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Ary the Grey

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Everything posted by Ary the Grey

  1. ((Note I was drawing force from Talon too, at least his power should have held you there. This would be considered an OHK if I weren't a Jedi, due to the flatline. Luckily, I can postpone the damage long enough to be healed by another or bacta, but that is only temporary. And you really should have read my post...I'm sorry if I'm ruining something, but the Jedi really don't stand for darksiders anywhere on their property, and I'm only enforcing that.)) The whine of the overloading blaster paks reaches a peak, and a huge flower of fire sweeps out the window in which the assailant just entered, completely obliterating any trace he was ever there, and doing a great deal of extensive damage to a cargo building, one of the lesser buildings of the Dojo, even though it was connected to the rest of the main building system. Another explosion erupts forth from it, as the fire reaches another stash of blasters within the buliding, totally decimating it and everything inside. Within the hallways, huge blast doors slam shut to contain the fire, and only one building is taken out. Up on his ship, all of Aryian's force concentration peaked, as he froze everything in his brain, the rest of his body going limp as the ship that was already on repulsorlifts slammed into the ground, jarring everyone aboard (mainly Jurha). The ship itself sustained minimal damage, but one of the landing pads would have to be replaced... Bleeding enough force power away from his grip, he managed to stumble out of the ship in full view of Talon and Scorp, a weak whisper on his lips. "Help..." ((You want to work this out with me the old fashion way, PM me, and I'll alter my post once you meet my two conditions. One, if what you're taking is insignificant to the Jedi or their future, and after that is met that you leave immediately from the planet, otherwise the natural draw of characters will lead to your demise. Three Knights against one semi-trained Dark Jedi...bad odds.))
  2. Aryian's ship came through the atmosphere, and around the time Talon noticed the marauder, Aryian had noticed his dark presence also, through the general thoughts of Talon. He brought his ship close, and saw when the figure leapt on the building. Get out, you filth... Aryian literally ripped him from the building, and held him in midair, all the while his blasters in his "belt" began to whine, overloading themselves on an invisible command from Aryian. Drawing strength from Talon, he increased the dynamity of the force hold to surround the being, ensuring that it would not escape. "Jurha! Get in the copilot's chair and blast that thing out of the sky! I'm not sure what it is, but I'm positive that it is incredibly evil or misled..." He slapped the comm switch, sending a short burst message back to Haruun Kal. Not even a Jedi master could withstand the augmented force of laser cannons that were almost capital grade. Like sands through the hourglass, the seconds of the marauder's life trickled away into nothingness... ((No, he's sort of with the Dark Jedi, I think? Oldbie, it sounds like. Be wary.))
  3. Aryian's ship shoots through hyperspace. Mwah. It was carrying not only himself but also Jurha. This thread is gay, PM me to find out why.
  4. Aryian got up off the floor, and untangled himself from his padawan. "Well, I would be up to it, But my apprentice is supposed to complete her lightsaber. Ah well, all in good time. I will contact you on the comm when I reach there. Come on, Jurha, we need to get going." Aryian turned smartly on his heel, and walked to his ship, two other generic lightsabers floating out to it as well fom the cargo bay, one for Aryian and one for Jurha. Now, it seemed, they both had to make lightsabers, and Aryian could better teach his student how to make a strong one. The ship rocketed through the atmosphere, and was gone. ((For the sake of sanity, I yanked Jurha along for the ride. Sorry...)) -----------EDIT---------------- About an hour later, the comm at Kirlocca's waist crackled to life. "This is Aryian, we have a situation at the Dojo, I am requesting another knight to assist, though it seems I have things in control...yet that could change at any moment. Darkfire out."
  5. ((Yeah, you're the only other master I know besides Keiran who's on, and now Ara, but I never see them.)) The forcer presence of the wookiee was intensely strong, a testament to his masterhood. He had never met him in person, but he had heard of Kirlocca before. "Well, Master, I myself have just come from the cloning sector myself, yet..." Aryian opened himself to the force, taking in it's gentle breath of enhanced senses. He sensed three other Knight-strong people there, yet.. "I believe either Ish Ka Bibl or myself would be the ranking Jedi here, perhaps Scorp. What can I do for you? It is not important business."
