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Airleas Lianahan

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Everything posted by Airleas Lianahan

  1. Airleas stepped over to look at the information on the hand held that Kheldar had. She looked at Reagan and Dex, and then over to Adi and Tares. "We can use this information. You can stay here and rest we'll handle this here on Correllia." She looked around at the others, and then over to Ame. "You'll come with us. We will need a sixth. Lets get started though, cause it just occurred to me that your droid had my name when we picked you up, correct." Kheldar nodded. "Well, that means that we are in Correllia's central computer. And CORE has access to that I am assuming." Again Kheldar nodded to her. "Well, then Rinwald knows we are here. I for one am not going to sit here and wait for him to come here." Airleas gets the agreement of the others and they start to formulate a plan.
  2. Airleas glanced over to Reagan with a knowing look. The two of them were both only about 15 then and had only started helping with the business about a year earlier. But Airleas remembered her father holding meetings here at the house. Booster and Karade were at the house often back then. She looked over to Kheldar, "Yeah, we might have been around back then. I know both Karade and Booster, but Dex may know better. Both Reagan and I were only 15 then, and Dad had only brought us into the business about a year earlier."
  3. Airleas held her brother, and told him..."Sly is gone, Dex. I don't know where, yet. He blames me for the death of our son. Once Taylor and Adrian get here, I'm going to have them track him down."
  4. As Tares attended Keldar wounds, Airleas made her way into the house. She leaned against the wall and turned to the girl talking. "Keldar will be fine, he'll need a few days to rest most likely and a bacta tank if we can find one but he should be fine. And as for what is going on, I assume that everything that is going on has something if not everything to do with CORE." At that moment Airleas' mother came into the room and went to her daughter. After a few minutes of fussing, Airleas stopped her mother.."I'm fine mom, really. Um, I need to speak with Adrian and Taylor though. And can you help Tares out with Mr. Correlli? He was wounded and needs to hide out. I thought that we could stash him in one of the sub-basements here at the house." Her mother nodded and went to assist Tares in tended to keldar's wounds. Glancing towards a movement in the kitchen, Airleas saw her father standing in the doorway staring at her. Looking down, she knew that he could see her pain but he said nothing. "Dad, this is Keldar vos Correlli, he is going to need a communtications system...We still have it here at the house right?" Her Father nodded and told her to use whatever she needed and they would talk later, and he walked away. "Well Keldar, when your ready, we can set you up with that comm system you wanted." Tares just looked at her knowing that bringing in Adrian and Taylor was not a good idea, she didn't care though, Sly was her husband and she was damn well going to find him. And they were two of the best hunters in the galaxy.
  5. Airleas looked at the three and she sensed no malice from them. She looked to Tares and then back at Keldar. "We are going to my family's home. You are welcome to come...uh, my family can hide you pretty well. We have been doing that sort of thing for quite sometime." Airleas got out of the jeep slowly, holding her hand on the wound on her stomach. She let the three into the jeep and climbed back into her seat. Wincing from the pain of moving. Tares reached out his hand and placed it on her shoulder. You should not have left the hospital this soon you were not ready to travel. Airleas glared at Tares for a moment, then softened. "Tares, just get me home. I can rest when I get home. And please stop worrying about me.' She looked at the others, "We should be at my parents home on less then 10 min. I am pretty sure that my father still has an extremely sophisticated communications system there. We can use that." -------- Just over 10 minutes later, they arrived at the Lianahan house. Tares got out as did Airleas and let the others out of the jeep.
  6. As the jeep speeds down the dirt road towards the Lianahan house, Airleas spots the droid and man in the road. Airleas yelled to Tares to stop the jeep and they pulled up next to the man and droid. She had seen the man before, she couldn't place where but, she knew that she knew him or at least knew of him. "Can we offer you help?"
  7. Still physically in pain from the blaster shot, and grieving for the loss of her child, she barely heard Tares. After he repeated the question, she looked over at him. "Just take me home, Tares. I just want to go home first. Not to the house inside the city. Go to the one that is outside the city proper. I want to see my mother first." She leaned back in the seat as Tares drove through the city with as much caution as possible.
  8. Sitting in the cockpit of the ship to give Sly some time to meditate, Airs hears the comm come in from Adi-Wan. She quickly got up and went to tell Sly. "Sly, Reagan got Mes. She picked him up with Jim at the Last Call. He is safe, on the Moon. We should return immediately." She smiled to her husband and took his hand. Giving it a reassuring squeeze, she lead him to the cockpit.
