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*I tried sending this to that E-mail, but it wouldn't let me so Im posting it here until I get some help*

ForcefulJM's Character Bio


Real Name: Justin


Age: 15 (days from 16)

Species: Human

Height: 6'1

Weight: 120 lbs.

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Blue

Sex: Male

Homeworld:Earth then Coruscant

Alignment: Good

Clothing: All white robes,vest,boots,and gloves

Weapon: Vibroblade

Force User or Non-Force User: I want to be trained as a force user

Inventory: I tread lately so nothing unless needed

Posessions: Nothing to my name.

Small History: My parents both raised me on Earth until a war between Jedi and Droids took place.They were then killed and I escaped to Coruscant were I was promised saftey.

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~Sometimes We Are Fighting For The Wrong Side~

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Name: Delta-40, RC-1140

Nickname: Fixer

Age: 24 (In Clone Years)

Species: Human-Mandalorian Clone

Height: 1.83 meters

Weight: 210

Hair: Brown-Black

Eyes: Brown

Sex: Male

Homeworld: Unknown

Alignment: Whoever Orders me

Non Force User

Clothing: Katarn-class armor

Weapons: DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System.

Rank: Second-in-Command of Delta Squad

Inventory: Retractable Melee Blade, Ammo

Possessions: Slicing Computer

Appearance: If you can see my eyes then you are far too close for your own good.

Short Bio: Raised on a cloning farm Fixer was trained by a sociopathic Mandalorian who by his own request had Fixer tear his arm completely from the socket to prove his strength. Due to his knowledge of the integral systems of warships he was given Second-in-Command of Delta Squad proudly seving under Delta-38, RC-1138, or "Boss". He noew awaits orders on where to go/stay.


"Blast! Get that Wookiee out of the firing area!" (Scorch: Okay, you tell him to retreat, Fixer.) "Uh...negative on that."

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The original Rahalin Toral reminded me of the movie Ishtar, an utter flop. So, this will be the new character for this alias...


Name: Dahz Cinn

Nickname: Scorch

Age: 25

Species: Twi'lek

Height: 1.9 meters

Weight: 104 kilos

Hair : Silver

Skin : Blue

Eyes : Red

Sex : Male

Homeworld: Ryloth

Alignment : Good

Force: Sensitive, but NFU until dictated by RP

Clothing: Replublic Uniforms, Pilot Suit

Wpns: Republic issue Sidearm, Bowie Knife

Rank: Pending Assignment.

Possessions: Holos of Family, Datapad, and the Holo of a violet skinned Twi'lek female of about 17 years or so. R7N8 ("Nate") - an almost basic astromech

Two Frei-teck HK9 "Whiskers" : sublight capable droids greatly resembling predator drones with variable wing geometry, two fixed blasters in the nose and a turreted, single barrel ion cannon with two hard points each, and a boosted sensing system for each. they download their "take" directly to com suite in Dahz's R7 unit which then translates for him.




Born on Ryloth, Dahz's parents moved to Coruscant during a time when it was under Republic control. Both parents insured their oldest son grew up with a single minded desire to serve the republic. When he enlisted in the Republic military and tested out to serve in the Starfighter wings, they were thrilled.


During one test flight in a basic trainer, they passed close enough to a radiation ban that insured they would need to activate their craft's onboard systems to protect themselves. A malfunctioned occurred, and Dahz was heavily radiated.


He survived the flight, bringing back the fighter despite its thorough "Scorched" electronics. Republic technicians extracted him from the fighter and sent him straight to the medbay, where he was immediately diagnosed as needing Bacta treetments.


The radiation burns were almost completely healed by the Bacta, save a dormant gene that became active and dominant after he had recovered. Weeks after the accident, he became the first Twi-lek to report for a hair cut, an episode which haunts him (His hair, upon dispensation from command is way longer than standard for other humans) to this day. A quick trip back to the medbay resulted and he found out that while the majority of the Hairs are truly dead, a handful contain live nerves.


Just shortly before the Imperial occupation of Coruscant, his parents moved their entire fortune to a Fringe colony developed and dominated by Twi'leks. It now included the former Frei-tek company, under whose banner they began creating small armed transports and various prototype droids. They had two of these prototypes delivered to Dahz on his graduation day. Shortly after, he reported for his first assignment while they died during the Imperial invasion and occupation of Coruscant.

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Name: Sephiroth

Nickname: N/A

Age: 25

Species: Human

Height: 6'6"

Weight: 170 kilos

Hair : Silver

Skin : Pale

Eyes : Bluish Green

Sex : Male

Homeworld: Coruscant

Alignment : Chaotic Evil

Force: Sensitive, but not going to be trained.

Clothing: Long black combat suit, silver shoulder armor, black boots, black gloves, sword sheath.

