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Nar Shaddaa


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The best food, the best drinks, and the best entertainment Nar Shaddaa could offer were all on display at the Gems’ banquet. It was a combination celebration and power play. Sapphire had always loved those kinds for the added interest the politics brought to the evening; she blamed her Hapan upbringing. But this was by far the best one she had ever attended, for it was her coronation celebration.


She had spent the evening cavorting, making her rounds through the crowd, ensuring her presence was known. She spoke to everyone she could, judging where loyalties lay and who could be roped into doing business with them. It was a fantastic chance to network.


Of course, it wasn’t all work. She had disappeared for half an hour with Chris Hemsevans, the Coruscanti actor who had happened to be on location shooting a new holofilm in his wildly successful series of superhero/martial arts films. And afterwards she had been seen dancing with Beishliggit Cusandberatch, the infamous crime boss of the Duros Sector on Nar Shaddaa.


As it got later, however, she ended up at the table with her fellow Gems, relaxing and drinking and eating some decadent thing made of chocolate that was completely over the top. She was amused by Emerald’s clear preference for Tarvil, but besides having given her friend a wink as she sat down comfortably in his lap, Sapphire made no comment.


The conversation suddenly turned away from trivialities and onto a more serious topic. The three Gems had talked it over a lot this past week. While Ruby staying and managing things here made the most logical sense, Sapphire always hated splitting up the team. “Just means you’ll probably see more of all three of us,” she commented. “I doubt Em and I will be gone for extended periods of time with Ruby still here. Someone has to make sure she doesn’t blow up the entire moon.”


As if summoned, an explosion rent the air. But it was just the start of the fireworks announcing that the show was about to start. Sapphire chuckled. “As if we needed further proof of Ruby’s proclivity for pyrotechnics…” She watched the fireworks with appreciation, knowing the Chiss had had a direct hand in planning it--whereas the stage show that followed was all Emerald’s work. The three pirates had been tight-lipped about their parts of the festivities, and the surprise was as much for each other as for their guests. Sapphire couldn’t wait to see what the other two had up their sleeves.


Blood Gem Pirate

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The ride to Nar Shaddaa was mostly without incident. The trio docked and made their way down into the depths of the infamous smuggler's moon. Ammi's face was reflective as she made her way along, each of the trip carrying their traveling instruments. Her mother, her birth mother, was supposedly a smuggler from the little mamma and papa had been able to tell Ammi of her. She wondered if she'd ever been on Nar Shaddaa. She mused on that, fingering the pendant that was supposedly an heirloom from her parents. She meditated on it, letting her mind wander, wondering if truly her mother was what they said she was, a smuggler. If so, had she ever been here and-


...she felt...... and released it ... screams echoed through the building, and she ignored them... what seemed like hours .... from the inside out


Ammi suddenly felt dizzy, even nauseous. She swayed, clutching her forehead with one hand, the other over her stomach. Her senses were assailed by a memory of a smell, like burning flesh, just worse. 4L-T0 moved in, ready to catch her if she started to fall. B45-50, remembering where they were now, kept his eyes out to make sure no one saw them as an easy mark.


"I.. I'm okay..." she said, straightening up, She clutched the pendant tighter. "Just got a bit of a dizzy spell... I'm fine." Was it a memory of when she was burned and injured? Or something else entirely? She wasn't sure.


They kept walking and saw the start of a magnificent fireworks display. The trio stopped to watch, wondering what that was. 4L-T0, who managed the pyrotechnics for the band's shows, was truly amazed, recognizing the work of a true artist. Ammi had a quiet conversation with a somewhat knowledgeable passer-bye, pointing up at the fireworks display. AL-T0 heard the familiar clink of credits being exchanged and gave a fussy scowl, knowing funds were already low. When Ammi return to them, he groaned. She had that grin and that look in her eyes that was always trouble. Always! Even B45-50 looked heavenward.


"So..." Ammi said sweetly, being a bounce on her heels. "It turns out there's a group that's putting on it, allegedly called the 'Stones' or the 'Gems' or something similar. Some new hotshot entrepreneurs who are big players around here." Ammi's grin grew wider. "Huge gala. Fireworks, stars, and the like. Everybody who's anybody's being invited. They're having performers of the highest caliber there. So..." she said trailing off, giving her guitar a small heft, "an opportunity like this only comes along once in a Tatooine eclipse." She leaned in. The droids knew what she was going to say and knew despite their protests, they'd not talk her out of this. If someone was a hot shot new entrepreneur on a place like Nar Shaddaa, they probably were involved in some huge criminal undertaking. This was going to be all kinds of bad, but Ammi's eager, even manic grin was undaunted.


Ammi leaned in, whispering to them. "Alto, Basso, get your instruments ready. We're going to crash that party and perform at it!"

Forgiveness is a rebirth of hope and a reconstruction of dreams. Once forgiving begins, dreams can be rebuilt. When forgiving is complete, meaning has been extracted from the worst of experiences.

- Beverly Flanigan.

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As she watched the fireworks, brilliant eruption after eruption, peals of thunder that announced a regime change on Nar Shaddaa, Emerald turned her mind to the inevitable follow-up question to their great success: what would come next? What did a woman like her need, when she had everything?


A Cheshire grin stole over her features. "Everything and more," she said glibly as she sent one of the serving droids to fetch her a drink refill.


Ruby leaned in. "Just wait for the finale," she admonished. "That'll show you everything and more."


Emerald snickered, but as the booms of the finale echoed overhead, she had to admit, Ruby was right. It was certainly impressive. As the last burst faded away, however, the sound did not fade commensurately. Frowning, Emerald turned her gaze toward the stage.


"Sapph, is this one of your surprises?" she said with a quirked brow as the strains of a vibrant guitar filled the open air on the Nar Shaddaa rooftop.

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Despite the protests of her bandmates, Ammi would not be deterred. She mused on how to best sneak in, finally motioning for her two friends to follow close behind. She hefted up her guitar, having B45-50 have his keyboard out in front and 4L-T0 with his guitars, all as if ready to play.


"For the last time," she hissed back at 4L-T0, heading off another argument, "I think we'll be fine. I've run the scenarios out. If we can't get in, we can't get in. If we get in, we'll perform as if we were part of the show. They can't just haul us outta there or rough us up without disrupting everything or making it look like we actually snuck in. Besides, I heard word they have Chris Hemsevans there. If that's actually true, I don't care if I have to fight off a rancor, I'm getting in."


4L-T0 shook his head. "Miss Ammi, the odds of who ever is hosting this on Nar Shaddaa being dangerous are high. The probability is at least-"


Ammi cut him off solidly. "At least a good eight-five to ninety percent," she answered glibly, taking 4L-T0 aback, the odds matching up with his estimate reminding the droid not to underestimate her. "And we could start with Don't Tell Me the Odds, but I think we're better off starting with Scoundrels Shoot First."


"It's a classic," B45-50 said.


Ammi knew there'd be security. There always was. Usually, they had to escape venues, not sneak in. Ammi was thinking back to an incident at the Topolla Theather on the Moonside Colony in the Mani Mani System where they ended up in debt to the theater's unscrupulous owner. They got out of that one, but due to a string of unfortunate events in said escape, they probably wouldn't return to Moonside until the statute of limitations ran out in another ten years.


Focusing on the present, she rounded a corner walked up to guarded entrance, a bit of hurry in her step, trying to look like she was a bit harried. "Oh, good! We're not too late," she exclaimed, lying smoothly, moving up to the security detail, holding her instrument close and strumming on it. "I know we're arriving later than expected. Ship troubles and all. Missed the fireworks we were promised too, ah sithspit! Anyhow, we're the Galaxy GlobeTrotters." She kept walking on as if she expected to be let in, hoping that security wouldn't think too much of it, the droids in tow close behind, trying to match Ammi's confidence.

Forgiveness is a rebirth of hope and a reconstruction of dreams. Once forgiving begins, dreams can be rebuilt. When forgiving is complete, meaning has been extracted from the worst of experiences.

- Beverly Flanigan.

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A steely hand closed around Ammi's bicep as the strains of the current performers' a capella cover of Borleian Rhapsody echoed through the air.


"Hold up there, human runt," the Zabrak security officer shouted over the din, narrowing his eyes suspiciously at the instrument-laden trio. "Galaxy GlobeTrotters, huh?"


The schedule of events and performers were listed on a data console on the wall behind him. Releasing the girl's arm for a moment, he turned around to scan the schedule.


0000 - Fireworks Spectacular featuring

0030 - Musical Performance by

0130 - Performance by

0200 - Last Call and Finale


"These new bosses and their kriffing surprises." Wary glare fixed once more on the girl, he growled, "All performers were given ID badges. Where's yours?"

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Ammi stopped short as the Zabrak grabbed her, freezing in mid step. Her eyes went wide and swung up at the guard. Her gaze was a mixture of alarm and irritation. She gulped, almost having second thoughts. 4L-T0 and B45-50 stood impassively behind her, their droid faces showing no expression.


And did he just call me a runt? Her eyes flashed with determination, then followed the Zabrak's gaze to the schedule of events. She saw the words redacted and fought to keep a wide grin off her face as she rubbed her arm. She reached into a pocket in her bright green outfit and brought out a small wafer like card as the guard asked about the band's name. It had the band's logo on it, but when held up perfectly flat, holo images of the trio playing were seen, along with the first few chords of a song, randomly assigned to each business card. She still had several on her person and a whole box of them moldering in storage on the ship by an onboard printer that made them. She felt confident and at ease.


Then the ask came for the ID badges.


