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Everything posted by Sanj-Misavj

  1. Sanj watched with pride as Zakra lifted up the rock, he was a fast learner. The Knight almost smiled as his padawan yelled with glee at his accomplishment, Sanj new what would happen next. Sanj was not surprised when the rock fell down back to the earth. The Knight then listened to Zakra's confused question letting the slightest sign of a grin show. "Well if by what happened you are referring to why the rock dropped, the answer is quite simple. You lost focus and therefore you were unable to keep the rock in the air. Now then, now that you have a feel of how to lift things using the force, try to lift the first rock I gave you. Remember, size matters not."
  2. Sanj frowned for a second as Zakra failed to lift it. The Knight quickly shoved it off, he knew that he was expecting too much, but he wanted to test Zakra's limitations. "It's OK, here, let me get you a smaller one." The Sentinel walked around for a bit until he found a rock half the size of the first one. Sanj then walked back to Zakra and placed it down in front of his padawan. He then said, "Here, try to do it with this one, try to utilize the strength of the force that is in these lands." Sanj was about to teach two lessons; how to use the force to lift things and to use your surroundings to your advantage. Sanj sat back down in his chair carved into a tree and for the first time, actually looked around. This place truly is beautiful, no wonder someone chose this place to call forth the Jedi order. Sanj quickly snapped back to watch his apprentice as he began to attempt to lift the rock.
  3. The Silver Eagle began to enter Tython's atmosphere and flew through the forests until it found a nice clearing to land in. Why were we called here? Sanj wondered as he began to step out of his ship. The Knight threw his hood over his head and sent a message of his own that any force sensitive in a nearby radius would hear. Maybe I can get some damn answers soon... The Sentinel thought to himself again. "Now then, Zakra, since we might be waiting here for a while until I get some answers, we might as well start some training, eh?" Sanj said. He then proceeded to find a rock that was the size of his fist and plop it down in front of his padawan and instructed, "I'm sure you know what I am about to ask you to do, as it is probably the most cliche thing ever, but it is still important. Focus on the rock, use the force to lift it up. Once you lift it up, I will instruct you further." Sanj then ignited his lightsaber and used it to carve a seat into a large tree and sat down on it waiting for his apprentice to use the force and all that good stuff.
  4. Sanj felt a strange sensation sweep over his mind, it was as if he longed to go... home. Home? His home had been destroyed along with the rest of his planet... no... This was a deeper kind of home... The home of his people... The home of the Jedi... Tython... The Sentinel was so distracted he almost didn't hear Zakra's question. "No... this... this is not normal... I have never felt anything like this before. Follow me, we are going to my ship and from there, we go to Tython. The home planet of the Jedi. Maybe there we can figure out what the hell is going on... With Zakra following, Sanj made his way to the loading bay. Sanj smiled, had he not been a Jedi it would have taken him a while to find his ship among the many other ones. Luckily, doe to his connection to the force, he was able to find it within a matter of seconds. The Knight proceeded to step into his ship, make his way to the cockpit and enter Tython's coordinates. From there it was a brief wait to exit Gala's atmosphere and enter hyperspace. Home... I am going home... ((Hey little boy, I got some candy in my ship if you wanna have any. ))
  5. Sanj smiled at Zakra's surprise. The boy would learn over time Sanj was unlike other masters. He believed that decision making was something a Jedi would have to learn quickly. Better to learn it while under the guidance of a master than on your own as a Knight. "A very wise decision, though neither would be considered wrong. These are troubling times, my apprentice and though it is important to be able to stand against an enemy it is equally important to know what you fight for and to not... fall... if you happen to be fighting... them..." Sanj stated unable to say the words 'Sith' and 'the dark side' too many bad memories... " He continued, "Well then, let's begin your training. Please follow me." The Knight left the cafeteria and started walking through the halls of the majestic temple. He had never spent much time here and the one time he had been in the temple was over 7 years ago. Oh how time flies when you are moping around feeling guilty about every damn bad thing that happened in your life. No. You know none of it was your fault. Forget about Haruun Kal. The past is the bloody past! Sanj let out an internal sigh of relief. Maybe he had finally come to acceptance to what happened. Only time would tell if he was right about that, though. The more the knight looked around the more he was impressed. It was far more beautiful that Haruun Kal I said it without flash backs. Sanj: 1, Mind: 57. I might finally be catching up to that mind of his. After a minute or so of walking he approached a training room and signaled for his padawan to enter. Sanj smiled, he finally had a padawan.
