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Her eyebrows raised, this was a very interesting man. Hours after seeing his friends killed around him, he was so eager to doll out forgiveness? What a man he would be to know outside war and hate. A man she could really look up to, if he was truly this nice. His face wasn't that bad to look at, but he did remind her a bit of her father. Rugged. But She was pretty sure that he wasn't the kind to come home and beat up his young children....but that story would be for another time.


"Well sir, you seem like just the man to lead a new 'republic.'"


She smiled slightly,


"Would you take the job?"


Pretender to the Galactic Throne

Leader of the Rebel Alliance

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Cadio let a grin crawl onto the corner of his mouth.


"Your question presents an interesting dilemma. There is no good way to answer that question. The man who is right for the position would have to answer both yes and no to it. An affirmative answer would be required from the just man because the just man would be the best man for the position, yet an affirmative answer indicates that the just man recognizes that he is the best man for the position and therefore he lacks humility. That leads to ego which will eventually lead to his downfall and the downfall of the government that he leads."


A deep breath.


"On the other hand, an answer of no would indicate that though the just man is humble he actually isn't the right man for the position. By being the right man for the job and refusing he isn't doing the greatest amount of good for the greatest amount of people and therefore he isn't the right choice. A conundrum, no?"


He paused long enough to gather his thoughts.


"I guess I would probably go with the lesser of the two evils and say that yes, I would take the challenge. It would be in the better interest of the galaxy for a just man to lead for a short time to model what selfless leadership looks like before he falls to pride so that others can see what should go on in politics than for the just man to say no and for the rest of the galaxy to never get that example."

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He would be good for the job, but as the luck of the galaxy would probably have it, a Jedi or something would step up to 'lead the galaxy to the light from the darkness' and that jedi would inevitably fall to the dark side. Then inevitably they would be in the same position again, just another couple decades older. Sir Cadio appeared perfect for it. He didn't seem to have any force talent, thus he would find resisting to such things far easier. Raven shuddered, thinking of her time as a Sith. She lifted the remains of her bio-mechanical arm up, thinking of Mistress Tiana's wrath. That torture had hurt quite a bit.


She shook her head, driving off the dark thoughts.


"Quite the conundrum sir, though you appear fit for such a job, only it was temporary, I would hate to see your morals corrupted by power!"


god, she sounded like an idiot. Blabbering like a little fan girl...of her prior enemy. She was really quite impressed with him.


Pretender to the Galactic Throne

Leader of the Rebel Alliance

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Cadio fully smiled for the first time in a long time.


"If only the rest of the galaxy were this like-minded."


He could see a young officer out of the corner of his eye waiting patiently for him.


"The medics here will take care of you until we figure out what is going to happen. Rest easy."


With that he stood and walked away from his young captive. Perhaps there was hope for the galaxy.






The Republic Fleet arrives at Gala to pick up 13 vessels that have been held in reserve for quite some time.


After the vessels are prepped the fleet jumps back to hyperspace.

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Raven lowered her head, and watched him walk away through her bangs. She sighed, perhaps she would get better acquainted with him later. He seemed like a nice enough man. She turned over in the bed, and almost yelped in pain, as pressure came upon her broken leg. She readjusted herself on the bed, then stretched a little with her arms.


A force of habit. Keeping limbered for the next battle.


She thought of her brother Kayal, the brother that seemed like more of a father to her. Always looking out for little Raven. She smiled slightly thinking of the 'incident' the blood, the screaming. Her father's fists, smashing against her unprotected body, breaking bones, and adding to the blood already on the floor from her mother's corpse. A couple of tears trickled out of eyes, Kayal was probably dead.....


Pretender to the Galactic Throne

Leader of the Rebel Alliance

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"I must admit though, I'm surprised that your friends don't judge you." She didn't mean to ignore the others, but it was awkward to address them directly right now. "My experience with the Jedi has been quite different. As soon as they find out who I am, it's disdain and even outright hostility."


Skye fell quiet, just sipping her caffa and listening to the conversation. She wondered who the Jedi were that treated the young girl so badly as she told them about her experiences with the Jedi so far. Skye shook her head, hoping that Emily would find this experience in a much better light. The Healer could relate though... given some of her own actions and how some of the other Jedi saw her. She listened as Emily told them about her life, how she was left an orphan for a time before seeking the Sith.