Her eyes went wide, the color almost seeming to drain from her face. She immediately starting patting herself down, then without missing a beat, turned around to the droids. "The ID badges! I knew we forgot something on the ship! 4L-T0, you didn't take them did you? Argh! You nerf herder! Oh, we forgot the kriffing ID badges on the ship!" she asked, her voice rising in volume and pitch. 4L-T0, surprised as well, just hung his head as if ashamed, him and B45-50 having been through this play before. Ammi spun back around to face the guard. "We don't have time to run back to the ship and get our badges!" she said, her voice taking on a perfectly frantic pitch. She reached out, placing a trembling hand on the guard's bicep, clutching it close. "Can you get us in, pretty please? If we're late, we throw off the whole schedule!"

Forgiveness is a rebirth of hope and a reconstruction of dreams. Once forgiving begins, dreams can be rebuilt. When forgiving is complete, meaning has been extracted from the worst of experiences.

- Beverly Flanigan.

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Obviously uncomfortable, the guard leaned back, scowling, his hand on the butt of his blaster. It was obvious that he wrestled with the dilemma before him: if she were an imposter, and he admitted her without the proper identification, his job could be on the line. But if he failed to admit her, and she was, in fact, the hired entertainment for the evening, he might lose not only his job but everything north of his neck for such a blunder. Finally, he conceded with a glower.


"Go on," he muttered gruffly, stepping aside to let the entourage pass, "but if this comes back to me I'm saying your droids threatened me at blasterpoint."




Backstage atop the rooftop venue, a gathering of young humanoids in various stages of dress milled about, waiting for their cue from the frazzled stage manager. A crew of nervous-looking designers stood off to one side biting long, manicured nails. This was their final exam, and in just a few short minutes, the fates of their careers would be decided. As the familiar final notes of Escape (The Kashyyykian Rum Song) died away, applause broke out among the assembled throng. Roadies quickly moved to disassemble the band's setup, as a catwalk was brought in and attached to the front of the stage.




Back at the bar, Emerald sipped the glowing green surface of her cocktail, a classic Turbolaser, and cocked an eyebrow at her compatriots. The next event was her surprise, and what a surprise it promised to be.


Fashion Week on Kuat had nothing on what was about to happen on Nar Shaddaa.

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Ammi held her breath, literally, as did the droids in a figurative sense. She could see the wheel's turning in the Zabrak's head, doing the risk analysis. She'd remembered papa's talk about negotiations he'd had with various underworld types early on his career and could see the same patterns over again. To play it safe, or risk angering the bosses? She tried to look confident, but her heart was racing wildly in her chest, for a moment unsure if she was more afraid of this working or failing.


When he let her through, she exhaled. "Thank you," she said, and on impulse, gave the burly looking guard a hug and even a kiss on the cheek in her elation. "Alto, Basso, we better hurry! We're gonna have to be ready to play!" Without even looking back, she ran on, fighting down the supreme urge to give a cry of "Yes!", knowing if she did the jig... or in this case, gig would be up. The droids followed after her. Once inside, the two exchanged glances, trying to do the internal calculus if getting let in was a good thing or bad thing. B45-50 simply shrugged as if he couldn't make up his mind, causing 4L-T0, feeling particularly high strung at the moment to hang his head.


Ammi was able to stop a few people for directions, being directed to the rooftop venue. She hurried over to the turbolift and the three piled in.


"So far, so good!" Ammi said, unable to contain her excitement. "We just need to tell whoever is playing that we're scheduled to go on first as an opening act, last minute change. Alto, have a call to the ship. I want it ready to meet us overhead within thirty seconds of starting. Activate the undercarriage lights, the usual sequence for the opening song. Screens, amps, and the like. No fireworks or pyrotechnics though," she added morosely. "No way we can compete with earlier."


The trio stepped out of the lift and paused. Ammi cocked her head, then started whistling something, finding her notes in tune with the music as it ended. Her eyes went wide, turning and mouthing the word "Escape". Not an unfamiliar tune, Ammi and the crew had played in other venues with this group, including a battle of the bands type competition. The GlobeTrotters lost by a significant margin. It wasn't quite a landslide, but that memory still stung.


"Ahh, stars above," she sighed, a moment of indecision crossing her face. "Why'd it have to be them?" she asked aloud. It was one thing to try to bluff a security guard. It was another to try to bluff a band she knew to be better, that likely remembered them, and was probably hungry for acclaim and ambitious as she was. Add in the roadies, and this looked like a bad spot.


She saw the roadies start to move the equipment and then saw an opening. A small one, but she had to take it. She felt out of place. Managers, designers, roadies. And she had only herself and her friends to manage everything. And a really awesome ship-stage-production studio too that she knew to be one of a kind, but she still felt even more like an amateur than ever. She froze for a moment, her confidence fading. She felt a hand on her shoulder from 4L-T0, giving a squeeze, the droid actually encouraging her on for a change. She gave him a smile and then kept walking, first making a motion to B45-50, touching her ear, then covering her mouth. BA5-50 nodded, knowing at once if the manager started was able to get a comm off, they'd be finished. He motioned to 4L-T0, and the two communicated quickly. To the surprise of the band getting ready, there was a static crackle and small shriek of feedback as the performing droids did a localized comm jam.


"Hey!" she called, striding over, flashing the manager and the band a smile. "What a surprise seeing you here," she called out, authenticity in her voice, though she was less pleased than she let on. She glanced down, eyeing the party below, trying hard to keep her jaw from dropping. It wasn't as large as the charity concert, but still the second biggest performance they'd have had and one that was likely to be the most critical for them.


WOW! That is one big crowd. Hmmm. Is Chris Hemsevans really down there? Hmmm. I wonder, is that him ov- Focus, Ammi!


"We got pulled in to warm up the crowd for you, last minute direction from the boss down there." she said, her head snapping back, making a hand sweep over the crowd in a vague and general fashion. "It'll give you plenty of time to get set up." She really didn't want to displace the band, owing them a grudging professional respect, but she did want to get her moment in the spotlight. "What's your set up window? I need to know how long I need to keep the crowd entertained for," she asked, her voice clinical. They'd have room for hopefully two, maybe three songs before they had to give up the stage and needed to make this count.

Forgiveness is a rebirth of hope and a reconstruction of dreams. Once forgiving begins, dreams can be rebuilt. When forgiving is complete, meaning has been extracted from the worst of experiences.

- Beverly Flanigan.

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Unaware of what was occurring backstage, Sapphire sat merely enjoying the music, the drinks, and the company. The band she had hired was playing some of her favorite tunes--Borleian Rhapsody was an absolute classic, and who didn't like Don't Cease Trustin' or Carry On My Wayward Selonian--and they were frankly pretty good. Certainly their lead singer could really sing, and he was extremely easy on the eyes. Sapphire had heard that his hair wasn't just dyed all those colors, but that he actually was a Firrerreo, which made him rare and therefore immediately more interesting. It was part of the reason she had hired them. That, and the fact that they had recently won a large battle of the bands competition.


But frankly, the most important thing to Sapphire was that their guests were having a good time, and judging by the cheers and the number of people dancing, it looked like that was certainly happening.


A waiter set down a drink in front of her. "Compliments of that man over there," he said.


Sapphire was about to protest--after all, they had made it very clear there was to be none of that sort of power play tonight by any guests--but then she caught sight of the man. It was that sleemo Jalos. She eyed the drink, a shot of something that was on fire, then poured it down her throat. Rising, she made her way over to the garage boss.


"Hey there baby," he crooned. "You're looking mighty fine tonight."


She gave him an icy blue stare. "You'd better be here with news about the Glory."


"Ooh, chilly tonight, are we? Maybe we oughta do something to get your blood moving."


"My ship, you hutt-spawn."


Jalos laughed. "Wait 'til you see her. She's spotless. Me and my boys have been putting in extra time and extra effort, all for you, darlin'."


Sapphire sized the man up. He was pitiful, really, but her pity was overwhelmed by scorn. Normally she didn't mind paying him to do the job right, even if it meant a night of him slobbering all over her, but to have him show up now, in her moment of triumph, to a party he hadn't been invited to, made her blood boil. By morning, she'd own his garage, she decided. She'd get all his men to work directly for her, and cut him out of the picture completely. She loathed that he had even a little bit of power over her, and now it was time to end that.


He had stepped close to her, his hand slipping up the slit of her dress to cup the inside of her thigh, his lecherous eyes resting boldy on the edges of the plunging neckline of the dress she was wearing. She grabbed his chin and pulled his eyes up to meet hers, then gave him a wide, cold, predatory smile. "I'll be by to pick it up tomorrow," she said. "Now get out of here."


A snap of her fingers, and security immediately rushed up to escort Jalos off the premises. Sapphire ran a hand through her long red curls, then headed back to the table. "The Glory is done," was all she said in reply to Emerald's questioning look, knowing her friend understood. The pirate pulled out a small datapad from her clutch and left herself a reminder to take over the scum's garage later. That would be fun. Even the thought of it erased the black spot Jalos' unwelcome interruption had placed on her evening.


The band had finished playing, and the stage crew was busy setting up the next performance. Sapphire smiled at Emerald, knowing it was her fellow pirate's time to show off what she had arranged for the evening, then turned her attention to the stage.




Meanwhile, backstage, the manager glanced at his datapad. "Why didn't anyone tell me? Forget it, just get out there now! We need 8 standard minutes to finish set up, so you can play whatever you like until then, and then you gotta play the opening number for the act. Rylin told you about that one, I'm sure, so you're all set for that, right? Right. Okay, get out there now! We're already thirty seconds behind!"


He bustled off, leaving any of the GlobeTrotters' other questions unanswered.


Blood Gem Pirate

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Thirty seconds to be on an eight minutes to fill. She glanced at 4L-T0 and B45-50. They could definitely do Scoundrels Shoot First. There was a moment of indecision on which of their songs to do next, only able to fit in two. "Corellian Sunrise," she whispered. It was one of her adoptive father's favorite drinks and she'd wrote that song for him on her thirteenth birthday. The two nodded, her gaze falling on 4L-T0, the distracted looking droid in silent communication with the ship now that B45-50 dropped the comm jam. Sensing Ammi's gaze on him, the droid nodded. It'd be on time as planned, though it'd be touch and go. It was already on its way, figuring if this went sour, they'd need a ride out on the double.


