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Sovereign Knights

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  1. The Slaver’s Trial “Ensign Kalri, such a defense will not do.” The Judge addressed the slaver by his native militia rank. It was likely the only favour the Imperial War Crimes Commission Court would do the native Umbaran. Their case was an open and shut one. Caught red handed by agents of the Imperial Government, testimonies by enslaved individuals, all of which was being played for the galaxy to see on the free access Imperial Holonet channel. Never before had such a show trial been as righteous as this one. Testimonies had been tear filled, tales of beatings, deprivation, rape, and mind control. All in the open, for all to see. Commentators railed against the Umbaran self defense forces, rallies were held in front of embassies, and the galaxy as a whole stirred their anger at such a horrifying display by a ‘free government.’ Letters and messages poured in from all sectors of the galaxy to the Imperial Throne, calling for the end of the free government of Umbara. The arrest of the governing council and a dissolution of their military. Such crimes, aided and abetted and instigated by the Umbaran government. Would not long stand, and the presiding judge of the commission now took the moment of sentencing to declare before a trillion watching eyes the morality of the new galactic government. “You cannot stand before this commission and claim that you were ordered to do this, that you were scared of retribution or reassignment. Your actions are in your own keeping. You chose to take advantage of those you have enslaved, and you chose to take the actions detailed by the long list of charges laid before you. Your defense does not suffice.” He pounded his fist onto the lectern. “Your sentence is the same that you laid so easily on those sentients under your care. Death.” And all that watched the viewing screens across the galaxy knew that the sentence was also laid upon the feet of collaborationist and slaving governments across the galaxy. Justice would bring them to heel.
  2. The now solitary black painted star destroyer seemed to waver for a moment against the background of the burning planet. Its edges becoming hazy for a split second before the multi kilometer starship came apart at its seams. Deep within the vessel the antimatter core erupted with the strength and gravity of a small star. There was a flash of bright white light, then the pride of the Alliance fleet crumpled against the gravity of the released antimatter. While such a gravitational anomaly such as the one within the grand Star Destroyer could only be measured in milliseconds before they disappeared, the effect was magnificent. The exploding starship seemed to shrink into itself, pulling durasteel and human form alike into the depths of a dark void, before the internal supply of the ship’s hyperdrive was used up. Leaving nothing at all where the old Misericordia had been except exceptionally radioactive space dust.
  3. In the Tattooine garrison, the base gains a floor and the engineers gain a bonus.
  4. "We need more Hell Hounds." The officer gravs the Stormtroopers bag and hands him a canteen fileld with water and a scout trooper pistol. "Go out into the Dune Seas and survive. We will com you when to come in. Now get out of here." ooc:Posyt having difficulties in the desert for 6 days real time. That means at least six posts. The Hell Hounds are the most Elite troopers I have, thats why it takes longer to train. On the 7th day, I will post coming you to come back to the garriosn. Good luck.
  5. No Imperial should feel doubt in the Empires abilities. And allwho doare usually taken care of with a quick and painless death. But Drake held some value to the Empire, he was a quick learn and good pilot. He also gave moral to the other troops. He was an asset to the Empire. "Perk up soldier. The Emperor needs aword with you. Follow me." The stromtrooper marches off hoping that Drake followed him. Meanwhile the last of the Generlas had waited for the others to leave before speaking to the Emperor in private. He had a gift for the Emperor that no Emperor before Palpatine had recieved. "Sir, this is a vibroraier we found on Byss. It belonged to the first Emperor of the Empire, Emperor Palpatine. He constructed it himself from materials found on Artus. We believe it is also imbued with the Force, but we need one who is skilled with that energy to secure our beliefs. I give this to you in honor of your rising from a lowly Stormtrooper, to the head of the Empire. Inscribed on the sheath are written in the ancient Sith language. It says: Under the might of the Emperor, all shall fall." "Excellent craftmanship. I thank you. Now go begin work on the two Imperial IIs. And trust me, this gift will not go unnoticed." The Emperor sheaths the rapier and attaches it to his belt. He felt conficence radiating off the weapon and he knew, it was truly a weapon worthy of the Emperor.[/i]
  6. A shuttle land on Trulalis and cargo begins to be unloaded. But when technicians try to grabd a large box marked Emperor, 7 Stormtroopers knock him away and grab it themselves. They were the Hell Hounds. The most elite Division of Stormtroopers the Empire had. They had been trained by Evan Kerry himself, and were his unit. They march into the Imperial palace and towards Kerrys room. they enter and leave the box along with a datapad for the Emperor to read when he had time.
