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Everything posted by BLCKCLONE

  1. The cause is because we are being attacked... What do you propose? Running again like the jedi are doing more and more? You all sicken me with your talks of revenge, you have this twisted and I believe the Darkside does this to you. We are about to be attacked and you sit here and moan that we are not acting like Jedi? What would the Jedi do if they were attacked? That is what the meaning of this all is, we must be organized to defened ourselves.... If you think helping the innocent doesn't take organization then you are lost to the galaxy...
  2. BC senses danger in the distance. What is going on over there? His saber ignites as he front flips towards the distrubance.
  3. Darla ease yourself... Why do you all seem to think this is revenge? We are going to eb attacked we are not attacking. I never knew the jedi to become, so ignorant... Darla you are free to go if you wish, but do not show yourself to me again... Leaving your brothers and sisters in their time of defensive need is treasonous to me... BC puts his palm out and opens his hand... He then looks away from Darla. Anyone who does this is shameful, we are not getting revenge we are taking defense. Did the Jedi who attacked Naboo to save Obi-wan and Anakin have ideas like this? I think not... All who are not taking part leave now and DO NOT RETURN...
  4. BC looks with puzzlement at Keerow. Have you not been here? We are going to be attacked... The enemy has given us a three week notice about two weeks ago... How are we being aggressive preparing for an attack that will surely come upon us?
  5. Rann we must learn the basics before we can move on... We will not have the time to fully train everyone before this war. BC looks to the sky for guidance. The war will happen very soon, continue your saber techniques and meditate. Meditate by reaching out to the Force...
  6. BC nods and faces his Jedi Hopefuls. It is hard at first, but once mastered can become useful and instinctive... The key to blocking a baster shot as well as a lightsaber slash is to keep your eyes on a specific point of the beam at all times. You must do this while at the same time watching any other foreign object. The moment your eyes look away you die. Defensive fighting is much harder than offensive fighting. As on defense you do not call the shots, you can however block a shot and make the next parry or move one you will be able to predict. Igniting his saber BC shows the hopefuls what he means. A small orb emits from a ship in the distance it fires at BS with rapid speed. his saber slashes through the oncoming blaster shots with ease pentrating the orbs body with deflected blaster shots. Blocking blaster shots can prove much easier then a skilled force user and their saber. Fingering his hologram once more another orb emits from the ship this one with a saber. It charges BC. As it slashes for his head he blocks it and moves the saber towards the floor. Doing this helps me to assume the next slash will come from below, giving me more time to react as I know what is coming. Beware this is not always the case as a skilled fighter knows that you will predict their next move. You all try it now...
  7. Form III, they must learn to deflect and parry attacks... Anything else cannot be handled in this short a period... All Jedi with saber experience raise your hand. (IN RP) All those without begin sparring with a Jedi with his hand raised... NOW!!!
  8. BC calls on MP and Mes. I think it would be customary to allow them some practice. A mass practice can be attained by calling a harmless enemy for them to get experience on. As the light in the distance continues dimming BC knows time is running out. They cannot go into battle with no experience...
  9. The light in the distance dims more and more... War is imminent as the Council we must begin our defense!
  10. The light in the distance has begun dimming... Ready ourselves we must!
  11. Placeing his hand on his chin BC begins thinking. He looks up facing all the Jedi. The time has come for you to make your final choice. If you wish to survive and be what a Jedi must be step forward. if you have not already. The crowd freezes like the dead as BC motions his hands in the shape of a figure eight. A bright line shines in the distance. We should test the skills of our Jedi here. When the light dims war begins... Looking to Mes and MP, BC motions his hands in a soft, serene way signaling his intent to have the Jedi Knights and Padawans practice before leaving Dagobah.
  12. BC looks around to see if all had heard the words of Sly. Moving quickly he takes a step forward and leans forward bowing. I am not one of many words however I feel that we must stand by our brethren. I step forward and fully support anything Sly wishes to do. Our future is at stake and I for one will not risk it any other way... I will fight for security and honor. Who is with me? Looking to the sky BC raises his arms, as he does this clouds begin to swell and it begins raining. The rain comes down at an astronamical rate. As BC looks back down he is next to Sly and his eyes pierce every Jedi standing before them. Join us if you wish to survive...
  13. Looking to Kirlocca Bc frowns. You draw more and more to the darkside everyday Kirlocca. I sense your impatience and anger. You need to calm yourself, things will sort themselves out. The Sith are doing nothing as well, what is it you want to do? Get in a bunch of fighters and get slaughtered? The Jedi Order has changed much since you and I were younger. If attacking an Empire that is not persuing us is what you want go for it. But I for one wish to have our allies meet and decide. I see you doing absolutely nothing to aide us in that. You only complain aboutthings going to slow or not going in your favor. Jedi are patient and do not act on impulse, you have been disobeying both. Bring yourself inline or face the consequences. I have the same urges as you being a wookiee makes you angry and impatient, but you must surpress it... BC crosses his arms and stares into Wookie Jedi. We await Master Prophet do not blame Mes for this!
  14. With a flash across the horizon BC's ship exits hyperspace over Dagobah. He proceeds to land and join his fellow jedi. What is this calling for?


