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Everything posted by Cade

  1. Cade just had to trust that Hartel's plan with the illusions would succeed. A message from Hartel formed in Cade's mind as the Jedi knight moved closer to the facility and further from Cade. Following the orders he received Cade took off on a flanking tangent, reaching a secondary entrance to the facility with the illusions in tow. Gray, black, flashing red, all mechanical and stark... too stark for Cade's tastes, if this was the Imperial spirit Cade understood why they were resisted. What he saw as he moved through the installation was the loss of the individual, the loss of spirit. To one as individualistic as himself it was sickening. Though he was unnerved by the apparent lack of defenders through the halls, and he at least expected a door guard, he nonetheless powered through the building. Nearing a room, perhaps a form of barracks, Cade picked up on a few soldiers with his armors sensors. He readied his rifle, setting it to a lower power setting so as to not kill so much as hurt greatly, and rushed forward into the room. Leaping through the opening he whipped a soldier with his rifle at the back of his neck, probably knocking him unconscious. He rolled to the side and took cover behind a bunk, blind firing the stun-shots from around the corner at where he remembered there being soldiers.
  2. "Guns blazing it is sir. Just hope you're sure we can hit them hard and hit them fast." Cade really was a man of few words, and he had realized that he knew very little about Imperial procedures while giving his input on the situation. He never really made it a habit to attack the Empire before he joined with the Jedi, and he would make it a priority to know more about this new enemy. Knowledge was power, or the old cliche went. Pulling his rifle off of his back he almost automatically gave it one last inspection to make sure nothing was wrong with it. Following this he steeled himself for whatever would come next.
  3. The other Mandalorian armored individual in the group spoke to Cade, telling him that the two of them were to go and do their part. How this person knew him Cade could only guess at, but since everyone was most likely far more prepared than him for what was going on in regards to intel it wasn't exactly a surprise. Cade followed him keeping his movements fluid to keep his armor from making any unnecessary noise. The thought of being seen didn't bother him far too greatly as anyone who them would see two Mandalorians and not two Jedi, and Mandalorians in the masses eye's were always in these kind of situations being bounty hunters and mercenaries and the like. Nearing the edge of a cliff the man Cade was following stopped suddenly and Cade allowed himself to close the small gap that had been building between the two of them and get a view of what was ahead. A small forest extending to a building, most likely an outpost of some kind. Hartel then brought up his battle plan on taking the station and asked for any input. Cade thought for a moment and then spoke. "If it's an outpost then there's the chance it has some way of communicating with other areas, no point for a small installation like that to be out here unless it would be a part of forward reconnaissance. A head on attack might give away our position for later missions. If there's a way to get to it peacefully we could try to talk to the highest ranking individual there, take him hostage, and use our new found leverage to get the rest of the men into the detention center. Might be overly complex for a small raid like this. but we've got the perfect cover. Just tell them we're mercs, sent to assist you.. or something like that." Cade paused, thinking that perhaps he was getting ahead of himself. Well, he did ask for Cade's input. Cade continued, "But, I might be reading into the situation too much. Whatever works best, indirect or direct attack, sounds good to me."
  4. Equipped in his Mandalorian armor Cade followed his master silently, taking note of the Jedi Aryian spoke with but not imposing into their conversation beyond that. For the moment he checked his equipment, his armor was fine, the two DC-17 blaster pistols in their holsters on his side were in perfect condition, and the A280 blaster rifle he carried on his shoulder strap even felt the perfect weight. It had been a long time since he equipped himself as so, and it felt comfortable and alien at the same time. His two lightsabers were hidden from view behind a hollowed out portion in his upper thigh, one on each side. While these containers usually were used for storing extra blaster pistols their new purpose served them just as well. He continued following Aryian on their silent trek, preserving a level-head the entire time.
