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Darth Heretic

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Piro Ritt had just landed on Fallen and swiftly exited his ship, The Black Cape. He had a great great amount of worry that a Sith Lord would not accept him and train him in the ways of the Darkside. With hope and worry he walked ever so calmly, and cautiously, into a casino.

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Tyler smiled at his master.


"These people are driven by greed pure and simple. It makes them foolish and impressionable. Their desire to win makes them disregard reason."


Tyler reached out feeling their minds through the force. Winners elated, losers furious and many more still playing anxiously sitting on the edge of either. Tyler had seen how his master could affect someones mind. It was an impressive skill, one he hoped to master some day. This would be an ideal place to try it out...But where to start.


"Should I try master?" He waited for Jareth's approval before he began playing with anyones mind.



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Tyler looked at all the people he had to choose from...He opened his mind and began to pry into their thoughts looking for someone susceptible.



Ahh you will do! Tyler thought looking at timid Bith male who was about to fold.


The man had a bad hand and didnt want to loose his money. From what Tyler could gather it was all the money he had. He pushed further into the alien mans' mind. It was his vacation, he didnt earn much money but he liked to gamble. He was definately a causcious and hesitant character....




Tyler pushed the weak minded Alien making him think that he had the perfect hand and that there was nothing he could loose. Tyler sat abck and watched the man loose every penny he owned.


So thats how it ruin feels. He thought as he felt the mans mind reeling with despair.


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"Good, tyler." Jareth spoke as he watched his apprentice follow his lead.


"Now, we must learn one of the most important lessons of the sith. Subtlety." Jareth turned toward Tyler and continued sternly.


"There is no point wasting energy where it is not needed. Using other's weaknesses is key. Strike fast and hard, and with minimal efforts to accomplish your goals. This will allow you to conserve energy in all you do. How does this apply here? you might ask. Well, let me show you"


Jareth raised a hand, palm down toward a nearby table. He then made what appeared to be an insignificant flick of his fingers toward one of the players.


Instantly, the large man rose from his seat, pulled his blaster out, and shot the two men across the table from him.


"DAMN CHEATS!!!!" the man screamed as he sat back down as if nothing happened.


Many among the players turned their hads toward the table with the commotion, but quickly continued their games shortly after.


"Tyler, I did nothing but suggest that those men were cheating. I have just murdered 2 people indirectly with but a flick of my hand. That, Tyler, Is what i mean by subtlety. Don't use a deathstar to kill a mynock.....Got it?"

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Piro had seen a peculiar looking man standing silently with another person. He precautiously walked up to them and said, "Excuse me Jareth, would you happen to know of any sith masters that could train me as an apprentice would you."

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"What would give you that idea? How do you know my name? Tell me why I shouldn't murder you where you stand?"


Jareth was unaccustomed to people approaching him in such fashion.

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OOC: Sorry I'm a bit new and stated the name on your sig art, Sorry .


IC: Piro calmly replied, "I apologize for being so rude and informal in how aproached you. My name is Piro Ritt and I am looking for a sith that would be able to train me. Would you happen to know anyone that could and would be willing to."

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((ooc: it's cool Jareth is just a mean guy ))




At the mention of the sith, several players turned their heads and started going for their weapons. It was rather tough, but through a bit of force manipulation, Jareth accomplished a slight misdirection which subdued what was close to becoming an angry mob. Stealth was the way of the Sith for quite sometime, and the techniques they used to stay hidden were far from dead. Once the situation was back under control, Jareth sent a silent force message into Piro's mind.


Try not to speak so openly of the sith. An order, which has the capability of seeing into someone's mind isn't exactly welcome in a room full of gamblers


Piro's mind, like most sith hopefuls, was easy to break into. Those who seek out the Sith are typically motivated by a desire for power. Piro was no different.


Jareth broke his force link with the hopeful's mind, and spoke aloud,


"Perhaps I can help you. For now, stay close to me. We have work to do here. It should not take long, and then we will talk. Are you armed? How are you at combat?"


The sith lord knew that having an extra pair of hands was not a bad thing being as their present situation could turn sour at a second's notice. If tzeentch was found out, there was no way Jareth could calm the entire crowd. They would have to fight, but that was a last resort.


Subtlety, Jareth thought to himself, hoping that Abaddon had explained it's importance to his apprentice already.

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((sorry for the lame post...but im tired...and someone *ahem* deleted my old one. ))


Abaddon nodded to the three with him sending them force messages to get on the speeder nearest them....He boared at the controls and the large machine shot down the streets.


Within a short period of time he got back to his ship and ordered the others to board the ship while he sent a brief message to Ahriman.


"Finish before I return."


Then he entered the rear of his ship and started the repulsorlifts with the force as he rose on the hydraulics of the boarding ramp.