"I can play it," Ammi said confidently to the manager, stepping forward in a hurry. "Wouldn't hurt to have the music again. Some of those chords later on are a bit tricky," she said. She had a good guess which piece it'd be, having made an effort to study the band's music after losing to them, but wasn't 100% sure she could replicate it on the fly. Still, it was all or nothing.


She stepped up to a plugged in microphone. This was the performance of a lifetime, and she realized grimly a performance for her life. She didn't know exactly who organized this soiree, but they would likely not be very forgiving if she made a hash of this. She took a breath, glancing out of the corner of her eyes as she saw her friends assume a ready position. Further out, she could see the ship approaching on autopilot.


"Hey Nar Shaddaa! Quite the party here!" she began, her enthusiasm genuine and unfeigned. She looked out over the crowd. "Hope you're having as good of a time as I am!" Ammi strummed on the guitar. "A round of applause for our generous hosts in throwing the party of the century here!" she continued, stalling for time until the ship was in position, knowing a bit of flattery never hurt. As the applause and cheers rose to a loud roar and died down, she continued. "I'm Ammi Wolfstar of the Galactic GlobeTrotters. My friends Alto!" At that the ship's floodlights came on, focused enough to create a spotlight around him as it closed in. "And Basso!" she continued, the lighting spotlighting him as well. "Will be your opening act for tonight's show. While our friends are getting set up, we're here to rock your moon!"


The Galaxy GlobeTrotter could be seen overhead, a flurry of colored lights coming from under the ship, bathing the trio in colors. The stage opened up on top, using a series of cameras to project a larger than life holo image of the trio. 4L-T0, even as he waved to the crowd, was working furiously coordinating everything. She didn't spare a glance at the roadies or designers, but couldn't help a smug feeling of appreciation on how quickly they'd gotten set up.


"I love Nar Shaddaa!" she said, never mind she'd never been on the moon before. "Smugglers and scoundrels all around. My kind of people. Just remember though to watch out... 'cause Scoundrels always shoot first! Hit it!"


Ammi played at her best, her fingers working on the guitar, its electronics slave rigged to the ship above, booming out the music. Ammi's voice rose up as the lyrics came out. She sensed some of the work behind them cease, feeling the eyes on her, but she kept at it. 4L-T0 and B45-50 played at their instruments of choice, working with perfection, hitting each note spot on. She could feel the energy of the crowd at times like this, as if she could read and sense their emotions, a large positive burst of energy. She'd always heard of performers who could do that, but it never seemed so tangible as it did before now. She danced and sang, almost stalking around the stage in her green jumpsuit with her deft movements, fingers never missing a note on her guitar.


The song finished up at almost four minutes in, Ammi finally going into the last stanza and refrain.


  • Just remember one and all
    When their back's against the wall
    Be wary if you're able
    and look under that table
    Don't ever think they'll miss
    or you'll feel death's fiery kiss
    Blaster fire's about to burst
    True scoundrels always shoot first!

Forgiveness is a rebirth of hope and a reconstruction of dreams. Once forgiving begins, dreams can be rebuilt. When forgiving is complete, meaning has been extracted from the worst of experiences.

- Beverly Flanigan.

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The Sword Logic slipped into realspace like Aryian's tongue slipped into a jelly-filled donut. It was merely a matter of time before Kain had bribed the right officials to ensure his craft was landed, docked, and taken care of, masquerading under the ship records of another trader ship that had been at Nar Shaddaa a week prior. Having studied the Nar Shaddaa holofeeds during his trip here, he was well aware of current goings on, and all he needed was a room with a good holonet connection. He was about to make the magic happen. Another undescribed while later, he found himself sitting alone in a locked room, sinking his digital roots into the planetary holonet systems.




In the crowd, a drink serving droid suddenly twitched and stopped, rebooting its core systems with subtle changes to its programming. It made its way across the floor, unnoticed by all. Eventually, it bumped into the woman called Sapphire until it got her attention, at which point it used its serving arm to thumb the comlink hanging on her belt. What happened to the droid after that was meaningless, Kain already had his mode of communication. The next time she checked her comlink, she would have a new message from an anonymous sender, which would read as follows:



I understand Nar Shaddaa is under new management. May I be among the first to extend my hand in congratulations at liberating the planet from the oversized gangster fleshbags, I assume it was no easy feat for someone of your outfit. But...you are still a small fish in a large ocean. If you wish to grow instead of being eaten by a larger fish, perhaps you would care to listen to my proposal. I see a brighter, even more profitable future for the Blood Gems. Do you? If you wish to discuss these possibilities, please come to the following address within twenty four hours of the time stamp on the read receipt. Only bring those who are capable of making decisions for your group as a whole.





Like my posts? Google "zalgo font."

If you meet me, have some courtesy, have some sympathy, have some taste.
Use all your well-learned politics, or I'll lay your soul to waste.



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Opening band? She had not planned for an opening band. A single glance at Ruby and Sapphire told her that her compatriots had not arranged this little surprise either: their faces were as puzzled as hers. It only took fifteen seconds after the young girl appeared and announced herself for Emerald to have the stage manager summoned, with a hiss and an elbow in Tarvil's ribs.


If this erstwhile opening act failed to impress, someone would pay drastically.


But mere moments later, by the time the pale, frazzled stage manager appeared, she found her scowl fading to an impressed smirk. Emerald leaned over to ask, shouting over the strains of guitar, "Who is this girl?"


He thrust a datapad her direction, showing a clip of a Coronet City concert given earlier that week, and Emerald looked back up at the stage with amusement. The girl had guts pulling a stunt like this, but a gambler herself, Emerald could appreciate the risk that this Ammi Wolfstar had taken. Such risks must be addressed... and rewarded. If this girl was going places, Emerald mused, it was worthwhile to pursue a business conversation.


"Galactic GlobeTrotters, huh?" she said to herself. The crowd seemed to be enjoying the show--and the subject matter of the band's music--as much as Emerald was, and even Ruby's normally stoic features cracked a tickled grin. Tossing the datapad back to the manager, she ordered, "Bring that girl over here when they're done, or you're done."

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Ammi couldn't believe it. They'd pulled it off! They gave several seconds for the crowd to cheer, letting the applause rise and fall and then launched into Corellian Sunrise. One part rock ballad and one part drinking song, it seemed like a good way to keep the crowd fired up. Between songs she glanced very briefly over her shoulder at the true opening act. They were still setting up, but their stage manager disappeared. She almost frowned, wondering what that was about, but remembered she was still on.


The challenging part became the real act's original opening number. Ammi's guess was correct with Carry On My Wayward Selonian, knowing that Borleian Rhapsody was the type of song you finished a show with, but she didn't have the song completely memorized. She kept her head down as she played. 4L-T0 and B45-50 received the sheet music between The GlobeTrotter's songs and 4L-T0's quick thinking saved the day, using the laser-lights for the ship's undercarriage to project the notes onto the platform right in front of where Ammi performed. There was no margin for error, and to Ammi's trained ears one or two of her notes could have been timed better, but she hit every last note.


As that song finished up, Ammi and the droids took a well earned bow, Ammi blowing the leader singer of the band they'd upstaged a kiss. As they stepped aside, she made a downwards motion and whispered something to 4L-T0 and B45-50. 4L-T0 looked surprised and B4%=50 simply shook his head. She pulled them together into a quick huddle, knowing they had until the applause died down again to act.


"Listen," she whispered. "We just performed brilliantly, so I'm not leaving without at least getting some hors 'd'oeuvres and meeting Chris. And it'll be a warm day on Hoth if we don't make a flashy exit." B45-50 still shook his head, but Ammi ignored him, and walked up to the edge of the rooftop stage, waving at the crowd. She had one foot off the edge, at which point 4L-T0, despite his reservations, caved. Three long neon rope-lights dropped down from the ship, each glowing an alternating green and blue to match the Galactic GlobeTrotter's colors. Ammi took a leap off the roof with an exuberant cry, though it was really more of a half-step, and grabbed onto the center rope with her arms and legs, sliding down towards the crowd, her guitar over her shoulder by its strap. The droids followed suit, sans the cry, instruments over their backs as well.


Ammi slid down, wearing a wide grin that lasted until her guitar slipped off her shoulders. It fell in front of her, got between her arms and the rope, and as she became entangled with it, her hands flew free. She had a moment of pure panic. She tried to break the impending fall by tightening her legs around the rope, feeling that grip slip too, her fall accelerating. Her exuberant cry rose in pitch, almost indistinguishable from a terrified scream. A second later, she felt B45-50's steady hand catch her shoulder, slowing her descent and righting her and her guitar. She grabbed back onto the rope at almost the last second and was saved from a hard landing on her butt by being caught by the rushing crowd. She hoped they thought this was staged and that she totally intended the dive as it played out. Given the wild cries ringing in her ears, they probably did. Almost all of them did at least.


The droids, for their part, landed gracefully on their feet and just made their way through the crowd after her. The ship departed, 4L-T0's commands sending it back to the dock.


A very, very short time later, Ammi was back on her feet, getting the hors 'd'oeuvres she wanted as the droids hovered anxiously by her, aware they were now crashing the party proper. She munched on a piece of cheese from some planet she never heard of before, listening to the real band's music. Both the cheese and music really were great. 4L-T0 couldn't decide if he was nervous or pleased with himself and stood near-by, but stoic B45-50 just hovered protectively by Ammi., still alert for signs of trouble. "We can mingle a bit, get some more food, meet some celebrities and hopefully just waltz on outta here," Ammi said. "I don't think anyone's going to stop us and I don't think our hosts have a reason to hold a grudge. We lit the crowd up with our music like a Death Star superlaser and I think that stage dive... wow, what a reaction!" Her tone was as excited as ever, talking as if the whole stage dive went off precisely as planned.


