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Gala - Jedi Praxeum Ruins

Amidala Skywalker

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Arriving at the temple Cade was welcomed by a few alliance soldiers, and with some effort he convinced them to gamble at a game of dice.


He played with them for credits for a while, purposely losing and winning sporadically, and then launched his true plan.


The stakes were simple, he would give them one of his lightsabers if he had lost, and they would give him one of the unaltered X-wings if they lost.


It was an interesting way to procure a ship for sure, but there was no real risk involved. When the die would roll badly for him Cade would simply use the Force to tip it to something that would always win.


He could tell it wasn't the fairest way to go about, but truth be told he could probably have just borrowed one of their ships many other ways. This method just allowed him to relax, and let his mind stop rethinking all of the thoughts that recurred like broken records.


He thanked the soldiers for the game, taking the X-wing, with a promise to send it back at a later date.


Cade had no intention on keeping it, someone could have gotten in real trouble over it after all.


The soldier that lost the ship was grateful, not knowing that Cade had cheated to win it in the first place.


Inputting the codes given to him by Aryian he begins the flight to Phu.

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Finally he had made it to Gala. He had been able to slip away from Naboo without as much as being spotted by any members of his 'close family'; taking with him half if not almost all of his nuclear family's fortune with him-

-however, it was spent in advancing to Gala. He came acrossed the find that would start this obsessed mission when he was in his library. He had came acrossed a scribbled note that was written in one of the books written by his grandfather, but it was his dads penmanship...

Rufus reread the note sliped in between the pages of his late grandfathers book:

"Father...This is silly, since your no longer living-no, your one with Force now...however, I cannot help but wonder if I should take Rufus to the Gala temple . He's eight, but still--I was young too when you brought me there...please help me."


He sliped the paper into his jacket again, well, in truth it was his fathers jacket, he didnt take it with him the night he passed away...

He felt the blaster tucked in the pocket as well, and was glad he had not needed it thus far into his journey. He can see the outline of a temple in the distance, and he just felt a surge of energy within him spring to life.


"Here I come!" He shouted out. He couldnt help but be a little excited, so to make up for it he began to walk-run-walk...it was a strange movement to see from afar. In the end he stood in awe before it, unable to move or breathe. After a few seconds though he forces himself into the temple, looking like a child in a candy shop.

"So...now that Im here...I should find-" He then bumps into someone and nearly lost his footing. Turning to him he gives an apologetic face.


"Im sorry about that, I must have been too captivated with the inner workings of the temple, heheh..." he said, a little embarassed to have been so neglectful and bump into someone. Although he had a intense feeling that Bothan was most likely a padawan and could help him find a master, he had decided to move on ahead to marvel at the rest of the temple.

Who knows, maybe he'll bump into one.



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Semater stumbled forward a bit as the someone bumped into him. Turning around, he saw it was a human. And judging from the human's response, the guy was as new to the temple as he himself was. "It's alright. It's my first time here as well. It certainly is grander than what I was told it would be like." Semater replied. He was still a bit confused as to where he needed to go. There wasn't any map he could look at. Instead, he would simply clear his mind and start walking where ever his intuition would lead him. In a sense, he was trying to let the Force guide his feet, though in reality he was simply letting his gut direct him through the hallways.


Do not ask me for mercy. Ask your victims intead, for they are the ones you have wronged. I am merely an enforcer of the judgement that has fallen on you.

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A young Jedi, newly knight and with a firm understanding of the force, as it had been shown to him through supplemental lesson of Scorp Ession, clearly sensed the plight of the two new comers. As they were more or less in the same spot, he sauntered up to both the Bothan and the human (Rufus Tenik and` Semater)


”œWhy, hello there. I sense, you are lost and looking for guidance. If you would be so kind. I will not be able to be the Master of either one of you, however, I can instruct you in the way of the Jedi and the force, until such time, that an available Teacher is able to choose and instruct you.”



Well, you could always just post something like "OMG GREAT FIC WOW!"
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"Thank you sir, I would be obliged to follow." Rufus said as he began to follow the jedi knight. He enters the chamber, and was hit by minor nostalgia of the layout of the room. The statues were an awe inspiring works of art and equally interesting contraptions. The room itself however, made him feel as though many eyes were peering down at them.


