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Tarrian Skywalker

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((heh glad I took my meterology class, help me a lot with this power))


He stood out in the middle of the lake, no man should ever stand out in the middle of a lake. yet he was clearly standing out in the middle of the lake. He counted to three before leaping into the air and crashing back down, on to the hard ice below his feet.


He would have to admit, this old force power, was quite the gift. He had learned in a rather short amount of time ho wto alter the very environment around him. Now everything else would simply be left to his imagaine. Such as if he could draw water into the air, and force it to reach a certain saturation point, then he should be also able to force to air up and away fom an area. Or perhaps condense the air around himself. Since he could now heat and cool the temperature around him, as wella s create fog, he could bring in a fog, to hide his movements into an area, and sniff out his prey by causin certain areas to heat up or to drastically cool down.


This was indeed true power. granted he could only do this on a rather small scale, but given he could affect an entire base with this power, and had already done so, he felt it would be more that adaquate for what ever purpose he would need it for.


He quietly walked off the ice, he was.. tired. manipulating the force over and over again with something new could leave one drained. however this was simply the beginning. He had an entire list he was going to work though after staying inside of that ancient struture. He planned to master them all, though it meant a trip to his ship, to bring up instructions on the next item on his list.


He he quietly made his way back to his ship.

Slicer.jpgMy sig is my profile...


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The Skipray jerked as it soared through the atmosphere. HK could see the formations of the land below, he stored the information in his databank and pulled back on the throttle for a controlled landing. His movements were fluent but yet mechanically rigid unlike other beings' such as "meatbags." HK popped the seal on the cockpit door and threw it open, stepping out. The repeating blaster rifle he held was warming up, ready for a quick firefight or subtle kill. He initiated the fuel injection lines in his arm, so the flamethrower was ready to torch any organic that crossed his path. A quick fleeting movement caught his red photoreceptors. A small unknown mammalian critter skittered past his durasteel frame and took off towards some brush. HK-57 leveled his blaster and squeezed off a shot, turning the creature into a fried and bloody mass that flopped into the brush. He lowered the blaster and aimed his right arm at the bushes and ignited the flamethrower. Dancing orange and red flames leaped from the ignition source engulfing everything in the vicinity in fire... Everything seemed to be working perfectly.


Statement: Ready to serve.


HK, even with advanced AI and a higher intelligence level then most mindless drones, still had programming which caused his vocabulator to pronounce, what he thought was, useless information. The thing that really singed his wires was that he said serve. With all his intelligence and mechanical will, HK couldn't keep himself from saying it. To serve was to be lower, and therefore have someone who ordered him around, creating a master/minoin relationship that he didn't at all care for. Queing his installed commlink he sent out a message to his hopefully (if droids can even hope) new employer with a stolen frequency that was sure to find him.


Statement: Mindan, I have arrived on this pathetic planet and am in need of a chance to blast some "meatbags," for your highly desired credits.

Query: Are you not in need of a highly tuned precision instrument such as myself?


HK flicked off his commlink, there was no need to say more. If the leader of this Black Sun couldn't find him, by tracing the message and finding his location, or by sending him another message, then this employer wasn't worth the trouble.

"Definition: 'Love' is making a shot to the knees of a target 120 kilometers away using an Aratech sniper rifle with a tri-light scope."



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Mindan acknowledged Delta's comm message and directed him to report to the conference room for reassignment.


As he sent that message another came in, from


"HK-57. I do indeed have uses for an assassin of your ability. Report to Conference Room 5 and my 2IC, Kal, will discuss employment with you."


Mindan sent a short comm message to Kal instructing him to interview HK and determine exactly he could best be employed by The Black Sun.


Mindan made his way down to the library. He had become much interested in find out out about The Black Sun's past, and had come across a reference to something recently that intrigued him. It made a vague reference to dealings that The Black Sun had with the Hutts at some point in the past under Smash and early in Piccolo's tenure.


The document he had been perusing earlier was where he had left it.