  9. Airleas sat up and placed her hands on Sly's shoulders. "Sly, where is he? Do you know?" Sly shook his head, he only had images from Mes' mind from the inside of a ship. No Location though. "Sly, you have to stay calm, Mes is a good Jedi. I know that he is like a brother to you. But you can't go off blindly looking for him. He will make contact again. Keep your connection to him opened." Concern for Sly crossed her face. She slid out of the bed and went to the food processor. She got a cool drink for him and handed it to him. "Here drink this, Sly. And try to reach out to Mes to get a location. Of cource we have to go after him." Sly took the glass, and nodded his head. Starting to relax, he reached out towards Mes' force presense.
  10. Sly and Airleas enter hyperspace, setting the autopilot and retiring to the sleeping quarters for the remainder of the trip.
  11. The pain brought Airleas in and out of conscienciousness, and she cried out from the pain. As opened her eyes briefly, she could see different sets of feet. Trying to turn her head, fresh pain shot through her and she quickly closed her eyes trying to block it out.
  12. As Tares brought up the force shroud, Airleas could no longer use the force to try to block out the pain. Without the force, she yelled out in pain. The blood from the wound on her head started to bleed more and she knew that she was not going to be able to stay conscience much longer. Moving her left hand, she tried to cover the wound and slow down the bleeding but it was not doing much good. She could no longer feel Sly, and as she fell into the darkness, she watch as Tares stood between her and the Hunter...
  13. Shocked from the impact of hitting the ground, she cried out in pain as her knuckles pop with the brute force of the blaster being ripped from her hands. Feeling herself gripped by the force, she tried to brace herself for what was to come. She held her breath, knowing that this was going to hurt. She felt herself thrown hard into the rock wall, with a force that should have killed her, but in that last moment before impact, she used the force to try to push off the wall. Only managing to slow herself down slightly, she heard echo of her head slamming into the rock before she felt is. As she hit the floor, all of her air was knocked out of her, and she started to black out. Instantly Airleas curled into a fetal position. She tried to fight unconscienciousness, knowing that if she blacked out, she had no chance at all. She had to stay awake. She tried to keep the pain inside herself, but it was to intense. She screamed through the force. All of a sudden, she felt her ankle burning, and she was dragged across the floor of the cave like a rag doll. With her breathing shallow at best, she watched as the falleen went down on one knee, coughing up blood...through the tears in her eyes, she could see the hole in his shoulder. Well, at least I have the satisfaction of seeing him injured. Trying to get her breath, she struggled to push herself up. She could feel the blood flowing down the side of her neck. She knew that she had a bad injury, she was going to need some medical attention very soon. Collapsing back to the ground, Airleas curled back up. She couldn't move. She hurt to much...Her head was ringing and she could feel herself passing out the more she tried to move. Closing her eyes, she used the force to try to calm herself, concentrating on keeping herself awake. All of a sudden, Tares dives in and rams the Falleen and places himself between her and him. She wanted to call out to him, but she needed every bit of energy just to stay awake. She was losing way to much blood, and she was starting to feel very lightheaded...Gotta stay awake, Don't go to sleep Airs. Stay awake. She kept repeating to herself. Her thoughts drifted to Sly. And as the tears ran over her cheeks from the pain, she could see Sly's own tears. Opening her eyes, she tried to use the distraction that Tares had created. With him and the Falleen fighting, she finally pulled herself onto her hands and knees. She began to try to crawl out of the way, making it only a few feet. This is going to suck if I die in a damn cave. She thought to herself. She reached out with the force and tried to touch Sly, reassuring him that she was fine. *Sly, go on with what you need to do, Tares is here with me. I'll be fine.* She laid down on the cave floor and curled into a ball. She knew she wasn't fine. She tried to use the force to try to heal herself a little, but she either didn't have enough training, or she could not concentrate. Either way, she wasn't able to do it.
  14. Seconds before the lightwhip struck, she swung her body to the side. It hit inches from her. She tried to move faster down the rock, but he kept swinging that thing. She grabbed a hold of a part of the rock wall that was damp, and lost her hold of it. Shock and surprise hit her first. Then she screamed out as she fell. Trying to use the force to slow herself, she only managed to slow herself slightly. She hit the ground hard, knocking all the wind out of her. She lay there, looking up at the lightwhip. Which was the only illumination in this god forsaken cave. She couldn't move. She couldn't get her breath. She tried to roll onto her stomach and get up on her hands and knees. Moving very slowly, she knew that she needed to go, but there just really wasn't anyway to out run this guy...Dammit, I hate losing...I am not going without a fight though. Ugh, who am I kidding, there is only so much I can do to him with a blaster. Hearing the Falleen land nearby her, she reached out with the force to Sly. I love you, Sly. I'm fine. Grabbing her blaster, she waited. She felt him grab her by the back of the shirt, and haul her up. As she hit her feet, she turned and fired.
