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Khedryn lifted his sword up and shifted his weight to his back foot. He twirled the blade in one of his four hands while keeping an eye on his opponent. The man was a human of normal height, but with a rather large, muscular frame. He looked to be in his early twenties as well.


Khedryn used his very minimal Force sensitivity to examine the man further. All he could get off of the man was a very fierce sense of independence and Khedryn could sense that the man had killed before.


That about sums up all Black Sun recruits


Khedryn took a few cautious steps towards the man and prepared to enter into battle.



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Horatio continued talking to Blackstone, when he heard movement from behind him. He turned Khedryn was looking like he was going to attack Blackstone!


Horatio crouched and grabbed his two long slender knives, and brought them into an 'X' blocking the dangerously swinging blade.


"What in the name of Hades are you doing Khedryn?! We are training, NOT MURDERING!"


This man was aggressive, and if he wanted to fight Horatio to the death then so be it, attacking another trainee 'cause you felt like it, was not ok.


Perhaps the man wanted out of the organization.


((Heh, aggressive are you? Please wait to attack unless I give the word alright, especially since Horatio has not told you anything about a duel.))

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((I wasn't really going into battle, I was just in a stance. You said (Horatio nodded to Blackstone, "Well in that case, we don't need to kill you then, you can commence training with..." Horatio turned and spotted the man who had turned into something completely different. "...This person") so I assumed him and I were about to duel for training.))


"Sir I wasn't trying to kill him. I thought you wanted us to to train correct?" Khedryn asked. He was still working on understanding humans. They were very odd creatures.



Khedryn set down his blade and waited for Horatio to give him further instructions.


Sometimes I think the Empire would have been more my style.



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Given the choice between training and death, Blackstone decided to go along with training. After all, he had no other plans for his life, a criminal syndicate like Black Sun would be the perfect outlet for his energy.


With that, he nodded, but stopped abruptly as the teacher and student burst into argument again. Either the teacher was very strict or the student very rebellious. In any event, Blackstone deemed it most practical to just wait and do what he was told.


That said, Blackstone was not altogether comfortable with the informal approach to the matter. They were willing to take him on without any formal identification? He felt as if he should fill out some papers or offer identification. For all they knew, he could be a spy. That said, he was rather glad that they hadn't asked that of him yet. Blackstone wasn't a spy... but certainly not a well documented person. Well, he thought to himself, I suppose I'm the sort of person that the syndicate attracts.


He did, however, pursue the formality of introduction. "I am honored, sir, to be in your teaching" he replied, "Thank you for the opportunity. This is exactly what I'm looking for. Though... " he motioned toward his blaster pistol in his belt "I'm not really equipped for sword fighting. I really wouldn't know what I'd be doing.... so I'll put myself entirely in your instruction, Mr...?" he stopped, extending a hand.

Rident Stolidi Verba Latinae


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Horatio nodded, and sheathed his knives. Then looked to the two of them.


"Well my trainees, I believe I may have a mission for you two to partake together."


He withdrew two small datapads from his pockets, containing mission parameters.


"Don't die please, a shuttle will take you to Taris."


((Basically board the shuttle make some good explanations of the shuttle, its pilot etc. I will then fly you to your mission. Check PMs for mission parameters.))

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Khedryn took one of the datapads from Horatio and then quickly made his way into the shuttle. It appeared to be a heavily modified Kappa-class shuttle.


It is rather odd that you can still find these. But then again Black Sun can find anything.


The inside of the shuttle was actually quite nice. The cockpit was furnished lavishly with leather chairs and the decor of the panels was made to look 'diplomatic'. There appeared to be a small weapons cache hidden under the pilot's chair, which was no big surprise.


They probably use this for some of their bigger missions with important people.


The troop cabin quarters had been modified into a large lounge area. There were holovid projectors on the walls that were playing various sports games. Near the end was a full service bar that seemed to have just about anything a person could fancy. In the middle of the lounge was a large table for playing sabacc or other card games. The chairs that were around the perimeters of the lounge were not standard durasteel, but rather looked to be made of leather as well. There was also a large area tucked away in the corner for food preparation and behind it was a large sliding door.


Khedryn walked to the door and accessed the panel to open it. The doors slid open and inside were six very heavily modified landspeeders. They appeared to have incredible modifications to the armor and to the turrets underneath.