...but if this is right, then Smash formed an alliance with the Hutts. Minda sat back in the chair and contemplated the implications of this further.It makes perfect sense. The Hutts and The Black Sun should be hand in hand together, working side by side, with The Black Sun having overall control of course. I think I will pay a visit and reforge old links.


Mindan commed Kal again letting him know of his new plans.


"I will be leaving the planet for a while. I anticipate having some good news when I return, an expansion of our business empire and our reach within this galaxy. You know how to contact me."


With this sent, Mindan made his way to Laayla, and made a course for Hutt territory.

Member of Jnet Addict Club 12/05

Order of the Nocturnal


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After HK-57 had received the comm from his would-be employer, he accessed his memory core and "remembered" where he had seen a large structure. He took off in the direction of the structure, went inside without any trouble, and made his way to conference room 5. The droid stepped inside the room, his metallic foot clanking on the floor, his crimson photoreceptors acknowledging everything in the room. He set his gaze at the meatbag that must have been Kal. HK stood rigid.


Query: Are you not the meatbag I was sent to discuss business terms with?


HK-57 waited for Kal's reply.

"Definition: 'Love' is making a shot to the knees of a target 120 kilometers away using an Aratech sniper rifle with a tri-light scope."



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((OOC: I hope you know what you're doing.))


It seemed like only minutes before the man was out again. Terren was caught off-guard from the inquiry. He chuckled before responding.


"It's odd that you trust me so much, Mandalorian. I don't even know you're name, but you're willing to... train me?"


He shifted his position, making it more comfortable to speak to the stranger.


"I suppose, however, that I could use some measure of training."


Terren glared at the man, letting him know the gravity of the situation.


"I'm not in this for the long-term deal though. I want to be out, capturing skips."

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Canderous chuckled with the young man when he made the notion of Canderous's offer as being a sign of trust. Trust was something that would take time, though the two would more than likly develop it over time. "Please, do not mistake this as trust. Trust is something that has to be learned, not given, contrary to popular beliefs. No, this an offer to teach you something that you do not know, nothing more, nothing less."


Canderous motioned for Terran to follow as he started making his way toward the training area, his Mandalorian Ore plated boots clanking across the durasteel floor as he walked. "Now, i am what most would call an unorthodox Mandalorian, but with good reason. I am also half Miraluka. I have trained in many forms and i also have alot of experiance as a bounty hunter as well. I will not lie, my training will seem strange, but by the end of it, you will understand your true potential."


By now the two had made it to the training rooms, and Canderous entered the nearest one on his left seeing that there was everything he needed in there. He motioned for Terran to enter, and grabbing a fiew pieces of rope that was laying near by, tied it in a loop, and slung them around four empty Plastisteel containers. He handed two to Terran, and kept two for himself and made his way back out into the hall, his silver hair blowing up a bit in the small breeze that floated around them within the base's halls.


He slowly opened the janitorial closet, taking out four buckets and two mops as well, taking the heads of the mops off and turned to Terran. Canderous spoke in his usual soft spoken but serious sounding voice, his words echoing through the hall. "This is the first of your training. To first stand tall, you must learn humilation, as i'm sure your feeling by now to be carrying around these servant tools. If not, then you are well on your way to passing my training."


Canderous started out the building, but turned around with a question for the young man, wanting to make sure he understood that if he went any further, quiting would not be an option. "You do realize that this is your last chance to have someone else train you, correct?"


Formally Known as Hunter Of Shadows/Dark

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Terren carried the objects, but he wasn't sure why. His face distorted into shapes of confusion, wondering what the half-Miraluka had in mind.


"I've got few emotions; one is not humiliation. Humiliation comes with failure, which I've experienced many times."


Terren grabbed one of the de-mopped mop-handles and weighed it.


"And if you think I'm incapable of training myself, you're light-years away from the truth; I'm more than willing to go out and hunt by myself."

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Jacen was making his way through the compound when he came across Slicer in one of the hallways.


