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Jurha Kahn

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Everything posted by Jurha Kahn

  1. Jurha landed her now somewhat battered E-wing fighter at the base. As she hopped out she suddenly thought of a name for it. "My Cosmic Dust!!" she cried throughly pleased with her self for finally christening her ship. My Cosmic Dust was given to her as gift from her master. Jurha wondered how Aryian was doing. Despite disagring with some of his training policies Jurha found her self worrying about him. Maybe she would try to look him up after she checked on Nate and checked up on Andon. Nate. Jurha jogged through the base to the med wing and found the toddler with the nurse droid. He looked up at her as she arrived. "JU-RA!" "Hey," she grinned scooping him up, "How's my favorite nephew?" Jurha had decided calling her self Nate's aunt was a good idea for now. She wasn't really ready for the idea of trying to pass him off as her son. Besides she didn't think he looked too much like her... Maybe Andon, but definately not her. She mentally shrugged as she sat down on the floor and put Nate beside her. Jurha concluded that her probably just didn't want people to think a seventeen year old Jedi had son. Especially with another Jedi... She wondered a little bit about the idea of having Andon's children. Jurha blushed, frowned, and put the idea out of her head. Too embarassing. "Look Nate," she said pulling out a datapad. "Check out that bank account. It's all yours!" Nate gripped the device between his hands and stared at the screen. "Ju-ra was busy on Nar Sharaada. Ju-ra whooped serious gambler wallets with the Force. Let that be a lesson to you Nate. No matter what your knowledge of Saabac it is nothing compared to Jurha Kahn's knowledge of the Force." Nate proceeded to put the datapad corner in his mouth and slobber all over it. "Wonder where Andon is.... I prolly shoulda followed him... Not that he needed my help..."
  2. Jurha stood infront of Ashley Jade deflecting blaster fire from two Super Battle droids across the room. Jade behind her was firing on the two droids. Jurha was wishing her aim was good enough to deflect the bolts back at the droids but no such luck. The droid on the left dropped to one knee and ceased firing. Huh? Duck. Jurha shoved Ashley Jade down then flattened her own self on the floor. A white light errupted from the end of the kneeling Super Battle Droid's blaster arm and a small rocket zoomed past where Jurha and Ashley had just been standing. The room shook as the rocket connected with the wall behind them. Jurha looked at the sizable crater in the wall that left melted wires and insulation exposed. "Bad programing," Jurha muttered to her self as she leapt to her feet and charged the offending droid. While it was still kneeling she sliced upward taking off the arm and kicked the droid in the center of the chest all in one lunge. She landed on top of the collapsing droid and slammed her glowing saber into its center components. The red bulbs representing the droid's eyes went out and Jurha moved on. Still low Jurha swiped at the shut down droid's partner, another SBD. Her acidic green blade severed the droid at the knees. She left the droid crawling on the ground for Ashley Jade to blast to bits. Ashley Jade called Jurha's name. "Whut?" was Jurha's somewhat dim witted response. Jade was facing the door they had entered firing down the hallway. Jurha jogged to her side. "No! Not more. We've got enough," she cried when she saw two droidikas rolling down the hall infront of three SBDs and numerous regular battle droids. "Keep shooting," she told Ashley in a voice bossier than Jurha would have liked. Jurha reached out with the Force across the room and lifted the durasteel doors. She summoned the bent doors to her and levitated them to the open portal. She slammed them infront of the openning just as the destroyer droids were preparing to roll through. There was a delightful whump sound as the droids rolled into steel. Jurha began summoning every other loose object in the room to her. Droid parts, people parts, and furniture and crammed them all against the barricade she was building. Thanks to Talon the doors didn't really fit any more so Jurha just went about filling the cracks. "Go, have fun," Jurha said a voice that might as well have belonged to a mother telling her children to have fun playing outside. "I can take care of these fellas... gals... Whatever they think they are," Jurha mused desiding now wasn't the best time to devel into droid gender phsycology... Or was it programing, Jurha thought cheerfully as she pressed to Force against the barricade.
