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Velhart swung at Reklin's ankles and Reklin jumped up. Velhart uses the force to push reklin halfway across the room. Velhart then sent 2 training remotes at Reklin, who had a hard time fighting 2 at the same time. Velhart ran up and sliced Reklin's back. The stun ran up his spinal cord and down his veins, Reklin fell over, still in tact, but the stun blade hit in the position to completley immobilize him. Velhart turned off his lightsaber and sighed. He then helped up Reklin and sat him down. "Better luck next time."

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Coming out of hyperspace, Skywalker asks for a landing pasport. "What is your business" Comes the curt reply. Thinking for a minute, he says, " I am here as a refugee." "A refugee? from where," comes the next reply. "I dont know" answers skywalker. he starts to transmit his data number, but stops, as he sees his com flashing again. "We cxant let you land here if you are going to lie. leave." Skywalker flashes with anger, and throws the com at the wall. he stops it befor it hits. his answer was clear to him. by stoping the com, he established himself as not a sith. by losing his temper he was not a jedi. he was a force user, and he was going to start his opwn set. "Permision to transmit a declaration to the rouge jedi. This is my deeclaration." as he says this, he opens a channel to the sith, and to the jedi. "I am neither sith, nor jedi. I will harm heither. I am a rouge, and I will harm neither side. If provoked, i will respondd, and obliterate you. Do not fpollow me." with that declaration, he blasted off into hyperspace, points unknown.

Hey, suck it up. Your gonna bow to me and thats that.

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A sole X-Wing drops out of hyperspace. It navigates the Asteroid Feild and quickly descends to the Rogue Base. Even before the ship touched down, Talon's cockpit was opening. "Stay with the ship, artoo..."


Talon jumps out and walks. He goes through a courtyard, and sees his apprentice. It looked as if he had just been in a duel. "Reklin! I am sorry I couldn't get back sooner, but I was fighting in a battle. We were victorious!" Suddenly his face apprears solem. "But I have something very important to talk to you about. Please come with me...." Talon leads Reklin to his room. "I don't know if you know why I joined the Rogues. It was because I was angry with the Jedi. They had turned their backs on me when I needed them most. I died. What you see before you is a cloned body... but with my spirit. It was a trick I had learned- how I could use all my energy to project my spirit into a new body. Anyway, I have meditated long on this, and I have seen now that my thoughts were unreasonable. They could do nothing... at least in their current state. I see now that I made a wrong desicion. I am a Jedi by heart. I have made the decision to rejoin the Order. However, I have been led to believe you a Rogue... not an Order member. I have not forgotten my responsibility to you. You are welcome to join me. But, if you do not wish to do that, than I will be willing to stay here and continue to train you. Or, you could find a new master. I will not be dis-heartened if you wish for a new one. It is your choice. Any of the three, or if you have an idea i have not stated.... I do not wish to make you make this choice, but I have too. I warn you now that if you do not wish to come along, and want my training, I may not be available all the time, but I will be here as often as I can. I also wish to tell you that I will be traveling between the Orders- trying to re-unite us, or at least keep our treaty... but most of all, just to be with all my friends. Everyone here has accepted me, and given me guidance when I needed it... like I said, my heart turns to the Order. I need your decision." A very saddend expression shows on his face, and the others around him can tell it is very difficult for him to make this decision.

Location courtesy of Hale Akturus.

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Searcys own private personnalYT-1300 come out of hyperspace near the planet. He navigates the asteroid field and lands near Talons own X-wing. he jumps out and walks over towhere Talon and an apprentice are talking."So is this your new apprentice." Searcy asks Talon searching this young ones face.

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Searcy replies wiht a similar force messageOk fine Ill back off for now." He walks off and back to his ship. He sits down and begins to create yet anther crystal with a smaller version of the force that was on Arcoun Morion. Instead of evil things, he pours in the things that make up a jedi.

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OOC: Searcy since you told me on messanger you did not want to rejoin and Talon says your memory was wiped of this place. You are not here and I for one intend to ignore your posts.

IC: DJK looked around. Talon and Reklin were talking, Velhart was resting from the battle. Dhan-Jaroe went into a room in the base he opens the door and takes a seat. He looks up at the droid. "Give me a corellian ale." "Yes, Sir." The droid gave DJ the drink and he gulped it down. "ahh." He felt better and left the room. He looks for Velhart. "Velhart, lets give you a little more training with your lightsaber."