When Emily mentioned Andon being her Uncle her eyebrow raised in surprise. She hadn't seen or heard from the charming Andon Colos in years either, other than the rumour she heard of him getting married. She had met Andon while she was still a hopeful. Skye smiled at a memory, one of a... rather amusing lightsaber battle between Andon and John Skywalker that she had witnessed. The two men had started on top of a building and had leaped off it only to continue their duel as they fell. Catching Emily's eye she said,


"I doubt very much that Andon Colos is dead Emily," Skye said, "I heard a while back that your Uncle married Jaina Jade Skywalker. I'd surmise that they are together somewhere, keeping to themselves. One day they might return."




"The rest is recent history. I started hopeful classes, met Nishant, and here I am. But I find myself exceedingly puzzled by the Jedi." She hoped Darla or the others would be able to answer some questions for her. "The grandmaster was cold to me, and another Jedi Knight almost attacked me when he learned who my father was. The former grandmaster, a woman named Darkfire, was rude and abrupt to my ma--Lord Montar--when we were attacking Gala in retaliation from a Jedi attack on the Sith temple. If the Jedi are truly the accepting, forgiving, peace-loving people from the holovids, I certainly haven't seen it. Why do they insist on slaughtering Sith? Just because they believe them to be evil?"


"I don't know why some Jedi act like that. I can't say that I have met the current Grandmaster, but the previous one, Armiena Draygo-Darkfire, and I have not seen eye to eye on a few matters. You see, as a Healer, I show compassion to those who need it - no matter who they are, and even if they are classified as the "enemy". In fact, there are probably quite a few of the Jedi Order who disagree with my philosophy, especially since I have both fought and healed the likes of Kakuto Ryu and Vladimir Faust." Skye glanced over at Darla and Darex before returning her gaze to Nishant and Emily.


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After arriving on the station, Rahalin made sure his combat suits systems were up for what he believed would be a station devoid of atmosphere. He was partially right.


The stations had an atmosphere, but the atmosphere was barely sufficient to support human life without using oxygen filters.


He secured his suit from being completely sealed off to merely using the on-board life support systems to provide him with filtered station air. The sound of the air passing through the helmet gave him an ominous sound as he walked through the empty corridors.


Forgoing the emotional reaction to where his barracks was on board, he proceeded to the section of the station where the communications center had stood. Since there was still some sporadic lighting from panels not damaged during the raid which had freed him, he assumed that the station's power systems were still functioning.


He hoped the same could be said of the station's communications system.

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At the mention of Montar's death Darla blanched. He was the first Sith who had treated her like a person and not a plaything or slave.


"Montar was my Master as well as Alora's. He Lorded me as a Sith..."


It was a small Galaxy indeed.


"The Galaxy is full of hypocrites and people who use ideals and ideas to serve their own ends. Some people will be loving and welcoming and some will be hateful and aggressive, Jedi or not."


Emily was touching a subject that was quite close to Darla's heart.


"The Galaxy is a big horrible place. It's full of being who will use and abuse you. Twist you, manipulate you. The way to survive it is to be yourself. Be strong and believe in who and what you are, whatever that may be.


"If you can do that, then you can find peace."


Darla took a deep breath. She didn't want to come across like a hypocrite herself. She was hardly calm and centred herself most of the time. But she had an iron will. When she was fighting for what she loved and what she believed she felt strong. It was then that she was truly herself.


"I won't tell you that there's any easy path between being a Jedi and Sith. It's a difficult road and it's caused me a lot of heartache. But I wouldn't change anything for a second. To have been to the places that I've been, the light, the dark, back again and everything inbetween... It was worth it."


There was a serious air about her as she spoke.


"The Darkside is dangerous and seductive. Many times it has tried to pull me under. Deep dark parts of myself from deep within me have come to the surface. Base, animal parts of me that wanted nothing but to annihilate have come to the surface. But the light has also made me so passive at times that I've put myself between a blade and a enemy in order to save them.



"The Force is life! It will take you to places and show you things both beautiful and horrible. If you can understand it and ride it out... Then you will experience life in all it's glory. Dogma and ideals don't help anyone. As far I'm concerned these things cause more war and pain than the Darkside ever has."


Darla realised that she had been speaking a lot that that she was being very intense.