  3. The group of three entered the remaining turbolift and sent it speeding to the top floor. Jurha caught Ashley's eye and gave her a mischevious smirk and wink. "So, um... It might be a little bit late to ask, but what's going on? Weren't you looking for your apprentice Daz-Ex or something? Where does Keanu," Jurha asked unnessarily drawing out the 'uuu' sound, "Figure into it?" And what was with that chill? It was like a shock wave of despair. Jurha shivered at the thought and hugged her arms around her self. It felt like death, decay, and frost were seizing everything... Including Andon. It had never felt like darkness or violence had been part of his nature at least around her. She would observe.
  4. Jurha twirled her lightsaber between her fingers and her hand. She stood with her feet appart and her body tilted back looking up the monolithic tower that was K Inc. "Yikes." It had only taken her an hour to land and track down her fellow Jedi. She was getting fairly good at recognizing Andon's Force signature. Through the dirty maze of Nar Shaddaa her sense had led her here. She scratched her head, "What are they doing here?" Jurha walked up to the front doors the the lobby. It looked like normally there would be a long row of glass doors, but durasteel panels now obstructed all the doors. A door-droid popped out of its box near the door. "Due to current curicumstances we can not allow any one to enter or leave," the droid explained in basic. "Um, why?" "This system is not at liberty to disclose that information." "Are you sure?" "Yes." "Can't you just let me in?" "No." "Are you sure?" "Yes." Jurha sighed and held out her hand palm towards the door. "Y'know you should'a just let me in." The thick durasteel door began to bulge inward. The metal groaned as it was ripped from the concrete and flung inside the building. The droid chirped. "Now alerting security." Jurha held her palm to the droid, "Don't do that." The droid flattened against the wall reduced to smashed curcuitry. She walked inside. Everything seemed normal (if lock downs with sealed windows and doors was normal) except for the durasteel door and shattered glass. I wonder what they did... "Freeze! Don't move!" Oops...
  5. In the medical center Jurha sat on a blanket with the child Nathan. Nathan was sitting up exploring the toys the nurse droid and Jurha had provided him. Jurha watched Nathan intently as he imersed him self in soft, colored rings. She could feel the Force working strong with in him. Her insides were conflicting. She wanted to find Andon and help or at least just be around him, but she had an obligation to the child. Jurha could just bring him with her, but that would be even worse. Taking care of her self was challenging enough for her, but nothing gave her right to endanger the child. She spoke with the nurse droid giving it very specific instructions for the child. The child would be under all the protection of the Jedi Order on Rafa V and if anything happened to the location the droid would escape for a safe haven only Jurha and the droid would know. Jurha dropped down next to Nathan. He looked at her and cooed. Jurha ran her hand over his head of thin hair and kissed his forehead. She felt awful leaving him with a droid. A droid was no substitute. "I'll be back before we know it Nate," she said kissing him on the forehead again. Jurha got in a borrowed Jedi fighter and flew off to meet Andon.
  6. Jurha's heart sunk learning of Nathan's twins death. Alexander, that was his name, I have to remember that. Jurha put a hand on his forearm. "I'm here now. I don't blame you for my death, I do. But let's not talk about it, it's something I'd rather not dwell on." "We better get there," Jurha said standing up. She carried Nathan to the Council chamber with her. Just as she reached it he woke up. Sensing something was amiss the child began crying. "You go in, I'll take care of him," Jurha said to Andon. She spent several minutes trying to soothe the child using the Force. When she finally managed to calm him down Andon exited the chamber. He explained to her what DJK had told everyone assembled. "Great," Jurha said. She looked down at Nathan, "We're gonna have to get out of here really soon, if this true."
  7. "Well I guess I can help you take care of him for a bit. My aunt had a buncha kids that I helped her look after. One shouldn't be too much trouble." Jurha said sitting down. She picked up Nathan, swaddled in blankets, and cradled him. "You don't have to pretend to be his father, you could tell him later, when he's older. You could just, I dunno, be vague about it." Jurha looked at the sleeping child. "His father's name was Leonardo? I remember a Leonardo arriving at the Dojo when I was a hopeful with his wife. She gave birth to twins. If he's one of the twins where is the other one?"
