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His sharpened words pierced her sense of triumph. He was right though, the crew, or the savages they turned into. They weren't a true test of strength. Her pride drifted out of her mind just as the smile from her lips, now a burning desire to prove her worth, to reach her potential. She would need this Darth Mavanger to teach her the ways of the Sith. But to kneel? Put up no fight? She couldn't show that kind of weakness.


Her arm was still pulsating in pain, bruises starting to show and the taste of blood filled her mouth as the adrenaline wore off, she knew there was no way she could put up a worthy fight.


"I will be yours, and I will serve you with great devotion. But..." Her body still writhing in pain, she drew the saber at her side. "I certainly can't pass up my first opportunity."


Her foot slid back as she raised her blade, taking her stance and preparing herself.


In his head he could feel his pulse, beating him with pain like a drum. He could only muster the strength to lazily open his eye. Hazily, he could see Kahla, stood before someone, something different. Both of them wielded weapons he'd only heard of in folktale. Bodies still strewn among the dirt, he feared himself forgotten, left to die on this wretched planet. He wouldn't be so lucky, as he had survived the conflict and knew he would recover from his wounds. He allowed himself to drift once more, laid on the ground amid the dead.


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He wouldn't kill her. But he would humiliate her. His stance remained relaxed. He wasn't threatened by this woman, not yet.


"Your stance is sloppy. Your grip on your weapon, too tight. You're telegraphing your moves. I know you'll attack by the way you've positioned yourself. If I were a Jedi, or an Imperial Knight, you would die before you completed your first strike."


He began to circle her, inspecting. Sloppy. Untrained. Her assets, unused. Disappointing.


"You shouldn't feel pride, you should feel shame. I don't even warrant you to be threatening enough to bother killing you, even though you intend to attack. I've faced down Knights and Masters, other apprentices and swarms of troopers. I've spilled more blood that your entire crew combined, and this is what you meet me with? Strike me! Give me a reason to train you! Strike me, and prove to Lord Valinor that allowing you to live was not a mistake! Strike me, and prove to me that I shouldn't correct that mistake!"


As he spoke, his voice raised, shouting at the woman. She showed inaction. Unwillingness. No sincerity. He needed to fix that. If she was going to fight for the Sith Empire, she'd need to show conviction. It infuriated him. Did she even have a plan? He could feel the pull of the Force, beckoning for him to give into his emotions. His disappointment, and his anger. His contempt for the turncoat. He shouted once more, the Force booming through his voice.


"Strike me!"




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As Solus held the lady’s hand in his own hand briefly, he was surprised. He was expecting currents of electricity and waves of power. While there was a small current of energy, no doubt helping power the prosthetic arm and reacting to Sirena’s thoughts, it wasn’t overflowing like he expected. He didn’t get a taste of the surging energy that he witnessed in the battle. Still, he did get a sense of the arm. The inner workings, how each part connected with each other. It wasn’t what he expected, but it interested him. 


After the momentary study of the hand and arm, Solus released the hand and bowed slightly. It wasn’t the answer he was hoping for. He was hoping to be praised or singled out for approval. Oh well, Solus would get his chance later to prove his own worth. 


Backing up while his master spoke, Solus now fully realized that his own pet was beginning to wake up. Still listening to the conversation, Solus slithered his way to Tear, who growled his usual growl at the robotic being.  Solus growled back in a similar fashion, hoping it could be some kind of greeting. 


Tear bared his teeth in response. Solus stopped and thought. He couldn’t do that. So instead he reached forward and flicked one the sith hound’s small, still growing tendril-like extensions from it’s head. The hound flinched but growled again.  


“Interesting” Solus muttered. Tear could feel through his head-tendrils? The other hounds on Ishvara had no such tendrils but hardened horns. Maybe they would developed into those? Or maybe they would simply extend and allow Tear to have more perception of his surroundings? Questions for later. 


Solus turned back around to face the group, eager to hear Lady Sirena’s decision. He wasn’t eager to wait here either. Perhaps she would take them to a better place where he could impress her more, or where he could tend to Tear’s wounds better. 


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An unfamiliar sense of inspiration came over her, she felt herself tense up, her grip on her weapon tightening. Focus she told herself, her sholders dropped as she allowed herself to loosen. If she wanted to be swift she couldn't use her whole body in the attack, but at the same time she needed the strength, the power to carry her blade through. The fury she felt towards this Sith burned into her stomach, She hated the lack of recognition, the overwhelming sense of being cast to the wind like dust.


Her face contorted into an expression of anger foreign to her. She flicked her wrist out, took a step forward, and with a twist in her elbow struck low towards him. Quickly she followed up, using the momentum in her arm to swing high, slashing her blade towards his shoulder. With her weight on her forward foot now she took a step to the side, still carrying her Saber in tight arcs. She slashed once more at the opposite shoulder.


She had let herself fall into a trance, allowing her body to flow naturally, guided by her instincts and not her focused mind. She had always made herself think, to plan her attacks with purpose. This feeling was different, this fluidity was uncomfortable to her. Her last strike she snapped herself out, falling back again on strategy.


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Aziza grimaced at the lack of a stimpack, but accepted the fabric Amadeus offered. She knelt down and bound her ankle tightly, noting that it was likely broken and not just sprained. The world was becoming clearer, though it was still spinning, but that concerned her less than her master's alert nervousness. His enemies were close. How he knew it, she was unsure, but she trusted he knew their habits. 


She had just risen again when several others appeared from the wreckage. She was immediately on guard, but a second quick glance at their dirty and bedraggled appearance showed that they were crew. There were two Arkanians, a Nikto, and a towering brown-furred Selonian. In their wake came the butler droid she had spoken with earlier. The Selonian growled out a question, and Aziza blinked, blaming her concussion on what she thought she had heard the female say. Kill who? Me? That isn't right, is it?


She pushed the disquiet aside. "It's important for us to be prepared for when your enemies arrive," she stated quietly, attempting to think through the dizziness. "What type of forces are arrayed against us? What would give us the tactical advantage?"


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Sirena nodded her head to the Cathar, and then to Aliss and Solus. It wasn't her first time in this chamber, and as she stood and neared the rear wall, she laid a resounding hit with her prosthetic fist upon a singular stone, the stone sliding back and revealing a secondary entrance. Or exit in this case.


"It isnt used much, so the gears tend to stick a bit." Sirena spoke, shaking the dust from her fist. "As for your training, rest tonight. Tomorrow will be long and exhausting. Meet me in the Valley of the Sith Lords."


As Sirena finished, she turned and exited, Helios' presence sending chills down her exposed spine and rose the hair on her skin. She chuckled and continued up the stairs and back into the light of day. The old coot was always watching and spying, but he was powerful and dangerous nonetheless. Not someone she would consciously cross unless there was no other option.