"But what do I know, huh? Everybody has their own view of things."


She exhaled deeply, feeling a little uneasy about how much of her heart she had just poured out to two people she had only just met.

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Emily grinned. "Indeed they do, but my view definitely corresponds to yours."


Finally she felt completely at ease. The Force had clearly brought her here for a reason and the knowledge that it was guiding her path was a comforting one. It still felt a little reckless when the rubber hit the road, but she had grown up trusting the Force. So it was a comforting thought.


She also thought it another amazing coincidence that Darla's master had been Lord Montar. She held Montar in the highest regard, and nothing would ever change that. He had been kind and yet strong, and given her a family again. She would never forget that, no matter where her path took her in the future.


Skye's news about Andon was welcome. "I hope so, Master Organa," she replied. "Yes, I knew Aunt Jaina as well. Of course, they aren't my real aunt and uncle. My father and Andon were rivals, really, until...well, I don't know exactly what happened, but they grew as close as brothers. My father always claimed it be the workings of the Force. These," she said, pointing to her mismatched eyes, "were my inheritance from their bond."


It was funny that she was on a ship with a bunch of people who didn't necessarily see eye-to-eye with the Jedi. Skye's philosophy was deemed radical for being willing to heal Sith, and Darla was caught in between the two orders, never really belonging to either and being an outsider to both. As she looked at Darla, she realized that this woman had everything that Emily wanted, and was exactly the kind of person Emily wished to become. She laughed and cried and raged and lived. She used the Force in it's entirety, and laughed in the face of dogma. She was completely true to herself, and Emily knew that was the goal that she herself would desperately cling to. No matter what happened, she needed to remain true to herself and not let others dictate who she should be.


She smiled broadly at Darla. "Thanks. For sharing, and for inspiring me. You're exactly the kind of person I want to become." She met Darla's green eyes, and felt a connection to this woman who, a few moments before, had been a stranger.


Then she glanced away, turning her gaze towards Nishant. She wondered what he was making of this entire discussion. She was especially interested to hear what his opinion of her was now that she had been very outspoken about the goals she had heretofore only alluded to. She wondered what the Jedi Master nodding off in the corner would have to say, but it was Nishant's opinion she really cared about.



"Days in the sun...what I'd give to relive just one. Undo what's done, and bring back the light."

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Making the jump Lucifer exited the first part of his journey...now all that was needed was to make the microjump to the deathstar where he was certain both the empire and republic forces were boudn to end up...and as a result his hated enemy the jedi, yet another reason to attend.


Putting in the co-ordinates he made the final jump.


((Next post Deathstar - exterior)




 "Only in my pain, did I find my will. Only in my chaos, did I learn to be still. Only in my fear, did I find my might. Only in my darkness, did I see my light." - Darth Akheron


I survived the Great JNet Outage of 2012

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Darex listened, but remained silent. In fact, he kept nodding off and was having to pinch himself occasionally to stay awake. It wasn't that the conversation wasn't interesting, but it had been far too long since he had slept. Sitting around on a ship talking wasn't the best way to keep himself awake, no matter how stimulating the conversation.


He shook his head finally, giving up trying. "Emily, you'll have to forgive those Jedi who were rude to you. It was inexcusable, but you also can't blame them. Many Jedi have lost friends or loved ones to the Sith, and things like that leave an impression on you. As for your path, however, that is entirely in your hands."


That was all he said, for he was interrupted by a large yawn. "Excuse me," he said over the yawn, "I'm sorry. You all continue. I really need some sleep."


He raised a hand in a tired wave and headed to the room he was sharing with Darla. He thought about meditating. Nah, I'll probably just fall asleep in the middle of it. Even Jedi Masters need sleep now and then. With that thought thoroughly nixed, he removed his boots and tunic, stripping down to his comfortable khaki-colored pants, and slipped into bed.


He was asleep moments later.


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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Kari didn't like the idea of practicing a dark art one bit, and the slight paleness to her face shown it vibrantly. But as her gaze shifted away, she wondered if like everything, there could possibly be a lightside to it - a way to use it to do good.


"I wasn't referring to that." Kari speaks, her gaze still looking away from him. "I meant Force Imbued, similar to a Jedi Katana." She briefly grabs her Jedi Katana and angrily shakes it. "I don't know how to work this thing!"