"Slicer, just the man I was looking for. I've been given the task of tracking down a Jedi Master, and I would like your help in the matter. You seem to know your way around the galaxy. If you'd like to come just meet me in the hangar bay in thirty minutes."


With that Jacen nodded to the man and headed to the hangar bay. He called ahead to have his ship refueled and the like before he took off.


Proud member of the JNET Addicts Club since November '05

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Slowly he stood, not with the weariness that comes with age, but of that of mental exhaustion. He had tired himself in his manipulation with the force. Interestingly enough, he felt as if the force was not an entiy that surrounded, him but instead streched out in all directions. It was truly a broadening of his perceptions.


He figured it was the after math of manipulating the force on a grand scale, that he had ended up like a broken faucet, once you turn the power on all the way, no matter what you can never get the water to stop flowing. It was disturbing, and something that would need to be brought to hel if he was going to go after a Jedi master.


He glanced upward toward a readout in his helmet. He mentally laughed to himself, his helmet showed him so many things, heck he even had 360 degree vision. Granted that had taken time to get used to, but now, it was almost as if he had been born with it. He had body read outs, temp read outs, read out about items, things and persons that were two rooms away, power read outs. Heck he had so many things that he had been forced to learn how to look past it all and focus on what was before him. It woudl seme he would have to do the same with the force.


Itw asn't that he was some simply minded adept. He was quite skilled when it came to the force. It was just, he had always kept his knowledge of the force, and his profession hand and hand. While the alter envronment fit rather well into his profession, it was like the dark side energy trap all over again. He would meditate on the subject, and be fine after one session. It was after all a simply fatugue problem.


He picked up his rifle and looked toward the hanger, he had twenty moinutes to get there still. He had therefore had no reason at all to rush. Taking a step forward he mused over the last time he had gone against a Jedi master in hand to hand combat.


The blasted fellow had been a wookiee, too, that had been his first mistake, he may not be a purley evil man, but he did hate wookiees in perhaps every way imaginable. Never the less, Kirolocca, had proven to be a true power house in the force. Yet all the power in the world, was no match for true skill. So for him, it had been a simple matter of tearing through the Jedi's mind, and placing mental blocks inside, that the Jedi hadn't even relized where there until he was returned back to his Jedi firends, in exhange for a more exciting Jedi master.


He paused, just what Jedi master would he be hunting for anyway. That was a rather important question. he had personally only been involved with at most four Jedi masters. Then again that was with out counting the hit out on Ara. Though that had fallen through thanks to his employer suddenly disappering off the face of the galaxy. Lucky thing for her too, well in his mind anyway.


He found himself at the hanger, instead of stopping in his stride, he continued to march forward, and glancing athis crono, saw that he had only left ten minutes to spare. That was a decent enough time for any arrival.


Gun slung over his shoulder, lightsaber glemming off his hip, he stood past a towering six feet, clad in armor, he out weighed most opponenets his size, and could go toe to toe with a Wookiee, which he had proven on mor ethan one occason. First with that blasted Lobo, and then with that foolish Kirolocca. Big as he was, he wans't a massive man. He was more or less a rather lean looking guy. Most would dooubt his physcial prowess to begin with. With a face made seemingly from durasteel and an attitude to match, Nadus Morex simply stood in the hanger for a moment, glancing at his own ship before letting his gaze come to rest on Jacen's ship.


He didn't see Jacen around however, and while only a fool would be stupid neough to get into another man's ship with out the owner being present. Especially with the security standards, that was seen in today's generation. Slicer accessed the force and entered the ship anyway. It would give him practice with another power he wishe dto master to it's fullest extent.


Force Flash was a power employed when the person using it did not want to be seen. Related to Droid Disable, the user could temporarily disable a security holocam, causing a brief period of static, allowing the user to pass while only alerting security to a minor holocam malfunction. If one could do thatm it was reasonable one could also disable other types of security devices with the simple use of the force.


Which would explain why on any planet Slicer made it to the co-piolot's chair unmolested in anyway. Sitting down he calmly waited, he would suprise the man simply for the sake of suprising the man. After all why not, however in the mean time...