Weapons: Masamuni, a seven foot long sword crafted by Sephiroth. It was made only to be used by him. (It is kinda like Sanare, Ara's weapon.) It is a magnificent blade, lined with cortosis.

Possessions: Ship, 150,000 credits(stored away), his home on coruscant and his weapons.

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Real Name: RC-1207

Nickname: "Sev", "Delta", "Vod", "Psycho", etc...

Age: 20's

Species: Human (Mandalorian)

Height: 1.83 meters

Weight: Over 200 pounds, especially when in full armor and full kit

Hair: Short black

Eyes: Brown

Sex: Male

Homeworld: Wherever he was cloned

Alignment: Lawful Good, although possibly psychotic.

Non-Force User


Weapons: DC-17m blaster rifle, with sniper and anti-armor attachments. Pop-out vibroblade in gauntlets, multiple types of grenades.

Armor: Katarn-class body armor, underlying bodysuit.


(Will soon include detailed information on Katarn body armor--must do a bit of research first...)


Inventory: Ammo. A few explosives. Ammo. Personal sense of honor. More ammo.


Kill count: 23 biologicals, 0 droids.

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Bal kote, darasuum kote

Jorso'ran kando a tome.

Sa ky'ram nau tracyn, kad Vode an.

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Real Name: Silas Onnd


Age: 24

Species: Human

Height: 6' 3''

Weight: 185 lbs

Hair: Brown w/ gold highlights

Eyes: Deep blue

Sex: Male

Homeworld: Tatooine

Alignment: Evil

Clothing: Ripped jeans, tight t-shirt, overjacket.

Weapons: Blastech Dl-44, thermal detonators(4), repeating blaster rifle w/ strap(so it can be carried on back.) Extra ammo, detpacks(5), and ion grenades(7). Lightsaber when trained to use and build one, and the nanites...

Force User: Force User

Inventory: Spare creadits, weapons, rations

Posessions: Ship- Firespray Class, R2 droid: Crux

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Name: Ethan Strife


Sex: Male

Height: 6' 1"

Weight: 161 Lbs.

Hair: Dark Red

Eyes: Sage Green

Race: Coreillan

Home Planet: Coreilla

Alignment: Rebel Alliance (Slightly Good)

Force User: No

Mother: Susan Elliot

Father: Wane Strife

Siblings: Tasha Elliot (Half Sister)


(2) Cortosis-Alloy throwing knives: A set of two slim daggers that Ethan wears on his belt. These are exactly like normal daggers, except that they are perfectly balanced and can be thrown accurately to the range of about 8 meters. There blades are honed to the sharpness of razors, there tips formed to delicate points designed to cut through soft armor and flesh with ease.



Republic Fiber Armor: This Armor is made specifically for the advanced republic soldier; don't ask how Ethan got a hold of it. It is made out of specially synthesized carbon fibers that are very light and mobile yet incredibly hard, its not going to block a light saber or a direct blast from a high powered blaster, but it does still provided an incredible amount of protection with out sacrificing mobility.


Personality: Ethan believes that life should be a sequence of none ending action; he lives on the edge and pays little head to consequences, fear is not in his vocabulary. Danger, excitement, and adrenalin are all things to which Ethan is addicted. He is the kind of man motivated to take on the whole empire by himself.


He is an excellent pilot, not because he is great at flying but because he holds no fear and will push anything and everything to its limits. Ethan lives and breaths on risk and will take almost any.


History: Ethan's parents split up shortly after he was born; he father had turned to alcohol and was rarely sober. For the first five years of his life Ethan lived with his mother in a modest apartment while she worked two jobs making barely enough money for the two of them.


Then at the age of six his mother remarried and he found himself with an imperial captain named Mark Willington for a father. His mother had married for money and not for love and the man adamantly hated Ethan, luckily he was not around to much. But when he was Ethan had to endure endless beatings at his hands. Ethan put up with it until at the age of 15 when mark almost killed Ethan for criticizing the empire, Ethan had developed a hate for the empire because of Mark.


Ethan ran away that night with nothing more then his cloths and never came back. He worked for a smuggler for a few years and then joined the Rebel Alliance.


Ethan has one sister from his mothers second marriage she is 6 years younger then him and the two never really connected.

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*resets an old, hardly used character*


Name: Nicolas

Nickname: N/A

Age: 20's

Species: Gurlanin

Height: 5'11"

Weight: Just above 200

Hair: Dark

Eyes: Green

Sex: Male

Homeworld: Unknown

Alignment: Who's got the most creds?

Force User

Clothing: What ever fits

Weapons: Lead pipe

Inventory: Some Creds

Possessions: Some explosives


LonghornJedi: this is retarded

Static Savior: THIS IS SPARTA!

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Name: Animando


Sex: Male

Height: 6' o"

Weight: 200 Lbs.