Kari sighs, placing her blade back into her satchel.


"I suppose if it's possible for a lightsider to use alchemy, then i should take this chance to learn about it." She quirks up a bit. " Just be sure to kill me if i go all yellow eyed and my skin starts rotting." A laugh busts forth. "Not like you'll have a choice though."


((Okay. My posting should pick back up now. Sorry about that Robbie.))

"People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." - C.G. Jung


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Skye grinned at Emily, throwing a wink her way as she headed back to the kitchenette and began washing the mugs up. She hoped that the young girl would feel like she was at home here on Serenity. When Darex excused himself to go to bed, Skye figured she would leave Emily in Darla's capable hands. To Nishant she murmured softly, "I'll be meditating in my conservatory. Come and find me when you are ready. We will still be a while before reaching Corellia so you may rest first if you wish." Smiling towards Nishant, Skye nodded her head in farewell to the two women before she left the living area, lightly touching her hand to Nishant's shoulder on her way past him. Of course, if Darla wished to rest, Emily was welcome to locate her also if she wanted to, the decision would be totally hers.


It didn't take long before she entered her hydroponic garden on the next level. Skye had invested a lot of time, effort and love in this garden nursery, making it a restful, peaceful location within her ship, as well as one that allowed her to create vaccines and other medicinal requirements. This was a place where she could come to and meditate, or just sit and commune with the life Forces within the plants. Within this garden hold there were plants representing many planets. Each one had a medicinal purpose as well as being beautiful to look at along with their varying scents.


Skye stopped in the center of her garden, her eyes flicking around her plants making sure that they had everything they needed before she lowered herself to the lotus position. She took a deep breath drawing in the varying scents, her eyes closing as she opened herself up to the Force.


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Darla was utterly shocked. She had never once in her life considered herself someone to look up to or someone who anyone else would desire to be. It amazed Darla at times that she had the friends that she did and quite often she felt like she didn't deserve the kindness that they showed her.


Darex had left yawning and excusing himself. Soon after Skye had left as well. Darla found herself with Emily and Nishant. The young man had been quite for a while and Darla wondered if what they had been talking about had made him feel uncomfortable.


"Emily... I'm a screw up. It's a miracle that I'm even alive. I've put myself in some very bad situation. I've taken the wrong path many times. I guess I've learnt from that. But if you're going to be inspired by me... Don't be like me. Learn from me. Don't become a Jedi."


As far as Darla was aware Emily had come for Jedi training. Darla had spent years trying to be a Jedi. Trying to force herself to be something that she wasn't. It had messed her up and left her feeling conflicted. On one hand many Jedi were her friends, but on the other hand their dogma had stifled her.


As soon as she had said the words she felt a little bad about saying them. What would Darex think if he had heard her say that. But she felt like that was the best advice.


If Emily knew who she was and what she wanted to be, why rain to be something that she wasn't?


"Sorry... I guess that's the best advice I can give."

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Lusef ponders the matter. "I'm not too much up to date on Jedi alchemy, though I've had some luck with reverse engineering what others have done, but I lack the skills to make anything fresh myself." He quietly takes the Jedi Katana and turns it over, half-balancing the blade, getting a sense of its measure and construction.


"The process... it involves the Force as energy, recognizing it within the self, and within all things. It means finding it in the blade, and using your feelings to draw energy into it, marking it and imprinting it. It's an art as much as a science. This is a good weapon, but for what you seek, it will require a personal imprint."


He almost appears ready to demonstrate, but stops. The only alchemy he could work would have an obviously dark taint and be of no use. Without another word, he hands the katana back to his padawan.


As he finishes up, the ship finishes its trip through hyperspace. Lusef, motioning for Kari to follow, heads to the cockpit to prepare to dock at Helix.


Instead he finds empty space where Helix was.


A few thoughts come to mind- first and foremost that Darex deceived him and lead him on a wild goosechase, suspecting something. So much for blowing the place up and calling Imperial or Sith allies for a strike.


Of course, Lusef had no way of knowing that the Jedi took it to battle as the fight over the Death Star intensified, at least not yet.


"It appears," he states aloud, his voice soft, but with a flat edge, "that Helix Station is not at the coordinates we were given. What do you make of Jedi Master Trevalian's reliability, Kari?" As he speaks, his hands quickly punch in a comm to Darex, all but demanding to know why he was summoned into the middle of space for nothing.