"What could go wrong?" B45-50 asked, his tone gentle. "We just lied to a security guard and put his job on the line, trespassed, crashed a gala whose hosts have the Galaxy's eyes on them, potentially ruined another band's opening act, and you almost got yourself flattened like a pancake by jumping off a roof." Ammi's expression sobered, taking the reproof to heart. She had behaved quite badly this evening if one looked at it from that angle. "Still," he added, a hand on her shoulder, "you performed well, and gave the crowd a good show." Ammi cracked a smile and then put her arms out around both droids, drawing 4L-T0 in and gave them a big hug.


"Thank you," she whispered, heartfelt. "Now," she said, clasping her hands together, wearing that same not-quite-manic grin from earlier. "Who wants a drink? And has anyone actually seen Chris Hemsevans?"

Forgiveness is a rebirth of hope and a reconstruction of dreams. Once forgiving begins, dreams can be rebuilt. When forgiving is complete, meaning has been extracted from the worst of experiences.

- Beverly Flanigan.

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As the fashion show commenced onstage to the refrains of the old cult classic, Dude (Looks Like A Jedi), the sharp command from the blonde Hapan did not go unanswered. Their new majordomo, clad in the slinky finery popular among attendees, made his way through the crowd to where the young performer stood, gleefully rubbing elbows with her new cadre of adoring fans. Tarvil A'ro stopped to casually observe her for just a moment, reinforcing Emerald's hypothesis: young and impulsive, she had seen an opportunity and capitalized on it. The whiteness of his teeth stood in stark contrast to the sultry chocolate of his skin as he grinned, picturing the confrontation the bosses had planned.


Security had locked down the exits at his command: the Gems had guessed that the girl might attempt some ill-mannered escape attempt should they attempt to detain her. She had already proved through her stunt that she did not place appropriate weight on the value of her own head. There was no way of knowing whether her companion droids were equipped for defense or combat, but they would fire up those engines when they boarded the ship.


Sidling up behind her in classic swagger, hand on the butt of his blaster--set to stun, anticipating that the teenager might startle--Tarvil called to her over the din of the next band.


"Miss Wolfstar? Your hosts would like to make your acquaintance. They will not accept 'no' for an answer."

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As Ammi helped herself to a drink of sparkling water, she saw the man in the overly fine clothes approach. She almost choked on her drink, the her eyes catching the location of his hand relevant to his blaster. B45-50 stood behind her, both hands on her shoulders, eyeing the man warily, but making no threatening gesture. 4L-T0 just sighed, muttering something under his breath. "...and this is why we can't have nice things," was the only audible piece.


At the request to meet their hosts, Ammi stepped forward, sparing a quick glance at her friends. Both nodded, reaffirming her gut check that everything was still alright. So far. "Sounds good," she said casually, finishing her water with a swig and setting it down. "I was hoping to pay them my compliments anyways before the night was over." She walked over to Tarvil, flashing him a smile just as white as his earlier one, giving a toss of her strawberry blonde hair, and rested one hand on his upper arm, not the one with by the blaster. "Plead lead the way, good sir," she said, trying to sound as gracious as possible. She instinctively smoothed out her jumpsuit, checking to make sure it was as pristine as possible as she followed along.


B45-50 kept up his protective hover behind her, and while there was still nothing threatening about him, he also gave off a vibe of someone who was wary and alert, even as he shifted his instrument around in front as if ready to perform again at a moment's notice. 4L-T0, just marched along, arms crossed, giving small swivels of his head, already anticipating the various ways this night could, and probably would, end in a disaster. Ammi kept trying to engage her escort in conversation, her hand still on his arm, seemingly a chatterbox, softly pumping for information. "...and that was one impressive fireworks display. I mean Alto can set up some good pyrotechnics for the band, but I've never seen anything so well orchestrated. I have to know who you hired. And I must know more about your bosses as well. Wonderful coordination for this event, spared no expense either. I can't recall the last time I was at an event like this. How did they manage to get in so many people?" And so on she continued, all smiles, her green and blue-flecked eyes looking around as carefully as BA5-50's.

Forgiveness is a rebirth of hope and a reconstruction of dreams. Once forgiving begins, dreams can be rebuilt. When forgiving is complete, meaning has been extracted from the worst of experiences.

- Beverly Flanigan.

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The band that was playing was actually quite good, thought Sapphire had never heard of them. The strange part, though, was that Emerald and Ruby both seemed to know nothing about them. The idea that someone was crashing their party was not a welcome one, but the three pirates traded glances, and Emerald spoke for all of them when she called the stage manager up. Sapphire pursed her lips. If they were going to interrogate a singer, she was going to need a drink. While the manager and Tarvil headed off to find the girl, Sapphire rose and headed over to the bar. As she reached it, though, a serving droid bumped into her and made a grab for her comlink--quite a display, since her dress had no pockets and her comlink was hidden in the neckline of her dress. If it had been an organic, Sapphire would have probably blasted it right then and there, but the fact that it was a droid made her eyebrows go up. It's mission complete, the droid went back to serving drinks.


The pirate turned thoughtfully to the bar. She recognized the effects of a malicious bit of programming when she saw it. That meant that a hacker had jacked into the droid's system to plant it. She was sure that it wasn't just some weird pervert trying to electronically feel her up--though the thought did cross her mind. No, this was more targeted, more specific. She got the feeling that when she checked her comlink, much would be revealed. But now was not the time. The party would be over in a few hours; the messenger could wait until dawn.


Grabbing her drink, she headed back and rejoined the other Blood Gems just as Tarvil came up with the Galaxy GlobeTrotters. It would be interesting to see what they had to say for themselves. Sapphire took a seat, lounging back in it, letting Emerald take the lead.




As the woman continued to chatter, Tarvil merely nodded, not answering any of her questions directly. "Yes, they employ only the best...yes, the event is going very well...yes, they are quite popular..." He was gracious and charming, but he clearly meant business as he escorted the woman up to the Gems. "The leader of the band that just played, as you requested," he said as he pushed her gently forward, taking up a protective stance a bit behind Ammi and to the right, his hand still resting gently on his blaster. There were several other security personelle nearby in case they were needed.


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Nestled in a ring of plush sofas tucked toward the back of the venue, Emerald tracked Tarvil's movements. Ruby and Sapphire would undoubtedly recognize the feral sheen of her amused facade. She made a show of being otherwise engaged as Tarvil arrived with the girl in tow, but when she finally turned from her whispered conversation with Ruby to face him, it was with sharp eyes and utmost clarity. Setting down her cocktail with a flourish and leaning back in her seat, the Mistryl rested her toned arms across the top of the couch.


"Ah, so this is the girl; thank you, Tarvil," she said dismissively with a voice too saccharine to be authentic, strangely high in her natural alto. She gestured to a chair around the low table before them. "Please, Miss Wolfstar, take a seat."


Pausing for a couple seconds that seemed longer because of the tension of the silence, Emerald finally spoke once more, her tone unreadable. "You've got a lot of guts, kid. I admire that. Tell me a little bit about yourself."


She swirled the ice cubes around in her mostly-empty glass, never taking her eyes off of Ammi for an instant.

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Ammi kept chattering away, even as it became obvious her escort wouldn't provide any of the answers she wanted. Her constant talking slowly crossed the line between playing up her appearance as a flighty teenager to nervous rambling. It was far, far too late to back out now though. As she talked, her hand strayed up to her silver wolf's-head amulet, rubbing it for good luck. She could see other security personnel converging. 4L-T0 and B45-50 could see the same, the former just resigned and the latter seeming to ease off his protective stance, taking a more casual approach that could not be read in any way as hostile, his fingers playing at his instrument of choice, letting the refrain from their second song trail into the air.


Ammi's eyes tracked where she was being lead. Three women, a Chiss, a human, and a human of mixed ancestry all sat there. From glances Ammi stole at her escort as well as the surrounding guards, she could tell these were her hosts for the evening. She glanced at each one, trying to get a read on them in short order, conversing with each other. Equals, or was one the boss among them? Equals she decided. She had to appeal to all three. As she drew nearer, she swallowed her fear, forcing her lips into a smile, trying to appear confident and at ease when nothing was further from the truth.


She gave Tarvil's arm a final squeeze, trying one last charmed appeal, then sat down with a smile and a "Thank you." She chose her posture carefully, legs together, hands folded up comfortably in her lap, leaning back as much as the instrument she carried would allow. She gave a faint tilt of her head, advising 4L-T0 and B45-50 to sit down as well on each side of her, both to see how that invite would be received and to hopefully lower their potential standing on any threat meter.


She sat in silence, trying to keep up the smile, though her hands were a none too subtle tell of her nervousness, thumbs crossing over each other, fingers flexing as if playing imaginary strings. The direction finally came for her to speak, and moving slowly, very slowly, Ammi reached into a pocket on her jumpsuit and pulled out three of her tiny business cards with the band's logo, sliding them over.


"I suppose you're pleased with our music," she began, attempting to speak with a dry confidence. She succeeded mostly, but there was a faint trebling in her voice. "If not, I don't think we'd be having this conversation." She paused, trying to get another read on her hosts before she continued. "No need to reintroduce myself, or my bandmates either I suppose. We've been traveling the galaxy at large for about 2 years, performing wherever we could find work. We only recently made it out of the backwaters where I grew up, so outside of some venues on Coruscant, and a charity concert we did on Corellia, we don't have much name recognition." She grimaced, then gave a short laugh. "Our goal is to one day perform for a sellout crowd at the Galaxies Opera House on Coruscant."