  5. Cade


    Leaving the training room wasn't something that Cade was all to sad about doing, especially hearing that from now on he would be in a trial under fire. Live training seemed so much more dangerous, but so much more in tune with Cade's personality. So when Aryian told them to leave, he did so. (OOC: Out of sync post and all, but had to post leaving so...)
  6. Cade


    The challenge was simple enough, climb a vertical face with a rough surface that spanned 75 feet to climb up, and another 100 feet from end to end. 20 minutes or less and get an advantage, simple enough vod. Well, at least that's what one side of Cade's thoughts were saying. The other side was saying something along the lines of frag this. The stereotypical double sided personality, the angel and the demon, only not over a morally ambiguous question. The question here was whether it was possible, and the debaters were his inexperience and his confidence. As a warrior he had often faced this dilemma, previous experiences made one confident in the face of utter destruction. Fear and instinct told the warrior to run, bravado (bolstered by confidence) told him to attack. And like any other time, that third voice, the unintelligible one, the one faintly heard as a whisper in the back of his mind clawing at his reason in an attempt to make its presence heard. "K'uur", it said,"quiet yourself and listen." Although the message of this voice never formed, the intention it had in making itself heard was felt and Cade halted the doubt that had been steadily forming in his mind. He had already wasted 3 minutes looking aimlessly at the wall, it was far too much surface area to form a perfect route and climb, and even if he did the strength he would have to exert to do it quickly would more than likely wipe him out. He decided then and now he would take the path slow and steady, to reserve his strength. For it would be a far better ally than any gift given to help in the next trial. Walking up to the wall he began to scale it, slowly opening his mind to the voice in the back of his mind. Within a few minutes of climbing, meditating while doing so, he must have looked like a fool aimlessly wandering up the wall. In truth he was not even focused on his own actions, instead inwardly looking for the answer to even this problem. And with that a feeling of nausea overwhelmed him, he fell off the wall a good 10 feet from his previous position of 30 feet up before catching a ledge with his right arm. Reason flowing back into him Cade grunted while pulling himself up, 15 minutes passed he figured, and the path now as clear to him as crystal in the sun light. It was unexplainable to himself, but he felt as if another being was guiding him from his current ledge to the next, and so on and so on, until he reached the top. It took another 15 minutes to do so, and a few times the feeling of guidance faltered, flickered, and failed. But within moments he felt his mind telling him to once again quiet down and listen. Listen to what he was not sure, but he knew that whatever aspect of the Force it was (for he was sure it was an embodiment of the Force that had been actively guiding him through the path) had left him feeling just a little bit more in touch with part of the Force he had until now been ignoring. A warrior would always take pride in his skills and accomplishments, and a particularly haughty one such as Cade rarely if ever requested help from others. It was their souls lot in life to suffer the hardships so that offers would not need to know of them, and to never accept an others charity for fear of tarnishing their own independence. Realizing that he had been using the Force in this way opened his eyes a bit more. Instead of only focusing on using it as a tool to improve his own abilities Cade had began to understand it was also a separate entity, one that could make a powerful ally and not just a powerful weapon. And while he was confident that using it either way he would've been able to find a solution to the challenge of scaling the wall, Cade was glad that the lesson turned out the way it did. If he received nothing else from the challenge Cade was comforted in the feeling that there was always at least one being, or power, of whatever the Force defined itself as (for Cade had given up on trying to define it for himself) that would walk side-by-side with him for the rest of his days. Resting atop the wall, for it had a narrow edge that allowed him to lay down a moment, Cade awaited Arec's voice. He was wondering that taking thirty-five minutes instead of less than twenty would be something he would be chastised for, but at this point he strongly believed he had made the only logical and correct actions for the task that had been assigned to him. And when Cade was sure of something he would be completely adamant, even against the wiser and more experienced. His verd pride and all.