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Ocean Blue

Race: Human(Mandalorian)

Home Planet: Mandalore

Alignment: Hutts

Force User: Yes



(1) Renegade Heavy Blaster Pistol: This pistol fires more powerful shots than the average Blaster Pistol. The bolts have a crimson tint. The weapon has two settings: Automatic and Semi-Automatic. At the full automatic setting the weapon will overheat after 30 shots. The weapon is useful for about 150 blasts. Animando has added a hair trigger and scope to the pistol, giving him an edge in both long range attacks and on the draw.


(2) A280 Blaster Rifle: The rifle is a typical weapon. It was used during the assault on Echo Base, and has been rarely seen in the galaxy since. Although the rifle is typical, the modifications made to it are not. A laser sight has been added beneath the barrel to assist with precision shots. A multispectrum scope has replaced the common one. The bolts are a silver tint and can be fired 300 times before the power cell is depleted. On full-auto the weapon overerheats after 50 blasts.


(3) 12 Inch Knife: Given to him by his father shortly before passing, Animando has used this knife to save his life on several occasions. The knife was constructed of durasteel, and the loer edfe of the knife is serraded to give it more cutting power.


(4)Other Weapons built into armor and in utility belt.


(5) Nexu: Animando has trained two Nexu to fight alongside him. In their brain he has implanted an electric shock device to contain them should they get rowdy.



Mandalorian Armor: Animando has painted the typical gray Mandalorian armor red. Although over the years the gray tint of the center has been changed to a red tint by the blood spray from all his other victims. In tradition with Boba and Jango, Animando carries a Mitrinomon Z-6 Jetpack on his back.


Personality: Animando has the personality of the typical Mandalorian. Although he sometimes appears arrogant, it is merely because he is confident in his skills. Any job he knows he can handle, he states the fact, and if he is unsure, he will do his best. To strangers and employers he is cold and distant, and only when someone gets through the armor and to the man beneath do they truly know the strict code of honor he holds for himself.



History: Animando was adopted by Serina and John Tr'endo. He was the son of two Mandalorians and before reaching the age of 2 his whole clan was killed in battle. Serina found him and took him in, giving him the name of Animando translating to Beast Warrior. At the age of 18, his adopted parents were killed by Imperial Soldiers. As he searched the burning home he found a set of Mandalorian armor along with a note, explaining his past. Falling to his knees and swearing an oath to follow the code of the Mandalorians, he doned the armor, and has not removed it since.

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Real Name: Joelle Jayn Klo'e

Nickname: JJK

Age: 21

Species: Human

Height: 5'5”



Continuing the J.Net Revival in 2017


Pittsburgh Champions

Steelers: 6 Time Super Bowl Champs

Penguins: 5 Time Stanley Cup Champs


Someday the Pirates will REALLY get their act together...

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EDIT: Another update...11/5/06


Real Name: Aryian Darkfire


Age: 34 physically, mentally 300 (only 34 years conscious)

Species: Human

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 190

Hair: Beginning to fully silver from black. Note this is silverish color, not grey. Shiny, not dull. It makes him look sexy.

Eyes: Blue

Sex: Male

Homeworld: Coruscant

Alignment: Good

Clothing: Jedi robes/armor, otherwise, pilot's clothing.

Weapon: Twin lightsabers, the Force, himself...




Normal stuff: comlink, hydrospanner, datadisk, etc(pilot/hacker)


-Twin interlocking silver lightsabers (plus two spares)




-Blaster reflective/lightsaber resistant Armor (Force artifact)


This suit of Armor Aryian made for himself was constructed from pure Cortosis and Blaster-Reflective metals. He used the Force to superheat the stuff and mould it over his entire body, leaving only his hands and head exposed. EVen the joints had small interlocking plates that allowed for an easy wide range of motion. The armor wasn't that heavy, and with the Force it was easy for Aryian to move around. He imbued his siprit into the metal, causing ancient etched runes to appear all over the armor, possibly runes from the earliest Jedi Orders. These glow blue when he uses any great deal of Force, acting as a resorvior and allowing him to draw on the Force all that much more, making the armor itself a Force articfact.


However, Aryian has recently shed the armor, destroying it, as a symbol to his recent fiance.


-Implant (links to his ship)


This implant, given to him by the system computer of Mechis III, is one of the most advanced compact remote neural interfaces ever made, allowing him to completely immerse his mind into his ship's computer, and vice versa. It has an incredible range, allowing Aryian to summon and control his ship if on opposite ends of the planet, yet any further out of system and it would not work. The implant, however, only has one special frequency, so it cannot be hacked, and neither can Aryian decide to mentally hack anything else, though he would certainly like to.


-Enhanced comm unit w/ship remote


Aryian created this device a while ago, it is a combination of things. It looks like a large comlink, with several buttons on the side, and a small holoprojector for visual readouts. It allows Aryian to summon his ship from anywhere in the galaxy via bouncing signals off of holonet relay points, though it doesn't allow him to control it efficiently. The comm function itself works in a similar manner, allowing him to recieve message anywhere. In your face, Verizon Wireless.