She gave a faint smile, going for broke, fingering her amulet once more. "I can't apologize for seizing the opportunity your party presented tonight. It offered too great an opportunity for us to get our name out there," she said, gaining a bit more confidence. At hearing that, 4L-T0 sat straight up, glancing nervously back and forth between Ammi and their hosts before facepalming with one hand. B45-50 just listened, unmoved in his seat. "I do apologize for any perceived disrespect where none was intended; and for any inconvenience and concern our appearance here caused you and your staff. I hope the show made up for it," she continued sincerely, bowing her head. After B45-50's comments earlier, she did feel genuinely sorry, though a fair amount was sorry at being caught and needing to be escorted at blaster point.


She looked up, making eye contact with each of them before addressing the one who'd spoken to her. Going for broke. "Now," she said, flashing her widest smile, trying not to show any fear or doubt, "how can we be of service to you in the future, Miss....?"

Forgiveness is a rebirth of hope and a reconstruction of dreams. Once forgiving begins, dreams can be rebuilt. When forgiving is complete, meaning has been extracted from the worst of experiences.

- Beverly Flanigan.

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"Please, call me Emerald," the blonde said, leaning forward in her seat and resting her elbows on her knees, the very picture of attentive listening. She bore no small resemblance to a housecat sitting just out of reach, daring a yearning hand to attempt to stroke it. "Don't mistake my meaning, kid. You aren't here so that I can slap you on the hand and tell you that you're naughty."


Well, not yet, she thought to herself, eyebrow quirked.


"No, my dear," she continued, "you're here for opportunity, by your own admission. Backwaters are too small for you, Coronet City was barely a start, and even Nar Shaddaa, as infamous as its reputation is, is still a place where people go to disappear. No, you deserve your name in lights."


Tucking her fist under her chin and leaning forward toward the green-clad singer, Emerald grinned, some ulterior thought brimming behind her eyes. There were definitely credits to be made here. The girl had talent: there would be no denying it. Like anything shining and beautiful in the universe, she brought out Emerald's natural avarice, and she was scheming ways to collect the Galaxy GlobeTrotters. It would have to be a Sabacc hand played carefully, though. Even with her performer's ease, Ammi Wolfstar seemed far too innocent for the likes of the crowd that gathered here tonight. The goody-two-shoes would likely find herself quickly overwhelmed by the Gems' network of rowdy and lowlife accomplices. The last thing they wanted was to scare her off.


To that effect, she waved away the security guards that stood posted by the exits, and with a look, sent Tarvil back into the shadows. In any case, her Mistryl instincts would more than compensate for anything the musician before them might dish out. "There's no need for all the theatrics with you, is there? The simple truth of the matter is, my friends and I would like to make you a deal."


Ruby had pulled out a datapad and looked for all the world as though she were bored to death, but Emerald knew that she was busily pulling up all of their contacts along the circuit for the Perlemian Concert Series. In short order, the Chiss had brought up a rotating holographic display of not just the Galaxies Opera House, but also the Nubian Pod Arena, the Bloodstripe Theater on Corellia, and at least a dozen other performance halls throughout the Core and Inner Rim: some of the hottest spots in the galaxy.


"We can set you up with a touring retinue, book all the venues, take care of publicity, with no expense spared for equipment, and Ruby here will design the lighting and pyrotechnic effects for the show," she said, extending the datapad to Ammi with a coy smile. The publicity element would have to come back to the Gems, obviously. Perhaps the girl's name would have to be replaced. The Galaxy GlobeTrotters, featuring... Chrysocolla, or some such thing. The nuance of her callsign would likely be of hot debate between the Gems at a later date. Tossing back the rest of her drink and setting the glass none too gently on the table before her, Emerald leveled an excited and conspiratory smile at the girl, which she hoped would draw a sense of camaraderie. "What do you think of that?"


In any case, she would have to trust Sapphire to crunch the numbers to make it worth their while.

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Ammi couldn't help crack a smile at the first comment. She leaned back even more, wincing as she felt her guitar handle bump right into the back of her head, then leaned forward slightly, one knee rising up, putting her hands around it. She tried to keep that same, eager yet confident expression up, her "negotiations face" as she called it. Not above practicing it in the mirror along with some of her other visages while singing, she found it the most effective when haggling or playing sabacc. That she rarely won in the latter never seemed to bother her much.


As Emerald kept talking that masked slipped more and more. For someone with this kind of pull to say she could make it big had Ammi believing it. She started to lean in more, tightening the grip around her knee. At the mention of a deal, she leaned in fully, eyes fixed on Emerald to the distraction of all else. She'd pictured playing at establishments all over Nar Shaddaa, building an underground following. She'd been thinking too small. Way too small.


To say that Ammi was breathless was an understatement.


To say that 4L-T0 and B45-50 were breathless, being droids, was a given. Even so, they were speechless too, which for 4L-T0, usually took something of great or terrible import.


Ammi stared ahead, her eyes changing, the blue flecks almost seeming to recede, her eyes turning into soft green orbs. She did her best to keep her sabacc face up, but couldn't deal with the onrush of emotions overwhelming her. She hadn't made it yet. She knew the real work just began and knew all too well what a grueling touring schedule would require. She gave herself the opportunity to make it though, and the trio did it on their own. Mama and Papa would be proud of her as would her sisters. She wondered what her real parents would have thought. She had to believe they'd be just as proud. She was certain of that.


She looked over at her friends. B45-50's gaze looked over the Blood Gems carefully, then nodded once. 4L-T0 rubbed his hands together in a motion that was nothing less than gleeful. She brought her hands up to her face, resting her hands on the bridge of her nose. She tried to look deep in thought, but she really just wanted a subtle way to wipe the excited tears she felt forming in her eyes.


She opened her mouth to speak, but couldn't find the words. She took a deep breath, steadying herself. "Emerald," she said, her voice quivering with undiluted excitement and joy. "The Galactic GlobetTrotters are at your service." She turned back to her friends and gave the droids a big hug, all sunshine and smiles. Composing herself again, she pursed her lips, that same radiant smile on her face. She fingered the silver wolf head pendant with its blue gemstones.


She glanced again at Emerald and then Ruby, having picked up their names in the conversation. "Have room for a Sapphire on your team?" she asked, completely oblivious to the name the third of the trio gave herself.

Forgiveness is a rebirth of hope and a reconstruction of dreams. Once forgiving begins, dreams can be rebuilt. When forgiving is complete, meaning has been extracted from the worst of experiences.

- Beverly Flanigan.

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Sapphire kept a straight face as Emerald made their offer. The Blood Gems knew talent when they saw it--and with talent came credits. Lots and lots of credits.


While Emerald sold the girl and her two droids on the idea, Sapphire had pulled out her datapad and was busy setting up accounts and familiarizing herself with the galactic music entertainment industry. She also ran a query into band names; this one would need a new, flashier moniker that reflected their new ownership while still keeping ties to their old fanbase. Finally, she pulled up a standard contract, based on one used when a band signed to a record label. Once that was finished, she raised her deep blue eyes to see the girl speechless, tears of joy glistening in her eyes. Sapphire smiled broadly. Got her.


"Have room for a Sapphire on your team?" the woman--whom Sapphire had discovered was named Ammi--asked with a smile.


Sapphire raised her chin. "I'm afraid not. One Sapphire is about all these other two can handle." She flashed a smile at Emerald and Ruby, then approached Ammi, holding out the contract. "If you'll sign here, we'll make it official." She handed Ammi a stylus. "I'll put in some calls tomorrow about hiring you a manager. For now, take the week off. I'm sure that signing bonus will cover your expenses for a few days while we set things up for you. I think since you've already been doing some touring, we'll have you start with recording a new single. You'll go on tour to promote yourself for a few months, then it's back to the studio for you. We'll need to get your album out quickly."


Ammi would find nothing out of ordinary in the contract. It was strict, but then, that was the nature of a recording contract. It stated that the band's royalties would be 15%, which was generous for a small time start up like the Galaxy GlobeTrotters, based on the wholesale price of the album, with a 15% packaging and promotion charge. There was a list of a variety of touring and promotion costs that would be considered recoupable. The manager the Gems hired would receive 20% of the royalties. For the first album, the contract stated the GlobeTrotters could receive an advance against royalties if they chose.


"One more thing," Sapphire added. "I think you'll need a name change. I'm thinking you'll be: Corusca and the GalaxyTrotters." She reached into her purse and pulled out a pair of teardrop corusca gem earrings, set in silver. "What do you think?Corusca?" she asked, clearly ready to hand the girl the earrings if she chose to accept the name and sign the deal.


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A laugh and a small blush came to her as Sapphire introduced herself. Her mind immediately started leaping ahead, wondering, if not expecting a gem themed name for herself. She broke out of that distant thought process as she saw the contract laid out and immediately reached for it. She had to fight down the impulse to sign at once, starting to read through it. Self-aware enough that her emotional giddiness compromised some of her judgment, she also made sure both 4L-T0 and B45-50 had a chance to read it over, trusting their impassioned review. She tried to remember everything papa had mentioned about contracts and negotiations, as well as her experiences on her travels up to this point good and bad.


She raised the stylus to her chin, trying to do the math in her head. It was very generous and she'd had a scant few friends who made it with contracts. The terms weren't unreasonable. Key for her above all else was retaining ownership rights to her songs. The royalties and profits from sales and their licensing naturally went to the Gems, but Ammi still had an artist's heart and her songs were her babies. Being so managed would take getting used to as well. They'd done everything themselves until now. That was good and bad. Even a known genius could produce disasters of epic proportions if no one had the courage to tell them their work was bantha poo doo, thinking back to a couple holovid series she adored that had terrible prequels.