  7. Cade


    (OOC: I was waiting for Elnia to post first so there'd be no big wait, but as it is I'll post first) Arec's words carried heavy weight, especially the part concerning a final exam. Cade knew that there was something about that he didn't like... even if he had no idea what that was exactly. Still Cade followed him silently to the holographic training room. The lights went out, and in the pitch black darkness Cade felt that he had lost his strongest sense. Trained by the Mandalorians his ability as a marksman was incredible even to amongst the warrior society he had been... or rather still felt... a part of. It was due to his keen vision that he held such skill with a rifle, but this robbed him of other senses. Without the light, for the first time in a long time, Cade remembered why he was to this day still afraid of utter pitch darkness. He lost himself in it; lost all sense of position; lost all sense of time or space. Arec's voice crackled through a speaker warning Cade of the task ahead of him. Poles, moving horizontally and vertically, slowly moving into many different locations. Some up; some down; some in; some out. As soon as he heard that his goal was to reach the other side of the room, in the quickest time possible, Cade's brashness set in. He forgot that he was completely disoriented and sped off, almost at a sprint, forwards. And promptly tripped over a pole near the floor that was apparently moving back into the wall, in falling he put his arms forward and hit one of the vertical poles going down. His arm landed under where it would make contact with the floor and with inhuman intuition Cade pulled it from the area only moments after regaining his senses and a few seconds before the pole would have crushed his hand into the ground. Padded or not, it would've been painful. Getting back up to his feet Cade tentatively scanned the area around him by reaching out his hands and like a blind man relying on touch to feel if he was safe. At least for the moment he was, but Arec had said that the poles all moved. Some could be retracting at the moment, only to return and create an impossible scenario. And Cade knew that he had been going about this all wrong, he was still relying on his senses... the very ones that were dulled and disoriented in this environment. Aryian, if he had been the one to set these tests up, had been through Mandalorian training... he had said that to Cade, and if he had then he knew the importance of the eyes to marksmen such as Cade. This test was designed to force Cade into an area he did not function well in. With that thought squared away Cade knew he had to approach this task differently. He closed his eyes, for they were no good here anyway and only served to disorient him further. Then remembering the feeling of the Force flowing through him, as it did when he had fought against the remote and the droid that Aryian had set him and Elnia up against, Cade opened his other senses up. How he was now Cade did not understand much of the Force, especially beyond changing parts of himself with it. Increasing his reaction speed, strength, agility, dexterity, all this he could fathom... but he still did not realize that with the Force he could make himself see this room as plain as if there was illumination everywhere. He did understand, however, that he could alter himself physically and mentally, and in the little time that he had been training he had become slightly proficient at it. Of course, while he had tapped into it naturally and fully when his urge to protect Elnia had fired during the duel with the droids, now he had to push harder for lesser effect. He still needed a spark to open himself up entirely, but for now what he had under his control was enough. In understanding that he could alter himself physically and mentally Cade let his other senses take over. His hearing could now map the area as well as his eyes ever could, the poles not being entirely silent in their movement. Using the Force to make his hearing function closer to sonar he had mapped the room out, planned his course through the hallway, and took off once more at a full sprint. Only this time he had the Force guiding him, his reaction time had him move through the room as gracefully as a professional burglar entering a laser grid defended museum. And within moments he had reached the other end of the room, stopping only a very short distance from the wall on the other side and breathing out heavily as he let go of the concentration that allowed him to call on the Force as he did.
  8. Cade


    Cade noted the expressions Elnia put forth, she seemed to follow his lead in these situations... but that was far from the entire truth. Honestly Cade looked to her reactions to guide his own convictions. He may have the greater experience in combat, but she had intuition- even if she did not fully know it yet. The smile on her face as she spoke of many questions she still had had Cade feel once again that she was definitely the more academic of the two; she was the more inquisitive one in the group. While Cade would simply follow the "flow", forgiving the cliche, her cautiousness would one day save him... at least that's what he felt. He turned to the droid, Aryian's son or whatever it or he wanted to be called. Again, he didn't know quite how to approach the being. Droids had never been a part of Cade's understanding, in fact most machines did not make too much sense to him if they could operate without an organic behind them. Call it good old mistrust of Artificial Intelligences, and well founded... IG-88 had tried to destroy the Galaxy using the Death Star at one point, even if none really knew about it. Gut feelings, while not as powerful as intuition, did reach Cade's thoughts. Honestly he was mildly uncomfortable with the thought of a droid training him, but if that was Arec's (he would deign to call "it" as such from now, it saved him confusion) purpose... so be it. He spoke again, mindful that his thoughts had probably caused an awkward social silence. "I've got a few questions as well, but none that have to be answered hastily. I'd much rather see what it is exactly Aryian wanted us to learn from you, Arec. So for better or worse, I'm ready." This beskar'ad would serve its purpose at least.