-MandalMotors StarViper-class (heavily modified) ship, Blur


This ship is incredibly modified, the specs can be found in the ship registry. However, the important fact to note here is the ship's onboard AI. Aryian made the AI prior to his discovery of Mechis III, and it functioned normally until then, taking commands and executing as a normal AI would. Yet when Aryian recieved his implant, permanently linking the ship to himself, the AI seemed to grow, feeding off of Aryian's thoughts to become near sentient. It has already shown the ability to exercise free will, acting on it's own regardless of Aryian's commands, though remains loyal to the Jedi Master through anything.

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Immediately reachable by  charlesjhall@gmail.com


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Real Name: James

Nickname: Sedaj Yity

Age: 27

Species: Nautolan

Height: 6'2

Weight: 210

Hair: n/a Skin: gray with red splotches

Eyes: black

Sex: male

Homeworld: Glee Anselm

Alignment: (Good,

Clothing: (Tendency to wear what kind of clothes) padawon robes

Weapon: sonic blaster 2 thermal detonators and a blaster rifel . Light saber when trained

Force User yes

Inventory: (Items the character carries most of the time.) none

Posessions: (Ships, Organizations, Droids etc) none at this time


For the old players that come back now,

Force Side: dark

Trained by: Tarrianskywalker

Trained who: n/a

Current Affiliation: Sith

Current Rank: aprintice

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Real Name:Armon

Nickname: Armon

Age: 35

Species: Changelum

Height: 5' 8"

Weight: 150 lbs

Hair: Multi

Eyes: Multi

Sex: Male

Homeworld: None

Alignment: undetermined

Clothing: wears basic clothing, nothing too special, A long robe that drags the ground, but underneath has baisc body armor.

Weapons: Trip wire, and vibro-throwing knifes, carries with him a vibro blade, and several blasaters

Non-Force User-Has connections to force users but not one him self

Inventory: Vibro blade, 8 throwing knifes, and 4 blaster pistoles

Posessions: HK-47, old and decrepid, but good at its job.

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Name: Gavin Ryaro


Age: 25

Species: Human

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 170lbs

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Green

Sex: Male

Homeworld: Coruscant

Alignment: Good

Force User

Clothing: Traditional Jedi Robes

Weapons: Lightsaber

Inventory: Nothing worth mentioning- comm possibly

Possessions: Clothes, a medium sized bank account, ship


Rank: Jedi Knight

Trained By: Damon

Trained Who: Currently Training- Ulan

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"All that is nessacary for evil to succeed is for the good men to do nothing." -Lt. Roy Sanders

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Name: Jacen Horn


Age: 18

Species: Human

Height: 6'6"

Weight: 170lbs

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Hazel

Sex: Male

Homeworld: Corellia

Alignment: Good

Force User

Clothing: Flight Suit, Jeans, T-shirt, and overjacket

Weapons: Vibro Blade

Inventory: Credits, weapons, Datapad

Possessions: A ship, an astromech droid,

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Real Name: Scubby

False Name: Jazce Leife

Species: Human

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 210 Pounds

Eye Colour: Brown

Hair Colour: Black

Faction: Empire

Force User: Yes

Clothing: Old Combat boots, worn pants with a utility belt and a flak jacket.

Weapons: DL-88 Heavy Blaster, Various Explosives, Vibroblade, Customized Knuckle-Dusters

Inventory: Datapad, credits, weapons, comm device and multitool.

Possessions: His inventory and an old YT-1300 called 'Eveready'

Alignment: Neutral


Personality: A warrior old far beyond his years, he is constantly haunted by the ghosts of his past. This reflects much he believes and colours his actions. Scubby excels at combat, sadly he recognises the feeling of joy that comes when he fights, though he does his best to bury it.


History: Born on Toprawa, Scubby's father was one of the revered Antarian Rangers, his mother died in childbirth, he was an only child. In the expectation he would follow his father from an early age he was trained in the martial traditions of the Rangers, learning to shoot all sorts of weapons, fly any number of ships, fight hand-to-hand, fight with a vibroblade, the many uses of explosives, the construction of explosives and stealth were but a few of the many fighting arts he learnt. He was one the greatest to ever be trained in the expectation of becoming an Ranger. When it became apparent he had a strong ability to use the force plans for his future were written up.


At the too young age of 17 Scubby's father was murdered by a band of vicious pirates. Furious at the death of his father, mentor, teacher and friend Scubby immediately stole a ship from a local hangar, Forsaking his teaching and unknowingly betraying the trust and effort his father had placed in his sons future, even his force ability forsaken and pushed aside. He was too intent on revenge. He proceeded to track them down. It took eight years for him to hunt them all, his fury never subsided. Scubby didn't care what the pirates who'd murdered his pirates were doing when he found them, he didn't care whether they had turned over a new leaf, were still as evil as they were they day the killed his father or were married with kids.