O how wretched is that poor man that hangs on princes favors! There is betwixt that smile we would aspire to, that sweet aspect of princes, and their ruin, more pangs and fears than wars or women have, and when he falls, he falls like Lucifer, never to hope again.


-William Shakespeare

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"That's funny," Emily replied. "I never would have expected that advice from someone so surrounded by Jedi. What does your...husband?...think about that? And what exactly makes you say that? You say you wouldn't change being both Sith and Jedi. If you had a fresh start, would you have only been Sith?"


She leaned back on the sofa. "My parents wanted me to have an open mind, to explore the Force as a whole. That is why I'm here. I know how the Sith view the Force. I want to learn how the Jedi view it. Then I can put those two beliefs side by side and make up my own way that combines the two. For I do believe that both sides believe some aspect of truth. How could they not? But like you said, I think they are also bogged down by dogma--in the Jedi's case--and vengeance in the Sith's case. If one were to look at the Force from both viewpoints without other things blocking one's mind, what would be the result?" It was clear that Emily was extraordinarily curious about that, and she had inherited her mother's determination.


The girl sighed and smiled a little. "Thanks for the advice, really. But I'm really determined to explore this. Besides," she said, lightening up, "I'm a 19-year-old young woman. It's in my nature to ignore good advice from those older than me."



"Days in the sun...what I'd give to relive just one. Undo what's done, and bring back the light."

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In the moments before the Alliance Escort Carrier identified itself, Rahalin spent moments preparing himself to make invading the station something that would be a nightmare for anyone whom stepped off the boarding ramp.


He was in a hallway leading from the station's command center when a speaker crackled to life. ”œRahalin Toral, Copaani gaan?.”

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"I really do understand where you're coming from. I was in the same place and I wanted the same thing. But trying to become a Jedi caused me more harm than good. First I renounced the darkside. I felt like I had to in order to be accepted. There aren't many Jedi who will tolerate you if they know that you're using the darkside.


"I thought that I could really do it. But all I was doing was trying to suffocate a part of myself. For a few years I managed to hold it at bay. Long enough to train an apprentice. Eventually it came back with a a vengeance. It nearly consumed me completely. Now I can barely even touch the lightside. I rarely use the Force any-more. The only thing that seems to come easily to me is destruction. It kinda frightens me...


"If you know that you want to walk a middle path now at your age... Do that. Stay in the middle. That's what I mean when I say don't become a Jedi. I'm not saying that you have nothing to learn from them. Just be careful. Fluctuating between the two is dangerous. Maybe you're stronger than me. Maybe you can do it without the emotional turmoil that I've been through.


"And you're right... You don't have to listen to a word I've said. I guess I have a soft spot for young women who are touched by the darkside. You remind me of myself and I feel that if I can save you, then perhaps I can make up for not being able to save myself.


"Darex isn't my husband." Darla blushed a little. "We have some pretty different views. Sometimes I think it's a miracle that we get along so well, but he's been there for me through thick and thin. He may not approve of me trying to steer you away from becoming a Jedi. But I've been through this enough times to know that I can't control anyone's fate but my own nor can I choose anyone's path for them."


Darla rose and walked over to Emily. She kissed Emily gently on the top of her head.


"It's your choice." She smiled at the younger woman. "Goodnight."


With that she left the room, she nodded to Nishant on her way out.


Soon Darla found herself in the cabin that she was sharing with Darex. She stripped down to her underwear and climbed into bed beside him. Laying her head against his back Darla wrapped her arms around his waist and held on tightly as sleep took her.

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His dreams were terrible.


The Force was awash in the terror and raw emotion of battle, and it only made sense that Darex would dream about the war. But even as he slept, he could sense the last moments of fighter pilots, the strain in the minds of the commanders, the determination of the Jedi, and the raw rage and desire of the Sith. It was a confusing whirlwind of images and emotions, insights and more confusing imagery.


And suddenly there came a lull. He vaguely felt something soft and warm against his back, and an arm draped across his waist. The dreams changed and became more peaceful, then trickled off altogether. His breathing slowed, and he simply slept.