  9. Cade


    Cade glanced over Arec once again, noting the gaze the individual gave him, and spoke. "If you say you're his son, that's good enough for me. Tone down the vocab though, if you could. I'm not the simplest of men, but some of the things you say mean as much as Shyriiwook to me." He didn't fully trust this guy, but honestly look where they were, the Jedi Grandmaster a few yards away on a veritable fortress-world for the Order. No, they had no reason to worry. Hopefully Elnia would pick up on his returning calmness, she seemed a little freaked out with Arec. "What are you trying to push anyway? Thought droids, or whatever you are, couldn't use the Force. What're'ya offering us?"
  10. Cade


    Seeing his fellow Padawan so troubled by the affair brought back an emotion he hadn't felt in a long time, he wanted vengeance on these Sith for the pain they caused. Cade decided quickly that it would not be in anyone's best interest to fuel the flames of these thoughts, but he did not succeed in eliminating them completely. They lingered in some part of him, perhaps festering like a bad infection. He listened to Elnia's speech, and found he had no answers to the majority of her questions. He didn't know why the Sith were the way they were, any reasonable person would have nothing to do with a collection of murderers and monsters. As such he concluded that they were not people at all, but objects of evil and in doing so created a generalized view of them as things to be destroyed. The second question, however, he could answer. "Yea, he came back. When I was still a mercenary (he hated remembering those days now) I heard of a sort of technology only the extremely wealthy, or the most powerful organizations had. Cloning tanks, fully capable of bringing back a person exactly the way they were when they left their genetic sample (he thought that was the word the scientist explaining it to him had used) with the machine. I'm guessing that's how both of them came back, but Aryian...." Cade wanted to tell the truth, that their Master had the beginnings of a vendetta written on his face the last time he had seen him, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Perhaps it was to keep from hurting anyone more than they were already, or perhaps it was out of loyalty to Aryian. After all, loyalty can be misguided and right now at least Cade didn't know whether or not he truly believed that Aryian was heading down a wrong path... after all, a great part of him wholly agreed. Silencing these thoughts, and burying them deep within his mind, Cade reasoned with himself to forget about all of that and focus only on the objective. "....well, Aryian didn't come back as easily as Armiena. He was injured badly, even after the cloning, and I think he's not that far off from true death. He said he had matters to attend to, and told me to come here to find you. He never really did say what to do after though. I guess we'll just have to wait." His sight turned to the battle again, watching the movements of the two made him realize how much more he had to learn. Damn that Sith, not only had he hurt innocent people, but he had gotten in the way of Cade's training. Which of course was a selfish thought, but was still a concern of Cade's.
  11. Cade


    He was pleasantly surprised with the emotions he felt when he heard Elnia cry out his name. Even more so when she ran up to him and embraced him. Cade had been disturbed by events lately, but for some reason he felt as he knew she did. That for some reason things would now be alright. But, Cade was always a klutz in social situations that had nothing to do with orders, and as such he would not be able to express any of that in words. Still, he hoped that he gave the feeling off enough for Elnia to notice it. "How have things been...?" The question was absentmindedly made (and his own way of asking someone how they were) as his gaze turned to the fight ensuing, he had not had much of a chance to see the Grandmaster in action during Borleais, but now he took in as much as he could of the fight. "... and how are they?"