He made a name for himself in those eight long years. His training served him well, it became apparent to those he met and those who heard of him that he was a merciless killer, uncaring of anything or anyone in the way of him and vengeance. To finance his ongoing search he took out contract killings, he was soon feared as one of the finest, most vicious and efficient killers in that part of the galaxy, his search had him experience almost the entire known galaxy. He learnt new tactics and tricks too his already considerable inventory. With each passing week he became more and more deadly, he learnt most of the languages in the galaxy, he fought against Jedi, Sith and many other warriors who used the force or not. His experience of combat became unmatched, his knowledge of death and killing left him scarred, both mentally and physically.


Finally with the death of the last pirate his quest for vengeance was over. His furious lust for vengeance, his driving force, his life was quenched. Now he had no reason to go on killing, to continue his dark life, but he knew no other way to live. This cold killing machine that he had become was who he was. For five years he continued on as a bounty hunter, mercenary and jack of all trades.


It was then at the age of thirty that something happened that shook the Ice Killer too the core, it changed his view of life, changed his goals and nearly killed him. It was just another killing, a semi-powerful man who had angered a local crime lord, beyond the reach of the Criminal Boss, Scubby had been asked to assassinate the target in a suitably gruesome fashion. It was routine, he easily entered the compound, too high security for the local thugs, but no challenge for him. He quickly made his way to the targets room. The target was there going over datapads at his desk. Pulling his heavy blaster he turned it to maximum and fired. Most of the target disappeared in a cloud of smoke, blood and gore.


A noise from the corner earned another shot and another cloud of gore, at a second glance the remains of a woman were apparent, a wife perhaps. It was then that it happened, a patter of bare feet on the floor came from behind, before he could turn a small form thumped lightly into his back, a pair of fist repeatedly thumping into his shoulders, using an elbow he knocked his attacker to the floor, turning he leveled his blaster. But he froze, what he was looking at could have been him, twenty years ago.

The young boy, no older then ten had black hair, just as his had been, brown eyes with his determination, and a furious hatred burning in them, aimed at him. It was a sort of awakening for him, an opening to something greater. His mind seemed to open and it wasn't pretty, remorse flooded him. But not sense, he fled the building, the planet, the sector. He spent nearly a year in seclusion trying to find himself, it eventually returned, with his remembrance of the Force. It spoke to him, in a way, guiding his actions, showing him a path.


That path led nowhere for far too long... But eventually it led to the Empire... After watching senseless brutality one time too many Scubby left the Empire... Changing his name he left Carida and the Empire behind... Trying once again to find a new place for a one-time Ranger... Assassin... Soldier... And Seeker...

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I am not sure if I already posted this or not..


Name: Zhan Patton


Age: 15

Species: Human

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 135lbs

Hair: Dark Brown

Eyes: Hazel

Sex: Male

Homeworld: Coruscant

Alignment: Good

Force User

Clothing: Refugee clothing

Weapons: Vibro Blade

Inventory: Credits

Possessions: Nothing

My-Almas-Way-Creation (1).png

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name:Reaper Grimm (Darth Oni)

Age: 22

Species: Human (Disease gives him natural super human strength)

Height: 190lbs

Weight: 6'0

Hair: Black

Eyes: Brown

Sex: Male

Homeworld:Born on Nar Shadaa, Raised on Tatooine

Alignment: Neutral

Force User or Non Force User: FU

Clothing:Necro - Plasm Armor, Darkmetal Chestplate with sheathed style locks on the back.

Weapons: Twin Bryar Pistols, a Xerroll Nightstinger Sniper Rifle, VibroAxe, Twin Cortorsis Vibro-Katanas, Twin Rapier Style Green Lightsabers, an AI Cloak connected to an Implant, and a Darkmetal Battle Axe Staff (like a staffsaber or duel lightsaber).


Rank: Sith Lord

Inventory: 10x Plasma Mines, 20X Concussion Grenades, 20X Ion Grenades

Possessions: None


Appearence: Without Armor.....



With Armor.....



Short Bio:He was born on Nar Shadaa, raised on Tatooine and found he had a knack for bounty hunting. He trained himself day and night for most of his life.His best friend growing up was Scorpio Armegedon, and they caused alot of trouble together.


When he was 16, He had gotten lost on a uknown planet in the outer regions. He stumbled upon a lost colony that were over run with zombie like creatures. During his stay on the planet he stumbled across some records to learn that the zombie creature were indeed the inhabitants of the planet who were nothing but a failed experiment. He also found a smuggler's ship he dubbed The Electrical Hurricane. During the fight to get off the planet he was bitten by one, and later woke up off the planet and found he had the strength of a wookie.