    Adi and BC make their way to the ship they came on. The Jedi are being called for a meeting shall you come with me or have you your own transport?


    It is possible, leave that to yourselves to decide I have no inclination nor do I like this cease fire. If it were up to me I would never allow this, but the situation is that serious. You Sith can do as you please, however as much as I would love to stay and chat Adi and I are needed elsewhere... Looking to Adi, BC nudges his head to the side alerting him to their departure. as they begin leaving BC whispers to Adi... If they are smart they will listen, but the Sith act on emotions, so they probably will not care either way...


    I will cut to the chase... We have come here to arrange a cease fire until this is sorted out... BC thinks about his disliking of cease fires and shakes his head. If you the Sith do not wish for this then the diplomatic proceedings will be over, as will peace...


    As BC nears his friend he stops looking above... He suints into the sun as he approaches the Sith and Adi. He walks over to them and does not un sheath his saber. STOP! There are pressing matters that must be addressed! I do not wish to fight unless it comes to it... BC puts his arms extended to his sides with his palms facing up. He looks deep into the Sith. I have not come here to harm. I do not wish for it to come to that, I have come to warn you against a disturbance that could destroy us both. Somewhere, something is stealing the souls of dead Jedi and Sith of the past. Effectively it is destroying the Force itself. We need to somewhat assist each other in finding an destroying this being before none of us exist any longer. And if you believe this is a scam on my part, then I am afraid you do not know the Jedi... And that we will have to get violent ooc: No time to proofread...


    Exiting hyperspace over the once beautiful planet of Naboo BC growls... I dislike paradoxes. He thought of the pending disturbance that would surely be hitting the Galaxy soon. As he landed and exited BC reached out for Adi-wan. The darkside is strong here, finding Adi will not be easy. Time freezes around BC and he jumps into the air hands extended with his fingers facing down. His left knee bends slightly as he speeds forward in search of his friend.
  20. As quickly as he came BC left off to find his risen friend. He needs my help I must go BC thinks to himself and enters hyperspace for the Sith planet of Naboo. Perhaps this is our fate...
  21. BC's ship enters the system the side hull glimmers dully aginst the gray atmosphere. He thinks to himself about the Jedi and what must be done. His thoughts ring through his head like bees in a hive, confusing and motavating him to move on. Something is not right, I must meditate... As BC's ship lands he does not exit does he speak. He begins meditating to solve this problem that is tormenting his very soul.
  22. The words of Eas rip through BC like a thorn... We will follow him until he lands... We will go to Hoth after words... Let us leave Hale... Mes meet us on Hoth in two days... BC and Hale take off after Eas... Do not lose him...
  23. BC dips his head to Mes. Of course I do not mind, we were finalizing the Treaty with Yakooza's deputy when I felt a disturbance and came here... It should be easy to finish upon arrival back... Hale and I will depart whenever you are ready... Preferably after the infected padawan is returned...
  24. Yes Hale... We will return to Hoth shortly... Finishing that treaty guarantees another ally for the fight against evil...
  25. We have a deal then... No hard feelings will be kept, you will have your freedom once you have cured our friend and padawan...
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