  12. Cade


    It took a moment to find the correct hangar, but Cade eventually did so and found the trio. The Grandmaster and her Padawan seemed to be ready to spar, and not wishing to interrupt anything Cade merely leaned against a wall intending to watch.
  13. Cade


    Cade's ill-begotten Tandem X-wing exited hyperspace above the atmosphere of Phu. It was a gem of a planet, shining blue as it did. It was calm and peaceful, and according to the coordinates the location of an immensely fortified Jedi temple. Suddenly the computer took full control over the ship, locking Cade out of manual operations. It zoomed to a landing pad, the engines dying down and the hatch forcefully opening. The computer screen then fired up, deleting all of the logs of his flight. Apparently the coordinates were designed so no one could use them unless they were given specifically to them. Seeing nothing that interested him except for a Tram system Cade took a seat on the machine and hoped it would take him where he had to go. Aryian hadn't explained much. Of his intentions, or what Cade would have to expect here. Still, he was a Jedi, what did he have to fear here? The ride finished, bringing Cade to what looked like the living quarters of the complex. But from there he was utterly lost. Still Arlan was with Elnia, and if Aryian had sent him here.... Using the comm channel that he had kept from Borleais Cade sent a message to Arlan. "Arlan? This is Cade, respond if you can hear me." Cade sat, nothing else to do but wait patiently for a response. Or if one was lacking start scouring the area for anything or one that could help him find Elnia.
  14. Cade


    Cade piloted the X-wing he had recently won, exiting the atmosphere of Gala. Punching in the coordinates received from Aryian he made the hyperspace jump to Phu. The trip would take a while, so he allowed himself his first true sleep in days.
  15. Arriving at the temple Cade was welcomed by a few alliance soldiers, and with some effort he convinced them to gamble at a game of dice. He played with them for credits for a while, purposely losing and winning sporadically, and then launched his true plan. The stakes were simple, he would give them one of his lightsabers if he had lost, and they would give him one of the unaltered X-wings if they lost. It was an interesting way to procure a ship for sure, but there was no real risk involved. When the die would roll badly for him Cade would simply use the Force to tip it to something that would always win. He could tell it wasn't the fairest way to go about, but truth be told he could probably have just borrowed one of their ships many other ways. This method just allowed him to relax, and let his mind stop rethinking all of the thoughts that recurred like broken records. He thanked the soldiers for the game, taking the X-wing, with a promise to send it back at a later date. Cade had no intention on keeping it, someone could have gotten in real trouble over it after all. The soldier that lost the ship was grateful, not knowing that Cade had cheated to win it in the first place. Inputting the codes given to him by Aryian he begins the flight to Phu.
  16. A few days of speaking with ensigns on the ship, in the old comfortable military manner Cade had become accustomed too, left him feeling more relaxed... more in place. During his time here he had also requested one of the doctors to retrieve the corpse of his Master, to preserve his body and his possessions... Many of the soldiers had been pissed at the previous events as well, some doubted themselves, some felt the leadership had failed... but these were all projections of the frustration they were filled with. This too would pass, next time the troops would be that much more focused. The mess hall was nice, food that seemed once again familiar. Cade enjoyed the rations, the company, the military air. Cade was at heart a warrior, and the few days spent aboard this ship made him realize that once he had accomplished enough of his training he would join the Republic Army... it was the only sensible action for one of his character. He was enjoying a conversation with one of the older men, a unsung veteran of the Galactic Civil War, when a summons came to him from his Master. Cade knew of cloning, that was part of the reason he was not quite as concerned as the others at their Master's deaths... but he also knew the instability of cloning excessively. This knowledge did not prepare him for seeing Aryian as he was. The tubes crossing through his limbs, stuck in a chair for transportation. He was filled with some concern, but he saw no reason to belittle him. "Sir?" Cade knew this would break the trance Aryian seemed to be in, lost in thought apparently, and awaited a response patiently.