Darex woke a few hours later to the sound of his comlink buzzing. Darla was still sleeping beside him, so he continued to lay there as he grabbed the comlink off the bedside table. It was a rather angry message from Lusef Aryan, all but demanding to know where Helix Station was. Darex raised an eyebrow. A quick search through his notifications informed him of the station's new assignment. Before he sent a reply, though, he hesitated. Most Jedi Masters were informed of any major reassignments, especially with regards to Helix, as it moved often and the Jedi wanted to keep up with it's location. He found it very odd that Aryan didn't already know it had been brought in to the battle against the Empire and the Sith.


There was something strange about this whole thing. Why hadn't Darex ever heard of Aryan's promotion to master? There were so few masters in the Order that it was uncommon to miss someone being promoted. And...but there was no and. Darex berated himself. He was sure these were easily explained, and he was just being paranoid. That wasn't like him.


He sent back a message to Aryan, informing him that the station had joined the battle that had begun--he didn't specify which battle, for he knew that everyone had to be aware of what was going on by this point--and apologizing for the waste of time the other master had implied in his message. He was going to suggest Aryan pay more attention to the pings the Council regularly sent out with this type of information, but refrained from doing so.


Returning the comlink to the table, he leaned his head back and closed his eyes, enjoying the quiet, the soothing hum of the engines, and the feel of his arms wrapped around the woman he loved.


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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Hyperspace. A mysterious realm left unexplored by most, yet every minute it is traversed by a countless amount of beings around the galaxy, using the extraordinary physics of its dimension to get to places in what most people would call the speed of light. Yet for some it didn't seem that hyperspace was fast enough. For some travelling its kaleidoscopic tunnels was torture, an endless journey with no means to contact the outside universe. This was the case for a certain young man, a young man currently blasting his way down the Hydian Way in a small, battered starcraft.


Icy eyes half-closed but still fixed on the ever-tumbling tunnel of the universe of hyperspace outside the forward viewport of his barely spaceworthy CloakShape, this young man was freezing. He was cold and he was ravenous. Ever since he had miscalculated the jump that would take him from Corellia to Coruscant everything had gone wrong. Having travelled to Corellia from Bunduki via the Spar Trade Route, the Great Gran Run and the rest of the way along the Corellian Trade Spine, he had been supposed to begin the final leg of his journey and jump onto the Corellian Run. But instead he had miscalculated, ending up somewhere along the Hydian Way. Frustrated at his inability to read the simplest starcharts he had set course for Brentaal in order to refuel and resupply. At least that had worked out just fine. Or so he thought...


Now he was frustrated again. It turned out that he had been scammed by the merchant from which he bought supplies off on Brentaal. It turned out the food he aquired was unedible. Too old. And now the young man was angry with himself for not noticing the stink of the already rotting nerf steak before he got on the ship and blasted out of the system. He hadn't eaten for nearly a day and would have passed out if it weren't for the incredibly cold temperature permeating through the confines of his ship.


He should have known something was wrong when he bought the vessel for a mere 10,000 credits. There was. Hull integrity was nearly non-existent, making the icy temperature of space sip through its barely airtight metal shell. But having no previous experience of owning or even being aboard a starship, the young man had foolishly purchased it anyway. He regretted that now, but after a while he decided there was no use sulking. Dwelling on the past was nothing for him.


What lay ahead on the other hand, now that, that was something he just couldn't stop thinking about...

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Tobias sat in the seat of some one man fighter he had stolen from the Nabooian Air Force. A smirk ran across his face as he cauterized a knife cut he had gotten in a scuffle. He was drifting along some nebula, waiting for some sort of sign for Torin. There was no need to rush things. Here he had time to think and meditate. In this small cockpit though there wasn't much room for telekinesis. He just hovered above the seat just a few centimeters. His hair flowed out and around his body. It was not in dreads anymore, but just in its single strand form. He hated having his hair like this. No matter, in a few days it was going to be fixed.


He brought the lightsaber hilt, that Torin gave him, up to eye level, he disassembled and re-assembled it numerous times. Something broke his concentration. A shock through his mind. Not in the Force, but his own memory! His great-grandfathers hilt! He brought up the lightsaber hilt and re-constructed it in a hurry. He punched in the coordinates for Dagohbah. His treasure awaited him.

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Rahalin barely acknowledged the explosion of the station that had set him down the path his life was currently taking. Instead he was working under the supervision of his unit's most senior weapons technician, monitoring several gauges for spikes that would indicate the bomb in the hold of the shuttle was reacting to anything in the environment of the shuttle.