Once back at the Academy, she registered the three with the Imperial Registar before settling in for the night. Tomorrow brought great promise, and possible disappointment. But for now, she would settle herself in for the night and rise early for the mild trek to the Valley of the Sith Lords, a common beginning for so many Apprentices.


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“The Valley of the Sith Lords…” Solus whispered, with a slight warble in his voice. He reached up and folded his hands together, making a slight grinding noise as they pressed and slid over each other. The name of the location was ominous to say the least. The foreboding insinuation Solus took from it was obvious. He didn’t even say goodbye to Lady Sirena as she left. 


“Well Lord Roshan, it seems we got what we came for here, yes? We wanted a teacher, yes? Now we have not one but potentially two to choose from! Darth Helios, while very, er, would strict be the right word? Whatever the word, his burns are certainly fascinating, and a teacher in pain I suspect he is. What knowledge he might hold! Yes, yes... he has offered to train us. But there is now also Lady Sirena!  How lovely she is. Her prosthetic arm, her feminine looks… Is that the right wording? Anyways, she also has power. That energy...so godlike!”


As Solus spoke he did the serpentine form of pacing, slithering back and forth in one spot. His hands kept grinding softly as he did. Tear on the floor growled softly as he laid his head down, knowing that the danger had passed.  


“Yes, yes...this is truly good, yes? Having options? And this place!”


Solus stopped moving and gestured around himself, indicating more than just the room.


“This place is magnificent! Those people out there are suspicious, except that lovely being with the voice….oooh what a voice. I could listen to that voice for a long time...and there is so much available for us! Perhaps there is more information to get from here…”


Solus stopped suddenly and turned to face everyone.


“But Lord Roshan...who are we to follow? Lady Sirena at the Valley of the Sith Lords? Or Darth Helios tomorrow? Sir Aliss, what do you think?”  


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“Well Lord Roshan, it seems we got what we came for here, yes? We wanted a teacher, yes? Now we have not one but potentially two to choose from! Darth Helios, while very, er, would strict be the right word? Whatever the word, his burns are certainly fascinating, and a teacher in pain I suspect he is. What knowledge he might hold! Yes, yes... he has offered to train us. But there is now also Lady Sirena!  How lovely she is. Her prosthetic arm, her feminine looks… Is that the right wording? Anyways, she also has power. That energy...so godlike!”

Roshan nodded in reply, still in silent contemplation. Lady Sirena intrigued him. His previous master was a female Sith Lord. He was not opposed to serving another. The fact that neither Sith Lord seemed very successful at keeping themselves in one piece worried Roshan a little. But his primary focus was on expanding his abilities. He wasn't going to press the issue or claim the status of Sith Lord for himself. He would hid among the apprentices and bide his time. It had been well over a decade since his original training and the life he had subsequently made on Ishvara. The galaxy had passed him by in that time and the great Sith Lords of his day that he once knew were had now passed into legend. He did not know much about this new leadership, their objectives, or their teachings.

This was a whole new Sith Empire and Lord Roshan had decided shortly after his arrival planetside that the best way to learn about these masters and how this generation of Sith operated was to keep his head down and draw as little attention to himself as possible. Having Solus and Aliss with him made it rather easy. They both seemed so eager to hog the spotlight that he'd have little trouble remaining an afterthought. Whether he would decided to adopt this generation's philosophies and truly call this place home remained to be seen. But at least this was a start.


“Yes, yes...this is truly good, yes? Having options? And this place!”

"Sure. Options can be nice. And I guess--"


“This place is magnificent! Those people out there are suspicious, except that lovely being with the voice….oooh what a voice. I could listen to that voice for a long time...and there is so much available for us! Perhaps there is more information to get from here…”


Roshan chuckled a little at Solus excitement.


"I mean... I don't know if I'd go that far. I've seen better.


“But Lord Roshan...who are we to follow? Lady Sirena at the Valley of the Sith Lords? Or Darth Helios tomorrow? Sir Aliss, what do you think?”


Roshan paused at the question. He thought for a second while Aliss replied.

"Just know that next time you try to tackle me with your oversized metal frame I will cut it in half," retorted in a grumpy manner as she laid against the cold ground and curled up into a ball.

Roshan rolled his eyes, "Aliss Rose Roshan! If you do not let this go this instant..."


"Maybe if he apologizes!" She whined back.

"Apologizes?! You are the one who disobeyed and tried to steal the artifact even though we were directly told not to! Soulless was the only one actually following directions!"

Aliss crossed her arms as she continued to rest against her side, "Fine."

Roshan shook his head.

Children. He would end up stuck with this one.


"Where were we again? ..." Roshan sighed and paused for a second before remembering his original train of thought.


"Oh! Yes. Were we supposed to meet Helios tomorrow? That is right, isn't it. Do you remember when and where? To be honest, all this excitement had me a little distracted. I don't see why we can't visit with them both. Helios might have more knowledge to share but Lady Sirena seems like she might be better suited for beginners and a bit easier on the eyes. If you have a preference, we'll follow your lead, Soulless. It's time to let you make some executive decisions, as any good Knight of Roshan eventually must."

As Roshan finished, he leaned up against the rock wall behind him and took a seated position. He was ready to get a little rest. The space travel plus the desert trek and then the heat followed by their combat session had left him more than a little bit weary. Tomorrow would probably be even longer.

Turning to Solus, Roshan added, "Do you got like a motion sensor mode or something in that chassis of yours? Perhaps you could set it to wake you up and alarm us if anyone enters? Otherwise, we can take shifts. It doesn't matter to me. We should probably get some rest either way. It would just be wise not to take any chances. That's all."


image.png & image.png

Edited by Durose Roshan
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Solus flinched at the scolding Aliss received. He wanted to help her, rise to her defense, but he had no words. To defend her actions would’ve meat going against Roshan. So he stayed silent. But a small part of him felt glee. Perhaps Solus was the better child of the two, and thus would receive more praise in the future.

The choice then was laid to Solus. The shard nearly had a panic attack at the thought. Him deciding? Was that truly wise? Was this a test of Roshan’s?

“Well, Lord Roshan…” Solus slithered around Tear, who was gently falling asleep. “...Lady Sirena is certainly a fascinating creature. She seemed to like you or something, with all those sayings...“

Solus recalled how Lady Sirena called his master kitty and offered a belly rub. Was that playful banter or something else?

“But something about Darth Helios strikes me as...fascinating. Maybe its that wound of his, or something else, but I feel like power just emanates from him. Like a being who has seen the wonders of this world of worlds, and maybe destroyed a few. But then again, Lady Sirena demonstrated her power, and Helios does not seem to desire Tear…”

Tear growled at being mentioned, but Solus ignored him. Instead he slithered across the room  rubbing his hands together  as he chatterred to himself, trying to make a decision. 