"A stage name," she mused aloud, smiling at the thought. "I'll need to think of that. Corusca's a good name, but very hard, too inaccessible." She laughed. "Beryl might work... if it doesn't bother Emerald," she said with a grin. "Though I'm also partial to Kyber, going with the K-Y-B-E-R spelling." She pursed her lips again, glancing over at 4L-T0. B45-50 found it a reasonable contract, nodding his approval, but 4L-T0, usually responsible for managing the band's extremely limited funds, was ready to haggle over the finer points. Ammi kept considering the name as she heard 4L-T0 bring up questions to Sapphire on royalty marks between wholesale and retail, as well as deferring traveling and production expenses, and sticking in for a higher percentage for digital distribution and even concessions on merchandise at live performances. She didn't believe too much ground would be given on those points and she could live with that, but was pleased to see 4L-T0 try and knew the advantages of having him be the one to take the seemingly hard line on those items.


"I don't know if Galaxy Trotters works itself," she said slowly, willing to push back on that point. The band name had been hers since she started trying to perform as a preteen, and the ship her papa built for her was named after it, aware too she'd gone back and forth herself in the past few weeks on using Galactic GlobeTrotters versus Galaxy GlobeTrotters for either the band's and ship's names, changing them up between Coruscant, Corellia, and here. Sentiment was often the defeat of reason in business, her papa said once, but she also knew that sentiment and its cousin passion was what kept her going and she had to feel good about her stage name and the band's name.


"Beryl Wolfstar and the Galaxy GlobeTrotters, or... Kyber Wolfstar and the Galaxy GlobeTrotters. I think either of those could work." She nodded, leaning back again, satisfied with those suggestions and smiled. Relaxed, she leaned back, hands around her knee, her high heeled boot resting comfortably on the edge of the table as she listened to 4L-T0 bring up a point on deferring legal expenses and insurance costs. She wondered how much of her past misadventures would bubble up again to give her grief. As 4L-T0 gave ground on the other points, but insisted firmly on this type of coverage and deferred costs to the Gems, she tried to keep a straight face and succeeded this time. She had to wonder though, with a manager, tour schedules, and more, they probably couldn't get into trouble like they did before. Right?

Forgiveness is a rebirth of hope and a reconstruction of dreams. Once forgiving begins, dreams can be rebuilt. When forgiving is complete, meaning has been extracted from the worst of experiences.

- Beverly Flanigan.

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The young woman seemed ready to sign immediately, though she ignored the offered earrings. Sapphire shrugged and put them back in her clutch. Most women would have jumped at a precious gift like that. This woman was a strange one.


The droids read the contract too, and they were more fastidious. Sapphire was willing to negotiate a bit. After some discussion with 4L-T0, she agreed to defer their traveling and production expenses and give them a 17% royalties for merchandise, but stuck to her guns when it came to the droid's other points. She was curious as the droid was absolutely adamant about the insurance expenses--though, from the woman's entrance, she wondered if stunts like that were common for the band. Regardless, it made sense to keep their investment in good health, so Sapphire agreed to his proposal.


By the time they were finished negotiating, Ammi had already come up with some alternative names. Sapphire turned her attention back on her as she suggested Beryl or Kyber.


"Beryl won't sell," Emerald interjected. "It sounds like an old lady or a drug-addled prostitute. Huh, funny, Sapph, both of those things describe you."


Sapphire gave her an outraged look. "Hey! I am not drug-addled!" Becoming serious again, she glanced back at Ammi. "She's right about the name though. And kyber isn't a gem, it's a crystal. Anyway, there'll be time to decide. For now, let's get this contract signed, and you can retire for the night. We'll send a copy of the contract to you tomorrow, and start interviewing for managers. You can be involved in that as much as you wish, though we'll obviously have the final say." In fact, that was probably going to go for pretty much everything from now on. The Gems would rely on the manager to keep them informed about what was going on with the band, and they'd have intermediaries doing the actual running of the company that would produce her album.


Suddenly, Sapphire felt strong muscular arms encircle her waist. "There you are," came Chris Hemsevans' unique accent. "Didn't you promise that I could buy you one more drink?"


Sapphire looked back and winked at him. "Just taking care of some business. I think I'll have to let you buy me that drink another time--perhaps when it's not my alcohol you'd be buying for me." She glanced over at Ammi. "But here is a young woman who I'm sure would like to chat with you. This is Ammi Wolfstar. Ammi, I believe you know Chris Hemsevans." She shooed them away. "Go have fun. Party's still going."


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Ammi listened on as 4L-T0 kept negotiating, watching the Gems' faces. She picked up some reaction at how hard 4L-T0 was holding out. She flagged someone over, taking a sparkling water, needing something to keep her from giving things away. Granted, would probably did their homework about her core world "debut" at the Last Call, setting it ablaze. She wondered again how many of the other off-key little incidents over the past two years would surface or be discovered. Outside of a couple exiles and possibly one or two trumped up charges from mishaps that weren't truly her fault, all of the bounties paid, and a few bits of restitution for property damage were worked off too.


Emerald's reaction to "Beryl" had her almost spitting her drink out, her elbow coming up swiftly to keep from spraying her hosts, her eyes flickering between Sapphire and Emerald. Sapphire's reaction had her coughing, her face turning red, forcing B45-50 to give her a pat on the back until her airways cleared up. Ammi felt some disappointment that "Kyber" didn't work, but understood entirely, giving a half-smile and a nod. Inspiration stuck a moment later.


She and the droids reviewed the contract one last time. Ammi put her name to it, sealing the deal: Ammi "Amethyst" Wolfstar. Purple wasn't quite her color like green and blue were, but it worked well enough for her. The droids signed on as well as legal "dependents" of Ammi's. Technically, they belonged to Ammi's adoptive parents, but that was a formality that hadn't been observed in years and Ammi always assumed "ownership" when that was asked, but how could one truly own friends?


She handed the signed contract back, a shiver running through her. Her hands reached out and found 4L-T0 and B45-50's hands with hers, clutching tightly as an outlet for her excitement. It was done. She was sealed to the Gems and they'd give her the opportunity to play her music across the galaxy. It took a lot of luck, guts, and the talent and practice to perform and coordinate their songs on short notice, but they'd done it. She just hoped whoever they had to manager her was someone she could work with, but she trusted them on the business side of things.


Her face lit up in a mix of smiles and solemnity as she reflected on how she got here. When she ran off two years ago, taking the ship and the droids, she made a promise to herself she would make her own way, foregoing other benefits like escorts, credits, and more that could have been hers for the asking or even taking first. She cheated a bit in reaching out for the sponsors for that Corellia charity show, but that was for a good cause. She felt a small stab of fear, wondering if any of the people she encountered here on out would learn about her adopted family's identity. Besides fear that it would taint her success with her family's long shadow, it could attract the worst kind of attention too.


At least with her birth parents, there was no way a smuggler and an Imperial could have nearly as much baggage with their legacy. Maybe she could find out more about them on Nar Shaddaa? Maybe.


Ammi gave the Gems a smile, uncapping her emotional reserves. "To healthy profits and beautiful music," she said grandly, raising her glass and draining it, knowing which of the two she valued more. She finished her drink, eyes flickering to the side as a shadow passed by her, belonging to a tall and very familiar person.


No! Way!


B45-50 had to fight down the impulse to reach over and give Ammi's jaw a gentle push to raise it again. Ammi was speechless as Sapphire introduced her to the actor. She rose up and smiled, practically gushing as she spoke. "By the Force! Chris! I love your work." She gave the Gems a smile, knees bending in something resembling a curtsy, then let Chris lead her away, turning into a regular chatter box, applying as much charm as she could muster to the actor, wrapping one arm around his. The droids gave the Gems a more formal bow, then trailed after Ammi and the actor, not wanting to interfere, but keeping an eye on her all the same.

Forgiveness is a rebirth of hope and a reconstruction of dreams. Once forgiving begins, dreams can be rebuilt. When forgiving is complete, meaning has been extracted from the worst of experiences.

- Beverly Flanigan.

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Emerald smirked as the girl’s sycophantic chatter overflowed and filled the air between them, even as she walked away in the company of the famous actor. There was something about their “Amethyst”, as she must now be called, that gave her pause; some electric magnetism that would surely win her favor wherever the hyperlanes took her. It was sheer luck that they were able to hook claws into her first. They would be her vehicle to fortune, and she would be their prodigy.


With a sidelong glance at Sapphire, she took the moment to revel in their accomplishments. They had gone from a disparate band of out-of-work mercenaries to the Pirate Queens of Nar Shaddaa, and that was just the beginning. But she refused to get comfortable. Big fish who sat on top of small ponds only grew complacent and overestimated their abilities. Emerald herself had scraped her way out of the underbelly of Hapes’ political rejects, barely escaping with her life, to build all that she had on her own. No, they would keep fighting, keep growing, keep expanding.


Suddenly, even her favorite gown did not seem so suitable for the moment. Throwing her drink back, she glanced at the other two. Tarvil and their stage manager would take care of shutting down the party. “Let’s get out of here,” she said with an uncomfortable twist of her shoulders. A line of spurned admirers had collected outside the ring of couches waiting to be acknowledged by the Gems, withheld by one of Tarv’s bouncers, but Emerald had lost all interest in toying with them. “I want to hit the sparring arena in the morning.”

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Emerald’s sudden antsyness brought the evening to an end. It was just as well, Sapphire thought as they slid gracefully into their speeder and headed home. It had been a good party, but she was tired, and there was much to do. They had a band manager to hire, a garage boss to utterly ruin, and she still needed to check out that comlink.


She glanced at the vehicle’s chronometer as they pulled up to their apartment. 0330 local time. She rolled her shoulders tiredly. “I’m gonna get some sleep,” she told the other two as they headed inside. “Let’s talk in the morning, okay?”


Once in her bedroom, she stripped out of the dress she was wearing and headed right to bed.




The next morning found Sapphire sitting next to a half-drunk pot of caf. She yawned, then shook herself as Emerald emerged and plopped down next to her. “Here,” she said, pushing a clean mug towards her fellow pirate.


