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Everything posted by Reptilia

  1. On the transport I could barely remember what happened earlier, I was in class, the temple shook, I helped people out, then I was in the transport. "Who did it" I asked? "Some Sith, I don't know either" a Trandoshan said. "I think it was Ar-Pharazon" one Lethan Twi'lek noted. We noticed we were about to land so we got ready. "Lets talk later" I said.
  2. Reptilia knew they were under attack so he started ushering people out, he noticed others from his class doing the same. He noticed a small boy all alone he couldn't of been older then 12. "Come on we have to go,"Reptilia said. "I can't, my friend is still back there" the boy said. "Okay let's go" They rushed back to a seemingly empty room but then they heard something, a muffled scream. "There" the boy said hurrying over to a pile of debris, they dug out another boy about the same age. "We have to go NOW" Reptilia yelled realizing the danger of staying behind, but just then the ceiling fell through blocking the exit. They had to find a way to climb up, so Reptilia lifted the boys up with his hands, then they grabbed him and he jumped. They started running, Reptilia not going to leave them behind grabbed there hands and started sprinting faster then he ever had before. Once they caught up with the rest of the students finally safe, he looked through a window and saw a lot of smoke, and a ship that had crashed into the temple. "What happened, was it an accident," Reptilia said blatantly. "I don't know, I just don't know" one human female said. "It was a terrorist attack" one rodian male said abruptly. "That' horrible" Reptilia couldn't believe it this place was a paradise were would he learn to become a jedi now, and more important are there still people in there are they okay? Hopefully master Kirlocca got out, how would he find out?
  3. "But if it is easy to be tempted by the dark side, is it also easy to stay with the light." "If it isn't then whats the point" Reptilia Asked hoping the light side had some unbelievable draw to it. Noticing he was still standing he quickly sat down. Hoping Master Kirlocca would answer with a good reply.
  4. I was thinking what being a jedi really meant when I heard mention of the dark side. I did not want to hear about it right now, but as I was looking around the room everyone looked intrigued they haven't experienced like I have. I still tried paying attention though, but with all this excitement it was hard to focus. I heard a human female ask if we are able to avoid the darkness, this was interesting to me I always have pictured me turning away at a request and then probably have do battle. Even though a lot of aspiring jedi have defected to the dark side.
  5. I walked to an went to the side of the room sat down and started to listen to the wookie jedi. He seems wise but there aren't many signs that he is a jedi other then a lightsaber which I can't see but I assume it is there. Actually there doesn't seem like anyone here can even feel the force yet. I looked around and there were a couple of different species in the room.
  6. Reptilia landed back at the temple after the droid pickup to be trained in the ways of the force. He slowly walked through the temple almost glowing. He had just got payed and he will receive jedi training. He walked into a room with people, he had probably just interrupted a class. He approached the wookie who he assumed was the teacher. "Hello, where can I find a jedi to talk to, I wish to become a Jedi knight."Reptilia said with a welcomed sense of confidence.
  7. Reptilia


    "Yes, that is reasonable"Reptilia replied. He couldn't believe how much he was going to get payed for such an easy job. "Here are your droids sir" he said as he took them off his ship trying to keep calm and not sound to happy. He gave him the droids and left for the temple.
  8. Reptilia


    Reptilia got out of hyperspace landed, got out of his ship but he just thought of something. "This could be dangerous I could have been set up, I better get a weapon" he thought to himself. But then a large wookie came up picked him up and threw him, Reptilia hit his head and got knocked out. When he woke up there was a man standing in front of him, "Are you Halaal, I have the droids"He said blankly.
  9. Reptilia


    "Okay so I need to go to Kashyyk, it doesn't seem to hard" He replied. He thought to himself that it seemed weird that he didn't trust him since he is a Kel Dor and they are usually highly respectable. Once everything was loaded up, he left not wanting them to think he would try to steal anything. He was a little nervous heading to Kashyyk so this was not going to be fun. He departed into hyperspace and was gone.
  10. Reptilia


    Reptilia landed at a check point and waited for the check to be finished. He needed to find 1 NR-1100 slicer droid, 2 3D-4 units, 2 Z-X3, 4 AP-2 units. Images of blood, the smell of death, the sound of an lightsaber igniting appeared in his mind. "All of the those people died because I wasn't fast enough, I should have saved them" he said in a whisper. "The inspection is complete you can go now" the man said. "Oh thanks"he mumbled. Reptilia got up started walking around giving some nods to people who nodded to him. He wanted to blame someone else for what happened, he wanted revenge but that is not the Jedi way, Jedi are the keepers of peace and are the guardians of the people. He noticed a suspicious man "Hello, are you the one with the droids I need to pick up?"He inquired.
  11. Reptilia; after receiving a transmission to pick up some droids and drop them off, decided his training could wait and departed for Rordis city. As he was heading for his ship he noticed the droid he encountered before he nodded but the droid ignored him, he probably needed a memory wipe. Reptilia got in his ship and left. He felt a little disappointed when he looked across the planet but soon he was in space and then into hyperspace.
  12. As he went down the hallway, and through the door he walked into someone with a strong sense of confidence, "Hello, can you help me I wish to become a Jedi Knight" Reptilia blurted to the the large wookie.
  13. This is great writing, I think this turning out pretty great.
  14. Reptilia smoothly put his ship into the hangar bay, got out and tried to find out who to talk to. As he was looking he began to think how being a jedi will change his life, this just quickened his pace. He ran into a droid that looked beat up but he needed to find some one, " Hello, do you know where i can find someone to talk to about becoming a jedi."he asked a little arrogantly. " Yes, sir you may find someone down the hall through that door." the droid replied as it scurried off.
  15. CHARACTER SHEET Real Name:Rep til Nickname:Reptilia Age:23 Species:Kel Dor Height:6"6 Weight:157 Hair:none Skin color:Light orange Eyes:Silver Sex:Male Homeworld: Coruscant Alignment: Good Clothing: Regular brown robes Weapon: Blaster pistol, Training Lightsaber 3x: One green, One orange and one blue. Force-User Inventory: Antiox breath mask, goggles, lightsaber materials and a green lightsaber crystal Posessions: K-wing: On Gala
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