  17. Great.... standing there outside of the docked Blur Cade had waited for Arlan and Elnia to speak with him. Well, for nothing it seemed. Best laid plans of mice and men. Ghost Breath took off, carrying the two of them... and Aryian's kid... away to Force knew where. Sighing Cade stretched himself out, it was all too much. A laugh was building up, in an attempt to curb his anger. Damn his Mandalorian upbringing, this control of one's self thing was harder than it had to be. Discipline Cade understood, but he remembered his Master's words on following a darker path. It was the only thing keeping him from bloodying his own fists inside of his armor and denting the hangar wall, discipline to his Master. A horrifying thought to himself. But what could he do for the moment. Salute some soldiers? Bah, he wasn't even a Knight. Really a nobody, the only reason he even got on this ship was Aryian's ship. Maybe with luck someone would care why his Master hadn't been the one to pilot it into the hangar. They could talk with him if they felt like it, Cade just couldn't stomach wallowing in these self-defeating thoughts for much longer.
  18. Damn, the single resounding thought took precedent against all else. A Republic fleet, the Grandmaster of the Jedi, his own master, and all of the padawans assembled couldn't stop even a single Sith's plans? And on a Jedi controlled planet, no less. He thought of all he had done in the havoc, rescued Arlan, provided safety for the child, and then what? Reported on the death of Armiena, watched his Master die trying to pull the Sith's ship out of the sky? He hadn't reacted fast enough, hadn't done enough. No one had. Oddly the sensation Cade felt when Aryian died was less painful than when Armiena did, this master, this father and husband, cared more for their lives than his own. And he had failed too.... It wasn't safe here anymore, and like a rodent scurrying to high ground to escape a flood Cade knew he would need to dock on the Paragon- high in orbit. A cowards fate, he hated the thought of it. It bothered him to leave the corpse, to not give it a proper funeral, or at least safe-guard its belongings, but as tough as Cade presented himself the thought of nearing it disconcerted him far too greatly. Blur docked with Paragon, for the moment Cade would collect himself... and wait for the other padawans to speak with him, if they felt like it after all that had happened. He hoped Arlan wouldn't blame him for what he could not do, Cade felt enough guilt as it was.
  19. The transmission from Arlan came in, startling him slightly. ”
  20. It had been some time since Cade left Elnia and Arlan to hunt for the Sith's ship, but without guidance or even knowledge of what he was looking for he didn't have a chance at finding it. Republic ships had entered the area, this much he knew from the sensors, and there were a few sporadic engagements in the area but he chose to remain away from them and not get involved in more than he could handle. Then it hit him, not an overwhelming sensation but a feeling of rolling nausea rolled over Cade. The small force connection he had made with Aryian, his master, opened him to a fraction of the pain he had experienced. Cade knew not what had happened, he did not think that this feeling would come with Aryian's death... but if something had happened to his child or his wife. That was what washed over Cade, the feeling of loss, and only a fraction of it was enough to make him sick. What Aryian had felt at that moment was beyond Cade's ability to understand. But the feeling still happened, and the recognition of it caused him to turn Blur around and call off his search. Whatever had happened it would be close to the dojo, and so Cade began piloting back to the area. He did not take the time to notice whether the Republic ships were in the area, but what he did notice was his master on the ground standing near the Sith and Aryian's wife's body. The ship he had been seeking was close to them, scarred with some damage. Only multiple ones were in the area. Following a gut instinct Cade did not open fire on any of the ships, he could tell that there was some sort of illusion going on as the copies all shared the exact same damage. Remaining in proximity, yet far away enough to be safe, Cade felt utterly useless in this clash of titans, even his choice to leave the area to hunt for the ship had been futile. If he had stayed perhaps he could have accomplished something, destroyed the ship, or at least provided a distraction. But now was not the time for remorse, he would wait to see how this played out...