  6. ((The only Knights here are Me, Ish, and Scorp (I think). Jurha is an apprentice at her trials (practically) and Vrean is a hopeful/about to be an apprentice. And I want my mastahhood, dangnabbit. So, mwah.)) As Aryian was walking to wherever his apprentice was, he bumped into Kirlocca. Being the first one to encounter since his death, he decided to have a short chat before conducting his business. "Greetings master. Can I be of any service to you? If not, then I do have business to attend to, and later would like to ask a request of you." He bowed, signalling respect.
  7. A small explosion occurs in the medical facility, in the cloning center. it damages nothing except the cloning cylinder in which the body of Aryian Darkfire had just exited, awake and fully aware of his surroundings, still in a modified fighter's stance. Recognizing where he was, he dropped it, knowing that he must have looked incredibly stupid to anyone stepping in at the moment. He grabbed a towel and cleaned off the gel-like substance that he was still coated in, the fluid that had previously filled the cylinder. However, when he looked to the drawers where the extra clothing was stored, they were empty. He had forgotten to refill them after his last escapade. Cursing to himself, he put up a subtle force barrier around the minds of everyone in the base, and ran full tilt butt-naked out of the med wing and into the cargo facilities. It was night, and very cold. Aryian could tell this by simply looking down. He spent around ten minutes rummaging through cargo bins before he finally found the two he was looking for: Generic Lightsabers and extra clothing, one size fitting all. He walked out into the calm night, now clothed, and noticed a presence he had not felt in a long while. The signature of his apprentice, Jurha Kahn. It was too long, and the last thing he could remember having her do was construct a lightsaber. Curious, he followed the force signature, wondering what his padawan was up to.
  8. ((The Interdictor was destroyed by LAP.))
  9. ((Didn't see that, sorry. Would have been the vibroblade stuck in the wall shooting into your head if I had, so...you were going to escape anyways, it's a moot point. AP would have revived you or something, or... Yah. Go with what he(^) said.))
  10. ((Sorry, I would have edited if you wanted me to. I had no clue what the nanites did...and he is over 200 years old, lol...)) There was nothing left to do. Aryian's life was forefeit, he could no longer move, and was at the mercy of the brutal man. But through the pain and agony, he stood strong. He would not call for help, he would not need it. With his last ounce of strength, he focused on the dropped saber hilt, and it wriggled. Geki was still preoccupied with the mangled body, and did not have time to notice as it leapt from the floor, igniting in midair, slicing a conical around his guts. Most of his innards poured onto the floor, with a dull metal sheen. Too much lost, not even an army of nanites could reconnect and heal him fast enough to save his twisted life, and the damage was done all the further as the lightsaber blade clattered to the floor lying in the guts, burning and smoldering them all the more. As Aryian saw him drop to one knee, a light whisper leaked out of his mouth, but he was sure Geki heard it. "I condemn you back to eternal Hell." And that was the end of the noble Jedi, the life floated out of him like a silk kerchief from a suit pocket, and his eyes glazed over, and rolled back in his peaceful head. Finally he had fulfilled what he had longed for so long ago, finally he had made up for himself, even if Geki did somehow miraculously live. He thought he was at his journey's end, but he could not possibly know that the Jedi already had a sample of his DNA collected by a rouge Med droid back at Haruun Kal. No, the life and will of a Jedi never ceases, not even in death. ((Wow, Geki, that was AWESOME!!! See you guys in three days!))