  7. The Rebellion now had a presence 6x that of the Imperials. The only troopers left on Artus were 6 squads of Stormtroopers and 2 Venom Troopers. The two Venom troopers had set up explosives near the weakest section of the tuneel. Anyone tried to get in and 5 claymore mines would explode in their face. After that 6 squads worth of blaster fire would meet the incoming forces. Thw two Venoms now had the task of sniping off any stray troopers. The Venoms had constructed a series of pop hatches where they could easily pick off troopers. They had set up E-Webs and light repeating cannons at these stations. "We have a squad coming toward us." "We have to play this one sneaky. Open from hatch 4, fire 2 shots, drop back down, head to hatch 2. fire 3 shots, drop down and head to hatc6, stay there and fire the E-web into the middle of the squad. I am heading to hatch 1 for the E-Web as well. Be ready, when I open fire, open fore with the cannon." Venom 1 had never been in this kind of situation. He had always been the offensive attacker, defense was a whole new ball game to him. but he would do what he was told. He knew their survival counted on him. but he also knew the whole Rebellion fleet was above the planet. They could not hold out against that kind of fire power. He finds his station at hatch 4, and awaits. Once the firing started, his training would take over and he would do fine. Speaking of firing. He lifts his hatchg upon the first fire of his partners E-web and fires two shots of his light cannon. He also throws a grenade into the middle,. Two troopers down, and one lost a leg.He drops back down after closing the hatch. His training had taken over, his job was to kill in a tactial efficeiency. He heads into hatch 2 and pops it open. A bolt lances next to him but his instincts cause him to fire 3 shots into the squad, taking out 3 troopers. As he starts to drop back down, a bolt catches him in his chest. His life seemed to drain away from him, he had forgotten about the energy shield built into the armor. It had saved his life for the first time this day. The trooper rights himself and he heads to hatch 6. This was the seconed hyatch with an E-Web, it gave a good range away from the main entrance, while keeping it within lethal distance of the weapon. He opened fire with the laser cannon, pinning the squad between Venon 1 and 2. Within minutes the sqaud was dead. Both Venoms dropped into the tunnels again locking their hatches closed. They conjugate in a central area and await the next attack.
  8. The deserts of Tattooine were treacherous. Not many can survive the wasteland and return home unscarred. But the 7 Hell Hounds managed to do, twice. But only 5 hunters could say they have done it. And they had more weapons and provisions. Each of the hunters had brought back multiple eggs and handed them over to the Commander of the Base. Most of them would hopefully hatch, but some would not becuase of the conditions. "Good good. Send five to the home base and keep the rest here for breeding pruposes." The 7 Hell Hounds board a Shuttle with the eggs and take off.
  9. Imperial R & D is one the leading developers of technology in the Empire. they were the ones to develop the Death Star, Galaxy Guyn, and other super weapons, as well as the TIE Interceptor and Defender. These scientists also created the Dark Trooper armor and Venom Trooper armor. They were the brightest minds in the Empire. Now they had been commisioned and split into two teams. Star R & D Their job is create new large scale weapons and ships used in space and air combat. They were to develop new weapon emplacements for the Imperial Star Destroyers, new starfighter designs, new starfighter weapons, and perhaps even new capital cruisers. But thid was very unlikely. Soldier R & D Their job is create new armor for the soldiers on the ground. Even potentially create new breeds of soldiers. They have begun gene splicing and the creation of new weapons. These scientists had begun their jobs and would always do their jobs right. They had created two seperate buildings so they could do their jobs undisturbed. The head of Star R & D strided through the building chdcking on all progress. He heads to Alpha team. They had been comissioned to build a new starfighter to take on the Rebellions X-Wing. "Report on Project Scorpion." "The chasis of of the ship was designed in the shape of a scorpion. We built in manuevering thrusters where the legs of a scorpio nwould be at. The military grade laser cannon built into the tail can be aimed forward above and below. It can also be straighted to be fired backward. In the front, four weapons are clustered together on each pincer, one ion cannon in each cluster with three laser cannons. A single launcher has been built into the back of the Scoprion and can fire either Concussions Missiles or Proton Torpedoes. We still have not found a way to incorporate a good engine into the fighter, but within the week we will have found a way." "Now that you have said it, it better be true. And by the end of the week, I want a working prototype done." "Yes sir." The engineer knew if the protype was not successful or the engine proble, fixed, the Corellian Sand Panthers that theCommander kept would not be hungry. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the adjacent building, the scientists of soldier R & D had begun working on their latest projects. Team Alpha had been commissioned to create a new breed of soldier that could compete with the Mandalorians of old in hand to hand combat. The Commander of the facility walked toward the team and stoof before the team leader. "Report on Project Mandalore." The engineer in charge stands before the Commander and begins giving his report. "The project is moving along slowly. Most of the subjects die soon after they injection of the new genes. But those who have survived, either go mad from the pain, or change too much into the animal we have combined with them. But we are successfully injecting the genes into them. We have three subjects who we have just injected with Mandalore Syrum. Subject 1 has gotten the agility of the Sand Panthers you keep but his legs have formed into the same thing, thus rendering his abilities in battle useless. Subject 2 was injected with the genes of the Doashim. Like before there were some positives. His hands became the claws of the creatures and his skin became armored carapace. But the joints that allow the Doashim to move, did not form. The subject could not move, making the subject go insane. Subject 3 was a specimen for the Shadow Trooper Project to go along with the new armor Beta Team is designing. The subject recieved the ability of the vornsker to hunt by the Force. But it came at a terrible price. He began sensing everyone all at once. He could feel everyone who had midichlorians. He went insane. Now he is screaming at everyone to stay away. He would never survive on the battlefield." "All right. Let me know if you make any advances." "Yes sir." The Commander of the the facility smiles and strides away from the lab. He knew his scientsists would not disappoint him. Besides, if they did, his Corellian Sand Panther, a present from the Emperor himself, would have a good meal. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile outside the R & D facilities, armored soldiers could be seen for miles training for combat. The elite groups stayed away from the rest of the stormtroopers. If they interacted with the regulars, the training they received would eventually wear off. Except the Venom Troopers. They required the use of regulars in their training. But the regulars never stand a chance. They are always beaten in the training, and if they would ever have the chance to win, the Venom Troopers would become obsolete. They would fade away into a useless unit. They would be dropped into a large building filled with Stormtroopers. Their mission was to get out of the building with a package somewhere in the building. And usually a time limit is given. The Dark Troopers were given the task of making it through the rough mountain terrain and stunning any regulars they come across. They are also given a time limit. The Shadow Troopers are dropped into a building containing dozens of men highly trained in the use of the bladed weapons. They must go through the building and knock out all the men in the building. They must bring five of the men they knock out with them. The regulars are trained in many uses. Compuers, bladed weapons, marksmanship, capture, torture, and many other things. They go through harder training than they have ever been through before. The old ways are out. The time has come for the dawn of a new Empire. The stormtroopers would be stronger, the starships better, and the strategy sounder. The Empire would rise again.
  10. A few days later 7 Stormtroopers return fro mtheir test. They had succeeded in surviving the days in the desert and would soon be members of the Hell Hounds. They were equipped with the latest technology the Empire had and were told to report to the the commanding officer. Several of the soldiers told of their findings. "Really. Send out hunters and bring back their eggs. I want some of these creatures for myself." 25 hunters head out into the desert with the 7 Hell Hounds leading them. They were searching for a grand prize. One worth more than money.
  11. The last two ships of the Imperal Fleet watch as the flagship of the Empire explodes along with all her crew, including Evan Kerry. The newl;y made Emperor of the Empire dies just as his reign begins. But he would be back. He wold try and salvage what remains of the Empire. The stormtroopers down on the planet all escape into underground tunnels and then detonate the entrances, fortifying themselves inside. They would eventually dye of lack of oxygen. the two remaining Imperial ships try to run from the Rebellion. they manage to escape into hyperspace to fight another day.
  12. OOC: Imperial Palace Thread, 3-4 months ago with the Capt. Phillep alias. IC: "Good... Now, follow please..." The Soldiers surrounded Hamis and Puffi Maa and escorted them towards a brig. The droid and the owner were separated, an ion grid about the droid and a force-field around Hamis. Meanwhile, droids and Troopers began to scour the vessel and a Comm was sent towards the Fleet, alerting the Admiral to attention.
  13. As the Technician dug the needle and drew blood from Hamis and began inspecting it, his counterpart began scanning the Authorization. "Excuse me, sir, but you do not have the neccessary clearance. There is no official documentation saying you filed this request at the Imperial Office for Labor and Consumer Affairs. Surely, you have more up to date paperwork or you must leave." It was then that the computer began to mutter a silent alert to the Technician's eyes as he sat behind the desk. Then in an inaudible whisper, except to the other man processing Feltyr's request, "Sir, he's got nanites." The Imperial Clerk turned with a horrified expression and boots began to clamber forwards, E-11 Rifles drawn. "Due to the breach in security, your ship is to be impounded and your data files scanned. We have reason to believe you've been in contact with Rebels, Mr. Hamis." As the soldiers surrounded the Hunter, weapons charged and ready to fire, more boots came upon the ramp to his ship and astromech droids jacked into his Data Systems...
  14. "Captain Feltyr, come here." The Technician motioned for a machine and extended his hand to greet the Bounty Hunter/Prospective Buyer. "Please extend your hand and prepare for bioscan, present Imperial Cargo Request and Authorization."
  15. After days of work, the Imperial garrison is finally complete. $ twin turrets stand in each corner of the facility while smaller singles line the edges. 12 Defenders speed out and begin flying formations around the base. 3 Recon squadrons speed out on military speeders to gather intel surrounding their location. 4 Squads of Hell Hound recruits head out into the deser with a canteen of water and a small sonic pistol. They must stay in the desert with merely these items for twelve days. Only after these twelve days do they move into the hard stuff.
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