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Ary the Grey

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((((( Its your choice Kerrigan, If you wish to keep fighting, Your on a Stardestroyer Going and attacking Raxus Prime, But If you dont, Then your on a Transport heading back to the Jedi Base of Operations...))))

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ooc((So um... are we attacking them or not? I think its rather unfair if we do attack them when they specifically say no one can find it... but it's not my call... lol))



Talons X-Wing travels through the wormhole of hyperspace alongside the rest of the fleet. He chacks all his systems, and they are all up to maximum working order. "Good job- Whistler."


*Beep blurble beep beep sigh beep beep.* On Talons screen the message popped up- THE TECH GUYS HELPED, BUT WE GOT YOUR X-WING UP AND RUNNING."


"I can see that. Are you ready?"


*Bleep.* -- YES

Location courtesy of Hale Akturus.

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The battle is finally over... Thank Goodness! Talon sends a short comm to the Jedi.



I will return to Sullust... but first I have a few things to take care of.

---end comm---


Talon enters coordinates to his destination.


*Blurble bleep bleep beep* WHERE ARE WE GOING?

"To the Acrid..."

*Sigh* OH.


The X-Wing enters hyperspace.

Location courtesy of Hale Akturus.

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after leaving the planet where the sith were, skywalker takes off on his own. maybe to build his own order, maybe to rejoin the jedi. he didnt know. what he did know, was that he needed a place to go, to rest, to gather information. he called up his file on the jedi, and found out about the rouge jedi order out on acrid. "Well thats the best place to go, I will go there." he set the course for hyperspace, and went.

Hey, suck it up. Your gonna bow to me and thats that.

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A small ship, built for the minimum comfort of two people, entered into hyperspace.


Myth Hunter and Aia made use of their time in space. Myth taught all that she could in the confined spaces of her ship.


But I'm out of cheesecake.

Taking over JNet, 1 thread at a time.

JNet Royalty

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Aia nodded her head to whatever Myth was saying, but was sometimes distracted by the unnaturally large number of ships zooming past. She was only used to a few ships as her father never travelled far, and if he did he didnt take her with him.


She was brought back to the present when she heard Myth's shout.

"Aia, are you listening to me?"

"Yes, I was just distracted--"

"There is no time for distractions. Do you want to be a hunter or not?"

"Of course I do!"

"Then listen to me!"

Aia nodded her head and Myth started again.


"I choose a mortal life."

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Master Prophets ship, The Sunami blasts through Hyperspace, as O-4 the Ships built in R-2 Unit prepares the ship for coming out of hyperspace... The Wormwhole around the Sunami engulfs the craft as it travels through space.

The powers of Master Prophet and Adi-Wan were defeated by whining, rather than the Sith RPers using their heads to defeat them.
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Deep in the unknown regions floated a Modified Seinar Systems Star Courier, the Dark Vengeance.

Aboard it, a tube opened, and a dark haired young man stumbled out.

The freshly cloned Ademus Xafra walked over to the navicomputer.

During his journey to his new clone bodyhe saw many things.

One of the most useful being a strong concentration of the Dark Side on a planet deep in the unknown regions.

He sat down infront og the navicomp and started feeding in the position of the constellations that he saw while he was there, hoping to find a match.

The name of a planet flashed up on his screen.

Aracoun Morion

He input the coordinates and prepared the jump.

With a flicker of psuedomotion, the Vengeance was in hyperspace, hopefully on the way to a congregation of Sith.


Skin against skin, blood and bone.

You're all by yourself, but you're not alone

You wanted in and now you're here

Driven by hate, consumed by fear

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*Raynuk smiled as his small ship, the Minitour Reborn poped out of Hyperspace over the blue Sphere below him.


Mon Calamari...


He turned and looked down at the planet for a moment, taking note of its near perfect solitude. He then turned from the planet, and set his coordinates to land on the planet in the public docking bay. Raynuk exited his ship and looked around breifly, seeing if anyone noticed him. He pulled up his hood, and made his way out into the bustling streets. He walked solidly, knowing exactly where he was going. He turned down one of the main roads, and walked right up to the large gate at the end of the mostly dead street. Two Mon Calamari guards jogged over to him, weapons drawn.


"State you buissness Human..."


Raynuk looked up, glancing at the guards, each in turn. he smiled slightly deviously, and spoke again


"I am here to see Ghar on Personal buissness.."


The guards looked at each other, and then one spoke


"Ghar doesnt wo--"


His words were cut short, and him even shorter, by Raynuk's white lightsaber. A split second later, the Second guard had been removed from his head. Raynuk couldnt have planned it better. He had stalled just long enough so that there was no one walking along the Main road when Raynuk 'removed' the guards from his way. Raynuk smiled once more, and took the key cards off of the Guards, and walked up, to the main gate.





Raynuk almost burt out laughing at the quiet, calm and inviting voice of the computer terminal concidering what he just did. He inserted the key card, and the picked up the be headed guard's head, and used it for the retinal scan that came after the key card. Finnally the door opened, and Raynuk walked in with evil in his face *



*After wandering the halls for about an hour, and unforntunelty having to kill five more guards, Raynuk found what he was looking for. He sat down at the computer terminal, and scanned everything in a 20 meter radius, making sure no one was around. He inserted the datadisk, and began the download he came for. When the file was his, Raynuk went to leave, when the Alarm went off. He cursed himself silently. Aparently someone had found the dead guards... Raynuk ran to the nearest window and blasted it out with a Force Blast, and found metal bars. He quickly did away with those using his lightsaber, and jumped out the window, landing on a nearby roof. After that, Raynuk was gone*


I ate a hippo. It was delicious.

May the Forth therve you well...