Everyone was nervous. A unit this size, un-stabilized due to its lack Ytterbium, made for a lot of small moments when the wrong move or the wrong information could result in the destruction of the shuttle.


Rahalin liked being alive, and dying while transporting a small weapon of mass destruction just did not seem to very honorable.


Likewise, the jump to the hyperspace was a painstaking process that would have tried the nerves of even a Jidai. After analyzing the weapon, the tech had come to the conclusion that their jumps would have to be a limited duration, because the longer the jump, the greater the radiation from the hyperspace engine would destabilize the weapon.


That same tech had commented that the radiation output from the hyperspace engine for short jumps would be just as bad, and accelerating to the maximum output of their engines would be equally as bad.


As a result, the course they set would have made a freighter captain very happy. It was a slow, plodding route that kept them away from any dangerous areas of space, and consisted of a series of jumps that made for a fuel conserving course.


The three of them on board the shuttle, pilot, tech, and warrior all concluded together that they had to tell their children about how patient Mando'ad had to be. Being confined to a small shuttle on a long, tortuous route while sitting on a small weapon of mass destruction needed to be sung to be understood. They all agreed it would be a very boring song.


During small stops to re-orient to new hyperspace routes, Rahalin received updates on preparations on board the Escort Cruiser that was serving as their escort.


He knew by the time they reached the Death Star, they would be ready.

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A inconspicious ship makes the first jump to a destination unknown before making another jump, little did those in the depths of space know whom was aboard, that of the recently revived sith lord Lord Lucifer...his heart filled with hate and wrath, soon his enemies would pay for what they had done but first a trip to a world of darkness was what was needed if he was to find an heir he would search the planet which in many ways crafted him into what he was...Trulalis.


And thus the co-ordinates were set and the second half of the journey begun.


((Continue in the Trulalis thread.))




 "Only in my pain, did I find my will. Only in my chaos, did I learn to be still. Only in my fear, did I find my might. Only in my darkness, did I see my light." - Darth Akheron


I survived the Great JNet Outage of 2012

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Torin's space fighter exited hyperspace in a black, desolate point in space. In the distance a few asteroids floated indicating a possible field, but other than that no signs of life were anywhere to be seen or detected.


The void was of little significance to the Sith who was disconnected from the physical realm. His mind and spirit drifted within the flow of the Force, preserving his existence.


Swirls of black matter wrapped Torin's unmasked, fleshy face. In this place he was no longer confined by his deformities. His power felt infinite. From here he could rule the galaxy, bringing darkness to all who opposed him. There would be no limit to power he could weild.


"Torin," an ominous voice spoke as lightning flashed through the black clouds. "What are you doing here. You are not dead yet Torin. I have not called you. Are you a Sith or not?"


Torin's left brow lifted, puzzeled by the voice. "Yes," he said, unsure of the appropriate response.


"Return to your physical body Torin. Even now you feel the pain, but it is deadened. You've silenced your greatest strength. Embrace the pain, Torin. Use it to hold your wounds together. Let hatred bind your blood to your body. Through pain, Torin, you gain strength. You've seen this in action, but there is more to this skill. More than you've been willing to explore. Trust me, Torin."


Torin's eyes flashed on, a red light filling the cockpit. His chest throbbed with pain and immediately blood once again began gushing from the wound. He shook with weakness as he felt his end drawing close. But, he remembered the advice he'd been blessed with, and embraced the pain surging from the wound. His anger spilled over, surging through his body in an uncontrolled state. It was a power he could not contain, and as the auto-pilot propelled his fighter back into hyperspace, Torin slipped out of conciousness as a surge of energy dissipated throughout the craft.

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The chiming of the alarm prodded the Jedi Master to get up. They were approaching the space station. A quick check told him that Skye was in the gardens, so he rose slowly, not aiming to wake Darla if she wanted to sleep some more, and dressed in clean robes. He bent over and gently kissed Darla's forehead, then headed to the cockpit.


As he hit the levers, the ship emerged from hyperspace at the famous luxury gambling resort--the Golden Link Casino. Darex had never been to the Casino before, and he admired it from space. It was elegant and practically screamed luxury. Even though the station was quite a few years old, it was obviously well kept-up.