  8. Jurha was walking out to her ship on the landing pads as a shuttle landed. Jurha reached out through the Force to see who was piloting the shuttle. No one... But a small presence, identical to that of an infant. Curious Jurha walked over to the shuttle to find the landing ramp descended and wide open. Weird, she thought as she went up the ramp into the ship. Safely inside the ship she found a sleeping child. "Really weird," Jurha said. She noticed a hard copy letter beside the child. She began to read it. The letter was address to Andon. It wasn't her business to read the letter, but this was a child not some annomous object in a box. Care for it...him the letter explained... wasn't something that would wait for the one to whom it was addressed. "Whoa..." Jurha looked at the kid, "Whoa." She pulled her comlink off her belt. "Heeeeyyy, Andon, why don't you come to the landing pad... There's something... Someone here for you. Kinda important. Put it on your list of priorities... at the top."
  9. Jurha turned to Isolder, whom she did not know, but decided to speak to any way. "So what's the Senate like? Is it really as bad as everyone says it is?"
  10. Jurha hopped up off the floor. She gave a quick wink to Andon. "Master Kenobi, can I go with you when you go to Courscant? I just want to see and meet the Senate. Um, that is unless the council have something more important for me to do."
  11. Jurha landed her fighter at the Jedi base. She hopped out and landed in a crouch. First stop was the mess hall. She ordered an assortment of fruit and bread for her self before heading to her destination, the council chamber. Jurha quitely entered the room and sat on the floor next to an empty council member chair. Her position suggested she was involved, but not in authority. She leaned back against the empty chair and began on a citrius fruit. Jurha was curious to see how the reformed Jedi Order would work and what her place in it would be.
  12. Talon and Jurha enter the still nameless E-Wing fighter given to Jurha by her master, Aryian. The cockpit is modified to hold two people, three uncomfortably. The fighter is also painted black so as to be camoflaged in space. Jurha lifts off of Tempay, sets the cordinates and sends the fighter to its destination in hyperspace.
  13. ((this begins a little bit back in time)) Jurha nodded to Ara, "Alright," she stood and exited the chamber. She called back, "Bye, Ara." Jurha watched Talon head in one direction and her self went in another. Jurha finally reached a room stenciled armory and pushed her way inside. "This is kinda crazy," she mumbled to her self. Just by looking at this room, despite it being so small, it would be difficult for one to asume that Jedi only used lightsabers. Jurha presumed this would be a good thing since she didn't have one of the legendary Jedi weapons any more. Jurha rumaged around and found a thin suit of light armor. Judging by the faded look of the black fabric it had been used before. After checking the size tag Jurha pulled the suit off of the hangar and began dressing in it. Jurha stood up and moved around. She'd have to get use to it, it was tighter and less flexible than the robes, but she wouldn't get shot in the chest or horrible shrapnel wounds again. At least most of it was meshy so it would breath... Also the vest could easily be unclipped so if she needed more mobility she could get it quickly. Jurha sighed, "I'm being such a girl, I'm taking forever aren't I?" She strapped on a belt and clipped five grenades on it. She wasn't being over zealous, she told her self, she was being cautious for good reasons... Maybe she should grab a few more grenades... Jurha's first instinct was to start looking around for the one who had sent the message. That was stupid if he was in seeing distance he would have spoken out loud. Then she recognized the mental presense of Andon, the Jedi she had met when she had been attempting to save Airleas. He was in the medical bay. Jurha sprinted to the medical bay and was half way there before she realized she could use the Force so she wouldn't arrive out of breath. "Andon...?" she asked bursting in. She could hear the sickeningly familiar sounds of med droid at work on a patient. "Your apprentice?" she asked looking anxiously at the curtains, "Not Airleas..." Jurha bit her lip to restrain what was welling up inside her. Not again, she thought. Andon held Jurha's lightsaber out for her. Jurha gasped and clutched it in her hands. "I didn't think I'd ever get to see this again," Jurha said hugging it to her heart. The corners of her eyes became warm and wet. She wondered if this was a little bit like finding a lost child. It felt so much better to have it back again. It was like hope and purity returning to her. Jurha felt like her self again, a little girl with high ideals for good. She held it out infront of her. An instrument to end suffering. Jurha laughed, "I really didn't think I'd get to see it again. Thank you." She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you so much." She hugged her lightsaber again before she clipped it to her belt. "I'm sorry, but I'm supose to be going somewhere and I'm holding someone up. You should catch up with us when you can. We're going to Tammuz-an. Seeya." With that Jurha jogged to the hangar where Talon was waiting for her. "Sorry that took so long, ready to go?" ((You can post up leaving. Jeeeeeez, that took so long to write.))