“Technically, we have made no oaths to Lady Sirena, and thus we are not bound to her. Well, you two aren’t at least… she did, after all, help me with that beast earlier. But all three of us have submitted to Helios.  Oh what a cruel decision! Yes, yes, a difficult one.”

Solus snapped his fingers suddenly and swiveled his body to face the others. 

“Ah ha! Since I am bound to Darth Helios, but also owe Lady Sirena our respect, we must satisfy both of them, yes? And since there are three of us, we can do just that! Lord Roshan, you stated that it will be our duty to kill you, yes? Perhaps a separation will enable Sir Aliss and I to do so later. After all, if we all learn the same, then we all know the same and be killed equally.” 

Solus rubbed his hands again, this time with more energy, like a child believing he had a perfect plan that could not be thwarted. “In order to satisfy my debt to Lady Sirena, I choose that Sir Aliss will meet with Lady Sirena. You two are of both similar build and gender, right? Perhaps this will allow you to learn in ways impossible for me. Yes, yes, that will do. Do you agree Sir Aliss? 

“I, however, must keep my word and follow the dreadsome but curious Darth Helios when he comes in the morning. After all, if I broke my word to him, how easy would it be for me to break my oath to you Lord Roshan? And this way, us children will learn in two different ways and become more powerful. That way, whichever person you choose to learn from Lord Roshan, you will have a child training separately from you and thus learn what you will not. Yes, yes…”

Solus looked at Lord Roshan seeking his approval. He felt like this plan was perfect in more ways than one. If Roshan selected to follow Darth Helios, then he would see Solus progress and give Aliss some breathing space from her ‘father’. If he chose to go with Lady Sirena, which would be disappointing, Solus could then surprise Roshan with how quickly he developed under Helios. 

“But we must rest. I will take the first watch. Yes… and Helios will come for us in the morning, according to his words. And you Sir Aliss will find the Valley of the Sith Lords. Yes yes...but now, rest. That is what we must do.”

The Shard, confident in his decision, slithered next to his hound and gently patted its sleeping body. As the two made themselves comfortable, Solus simply watched the doorway, as well as the pyramidal holocron, wondering if it could be activated again later. 


The next morning, Solus booted up slowly. His body stretched, his voicebox whistled in excitement. What a joy to be alive again.  And it would soon be morning. Darth Helios should be here soon.  


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“Ah ha! Since I am bound to Darth Helios, but also owe Lady Sirena our respect, we must satisfy both of them, yes? And since there are three of us, we can do just that! Lord Roshan, you stated that it will be our duty to kill you, yes? Perhaps a separation will enable Sir Aliss and I to do so later. After all, if we all learn the same, then we all know the same and be killed equally.” 

"Well don't get too excited about the prospect. There is still much time before that day comes and revenge we must take on Ishvara first and foremost. There are debts of blood to be repaid. But yes. In time, that day and my end will likely come. Just be sure that you are strong enough to defeat me in that day. Failures receive no mercy."

“In order to satisfy my debt to Lady Sirena, I choose that Sir Aliss will meet with Lady Sirena. You two are of both similar build and gender, right? Perhaps this will allow you to learn in ways impossible for me. Yes, yes, that will do. Do you agree Sir Aliss?” 

Aliss did not respond. Perhaps she was asleep. Or maybe she was just pretending. But she remained still in the darkness as Solus continued.

“I, however, must keep my word and follow the dreadsome but curious Darth Helios when he comes in the morning. After all, if I broke my word to him, how easy would it be for me to break my oath to you Lord Roshan? And this way, us children will learn in two different ways and become more powerful. That way, whichever person you choose to learn from Lord Roshan, you will have a child training separately from you and thus learn what you will not. Yes, yes…”

Roshan grinned as he listened to the Shardbot's plan.  It was more clever than Lord Roshan had expected. In fact, the Shard's idea had plenty of merit. More interestingly, it would likely show not only who the better pupil was but also who was the more competent master. For probably the first time since originally setting off on this quest, Roshan once again felt a tingle of excitement dance across his shoulders and up his neck. He let out a hearty laugh in the darkness.

"Well, Soulless. It would seem that my faith in you was not misplaced at all. I find your suggestion excellent. Before Master Helios arrives, we will explain the situation to the girl and Aliss will leave to meet with Lady Sirena as you suggest. Well done."

With that settled, the rest of the night and their watches seemed to go without incident. By the time some semblance of morning arrived, Roshan was a little tired but rather content. The real training would finally begin. The only question that now remained was whether or not Master Helios would show or instead decided to stand them up. Roshan couldn't help but wonder if Aliss' actions had ruined their chances of training under the grizzled master. If push came to shove, the party could always go and track down Lady Sirena. She seemed competent enough to handle a few beginners. And if it proved to be too much for her, Roshan was confident that he could help when needed.

Granted, Solus' plan seemed like the better option and more advantageous for Roshan's grand master plan and their eventual revenge tour on Ishvara in the months or years to come. Of course, all of that would be figured out in its own time. For now, the mission was simple: find a master, master some teachings, keep learning. 


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"It's important for us to be prepared for when your enemies arrive,"

"What type of forces are arrayed against us? What would give us the tactical advantage?"




She was correct, preparation was tantamount to whatever insecurities laid at the feet of the freelancers, and the crew huffed at the realization. Hyperion ignored their irrationality, barely catching the end of the question that Aziza had silenced the others with. His attention was primal now, extrapolating what kind of vermin his rivals would approach with now. "This ship is a bedrock against the disastrous climate, for now. Positioning mostly," With the systems overheated and burnt into submission, an ugly wave of warmth began to creep through the malfunctioning vessel. The skin-tearing sandstorm waged war just outside of their metal cage, and the wolves of past adversaries skulked between the shadows. "At best, they're freelancers hired by Ektei, one of those Massassi shams that cropped up with Darth Akheron awhile back. Worse case, they are the abominations of those Massassi; the hungriest and most fearsome of hunters sent to sweep us from the face of Korriban."


The primary lighting system within their perishing means of transport suddenly drew completely dark, now only highlighting small traces of light by way of a small generator. Visibility dampened significantly, casting them as mere shadows against the dark metal around them. The hostile winds outside ate at the hard alloy, rocking the ship back and forth and battering the permanence that held it together in one piece. Abruptly, a knocking sound echoed from the rear of the ship, almost like a hammering as it did not stop. Drilling? The sound of metal punching into metal hummed through the corridors as well, but it felt as if the sound came from elsewhere now, perhaps it was nearest to the cockpit. Hyperion could barely see her features now with an unaided eye, but he withdrew a short blade from a scabbard aligned with his spine, and placed the smaller Sith steel into her hand.


"Ten sentient creatures, Aziza. And they are here for blood. Close your eyes, allow your instincts to become feral. Can you see them?"






