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Ary the Grey

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Some hours later, Armiena blinked and was suddenly aware of how dry her green eyes had gotten, and how stiff her back and neck had gotten from sitting hunched over the iron workbench. Her diligence had been well rewarded with a half-dozen suitable crystals, each cut with microscopic precision by a laser to the degree of perfection that a lightsaber demanded. She admired them for a minute before turning away to gather the more mundane components of her lightsabers; it was really a pity that they would never be removed from her weapons after they were constructed””they were really quite beautiful stones.


The hilts of her weapons had been machined days ago, as had the synthleather grip that banded the metal. The rest of the components were easy to obtain; Armiena had taught Arlan that he could have easily obtained them all by cannibalizing the Ghost Breath for the parts, but she wouldn't have to resort to scavenging them from her beloved ship.


After Armiena set to work, it was more than a day before she emerged from the cargo hold. And that was just to relieve herself, drink a glass of water, and tuck into a meal of a self-heated military ration. Building a lightsaber demanded all of her attention, and spending any time beyond taking care of bare essentials stole away her valuable concentration. In a more candid moment, Armiena might have admitted that even she wasn't positive that the innovation in her blade design that she was going to attempt was going to work (if Arlan disturbed her, she was more likely to either completely ignore him or throw a fit at the interruption).


In addition to the activator switch and controls to alter the power of the blade from efficient lethality to an overglorified stun baton, a rotating disc was attached to the pommel of each weapon, designed to twist the focusing crystals to dramatically change the length of the blade. However, nearly all of the dual-phase lightsabers Armiena knew of were designed to extend the blade of a lightsaber””it was a difficult but feasible feat of engineering, regularly attempted by even novice Jedi. She had never, never heard of a version that shortened the blade, from nearly a meter long to just under twenty centimeters. Armiena loved her knives, and wanted to see if she could duplicate the blade length with a lightsaber.


Armiena had no concept of time when she was focusing this intensely, but the craftswoman knew abstractly that it had to have been many hours since she had sat down to work after grabbing her meager bite to eat. Eventually, however, she came to full attention and found herself staring at a pair of polished metal hilts, their interiors already sealed and their power cores merely waiting for the initial charge that would transform it from a heap of common parts and into the revered weapon of a Jedi.


After plugging their recharging sockets into a transformer she'd prepared for this very purposed, Armiena took a step back from the workbench and paced about the cargo hold to relax strained muscles in her arms and legs. As if there was any portion of constructing a lightsaber where shoddy work would produce a useless (if not dangerous) weapon, the first charge was the core of what had come to be a rite of passage for the Jedi.


As the power cores of the lightsabers gradually charged, Armiena meditated on the weapons, taking their Force presence into her own. This meditation was essential for the full function of the venerated blade of a Jedi: it bound its constituent parts together more tightly than any technique in soldering could accomplish so they would work with unparalleled efficiency. The lifespan of a lightsaber's charge was nearly infinite, being depleted at only a trickle if left to stand. This meditation also passed on the unique Force presence of a lightsaber””the blades were not so much machines as they were an extension of their wielder.


In completing these weapons and completing Arlan's training, Armiena knew her path was clear. After fighting for the entirety of her adult life against the Empire, she now had to provide a future for a new life. In the past, she'd for a number of reasons: blind vengeance, then a variety of ideological causes. It was refreshing to know exactly what state she wanted to see the galaxy in when she retired from the Jedi: at peace, united (or not, Armiena wasn't fussy about that) under a stable and sane government. The best way to accomplish that was to provide the people of the galaxy with the civilian and military institutions needed to stand against these short-sighted Force-sensitives.


If she couldn't change the belligerents fighting it, she could try changing the war itself.


To her great delight, she hadn't even had to dirty her hands in the sordid affairs of politics; the Republic had formed itself without influence from the Jedi. The other change in the war was the Talons. Over the course of years of research and design, Armiena came before the Admiral of the Rebel Alliance with two things: a rifle and a training program.


And those two objects revolutionized the war for the Republic. When the truce with the Empire disintegrated, the Empire came to have reason to fear this upstart Republic; its soldiers were mowing down their finest at a rate seldom seen in galactic history. The cloning vats of the Sith were seeing a lot of business lately. However, what gave her hope for the Republic was its innovation. Many of the changes made to its military were minor tweaks, to pre-existing hardware, but Armiena had already heard rumors of new tactics, new weapons, and new ships.