  6. Sanj smiled at what Zakra said and replied, "Well to be honest, you are the first padawan that I have ever had so, I guess you win by default." Sanj let out a chuckle and finished his meal. Sanj got up and walked over to put his tray back and signaled for Zakra to follow. "So I am not a conventional teacher, so I am gonna ask you this, would you rather work on force training or lightsaber training? Choose wisely, this decision will impact the rest of your training." ((Sorry it's so short, wanted to rush it out because I will be playing Half-Life 2 all night.))
  7. Sanj was a little surprised that Zakra wasn't overjoyed at what Sanj had said. The knight made a mental shrug an thought, Maybe I should have asked him in question form... I may have been a little to subtle and made him think he misheard me or something... "It means I wish to accept you as an apprentice. Do you accept?" The Sentinel asked the hopeful communicating through the force. "As for self exile, it was less of an exile and more of a vacation from the world. Had been through a lot at that time and needed a break from it all." he continued. "And you aren't crazy, I am communicating to you through the force. Yeah. The force is that neat." Sanj smiled in the inside, he had killed two birds with one stone; asked the boy to be his apprentice and creeped his soon-to-be padawan out by talking in his head. The reaction would be truly hilarious. Sanj then wondered, Why didn't I think of getting a padwan sooner? ((I love how I am coming up with an IC explaination of how I was a lazy bas^%^d in real life.))
  8. Sanj couldn't help but read the hopefuls thoughts; plus the reaction when you answered everything they were thinking of was priceless. "Yeah, you won't find many people with my name, mainly because I made it up myself as a kid. I could give a story of my sad childhood but that won't be very fun, eh?" Sanj let out a small chuckle and took a pause to eat some more food. The Sentinel listened to Zakra both think and talk until Sanj replied, "I don't know your training because for one I never spent much time in Jedi temples except for Haruun Kal where..." Sanj immediately regretted mentioning Haruun Kal. You ran. You could have fought that Sith bastard to your last breath. You would have died, but at least you wouldn't have had lived only to watch the closest person to a father you ever had die... The Knight quickly shut his eyes trying to force those thoughts out of his head. The past was the past and that was that. He then stated with sadness in his voice, "...well I'd rather not like to talk about what happened on Haruun Kal..." Sanj then managed to shun the thoughts away and proceeded to say in a upbeat tone, " And for two I have been away from the order for several years, I had really needed a break from the galaxy at that point. I went to Yavin IV and when I was ready to leave, it turned out someone had stolen my ship. Had to find my way to a town and I was several thousand miles out into the forrest. Anyways, glad you already know how to connect to the force, it would be a pain to have to teach it to you, my padawan."
  9. Sanj took pride in how impossible it was to define him. Never sticking to one tenancy could save your life. Being predictable was one of the most fatal flaws a person could make, right behind bathing with a plugged-in toaster. "That is true indeed, though it is hard to compare the two. One can be far more important than the other depending on the situation." Sanj then took a sip of juice and was amazed at how sweet it tasted, the sweetest thing he had had over the last few years were Raspberries, which were dwarfed in comparison. The Jedi Knight then listened to the hopeful introduce himself and Sanj replied, "My name is Sanj-Misavj, but I go by Sanj. I am a Jedi Sentinel." Sanj thought very carefully about what he would do next. Reunions could wait. He then asked, "So how much have you been taught about regarding the force?"
  10. Sanj entered the line in the cafeteria with excitement this planet had never seen, there were chicken nuggets. He grabbed a tray, got a apple juice box, some tater-tots, ketchup and chicken nuggets. What a great day indeed. It took the Jedi Knight a couple minutes to realize how childish he was. It's not like they had grape juice, then his excitement would have been well placed. To everyone around him, he seemed childish but to him, having his favorite foods after surviving off of berries and wild animals for several years was pretty damn fantastic. He grabbed some napkins and went to find a table. The Sentinel scanned the room to find a table to sit at. After self exile, he wanted to talk to someone who wasn't well... there was a long list of kinds of people Sanj wouldn't want to talk to. After a few seconds, he found a Twi'lek sitting alone. The boy was obviously a hopeful, he could sense that the kid had only recently learned how to make contact with the force. Of course there were dozens if not hundreds of other hopefuls all around him but something made this one stand out; intelligence. Intelligence was something Sanj found to be rarer and rarer. The Jedi Sentinel then used his eminent skills to poke the flimsy straw through the juicebox hole that was about ten times as strong as the cheap, thin plastic of the straw. The straw didn't even bend a little. Sanj proceeded to sit next to the Twi'lek hopeful and asked, "People watching, eh?" He then dipped a chicken nugget into his ketchup and took a big bite out of it. ((I am intentionally making Sanj seem childish temporarily. After being in the wilderness so long, he pretty much forgot about how wonderful society could be. Imagine a little kid going to a big city for the first time. It's kinda like that.))