I thought this shuttle seemed a little too nice. Khedryn thought with a chuckle.


On the back wall were several very large weapons lockers and when Khedryn opened them up he saw a vast array of weapons, explosives, knives and armor. Everything from simple vibro-knives to a large repeating blaster turret were present in the lockers. Khedryn closed up the lockers and went back into the cabin area to prepare for the long trip to Taris.


When Khedryn entered the cabin area he noticed two men in the standard Black Sun uniforms, though these appeared to be for combat missions. The older looking one was a Chiss and the much younger one was a Human. The Chiss stepped forward and addressed him.


”œHello sir you must be Khedryn. Horatio sent me and my partner here to accompany you on the mission. My name is Mitt'res and my partner here is Travis. We are to follow your commands precisely on this mission.”



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Don't Die- Go to Taris.


Nice instructions, Blackstone smiled, thinking to himself. He stepped forward and took one of the datapads. He had just begun to read it when he heard the hum of a shuttle landing behind him. He spun around to face it, then turned to look at the trainer again, a little perplexed. Very trusting of him... maybe too trusting... or perhaps Blackstone was the one who was too trusting. Blackstone resolved to just go along with it and keep his guard up.


Nodding to the trainer, he turned and walked toward the shuttle. Despite it's shine, it looked rather old, and very modified. Glancing over it, Blackstone noted that newer, nicer looking parts, especially plating, covered up a shuttle that was likely rather older. Kappa class shuttle thought Blackstone. Hadn't seen one of those in a while... not since Abregado Rae. Of course... it's hard not to see one of those on Abregado-Rae. Having lived for a large portion of his life in one of the galaxy's larger spaceport hubs, it was hard for Blackstone not to acquire some knowledge of ships. That said, he really preferred not to.



Stepping inside, Blackstone's first impressions were halted. It was heavily modified, as many such shuttles were. In the cockpit was a middle aged human, who seemed rather busy. Blackstone deemed it best to leave him alone and examined the rest of the shuttle, as the Besalisk was doing. Rearranged seating maximized the storage space. Closets full of weapons and supplies were neatly tucked in to all available areas, while still appearing spacious. Amenities of all sorts furnished the cabin, giving it an almost luxury feel. But before exploring all of those, he was approached by two agents in Black Sun garb. Noting from his datapad that they were assigned to aid him, he stepped forward and greeted them.


"Hello, sir, good to meet you. I'm Jason Isaacy, I've been assigned to aid you in your mission" one of them said, stepping forward. He had a crisp, professional look; his dark hair, grey eyes and defined face gave him a sharp demeanor. Several years of experience were evident in the way he carried himself. Blackstone shook his hand and introduced himself


"I'm Blackstone Martimus" he answered "good to meet you, Jason." He turned to the other, a shorter, freckled brunette. Shaking her hand, Blackstone continued "And you are" he glanced at his datapad "Michelle, I take it?" he asked.


"Yes" she smiled, accepting the handshake. "Michelle Carter. I'm a new recruit, like yourself" she offered eagerly. She looked excited and vibrant, very unlike the usual Black Sun recruit. That's not going to last for long Blackstone thought to himself cynically.


Blackstone took a seat, and began to read the details of the mission from his datapad.


Horatio! So that was his trainer's name.

Rident Stolidi Verba Latinae


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Horatio looked towards the shuttle, and waved. The pilot knowing the signal from years of working with his friend began the ascent towards the heavens.


The pilot spun around in his chair, and gave the mass of agents a cold stare.


He had seen far to many of these types of agents die horribly. And if they were lucky they would only loose one or two agents, most likely the new recruits.


Once they had cleared the gravity well of the planet, the ship shuddered and the lights of the distant stars turned into a mass of light.


Hyperspace. Destination Taris.

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The ship quickly ascended through Dubrillion's atmosphere bound for Taris. Khedryn was still a little uneasy about the mission because fighting had never been his thing. He had always preferred to find a way out of it.


Often times getting out of trouble has made things more difficult for me


Khedryn walked over to the new addition to the team to introduce himself. From his earlier attempts he didn't get anything significant so he decided that conversation might help. Stepping forward he introduced himself first,


"The name's Khedryn, but you can call me Blur if you want. Either one it doesn't matter. I figure we better get to know each other if we plan to survive this mission. "



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"Nice to meet you, Khedryn" Blackstone responded with a nod. "I'm Blackstone Martimus"


Blackstone wasn't quite sure what to think about this man... or Shi'ido, rather. But under the circumstances, he didn't have much choice other than to work with him. He gave small smile, then took his seat. He glanced towards the cockpit, watching the landscape disappear beneath them. Blackstone sat in the awkward silence, trying to think of something to say.