The gunboat was in the air and out of the atmosphere moments later. The ships black color merged with the stars, thier points of light turning into the lines of hyperspace.



Father Bad Touch, Dark Priest of the Lords of Hate since Sept. 2003.

Chacter Sheet

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Piro walked close to Jareth so not to be overheard by the gamblers and spoke to him quietly. "I am armed with a Sith sword and two blasters and I am, in my opinion, somewhat skilled in combat, but not the best of fighters...yet. I hope that I can be of great use to you and that you know a lord that could train me.

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::Passing the low stake games that had so easily distracted Tyler and his master, Ahriman went to one of the casino officers and made it worthwhile for him to introduce Ahriman at one of the higher stakes games int he private rooms. When he was well out of the earshot and the attentions of Tyler and the fool's master, he informed the officer that a man of Tyler's description was using a shifter, a card used by cheaters that changed value. He knew from past observations that casino security bludgeoned first and asked questions later, if at all.


Ahriman entered a darkly lit room, where the decadants of society spent copious amounts of wealth on spice, pleasureable company, and the lure of the game of chance. Ahriman was pleased when several of the players recognized him. Taking a chair at the table, Ahriman placed forward his bid and the game began.::


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"Jareth" said Piro calmly, "I don't know why but I feel like something very bad is aboout to happen very soon. I can't figure out what will happen though, but I just have this feeling."

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"If you are correct, then whatever is to come is most likely out of our hands. Perhaps we'll get to see if you are in fact skilled in combat."


Jareth turned to tyler and waited for him to speak on the lesson he had just learned.

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"Well, whatever is to come, I am more than ready for it. How about you and your apprentice, are the both of you ready?"


Piro started pacing back and forth in both anticipation and preperation.

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Jzasa strode confidently after Ahriman into the private room. She smirked to herself as she listened to his whispered commentary to the officer, knowing that whatever her master had planned would make things lively. Until that point, however, she decided to do the best she could to place the games to his advantage.


As Ahriman sat at the table, Jzasa moved about the room, quietly but knowing full well that she drew glances. She brought her master a spiced drink, and found other small errands that would keep her moving around the room and its players.


Satisfied that she had as many players distracted as possible, she stretched luxuriously across a divan to await further adventures.

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"What about your apprentice, how well armed is he and how good is he in combat?" Piro started feeling nervous and worried about the feeling that he had just expierinced only a few moments ago.


"What about your apprentice, I saw you turn to him earlier as if he were to have done something, like a lesson being learned for example, but he did not respond to you." Out of sheer curiosity Piro continued on, "What kind of task have you had him attempt, if that is alright for me to ask?" Piro then stood still and silent waiting for a response to his question.

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Exiting their ships 2 platoons of Hutt troops march across the desolute area of Falleen. They made their way to the Casino. At the lead was the Commander who spotted tzneetch right away. He approached and put out his hand.


Hello, these are his majesty Wyhl's troops, they are being contracted to guard and over see the safe distribution of the funds here. Wyhl wishes for a 60/40 cut. You of course getting 60. How is that?

Now is your time to die...

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"Some lessons do not require physical response. My apprentice is well trained, and is doing exactly as I asked. Your first lesson will be patience, and discretion. I hope you can learn both without forcing me to dismember you." Jareth said with a blaze in his eyes.


"We will be out of here shortly, and then you will know true pain at the hands of your master. The way of the sith is not for the weak. Save your strength." The sith lord then continued in a slightly less annoyed tone.


"Do you have a ship here on Faleen?"

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Two large thuggish looking Trandosian security guards approached Tyler. Stun batons were clenched betwwen their scaly fists and fearsome snarls crossed their ugly, green faces.


What the hell?! Tyler thought incredulously.


Tyler knew that he cloud take down down the two guards, but ensuing bloodbath would attact far too much attention. This was the place for subtlety. These guards couldnt be much a mental challenge against the power of the darkside. Tyler would penetrate their feeble minds and send them on their way. After all, to the naked eye Tyler had done nothing wrong. So why where these guards approaching him? Someone must have told them he was a Sith.


Who might that be? grinned inwardly to himself, he knew exactly who would do such a thing.


As the guards approached Tyler he sent tenrils of drak energy into their already suggestive minds pushing them every slightly towards accepting his words when he spoke.


"You've got the worng man." Tyler said his voice hoarse and cold." Go check your security tapes, Ive done nothing..."


The trandosians cratched their bald scalps with their clawed hands in puzzelment. By this point they couldnt even remember why theyd ben after Tyler, the image they had in their head was that of a completely different man. They walked away wondering what they had been doing in the first place.


Tyler smiled at his master. "I think I could get the hang of this subtlety thing."


He shook Ritt's hand. "Tyler Durden." He said. " A pleasure to have you on board."