Ever since, he has went back to bounty hunting, but doesn't know that the bite also caused him to become a force sensitive. When he later joined up with the Hutt Faction, he was turned into a droid assassin. After awhile he left the Hutt faction and began training under an ex Chaos God known as Nurgle in the ways of the Sith. Now, as a Sith Lord, he holds true to a promise he had made during his training to Nurgle.


Master: Nurgle

Apprentices or Padawans Trained: N/A

Apprentices or Padawans In Training: Cyrus Leonhart (Cyrus the Virus)

Force Powers: Basics

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  • 2 weeks later...


Real Name: Grey Still

Nickname: whatever people call her

Age: somewhere in her Early twenty's

Species: Human

Height: 5 7"

Weight: 116

Hair: Brown, goes down to the end of her back she keeps it in a low ponytail

Eyes: Brown

Sex: Female

Homeworld: Bespin

Alignment: Neutral.

Clothing: short rolled up shorts, brown combat boots with socks that go a little bit higher than the boot itself. She changes between a aqua v-neck tank top and a white tank top with a brown low cut shirt over it. She has a brown backpack and a big brown belt she wears. Two gun holsters strapped to her thighs.

Weapon: Two silver guns, two daggers hidden in her boots, and her fists and feet.

Force Sensitive

Inventory: A99 Aquata Breather, comlink, rations, binoculars, 500 credits, Compass

Possessions: Naboo Yacht, BARC Speeder, E-60R Missile Launcher, Sniper Rifle

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Real Name: Jace Malone


Species: Human

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 156 lbs

Eye Colour: Blue

Hair Colour: dark blonde

Faction: Jedi Order

Force User: Yes

Clothing: A royal officer style uniform similar to something from the Earth 1800's or uniforms in Gundam Wing.

Weapons: BlasTech A280 Blaster Rifle, an assortment of explosives, Katana Vibroblade

Inventory: Datapad, a good amount of credits, weapons, comm device

Posessions: Various items in his inventory, NB-1S Royal Bomber, "Gold Gorgodon"

Alignment: Chaotic good


Personality: Somewhat boastful and immature at times, Jace is a very intelligent young man. He is a thinker and strategist. What he lacks in physical prowess, he supplements with his mental tenacity and creativity. He is a leader and has a way with people that draws them to his leadership.


History: Growing up as part of a royal family, Jace grew up as a pretty soiled child. However, unlike his brothers and sisters, Jace turned his focus from scholarly intellectual pursuits. Instead, Jace found himself intently facinated with the strategies and art of war. Spending years studying past histories, strategies, wars, and battles, Jace finally decided he was ready to find his own place in the galaxy.

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Name:Gaijin Kyu

Age: 300

Species: Uknown

Height: 3'0

Weight: 95lbs

Hair: White

Eyes: Redish Yellow

Sex: Male

Homeworld: Uknown

Alignment: Neutral

Force User or Non Force User:Force User

Clothing: Black Robes

Weapons: Vibroblade

Rank: Uknown

Inventory: 3 Vibroblades, 5x Plasma Grenades, 10x Plasma Mines, and Darth Revan's Lightsaber Hilt (No Crystals in the lightsaber, therefore it cannot work)


Possessions: The Crimson Fire





Short Bio: Not much to say, he doesn't remember who he is or where he's from. All he does know, is that he has an incrediable rageful hate for humans, but he has an secret compassion for life and the innocent. Also he carries around a lightsaber hilt that belonged to an old Sith by the name of Revan, although he has no ideal how he came to own it.


Master: N/A

Apprentices or Padawans Trained: N/A

Apprentices or Padawans In Training: N/A

Force Powers: N/A

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Name:Canderous Bralor

Age: 22

Species: Human/Miraluka (Disease Gives him super human strength)

Height: 6'0

Weight: 185lbs

Hair: Silver

Eyes: Black (lid-less)

Sex: Male

Homeworld: Ordo

Alignment: Neutral

Force User or Non Force User Force User

Clothing: Red Trenchcoat, Twin Gun Holsters, Brown Leather Cargo Pants, Durasteel Tipped Boots

Weapons: Blade of Bralor(a beskar and phrik vibroblade),Isabella (a chrome glock, model 34 9mm luger pistol with laser sight and flashlight accessories), and Scarlett (a plasteel glock, model 22 .40 S&W pistol with laser sight and flashlight accessories)

Rank: N/A

Inventory:(above mentioned weapons and clothing)

Possessions: None




Short Bio: He is of the Ordo clan of Mandalorians, His Ancestor, Bralor, was once Canderous Ordo's right hand man when he took the mantle of Mandalore during the days of the old Republic, and his family has been in Canderous Ordo's family's service since.


During his younger years, he found himself stranded on a uknown planet in the outer regions known to some as Necropolis, where he helped another young lad by the name of Reaper Grimm escape.