"So... um... Khedryn. Have you ever killed a man before?"


Blackstone winced. Quite the conversation starter.

Rident Stolidi Verba Latinae


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Khedryn took a seat next to the man before he replied.


"Well yeah I have killed plenty of times before. The first time I was scared for many days after. I couldn't believe what I had done ya know? But it didn't take long and I had the unfortunate luck of being thrust into situations where killing the other guy was the only way out. It's not the way I prefer doing things, but it has saved my skin several times."


He was a little unsure of this man and he waited to to gauge the man's reaction before he could put in an accurate judgement call.


I just pray that I can trust him. This mission will go so much smoother.



Please check this out! http://www.gofundme.com/1zix44

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  • 1 month later...

Shadows loomed in the midnight sky as landing lights searched the hidden terrain. Home had been reached, and the hidden guards loomed from the shadows. They escorted the agents to a waiting room. The princess and agent Michelle had been treated very well by the medical recruit Blackstone.


Horatio smiled and turned to them, "Now we wait for the governing officer to return....from...his quarters."


He departed leaving the group of agents in charge of the princess, and waiting for the officer to return.




Horatio walked into the small cloning chamber and pushed a few buttons, a figure was floating in the tank. The officer was quickly returning. And would award these agents as he saw fit.

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Blackstone took a seat in the waiting room and heaved a large sigh. So that was it. He had actually completed a mission, albeit in training, for the Black Sun Criminal Syndicate.


Yet, Blackstone wondered, could he do this consistently? Day after day? They had so much trouble with one mission alone, but how would Blackstone get out of a tight corner? How would he deal with the loss of one of his men, let alone dozens?


Blackstone knew that this trial was done, but this new turn in his life was just beginning, and it would not be calm for quite some time.



Jason surveyed the new surroundings. He stood in a corner, surveying the actions of his colleagues. He seemed somewhat at ease, but still had a sharp vigilance about him that kept him from relaxing. One would wonder if this man ever took a break or calmed down. That said, the events of the mission had clearly taken their toll on him, and it seemed that he couldn't wait to finish business and find a place to relax and catch up on sleep. Blackstone bet that even when he slept this man kept a blaster at his side.


Jason was a very orderly and professional soldier, but he was ultimately a stoic pragmatist. When the job was done, he saw little need to go on with red tape and pleasantries. The soldier was to fight and there his job ended. Politics and popularity contests had no place in the realm of war. He shifted uncomfortably, impatiently waiting to get this 'meeting' over with.


Michelle felt somewhat better, but she was still rather emotionally traumatized. This was rather different from what she had expected from Black Sun. Black Sun was supposed to be adventure, but she had found herself bringing terror to a neighborhood, fighting for her life and then fleeing the scene as she suffered severe wounds- And all so they could take a seemingly innocent girl from her home.


Was Michelle going to back down? No. While she definitely had much to think about, she was sure that there would be a bright side to this. As much as she was annoyed by Jason's constant ridicule, he did have a point in some of it. Michelle knew she was naive, but this was her first mission, and she was sure that she would get used to it.


That said, she wished that she would get used to the pain. She winced as she sat down, a sharp pain shooting up her leg. She bit her tongue, trying not to show any sign of pain. Michelle didn't want to look like a wimp, especially as she was the only girl in the entirety of both teams. People were probably unsure if she could keep up with the rest of the guys at all, let along prove herself as a useful agent. She knew that she had a lot to live up to, and she was already working against the fact that she was wounded and probably the weakest on the team. Blackstone had already 'rescued' her and the other girl. That was humiliating enough as it was. Michelle wasn't a girly type, and loved adventure. She just hoped she could prove it.

Rident Stolidi Verba Latinae


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  • 1 month later...

The Gravebreaker emerged from hyperspace. The ship was evacuated quickly as Black Sun doctors went to work. Piccolo's consciousness was downloaded from the ship into one of his less advanced bodies. Only 50% cybernetic, this had been an earlier version of his final form. It was not ideal, but at this point, the doctors had run out of options. Piccolo had been disemboweled by his old enemy Torin. Now he awakened to life again. Piccolo was brought out of the ship, so it could be returned to its master.