  14. "There is much about me that remains a mystery to you, and yet you so willingly ask for my assistance. Either you seek company for a lonely voyage, or you anticipate trouble and need an ally." "Maybe both," Jurha said with a grin. She put her hands on her hips. "Either way, are you sure you can trust those whose intentions are unclear?" Jurha thought for a momment, "I don't think you even have intentions... yet... And if you do they are ones I do not care about. In either case I need someone to come with me, someone with experince, something I am duely lacking," Jurha said with a grin. Jurha watched Ara enter the council chambers. She seemed a little lonely. She turned back to Talon. "How 'bout you hold that thought or start getting ready, I gotta do something first." Jurha reentered the council chamber. She sat down beside Ara, turning her whole body so that she was facing the Jedi leader, and placed a hand on top of her's. "Is there anything you need me to do for you, Miss Ara?" Jurha asked concerned.
  15. Jurha's forehead was resting against her knees when she heard a clicking of someone's steps entering the council chamber. Two amber beads of light shined in her direction. "Mistress Jurha Kahn?" it inquired with a tilt of it's head. A protocol droid from the looks of its artificial body language. "Yes?" "There was a private recorded message for you we just recieved," the droid said holding out a hand held comm unit for Jurha. She stood up and took the unit from the droid. "Um," Jurha didn't know the amber eyed droid's name, "Did any one else recieve this message?" "I'm afraid that information is private in nature and can not be revealed," the droid explained. "Oh," Jurha said. She was getting a bad feeling about all this secretcy (sp). Jurha left the council chamber and walked through the hall for a little bit. "Talon," Jurha addressed the Jedi she had spoken to earlier, "I was going to ask you to acompany me to Ilum while I rebuilt my lightsaber, but it seems something else came up. Would you like to go to Tammuz-an with me?"
  16. "You did not fail, Jurha. Jedi never fail. They learn and grow and overcome. Speak with the council and let them show you..." Talon told her. Was that Jedi arrogance? Or was it something masters told their padawans Jedi didn't waste their time lamenting defeat... Wouldn't that mourning its self be a weakness? Jurha slowly let out a breath she had been holding in her lungs. Ara came close and spoke gently, "It's always hard to fail a mission, to have someone die on your watch. But you can't let it hold you back, or hit yourself for it afterwards. You did all you could, that I'm sure of." Ara patted her kindly on the shoulder. "That's what counts--you tried, and you did what you could." Jurha remembered her last memory of Azu, she was barely a teen... "They're sending me back to my aunt," Jurha sobbed, "I want to stay with Daddy! They're-- They're sending me back because I couldn't kill that kath hound!!" Azu kneeled down infront of Jurha and put her hands on her shoulders, "No, they're sending you away because you were too afraid to kill the kath hound. You didn't think you could do it, but you can Jurha--" "I can't!" Jurha cried running to her tent. Jurha sat in the dark corner by her self reflecting. "Did I do all I could?" she asked her self softly. No I didn't, she thought. She laid her head back against the wall. No, I'm capable of so much more.