He felt a slight cold chill run up his spine, the thought of being watched had dropped when he left Naboo, but had came back for an instant he looked apon the statues. "Im just being paranoid, nothing to worry about at all..." He shook the thought from mind and he walked over to where the Jedi Knight stood.

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"Thank you very much good sir." he introduced himself in a calm and respectful tone of voice. Semater followed the Jedi Knight to the Jedi training chamber.


The training area looked quite advanced compared to other types of training areas he had seen before, and certainly more advanced than the training driods he had built back on his homeworld when he was training with his bo staff and blasters.


"Wow, this place is amazing." he spoke quietly, almost to himself as he looked around. However, he soon stoped gazing about and looked to the Jedi Knight. He would wait patiently then to see what would happen next. He was eager to learn about the Force and had been ever since he learned that he was sensative to it, able to 'feel' it where normal people could not. Obviously not as well as a padawan or jedi could, or anyone trained in the ways of the Force, but it was still there. It was a curiosity that had called to him for a long time.

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Do not ask me for mercy. Ask your victims intead, for they are the ones you have wronged. I am merely an enforcer of the judgement that has fallen on you.

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As the Jedi Knight wait he slowly opened his eyes, and allowed the two Jedi hopefuls to get acquainted with the room.


”œYes, this is quite the place. One of the highlights of our order, is our ability for combat. Yet that was not the reason I brought you here. I believe introductions are in order.


I am Jedi knight Nemo. And you two are?”



Well, you could always just post something like "OMG GREAT FIC WOW!"
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Semater gave a bow of his head to the Jedi Knight. "I am Samater Rukario from the planet of Bothawui. A pleasure to meet you sir Nemo." Semater replied to the jedi knight Nemo.


"I have some combat skill, but only self-taught self-defense with a bo staff and blaster." He added. He felt if he was going to train it would be best to at least let the knight know that he at least had a foundation to work upwards from. He could hold his own in a normal fight, but not much more than that, and he had only been in a scarce few fights defending himself from thugs and muggers on his travels towards Gala.


Do not ask me for mercy. Ask your victims intead, for they are the ones you have wronged. I am merely an enforcer of the judgement that has fallen on you.

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Rufus extended his right arm to shake hands with Jedi Knight Nemo. "I am Rufus Tenik of Naboo. My Uncle is an executive in KVC's Naboo branch, and my grandfather was a Jedi Knight." He replies. "It is a privilege to meet you Sir Nemo." He simply stated. He, hadnt had much trouble on his way here. He carried a blaster pistol and a folding knife, but he didnt use either besides the knife when he whittled...

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He watched and waited as the two men became acquainted with the room. Jedi Knight Nemo, could feel a slight eagerness well up inside of them as the prospect of battle. This was something he would attempt to drill out of them.


”œWell now that we all more or less know each other lets get down to business. What do the two of your believe the force to be?”



Well, you could always just post something like "OMG GREAT FIC WOW!"
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Semater gave it a biot of thought, but would relate his answer to what he felt to be true, at least for him. "It is the heartbeat of the universe. A sort of natural balance that flows in all things. On one hand, you have that which brings up, heals and creates; the light side of the force. On the other you have that which purges, destroys and culls the opposite side; the dark side of the force. Both are nessicary, even if we don't like one side more than the other. Too much good will weaken people's ability to defend themselves and others, as all things would eventually becomes stagnant. Too much evil will bring chaos, destruction, oppression and death to many." He related most of what he felt the force to be based on nature itself and his personal observations of how nature works. It was something that was neither inheritantly evil or good; it simply exists and unites the universe together.


Do not ask me for mercy. Ask your victims intead, for they are the ones you have wronged. I am merely an enforcer of the judgement that has fallen on you.

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OOC: Scorp has deligated the posting of Nemo to me, so I'll go ahead and keep going for you.


Nemo smiled to himself as he listened to the young bothan speak. He certainly wasn't a stranger to the wars that have been plaguing the galaxy since the birth of the Republic. The constant tension between Jedi and Sith were stuff of legend. Though never actually engaging a Sith himsefl, the Jedi Knight knew of their evil.