Saved by Ronin Wartide. The galaxy is turning upside down.


It took several doctors to hold Piccolo's body up as he acclimated to it. In this weakened form, he faced Vothe. The fire in his eyes belied the inadequacies of his body.


"Are you the only one who managed to survive?"

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Vothe took little time on the trip to learn what had happened to Captain Piccolo. It was a curious fate, but he had heard about the captain's preferences for being returned to life, and found it rather curious that it was possible for a person's consiousness to inhabit a ship. He wondered if there were any ways he could use something like that to his advantage in the future. After all, a ship could do many things a person could not, although he would be loathe to give up the anonymity and grace of his Anzati body.


He stayed close to the captain during the process, and soon the half-trandoshan was back to his typical status--among the living. Piccolo immediately spoke to him, evidently curious about how hard the Black Sun had been hit.


Vothe considered the question. He knew for certain that many of the operatives he had ganged up with to take down Ason Antilles were dead. There had been one other there when he had cut down Terra, but he had not seen the shapeshifter escape with him, and the narrow margins by which he did so suggested that he was, indeed, the only survivor. That was bad because it meant that the Empire had won the day. However, Vothe realized that it would make him look good to the higher-ups in Black Sun... as would his repeated successes in the past.


"That is my belief," he finally answered, his voice as ethereal as the grace with which he moved. "Captain, I desire a meeting with Lord Daisaku, and suspect it is among your priorities as well. Do you wish to accompany me?"


Vothe was not a social creature. But the more exposure Black Sun's leaders had to him, the easier it would be for them to call his name when an operation came up. For now, he was quite content to play the businessman's game, for through it would come the hunt that he relished. He had managed to feed on Coruscant before walking into the Citadel assault, but the soup he had managed to locate had been barely satisfying. He wanted people to hunt like Antilles... and even now the scent of Piccolo's own luck drifted to Vothe's senses and reminded him that some of Black Sun's officers had astonishing skill.

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As Vothe spoke, several Black Sun operatives were at work. They suited Piccolo up in his Eclipse combat armor, returning his weapons salvaged from the Citadel. Piccolo inspected each carefully for damage, holstering his blaster pistols last. A ship was being prepped. The Space Wyvern had been repaired since the attempted assassination of Deton and was waiting for Piccolo.


"No," the hunter said as he fitted his helmet. His true face had returned, and stared at Vothe from his obsidian visor. "I have many old enemies, Jedi, Sith, Republic, Empire. It's time to settle up. You go see Lord Daisaku."


Piccolo entered the Space Wyvern and headed for the Death Star.

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Vothe nodded as Piccolo left. He had heard about some big fiasco going on between the Empire and the Republic, but he didn't feel like he had any place in a battle like that. He was an assassin, not a soldier. Although he was interested in the outcome, as it would likely have a lasting affect on galactic government, the actual fight itself had nothing about it that made Vothe wish to go.


So he would stay out of it. Presently the Anzat drifted toward the Dubrillion base's command center. He hadn't been here before, having spent his career with the Black Sun to date on missions or in the Citadel, but a little bit of logic was sufficient to determine which building would house Lord Daisaku. Totally silent and naturally hanging near shadows as he moved, Vothe quickly made his way there.


Finally he stopped outside, signalling his presence and waiting for admission.

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Smash Daisaku's triumphant tri-fold shuttle, the Golden Dawn touched down upon one of many Black Sun compounds coating the planetary surface of Dubrillion. Men and children alike looked up at the great craft, in utter awe.


Stepping from his gold-plated spacecraft, and flanked by one dozen highly trained bodyguards, the legendary criminal mastermind wasted no time in surveying the wind-caressed landscape with an expensive pair of trendy electrobinoculars. He moved around in such a way that ensured his body guards saw the impressive brand name on the side of the electrobinoculars. Then, for seemingly no reason, he cast them from his hands into a grassy ditch along the side of the landing platform, effectively destroying them. He knew exactly where he was headed. The Black Sun command center was presumably fitted with an office, already prepared for Smash's business. He had to make an appointment that was long overdue.


Processing towards the structure, Smash felt the cool breeze hit his face. It was a comfort compared to the silent coldness of space. It was a feeling he always appreciated. He also appreciated scotch.