He looked at the controls before him, it was almost too easy to practice a bit of slicing skills, and learn a few things about the paticular ship. He thought about it. before instead, creating a link up with is own ship. He had every intention of riding shot gun with Jacen. However, he was not going to simply leave his ship here. It woudl follow him where ever he wanted it too, or perhaps he would send it to some predetermined coordinates after he gained some information upon where his destination was.

Slicer.jpgMy sig is my profile...


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"It is not about who's bigger or stronger" Canderous said, not meaning to sound offended, but merely stating something the old one had learned so long ago. "The true Mandalorian way died along time ago after countless years of glorious battles, all that remains is our heritage and honor."


Turning and motioning for Terran to follow, Canderous made his way toward the Operative's Hanger, quickly jumping in and out of the command room to turn the defense systems on auto incase anything should happen while they were so far away from the compound. But When Canderous arrived at the hanger, he walked out a door off to the side instead, which revealed a secluded beach.


Setting down the Plastisteel containers three feet apart, Canderous instructed Terran to do the same. Walking over to the water, Canderous filled both buckets up with water and began his stretches. First he sat the buckets of water down and positioned his legs to stretch out over the top of the containers and placing the headless mop through both of the bucket's hangers, placing one bucket at each end, and brought it up to place on his shoulders.


"Stretching loosens the body, giving more room for control and speed. And the buckets of water help to give you more control of your balance as well as your power." Canderous said, motioning for Terran to do the same. "These are essiential traits for my training."


Formally Known as Hunter Of Shadows/Dark

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Terren followed the man outside, where he no-so-gently let the gear fall from his hand. He observed the other man release his grip on everything and begin stretching.


Terren dropped to the ground, wondering what he got himself into. He did, however, slide to the ground and imitate the Mandalorian through his stretching routines.

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A careful jump placed two MC90a Starcruisers and one massive Star Defender cruiser right in the shadow of Destrillion, their arrival undetectable from Dubrillion. However, they slowly swung around the sister planet for their chance to strike Dubrillion's surface and the Black Sun base that reportedly resided there.


"Launch two squadrons of A-wings for advanced reconnaissance," the Admiral, Onderin Starlisk, ordered. "I want to know exactly what's waiting for us."


He then sent a comm through the fleet. "For now, hold. Landing teams, I want you to stay aboard the ships. If we can wipe them out with an orbital bombardment, then that's what we're going to do. They will undoubtedly attempt to capture these ships. Be that the case, your orders are to repel all intruders."


The Jedi Master waited patiently for information as the fleet moved into position.



There is nothing good in war. There is good in why we fight them.

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Somehting had awoken him from his cat nap, something that was clearly a bother, since as any solider would tell you, the ability to catch sleep anywhere is a prized possession. He he glanced behind his chair, wondering if perhaps Jacen had showen up, however that wasn't the case.



He sighed, something was up, glancing at the lower bottom of his Hud, he was able to tell that it had been fifteen minutes since he had had bored the ship, and that he had been asleep for a grand total of six. He was tempted to close his eyes and go back to sleep, but he didn't really feel the need to give, his quite refreshed state. Manipulating the force on a grand scale could be difficult, but it could only tire him so much, and he had already rested before hand.



Slicer raised an eyebrow, a very slight gesture, even made more so by the fact that it would have been immpossible to tell anyway that he had raised an eyebrow. Then with a deep breath he closed his eyes and concentrated. He could feel the force, flowing and moving about, he streched out, and grabbed ahold of his power...


He stood up, this was more than troubling, this was potentially life threatening. He closed himself down in the force, hiding his force isgniture, much like he had done with his stint in the empire, after he had become strong enough.


THis was indeed troubling, to his knowledge Mindan was of planet. That could be good and bad, however that left Kal, who he had no true idea where the man was or what he was doing. Wouldn't suprise him if the man was actually some where on plent or even inside of the base. So if he bypassed him the next in line would be... Jacen.