  11. Sanj slipped into the shadows as soon as he entered the temple. Through years of training, he had learned how to slip into the shadows with ease. Unfortunately, the bulky Mandalorian armor his master had granted him upon completing his trials restricted his ability to stay light on his feet and remain quiet. He would have to make some modifications. The Jedi Knight came to the conclusion that it would be far more embarrassing getting caught skulking through the temple than walking normally like everyone else. Common sense could be quite a bother sometimes. It felt odd making so much noise and being so visible. Oh well, might as well get used to it. I'm not in the wilderness anymore, after all. Though sometimes I wished I was... No, I trained to be a Jedi for a reason, to defend the innocent and to destroy the Sith and The Empire. John didn't train me to be a damn hunter lumberjack sitting in a log cabin full of animal skins or something. He then shuddered; lumberjacks... He made a mental note to make sure that he was never around flannel for long periods of time. Flannel is their second layer of skin... Focus, you must focus, Sanj thought. You are currently at a crossroad; to either train a padawan or meet up with old friends... I hate making decisions... Why can't I have a damn computer chip in my head to make decisions for me or something... Don't they have those now? Then again I will never be able to swim... I do like swimming... Scratch my previous thought, computer chips suck, wise cracking androids are they way to go. Possibly one with a nice accent... DAMNET I SAID FOCUS. The Jedi Sentinel decided it was best to pull his hood over his head to prevent someone from trying to read his facial expressions. Grrr... Decisions... Brain chips... Robots... Hungry... Food... Me... Want... Food... When Sanj Hungry, SANJ SMASH! If there is not accessible food within in a hundred kilometer perimeter. Luckily, there was and he left to get some delicious crab meat from the cafeteria. Maybe a juice box too. Maybe.
  12. ((Delete, accidentally hit submit instead of preview... It still isn't done... Sorry, it's late.))
  13. Sanj's ship approached the planet from outer space. The Jedi Knight made sure he orbited for a good 30 minutes or so to give him time to gather his thoughts. A feeling of nostalgia swept over him whenever he came to this place; a feeling of coming home after being gone for a long time. Sanj closed his eyes and began to meditate. It took a few seconds to compose himself, for some strange reason it was as if some presence had brought back memories he had repressed long ago. Sanj immediately dismissed the thought, there were only 3 people who ever had any positive impact on his life, and one of them was far off on Mandalore leading his people. The thought of John no, Joreel as he decided to call himself now caused him to smile, his ex master was the only father figure he ever had in his life. Immediately, one thought took control over his entire brain, Haruun Kal. This one thought almost made him scream. Suddenly, he was teleported back to the worst day of Sanj-Misavj's precious little life. ”œPADAWANS! RUN! NOTIFY THE COUNCIL BUT RUN! GET OUT OF HERE! NOW!”
  14. Sanj heard a scream of the name, Aidan. He almost smiled at how quickly he would get into action, almost; he would have if it didn't sound so dire. He dropped his main robe to show a secondary, shadow colored one that he used when he needed to stealth. He perfectly hid in the shadow and was almost impossible to see, even if someone was looking directly at him while looking for him it could be hard for them to make his shape out. The Jedi Sentinel began to sneak around and followed the sound to the source. Sanj was shocked at what he saw, it was worse than he feared. It was a Dark Jedi who was far more powerful than himself next to an innocent child who he could sense was strong in the force but hadn't been attuned to it, and a powerful Wookiee Jedi. He could feel the atmosphere tense, which wasn't a good thing for the safety of the boy; with him there the Dark Jedi would have leverage. This was why he decided to remained in stealth. As soon as the Dark Jedi was distracted, he would bring the boy away from the conflict and into safety. Then if needed he would engage the enemy.