Countless armed men and overpaid scientists all marveled as Smash Daisaku passed. They had pledged their entire lives to an organization that operated out of the shadows, feeding on theft and drugs, and killing for money, with espionage, kidnappings, extortion, and other illegal activities of ill-repute paving the way for padding Smash's pockets. To see the legend who sustained such criminal activity, was truly fortuitous for these simple people. They would probably remember the day for the rest of their lives.



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A flash of white, then, complete darkness. Well, not complete darkness. There was an orange tint to the black void that suggested there was some kind of light source behind the veil that currently masked his vision. Another flash of white caused Jacen to recoil and squeeze his eyes tightly closed, blocking off the world for a few precious seconds. It was like waking up after only sleeping for two hours but ten times worse though other than the drowsiness he felt as good as new.


Jacen slowly let his eyes flicker open while raising his hand to protect them from the harmful rays of light. He sat up in what he now recognized as a hospital bed and propped himself up on his arm. A nurse in a tight fitting, starkly white and rather pristine looking uniform made haste to his side, her three inch stiletto heels making an almost soothing clacking noise with each step.


"Aren't you a little...inappropriately dressed for a nurse?" Jacen asked with a hint of amusement in his voice. It wasn't that he minded, actually it was quite the opposite, but this opportunity was too good to pass up.


"Lord Daisaku likes for us to be dressed manner for his own...enjoyment. Welcome back to the land of the living Mr. Onnd. You'll find your personal affects on the table to your right. If you need anything else just press the button behind your bed and an attendant will be with you. I'll leave alone now to dress," said the nurse, obviously wanting to leave the room after noticing Jacen's keen interest in her.


Jacen looked down at his new body and realized for the first time that he was naked. He threw the hospital covers off of him and stood up, proudly displaying himself in his entirety.


"You don't have to leave. I'm sure it's nothing you've never seen before," he said with a devilish smile. He sauntered over to the pile of clothing she had mentioned on the table and began to slip on the clothes, though it was blatant that he was in no particular hurry. For all he knew they could be coming off in a matter of moments.


"Indeed," the woman said, raising an eyebrow, a look of annoyance on her face. "Though it's not a spectacle I wish to view again anytime soon". With that she turned and quickly left the room. Jacen let his eyes follow her rather voluptuous posterior until it was out of sight.




Jacen dressed quickly after that, choosing not to waste anymore time chasing tail that obviously wasn't interested. He could have her if he truly desired to and no on within the criminal organization would take any notice but the hunt was part of the fun. The last item that he picked up was a gun made of pure gold with a note attached to it reading:


One of the agents picked this up on during his hasty escape from the Black Sun Citadel on Coruscant. It appears that it fell off your person during your death at the battle and recognizing it as yours, he returned it to you.


-Nurse Rachel


Jacen read the note quickly before discarding it in the trash receptacle. He slipped the weapon into the back of his trousers before exiting the hospital wing. He made his way down the corridor, admiring its extravagant beauty. Smash wasn't one to spare any expense, that much was for sure. The destruction of the Citadel would have angered him. It cost a fortune to build and maintain and now that money was gone. He stopped outside what used to be his office in the base and read the nameplate.


Sasori Soren? I thought that bastard was dead and gone. Oh well.


Jacen kicked in the door, much like he had done at the Citadel, and stepped inside. Apparently Soren had never utilized this office as it was exactly like Jacen had left it all those years ago, complete with a half-finished bottle of whiskey and a cigar in the same state.


He moved to a position behind his desk and sat down in the nearly broken chair. Regardless of its condition it still felt like home to Jacen. Some of the agents had suggested that he order a new chair but he liked the way it made his office feel. It felt...lived in. He picked up the half-smoked cigar and lit the end of it, taking a long drag off of the cancerous stick. It tasted stale but the chemicals were still present and that was all Jacen cared about. He leaned back and took another drag, closing his eyes...


Proud member of the JNET Addicts Club since November '05

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Vothe followed Smash into the office and chose a seat at the huge table, a few seats down from Daisaku so that they could converse without raising their voices and yet without presuming to sit immediately next to him and thus suggest a higher status than he currently believed he held. That could, of course, be changing very quickly, even at the end of his report, but Vothe would expect nothing, only react.