Aidan, her son, fast-approaching his first year, would not have to grow up in a time of civil war. Armiena would have been happy to sacrifice her life for that cause”¦ but she had no intention of being anyone's sacrifice.


”œI didn't have that choice, Aidan, but I swear, you will.”


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After what seemed like hours of sparring with the training remote, another twinge of Arlan's hand shut the device off and set it back into the crate it had come from. He switched his newly-constructed lightsaber off and clipped it back onto his belt. Just as he was leaving the room, he nearly collided with his R2 unit, whom he supposed had been watching him the entire time. The droid whistled in surprise, and gave the boy what he interpreted to be a bit of positive criticism regarding his lengthy exercise.



"Even if this land shall expire, thou may be able to prevent further corrosion. But even so, one day the flames will fade, and only Dark will remain. And even a legend such as thineself can do nothing to stop that."

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Anger radiated from the young padawan, her body almost shaking with it as she turned towards the boy.


"Am I alright?" she repeated his question sarcastically. She was not in the mood for small talk. Now that Jhoren was closer to the girl, he would notice that she was not entirely human. Her form shifted slightly with her anger, changing to the original appearance of a clawdite, then back to human appearance once more.


Without any warning, she leaped upwards, a dark maroon blade springing forth from the blade of her lightsaber hilt. As she lowered to the ground she struck at the boy aggressively.



Back in her ship, Kirana monitored her padawan's progress secretly, not allowing him to know that she was 'watching' everything that was happening in the grove.


The Force can do terrible things to a mind it can wipe away your memories and destroy your very identity. - Carth Onasi

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When the girl sprung into action, wielding her crimson-colored lightsaber, Jhoren's own emerald-colored one too sprang to life. He took a step back, swinging the blade towards her own, managing to knock it away with little difficulty. Her sudden attack had caught him off guard slightly, but he was able to re-adjust his footing in time and block another incoming blow.


He took up a defensive stance no more - and no less - than five feet away from the clawdite, gripping his lightsaber's hilt now with both hands. He retained his composure and didn't dare let his guard down, afraid that if he did, it would give her the opportunity to land a clean swing and critically injure him - or, Force forbid, even kill him. He felt confident enough in not only his abilities, but in himself. He'd received more training and preparation that he could have ever hoped for. Kirana had taught him everything she knew, and had done so very well. He vowed, right then and there, that he would not let her down.


When there was a temporary breakaway from their lightsabers, which had been locked together, Jhoren sashayed non-grandiloquently to his right and spoke up once more.


”œWe don't have to do this,”

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"Really?" Armiena's voice was barely audible over the droning hum of the galley's conservator. Her throat was parched from days spent without water. A second later, she ducked form the refrigeration unit with a pitcher of filtered water in one hand and a half-eaten spiced sausage in the other.


The starving woman didn't bother with utensils--she wanted food now, to hell with manners and hygiene. She just raised the tapered edge of the pitcher to her lips and drank directly from the vessel, spilling some of the water over her neck and collar. Next came a few ravenous bites of food--Armiena just tore into the chilled sausage. "Don't say it," she warned, with a bite still in her mouth. She swallowed. "I can still kick your ass. One: I'm starving. Two: I like sausage. That's all the justification I need."


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Of course. Arlan wanted to talk about what he'd seen in the crystal caves. Armiena had suspected that the experience hadn't been an ordinary illusion from the start, and she expected that her suspicions were about to be confirmed. Pouring herself a glass of the filtered water, the older woman joined her apprentice in the common room and slouched in the plush sofa there, her expression suddenly serious.


”œGo ahead,”


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Arlan shook his head.


”œIt was probably nothing,”

"Even if this land shall expire, thou may be able to prevent further corrosion. But even so, one day the flames will fade, and only Dark will remain. And even a legend such as thineself can do nothing to stop that."

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The Gladiator came out of Hyperspace outside of Dantooine's orbit, it was still as it peered towards the lush planet. Doran walked towards the bridge of the ship as he had spent most of the hyperspace trip inspecting the mines, they were in perfect working condition which pleased teh Mandolorian. A metal door slid open as he approached it, he looked around at all of the Imperials who were busy making sure everything was ready. He went to a control panel and addressed the man who was working there.