  17. Jurha blinked slightly in shock. "Did he just say what I think he said...?" She watched the Jedi who had introduced himself as Kenobi walk away. Jurha cringed, "I'm not sure I want him to be senator if he's gonna say things like that..." It was pretty insulting... But he might have been right... Jurha did feel she had been Knighted too soon, her death on Tatooine seemed to be a testiment of that. On the other hand Aryian did seem to move at a pace three times faster than everyone else... He did just get recognized as a Master. Everyone moves at their own speed. It will all happen when they're ready, Jurha remembered Azu telling her over a cooking pot of stew. It was just near impossible to gauge someone's speed. Jurha sighed. Even if Kenobi was right about how easy it was to move up in the "ranks" of the Jedi there were better ways to say it. He didn't seem to care how Ara chose masters or have any desire to change how she chose. That was a very out side and impartial of him... He wanted to represent the Jedi? Jurha wondered how long it would be before she understood the people she had joined on this undefined crusade of good and the light side. Jurha looked to Ara, "I, uh... I failed. I died trying to save Airleas. I... I couldn't even protect her. I was caught total off guard... I was dead before I knew what happened..." She suddenly realized how easily she could blame her death for those around her and their failure to assist her.... No! She was responsible for her self and the failure was her own. "Airleas... is probably dead... and I..." Jurha stopped speaking and turned away, she stepped in the door way to the now empty council chamber, "I messed up and that really bothers me. I'm confused, and angry, and I don't know what I should think. If there was someone I could talk to... When there's time." Jurha walked into the council chamber, sat down in a dark corner of the room by her self, and continuously wiped the corners of her eyes with her sleeves until the skin started becoming irritated.
  18. ((My lightsaber is on Tatooine, so I couldn't have done anything to the door. ^_^;;; Just clairifing for those, if any, that missed it.)) Jurha placed her hand on the blast door. Inside she felt turmoil, but as soon as she tried to get closer to it a dark wall baracaded her entrace. She stood back and sighed. She could feel her master in there, but she found her self feeling very detached and unpassionate to the whole situation. Probably emotionally drained from everything else. If Aryian wanted her he would have called. More than likely she would only get in the way. Whatever that dark presense was it was violent, and Jurha wasn't terribly enthused about dying again. She watched Nom plunge his saber into the door. "That won't work... It's a blast door. You'll be there for an hour before you get a opening large enough to fit your head through..." Jurha said nonchalantly not really making an attempt to stop him. "Perhaps we are not meant to open these doors, Nom," an approaching Jedi said. Jurha vaguely recognized him from one of Aryian's whirl-wind planetary tours of Borelias. "Perhaps Aryian and Ara must work out whatever's going on in there..." Jurha closed her eyes and watched through the Force as the dark energy dispated and burned away. It bled out then shrank like a dry leaf on fire. It reminded her of Jareth on Haruun Kal expelling the dark side from his body. Jurha chewed on her lower lip. She was becoming awful curious about what was or had happened inside the chamber. She asumed carefully indulging her girlish need for mischief was in order. So long as she wasn't going to be the one taking the hits. "If you want to get in so badly," she said with her hands behind her back, standing off to the side, "Try hot wiring the control panel beside the door." She smiled wanly at Talon with a shrug. She through to her self, At least it would keep everyone preoccupied while we wait. It was too bad Aryian was on the other side of the locked door, he would have had the blast door open before any one else opened the panel.
  19. ((doooooooom of the double post))
  20. Jurha watched as the sticky substance from the cloning chamber drained through a grate in the floor. Failure and utter defeat. She bashed her head and fists against the tank in anger. "I am -- Such --- a loser!" she cried pounding against wall. She slumped down to the sticky floor and sobbed. "No wonder they threw me out," she choked, "I can't do anything." She replayed in her head having the dart strike her in the back of the neck and dying before she even realized what had happened. Completely robbed of dignity. Jurha struck her fist against the tank, this time it crashed through causing the tank to shatter. She instantly ceased crying. Her hand was bleeding... The scar she had gotten from playing with her father's knife was gone from her left palm... She looked down at her naked body. The scar across her chest from Haruun Kal was gone, and so was the scar from where Zeb had struck her with a rock. "Who the hell am I?" she said and she began crying again. After ten minutes of pathetic whimpering Jurha climbed out of the tank to dress her self. Complete failure. She had failed Airleas and she had failed her self. Weak. Failure. Jurha washed her face to try and hide the fact she had been crying. My ship is back on Tatooine and my lightsaber is probably gone forever. She remembered the crystal she had placed inside the saber. Her most prized possession. She ducked her face into the water to keep from crying. She stood staring at the mirrior over the sink for several minutes before she realized she was done washing her face. "I guess I should go talk to council... Tell them I screwed up..." part of her hoped for sympathy and guidance, but Jurha was beinging to feel sympathy was only something your mother gave you and she died a long time ago. Jurha walked barefoot to the council chambers and stopped infront of the door. Why would they have the blast door shut? Wouldn't shutting the regular door have given them enough privacy? "Uh, hello?"