"I have several things to report," he began, his voice smooth but not faint. "First, my infiltration of the Order is complete and my alias is intact. I can use it again at your command, and perhaps will do so periodically to maintain it. I passed the technical readouts you requested to Agent Soren when we had an unscheduled rendezvous--I assume he transferred them on to you.


"Finally, as I'm sure you are aware, the Citadel has been destroyed. I believe that it was nearly a total loss, and that I am the only operative to have emerged without needing a cloning tank."


Maybe he had thrown the last part on there to make himself look good. But he kept it under the guise of making a report because he didn't know Smash Daisaku quite well enough to anticipate his reactions yet. He suspected, however, from the characters of the Black Sun operatives with which he had interacted, that bragging rights earned from beating the odds were exercized regularly and without compunction. Vothe Kyrik was no braggart, but ensuring that he would be recognized furthered his goals in the organization.


((That mission started almost a year ago. Drop me a PM if you've forgotten the details which I will not reference IC.))

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OOC: I will drop you a PM soon, Vothe.


OOOC: You and your crazy passive-aggressive post. You've more than earned a promotion.


IC: Smash Daisaku carefully listened to Vothe's report, like a concerned, yet murderous grandfather ”“ and much, much younger too. But that was his stature. He was like the grandfather that no one wanted to piss off, because he would write you out of his gigantic will.


”œWhile I have not yet had the chance to review the information, I intercepted it from the vaults in the Black Sun Citadel, shortly before its destruction. Though, I'm going to give you some bad news about Sasori Soren. Yeah, he was murdered. Apparently, he was caught in some kind of galactic brothel near Ryloth, and was bludgeoned to death by half a dozen hookers. Sasori was not exactly a believer, in paying for the various sorts of ”œservices rendered,”

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Vothe regarded Lord Daisaku emotionlessly, a look for him that didn't even require the hood he kept raised at almost all times. He sincerely doubted that Smash's story about Soren's death was true: he knew for a fact that Soren was trained in the Force and could wield a lightsaber with some skill. It was unlikely that he had been bludgeoned to death by unskilled combatants. However, Vothe suspected that the story had been fabricated because it ultimately didn't matter how Soren had died, only that now he was an enemy of the Black Sun.


If Vothe saw him again, he would carry out Daisaku's orders. But the fact was that the information he had given Soren had in fact been passed on, and Smash now had the technical readouts to one of the most advanced physical entities in known space.


And then there was the promotion. Smash didn't specify exactly to what position Vothe was being promoted, or if said position would bring about more responsibility on his part or just more credits (ultimately a secondary goal to Vothe Kyrik, but one that it never hurt to achieve). The point was that he was moving up.


When the captain burst into the room and announced that Daisaku's wife was dead, Vothe remained passive and watched Smash's display. The man's tremendous promiscuity didn't suggest he had any particular emotional connection to his wife, but his apparent grief said otherwise. Maybe it was a human thing, Vothe reflected, but more likely it was just another strange layer of Smash Daisaku.


"If you suspect she was murdered, my lord, I offer my services in bringing the killer to justice." It couldn't hurt to offer.

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Had he been one to show his emotions on his face, Vothe probably would have twisted his lip. Directing Outer Rim Intelligence and coordinating spice manufacturing were business-oriented positions. Frankly, he was no businessman, but an assassin. He suspected, however, that much of the positions were tied to delegation, and he would have little need to talk business with anyone directly. That said, he was over one hundred years old and was well-educated in things even beyond the art of the hunt, though that had been his chief focus. He would probably be able to hold his own despite his distaste for economics and politics.


When Daisaku told him of the project underway, Vothe simply nodded. "Considering my experience with high-security installations, I should be able to make myself useful."

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Personally, Lord Daisaku, I always thought the best defense was a good offense."


With that ringing pronouncement, Vladimir Faust made himself known to Smash and Vothe, entering into the office and taking a seat at the end of the huge table.


"A dead or broken enemy poses no threat, though I can imagine with some potential targets, that would be exceedingly hard to accomplish." Faust flashes a grin, then apparently relaxes. As for how he gained entry, he made that crystal clear "I've decided to take advantage of my rank as a Vigo in this organizaiton and get involved in a more personal level. I spoke with Jacen about a pet project that's been simmering." With that, he slides a datapad all the way down the table outlining it. "Unfortunately, the attack by my Sith bretherin disrupted it I'm guessing. I contacted my friends within the Empire about that and got the whole bloody mess laid out in detail."


