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Ary the Grey

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Floating out in the unknown, a lone asteroid blazed in bright sunlight. On its surface is X7, his metallic skin burnt away in several places with his endoskeleton showing through. The damage to him was great, but being designed to take abuse and punishment, he 'lived'.


Coming back online, his CPU quickly took note of his surroundings. With speed he mapped his location, and sent out a comm.


Hours later his ship arrived infront of him, setting down on the rocky surface. Entering it, X7 set off for the Black Sun HQ.

You believe you are superior; that the ability to think is your strength. Yet despite your ability you still fail to realize the weaknesses that haunt you. In the end you will come to realize that you are still:


Only human....

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"Ready on standby."


The nav computer loaded the coordinants and both ships succeeded in making the jump to hyperspace. Both ships streamed through the galaxy, emerging over the planet Tatooine.


"I've cleared hyperspace, Master Hou-Jo, and I'm ready to follow your lead onto the planet."

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Ty bobbled up and down in his seat. This was only his third time in space and he hadn't quite adjusted to it, yet. He was feeling sicker than usual with all the jerky movements. Ty peered out into space. He saw Montgomery and Impede in front of him and parts of the Jedi Starfleet beside him. All around him he saw the enemy fleet. Flashes from blasters illuminate the inside of the fighter for breif moments at a time. As he sat there he wondered what his Master would think when she returned. She was only leaving for a few weeks and he was already on his way to Tatooine. He wondered if this little adventure might take him to other systems.


*I'd better train hard,* he thought, *If I hope to be good enough to be of some use in a battle like this one day...*


Ty turned and watched Master Poleb as he manipulated the controls on the ship. He then turned back and as he sat there he remembered he didn't feel good, and began to hope that they might get to Tatooine soon so his stomach could recover.

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Ty bobbled up and down in his seat. This was only his third time in space and he hadn't quite adjusted to it, yet. He was feeling sicker than usual with all the jerky movements. Ty peered out into space. He saw Montgomery and Impede in front of him and parts of the Jedi Starfleet beside him. All around him he saw the enemy fleet. Flashes from blasters illuminate the inside of the fighter for breif moments at a time. As he sat there he wondered what his Master would think when she returned. She was only leaving for a few weeks and he was already on his way to Tatooine. He wondered if this little adventure might take him to other systems.


*I'd better train hard,* he thought, *If I hope to be good enough to be of some use in a battle like this one day...*


Ty turned and watched Master Poleb as he manipulated the controls on the ship. He then turned back and as he sat there he remembered he didn't feel good, and began to hope that they might get to Tatooine soon so his stomach could recover.

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enters the space above Coruscant. "Computer, monitor any and all radar contacts. Identify as friend or foe immediately. One second too late and I'm dead. All guns on auto mode. Scan for targets. Nothing better try to sneak up on me." soars looking for the bugs.

Anger and Hatred are the fuel. Rage is the spark. The result is the inferno of the Sith.

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*The Leviathan fleet devours a random planet and gains more in it's number, these new numbers become the fleet of Tiamat once more, though in smaller quantity, a quantity that would grow as it feed, then the Leviathan fleet disappeared into the Warp heading for it's next destination.*


((OOC this is the equivelent of the redicules Cloning rule, for the Hive Mind.))

Stop fighting now! You only cause there to be less for us to assimilate from your corpses.

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*After some time in the Unknown Regions, TheJedi enters hyperspace on a course set towards a planet that will allow him to master his new force gifts. But to master them..he need's some one to help him with them...He now knew where he was heading...*


*After a short stop on Corusant, TheJedi took off for Kashyyyk.*

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As Ar-Pharazon and company travel through space, Ar-Pharazon intercepts through a comm that many of the Jedi and Sith forces have moved to Kashyyyk from Corellia. He spoke to his passengers.


"A small change in our destination, but not much longer now."


[Associate of the Illinois Mafia since November 2002.]

Member of the Four Horsemen

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