Being bitten in the process by the planet's zombie like inhabitants, it caused a chain reaction from the experiments that had been used on the inhabitant, giving a person not from their world super strength. He woke later in space along with Grimm to find that he also had super human strength. His father is human, and his mother is Miraluka.


Years later, he joined the Black Sun organization after their defeat at Haruun Kal, and quickly rose through their ranks. But after a personel defeat at Ryloth during a Mandalorian tournament, Canderous finds himself wondering where he should go next in this chain of life.


Master: N/A

Apprentices or Padawans Trained: N/A

Apprentices or Padawans In Training: N/A

Force Powers: N/A

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Formally Known as Hunter Of Shadows/Dark

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Real Name: Alpha Fett

Nickname: Alpha

Age: 14

Species: Mandalorian-human

Height: 5'4''

Weight: 120

Hair: brown

Eyes: hazel

Sex: male

Homeworld: Mandalore

Alignment: Neutral


Clothing: specialized Phase II armor with synthamesh(Looks like a Galactic Marine) and a Mitrinomon Z-6 Jetpack with the turbo-projected magnetic grappling hook's 20-meter lanyard replaced with an anti-vehicle homing missile


Weapon: twin Westar-34 Dallorian blasters with hair-triggers; MM9 mini concussion rocket and Dur-24 wrist laser on his right guantlet; a Dartcaster with Kamino Toxic Darts and a Fibercord Whip in his left guantlet


Non-Force User

Inventory: ammo and credits

Posessions: an E-wing, a R& unit and a akk dog


Son of a rogue ARC trooper, he was named after his father and Jango Fett. He was trained in a Mandalorian-like way. He didn't know of his father being a clone untill he was 7 when his father told him before he died because of growth acceration. He didn't inherit his father's growth acceration and he doesn't listen to the "inner voice" of his father's teachings because his mother told him it was clone propaganda.

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Real Name: Mer Ang

Nickname: Lemon

Age: 20

Species: Kel Dor

Height: 1.6 Meters

Weight: 85 KG

Hair: None

Skin: Deep Red

Eyes: If you could see them, Black

Sex: Male

Homeworld: Dorin

Alignment: Neutral

Clothing: Black clothes and a black cloak

Weapon: Prefered weapon is X-150 (sniper rifle)

Non-Force User

Inventory: Bowie knife, Stun-cuffs, Palm Shooter and case for rifle

Posessions: Ship: Xin (Corellian YT-2400 Freighter, no mods), Dresselian Slugthrower, Prax Stealth-2VX Palm Shooter, Stun-cuffs and Arakyd Mark VII Inquistitor Seeker


Mer is a Assassin/Bounty Hunter. He prefers assassin, less work carrying around a lifeless body than a kicking one. Inx, the Mark VII Seeker, was a remote Mer picked up on a run to Tatooine, although Mer hasn't had a chance to reprogram it, so it remains in the cargo-hold.

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Real Name: Defluo Angelus ((Translated Lost Angel))


Nickname: Intemptesta Nox ((Translated Dead of Night))


Age: Mid 20's (exact age unknown)


Species: Human


Height: 6'0


Weight: 150 lb


Hair: Bald


Eyes: Dark Brown (Black after joining Sith)


Sex: Male


Homeworld: Coruscant


Alignment: Evil


Clothing: Black tunic, dark robes


Weapon: Lightsaber (when trained to use it), double bladed sword called Occidio





Force User


Inventory: Datapad, comlink, some credits


Posessions: An old Sienar Systems Star Courier called Cruento Umbra




So little is known about the being known as Intemptesta Nox that in many circles he is considered to be nothing more than a myth. What little is known has led to several different theories as to his true identity. The most popular theory has it that the one called Nox was originally born Defluo Angelus. His father was an exceptionally wealthy businessman who lived on Coruscant. During his childhood, Defluo wanted for nothing. But he was an unhappy child. From an early age Defluo was plagued by intense nightmares. When no help could be offered, he began to lash out, acting with extreme violence. As he grew older, his nightmares and as a result his violent acts, worsened to a point where he began deriving physical pleasure from the infliction of pain. He was forced to flee from the Core at the age of sixteen after he brutally murdered his mother and two sisters. Soon after, he disappeared completely from the mainstream galactic populace.


After his disappearance, Defluo made his way to the Outer Rim world of Abular. The nightmares, as it turned out, were actually a message being sent to him by a former master of the Jedi who had turned to the Dark Side. Over the next ten years, Defluo was subjected to brutal physical and mental degradation. Through the master's teachings, Beltran was slowly and agonizingly molded into a near perfect killing machine. Keeping true to his nature, Defluo eventually struck out against his master and killed him in his sleep.


However something happened then that he did not expect, Defluo lost all touch with the Force. Not understanding why his new found power had been ripped away from him, he made his way to the Sith temple on Cardia, desperate to regain what he had lost.


Psychological Work-up:


Nox's psyche has basically split into three distinct personalities, which manifest themselves with varying degrees of severity and frequency.