Ok so Jacen was next in line, and therefore, given how he was on Jacen's ship, it would be a relativly simple matter to inform him of his news. Sure it had been faint, but after he had concentrated, he had been able to recognize not so much the force signature itself, but the force inside of the man. He had briefly felt a Jedi master, one who had seemed to preoccupied with what ever he had going on to notice how loudly he spoke in the force.


He closed his eyes. Jacen was running late, by five minutes, either he already knew, or was being held up by something else. If the man didn't show up in five more minutes, he would simply go looking for him. After all, it wasn't too much of a rush now, but in the end, time still mattered in situations like this.


((Tell me if it seems cheap. And tell me again if you want me to edit it.))

Slicer.jpgMy sig is my profile...


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Canderous sat there, continuing his stretching as he looked out over the ocean view, the sun beginning to set, giving the sky and the water a parrallel mix of red, purple, and orange colors. Looking over to Terran, Canderous spoke.


"Obiviously you will not have time to stretch in the thick of battles, so you will need to stretch as often as possible if your going to use the techniques i teach you." Canderous said as he turned back to his poetic view.


After about what seemed atleast an hour of stretching, Canderous turned to his newly stretched pupil. "Now that you have studied my stretching technique, now it's time for lesson two, my fighting technique." Canderous jumped into a defensive stance, his glare meeting Terran's as the two stood on the secluded beach front. "Now attack me."


Formally Known as Hunter Of Shadows/Dark

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Silas ran through the halls of the Dubrillion base. He had been running late, and Savior was wheeling behind him. He rounded the final corner and burst into the docking bay. He noticed that he didn't see Slicer, which was good because it meant that Slicer wouldn't know that he had been late.


He bounded up the Lucky Me's landing ramp and headed towards the cockpit. As the door slid open Jacen almost ran right into Slicer's form lounging in his co-pilot seat. Before he knew what he was doing, Jacen had his gun out, the safety off, and was aiming at Slicer, not realizing who it was.


Dropping his gun slighly, Jacen spoke.


"Oh, it's you. You know, sitting in other people's cockpits when they don't know it is a good way to get yourself shot. Now out of curiosity, what have you done to my ship that made it so important that you couldn't wait outside?" Jacen asked laughingly.


Proud member of the JNET Addicts Club since November '05

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Slicer supressed his laugh, the chances of a shot getting off were slim, and even if it had, all it would have done was damage the inside of this man's ship.




He sighed before reaching up to adjust his rifle strap.

"So when are we going to go? Given how you seem to be rather late in showing up to your own ship."



He still had the uneasy feeling that he had felt a Jedi high above his head, however, what better way then to check up on a huntch then to actually fly up there and see what is going on? Though perhaps it would be best to let the Vigo know just what he thought.


"Before we go, I have a rather strange feeling that when we get up there, we might meet something unexpected. Figured I should let you know so you don't fly head first into the guns of some Jedi. I have the very strong feeling that there is a Jedi Master high above out heads, and when I strech a bit more, I sense many other beings no doubt capital ships. In all honesty I believe we are about to be attacked, and out best course of action would be to, before they find a way to strike at us, through an orbital bombardment, to instead fly a numver of us up to them, bored the ships, and take out their command. However, that is up to you, since I ca't find Kal and the leader is off somewhere in the galaxy. "

Slicer.jpgMy sig is my profile...


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Mindan sat down in his pilots couch and watched as the timer counted down the reversion back to real space. As he always did he sat with his fingers poised over the shield activation switch and Crow was poised to warm up the armaments.


I must get the shield generator set to come on automatically upon reversion to real space he thought to himself.


As the timer beeped and the ship burst out of hyperspace, Mindan saw warships and knew immediately that they were not his.


"Crow, divide all power between shields and the engine. Kill all unnecessary power suckers internally, including life support to all but this compartment...yes, yes" Mindan continued as Crow beeped at him "seal of all bulkheads."