  11. Aryian's agony with the nanites did not improve with the impact into the far wall. The metal was bent around him, and he was sure he had fractured something. No matter, it was his duty to carry out the will of the Jedi. Although it was difficult with the pain, Aryian succumed for a few moments into a deep healing trance, shrinking himself far beyond what he should have in normal situations in order to just slip between the grasp of pain the nanites held upon him. It was necessary, however, to do what he must... Aryian had always had a natural affinity for any type of machinery, and easily located a nanite in his brain, happily gnawing away at his cells, leaving them half there. Over here... Aryian's influence punctured it's simple programming, causing it to come where he lured it to. That's it...to your friend. Reprogram. Repeat. Such simple commands were easily recognized on any form of programming, and the nanite did just what it was told to do on it's brother, a few cells over. Finished shortly, the two nanites moved on to repeat the process of data transfer, and then four, and then eight, and then sixteen... All the while during the twenty seconds or so Geki had become impatient with Aryian's unresponsiveness. Highly curious, he took a step forwards, but then Aryian's body moved, the pain in his head drifting down to a dull roar, and then... Nothing. Aryian's eyes snapped open, locked with Geki's. His saber, behind Geki, shot like a bottlerocket to his hand as he slowly stood up. There was one thing that kept him from igniting it, though, and that was the dull greyish-red color of cortosis alloy that adorned his vibroblade. A rope of force energy shot out from Aryian's palm, ensnareing the blade, and a suprised Geki didn't have enough time to grasp it tightly as the blade flew through the air, into Aryian's other hand. Crying out in anguish, Geki watched as Aryian threw him the hilt of the saber, and thrust the vibroblade into the wall, snapping it off at the hilt, making it totally useless. He calmly grasped his other saber hilt, igniting the blade. "Your toys mean nothing to me, if anything, they are now my toys to play with. And I really don't like other kids playing in my sandbox." He approached, circling slowly, watching for any sign of movement that Geki might give to throw away his next move. Doubtful, but even still. The only thing he used the force for now was enhancement on his own body, to match the might of Geki's nanites. "Your move." ----------------------------------- In Aryian's head, finally finished with reprogramming themselves to continuously reprogram themselves, the nanites suffer a syntax error and burn out one by one, as the programming did not allow for those parameters.
  12. ((Thanks. I was expecting something else, but If I'm going to die, this is just perfect. Mind you, I'm going to fight like hell, and you don't have ysalamiri... also I'm assuming that this "cargo room" is big enough to fight in...? Yeah.)) Suddenly midway through the procedure, his lightsabers suddenly shut off. Aryian furrows his brow, concerned. Using the force, he reignited the sabers, and attempted to resume the procedure, but they shut off again as soon as they touched... Cortosis ore...I should have known SEED wasn't as stupid as they make themselves out to be...no matter. His lightsabers shot back as a silvery streak, clipping themselves back on his belt. He removed the outermost Jedi robes, leaving him in a loose, sexy creamy-white jumpsuit. His hands shot forth, and the earth moved. Literally. Even though a normal human eye couldn't see it, the molecules in the ore, and even the rock itself began to vibrate faster and faster, more and more, and little clusters of molecules broke free, flowing around the others. The wall was alive now, glowing red hot as Aryian superheated the hole. Chunks of lava fell from the walls, and with a final surge of the force, Aryian blasted the whole obstacle into liquid. As soon as he could see into wherever it was inside the bunker, he held, freezing the molecules in place, hardening the lava and making it safe to walk on. Aryian entered, looking around. There were a few crates over in the corner, and a weak force signature of a normal life form. Geki. He held up one of his sabers, igniting it, wary as all hell (lol). "Come out, come out, wherever you are, my little madman..."
  13. Dispite the other leaving Aryian, he continued to drill the hole, drawn by some unknown force to go into the bunker and confront Jidai Geki on his own terms. The force was powerful here...a strange thing for one who had no force control. The lightsabers continue to drill, two-thirds of the way into the complex. ((Don't anyone notice what I do or follow me please. You'll probably only kill yourself.))
  14. The force smacked Aryian like a hard brick, giving him a severe headache. When the pain cleared, however, An epiphany had hit him. Off in the distance loomed the grey opening to the bunker, yet it extended several yards his way, into the walls of the ravine. Squinting, he yelled to Isolder. "Cover me! I'm going to need concentration on this one..." Slowly his two sabers floated up before him, still ignited. And slowly, though they started to speed up, they rotated in the air. Much like a drill. The sabers shot into the cave wall, now spinning rapidly, but made very slow progress. It wasn't easy cleaving a hole through solid material, but Aryian had done this onc before, and knew how to do it. Hang on, Avarada...