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As the time ticked on by, with each minute, Solus grew more and more nervous. How much time had passed? Minutes? Hours? Days even? Did Solus choose wrong in trusting Darth Helios? Did Helios abandon them?


“Oh what torture for us!” Solus suddenly exclaimed loudly, making Tear jerk up in surprise. “We must have displeased Darth Helios by not heeding his words, and as such he refuses to teach us any more! Such sadness for us, for all he showed us was this place.”


For a few moments Solus began to wallow in despair, coiling again near the hound and sinking to the floor. But as quickly as he started to cry, it changed to laughter.


Ah ha ha! No no no, that’s not bad, that is good! For if he does not hold his deal up, then I am not bound to my oath to him! Yes!” Solus body shot upwards, pumping its arms once in triumph. 


“Yes yes! This is good, is it not? Oh how i will miss the chance to study under his wisdom, but Lady Sirena has offered her help, has she not? Yes, this will work. Oh. Oh! I am sorry Master Roshan, Sir Aliss, for not being able to go with my original plan, but it seems we are bound together longer now. Come! Let us find the Valley of the Sith Lords! Haha!”


With that, Solus began to lead the way. Out of the room, up the set of stairs, the shard led the group, carrying Tear over his shoulders again. He dared not leave him alone. Once at the shrine above, Solus stopped and glanced around, as if someone else might have been there. Comforted that no one was, Solus led the way further outside, into the alleys and into the streets. 


“Oh what a glorious day. Our first day to acquire power! Haha!” Solus boasted as he slithered forward, not aware if Aliss and Roshan were close behind. He was just eager to find the Valley fo the Sith Lords. 


Solus only paused once when he reached the marketplace. People were there again, though less so. It was still early morning, and everyone had their places to be besides the market. Still, the musicians were there, each playing their own song to drown out the noises of travel. The notes were long and droning. Each musician dragged his music out as long as possible, indicating the time of day.


Solus stopped when he heard the sounds. The music of a nearby bug-eyed rodian, while not beautiful, still caught his attention all the same. The snake-like tail of his began to shiver and coil randomly, and his upper torso began to sway. Solus was enjoying himself, unaware of how many people were looking at him and his precious pet on his shoulders.


“Ah...such...majesty. Hmmm...Lord Roshan...Sir Aliss, it just occurred to me, how are we to find the Valley of the Sith Lords? Truth be told, I was just following the path we took yesterday under the guidance of Helios, but now...I'm unsure where to go"


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Durose glanced at Aliss with a slight frown when Solus mentioned that perhaps Helios not showing up was his way of voicing his displeasure with them. The girl defiantly glared back, still storing the holocron among her things. Roshan decided it was not worth his effort to attempt to part her from it. Of course, after enough waiting Roshan felt all but certain that Helios was not coming.  So when Solus suggested that they leave, Roshan simply nodded in agreement. There was little point in wasting the day. Perhaps Master Helios had other more important business to attend to.

In the meantime, Roshan stood back and took some amusement in the oddly shaped droid chassis figuring out a way to ascend stairs. His design was so curiously odd. Roshan couldn't help but wonder why his builder had chosen something with such impracticality.  A humanoid body just seemed so superior to Roshan. A body of such size and odd shape was bound to have numerous blind spots, be much easier to hit, and have constant challenges navigating bipedal architecture. Unlike a real snake, it couldn't easily squirm, squeeze, shrink, or wriggle its metal body into whatever form it needed to conquer each navigational abnormality.

All the same, Solus had once again proven that where there is a will, there is a way. It was an impressive weapon and if the Shardbot could continue to adapt to each new challenge, it may prove to be a very formidable slayer of men and enslaver of worlds. But that would be where the Lady Sirena came in. Right now, Solus was like a malfunction droid that didn't know how to access its assassination protocols. But Roshan hoped that with proper Force training Solus could discover its true potential.

If Roshan was being honest, he personally preferred Helios for Solus. He wasn't sure that the Lady and her playful demeanor would give the Shard the proper structure or discipline. But human females were admittedly a mystery to Roshan. He often found them to be temperamental and unpredictable and occasionally a touch insane. So anything was possible. Maybe she would be perfect for him. Or maybe Lady Sirena might wake up today and decided to pop a few crazy pills just for the fun of it. It wouldn't be the first time he'd seen it happen when dealing with human women.

In either case, Roshan decided that his best bet was to remain on guard for Lady Sirena or other crazies as the group entered the marketplace and continued to move through it. Solus already attracted enough attention to himself as it was and this definitely seemed like a place that maintaining a low profile was much more beneficial.

“Ah...such...majesty. Hmmm...Lord Roshan...Sir Aliss, it just occurred to me, how are we to find the Valley of the Sith Lords? Truth be told, I was just following the path we took yesterday under the guidance of Helios, but now...I'm unsure where to go."

Roshan grumbled to himself a little bit. Following people who were leading the way but had no idea where they were going was a bit of a pet peeve of his. Motioning to the other two, he replied a little grumpily, "Follow me. I think I spotted a location that fits its description on the way into town."

He wasn't totally positive of the direction from this spot in town, but he figured if he could pick up her scent or follow his "Force intuition" they'd be standing in front of her soon. Worse case scenario, he could always ask for directions. But he was pretty confident that he could manage.


Next stop, Madam Money Business. 

Edited by Durose Roshan
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Sirena looked out over the Valley amidst the rising Sun as dawn began, her blue gaze shimmering as the first rays trickled its glare. Below her was the greatest monument that Korriban had ever produced, rows of Tombs forged from the cliffsides that made the Valley of the Sith Lords, thousands rolling across its form. Yes, today brought her great promise. But with promise, also came disappointments. Adepts roamed throughout the Tombs for her, collecting items she needed for the first of many tests should the Apprentices come. And yet, Sirena smiled as she began the trek downward, many things to do.


In the center of the Valley, a culmination of the vortex that was the Darkside energy here, Sirena had fashioned a makeshift hut of both mortar, stone, and straw. Her last apprentice had been such a failing that she was determined to separate herself from any weakness that would come her way so she could solely focus upon the strong. So in the center of this hut, one that would disappear with time, she sat near a small fire, mixing a mixture of paste, blood, and water, delving in the Darkness she commanded.


So when the Apprentices arrived, they would find her outside the hut, deep in meditation, the Forces swirling around her ancient and dark. She would invite them into the Hut, the dirt drawn into an unholy trinity representing the seal of the three paths with the fire at its center and the paste boiling over it, and ask them to sit. And as they each sat in turn, she would reveal their first test.


"Tell me..." She questioned inquisitively, her voice sly and coy, like the whispering of a serpent's seductive tongue. "What is your greatest passion, your greatest sin?"