He queried the station for a berth, as comfortable now behind the controls of the Serenity as when he was Skye's padawan. After a few minutes, a pleasant voice issued him a berth and wished him and all passengers a pleasant stay.


Darex didn't know how long they were going to be here, but he did know that Skye was here to help one of the owners. He planned to stay out of the way. He was no healer, and having another stranger hanging around would not be good for the sick businesswoman. He brought the ship down easily, and once it was settled, lowered the ramp.


((To Golden Link thread))


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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A small Nabooian fighter pulled out of hyperspace in the middle of nowhere. No planets, or other ships around. Just a small nebula off the port side of the ship. In the cockpit sat a shocked Kiffar. Tobias closed his eyes and concentrated, reaching out with the Force. His master was close...relatively. A few thousand light-years out to the port. He wasn't sure, but he made a jump off towards the outer rim.


He stopped a few hours later to gain his bearings, he was running out of fuel. "Where are you...." He started, reaching out again. Torin was so close, but he needed a few more moments to pinpoint his location.

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"I see." Kari speaks, sheathing the blade and following her Master. It seemed the imprinting wouldn't be so far off from similar skills she possessed such as Force Sense and telekinesis, but on a molecular level. She would have to pour her energy into the hilt, therefore strengthening it with her own energy. It something she could try at least. "Even metal can be manipulated, then?"


Viewing ahead as they exited, even Kari found herself surprised to see the emptiness of space. Surely the Jedi Master at Haruun Kal could not have lied to Lusef. But then again, she never met the man, as she had remained aboard her ship when they returned there.


"It seems as much." Kari spoke, reaching forward and activating a local scan of the area. "Perhaps the station is cloaked?" It was a possibility, at least within Kari's mind. As Lusef questioned her on Darex's character though, Kari was puzzled. "I only felt his presence during our time there. If he had ulterior motives, he was successful in shielding them from me."

"People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." - C.G. Jung


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Lusef's answer to his padawan's initial question is a short nod. Part of him pondered if he'd be able to transmute the katana into something resembling Sith steel, though that art was one he was not too up to date with- his sword and armor were essentially salvaged and while he learned to make necessary repairs and reforge them, creating it anew was a daunting task, even for a master such as him. Doable, but probably more exhausting than would be worthwhile.


Receiving a reply comm from Darex he quietly sends out a few comms of his own with a silent, cybermental command to some allies within the Empire- acting as if he were meditating on the issue. The results are stunning to say the least, a testament to how out of the loop Lusef had been. If nothing else, reports of Helix showing up for battle at the Death Star showed that Darex did not intend to deceive him and had not seen through his disguise.


"Well," he concludes aloud. "Helix is not here regardless. It's been called away for Jedi business which I was not privy to at the time. It seems events are moving swiftly without us." He debates telling Kari of the battle that would be shaking the galaxy, but refrains.


A small smile creeps onto Lusef's round and ruddy face, though his teeth are unusually white this time. "I have a better idea. We can meet up at the main temple at Gala." Lusef quickly punches the coordinates in, setting a hyperspace course there. "Tell you what, let's pay a visit there. I'm also sure we can complete your training there. I have an interesting trial in mind...."

O how wretched is that poor man that hangs on princes favors! There is betwixt that smile we would aspire to, that sweet aspect of princes, and their ruin, more pangs and fears than wars or women have, and when he falls, he falls like Lucifer, never to hope again.


-William Shakespeare

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A lone YV-664 light freighter soars through the brilliant void of hyperspace, bound for the Jedi temple on the planet of Gala. At the helm is Arlan Vass, who is about to drift into a state of meditation. Without warning, he feels the tip of his R2 unit's manipulator arm graze against his leg.


"Artoo? What-"


The panel concealing his droid's internal cargo compartment is open. Inside rests a slender cylindrical-shaped object. He recognizes it immediately. With an enthusiastic smile, the young man rests his hand atop R2-R8's dome-shaped head to signify his gratitude.


"Thanks, Artoo."


He frees the lightsaber, clips it to his belt, and glances at the navigation computer.


"We're almost there. Hang tight."

"Even if this land shall expire, thou may be able to prevent further corrosion. But even so, one day the flames will fade, and only Dark will remain. And even a legend such as thineself can do nothing to stop that."

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