Emerald said nothing, opting to wait until her cup was nearly empty before even acknowledging the presence of her compatriot. When she finally did, it appeared as though it was with utmost effort, squinting her big green eyes in the effort to block out the ambient light filtering through the windows. “I think I drank too much last night. Never doing THAT again.”


Sapphire couldn’t help a chuckle. “You always say that.” And it was true, too. But learning from one’s mistakes was so overrated--except when it came to earning credits.


The two pirates were quiet for the next 45 minutes, drinking caf and trying to recover as the sun slowly rose on the Vertical City. Finally, Sapphire sighed. “Well, we’ve got a lot to do today. Where do you want to start?”


Emerald jerked her head in the direction of the bedrooms. “I’ll send Ruby in to check on Tarvil and oversee the transition of assets once she wakes up. Later today I’ll see about getting Miss Amethyst a manager that we can actually trust. What else did you have on the docket?”


The red-head nodded. “Two things--I’ve got to pick up the Glory today. Jalos has already slimed it enough.” She looked Emerald in the eye. “I’m done with him, Em. I mean it. I wanna cut him out of everything. Get his men to work directly for me. We’ve got power now, and I’m planning to use it.”


“Up to you,” the blonde shrugged. “We have garages upon garages now, just pull the rug out from under him and absorb his assets. Done.” Squinting sideways and eyeing Sapphire suspiciously, she continued, “What was the other thing?”


“Last night one of the serving droids got hacked.” She pulled out her comlink. “He came up to me, bumped me, fingered my comlink, then walked off. I didn’t feel like dealing with it at the time, but I assume whoever hacked the droid was trying to get our attention.” The comlink was blinking, the green light indicating that there was a message stored on the device. “I believe they left us a message. Care to hear what they had to say?”


She connected the comlink to her datapad and set it on the table so that the message would show on the screen.


I understand Nar Shaddaa is under new management. May I be among the first to extend my hand in congratulations at liberating the planet from the oversized gangster fleshbags, I assume it was no easy feat for someone of your outfit. But...you are still a small fish in a large ocean. If you wish to grow instead of being eaten by a larger fish, perhaps you would care to listen to my proposal. I see a brighter, even more profitable future for the Blood Gems. Do you? If you wish to discuss these possibilities, please come to the following address within twenty four hours of the time stamp on the read receipt. Only bring those who are capable of making decisions for your group as a whole.




Emerald let out a low whistle. “Shassa,” the Mistryl curse slipped from her lips. “Well, if anything, I’d go meet the schutta just to find out how he hacked into our stuff. What do you think? Some kind of trap by the Hutt families?”


Sapphire pursed her lips. “It probably is a trap of some sort. The encryption is excellent, though.” She wrinkled her brow. “Off the top of my head, I’d have to say it looks like someone hacked the entire comm network; otherwise, he’d have had a hell of a time hacking my personal comlink. An average hacker could do it with enough time and resources, but the timing indicated in the message seems to indicate he did it fairly quickly. As far as I know, there isn’t a hacker of that caliber on the moon--besides me, of course.” Her professional side was intrigued, although she was wary. There were very few parties in operation around the galaxy that would be able to find and hire a hacker like that.


She rose and crossed the room to her computer. “I’ll start running a program to see if we can trace the source of the message.” She plugged the comlink into a data terminal.


“Well, I’m intrigued,” came Emerald’s voice as she downed the rest of her caf and stood. “It doesn’t sound like a typical ambush to me, and if Ruby doesn’t come along, she can always monitor us from here. I’m game if you are.”


Following Sapphire’s footsteps across the room, Emerald laid a hand on the back of the red-head’s chair and leaned down to see what would come of her search.


A few minutes later, the program had sorted through all the possible variations. Sapphire had limited the search to this side of the Smuggler’s Moon, and had it start from the area where the attached address was located. With those variables taken care of, the program was quick to offer a solution. “Hmm,” she mused, “looks like it originated from a public holonet connection over in the Jahrea’s Watch neighborhood. Probably means our friend is staying in a hotel or hostel of some sort. Which means he’s not a local. There were a lot of new faces in that neighborhood last night; they’re having that festival that they always have this time of year. He did a good job hiding himself. But it does point to the fact that he’s probably still on-world.” She skimmed down. “The address itself is a real place. Just an abandoned warehouse.”


“Sounds spooky,” Emerald said, straightening. “Dare we call?”


There was a glint in Sapphire’s eye as she nodded. “Let’s go see what he wants.”


By the time they had awakened Ruby and informed her as to the developments, shoving a cup of caf into her hand so that she could at least understand her role in the play at hand, the sun had risen fully. It seemed strange to pursue such a meeting in the daylight hours, but then, the smog over Nar Shaddaa meant that daylight was never really light.


Clad in their combat gear, armed to the teeth, Emerald and Sapphire departed the Gems’ apartment for the address in the comm.


When they arrived, Sapphire could immediately see that she had been correct. The building was an old warehouse or hangar of sorts, abandoned, its doors hanging from the hinges, its sides covered in rust and old flyers. Emerald’s hand rested none too subtly on the butt of her blaster as they walked toward the door, pausing to let their eyes adjust to the lighting change as the interior was utterly dark.


“You called?” Emerald yelled into the darkness.


Blood Gem Pirate

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A BB model astromech droid trundled out from an alcove, its rolling jarred, clearly being unwillingly manipulated by a third party. It came to a stop about 30 feet from the Gems, lighting up its holoprojector. The image that came into perspective was that of a humanoid figure comprised entirely of flowing red charactered coding, how Kain usually chose to portray himself to organics who couldn't fathom his actual nature. His voice hissed out from the speakers of the astromech, slightly distorted from the low quality.


"I'm...pleased you accepted my invitation. I was hoping this would be a suitable neutral ground to meet and discuss my proposal, and was worried you might mistake my intentions. You may call me Kain, you are Sapphire and Emerald of the Blood Gem pirates. Now, to business. Those I represent have a vested interest in securing free reign to operate on this planet, to set up illicit networks and gain a large amount of credits in the process. Casinos, money laundering, scams, drug and arms and slave trafficking, and a network of hackers designed to digitally pilfer from banks across the galaxy. You will, of course, be privvy to a cut. I am prepared to offer ten percent. However, the other side of what I am offering will, perhaps, intrigue you more."


The hologram shifted, displaying many different images, videos, maps, and layouts, all showing displays of the Sith, troop maneuvers, many edited to include Nar Shaddaa as under Sith protection as a sort of mild propaganda.


"You see...I represent Sith interests. And right now they need a war machine...and that requires credits. What we can offer in return, instead of credits, is a cut of that war machine. Obedient Force trained slave acolytes."


The hologram shifted, showing a procedure to implant a small explosive at the base of a humanoid's neck. The trigger device to which was held by the slavemaster and tied to not only the slavemaster's vitals, but imbued with a charged midichlorian slurry and was in a way Force sensitive. If any matching slave device sensors pick up an active signature from their host that is manipulating the Force in the immediate trigger's area it would cause a detonation of the slave's device. The design was tweaked so as not to trigger outside of those parameters, for instance if another Force user tried to trigger it knowingly or unknowingly, it wouldn't recognize as a valid Force signature, and nothing would happen. Long story short, it ensured loyalty from Force trained slaves.




Again the hologram swirled and now showed several concept prototype weapons, many of Kain's own design, videos of tests, and pictures of troops deployed with the weapons.


"And, lastly, warships. For every four capital ships the Sith construct, they will offer the fifth to you, crewed and ready for space travel. Imagine what the Gems could accomplish with an Interdictor cruiser, or perhaps even a full Star Destroyer. Or both."


Old propaganda footage rolled depicting the Imperial fleet, showing maneuvers and victories. The capabilities of such ships would be readily known to the pirates, so Kain didn't dwell much on selling this point.


"One thing I was also told to offer is a reassurance that, despite status as allies, the Sith as a whole will not retaliate if you attack our ships or holdings, only the attacked will defend themselves...if they can. The Dark Lord has even instructed me to convey his sentiments that if you were to do so, you would only be doing him a favor and it will not be considered an act of war. Of course, harassing enemies of the Sith would be appreciated more, but respect must be paid to the tendency and nature of Pirates towards freedom and doing whatever they please, whenever they please."


The hologram fizzled back to Kain's avatar.


"I understand this is a lot to process. If you do not wish to agree to the terms I have laid out, you may take this droid and, when you are ready, insert any data chip with your reply. I will be able to read the contents. To ensure it does not try to escape, a restraining bolt and applicator tool along with a corresponding droid controller are sitting on a shelf to your left, on the wall."


And now...he waited.


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Use all your well-learned politics, or I'll lay your soul to waste.



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Pulling herself from bed in, Ammi rubbed the sleep from her eyes, her hands around her parent's pendant, which she wore to bed. She woke up in the familiar settings of her room on the ship. What a night. What an incredible, wonderful night. Even so, she slept terribly.


Dreams still pulled at her, the same one she had while heading to crash the Gems' party. She felt nauseous, the smell of burning flesh assailing her senses, the same broken images from before.


"I am their little ... " she watched as ..... eyes opened wide... all the hatred... she felt.... released it... screams echoed through the building, and she ignored them... for what seemed like hours.... she looked at.... charred remains...


Shaken, she tried to bury that. It felt so vivid. What happened? Was it how she'd been injured as a child? Or something else entirely? She felt the pendant resting against her nightshirt, clinging to her. Despite that, when she touched the silvery metal with her hands it felt cold. Very cold.


Not wanting to think of that, she stood up and started her morning routine. Exercise was the first order. She needed to be fit and knew her dancing still needed work. She punched into the ship's computer in a small studio area and human wire-frame holograms appeared, directing her movements, other sensors ready to correct her if she fell off course. She was vaguely aware the routine borrowed heavily from Ataru, the lightsaber Form IV. Still by no means a capable combatant, the acrobatics and graceful maneuvers it allowed helped her both on stage and kept her limber.