Angelus ”“ the remnants of the tortured soul that was once Defluo Angelus. Angelus is probably the most human personality. The Angelus personality tends to manifest itself frequently within Nox's psyche. Although he resents Nox's iron-clad control over the body, he rarely has the courage to fight him over it. Instead, he tends to simply remain in the background, taunting Nox. Angelus is a sadist, through and through. He thrives on delivering pain and torture to those around him. Despite this, Angelus is a coward. Even the slightest amount of pain or suffering is enough to bring out an almost irrational fear in him. Instead of facing it, Angelus often runs, hiding deep within Nox's psyche.


Nox ”“ the culmination of a lifetime of suffering and brutality, the Nox is the implacable and cold personality that manifests itself most frequently. Nox is a calculating and ruthless assassin and warrior. It is Nox who swore to serve the Sith and it is Nox who remains at the forefront of the three personalities. Nox has much in the way of ambition, his defining quest is power. Nox rarely shows any emotion and as such has no discernable tone to his voice.


Shadow ”“ Shadow is probably the most dangerous personality of the three. It is the incarnation of all Nox's darkness and rage into something resembling an animal. Shadow tends to manifest itself during battle. Shadow is a predator, simply put. He lives for the hunt and lusts after the kill. There is no reasoning with Shadow, as he does not think like a person. Shadow speaks in a very dark tone. Shadow is also known to manifest when Nox feels threatened, although that is very rare.

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Name: CR-34

Species: CR Class Assassin Droid

Age: 6

Gender: Questionable Answer: A Male judging by the voice of my vocabulator

Height: Simple Reply: My frame stands at two meters

Weight: Short Answer: My weight is of no concern, however for those who must know, I weigh approximately 500 lbs, More than sufficient to diminish that organic brain you filthy meatbags use.

Eye Color: Irritated Answer: My "Optical Macro-sensors" glow an iridescent Orange.

Hair Color: Exclamation: If a droid had hair there would be much explaining needed for its own personal maintenance when disposing the galaxy of useless meatbags.

Homeworld: Reply: I believe I was constructed in the personal stores of an overzealous Hutt on Ryloth.

Faction: Retort: A Droid of my Caliber has no purpose allying myself with useless groups of people.

Force User? Answer: Fortunately, No

Clothing: Objection: Do you see wookiee's wearing clothes? It is not something we as droids do.

Weapons: Proud Answer: I am the owner of a line of Aratech Sniper and Assault Rifle of the highest military grade. You would also find that I have an assortment of explosives on me as well.

Personality: Gleeful Statement: If it wasn't obvious enough, I love to rid this galaxy of unnecessary meatbags who get in the way of me and my credits.

History: Delighted Response: I was created about 6 years ago upon the planet of Ryloth where my master, a fat disgusting Hutt, decided to create me in order to exterminate his enemies who either owe him money or encroach upon territory he owns or desires.


I was on assignment to destroy an opposite Hutts clan. Unfortunately for my master, the clan was but his clan and I soon came back to him and diminished his staff. He became so paranoid and filled with rage that he attempted to sabotage me, something the programming he placed inside me prohibited. I open fired turning the hutt into nothing better than an overly large entree of escargot.


I now wander the galaxy as an unalligned Bounty Hunter hunting whomever for whoever.


Why can't this be like combat, where I blindly rush in and kill everything in sight?
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Real Name: Banas holidan


Age: 29

Species: Duros

Height: 1.9 meters

Weight: 170 pounds

Hair: none

Eyes: red eyes with slit pupils

Sex: male

Homeworld: Onderon

Alignment: Evil

Clothing: light battle armor and a Hendanyn death mask.

Weapon: Sith sword, a knuckle plate vibro blade, and his fists due to his training in hand to hand combat.

Force User

Inventory: his weapons and a few credits

Posessions: his ship along with a few broken crystals.

Histroy: He was born and raised on Onderon and became a palace guard. He was assigned to guard one of the many minor polticans there. He was very well liked by his peers and used to be what some would call as a nice guy. He was also a Teräs Käsi practitioner and a master of hand to hand combat. After a year or two of being a body guard he devloped a freindship with the council lord, she taught him much of politics and manipulation. He eventually discovered his force sensitivty and was earged by her to discover more about it. He took her ship and flew to the Dxun moon and visted the temple of Freedon Nadd. He was engrossed in the darkside and left the system searching many Sith tombs over the galaxy and building up his knowledge of them.

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Real Name: Alarra

Nickname: None

Age: 13

Species: Human

Height: 4 foot 5 inches

Weight: 63 pounds

Hair: black

Eyes: green

Sex: Female

Homeworld: Correllia

Alignment: Evil

Clothing: purple top with black pants and boots.

Weapon: blaster

Force User

Inventory: just the essentials

Posessions: an X-Wing

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