  15. Sanj's ship popped out of hyperspace near the Jedi planet of Gala. The Jedi Knight sighed nostalgically. He remembered when he first came to this planet to become a Jedi. He was a boy then, now he was a Jedi knight fully trained and ready for battle. Sanj routinely entered the atmosphere and soared over the beautiful landscape. How long had it been since he was here last? Ten years at least, maybe more. The Jedi Knight had not only changed mentally since he was first here, but he looked much more wise and strong, he even had several scars from the years spent on Yavin IV in the wilderness. The time in isolation only made him wiser. The blue skinned Jedi approached the temple and began to land near the temples entrance. He quickly grabbed a clean robes and put them on, he wanted to look presentable when he re entered the universe. He smiled; it would be good to see his friends again. Maybe get a padawan. Maybe. He put his lightsaber in a concealed holder inside his sleeve. Sanj-Misavj swiftly exited his ship and locked it. He slowly walked into the sanctuary smiling, he felt as if he was a new recruit, so hopeful, so full of life. Sanj let out a sigh of relief, was home.
  17. SANJ-MISAVJ'S CHARACTER SHEET Identity [!ident] Real Name: Sanj Misavj A.K.A: Homeworld: Alderaan Species: Human Physical Description [!dscrp] Age: 24 Height: "5'11 Weight: 151 lbs Hair: Brown and covers 3/4 of his ears. Eyes: Blue Sex: Male Equipment [!equip] Clothing or Armor: Brown jedi robes and mandalorian armor given to him by his master underneath it. (Was padawan of John Hartel who was Mandalore at the time.) Weapon: Two golden single bladed lightsabers, pistol. Common Inventory: Datapad, credits. Faction Information [!factn] Force User, Force Sensitive or Non-Force User: FU Alignment: Good Current Faction Affiliation: Jedi Current Faction Rank: Knight History: [!hstry] Force Side: Jedi Trained by: John Hartel (Joreel Ordo) Trained who: Known Skills: PK, Communication, Mind Reading Speed, Jump, force light, Saber Throw, Stealth Background: Sanj Misavj was born on Alderaan. He was barely able to walk and talk when the planet was about to be destroyed. His parents rushed him onto a refugee ship but they weren't able to get on the ship and died when the planet was destroyed. Sanj had lived on the streets barely surviving and always starving. He eventually gathered up enough credits to buy himself a Ship off the black market at age 13. He wandered the galaxy for 2 years until he decided to join the jedi order. He became Joreel Ordo until he became a jedi knight. Ship Registration [!ship] Name: Silver Eagle Class: light freighter Model: YT-1300 Manufacturer: Length: 34.75 meters Armaments: 3 Concussion Missile Launchers, 1 Proton Torpedo Launcher, 3 Ion Canons, 2 Turbolaser, 3 anti-starfighter quad lasers. Armor: Shield generators. Anti-Personnel Defenses: auto turrents inside. Appearance: Modifications: None
  18. The Silver Eagle landed on the beautiful forest planet of Yavin IV. Sanj walked out and stepped on the dew glazed grass. It was early in the morning there and the air was thick. There were no real cities to destroy the nature and wildlife of the planet and he could feel how strong it was in the force. Definatly a good place for a padawan to first use the force. The Aruzan took off the mask and turned to Raiin and said, "Raiin, you are going to learn how to use the force. I'm going to save the long lecture on the force for now and just say it's a cool thing you are strong with that lets you use cool powers." Sanj tossed her a small rock the size of her fist and said, "Your task is simple. Use the force to lift the rock and move it around. To do so, focus on the rock with the force and try to move it. You can then move up to heavier things when you get used to it. I'm gonna set up a nice camp while you work." Sanj then smiled at his new padawan and let to make a camp. Sanj made his way to two large trees that were near each other and began to get to work. He first sliced down another tree with his lightsaber and began to cut it into boards. He then used the force to lift them up about 50 feet and used them to make the base's of the two huts. He sliced another tree down and used the wood to make the walls of the camp. Sanj Gathered all of the branches from the trees and places them on top of the huts so they'd have a roof. Sanj then used the force to manipulate some wood into different objects that would be needed such as bed frames and tables which he put inside of the hutts. The Aruzan Jedi Knight then ran to his ship and grabbed two matress's, pillows, and blankets and rand back to the site and put them in the bed. He then made two small fires in each hut that would work to heat the houses. He Then made a bridge of wood that would connect the two huts together. He walked back to his apprentice and waited to see if she was done with the task he had given her. ((Yeah, learn to use basic force PK. You can lift heavier things too. If you decide to lift my ship, don't scratch the paint ))
  19. He smiled too as Raiin answered with a lot of enthusiasm. He then said to her, "Training can start now. I'd like to do it somewhere else though. Haruun Kal brings back bad memories." He used the force to toss a gas mask to her so she'd be able to get to his ship without having her head explode. He began to walk to The Silver Eagle And waited for Raiin to get in before it jumped to hyperspace.