He tsks a bit, but smiles, still showing his all too white teeth. "Which brings me to the point why I'm here. The organization's going to need some changes to survive and it needs to be feared again. I wish to bring some of my... unique talents... into direct service again." At the term talents, Faust leans back and holds up both hands- lightning crackles between the fingertips of his right hand and his left gives a quick, drill like rotation.


"I will of course, be asking for a cut of the profits as my talents deserve, though as a member of the organization, I'm willing to scale down my normal rates a bit. That said, I'd prefer my association with the organization to be downplayed, at least for now. It will help me in some of my circles, and I would think, avoid Black Sun drawing heat from my many enemies as well." He gives Vothe a sidelong glance, tilting his head in a way that asked a single question to Smash- can he be trusted?

In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed - but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.

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Prince Daisaku glanced at Faust's datapad.


”œThen, I hope that your current commitment to crime is as intense as your renowned commitment to gratuitous violence and profane magicks. Yes, it seems that in these days, both the Empire and Sith are excelling at making enemies and conjuring problems.”

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Faust gives Vothe an appreciative nod. "I am pleased to hear such an excellent appraisal." He reaches into his trench coat and takes out a custom rolled cigar, and casually lights it with a small, but showy flash of Force lightning from his right index finger.


"A new base would solve several issues, keeping Black Sun not entirely beholden to whatever power may be controls Coruscant. It still might be worth maintaining as a semi-legitimate front, but I think the Empire's set on leveling it at this point in time."


He takes a long drag from his cigar, blowing out a thick stream of smoke. "What ever happened to Black X-1? Granted it was more Lord Reign's than the organizations, but I'm guessing you wished something more suitable." Though Smash ordered it razed completely in the past, Faust was a touch out of the loop in that regard.


He quietly puffs at the cigar, leaning back. "And new base aside, what plans do we have looking forward? If we can get Jacen and the others moving with that little ransom ploy, we'll have a tremendous amount of working capital. Some heat to be sure, but it might be worth the risk. I'm thinking now also might be a good time to start stocking up on precious assets- gold, aurum, spice, and the like. I have a feeling we're facing a single Galactic government soon and I can see that playing a bit of trouble with currency based investments."

In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed - but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.

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Vothe had not recognized Vladimir Faust when he had entered, but he had immediately detected that the man was exceptionally powerful. He reeked of the dark side of the Force... but it was more than that. Vothe was almost taken aback by the scent of the man's soup--it was the strongest he had ever smelled. Something welled up deep within him, a hunter's lust for the ultimate prey, but he quickly quelled it. If he attempted to kill Vladimir Faust, he would more than likely be the one that ended up dead, and even if he succeeded, he would jeopardize his career with the Black Sun. Right now, he couldn't afford it.


So when he was introduced to Faust and learned the face that went with the name of that infamous mass-murderer, one-time Emperor and Dark Lord of the Sith, he gave a respectful nod and just a few words planted telepathically through an ability natural to his people. "A pleasure."


He was pleased that Smash had introduced him with praise of his abilities, and interested to see if he would end up working beside Faust. Free of moral compunction, Vothe could be whatever he needed to be; so far, he was an infiltrator and assassin with a perfect record and intact aliases that gave him access to the secrets of many potential enemies.


There was one part of him that didn't quite like Faust, but it wouldn't be a problem. His last undercover mission had affected him a little bit. He hadn't been entirely able to separate the character from himself, as it had involved some deep spiritual reflection. Some part of him knew that what was said had some truth, but he would keep it buried away. If his destiny was going to change because of what he had learned, he would make the necessary decisions when the time came, and only through time and experience could he find his true stance on the matter.

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The Ossus Fallen exited the blue blur of hyperspace near to the planet of Dubrillion and its sister Destrillion. A wave of relief washed over Terra as she beheld the oceanic gem, dotted with swirls of pure-white cloud. Metal and flesh typed a hypnotic rhythm as she hurriedly entered in both of the identification tags that she possessed; Kayal's and her own. She broadcast them down to the planet and opened a general comm.


Selecting a more secure comm, she activated the holo-receiver and opened a channel. Her red eyes shone with desperation and despair as she began to speak.


”œThis is agent Terra in the former Sith shuttle the Ossus Fallen.


To the Death...

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