"Prepare to drop the mines." He instructed him, the man obeyed and typed in a few commands. The bridge started busting with communication as everyone prepared for the task, one mistake and everything could go wrong. Doran stood back and made sure he wasn't in anyone's way, he knew that as soon as he dropped the order to go along with the mines that his part was nearly over and he could return to Courascant for some much needed rest.

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The girl was panting hard with exertion. She was angry, hurt, upset that she couldn't beat who she thought was a weakling. Her appearance fluctuated from human to her natural clawdite in her distressed state.


"You don't have to do this... Don't give in to your anger."


She looked at him, her emotions in a total mess..."Why?! Why can't I give in to my anger? It's all I've got left... My Master... she's ... arrgghhhh!" The girl fought within herself ... Should she attack him again? Should she walk away? "Why shouldn't I? Give me a reason why I shouldn't kill you now?"


Back in her ship, alarms brought Kirana out of her full meditation, she kept a light touch on her padawan though there was other things to be concerned about. There was a ship above Dantooine and it wasn't friendly. The sense she got from it was not a good one. She fired up her ship's comm board, sending a message to Armiena, "We've got company and I don't believe it's friendly."


Kira readied her ship, preparing to pick up her padawan in a hurry if need be... a sith had already been to the planet so she assumed the worst with a ship the size of the one now in orbit.


The Force can do terrible things to a mind it can wipe away your memories and destroy your very identity. - Carth Onasi

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The Mandolorian surveyed Dantooine, he could feel it's Force presence, or was it someone's Force presence on Dantooine? He turned back as someone addressed him, a generic plastic soldier.


"Sir, everything is ready. We are waiting for you to give the order." An Imperial said to him, Doran looked at his reflection in the man's armor a little dazed.


"Drop the antimatter mines now." He said, he turned to the observation window and looked back at Dantooine. The Gladiator started moving around the planet dropping mines as it did so. Krote's mind was drifting off, he wasn't sure why he even need antimatter mines in the first place but he didn't feel like questioning orders so he shrugged it off with a sigh.

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The Clawdite, as Jhoren previously expected, was still an apprentice of some Force User. Was she simply caught in a fit of self-confliction? Or had she always been a Sith?


He assumed that it was the former, judging by the way she acted and responded to him. She drew away from the fighting, and just as Jhoren anticipated another attack from her, it didn't come. Instead, she threatened him. Despite this, he kept his guard up and remained wary of the Kath Hound a little more than twenty feet away from him. It had broken away from its pack for some reason and now seemed to be sizing him up.


~Strange,~ he thought. Kath Hounds rarely took the time to study their prey before moving in for the kill. From where he stood, he noticed that this particular beast seemed to be spectating the pair's confrontation. He'd never seen a Kath Hound do that before. Not only did its behavior baffle him, but it seemed to be abnormally larger and more masculine than the average Hound.


He turned his attention back onto the young Clawdite, his expression softer now than before. If the girl were to look him in the eye, she'd see the forgiveness and compassion that could be shown nor communicated any other way.


”œI can already see how unsure you are of your own emotions,”

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The girl listened to the boy, her expression uncertain. She was trying to hold onto her anger... "How..." she cleared her throat, "why would they help me? They won't want me back... not after what I've done... I killed her..."


The Kath Hound howled, a tortured sound and came forward a few paces, eyes intently on the girl that shared an affinity with it. The girl was unaware that her Master wasn't dead, hadn't even been hurt... it had just been a lesson...


Again her chaotic thoughts were evident across her face. Finally she sighed, releasing the kath hounds from the hold she had on them and dropping her lightsaber to the ground. "I'm sorry, so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt her, I didn't know how strong my attack was." The clawdite took a shuddering deep breath and as she let the air out of her lungs she also released the anger she'd had built up within her. "I'll go back to the temple... Thank you. May the Force be with You."


The girl stood up straight, glancing back at Jhoren once more before heading off in the direction of the Jedi's small enclave.




Kirana Sunrider again sank into a meditation. The Jedi Master didn't know how they knew there was a Jedi presence here on Dantooine... not unless that Sith, Draken, had sent them a message saying so... the Jedi had kept a low profile when it came to this planet, especially after the Sith's killing spree. The taint from that was what helped to protect and mask the Jedi that came here.