Mindan put his swift ship into a steep 'dive' in the depths of space and angled to come into Dubrillion near the south and avoid the warships, whose formation signified their intent to attack.


Although he intended to avoid coming within range of the ships he flipped a switch, activating the backup shield generators, rigged to flick on only once the primary shields failed, and continued on, coming into the atmosphere at sonic sped, leaving massive sonic footprints behind him, and headed for the base, landing in his private hangar, and made his way to the command center.

Member of Jnet Addict Club 12/05

Order of the Nocturnal


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((OOC: It's TerrEn ))


Getting up from his relaxed pose, Terren gave one more small tug on his shoulder before cracking his neck and charging forward. Normally the bounty hunter would have taken more advanced calculations, but this wasn't such a real battle.


He began by throwing a flurry of punches, attempting to lower the man's defense. He finished his mini-combo with a quick knee cast towards his trainer's chest.

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Mindan entered the command room and ask the Duty officer about the ships overhead.


"Sir, they do not appear to have launched any fighters as yet. I activated the base's defence shields once they appeared on our scanners, disabling them momentarily to allow your ship to enter the base. I have not activated the weapons defensive weaponry either her, nor activated the traps so as not to give anything away."


Mindan nodded thoughtfully.


"You have done well Commander. Send a comm to Mandalore instructing him to come here immediately. Send for Kal and Jacen, and send messages to the Citadel on Coruscant, and our holdings on Artus instructing them to be alert for any attacks."


The Commander nodded and went about completing his new orders.


Mindan meanwhile looked over the sensor scanners, and wondered who it was above him.

Edited by Guest

Member of Jnet Addict Club 12/05

Order of the Nocturnal


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As Terren charged, Canderous blocked the first two punches, taking Terren's wrist in his hand and spinning the man's own punch toward him. They connected, but not before the man managed to place a knee into Canderous's chest.


As Canderous stumbled back, a urgent beep ran across Canderous's comm unit informing of trouble on the horizen. "It seems we'll have to finish this later" Canderous said, placing helmet back onto his face. Motioning for Terren to follow, Canderous sent a comm informing Mindan that they were on their way, and off the two went back into the Operative's hanger and back toward the base.


When Canderous entered the command room, he nodded to Mindan and took control of the defenses. First he sent orders to all hangers having the pilots placed on code red, them firing up their fighters on any moment notice. Turning to one of the corporals operating a nearby sensor scanner, Canderous questioned if the warships were out patroling the externial defenses yet.


"No Sir" the Corporal replied.


"Good, have them stay put. We don't want to give ourselves away just yet." Canderous said, standing upright and running his eyes across the scanners, making sure he wasn't overlooking anything. "And can anyone tell me how many of those Juggernauts and Raptors we have left from Haruun Kal? We'll need them on standby as well."


Seeing the shields were still on auto just as he had left them, Canderous gave orders for all turrets & missile systems to be placed on standby incase the unexpected visitors turned out to be hostiles. Now, it soley stood within the visitor's hands what happened next.


((As i have no idea who's invention the juggernauts and raptors were, can someone PM me their specs and how many that we have? It would be very much appreciated.))


Formally Known as Hunter Of Shadows/Dark

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Admiral Onderin Starlisk sat in his command chair quietly as the Dubrillion base's shields went online. "Finally, some sort of response," he said. "I was beginning to think they hadn't noticed us. Alright, deploy in a position suitable for orbital bombardment. There are no civilians down there, so we needn't worry about collateral damage."


The two MC90a's and the Star Defender lumbered into position and brought their linked arrays of turbolasers to bear on the surface, pinpointing the location of the Black Sun base as the A-wings swept through. "Open fire," the Jedi Master ordered.


Linked half-dozens of turbolaser cannons let loose their fury upon the shielding below, pummeling it. It would be able to for a little while, but without a solid defensive effort, the Black Sun base would soon be at the mercy of these capital-ship based weapons. And these were quite unforgiving.



There is nothing good in war. There is good in why we fight them.

