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Everything posted by BLCKCLONE

  1. BC sends a force message to those still on Dagobah. Stay where you are, we will handle them. RUn only when you absolutely must! Still moving towards the ship BC hears commotion and drilling from behind. You keep piloting or I will be force to end your life BC jumps up into a space above the cockpit. Saber in hand, but not ignited he watches the Hutt pilot. Don't try anything.
  2. The hull where BC is rips open in spots cortex bars are left un-damaged. Thank you Hale I have this from here. Saber still ignited BC jumps through the small hole created by the blast. Dropping down he re-enters the ship next to his own. He moves sneakily past the crew of about six before his saber meets three necks. They roll to the floor as the limp bodies shiver with the aftershocks. Hearing the comotion two more enter only to be force pushed into a single spike. Both of their faces meet with the same spike killing them. I don't play hide and seak come out Captain. The quivering Captain exits his pathetic hiding spot. You will fly me to the Nal Huttan Cruiser and you will say nothing of my presence. BC says motioning his hand across the inferior creature. NOW!
  3. Slowly regaining consciousness BC shakes his head. His saber ignites with a snap hiss as he Force pushes the small probe droid watching him. *ALARMS RING* Three guards enter the small prison BC is being held. You cannot hold me here, you don't know who I am do you? Saber in hand BC channels Hale. There are three Gunboats fire on the back hull of the middle one. It is there you will find my prison. My saber can't cut these cortex bars.
  4. As BLCKCLONE lay motionless in his Jedi prison within one of the Gunboats he called out through the Force. He uses his mind to move a metal bar within his cell. He sends it crashing into the bar above his head. It side swipes his head as it knocks the top bracket off releasing his arms. But now he was nearly unconscious. Using whatever strength he had left BC called for his lightsaber which was left ignorantly 20 feet in front of him. I can't imagine why they thought this would hold me.
  5. BC is taken slowly to the ship. Unaware the guards are only bringing him where he needed to be. Closer to the enemy. Stupid Hutts you don't even know who I am.
  6. Hearing the call BC moves back swiftly... Using his saber as a machete cutting through the treelines. I haven't much time Impede let us go... Go in front of me I will stall the approaching foot soldiers... GO GO GO don't look back! The tall body of BC is seen diminishing as Impede disapears towards the caves. BC continues to fight galiently as the dozens of soldiers approach with their automatic laser fire. As BC de-capitates one he falls to the ground. Impedes last sight is of BC being cut down by stun guns and the nerve nets. -force message- Perhaps my capture will slow them down enough for you all to escape
  7. BC's rises from his meditation and looks at the carnage so far. Bodies lay everywhere. Many are fleeing, I refuse to accept defeat, but it is appearing to be near. Perhaps I cna give myself up to stop this... What say you! Take me and leave my fellow Jedi alone! It is me you want, I have known from the beginning... BC ignites his saber and waits forthe inevitable You can take me, but only with a fight.
  8. BC senses that the Jedi are fighting within. He kneels down and looks up. Clouds form as it begins to rain. As the rain touches all those pure and good at heart they regain their strength and will. It drags down those of evil and death. A few Firesprays crash as they are shocked by the power fo BC's rain. Stand tall my friends. Fight on and we will prevail!
  9. ooc: Says who? I am in charge of my group here. If you guys would read the posts you would realize you have destroyed about 300 more walkers then actually landed... ic: You will learn your place young one, Blademaster or not!
  10. Move away from the land they are clearing! It's a trap if we join together in one massive group they will simply bombs us.. I think spreading out is our best bet... Wait for them to come to us, and if you are taken prisoner say nothing! BC charges towards a group of oncoming Huttese troops. His saber ignites as he decapitates them. Swiftly moving across the open space cleared by the demolition charges and fire power of the Hutt and Black Sun armies. Move through to higher ground we will have more leverage there!
  11. Calm yourself Rann, and together we will survive this. Trust yourself you will make the right decision... BC could feel his Wookiee brethren screaming in pain. Let us go help those who have come to help us.
  12. Like the eye of the hurricane there is a calming in the air. This is our chance move towards the swamps. Grabbibg Darla BC runs towards the swamps. Several droids begin firing at him. With one hand he ignites his saber, Darla in the other. Blocking most of the shots, he force jumps into the pond holding Darla just above water. Fall back for cover Delta group. The end is nowhere in sight...
  13. As the explosions calm the after shock of them ripples throughout Dagobah. They are creating an open space fall back into the dense brush! They are tring to seed us out toour wounded in the field they created. BC watches as the ships that were previously attacking fallback and leave the atmosphere. He closes is eyes and sees nothing, but more destruction and death. Re-groups in the swampland, it will be harder for them to see us under the cover of these dead trees. Move back Delta group, lets force them to engage on us where they cannot see us well...
  14. This is going to get bad I have fought the Hutts before. This is not all of their firepower. What are they waiting for? BC's saber ignites as two droids zero in on him. He deflects both shots into their chests. They fly back as they explode. Move back into positions the Hutts have more then this... They are waiting.
  15. Hearing MP's messages BC nods Hold back a bit wait for them to come to us... It will be easier to take down the elephant when he is attacked slowly and by surprise...
  16. Delta Group move back, do not try deflecting shots from large ships. Hold your breaths as the small craft pass they are emitting a deadly gas. Fall back to the CAVES Delta Group we can bottleneck them there...
  17. DJK how do we attack when we have no fleet? The Hutt Palace is a well guarded strong hold.. At least here we can hunt him down as his forces search for us... Attacking him at home would be slaughter...
  18. Wyhl is a smart Hutt... This si what he wants, the second we lose faith is the second he attacks.
  19. Patience, at all times... Does it matter when the attack occurs? It will occur that is all that matters...
  20. ooc:We need a rule on suicides. That play by Corban was kind of cheap, weak, and bad rp...
  21. Relax yourself Impede, meditate until the time arrives...
  22. We are ready yes... This will be no easy task, but if we work together we can succeed...
  23. BC begins meditating. To find the strength he will ne shortly. His Group was ready training them now would do nothing to help them... Second guessing was not an option.
  24. ooc: Then I guess the future attack is nulled too... This ruling is very, very biased...
  25. ooc: This isnt a democracy or America Darla. Relax with the freedoms you haven't earned... ic: If this is how you feel Darla you do not belong in the Jedi Order...
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