With that5 he turned back to Jareth. "Master, I wouldnt like to stay here too much longer. Something is defiantely up."


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"It is a pleasure to meet you Tyler. Jareth, I apologize for my unsubtlelty and impatience, forgive me.

To answer your second question, yes, I do have a ship here on Falleen.

I to belive, like your apprentice, that we should not stay here much longer."

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"I agree, however, I don't believe it would be prudent or wise to abandon master Abaddon's apprentice. Especially in a place like this."


((OOC:don't sweat the double post. Seriously. I've quadruple posted before))

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((OOC: I know but I have double posted before so I don't want to get kicked of or suspended or something like that.))


"I take it that we shoul wait here and 'watch over' master Abaddon's apprentice until his return then, correct."

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::To Ahriman, Sabacc wasn't a game or a form of gambling, is was a method of inevitably getting what he wanted. For now, what he wanted was the deed that was laying in the center of the table, for a planet known as Dathomir. Other wagers held merit too though. One man, a prominent slave trader originally from Curst, was offering a quota of slaves of various species. Another wagered a small fortune in antique mint condition weapons and armor of exotic appearance.


From the start of the game, Ahriman was in control. He knew when to bluff, when to mislead his opponents. When the game was securely in the palm of his hand, he had Jsaza recline in his lap, feeding her small stemmed fruits as her tongue tickled his fingertips. Meanwhile, the other players sweated over whether he was really that in control of the game. One player didn't think so, and and raises the wager with an estate on Naboo, Ahriman matches him with credits. At last the hands are played, and Ahriman's hand shifts to sabacc with two seconds to spare. The wager is his to claim. Ahriman stays for drinks for the sole purpose of knowing that it will aggravate Tyler to stay here any longer, and then begins splitting his attention between pleasant conversation and Jsaza. At one point while kissing Jsaza he feels as if an explosion of energy is traveling through him. As the kiss deepens, he realizes that it is dark side energy that is coursing through him. Many people are dieing, and it felt most pleasureable.


Collecting his wagers, he comms his master to inform him of the success of his mission, and that he would meet him on Dathomir. He simply told the other Sith he was leaving and tossed a dataslate with coordinates to the Sith lord.


Boarding his ship, he departs to Dathomir.::


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Jareth motioned for his apprentice and the hopeful to follow him back to the Tigershark.


"You will have to leave your ship here for the time being Piro. It will not survive where we are headed."


Jareth ran a check for tracking devices, and when it came up negative, he made preparations for the hyperspace jump to Mimban, and then blasted off toward the Sith home planet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Salkuus set the Skipray down after receiving clearance. He studied his datapad once more and headed to the casino indicated in Whyls' instructions. He sat down and ordered a drink. According to Master Whyl, the contact would find him, not the other way around. He sat sipping his drink, waiting.




A massive Trandoshan approached. He bared his fangs at Salkuus.


"You Salkuus?"


Salkuus nodded silently.


"Come with me."


The reptile strode away from the table. Salkuus hesitated. He changed the power pack into his blaster rifle, and returned it to its original place, stapped loosely across his back. Then he followed the Trandoshan.




After the transaction was completed, Salkuus took off for Whyl's palace once more.

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  • 1 month later...

Piro landed on the planet Fallen and exited his masters ship. As soon as he exitd it, it left for the planet Mimban, where his master was. Piro saw his abandoned X-wing, The Black Hawk, had not been touched. Piro hoped in and started it up, his asttromech did the rest as Piro left for the Galatic Gunshop.

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  • 16 years later...

The Sith armada slipped out of hyperspace with all the grace of a nek battle dog in heat. Or like a holonet forum poster resurrecting a thread that had been archived for the better part of two decades. Swarms of starfighters unlimbered from their carriers and flashed towards the green gem of a planet. This planet, this society, had not seen war in a generation. Having been relatively spared during the great war of generations past, the Falleen had kept mostly to themselves. For what was there to gain from the planet of biological abnormalities? Slaves they had and sold in plenty. Women, especially those with pheromones like the Falleen’s were in high demand, from Hutt’s palaces on Tatooine to the strip poles on old Ryssk. So What was there to gain when everything they had could be bought?


Undying control could never be bought, it had to be taken with force. And the Sith would bring their chain and their fist. Simply put, the princedoms would bow low before the banner of the black spider, or they would die. And if there was ever a sign of stirring to freedom, The Sith Navy would ensure that it would die in a nuclear holocaust.


Falleen Space Command was issued a strict warning over Guard frequencies. 


No ships would escape from the gravity well that was now billowing from the four projectors in the Abides thick hull. And the Princes would all join the Sith Leadership aboard the Star Destroyer Hellens. Or they would die.

As for the Darkhand commandos? 


Their drop ships were already streaking towards the surface.




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