  20. Sanj noticed her looking at the armor, he understood why. He then quickly said through the force again, The armor was a gift from my jedi master who is the Mandalore. He smiled as she bowed at him; he wouldn't require her to bow to him during her training. He was still slightly surprised she could noticed him; to most of the untrained hopefulls he would seem as nothing more than a shadow of another person; she was definatly concentrated. He listened to Raiin speak and he then said using his voice, "Hello Raiin my name is Sanj Misavj. I'm a Jedi Knight and yes that was me taling to you through the force." "Would you want to become my padawan?" He quickly came out of the silhouetteish state he was in so he'd be fully reconizable and waited for her to answer.
  21. The Silver Eagle landed on Haruun Kaal and Sanj stepped out. He was wearing a mask to protect him from the gases on the planet. He walked into the planet and shuttered; his master was murdered here and his friend Reptillia was almost killed aswell. He looked around and could tell they were rebuilding the temple from the hell Menthu unleashed. Sanj removed the mask when he was safely inside. He could sense all of the force sensitives waiting to be trained in the lightside of the force. He managed to slip away and remain unnoticed by everyone so he wouldn't have to help clean up; it wasn't that he was lazy just that it wasn't why he was here. Sanj was here to pick a padawan to teach in the force. He looked around and one sensitive stood out, she was in a red cloak and Sanj could sense that she could easily be corrupted. He would make sure that didn't happen to her. He quickly used the force to read her mind to find some basic information such as her name and where she grew up. The Knight then sensed a message through the force to her Do you wish to be trained in the lightside of the force?
  22. Sanj was so happy that he was now a Knight, his training was complete and he'd be able to learn more complex tecniques and powers in the force. He'd also be able to trian a padawan and teach him everything he knew. Sanj stood back up after Joreel knighted him and took the armor. He looked at it, he believed that it would be able to block a lightsaber blow. The newly apointed Jedi Knight then said to Joreel, "Thank you master, I won't let you down." Sanj began to walk out of the room and then said before leaving, "Good luck master." he then said with a smile, "Try not to get eaten by a table." Sanj walked out of his masters thrown room, he knew he would see him again. He was definatly sad to leave though, he was the closest thing to a father he ever had. He walked out of the building and got onto his ship Sanj then put on the armor his master had given to him. After everything was on he put his jedi robes over the armor and then sent a message to Joreel Goodbye master. His ship then went into space. ((Bye man and thanks for all the fish.))
  23. Sanj listened to his master, he was happy to hear that he was close to finishing his trials, but the next task and his jaw nearly dropped. A Mythosaur? he thought; I thought those were extinct. He decided to just nod before he walked out of the room. He walked back into the elevator and luckily; no one else was in the elevator with him. The soon to be Jedi knight walked out of the building and ran as fast as he could across the planet with the aid of the force. He slowed down once he reached the forest area of the planet. He then climbed up a tree; he'd have a better view if he moved by the trees. Sanj began to jump by tree to tree, it was fun and easy, unless of course he slipped or missed a tree. Sanj kept jumping from tree to tree for about 5 hours with no luck. He looked up at the sky and noticed that it was getting dark out; he'd have to set up a camp. He made a circle of rocks to outline where the fire would be. He was able to gather the wood faster with the help of the force. Once the wood was collected, he grabbed two more sticks and rubbed them together to start a fire. Now that the fire was started, he had to pitch a tent. Sanj gathered more branches and formed a tent that resembled a beaver dam. The Jedi then fell asleep. Sanj had a nightmare that night. He was relaxing on a beach on a planet he wasn't sure of. The sand was soft and the water was warm and a light greenish blue color. Then all of a sudden, there was an eclipse. He looked up to see a fleet of star destroyers blocking out the sun. TIE fighters were coming down from the skies in the thousands and began firing on everyone on the beach though they were targeting him. The beach was burning now and all of the civilians had been killed, because of him. Sanj ran as far away from the beach as he could until he was in a forest. TIE fighters were still swarming around him like gigantic flies. They fired at a nearby tree that collapsed on the Aruzan and broke both of his leg. Pain shot through his entire body and he let out a loud scream. He was now surrounded in a puddle of his own blood. One TIE landed and a storm trooper walked out, he then walked up to Sanj and stomped on his hand, shattering all of the bones in his fingers. The trooper then chuckled and removed his helmet revealing his that was his own; he then said, ”œYou will never win Sanj. No matter how hard you try you'll always fail.”
  24. I like the ninja edit you made by changing it from th 5th to the 19th. I think I speak for everyone here when i say I WANNA SEE MORE DICK!!!!!!!
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