  21. Jurha opened her eyes and then wished she hadn't. The bar was in ruins and she was burried under a pile of debris. She sat up and felt a burning pain across her chest causing her eyes to tear up. She looked down and saw where Scando had shot her. Her shirt was scorned and mostly burned away, the skin underneath was horribly blistered, and the slash marks from last month had reopened and were weeping faint amounts of blood. Her whole body felt like it had sever sunburn causing it to itch and ache everytime she moved. "I wanna bacta tank now..." she groaned to her self. She stared around the remains of the bar and had no real clue as to what was going on. Blaster fire of varying degrees of intensity was going off in the air around her. "Airleas!" Jurha shouted in a vain hope. She was probably on Scando's ship. Jurha shut her eyes and felt around her for presences in the Force. She found two of significance to her. Andon and another... Jurha crawled towards the weak, but noticable presense in the bar. Behind the counter, surounded by shattered beverage bottles she found the unconvious Jedi Knight. Hmmm, this must be Airleas. She fit the discription... And the beatings. Jurha rolled her over and craddled her face, "You poor thing." She was bloody, bruised, and probably broken. Jurha lifted her up into her arms as best she could considering in size she was a smaller than Airleas. Using the Force to help her carry the wounded knight Jurha carried her back to where the girl had been knocked by the various blasts. "Andon!!" Jurha shouted, "Help me get out of here!" ((Forgive me for skipping over various hazards of my enviornment, electrified floor, poison, 'n' such if they exist.))
  22. Jurha's still nameless E-Wing landed at one of the cheapest landing pads she could get. I'm gonna get robbed... She thought miserably. I'm gonna come back and the engines and laser cannons will be gone. Jurha locked her ship up as tight as she could and set the AI security system. Jurha snickered at the idea of Jawas running away on fire from the turrets, she burst out laughing. She'd just have to have faith in Aryian's security. Jurha walked down the street scanning for large neon signs that said Look! He's here! Eventually she settled for a conspisiously crowded cantina. She wedged her way into the bar. The the Force hit her like a wave, Jurha had to stop and regain her balance. This is it, she thought patting her beating heart. Suddenly she was very anxious and full of adrenaline. She wormed her way through the crowd to a empty table in the middle of the room. The table wasn't really empty. Two furry aliens were very, very close to each other whispering completely oblivious to the world around them. Jurha gave them an awkward wave as she sat down, they barely even looked at her. She sighed and began scanning the bar. She found him surprisingly quick. Mandalorian armor, in a booth with a drink near the entrance. He was waiting for something or someone. If that was the case, he might get distracted enough for Jurha to find Airleas... Where ever she was. I guess I'll just wait it out until I know more, Jurha thought sinking to her chair. And hope no one shoots at me or tries to buy me drinks.
  23. Jurha nodded to her fellow Jedi Knight. Inside she was cursing her self for not detecting that she had been followed. You should be ashamed Jurha! Well I am, she thought glumly. Seemingly out of nowhere Jurha was swarmed by an unattractive alien with a mythologically proportioned nose. She wondered how he stood up with that top heavy head. His nose was quivering at the sight, rather scent, of the vial of blood Jurha was carrying. She was preparing to bribe the thing when babbled off about sand and more scents. Seems his mouth was as large as his nose. Jurha tucked the vial in a cushioned pouch on the back of her belt. "--That's what this alien ”œbusiness”
  24. Jurha peeked out of her cockpit hatch. Of course Scando picked the creepiest, sleaziest slab of rock space port in the galaxy to hide at... Or trap someone. Jurha groaned. Everyone here was dirty, smelled bad (she could tell from her ship), and probably would attempt to molest her if she stood still long enough. Jurha looked at the vial of blood in her hand. "Okay," Jurha said to her self as she climbed out of her ship and embarked into the space port.
  25. Jurha climbed inside her space black E-wing. She waited for Jareth to get in the gunner's seat before she closed the cockpit and lifted off for Coruscant. She wondered how much time they had left. ((To the Last Call...))
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