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He could feel her anger. Good. It was a start. She would learn to fight, or he would kill her. She kept her weapon low. A mistake. There were few actions that she could perform from her stance. Her first swing was simple, low, and while it held more skill than what he had previously seen, she still telegraphed. His second saber remained sheathed. He wouldn't need it for this. He blocked her first swing, pressing close. He would teach her to fight... but first, he would humiliate her. Break her down to her core, shatter her. Then, when he put the pieces back together, she would be a weapon. None of this silly pride, this stubborn refusal to submit.


He ducked under he second swing, and as she reared back for her third, he grabbed her wrist. He pulled on the force, his emotions leading his actions as he lifted her into the air and threw her over his shoulder. He watched her hit the ground, orange-red dust flying into the air from the impact.


"If you will not kneel, I will make you kneel. Giving into your emotions is easy, but if you do, then your defeat will be just as easy to achieve. Being a Sith is more than giving in. It's controlling them. Harnessing the energy they possess and using it to power your connection to the force. Submerge yourself. Let yourself feel everything. The pain of injury, the shame of defeat. Even anger at me. Hatred. The desire to kill me, if you have it. Feel these emotions and rather than being bent to their will, you will bend them to yours. Now stand, and try again."




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“AWAKE! You slogs!” the bellowing voice of the foreman called the various slaves to another day of excruciating labor deep in the bowels of Korriban. Various barely clothed figures rose from their places and began the trudge back to the unforgiving grind of mindless work.

Kern stood with them, and made his way to the same spot he had been assigned. He grabbed the black and gray face-mask meant to lessen the dust collecting in his lungs. These were in short supply, and only the most vicious and capable slaves kept them. He had killed twice already simply to breath, and so each day bled into the next, a horrific struggle for survival that never ended. Finally returning to the tunnel and his workplace, he found his mark and began to hammer.


Each strike made a small part of the rock face shatter, and the sound of his heavy blows rang down the tunnel he and his fellow slaves continued to create. Now and then weaker beings, smaller humanoids, and various other prisoners would approach to pick up the remnants of ore and rocks and cart them away. Kern angled the hammer, his tall perfectly built form covered in the black dust of the minerals of the mine. The only light in the dark place was the hastily assembled red lighting on the floor powered by the limited powercells that had to be manually recharged every morning.


The torturous work was accompanied by the bellows of pain and anguish of the suffering of the workers, some who had been here since birth, others who had lost all memory of why they were confined to this existence. Others still whispered of escape, but these were weeded out, their fates cruel, and their demise quick and quiet, or loud and bloody. The force had gradually returned to Kern, but using it seemed pointless, his will lacking purpose.


With every blow to the surface, Kern’s mind focused ever sharper on his reason, his reason to continue, his reason to remain, his reason to not be one of those whose life was sacrificed to the madness around him. He watched as young slave girl ground away at the manual charging station, sweat dripping from her brow, dropping slowly to the ground below. Why did she persist, what animated her? Why-


Faces came to him, floating above him in the red clouds of dust each larger than the last, taunting his mind. Their faces were not empathetic, they were judges, condemners, revilers. He hated them, they fired his soul with animus, and each breath he took, each blow he made, he found the anger and rage grew. The memories he had, hazy and clouded, were filled with suffering, with grand designs, and disastrous falls. Always he would fail, again, and again, he would lose all… only to rebuild.


He had been someone… something… something powerful. He knew it, each night he slept the dreams told him as much. Yet it was beyond him, as if part of a history forever lost to him. In the long night watches, the slaves often spoke to themselves, their nightmares intruding into the waking world. They spoke of lost loves, lost planets, lost peoples, lost lives… despair filled them, desperate ravaging fears that caused some to cry out. This was not Kern however.


Kern envied them, for where they had dreams …he had the void. The endless all-knowing void at the end of all things. He felt as if had known it firsthand. The void was alive, it was there at the end of all things. It spoke to him, called to him, beckoned him. IT needed to be fed, the void was endless, it had moods, it had desires… and when he slept… it communed with him. His will too, returned to him. A will that every day grew stronger, fed by the immense energies of Korriban, fed by the great darkness.


It could not be satiated. It always needed more, and no matter what he did, the darkness would call it insufficient. Was this what had maneuvered him to return? Was it not the animating force behind the darkness? Everything he had done had sent ever more things into its’ gaping maw. It was becoming clearer… the darkness was not his enemy. No, IT was his true friend, his truest master. The rage, the anger, the hate… all of it was impotent in the clarity of its’ aims. It animated himself beyond the mere purpose. Something of himself was returning, growing stronger with each passing moment. A vision of pure power drove him ever onward.


A small stone that was different then the rock face fell before him. It had been embedded here by something. A force that attempted to bury deep and keep it hidden. The stone still had writing... written in the sith language, a tongue that Kern did not yet remember. He attempted to read it, stirring a whisper in the back of his mind:







He pocketed the tablet, there was more to be deciphered... The darkness was not to be ignored, rather it was to be embraced, worshiped, and given tribute, proper tribute that he could not offer here. The darkness could not be given its desire here, and Kern realized all at once that his time in toil was not meant for the banal existence of mining.

“Hey, give me that stone little man.” Kern turned to see a larger slave approaching him, a brute of a man one whose tone was a clear threat. 

Kern dropped the heavy metal tool, and sighed. This was not his place.

“You there… get back to work!” the four armed foreman said as he approached dressed in a long grey cape, and large heavy boots. The body of the large worker lay prone on the ground, and it did not respond to the electro-whip applied by the foreman. Kern approached, his eyes glowing brightly red in the dark red glow of the cave.  

“No.” He said simply, and walked by dropping the second body on the ground. Had taken the large slaves food portion as well as other items he’d stolen from the weaker beings present.

“Stop or I’ll-“ the man seemed to want control Kern, brandishing the whip with malicious intent.

“Raise your hand in anger to me, and I will use that whip to strangle you where you stand, then throw you into the deepest hole I can find.” Kern said bluntly, pausing only to see if the man would dare. The foreman visibly gulped, realizing that Kern was not a meek and defeated slave whose mind was shattered or half removed. He stepped back, clutching the fresh oxygen mask, as he did so.

“Now, which way to the surface?”

The foreman pointed, fear rising, as Kern’s mere presence inspired the feeling of dread and despair to rise. Kern approached, ripping the cloak from him, then looking at his boots.

The man quickly removed them, then cowered in fear.

“Good. Carry on.” Kern said as he passed by, retrieving the shoes as he did so.

The surface of Korriban was windswept, and hot. The orange and red glow from the sun and dust was omnipresent, yet Kern found it’s view to be less then interesting. He reached out as he trudged along, his connection with the force growing stronger. He could sense the various beings in the valleys and tombs in his surroundings. The valley was dotted with broken monuments and craters, the spot of a great battle, from a time of ancient war. Covered now in the ragged cape, Kern hiked on, alone, his only companions his driving indomitable will, and the howl of the angry wind.