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*Five hours had past since Raynuk dissapeared into the Cityscape of Mon Calamari, and there Raynuk sat, in a Booth at some local Cantina. He looked around, his hood up as always, waiting. He pulled the small Data card out of his pocket, and tilted it a bit, looking at it*


Master AP will find this very useful I hope...maybe later I can get some more information to rebuild the Sith Fleet...


*Raynuk looked up and around the Cantina, still waiting patiently*


Come Bishop..I am here, I am waiting


I ate a hippo. It was delicious.

May the Forth therve you well...

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*Dropping out of hyperspace above the blue planet Mon Calimari, the Hell's Envy glided gracefully into the planet's atmosphere. Seated at the controls, Bishop could not help but smile. He could allready feel the death that Raynuk had brought to the planet. He also made little attempt to hide his force presence, especially from Bishop, which made tracking him even easier. Setting down on one of the landing bays conveniently near to the Minitour Reborn. Exiting the ship he pulled his dark robes around him, hiding the lightsabers strapped to his wrist and shadowing his facial features. Stepping into a local cantina he was immediatly approached by a punkishly dressed calamari offering him death sticks. He didn't even say a word as he swept the being off his feet and slammed him into a wall. Most of the patrons didn't even turn to look away from their drinks. A quick glance at the bartender placed in his mind the drink he wanted. The human, standing out slightly on the calamari homeworld, had the drink ready and delivered at almost the same time he sat down in a booth across from a similarly dressed figure.*


"We meet again Raynuk. Master Hatred has sent me to get you. If you're ready, we'll return to Aracoun Morion. We're gathering what remains of the Sith together. It's time to rebuild after our defeat."


*He lifted his mug to his lips and took a drink, the chrome of his lightsaber gleamed briefly from his sleeves, contrasting to the dull color of the man blasters holstered around the room. Although they faced eachother, their eyes roved the room endlessly. Their training dictated nothing less.*

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*Raynuk's hooded head nodded breifly as he looked around*


"Yes..I am ready, I got what I came here for. AP will be most happy with what I have found. Raynuk stood, paying for both his and Bishop's drinks, and walked out. When Bishop emerged from the Cantina, Raynuk turned*


"Excuse me a moment..."


*Raynuk re-entered the Cantina.


The sound of a lightsaber...


some muffled yells...


shattering glass...


the smell of Lightsaber on flesh...


Raynuk emereged, his black cloak dotted with Purple specs. He had his white saber ingnited, and touched the tip to the puddle on the floor. With in four seconds, the entire Cantina was awash in White Flames. Raynuk closed the door and barricated it from the outside as the muffled screams of Agony rang through the thick walls. Raynunk had only killed two of the 50+ patrions in the Cantina, but soon the rest would burn to death. Raynuk turned to Bishop*


" I am ready Bishop...lets go."


*They made their way back to their ships, and Raynuk got the co-ordinates from Bishop, and followed him into hyperspace*


I ate a hippo. It was delicious.

May the Forth therve you well...

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*Watching the proceedings calmly, Bishop waited till he had locked the doors and rejoined him.*


"How very nice of you to offer to share the fun."


*They both turned and walked away as a large crowd gathered outside to watch those inside burn. Once at their ships they launched into the atmosphere. As they prepared to jump Bishop commed to Raynuk.*


"Hold just a minute, I have to have my own release."


*He shut the comm and then wheeled his ship around. A large transport had just dropped out of hyperspace. A relic of the old republic, it was a large transport, carrying easily a hundred refugees from some backwater planet come to Mon Calamari for a 'better life'. Bearing down on the ship he opened fire. He aimed and controlled his shots with lightning quickness and razor precision. They lanced through space and struck the unprotected hull, tearing into the engines. Two of the three were shut down automatically, but the third had it's fail safe struck. Lacking any controls the engine poured all of it's power into the last output. If run long enough like that, it would burn out. However in the meantime it sent the ship in an ever faster spiral and roll that made any attempts to escape by the few functional escape pods suicide. After that the gravity of the planet did the rest. In its violent throws of death it sank through the atmosphere to the watery death bed that awaited it below. Veering away Bishop lined up with Raynuk.*


"Prepare to jump to hyperspace."


*Letting the computer line up the last of the calculations he jumped to lightspeed, followed closely by Raynuk.*

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Reagan wakes up on the swift, with no memory of ever being on Aracoun Morion. To Reagan's knowledge, she has just made a delievery to the Mon Calamarian's.


Going to the cockpit, she makes sure that she is still on course for Coruscant. Only a short time left, so she goes and changes quickly waiting to enter the space around the planet.

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While The Rogue[/i] is safely in hyperspace, Talon takes Reklin to the back. "On our way to Almania, I'm going to teach you several things. The first is very importanat to this mission. It is sensing others in the force. I want you to slip into the force. Let it flow through you and around you.... When you can feel this, it will be like an ally... but an ally at your command. Have the force stretch out, and you will be able to feel me through the force and with your mind. You will be able to sense all my movemants, and be able to pinpoint my exact location... Try it."


Reklin closes his eyes. Talon can feel the force flowing into him, and he begins to move. "I want you to tell me if I'm on you left, your right, behind you, or in front of you."


Reklin:"You're behind me..."


Talon:"Good. It's working. I'm going to move again."


After several moments, Reklin continues. "Your on my left."


"Good...good. One more time."


They do it again, but Reklin remains silent. A look of confusion enters his face. "I can't sense you..."


Talon:"It's o.k. i used another trick. It masks my force presence, and makes it so others can't sense me.... usually. To do this, all you have to do is instead of stretching out, bring it in around you. And let the force conceal you in it."

Location courtesy of Hale Akturus.

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