be the future... not the man before her, not Tarrian, and most certainly not herself. Even now the three were like relics of a time long past in a world that had learned to move on without them. Everything really had changed. Her eyes found their way back to the blind man before her, who saw more now than he ever had. She would do as Tarrian asked, and watch over him closely... whether he liked it or not. Brooke's eyes fell once more on the shimmering form Tarrian now took and she nodded... yes everything was different now... but somehow, it was as if she had never left..*



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Viano's eyes widened in amazement. He grabbed the bug and put it in his mouth.




He bit into it and swallowed. Typical four year old - they'll eat, drink, touch, or talk to anything, no matter what it is. He saw Kaylnn cringe in disgust.


Viano tried to imitate her. How he would do this, he had no clue...he was only four. He looked at her and then suddenly he heard a small noise from the bushes. It was if he had ADHD for, in that instant, he dove to the bush head first trying to grab whatever was making the noise.

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*Bishop's eyes made another pass on the garden, his focus once again turned there. Tarrian was smiling at him as he looked to her. He dropped his head slightly.*


"The Sith are not the same as they were. The Jedi are in hiding, yet we have not taken our place at the head of the galaxy. Perhaps for the best, as I doubt most of the newer youths lack what it would take to fend off a full attack from the Jedi. Perhaps the leaders have been too weak... perhaps I have been too weak. Something I intend to remedy. You and your son will be joining us on Mimban, yes?"


*His gaze rose to Brook's face.*


"I will need to return there soon. Though there is one more... 'thing' I need to take care of before I leave this planet."


*He glanced back at Tarrian, knowing now that she would be here still the next time he needed to see her. Locked within this garden that had once been their place of retreat.*

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Kaylynn grabbed Viano in mid air with the force and held him there for a second. She gently lowered him to the ground and sat down with him. She knew that is was a small squirrel, and that all he needed to do was call it to him. She wondered if she was this curious when she was this small. She already knew the answer was yes.


"Viano, not like that, you will scare it away. Watch." She sat Viano next to her and closed her eyes. Using her mind, she touched the small squirrel's mind and put one command in it. COME. She started to softly scratch at the dirt with her hand and suddenly the small animal came out from under the bush and over too Kaylynn. She opened her eyes and caught Viano just as he was about to jump over and grab the animal.


"No no, wait." Slowly the squirrel came and sat on her lap and she picked it up and handed it to him. "Here. Now you can do to it what you want."


She watched to see what he would do.

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An x-wing is seen breaking the naboo clouds. The ship flies past the landing area and continues on to where Pyre felt him. A sinister grin covers the pilot's face, thinking of his former master, as he lands just outside the location of the Sith Lord.


The Fallen Jedi begins to yell as the cockpit opens, "HELLO!!! ANYONE SEEN ANY SITH AROUND HERE!?"


Pyre leaps out and begins banging on the door outside the garden.




He puts his ear up to door and hears some slight murmuring. Pyre bangs again and places his ear against the door one more time. Still no answer from anyone on the other side. Finally, he summons his light saber to his hand and begins cutting a hole in the door large enough for him to walk through.


As he stepped in to the garden, Pyre addressed the crowd, "Fellow haters of the Jedi!" the kids continued playing, as Pyre throws his hands up, "Allow me to hate them with you!"


The 3 Sith glare at the lone exjedi with his light saber drawn. Reading their anger he quickly acts.


"Oh sorry," Pyre says.


He retracts his light saber and lifts up the hole he cut out of the door and places it neatly back inside.

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*Bishop with held his gaze for a moment before lifting it to the intruder. As he stood Tarrian, invisible to Pyre, dissolved from his senses, followed by all the visual stimuli that surrounded him. Dropped again into the darkness of blindness. His voice rose beneath the hood of his cloak, barking out against the former apprentice of Sly Stevenson.*


"Who the hell are you to approach us who could snuff the life from our bones with a whim?"


*Other than the ruffling of his cloaks as he walked forward, nothing on Bishop moved in the moment before Pyre exploded off his feet. His back knocked the wooden circle he had cut from the door back the direction he had come.*

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Pyre smashed through the wooden door and ended up stopping with a thud against his x-wing, leaving a dent in the metal shell. As he slid off he spoke...


"Hell yea..." He hit the floor then continued as he stood up, "If you were a Jedi, you would have questioned my shoes to make sure they weren't part of an innocent cow before doing that."


The Fallen Jedi knight twitched at the thought of the Jedi. Just mentioning the very word jedi sent a flood of their of speakings of sickening honor and truth. The honor and truth that's sent them in to hiding and the same honor and truth causing them to cower at the thought of losing one pathetic padawan.