The sensitive she felt through the Force seemed confused regarding where the force sensitivity was coming from... planet or person... Being careful not to let her strength in the Force be known, Kira let her mind creep to those in the ship above, discovering what they were up to, that they had begun to deploy antimatter mines in the orbit above. She had no current way of dealing with the mines... nor a ship of that size, not without backup. It would take too long to call in aide and they needed to escape the planet now, before the mines were fully seeded.


Kira sent another encrypted comm to Armiena informing her of the danger above and suggesting departure while there was still time. The Jedi Master flicked a few switches, changing her transponder codes to keep her identity a secret, making it appear as if it was a farmer's ship and that they were taking their produce off planet to sell. She then lifted the ship and skimmed across the plains in the direction of the meditation grove to pick up her padawan.


With her thoughts now focused upon her padawan, she sent him a silent message, Jhoren, we have company above. I'm coming to get you and then we're leaving. I've warned the other Jedi to leave while they can also... She lowered the embarksion ramp and brought the ship in slowly over the grove so he could make the leap up to the ship. She had already sensed the success in the grove and saw the girl running back towards the enclave.


The Force can do terrible things to a mind it can wipe away your memories and destroy your very identity. - Carth Onasi

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Antimatter mines continued to drop, slowly the space around Dantooine was beginning to clutter with them. It was taking time but soon enough it would be over, the Gladiator was performing exactly as plan. The only sounds on the bridge were either orders being shot at underlings or the clicking of control panels. Doran closed his eyes and allowed the Force to flow through him, he figured he could try to it out some more as he waited for the mines to be scattered about. A gust of energy flooded through him, with the powerful surge of the Force he felt very confident about the job he was performing. He opened his eyes and looked down on the planet, if something was going wrong he would fix it. He noticed that the last of the mines were being dropped off and that he was almost finished. He decided to check and see of everything had gone correctly with the mines.


"Did everything go smoothly?" He asked a soldier at a control panel who typed in a few things and looked back up at him.


"Yes, sir. The last of the mines have been dropped and everything seems to be in perfect condition."


"Excellent." Doran stated before turning away from him, a grin was on his face as he took one last look at Dantooine.

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Jhoren was about to reply to her earlier question, but stopped as a look of understanding seemed to spread across her face. He remained silent as she spoke, relief washing over him when she dropped her lightsaber to the ground. The blade retreated into the hilt the second it came into contact with the earthy floor.


”œMay it be with you, too,”

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He nodded. There was no way Armiena was changing his mind now. Even if she managed that, he'd still have a price on his head. The incident above Gala had marked him as the Grandmaster's Padawan, and therefore, he was probably going to end up with a bounty on his head - if there wasn't already one in place, that is. He was sure there was, but he didn't want to poke his nose into wherever it didn't belong to find out. The risk was too great. In addition to that, he wanted to see through to whatever it was that Armiena had in store for him now that they were nearing the end of his training.


"I'm going to go train for a bit," he spoke after a brief moment's hesitation. Placing his glass down on the end table, he stood up and made his way out of the galley.


Feelings of incommodium and - embarrassment? - washed over him as he walked through the Breath's depressurized corridor. He tried to ignore them as he drew closer to the training chamber, and instead, focused on relaxing his muscles and mind. A calm body meant a strong one. Stretching out with an ounce of his power, he activated the spherical remote and readied his lightsaber. With a twinge of his thumb, the hazy blue blade sprang to life.


Seconds later, the hatch slid shut, giving Arlan the necessary time to habituate and reflect...

"Even if this land shall expire, thou may be able to prevent further corrosion. But even so, one day the flames will fade, and only Dark will remain. And even a legend such as thineself can do nothing to stop that."

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Armiena held her palms to her face, blindly smearing her fingers across the dark circles under her eyes. She wondered””how long had it been since she last had a moment of sleep, and not just a couple hours spent in a recovery trance? Staying awake for so long tended to do strange things to the human mind: hallucinations, impaired judgment, fine motor control went out the window”¦ to say nothing of mood swings.