  21. The two jumped out, Elnia was probably better off with Arlan and Aidan anyway. She could focus on the boy, while Arlan could pilot the Ghost's breath away if need be. All in all it seemed a good plan. After they made contact with the ground, safely he hoped, Cade began piloting Blur away from the ground again. This time up to hunt for Slicer's ship. He sends another communication, on the encrypted channel, to Aryian. "Your ad'ika(son) and Ghost's breath are secured, Arlan and Elnia have the ship under their control and should be keeping it at a safe distance. You told me to search and destroy, I need a visual reference for Slicer's ship if I'm to do so." It was nice to have an aka(mission) again.
  22. Taking note of his Master's wife's Padawan's glance at the ground Cade understood all to well the feelings flowing through him. The very same feeling that flowed through Cade when he decided to send the comm to Aryian. With his usual gruffness and impulsiveness Cade spoke. "Don't worry, you'll be able to help, in your own way Arlan. The fight down there is not the place for us, not yet anyways." He hoped it would be re-assuring, or at least break the self-defeating feelings Arlan was holding on to at the moment. Taking the controls into his hands once again Cade pilots Blur to Arlan's specifications. Hovering 20 feet over Armiena's ship he lowered the boarding ramp once again. "You can make the jump down from here, right?" Cade was anxious to get Aryian's son to safety, and Arlan would be a better pilot for protecting Aidan. Cade was planning to go back into the fray at Aryian's command, and having his son on board was a risk he wasn't willing to take. Linking Arlan into his encrypted comm channel Cade spoke once more. "If anything, we'll contact you. Aryian wants me to do a search for Slicer's ship, if it has any kind of A.I. I don't want Aidan in the firefight. Keep safe, vod."
  23. The jump that Arlan had made was impressive to Cade, if only because any display of the Force at this point had a large impression on him. Arlan spoke once they got back to the cockpit, Cade taking his position in the pilots seat and Arlan standing behind them. Arlan spoke breathlessly as Cade raised the boarding ramp and began an ascent to get them away from the danger posed by the battle below. The last part of what Arlan said struck Cade. "We have to get to the Ghost Breath. Armiena's son, Aidan is there.”
  24. Aryian's voice resounded through the cockpit. "Yes. Guard Armiena's Padawan, and her ship. My son is aboard it...I can feel him. Otherwise, search and destroy, Slicer has a ship around here somewhere, find it and take it out. I will assist you." These words brought a form of relief to Cade, to do something was all he could want right now. Looking at Elnia he noticed her fragility again, she was not ready for these kind of situations just yet. Carefully he moved her into the co-pilots seat saying that he was sorry, but that he would need the ships controls for the moment. Then moving into the pilots seat Cade brought the controls into his hands, so familiar, so inviting. Effortlessly he began piloting the ship closer to the havoc down below. Cade did not have the communication link to Armiena's Padawan, but a quick scan of the battle located a young human standing a considerable distance from the fight. His robes gave him away as a Jedi, and his youthful appearance gave away his inexperience. Taking the Blur close enough to this youth, yet far away enough to have safety from Slicer, Cade lowered the boarding ramp and giving the A.I. control of the ship ran to it. "Get aboard the ship now!" Cade yelled to make his voice carry over the engines, the urgency in it sure to make the Padawan's next action doing exactly so.
  25. Blur had taken control of the ships piloting systems from the moment Aryian had jumped off the ship down to the surface. The event seemed incredible to Cade, for the Force could even make one survive something usually fatal. He had no idea what was happening on the ground, but if his master had personally become involved with such haste it was something big. At least for now the ship was safe away from any danger, but Cade was not one to sit on the sidelines and do nothing. He didn't know the extent of the situation, but if he was correct and this was a Jedi training facility there may have been others like him who were untrained and not ready for the fight that was probably happening. Using his comlink he signals Aryian with a single question brief and to the point, "Is there anything I can do or anyone I can escort out?" as Blur's A.I. kept the ship at a safe distance from the mayhem.
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