"You are half correct young one," Nemo said, his voice fully of serenity. "The Force is in fact the heartbeat of the universe. It pervades everything, even filling the air you breath with its presence."


The Jedi Knight began to pace back and forth as he spoke, "However, let's save talks of the Dark Side for a later time. There are more pressing things you must learn."


Nemo halted his pacing a few feet from the two Jedi hopefuls. "I want you to close your eyes," He instructed. "Tell me everything you see, with as much detail as you can." Nemo's words started to get softer, his voice slipping into peace and quiet of the Jedi Temple. "Let the voice of the Force be your eyes."



Justice without force is powerless; force without justice is tyrannical


- Blaise Pascal

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Semater gave a nod and closed his eyes, clearing his mind of idle thoughts until all was still within. As he relaxed, he could see the auras of the other force sensative and that of the jedi knight before him. The jedi's aura was much larger and focused than his own and the other. Everything else also radiated with a light glow, as though he were seeing what he saw before but through different eyes.


"I see the room and both you and the other human, but not with normal color. it's like, everything is radiating with differentstrengths and colors of aura. the floors and the walls only faintly glow, while yours is larger, more solid. Rufus also holds a glow, but it is not solid like yours. I see my own a swell but it too is not solid. I can't really see much detail. It's like a shaded blur, but with some definition. I'm not sure I can really describe it" he says. He looks at his own limbs yet his eyes remain closed, as though he were looking through a virtual reality helm.


Do not ask me for mercy. Ask your victims intead, for they are the ones you have wronged. I am merely an enforcer of the judgement that has fallen on you.

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The Gala Spaceport was a buzz of activity. Tides of people crossed in front of Kell Daris like waves crashing into eachother. It seemed to be just as busy as the spaceport in Coronet, the capital of his homeworld of Corellia.


Pacing himself with purpose, he navigated his way out of the spaceport to a hover taxi service. His black and royal blue robes flowed around his ankles as he slid between mobs of his fellow travelers. People gave him an occasional glace here or there, but no one lingered their eyes on him. He could understand; it wasn't every day that you saw someone in full Teras Kasi garb.


After a few minutes of nagging the Twi'lek who was supposed to be arranging him a cab, a yellow taxi finally pulled up and stopped in front of him. He slid into the back seat and placed his only luggage, a simple duffel bag, on his lap. ”œWhere to?”

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The Dragonforce's engines whined as it pulled out of hyperspace high above the green planet, slowly making its descent through the atmosphere, lightly landing at the Temple. Dio walked down the ramp after the ship was properly set, staring at the building through his dark glasses. In fact, it looked like someone had crashed a ship into it recently. Oh well...not Dio's problem.


The bottom of the white leather overcoat rippled lightly in a breeze as Dio approached the Temple, reminding him of his home. It was always breezing gently on the continent he had come from, and it was something he was used to. Space travel...he hated it because of this. Stagnant air. It felt...wrong.


The droid walking beside him made several gestures with its artificial articulated hands, and Dio followed the movements out of his peripheral, responding with his own movements. In fact, if someone followed it closely for a while, they would easily be able to tell it was a language. It held a solid beat to it, almost as if the motions were made to a rhythm.


[Remember, Master Torres, you must respect the Jedi when addressing them. Galactic lore places them as the heroic protectors of the galaxy, and they deserve this respect. It is custom.]


[You forget how little others care for our customs, Deear. They are people, not gods...and I'll treat them such.]


[As you wish, Master.]


Dio continued inwards, looking for anyone to help him.

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Semater watched as Nemo hoisted the book into the air using the force. It was one thing to 'see' using the force as he recently did, but this was manipulating the force. Although it looked simple and sounded simple, nothing in life was truly that simple. Following Nemo's instructions, Semater closed his eyes and calmed his mind, clearing it of idle thoughts. Once agian, he saw as he did before, only this time he would focus his thoughts and force vision on the book itself. Lifting out his left paw at the book, he tried to project his arm towards the book, trying to use the force as an extension of himself.