Damn that boy for being so good. He's a natural at this job””unlike me. The eternal soldier was simply reaching the end of her tolerance for this life””Armiena had left so many dead in her wake and spilled too much of her blood over too many battlefields. The only thing that kept the warrior in this fight was the fact that she had sworn to herself that she would see the galaxy in an acceptable state by the time that she resigned from the Jedi Order.


To reach that goal, she had a lot more work to do.


She gathered herself up to drag herself to her quarters for an honest-to-goodness nap, but her comlink buzzed at her waist. After initially cursing out the man on the other end of the line, demanding to know how he'd gotten her comlink frequency, swearing that she would do unspeakable things to his reproductive organs if he hadn't used the proper security procedures, he got her attention with one simple statement.


”œYour mother gave me this frequency.”


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Doran received orders from high up on the Imperial ladder to retrieve someone for them, he quickly ran to his ship the Black Avenger. After punching in coordinates he went to change his armor, he didn't need the set he had on anymore and he much preferred his Mandolorian set that he made himself. He through the Imp armor onto the floor of his ship, replacing it with the slick crimson armor that felt much more familiar. It was almost like putting on his skin as he almost never took it off. Once all was set and done he went back to the pilot seat.

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Arlan retreated back into his dormitory, then began going through his drawers to find something to wear. He picked out a black long-sleeved shirt, gray military fatigues, and a pair of brown combat boots. After he was dressed, he reemerged from his quarters and met up with Armiena again. She led him off and away from the Ghost Breath, and to a canteen that obviously served as a ”˜rest stop' for the spacers that came and went. A small band of drunkards joked and conversed in one corner of the bar, while the more soberer of cantina-goers were more dispersed amongst the rest of the crowd. The smell of booze and smoke invaded the Padawan's nostrils, but Armiena led him away from the thick of the haze and to an empty table in the corner.


”œSo, Arlan. Tell me everything you know about Persuasion.”

"Even if this land shall expire, thou may be able to prevent further corrosion. But even so, one day the flames will fade, and only Dark will remain. And even a legend such as thineself can do nothing to stop that."

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Armiena played idly with a low-denomination credit chip, spinning the coin on the surface of the table. However, the coin continued to spin at the same speed without a direct touch””she was clearly fidgeting with the Force to keep the coin spinning. ”œTrained individuals with a stronger sense of identity can often resist the Mind Trick, especially if they're of a different species. It's nothing like racism””it's just a fact that members of different species””especially distant ones””think in different lines than Humans or near-Human species.


”œEven then, some guesswork is needed. If you want to pull information from someone's mind””you”¦ mostly just get surface impressions, emotions. Unless someone your target is concentrating on what you want to find out, you won't be able to get much in the way of details.”


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Arlan watched the chip with a grin, then set his arms on the table's surface and pointed his finger at it. Slowly, it began to edge closer to his side of the table, still spinning with the same speed and stability as before. His eyes flitted up towards Armiena's, and when their eyes met, he allowed a faint smirk to spread across his lips. Such a mere, innocent gesture changed his smirk to a full-fledged grin. Before it fell, he waved his finger slightly and pushed it back to her.


He knew how to sense the presence of others with the Force, but not how to read their thoughts or emotions. It couldn't be too difficult, though; the same rules probably applied here. It was worth attempting at least. He doubted that there was another Force sensitive in this cantina who would be able to tell when he was probing their mind.


As he did when searching through life presences, he opened himself more fully to the Force in order to obtain more information. To his surprise, to touch upon another being's mind was quite simple. It was separating emotion from thought that bemused him. He concentrated harder, probing into the mind of one of the men at the bar. His mind was hazy and clouded, but Arlan assumed that was due to the alcohol that was undoubtedly mussing with his judgement and mental perception.


He eventually scraped against the man's mental wall - to put it metaphorically, of course. Exhaustion, satisfaction and a twinge of happiness echoed through the Padawan's constructed Force connection. Apparently, he was enjoying a drink or two to rejoice from a day's worth of hard labor. Nothing out of the ordinary there.


That fact aside, Arlan felt deeply gratified. Mastering this ability would take some time, but he was more than willing to practice with it.


He nodded towards the man whose mind he'd touched. ”œMy guess is that he's just enjoying a drink. I didn't sense any hostility or anger coming from him. He seems very mellow.”