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Before Reklin can answer, Talon raises his hand. He slips into the force, but stays in the consious world. "Hm.... I don't know. This is very confusing for me. Maybe the best option for me would to be to stay here until you have finished training." He pauses. "Yes... I think that would work best. But I will have to sendd a message to the Order telling them of my plans..."

Location courtesy of Hale Akturus.

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"Well I guess I'll make it official then. I'll stay here until you've finished training. I'll comm the Order later to tell them." He pauses. "You know somethin... I realised from the battle the extent of my piloting skills... what about you? How can you fly? I was thinkin of expiramenting with something called the force-meld. It's where a lot of Jedi "unite" minds and I've done some research. I've found that it was used extensively in the war with the Yhuuzan Vong, and it proves extremely effective in battle. Would you like to help me practice this?" He turns to the others but sees they are training. "Well... I guess it's me and you then. I was hoping to arrange something with Rogue Squadron, and I'll have to contact them later." Talon observes that Reklin is still dirty from his match. "Now go clean up. I'll come get you when you're ready."

Location courtesy of Hale Akturus.

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"Right" Reklin replies. This was becoming a confusing day. Before heading off to clean up he says one last thing to Talon. "Sorry about having to ditch ya back on coruscant" (not sure how to spell it, and cant remember when i see it )

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Zophar's Y-Wing fighter comes out of hyperspace and goes through the asteroid field to Acrid to reveal the RJO base. He comes out and walks up to the first person he sees. "I am looking for the one called Master Kenobi."

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"It's alright. I know you got bored. I shouldn't have just dropped you there. Now go get cleaned up."


While Reklin goes and gets cleaned up, Talon sends a comm to the Rogue Squadron. He goes to Dhan-Jaroe. "I am going to be taking Reklin to the Rogue Squadron on a mission. We should be back in several days. I'll comm to keep you updated." He then walks back to Reklins room. On the way, he runs into a guy asking for Master Kenobi. "He is in the other courtyard- back that way. You can find him there."


He then continues to Reklins room. He knocks, and Reklin allows him to enter. "Hey. I hope you feel better... because you're going on your first mission. I'm taking you to Almania to learn with the actual Rogue Squadron. Pack some things.... we should be gone several days. When your ready, meet me in the hangar. We'll be taking a lamba-class shuttle, so You'll have plent of space. See-yah in a bit."


Talon goes and loads his X-Wing into the holding cell behind the cockpit. Since there weren't anyother passengers, this was relatively easy. He had R2-Z2 power up the shuttle while he went to get his clothes. He made sure his saber was at his belt, and then walked to the cockpit. "Thanks Zee." The droid wobbles in delight, and then powers down. He waits, and Reklin arrives soon after.


"I was hoping on the way to teach you something... maybe like mind-tricks or something. But for now lets get up and get into hyperspace." The shuttle powers up, and they take off."


((When you're ready just post in the Space thread... I'll be waiting for you.))

Location courtesy of Hale Akturus.

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"Sorry Zophar, but i will talk to you about this later, i have buisness to attend to." DJK takes Trigun, Jedi Solo and TLK and sets off into hyperspace, after clearing the asteroid field and the shield deactivated, and reacivating, They head to corscant.... Velhart you are in charge while I am gone, don't burn the place down.

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Mesadu comes out of hyperspace and goes through the asteroid field. The Shadow Fox II lands down in the hangar bay, she goes into the base, she looks to the right she sees Velhart who is leaning on the wall with his eyes closed. He's probably meditating. she would let him finish to talk to him.

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DJKs ship lands at the base. He walks up, he sprays some minty stuff in his mouth--- to hide the alchohol smell. He walks up to Mesadu. He kisses her hand and says. "It is nice to meet you, I have seen you in velhart's dreams alot." She has a confused/offended look on her face. But she just grinned and asked "Anything bad?" "I saw the beginning of something bad and i decided it best to let him dream in peace." Musadu knew what he was talking about and had a discusted/offended look on her face. "Well, Sadi, I will wake him up." She slaps him. "That's a nickname only velhart can call me." "Yes, of course." Velhart, come out of meditation, you have a guest. NO. Keep your eyes closed, but, whose your friend?