He moved toward a particularly strong source, seeking the vision his mind had called him too. The time had come to regain his path, to reclaim that which he had lost, to fulfill the call of the darkside, or die in the attempt. He would become Sith, or fall to nothing. But who or what would teach him? The question lingered. However Kern did not fear the uncertainty, he embraced it. The great darkness still awaited him, and he would accomplish his destiny, no matter the cost.


Edited by Fynn Relmis

"Some things... are worse then death, being forgotten for example..."

Member Since '05 - The Old Ones | Character Sheet

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As the group traveled across the landscape, Solus relished the sights and sounds around him. However, what truly fascinated him was the feeling. The feeling of something great. Powerful. Similar to the feeling that Solus had when the group first landed on the planet, only more powerful. It was like a churning feeling of water and mud. And they were going towards the center of the source. 


Tear suddenly jerked up and growled. Solus glanced at his hound, expecting a threatening pose or something similar. But was surprised to see that Tear wasn’t bearing his teeth. Instead he was leaning forward as much as possible, and sniffing heavily. Solus understood instantly. He was familiar with this place. Not in a personal sense, but in an instinctual sense. Solus didn’t know Tear’s history, but he guessed that the hound’s own familial history began here, long ago. 


“Heh, good Tear. Perhaps your wounds will heal faster here…” Solus reached up and attempted to stroke Tear’s neck. The hound instead snapped at the finger. Solus flicked Tear’s nose and continued slithering with the group. 


At the hut, Solus looked at Lady Sirena intently, studying her form. Once inside, Solus laid Tear down and coiled around him. 


"Tell me...What is your greatest passion, your greatest sin?" 


The question perplexed Solus. Greatest passion? His greatest sin? 


“I...I do not know. I have not yet committed any sins. I do not know my passions except to serve Lord Roshan.” 


Solus looked at Roshan, expecting an answer from him that might illuminate his own answer. 


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The feral? The instruction left Aziza utterly perplexed and rather shocked. There wasn't time now to dwell on it, however, so she put it out of mind. Perhaps he meant only to encourage me look to our survival and put aside other distractions. That was an instruction she could indeed comprehend. Unfortunately, she knew that with her injury she was a liability to the group, so she looked to put herself in a position where she'd do the least harm. Amadeus, it appeared, was curiously defaulting to her command, and therefore the mercenaries would as well, though she had not proven herself to any of them. 


Wishing she had a more reliable crew--she didn't trust anyone whose loyalty could be bought with credits, and she knew precious little about her new teacher--she gave some quick direction. The Nikto and Selonian she put on either end, with an Arkanian backing them each up, one each facing the two directions in which they heard their enemies approaching. Amadeus she left to the center of the group. Quietly, she commandeered one of the Nikto's spare blasters, and ducked behind a large piece of debris that was serving as the hypotenuse of their rough triangle formation. The debris came up to her chest, and she could remain upright by leaning against it. It would also serve as a line of defense should they need to fall back. The dagger Amadeus had pressed into her hand she laid carefully on the durasteel ledge, ready to be snatched up in a moment. She rather hoped it wouldn't come to that though; she could not put any weight on her leg, and knew that if faced with melee combat she would likely become victim to the enemies' weapons. 


In all, it was a sad defense, but all that they could do. The pain from her wounds receded and she put herself in a clear-headed state of battle readiness. She raised her blaster, letting it rest on the debris wall. Gokukara, protect us. 


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As Lady Sirena spoke and Solus replied, Aliss mulled over the Sith's question. She had so many sins and failings. Which one was her greatest? Not being of more aid to Lord Roshan? Not saving her friends? Not saving those at the compound? Not rescuing, protecting, or saving her mother? Not being better? Not being good enough to be Roshan's first choice? Never being the best?


As there was a silent break in the conversation, Aliss realized that all eyes were now resting on her. Swallowing hard, cleared her throat nervously before replying.


"I... it's... it's not being stronger. Serving Lord Roshan is obviously my greatest passion," she added in a perfunctory manner. "But I really wish I could get revenge and save my mother. It's failing her... because... because I'm not strong enough... that I don't know enough. That I didn't pay attention enough. That's.... I guess that's my greatest sin."

It felt like her words hung on the air as her dry mouth choked and bumbled them into existence. This subject was uncomfortable for her. It made her nervous and sad and angry all at the same time. She couldn't shake dreams of her mother. Something inside told her that she was still alive. Maybe it was just wishful thinking. But she couldn't let go of the chance that she still lived or shake the thought and the nightmares of her that haunted her sleeping and waking moments.

Mom, I swear I'll come back for you. Please forgive me. I'm just not strong enough yet. Please hold on just a little longer.

*** *** ***


Roshan listened intently as his two proteges replied to Lady Sirena's question. Solus answer was a bit underwhelming. But perhaps it was correct. It technically had not sinned, depending on the way one looked at it. It had done its job every step of the way. A perfect weapon so far. Then again, it had lead the way without knowing where it was going. But such a sin could be easily forgiven.

Of course, when Aliss spoke, Lord Roshan couldn't help but nod contently. He had trained her well. He might have chosen her arrogance, disobedience, stubbornness, lack of attention to detail, or inability to stay focus and live up to her potential. "Greatest sin" was such a prospective laden phrase. But perhaps all of it could most easily be summed up in her being "weak." After all, his most glaring flaws were all symptoms of her physical and internal weakness. It was something that he hoped this trip would weed out of her. He could not be expected to teach her everything. Sometimes a student might begin to tune out their teacher after listening to them for a long enough period of time. In times like those, bringing in a new voice was sometimes necessary to teach them the same exact lessons. He had hopes that Sirena would be that voice. But only time would tell.

As the eyes shifted to him, Roshan removed his mask for the first time since arriving on this treacherous planet. His eyes locked on to Sirena's in a serious glare, before a grin slowly seized his face muscles and words bellowed forth.

"To sin, I would have to acknowledge a divinity higher than myself, of which I do not. But of passions, I have many. Subjugating the Force to my will being my most pressing at the moment. How about you, Lady Sirena? What is your greatest sin?"

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Edited by Durose Roshan
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Mike V’Trechen just gotten off of his ship that he was a stowaway from. He started to find this Bastion of Pelko. Mike was wanting to do Sorcery, but he did not know where to go and who to be trained under. He finally found a academy. Mike hoped that this was the right one, so he started to find a person to talk to.

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Within the Bastion the forces of the Sith Training Academy stirred to their morning routines. Acolytes began their morning jogs, while masters met and meditated before they turned to their morning meals. Within the training academy, Lord Valinor the commander of the Felix Legions who ritually guarded the valley of the Dark Lords, strode down the halls towards the vague glimmer of the new arrivals. Valinor carried a darkness with them, as if they were a ghost within a thick fog, so that everywhere they went, a darkness fell upon the room as if the lights had begun to dim. 