Pyre bowed to the Sith to show his respect, "You wouldn't happen to be taking any apprentices right now?"


He tilted his head up from his bow to look at the enraged Sith through the broken door.

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Viano looked at the squirrel. He held it in his hands. For some reason he had neither love nor care for anything in the world. Since he was born he felt the hereditary hate for all good and living...except for his mother, whom he worshipped as a Goddess. She brought him here...alone. She raised him and looked after him. She was the only thing he had any positive feeling towards.


This squirrel was definitely NOT receiving any of these warm sentiments.


Viano gazed at the small woodland creature. It's black eyes seemed to make a feeble attempt at burning a black hole into his eyes. He looked at it. The child had no conceivable notion of what his associate sitting next to him had done to get the animal to be so obediant. Then again, he didn't know what made him do certain things at times. Sometimes he'd get yelled at by his mother for knocking something off of a shelf...a few feet away up in the air.


Bye bye


In his mind's eye he imagined that he was the almighty toddler in the courtyard. His strength uncontested and his language so precise that he would command the adults into bringing him food and other toys. This squirrel was a toy. And like all toys, he could be broken.


An explosion filled his mind as he forsaw the squirrel's head imploding, splattering blood all over the place.




He stared in disbelief. Red liquid was all over his black robes. The squirrel's body wiggled in pain splattering red paint on the grass and his face. He looked at it and blinked.


Viano then looked up to Kaylnn and let out the biggest sob and then onslaught of tears any person has seen.



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*JGoD's lip curled into a sneer as she stood from the stone bench, hand clasped carelessly about her sabre. She made her way to Bishop's side and cast a disinterested look at the new comer.*


"If you knew even the meaning of the word respect you would not dare to speak to either of us so boldly. If you want even a scrap of our time you shall wait until we are ready to address you..."


*With that the piece of wood that had flown back out of the door as the man's body collided with it replaced itself in the gaping hole once again, leaving the door intact and the new comer on the outside.


JGoD turned once more to Bishop. It had been a terribly long time since she had spoken to anyone with connection to the sith and she longed for more information.*


"Who claims to lead our order now?"


*She did not wait for an answer however, as a 4 year old behind her began to throw a fit. She whirled on the spot and ran to Viano's side, casting Kaylynn an appraising glance before she gathered the small boy up into her arms.*


"Shhh... its alright my son... look.. see what you have done?"


*She picked up the remnants of the squirrel by the tail, grasping it gently between her thumb and forefinger... and holding it up for the sobbing Viano...*


"You must not cry for such an insignificant thing... its life does not hold the value that yours or mine does..."


*She dropped the squirrel and used her thumb to brush away the tears rolling down the small child's cheeks, smearing some of the blood splattered on his face in the process... She smiled...*


"There now.. don't you look handsome my little warrior?"



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Pyre remained looking up from his bowed position as the wood fit over the door again. He remained there for several minutes, thinking that, hopefully, they'll come bursting through the door with their light sabers drawn, screaming with angry passion. Just the thought of it made Pyre excited.


He finally stood straight again and began to pace back and forth. The thought of taunting them crossed his mind several times to get their attention. Pyre had to fight the urge strongly and turned his light saber on and off constantly which showed his mental conflict.


"I want what you want!" he finally yelled with his light saber off, "to have those weaklings screaming in their whiney tongue as they end their pathetic lives! To have their ossuary spilling over! Watching them wimper, wrought with fear! The Jedi are weak they don't deserve to live!"


Pyre concluded, sitting on the ground, and began to doodle on the ground with his ignited light saber. He continuously looked up to the door to see if it was opening or to see if there was any sign of acknowledging him.


I'll show you respect


With his light saber lit once again and without hesitation he stabs it in to his side, just to the right of his abdominal muscles. No vital organs were in this area but it still hurt like a mother. Pyre immediately drops to the ground as the aroma of burning flesh filled his nose.


He lays on the ground with his light saber lying on the ground, watching the door.

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Tarrian's presense faded for a moment then reappeared once again to stand with Bishop as JGoD went to Viano's side. She watched as Kaylynn stood up and took ahold of Viano's hand and allowed Brooke to return. Kaylynn bent down and brushed off Viano and brought him over closer to the jedi to watch his mother.


As she neared closer to Bishop, his limited sight returned for the time being. She looked at the Jedi, "So you want to become a Sith. What makes you think you will survive the training?"