Breakfast of instant noodles. She felt some comfort knowing she could afford real food soon. She enjoyed cooking and being the only one on the ship who actually ate, knew if she wanted something that the same old, same old, she had to get creative. A moment to unwind, and let the food digest, checking in on 4L-T0 and B45-50 as they powered up, resting after last night. She showered and got dressed, then it was time for business.


They'd been able to retain recordings of their performance last night and Ammi, Amethyst. as she had to think of herself now, wanted to take the time to review it and see what worked and what didn't. She reflected on the past night and how it went after departing from her new employers. She drifted around, hanging on Chris' arm. To her delight he was a perfect gentleman with her, showing her around and making introductions before taking off with some other friends and leaving her to her own devices. Only a very small part of her was disappointed he was such a gentleman. Ah well. She made a point to pass the Zabrak guard again on the way out, thanking him mightily for earlier and surprising him with a hug. She truly hoped he didn't get in trouble for last night. She also found out a lot more about her hosts, slipping around to various conversations, playing a bit of a empty-headed approach to pump the guests for information, encouraging them to say more than they probably should have. She learned enough about the Gems to satisfy her from piecing together the conversations.


So I signed on with the Pirate Queens of Nar Shaddaa, the Blood Gems, who drove out the local Hutt crimelord in charge off this place. That's actually kinda great!


Ammi, whose last experience with a Hutt crimeboss didn't end well, whole heartedly approved and wished them well, her own self-interest aside. She was also aware too on the thin ice on which she skated, a reminder that her new benefactors were not to be crossed.


Two hours of practice later, they called it a break. 4L-T0 went back to his guitars, though found himself focusing more on the drums. B45-50 alternated between the piano and guitar as well. Ammi kept at the guitar, trying different models, working on incorporating new dancing moves in as she played.


After all was said and done, it was time for lunch. Ammi threw caution to the winds, deciding two things.


"First, I'm getting a real meal. I don't think we've had one since that Twi'lek restaurant on Coruscant," she decided. "Second," she hesitated, her eyes closing. "We have some downtime. We'll keep our lines of communication open in case we're needed. I think though..." she murmured, her voice hesitant. "I know what was said about Nar Shaddaa being a place people went to in order to disappear. If my mother was truly a smuggler, she may have made a stop or two here. I want to ask around about any smugglers called the Wolfstars and see if maybe, just maybe I can find out more about them." With her eyes closed, she missed the concerned looks that passed between 4L-T0 and B45-50.


For once, they didn't pack up their instruments with them as they wandered, deciding their usual street corner shtick wouldn't go over well with their new bosses, at least not right away, heading into Nar Shaddaa's seedy underbelly.

Forgiveness is a rebirth of hope and a reconstruction of dreams. Once forgiving begins, dreams can be rebuilt. When forgiving is complete, meaning has been extracted from the worst of experiences.

- Beverly Flanigan.

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As the astromech rolled out, Sapphire wrinkled her nose in disgust. It was just bad manners not to come yourself. She understood the desire to remain anonymous, but that was just being rude. This man--Kain--started speaking, putting forth a clearly carefully-considered offer. There was a lot included within it. But as soon as he stated that he represented the Sith, Sapphire’s curiosity soured. She wanted nothing to do with the Sith. Last time Emerald had talked them into trying to cut a deal with them, things had gone south fast and had ended with Ruby trapped in the ductwork of a Star Destroyer while Sapphire evaded fire in her ship and Emerald was interrogated by a Sith Master.


Besides that, she just hated Force users in general. It was born out of a sense of injustice. Why were some people born with access to this mysterious energy field and immediately granted prestige, power, and wealth without even working for it? It was completely unfair to the rest of the population. Jedi were high and mighty about their power, which Sapphire loathed, and Sith were unpredictable and untrustworthy. She minded them less--after all, if she had power, she’d be using it to get what she wanted to, and she understood that that was the main difference between the Sith and the Jedi. But something about that power seemed like it tended to drive them towards madness.


If she was being honest with herself, she was intimidated by them. But Sapphire made it a habit of not being honest with herself.


She turned her focus back to the presentation. “Imagine what the Gems could accomplish with an Interdictor cruiser, or perhaps even a full Star Destroyer. Or both."


Uh oh, Sapphire thought. She knew right away what Emerald would be thinking. The other woman would be practically drooling over that last bit.


The droid finished transmitting and the hologram of Kain disappeared. Wordlessly, Sapphire crossed the room and picked up the restraining bolt and droid caller. After fitting it to the astromech in a shower of sparks, she pocketed the caller and finally turned to Emerald. “Let’s go to Fizzy’s,” she suggested. They had a lot to talk about.


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A literal hole-in-the-wall, Fizzy’s was a tavern tucked away into one of the moon’s skyscrapers that had endured most of its south-facing edifice on the twenty-third floor being obliterated. The story had something to do with an erratically driven speeder, the Rando Mando escort service, and a drunken Weequay; Emerald couldn’t quite remember the details. Even after the incident, the building was still structurally sound, so the restaurateur simply kept coming back to work as though nothing had happened, though he did not have the credits to repair the building. A forcefield stood as the placeholder, leaving sharp durasteel fragments and jutting steel cables to frame the erstwhile window. The dining room boasted an incredible view as a result, looking down on the beating heart of Nar Shaddaa’s underbelly, the Pazaak District.

“He offered us an interdictor, Sapphire. We can’t pass that up,” Emerald was saying over the top of a greasy bantha burger, her eyes sparkling like a child on Life Day. “Imagine how far our reach would extend if we had an interdictor. We won’t get in their way, they won’t get in ours. Besides, if the Hutt families ever figure out the scam we pulled on Dorjoola to steal his toys, they’ll be after us. And if those fancy new Imperials ever get high and mighty about other forms of crime beyond just chasing Black Sun, we might find them on our doorstep too, one of these days.”


Wiping her fingers on her napkin, she continued. “Look, I know you’re still mad at me over that fierfek on the damn casino liner, and I don’t blame you. But I think ignoring this would be a waste of a huge opportunity.”

“But Sith, Em. Kriffing Sith.” Sapphire crossed her arms. “Every time they’re involved, things go right to Byss. Everyone here knows that,” she said, uncrossing her arms long enough to gesture in the general direction of the other denizens of the restaurant. “We have a good thing going now. Give it a year--frack, give it 6 months--and we’ll have the credits and resources to buy our own interdictor. It sounds like they’re gearing up for a war, and wars are always good for people in our line of work.”

Emerald slouched off to one side, shooting a no-nonsense look at her friend, one eyebrow raised as though measuring the silence. “Who do you trust, Sapph? Do you trust those slimy slugs in Dorjoola’s gang? Tarvil’s the pick of the litter, and I don’t even trust him. Imagine it: an entire cadre of loyal agents at our disposal. If they step a toe out of line, we blow them from here to Trip Zero. No one has ever been able to keep a tight rein on the Smuggler’s Moon, and I don’t imagine for a minute that there won’t be attempts to take us out from within.”


The red-head sighed. “No, of course I don’t trust them. You know I don’t trust anyone except you and Ruby. But could we even really trust a bunch of agents that the Sith gave us? What assurance would we have besides the Sith’s word that they’re not ultimately loyal to them? That they wouldn’t turn on us at the moment one Sith got the idea in his head that he didn’t like us? Or even if they didn’t betray us, it’s like inviting a bunch of spies into our midst. And just because we’d be allies with the Sith now, doesn’t mean a thing for the future.”

“We’d have a trigger, connected to their brainstems. I’m sure if you were worried about it, you could reverse-engineer whatever they’ve done,” she pointed out. “Besides, to be a better hacker than you, they’d have to have, oh, I don’t know, the most sophisticated AI the galaxy’s ever seen. If it makes you so nervous, though, why don’t we demand a meeting in person with this Kain?”

“I just don’t want the same thing to happen to us as we just pulled with Ammi. I don’t want us to be so blown away by the perks that we lose what we have.” There was a pause as Sapphire hesitated. “I guess they’re going to do it anyway, aren’t they,” she sighed. “I suppose we either work with them, or they cut us out of the deal completely. I really don’t like it, though, Em. I just have a bad feeling about this. But in a way I guess our hands are tied.” She drained her iced tea. “Emperor’s black bones, why does the Force have to be so kriffing intimidating?” she growled under her breath.

“If I didn’t know you better, I’d think you were running scared,” the blonde taunted mercilessly.

“Psh,” Sapphire scoffed. But her eyes hinted that Emerald had actually hit close to the mark.


The other pirate’s eyes hardened, however, and there was a glint of something solid that the conversation had drawn out. “Look, the way I see it, we can either reap the benefits of this arrangement and earn some friends in high places, or we can stay out of their way until they decide that Nar Shaddaa is something they want. The fact that they’re seeking us out already tells me that’s going to be sooner rather than later.”


Sapphire rubbed her hand on her face. “I hate it when you’re right. I just hope I don’t end up saying I told you so. Well, if we’re going to sign away our autonomy, we’d better do it and not keep our new overlords waiting.” She glanced at the holographic menu display that floated at the edge of the table, which showed a rotating view of a chocolate-and-ice-cream monstrosity. “But maybe after dessert.”



A datacard inserted into the reader on the obsidian-colored astromech droid, designation BB-666, transmitted the following message:


Sentient Kain, the Blood Gem Pirates are intrigued by your offer. However, being ourselves dishonest by nature, we generally expect others to be just as dishonest as we. Having no inherent reason to trust the Sith (and indeed in many ways the opposite); we request a personal meeting with you or a similarly qualified envoy from this Dark Lord to ensure the validity of such an agreement.

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