  15. ((Thanks for the save, Isolder...and Scorp, I'm sorry...I tried. Geki, I also apologize to you. I took SEED to actually be a well-outfitted faction. Seriously, since you are practically the only one here defending yourself, you have done a magnanimous job doing so. Yes, magnanimous is a word.)) ((Posted on assumption that Armenia is now fully free of her "suprise" daze that Aryian put her through in his last post, and can defend herself again.)) Aryian feels the sting of two bullets hit him as the volley fires, and instantly his Jedi reflexes throw up a protective shield around him to deflect any more stray bullets. He quickly heals his hand and hip, driving the pain from them and sealing off the bleeding through his will. He would have to treat it later with a little bit of Bacta, but that was later, not now. He didn't have time to worry about it, he only had to fight, and survive. ((Mind you, I was thrown into this without any descision, and now I feel almost like Bantha fodder being thrown at a blender. Meh.)) The realization of the scenario hit him, and He extended the shield to include Armenia. A lone figure ((Isolder)) comes up behind him, a neutral, fighting for his own purposes, yet he was a force user. Aryian extended a bit of the shield around him until he advanced upon the troops, severely limiting not only the magnitude of the bullets flying, but also insuring that none of them hit what was now Aryian's new best friend. I know you are injured, but try to find out if there are any underground tunnels or bunkers that would lead toward Geki's location. It would be easier for me to get there that way. Aryian recieved the force message with ease, and started to send one of his own as the fallen lightsaber returned to his hand. To a Jedi, at least to me, an injury is nothing. I don't believe there is any easy way into the bunker, yet I don't doubt that he has his own special escape chutes made into the facility for a quick, clean getaway. Even though I do not know you, or recognize you of Jedi, I call you brother and ally in the heat of battle. Make my blades of vengeance useful to you in this struggle! Aryian dropped the force shield for all but around his immediate self (Which was fairly easy for a Jedi Knight to maintain, even in the most tense situations). His legs recoiled, and his body shot forwards, past the offensive squad, as he mortally wounded two soldiers on his flight of death. He landed a few feet behind the last member of the squad, who turned around with suprise. The squad was now being attacked from both directions by people who had no forgiveness for them, for instead of following the ways of the Jedi in battle, Aryian had adopted a different doctrine about war. Kill, or be killed. All others who fight your enemy are allies, and all others who fight your allies are enemies. Aryian and Isolder made short work of the already cut-down squad, working in tandem to mop up the renegades. In a full-battle vigor, Aryian stood around the dead bodies, longing for more. There would be revenge today, revenge for the suffering of the Jedi on Coruscant, revenge for the peoples of Coruscant, and Revenge for every misdeed commited by SEED itself. "Shall we?" ((2))
  16. ((I assume I was somewhere near Armenia, since we were teammates...)) Aryian's body literally rips out of the trench, Armenia's body in his hands, as he used force speed and an enhanced jump to land in the middle of a platoon of SEED troopers, separated by the main forces for a better offensive position in an outcropping. Letting the suprised Armenia fall to the floor, Aryian spins, and as his sabers ignite, catches three guards, two in the neck, another unintentionally across the chest. All three hit the floor. About this time, the troopers were still stunned after what had happened in all of three seconds. Their natural battle instincts told them not to fire into their platoon, and many of the twelve that were left were shocked at their fallen bretheren, not used to such mortality within their own group. But that was merely a flash in time, smaller than a nanosecond, as Aryian kept swinging, and soon there were six. Two more were without legs before those other six hit the floor, as Aryian kept moving around the group in extreme liquidity, enhanced by the sheer power of force speed. His twin sabers claimed another victim, but by that time, the last three raised their blasters up to fire, Aryian had already caught their shots, and they hit the ground with their comrades, smoking holes in their chests. Aryian stood, breathing haevily, still aware of everything around him, and all the ordinance stored in this advantageous spot. Armenia had come from her daze to find fifteen dead bodies sprawled about the outcropping, and one extremely pissed Aryian in the middle of them. He disignited his sabers, and picked up a flechette launcher. These bad boys (Especially the ones employed by SEED) could rip through armor at high rates of speed with deadly shrapnel, making them beautiful weapons of horror. Aryian smiled as he pulled the trigger, sending a flechette far below into the crags, exploding into the middle of a squad that is hounding another fellow Jedi. ((Scorp)) Three shots left, and Aryian wanted to make good use of them before moving on to the mortar ordinance. Yet, something else was in the back of his mind, tugging. My friend, don't use the dark side...trust yourself, and trust the force. Don't rely on the physical when you have the extreme power of the force at your fingertips... The echoing words of Ben'a hit Aryian like a brick wall, as the launcher fell to the ground. He bowed his head, out of reverence, but also he was extending his senses out around him, in case the other forces of SEED found out that one of their superior positions had been commandeered, and decided to counterattack. ((1)) ((And after a few hours it is all over, as Aryian stands gracefully in the middle of it all, lightsabers still ignited. He has defeated every last remnant of the Empire, and now the galaxy is free at last, to work it's way back into the two-party politics system, which is what started this whole ugly mess in the first place. *sigh*...sometimes I tire of it all...))