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Velhart looks around with his eyes shut. It's... it is someone I have not been around for a while. A young woman..... a ...... he couldn't find out, he wasn't sober enough and DJK the a****** was partialy masking her prescence. DJK waves his hand to her, like an approval to do something. "Hey Stud." she giggles, she was not a comical. Velhart's eyes opened and threw his head up with a dreadfull reality-- DJK was playing a joke on him. His girlfriend that was kidnapped 3 years ago and thought to be dead. And this little f***** was pulling up such a painfull and personal memory.... Until he saw Mesadu. His angered expression turned into a sorrowful face. He was so happy. He runs up to her. Mesadu was like "Oh no" cause she was about to be jerked violently. Velhart picks her up and spins her around. He gives her a big hug and kisses her. He squeezes her again and is crying like a baby. "Don't cry velly, its okay. It's really me." Velhart is holding her and she is real close to becoming a human kleenex. Well, Velhart's shirt was soaked and was about to be ripped open from the wait of the water oh his shirt. He sniffs and tries to get ahold of himself. Don't push against your feelings. DJK suddenly popped in and said. Velhart was going to say "yes master." But his mouth was dry and he was near to choking. Velhart tore off a piece of his only dry part of clothes and started dabbing the tears off her face. "It's okay," trying to hold back his own tears. "we're together again, and I'll never let you out of my site again, i'll never let you go, I promise you on my own life, that I will never let you be taken away from me ever again." he swallows as he was about to make the most important decision of his life. "There is something I want you to have." He kneels on one knee and hands her a small wooden box with a beautiful family heirloom. Sadi was shocked to know that Velhart would give her this. Another shock was about to strike her. "Will you marry me Sadi?" "Said has her hand on her face trying to re-enact what just happened and figure out what is going on. Her eyes water up and all she can do is nod...

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She was sniffing back her tears as Velhart had just gave her the most personal thing he owned, basically his heart and soul was in that necklace. She was holding her head and placing the current events into place. She nods. "Yes, Yes of course." She jumped down to the floor and into his arms. Velhart started kissing her, she was going to be a bloody mess for the wedding. Because if Velhart kept kissing her and hugging her the way he was she was going to burst. "Tonight, we must marry tonight." she looks at Velhart who just nods. No words were needed....

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As everyone boards her ship, she goes to the cockpit and does a systems check and takes the ship up. Fly smoothly out of the atmosphere, she does a small hyperspace jump that brings them out one light year.


Going back to the cargo hold, she sees her ship is being decorated for the wedding. Putting her hand on her head, she shakes her head and moans. You have got to be kidding me. Oh, if my brother could see the birthday present he gave me now....


Walking around looking at her ship she just shruggs her shoulders. Going to the bay doors, she stands there, the groom seemed ready.


"Okay, Lets get this show on the road, music or whatever you guys want.."


She waits for the musical interlude to begin..

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Xen-Que flies the shuttle down to Acrid. He then watches as Velhart and Mesadu go into the building of the party. He then looks at Velhart and his bride, and whispers something to himself. He goes back into the craft, and flies it back to where his ship is.


((I'm posting here due to Velhart's wedding))

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Velhart walks out of the shuttle, carrying Mesadu to their party. She kisses Velhart again. She then drops her head back and starts giggling as Velhart's grip on her begins to tickle her. She then realizes it's not the way he's holding her, he was doing it on purpose. Being broken up by laughter and giggles, "Velly, stop it!" Velhart laughs and sets her down and hugs her. She shakes her head, "Oh no--" but Velhart had her hoisted back off her feet again and walked into the center of their party, where a few Jedi had the decorations up and the cake out. Finally being able to walk on her own, she quickly runs over to some of the female Jedi, and begin conversing.

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Velhart brought Mesadu out of her shuttle and to her party. He kept stating things as if it was all for her. He'd get her the universe if she wanted it. He sets her down and she begins to talk with some woman Jedi. He goes over to Master Kenobi. Dhan-Jaroe begins to speak, "Congratulation Vel. Call everyone by their first name for a while, that's an order." Dhan-Jaroe smiles widely, and pats his on the back, and tilts his head to the cake. Velhart takes on a evilish grin, and picks up a piece of the cake. He then runs over and smushes it all over her face.

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She shrieks out as the cake gets all over her face, she goes over to the cake and begins to chase Velhart all over. She finally gets him. He then picks her up and falls onto his back. They both laugh. They get up and begin to eat their dinner provided by the Rouge Jedi Order. She looks over to Velhart, "I love you."

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Velhart nods, "I love you too." After a long pause, Velhart says something, "Are you going to eat that?" She slaps him on the chest as he laughs his butt off. "What?"

Mesadu looks over to him, "You're certainly how i remember you Velly. YES, i'm going to eat that."


She then, still sitting on her chair, leans in on Velhart as he gives her portions of food, while still eating. He smiles, and hugs her again. She gets up, and soon begins to eat her dinner.

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