"Even if this land shall expire, thou may be able to prevent further corrosion. But even so, one day the flames will fade, and only Dark will remain. And even a legend such as thineself can do nothing to stop that."

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He watched her, and not because she'd just taken his Caf. Surely, he would be asked for his identification. The only problem was that he didn't have any with him. If he was thrown out for this...


Standing up from his chair, he mounted four wide strides and came to a halt by the counter. The barkeep, a silver-haired man with visible liver spots stood behind it. Running a dishrag around the edge of an empty glass, he peered at the boy from across the bar. He set the glass down and threw the rag down behind him.



"Even if this land shall expire, thou may be able to prevent further corrosion. But even so, one day the flames will fade, and only Dark will remain. And even a legend such as thineself can do nothing to stop that."

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Arlan doubted that the barkeep would remember selling him the drink, so he would probably accept the credits as an token of generosity. ”œI don't think he even remembers selling me the drink.”

"Even if this land shall expire, thou may be able to prevent further corrosion. But even so, one day the flames will fade, and only Dark will remain. And even a legend such as thineself can do nothing to stop that."

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Le'Nin's eyes felt gluey as she pried them open--she rubbed them with hands that felt cold and stiff, the skin papery and a little dry.


How long have I been asleep...?


She sat up, groggy and more than a little disoriented. This wasn't the Orestes, she realized in some confusion””


””and then felt her stomach sink as she recognized the interior of the small stasis bay on the Antigony.


"I'm dead," she said with a sudden stab of shock. "I died."

Sliding carefully off the bed, she moved stiffly across the small room to the computer terminal in the bulkhead, quickly bringing up the current news scan. It had been over a month since she died--the timers on the clone's stasis computer had worked perfectly.


"The last thing I remember," she said, as if testing her voice as it echoed into the thin, filtered air of the ship. "is getting ready to leave the outer systems." She frowned. That had been the last time her old self had sent an updated imprint to be downloaded into her cloned body--and she really didn't want to know what had happened after.


She felt her stomach knot as her mind disobediently ran over the possible scenarios that had resulted in the death of her main self--and then shoved the thoughts forcibly away. Whatever had happened--she was Le'Nin now. There was no other--had been no other, and as far as she was concerned there would be no need for a repeat performance of this particular farce.


She left the stasis bay and went to her quarters, changing from the utilitarian gown she had been wearing into her normal, comfortable mix of clothing. She smiled faintly at her reflection in the mirror--she didn't LOOK like a Jedi Knight. She looked like an absent-minded mechanic who had picked up some hapless Jedi's robe by accident in the cloak room.


The only thing that was missing was her lightsaber.


She sighed--she knew she had to make a new one, but it was just another awful confirmation that something she had done had made things go terribly, irrevocably awry.

Quashing again her rebellious thoughts, she absently picked up her regular bits of gear and headed for the hatch.


The air of Dantooine was refreshing and sweet after the recycled air on the ship, tainted though the former was by the smells of oil and metal--the usual scents of any long-term bay. These were good smells to her though, homey and welcoming. She paused as the hatch sealed again behind her, her mind questing outwards for the presence of any other Force users in the area.


"At least two,", she thought with stab of both apprehension and longing. It had been a long time since she'd seen any of her fellow Jedi, but she needed news--fresh, pertinent news. And whether or not she would admit it to herself, she was craving company and real interaction.


She set out at a brisk walk and some time later found herself staring at a ship--there were traces of Force presence all over it and she felt vaguely that she ought to recognize it.


"Here we are. Now--go ahead and introduce herself." She couldn't do it, though--couldn't just boldly walk up and demand that these people give her what she needed. So she stood and waited, moments away from turning away again.




((OOC: And here I make my not so glorious return with a monster post >_> Guys, never get Mononucleosis. I got set back like two months.))

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The training room's hatch slid open and in rolled R2. The droid paused in the doorway, waiting for a break in Arlan's exercise. The second he broke away from the training remote's line of fire, he trilled excitedly. Starting from the abrupt interruption, he switched his lightsaber off and clipped it back onto his belt.


”œDo you know who she is?”

"Even if this land shall expire, thou may be able to prevent further corrosion. But even so, one day the flames will fade, and only Dark will remain. And even a legend such as thineself can do nothing to stop that."

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