  17. ((Have you tried Emailing ProphetK? If you can, ask permission to take your trials. I'll be happy to administer them. I have a lot of goofy/interesting ideas for that sort of stuff.)) Aryian looked on as Armenia swished the blade again, causing a healthy thrummm to echo in the air around them. He grinned. She had enough training, and so had he. "You wanna have a spar, for old time's sake? And for the love of god, have you been kighted yet? My old padawans were practically right at knighthood, and I haven't seen them since the war." Aryian's twin sabers jumped to his hands, automatically adjusting themselves down to low-level sabers that wouldn't harm anything other than another lightsaber blade. But, with a second thought, he put his sabers away, instead taking a light fighting stance where he stood. A Jedi knight versus another (near, anyways) with a lightsaber. Oh, this would be a good workout indeed. He didn't exactly expect her to attack him just yet, he only waited for her to answer his question.
  18. Shooting through the atmosphere at faster-than-safe speeds, Aryian lands his ship with a flurry in the clearing designated to be the landing field. He hops out, locating the nearest person. (Armenia) "Who is in charge of the complex? And...what are you doing?" ((I'm up for a little bit of training. It's been a while...))
  19. ((TWO FREAKIN' DAYS!!! Wow...I'm suprised I survived that long.)) Aryian snaps from his reverie, not remembering anything before Akturus' force wave. He looks to his console, which is flashing madly, and realizes where he is. The darkness that the planet was covered in was ginormous (I just made it a word, it was so huge) Aryian noticed the last coordinates on his navicomputer, Haruun Kal. Flipping the lever, the Blur shoots off into hyperspace, leaving behind his almost destruction...
  20. Out of pure chance, and dumb luck (was it luck?), Aryian's ship find itself in the Raxus system, almost on a dead intercept for the main planet, Raxus prime. Instead of a trajectory that collides with the planet, it instead manages to get caught in a slightly elliptical orbit around the main planet, still tumbling out of control. Aryian's body hangs limply in the pilot's chair, still in a state of force-awareness, still wondering why he was ever born into the galaxy, the galaxy that forced him to take part in a struggle of power, and will. Because he was born with the force, he was thrust upon a mountain of responsibility without question, he wasn't even asked whether or not he wanted to. It was simply implied. Now, however, he was not so sure... In his state of unconsciousness, he had no idea where he was, or why the fates had allowed him to be here. He only knew that he was done. Done fighting, done struggling, done training, done being a Jedi. He was...nobody.
  21. Aryian's ship floats blindly, still in hyperspace...somehow it manages to find itself neaing the Raxus system, and a gravity well brings it back to realspace.
  22. Another fallen Jedi... Aryian, still in-system, recieves a high amount of the pain and release that Hale let go (himself being a Jedi Knight and highly receptive to these things), his ship careening into open space, his body floating in the crash webbing unconsciously. Small thoughts passed through his memory...why...why do others hate the good...the good the Jedi stand for...and so often die to protect... It did not make much sense to him anymore, anything. He felt the warm glow of Ben'a's energy fade to a smolder, and then...nothing... His mind still in a deep abyss, somehow he manages to hit a lever on his console, rocketing the ship deep into hyperspace, navicomputer still not set. He was no longer Jedi, or fought for their cause. Recently, though he had kept them well hidden from even his longtime friend and then master, Ben'a Solo, he had an epiphany about why the force works the way it does, and in his state of force dreaminess realizes that neither side is correct to fight and kill each other, if only to promote their ways and thoughts. ((Continued in Space thread))
  23. ((I'M GONNA KEEELL YOU DEVIN!!!)) Aryian departs the planet, a hot Ion trail following, his presence being wanted elsewhere...
  24. Aryian saw Ben'a arch back, and for a split second thought he was in pain. Right up until he saw the magnificent show of light, at which point he knew that it was only Ben'a showing off. For a moment, Aryian pondered the though of outdoing him, trying to make him compete, but immediately repressed that thought, for that was not the way of the Jedi. At least, until the next big spacial battle, and then he was going to challenge him on who could "score" the most TIE fighters before they died. Grinning, he still waited to speak to Ben'a, the more important information he had surfacing on his conscious memory. ((There. And I'll edit shortly...lmao...))
  25. ((The Rainbow storm is an impressive and awe-inspiring technique. it should be honored. Mwah.))
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