It was in this ghastly form that Valinor came to the entrances of the Bastion of Pelko, the dark eyes within the darkness greeting those few acolytes that had not been admitted the night before. Though there were only four left from last night, a new presence of a young man showed himself. 


Five then


Valinor looked at Mike with little interest before gesturing him to the entrance where the other four sat waiting. 


“So you seek entrance to our holy academy? What brings you here?” 


The voice was low and rough as if it was echoing through gravel and carried a dread with it.

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Commander Valinor - Sith Lord


Admiral 3rd Felix Legions

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Mike went inside the chamber. He looked around and saw the masters inside. This was his chance to rock his life. Bring in something new. Give Mike the ability to bully and kill the galaxy the same way the foster kids did to him.

“I am Mike V’Trechen,” said Mike. “All my life, I have been in a foster home. Everyone there kept bullying me and saying that I was different. I am powerless to stop it. I want to be a Sith, so I can quake the galaxy in fear and everyone will know my name. The name of Mike V’Trechen.”

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The heat was oppressive... yet Kern did not sense it was the worst enemy. Hours had passed since he had began to follow the path, if the direction he traveled could be called such. Korriban was not alive to the naked eye. Even beyond that which could be seen, Kern could sense an enormous and contentious web of energy. The place was infused with such history, such legacy... that the stones seemed to scream it as he passed. Here a master met his end, and there a neophyte was ruined, and over there, the still screaming form of a being that seemed destined to suffer a thousand deaths, repeating it's bellowing screech for all time...


Or perhaps it was just the howl of the wind, and nothing more then a trick of the mind from lack of water. He'd found an broken metal staff, perhaps the end of a force pike long ago, but now, the shaft was just long enough to hold him upright, when his legs began to tire. The careful planning it took to create the planets features impressed him, the whole place had been a grand design, stopped by the calamity of war. He covered his face from the dust with a patch of cloth... and moved on.


He only pausing occasionally to re-calibrate his bearings. The shadows played with him, the sense he had for other force users waxed and wained, taunting him with their presence. The Sith order was here, but so able to hide themselves, he was certain it was only the occasional imperfection of the students that he could feel, or mayhaps he was being misled. The thought irked him. A cruel irony, that he would be reborn just to die a fool's death at the cusp of entry. Was the darkness truly so chaotic, that's it's design would crush him before he started? A cruel jest indeed.


He moved stubbornly onward. Footfall after footfall, the burden of his own body becoming greater, with each step. Another hour, two... three... and he finally paused. He slumped down behind a rocky bolder, overlooking an immense crushed stone head. The wind had blown it's features into oblivion, but the face looked at him rocky eyes, and a stony demeanor. 


"What do you look upon, ancient lord?" Kern said, having grown tired of the silence.


The face said nothing.


"Indeed, I am almost nothing. Only fragments of what I was remain. That it is why I come. I must find myself... my path. To follow the steps you and your companions did so long ago. That is all that remains for me." Kern said to the face, studying it's blank features closely, as the wind howled. 


The face said nothing.


"Who were you... what was your name?" Kern said beholding the broken face. What was his own name? His origin? He had only broken fragments as it was. A jedi, light or dark, a broken hermit, a failed leader, a conqueror, a cruel jester on the dejarik board? The name Kesh came to his mind, but was it his? Or was that just another broken fragment. Kakuto... Furion... Exodus...Armenia...Skye...Darla... the names reeled around but found little purchase. Kern racked his mind, but no name came except Kern, and a vague sense of entitlement and superiority. He dismissed the feelings as the statue again said nothing.


"Fine... remain stoic. I know my destiny lies here, along with my past, my future. Long enough has been my obscure toil. I know that much. Oblivion or power..." Kern stood up, bracing himself and re-wrapping the tattered robe around his form, and gathered up his meager belongings.


"Worry not my lord... if I fail, my bleached bones will keep you company." Kern added as he moved back to the path. 




The sound came to him at once... voices that echoed of the rock and along the ground to his ears.


"...What brings you here?"


Dragging his form to the shelter of a nearby boulder, he saw five figures, plus one, at a massive entrance to whatever lay beyond. He sat there a moment, deciding to listen and wait. 


 "...I want to be a Sith, so I can quake the galaxy in fear and everyone will know my name. The name of Mike V’Trechen."

Edited by Fynn Relmis

"Some things... are worse then death, being forgotten for example..."

Member Since '05 - The Old Ones | Character Sheet

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The Sith master’s eyes opened in mock terror, and their voice came in a pitiful moan of mocking dismay. 


“Oh woe to thee that you were so pitilessly hounded!”


The dark eyes narrowed to slits of dark magenta that glimmered in the rising sun of the midmorning. And with the speed of a striking cat the Sith master strode forward and struck the boy across the face with the back of their hand. And when the master spoke, the voice was devoid of emotion.


 “Were you not strong enough to stand for yourself?” The hand raised as if to strike again then pointed to one of the acolytes, a girl of the same age as Mike who stared up with abject horror towards the Sith Master. 


“So show us how you will rule. Show us how you would make the galaxy quake in fear.” With a flick of the dark wrist a small knife flipped into Mike’s palm. Its obsidian blade a horrible black and its edges razor sharp. The voice was cruel when it came. “The girl is useless to us, and cannot even touch the force.” The girl shouted in alarm and tried to back away but was trapped by the stone walls of the entrance. “Now show her the mercy you would show as a Sith Lord. Show us the man you would be. I put her fate in your hands.” 


It was a classic test of the Sith Lords, a judgement of power and a judgement of conscience. Was it true that he was being ordered to kill so quickly? Or was there some other purpose there among the shadows...


And Valinor smelled the scent of another, a darker presence from beyond the grave. Their face turned to the distant rocks before flicking back to the young boy. 


Come forth you who lurk


Echoed in Fynns mind. @Fynn Relmis

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Commander Valinor - Sith Lord


Admiral 3rd Felix Legions

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Mike heard what the masters had said. He decided to ask the slave to come here. When the slave came, he put his hand on his hip. His other hand grabbed her and went in to hold her.


“Should I kill you?” asked Mike while quietly removing his blaster pistol from his holster. “Hmm. You could not escape me. Not if you even tried. Hmm?”


Mike saw the slave was in horror. Mike raised his gun straight at the woman’s heart. He smiled and uncocked the gun.

“I think we know the answer,” said Mike as the girl pleaded. Mike shot her and said, “They will pay. Everyone will pay. I will control everyone’s life. If they do not honor me, then they do not deserve to live.”

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Hands and arms drummed in slowing agony against the dark earth as the sands of Korriban accepted yet another sacrifice to the glory of the Sith. Dark blood bubbled and frothed as it was absorbed into the greedy sand, and when the body was still, Valinor’s eyes turned yet again to the young living acolyte. Showing within them a tinge of an ancient regret. 