It would take a few minutesfor him to actually make a connection with the book, He began to lift it, but his grasp was shaky. Only a few centemeters off of the ground and it was fumbling about. Semater was straining to lift it. Then Semater shook his head to clear out the strain and took a deep breath. The book itself stopped shaking all about. Semtaer held his paw out withe the palm and fingers flat, facing upward and held out like he was holding the book in his paw and then lifted his hand slowly upward. The book would rise at the same speed his hand did. Semater kept a rythmic breathing cycle to keep his mind from straining too much with the excercise.


Do not ask me for mercy. Ask your victims intead, for they are the ones you have wronged. I am merely an enforcer of the judgement that has fallen on you.

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Dio moved further into the facility relatively unimpeded, catching strange glances every now and again from the passers-by, but nobody bothered to meet him or stop him and ask him why he was here.


Disorder rips open the chaos within

If only I was the herald of sin...


He could have started a nasty scene here, a place among the supposed guardians of the galaxy, and someone would have to clean the mess up, there were no precautions for the prevention of such actions to happen in the first place. The Jedi were either stupid, or strong and uncaring. Either way, it wasn't something Dio cared for. One reeked of arrogance, the other of idiocy.


It wasn't until he passed a room where some furry alien was holding his hand out to a floating book that Dio actually did a double take. He strode in, jabbing an accusing finger at the alien (Semater), paying no attention to the other human in the room. He suddenly began making furiously fast and defined hand movements at a quick tempo, glaring from behind his glasses as he did so. To an outsider, it would have looked strange, if not mildly funny. Luckily, Deear was there to help translate.


"Master Dio accuses you of being a Jedi, a catalyst of the Sith war and the ongoing war that plagues the galaxy. He demands an explanation. And do excuse him, I believe in his haste to find a Jedi, he has forgotten himself."


The man with the headphones did nothing but stand there, glaring.

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((Yyyeeaaaahhh. It's been forever. Seeyoulater.))


It was almost disgusting to him, how the Jedi just stood there, uncaring to his accusations. After a time, Dio just turned and left, having his droid acquire a better location to go to from one of the guards before he took off in his ship. This planet was worthless to him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nemo was confused for moment as a man entered the room, declared something he didn't quite here and then left. He thought about worrying about it but the man left soon afterward.


The Jedi Knight did however, nod with approval as the book slowly rose into the air. It wasn't quite as graceful as the Knight's demonstration, but for the first attempt, it was rather impressive.


"That's a bit of the basics concerning force control. Nemo smiled a little as he removed a vibro-sword from the many hanging near the room's wall. "Why don't we try some combat training. Grab a sword and get ready."



Justice without force is powerless; force without justice is tyrannical


- Blaise Pascal

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Semater's concentration was broken by the sudden outburst intrusion that seemed to then leave as suddenly as it came. He gave the jedi a nod before following the knight. When instructed to, he removed a sword from the wall. Fighting with a sword was going to be a much different experience than what he was used to, fighting with a staff. He held the sword, feeling the weight of it. Taking a few steps back, the bothan took a few practice swings in an x like manner to get a better feel for the vibro-sword. Once he felt confident, he held the sword in one hand, close to his chest and horizontal, leaning his upper-body back some. His weight was placed on the back foot, readying to either push forward or backwards. He gave a nod to the jedi when he felt he was ready.


Do not ask me for mercy. Ask your victims intead, for they are the ones you have wronged. I am merely an enforcer of the judgement that has fallen on you.

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"This is going to feel different than a lightsaber once you get to that point in your training but this is the closest substitute that we have," Nemo said as he positioned his blade into a high guard. It was time to test the bothans fighting capablilites. by the looks of him, he didn't seem used to a sword, rather some other brand of weapon. Perhaps they would get to more complicated weaponry a little later on.


Nemo ran at the bothan, his blade moving from its high position into a powerful vertical strike, aimed to split the hopeful in to. The Jedi Knight would hold back and go easy. Perhaps things would pick up in time however, now he was going to see what combat this bothan was capable of handeling.


((feel free to post the two of them dueling a bit, have fun with it.))