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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Viano Zar smiled at his mother and laughed another giggle. He snuggled close, clutching her side and burying his face into her bosom. He quickly smiled back up to her.


"I love you mommy "


Kaylnn grabbed him by the hand and pulled him away from his mother to let her return to her work. He quickly broke free and ran up to the new stranger.


He looked down outside at the one who had caused such noise. He pushed himself out of his mother's arms and ran over to him - he was now on the ground.


"Hehe...you're silly..."


Viano quickly kicked the man in his neck and bounced back, bending over to be at his level.



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Laying on the ground, the force began to indicate the presence of some other being speaking to Pyre. The words finally became clear in his disturbed mind and he addressed the presence.


"What makes me think I will survive?" Pyre rhetorically asks the spirit. He begins to stand up, as grey smoke rises from his side, "I can survive, but even if I didn't, Death would be a better than serving the Jedi."


He looked down at the little kid and began to laugh with him. Pyre quickly grabbed the little kid's hand and stuck it in his sizzling side. Pyre then watches the kid's reaction on his face as he looked up at the stranger then ran back to his mother to tell her of his discovery.

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*JGoD watched as her son came running back to her, his hand outstretched. Her eyes blazed with hatred, and she didn't bother to wait for her son to finish explaining as she thrust him at Kaylynn and drew her own sabre. The wooden doors barring her way flew off their hinges and splintered against the stone walls opposite them. In an instant the new comer was on the ground gasping for air as she closed his air way and robbed his lungs of their precious fuel. Her sabre hung in mid air just above the back of his neck, an inch from death.*


"Look at me.."


*The man on the ground clawed at the stone floor as he gasped for air, JGoD kicked him squarely in his injured side and watched him fly sideways, eyes wide...*


"I said look at me..."


*Bulging eyes found her face, no doubt going in and out of focus as his brain became more deprived of oxygen..*


"You will never so much as look at my son in a way that displeases me again


*With these words she released her hold on him, and smirked at the sharp intake of breath that she heard.*


"Get up... draw your sabre... and see if i don't kill you now for touching him”¦ i will have your heart on my dinner plate this night..."



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"hahahahaha I LOVE IT!" Pyre exclaimed as he got off the ground.


He thought the kid liked it but oh well. Pyre took off his cloak and lit the Desert Rose. Looking down at the saber, he decided to change it's name as well...The Desert thorn's orange lit the ex Jedi Knight's eyes as they met the Sith's dark glare.


Ah a real fight, not that sparring crap, Pyre thinks to himself, haven't done this since I followed that Old fool Sly on that Lights escapade


"I was hoping to train under Bishop, but you'll do fine for now"


With that Pyre launched himself toward the female Sith, catching her a little off-gaurd at the realization how much use of the Force he had. His saber struck hers sending a blur of light in all directions. Right as they dead locked, Pyre used the force to give some extra power to his right arm then, combined with his forward momentum and the Force, he plants his left fist flat on the Sith's face.


She flies back, passing her son and smashing the wooden door in to further bits and pieces. JGOD comes to a landing and sends up a tornadoe of flowers from her contact.


Pyre would have gone in to the Garden but he realized that it had a special meaning in this gathering. Pyre waits outside, with his light saber drawn, down in his fighting stance.

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*An enormous shockwave of a disturbance in the Force is felt throughout the tunnels of the Sith stronhold upon Naboo ... it is felt that Adi-Wan Tinova has returned.*


*One person in specific was immensely proturbed by it's signal ... Tarrian Skywalker suddenly, and abruptly ... felt ill to her stomach.*

"*****, you bettah bring me some muh'******' cone-yack, or i'll keeeeeeeeeeeeell, yoooooo"

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*Preparing to answer, the painfully obtuse annoyance beyond the gates once again interrupted them. He doubted the nusance wouldn't be much of a nusance for long at the rate he was going. He turned to Tarrian's form.*


"I supposse I shouldn't just leave her question unanswered. I shall return before I leave."


*He extended his arm to touch her face, but his hand slipped through the etheral form. He hesitated for a moment before drawing his hand back to him. Turning the way of the entrance, he passed through the door a few moments before Brook carried herself through enroute to Pyre. He spoke loud enough for her to hear him between the clashes of combat.*


"Before I left, Raynuk was the only Master available on planet. He seemed convinced that Lord Ar-Pharazon would appear soon, but he was not there when I left. I supposse that, if he has returned, he has likely taken lead of the Sith that remain. I wonder if he is, perhaps, the right leader. I know he has the experience as Emperor, and he will certainly command fear from the upstarts beneath him. But I do not know if that i enough."

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