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Terren was surprised by the sudden change. He jogged with Mandalore to his station, where it seemed like there were many preparing for defensive action. Terren grinned and prepared his weapons. If he was going to fight, he was going in hot.


He first brought up his FC-1 Flechette gun, made for medium to close-range combat. The weapon's hilt felt at home in the bounty hunter's hand as he checked the charge level in the clip. A gleaming red bar showed the weapon status as full. He casually flicked the safety off.


Next he inspected his DH-17 blaster pistol, located on his right hip. The weapon was small enough that it did not encumber him, but it packed a small punch. It was mainly for small targets, or hambering the larger targets. He unholstered the weapon and glanced at it's charge as well. It met the same requirements as the flechette, and he reholstered it.


As a final mark, Terren grabbed a small device out of one of the small pockets on his armor. He jabbed a few buttons; nothing changed on his persona, but his ship, the Conflagration, readied itself. Weapons charged and primed, and it's secondary engines fired up.


Hoisting the flechette gun up into the ready position, Terren walked over to his master.


"Sir, whats our situation?"


He was without a doubt ready for combat.

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Delta hearing the commotion above grabbed his Desert Eagles, MP5, and DC-17, checked them and pushed the button on his wrist, arming his ship.

He ran to the command room and asked Mindan about the situation.

”œSir is there anything I can do to help out? And why are they attacking us?”




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For the moment we wait and see what they do. I expect that they will attempt for an orbital bombardment. They do not need to know about the strength of our shields however.


"Canderous," began Mindan, turning to face the warrior, "begin shield procedure three nine. We'll see how they react."


Mindan made his way to his office and sent to personal comm messages, heavily encrypted.

Member of Jnet Addict Club 12/05

Order of the Nocturnal


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((Brendo, I can't believe you. I put my RP name in my fricken sig and you still call me Silas. I'm about to bust out my Silas Onnd account and post a reply here. Good God... ))


Jacen was about to take off when he recieved a comm from the command room. He was informed that Slicer's fears were true. They were about to be attacked, and it was probably by that bloody rebellion. He quickly jumped up, telling Slicer to follow him and raced back down the ramp which he had just ascended. He made his way to the command center. Once he reached it, he approached Mindan.


”œWhat's going on, who is it?”


Proud member of the JNET Addicts Club since November '05

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(( lol. Sorry buddy. Just pull me up whenever I do it. Maybe eventually I'll learn to remember. ))


Mindan continued to look at the sensor readings, and without looking at Jacen (OOC:Nearly called you Silas again just then), spoke quietly.


"Initial sensor readings indicate the Rebels. Judging from the ship type anyway. I have sent messages to our other holdings informing them of our predicament and ordering them to step up their alertness, and also to inform the Imperial Commander on Artus so they are aware of why we are upgrading our defence readiness and have made a formal request for assistance, with compensation to be paid. It will be interesting to see whether they spare any ships or not."


Mindan finally looked up and noticed that almost everyone had arrived who was on base.


"Where is Kal?"

Member of Jnet Addict Club 12/05

Order of the Nocturnal


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((I don't know, he hasn't posted in this thread since the 5th, and he hasn't posted anywhere since the 11th...He's not on IM, and hasn't been since the 7th, wouldn't count on much from him on this...))


Jacen looked around curiously at the question. He hadn't noticed the absence of the 2IC until Mindan had brought it up. He slowly looked around the command center, remember that he hadn't seen Kal in quite some time.


"We'll just have to do without him unless he's in the building. Either way, what do you want me to do during this attack?"


Proud member of the JNET Addicts Club since November '05

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Mindan thought about where things stood. The attackers above had not made any attempts to contact them as yet, but neither had they outrightly made any aggressive moves as such. Turning, he looked at Jacen.


"Open up a channel and ask who they are and why they have appeared in force over our planet. I will stay in the background. The galaxy does not yet need to know who really runs Black Sun."

Member of Jnet Addict Club 12/05

Order of the Nocturnal


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