Justice without force is powerless; force without justice is tyrannical


- Blaise Pascal

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The first order of business was defense. As the Jedi knight made a few slow swings, Semater would intercept them with a good, equally slow defense. it was more of a training session than a spar at first. However, as the Jedi's attacks got faster, Semater had to pick up the pace. He stumbled a few times, however, his defense still held up. However, when it was time to go on the offensive, it was clear that that it was his weakness. He attacked by swinging his arm, not using his wrists like he was doing defensively. Not only that, his attacks left his attacking arm open, along with other openings that the jedi could pick out. It was obvious he was going to need training as far as offensive technique was concerned, but the Bothan was pretty solid when on the defense.


Do not ask me for mercy. Ask your victims intead, for they are the ones you have wronged. I am merely an enforcer of the judgement that has fallen on you.

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A small ship with a large pilot, Tyrhuuk's Pride, slowly approached the Temple. The Wookiee inside made a few adjustments, and landed a couple hundred meters away from the Temple.


Jumping out and landing on the ground with a soft thud, Tyrhuuk slowly made his way towards the Jedi Temple with calm, confident pride. Under his thick fur he was smiling, a smirk he often displayed but usually was never noticed. His emerald green eyes scanned the horizon, admiring the beauty of the world.


He approached the Temple's entrance, but stopped abruptly before entering. He decided that he would not knock or do something civilized. He wanted to be remembered.


Cupping his large, furry hands around his stout snout and drawing in a deep breath; he let it out in one deep, booming Wookiee grunt.


Someone would notice.

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Sanj walks into the gala temple. This is the moment he never would have expected to happen a couple of years ago. He walks slowly, his jaw dropped in awe. He has absolutely no idea what to expect. He has his hand placed on his holster even though he doubts there's a threat. He had always felt some strange power that he has had. He hadn't known what it was until a visiting Jedi Knight visited him and said the force was strong with him.


He had been on his planet all his life and never had a chance to use his ship until now. He knew it would not be easy to become a Jedi, 3 months of hard training until he could become a knight but it was worth it.


He has very little knowlege of how to use the force, all he knows how to do is lift a pebble off of the ground, which the Jedi Knight had taught him to do. He had never really thought he would be a jedi, he thought the closest thing to protecting the galaxy he would take part of is bringing in the bounty of some wanted murderer.


He had recently done some research on the force and jedi and sith and learned about some amazing things. He imagined himself blasting away at enemies with lightning bolts. Though he knew it was not what the Jedi do.


He walks up to the recepsionist and says "I'm here to recieve my master and get me training" Te receptionist responds "Sanj-Misavj right? We've been expecting you. Come along and we'll find you a master."


The receptionist tells him no masters are here right now and will arive shortly. Sanj begins to grow impacient. He goes outside to practice shooting at some home made targets and fires with perfect aim. He smiles and says to himself "The shot of a bounty hunder and the force of a Jedi." He imagines his future light saber and how he's going to make it. Double blade with a built in blaster he thinks. Protecting the galaxy in style.


He was a bit disgruntled, he had expected they would have been ready for him with a suiting master the minute he walked in the building instead of having to talk to a less than enthusiastic receptionist. He kept practicing, even though he knew he wouldn't need a blaster as a Jedi he just liked that if his light saber was taken away if he was held captive he'd, have a little bit of a surprise for the captor.



That's Fernando, I found him in a Cambodian sewage pipe. His is a tragic tale of imaginary sea creatures and crack abuse.

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Arriving at the temple the small fighter docked in the hangar. Exiting the ship the white garbed jedi walked along the halls with his staff clanging along the floor. He made his way to a meditation chambers and use the space to cleanse his mind of his last mission and to plan his next one.

Its a blast from the not so distant past.

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  • 1 month later...

Several short hairy men ran through the Temple, sounding the alarm and showing people where to go. Oddly, they all looked like this:






As soon as everyone loaded up ((Yep, I'm powerplaying your chars, if you have an issue with it and would rather be left behind or go somewhere else then consider yourself left out of this and continue posting)) The ships departed, making their way to the far side of the planet with all the other refugee ships and leaving. Security protocols were followed, but eventually the Jedi found themselves at Helix Station

Immediately reachable by  charlesjhall@gmail.com


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Within moments the dropships came out of the sky descending toward an appropriate landing spot on the planet nearby the Jedi Temple. Cephi was in lead and his sensors picked up ships leaving the system on his descent from it. He ordered the dropships to land around twenty kilometers from the Jedi Temple while he had the TIE Fighters and Bombers fly with him toward the temple.