“Is that what you think power is?” 


The ghostly form of Valinor reached forward a hand and the knife that had been gifted flew to it. Disappearing into the dark fog that surrounded the Sith Master. The gift had been freely given, but being disused, the gift was taken back. The voice carried with it disappointment.


“Then you have much to learn. Follow if you wish to learn the lesson that was put before you.”


And with that, the Sith Master strode into the open gates, leaving them open should Mike and the remaining three young acolytes wish to follow.

Commander Valinor - Sith Lord


Admiral 3rd Felix Legions

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"Come forth you who lurk"


Kern watched silently for a moment, then he heard the voice asserting his presence, and directing him to come forward. He remained still until the murder occurred. The viciousness, the casual cruelty of the deed, resonated with him. He had done this all to often, ending life. IT was like an old familiar friend, but seen wish fresh eyes. Yet he saw the futility as well. A life destroyed with no reason, by a weapon of callous indifference, wherein the fear could have been harvested to serve in dread and doubt. Perhaps he was weak for this thought... or perhaps his fragmented experiences had taught him that knowing when use power was as important as knowing when to use restraint. 


He stood, balancing his weight on the broken force pike, and made his way towards the entrance. He was still strong enough to do that at least. As he approached, he pulled the fabric from his face. The darkness was more powerful here, more focused. Yet still he could not sense how many lay beyond the threshold.


He regarded V'Trechen silently, trying to place him in his thoughts. He was young, able bodied, surging with fear and anger, yet there was more to him then the surface. Yet Kern could probe no deeper... his power what of it remained was still without root. 


He stopped short, as the young woman murdered let our her last gurgle. Kern studied the scene, locked it into his mind...With his tall form still mostly hidden behind the ragged cloak, and balanced on the staff, he finally spoke.


"The void accepts you. Go to the darkness... tell it your secrets." Kern said under his breath. Then looked to the entrance which the Lord had left open, and moved on heeding a the call that beckoned him forwards. 



"Some things... are worse then death, being forgotten for example..."

Member Since '05 - The Old Ones | Character Sheet

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Sirena sat there as she listened to each of their replies with a smirk. It was as she suspected. The Shard had yet to present his sin consciously. Lady Aliss came across partially with Wrath and Gluttony, anger and hunger present in both her words and actions. But as Roshan spoke, his was harder to read, to articulate at first glance. But she had one in mind, though she dared not speak its name aloud until she was sure. That sin was Pride. With a chuckle, she replied to Roshan's question. "My greatest sin? That would be Lust. It is what focuses my power, my drive."


"But to the task at hand." She spoke in an almost cheerful manner as she clapped her hands and rubbed them vigorously together before scooting forward to stir the pauldron of goop. "Its time to face yourselves."


"Within this Pauldron is a mixture of Krath Moss, a plant that grows from the blood of slayed Tuk'ata as it drips through the stones within the Tombs and simple water." She explained as she finished stirring and hit the side of the pauldron to settle its contents. "By its self, its a harmless but potent hallucinogenic, opening one's self up to the darkness within."


Her smirk became a devilish grin.


"But with two other ingredients, it becomes Sith Poison." She spoke, opening her hand and offering each to reach in. "You're to mark yourselves and lay down, you especially Solus as you have to mark the Shard within your true form. And don't worry about the paralysis. I placed Shrill Shrooms in for safety reasons."


Her gaze shot to Roshan before shifting to the others.


"Only I will see what you will. This is the price of my training."


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As her breath escaped her she could hear the Sith drone on. Her hatred grew, her anger forced her to her feet once more. His words went through her like the dust kicked into the wind by her impact. Her blood boiled with the fury that coursed through her veins. She locked eyes with the man so bent on humiliating her. As instructed, she channeled her rage through herself and reeled back. The pain in her arm that once was debilitating was now fueling her as she drew back.


It all happened in a flash, with all she could muster, she slammed forward with the force in a push. The scarlet sands were parted with the pressure to blast the paint off the hull of her ship. Without hesitation she followed up by lunging at the Sith, with her rage still flowing through her she swung her blade hard for his neck. Regardless of whether the blade's connection, she took two quick steps and positioned herself behind him and again hammered a force push towards his spine.


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"You're to mark yourselves and lay down, you especially Solus as you have to mark the Shard within your true form. And don't worry about the paralysis. I placed Shrill Shrooms in for safety reasons."

The girl looked upward to Roshan, reading his reaction. He only nodded at Aliss in response. They would play along. He was rather intrigued. They would allow the lady the amusement of her games. It was a small price to pay for progress.

"Only I will see what you will. This is the price of my training."

"Very well. Although I should warn you, I think your overconfidence in your Sith Alchemy will betray you in the case of Soulless. I am willing to bet that Shards have much more in common with droids than they do organics. Your "potion" will likely have about as much effect on Soulless as it would a protocol droid. If you seek to see inside its mind for your entertainment, you'll likely need to accompany Soulless into a place much more dark and dangerous and teaming with the energies of the darkside... if, of course, you are brave enough to follow him down that path in pursuit of your own amusement..."

As Roshan spoke, Aliss dipped her hand into the cauldron and tasted the concoction with the tip of her tongue. She winced and spit as the bitterness pricked her tastebuds. Stepping back, she rubbed some of the "poison" on the sides of her face before taking a seat and leaning back. Her body had already began to feel tingly all over. She remained unsure of the wisdom of going along with this experiment but she trusted Roshan to know what they were doing and she did want to receive her training.

Meanwhile, Roshan traced his fingers across the surface of the goop as he waited for the Sith Master's response. It didn't matter much to him what she had to say about Solus. She could believe she knew what she was doing all she wanted. He was confident she was wrong. This wasn't a matter of Sith Alchemy. It was a matter of simple chemistry. Just because it was "alive" didn't mean it was organic, much less that it could be poisoned by any stretch of the imagination. And admittedly, Roshan felt a slight tinge of pleasure at the thought of seeing her fail. Her sin was not lust. In fact, lust was not a sin at all. It was a virtue that had undoubtedly helped her reach the rank of master.

No, her sin was overconfidence. The fine line between useful lust and harmful overconfidence was most likely what had cost the woman at least one arm already. One day it would likely cost her her life. But not today. This was their turn to be in the spotlight.

As Roshan slid his finger tips across his face in a warpaint-esque pattern, he pivoted the conversation to something else that was on his mind, "So this goop. What can we expect? A vision quest? Fears? Monsters? Dead loved ones? 'Whatever we bring with us'? I'm not opposed to walking into things blind, but if we are going to willingly play your games, a hint shouldn't disrupt your process that much, should it, Lady Sirena?"

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Edited by Durose Roshan
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