"FIGHTERS!" he yelled with a ferocious tone that was almost on par with his dark masters',"KEEP THEM FROM LEAVING ORBIT, DESTROY THEM IN THEIR TRACKS! BOMBERS! RAID THEIR LANDING PADS LEAVE NOTHING BEHIND!"


Once the squadrons had gone to complete their given tasks the Nagai warrior landed with the troops which had already begun to unload onto the planet. The 18 AT-AT and 20 AT-ST's had already assembled neatly and the 450 Storm troopers that came in the Delta Class Transports had assembled neatly in front of the heavy armor. Cephi wasted no time exiting his ship and assembling to the front of the line where the Commander and Colonel awaited.


"Bring me the SpecOps group that arrived in your shuttle, they are to come with me."


The Colonel nodded and comm'd a group of black clad troopers to the side of the Nagai. Cephi looked sternly to the both of them.


"Commander make sure they stop at nothing to keep those ships from escaping, I want every Jedi Transport destroyed. As for you Colonel, focus the AT-AT's on Jedi Temple, make it fall to the ground. AT-ST's and Troopers are to invade as soon as you can assure all Jedi have been maimed properly. Make sure the children, so long as they are unarmed, are unspoiled and placed inside a proper cage for our Lord."


With gloriousness, the AT-AT's marched a few kilometers forward and began to engage the Temple, with MAXIMUM POWER. It would not take long before this Jedi Enclave was destroyed.


Sith Lord and Loyal Servant of the Darkest Lord

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((Yeeeaaahh...looking through the post times, and at the time of my post, there's no resistance planetside whatsoever that precluded me from simply having the transports fly through the atmosphere to the other side of the planet and take off. So I'm pretty sure you can't just say they're here, when they're not. But I'll be glad to NPC the Temple defenses against you... ))


The Sith Forces find the Temple empty, but rigged with all kinds of little presents the Jedi leave behind when they are forced out of their homes. In a brilliant fireball, charges go off to detonate and completely annihilate the critical elements of the temple such as the archives and supplies left behind, and small turrets on the perimiter pop up and begin firing at the large AT-STs, yet it is clear the massive machines will easily be able to shrug off the fire meant for smaller vehicles.

Immediately reachable by  charlesjhall@gmail.com


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((My goal was to destroy the temple anyhow, thanks for the assist. , Besides, the post never said anything was there, just that an order to do so was given. ))


Cephi heard a fantastic blast and turned his head in the direction of the temple to see it crumble to the ground. and a massive dust ploom coming from where it had just fallen. He knew his AT-AT's had not hit it hard enough to call for such a fantastic display of destruction. His face showed his dislike for the situation but quickly it turned to a smile, and he grabbed his stomach and began to laugh hysterically.


"Look at the dipshits! They did the job for me, stupid Jedi," he said and howled with more laughter, "filthy, stupid, IDIOTIC, F@%*ING PANSIES!"


His anger had come suddenly, showing some of his own internal madness wrecked on by years of war, racism and a power he does not understand. He spun in rage to the commander and grabbed his throat tightening his grip on it as the man became purple in the face.




He grabbed harder and ripped the Trachea from the human allowing blood to flow freely from him while the Colonel watched in horror. After Cephi allowed the blood to drain from the Commander he threw his corpse to the ground and looked the Colonel in the eyes.


"Destroy everything left. Have the rest of your men scour the Temple for parts, crystals, anything that could aid us, even scrap metal should be gathered. You are in charge of this operation now Colonel."


The Colonel saluted and went on giving orders, where the AT-AT's took out the remaining base defenses, as they were anti-infantry anyhow. Cephi in the meanwhile went back into his ship and sent a comm to his great Master.


Sith Lord and Loyal Servant of the Darkest Lord

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