  15. Airleas ran down the tunnels guided but the force alone, she knew the hunter was right behind her. In the darkness, she took the turns with all haste. I am so gonna need a vacation after this. If I survive. As she rounded the last corner, she skidded to a halt in front of the edge of the very wide very deep crevace. Dammit is nothing going to be easy. God, I just want to get out of the damn cave. She could do nothing else but climb down. Trying to use the force to calm herself, she went over the edge and started scaling down as quickly as she dared.
  16. Seeing the light searching for her, she ducks down and flattens her body to the stone floor. Now, what. Jeez, this guy is really good. Okay, can't go down, cause he is down. Finally deciding what she should do, she leaned over the side and let her body follow her. Hanging from the rock face, she started to decend the wall. It had been a very long time since she rock climbed and if memory served her, she didn't like it then either. Angling herself, she began to scale sideways and down hoping to reach the bottom of the wall on the far side of him. Losing her grip twice, she finally reached the bottom of the cavern. Crouching low, she had no idea what she was going to do. She reached into her bag, and pulled out two more blasters. Taking the two blasters, she pointed them in the direction that she knew that the dark man was standing. Sending out a message to Tares...Hit the ground Tares she opened fire on the dark man and proceeded to back out of the cavern. emptying out the two blasters, she reached down to her sides and pulled the other two blasters that she always carried. Continuing to pour blaster shots into the cavern, once she cleared the cavern, she turned and bolted at a dead run. She had no idea where she was going, but she knew that she needed to get away from him. Letting the force guide her, she made her way through the tunnels. She could feel the dark man closing however.
  17. Airleas quickly made her way through the cave with Tares right behind her. Navigating with the force alone, it was taking longer then she wanted. She could feel the dark presense in the cave and knew that he was even more determined since she winged him with the blaster shot. If she wasn't so determined to beat this man at his cat and mouse game, she would be terrified. Tares was keeping up with her, which was good. Either she was getting slow, or he had learned how to hike. Cause when she was younger, he never could keep up with her and she was forever having to back track to find him. Taking a quick turn around yet another dark corner, Airleas slipped and started to slid down the rough stones. Grabbing the wall, she stopped the fall, and yelled up to Tares. "Don't move. I'm fine." She slowly scaled back up on her rump and made it to her feet. Well, this is going to be fun. Is nothing going to be easy. Dammit. she didn't have a rope with her and well in the dark she could not depend on Tares being able to get her and him down. "Tares you have to go down yourself. I'll be fine, I'll be right behind you. I'll scale it on my ass." After a bit of arguing, Tares agreed and started down the loose rock slope. Sitting herself down, she started to decend the slope herself. She was going to pay dearly for this in the morning. She wished to god she could figure out why in a matter of frigging days she had become the most wanted in the damn galaxy, this sucked. She could feel the falleen closing in and he would be there in moments. She knew she would not make it down to the bottom at this rate, but if she went any faster, she only manage to make to the bottom dead. Stopping her decent, she pulled her blaster and aimed it at where she thought he would be. Waiting, she held her breath. She could feel him in the room. Closing her eyes, she tried to see him through the force and fired. She heard him yell, but had no idea if she did anymore then graze him. Starting back down, she put as much speed into her decent as she could....
  18. Getting to her feet, Airleas starts off in the direction of the caves. Glancing backwards every so often, she can feel her hunter coming for her. She was not going to be able to rest, he was to close behind her. Finally reaching the caves, she knew this was going to be a bad decision, but she really had no other choice. Stepping into the mouth of the cave, the darkness seemed to swallow her. She could see nothing with her eyes, so she relied on the force to guide her through the cave. She could feel much more then the cave, she knew that Sly and the others were coming, and she knew that the hunter was closing in. Stopping cold, she also felt her on the planet. She knew that Tarrian and Bishop were here. Reaching out towards them, she knew that they had their daughter with them again, but their rage and anger was so strong and feirce that it caught her breath. They were coming for Sly. And she could see that they were gaining on him.
  19. Instinctively Airleas ducked, and in one motion she drew her blaster and shot at the falleen. Hitting the ground and rolling, she got out of his way and started to her feet. Once up, she was at a dead run away from the crazed alien. If he is not a sith, what the hell does he want with me. How did I get so lucky. The sith are hunting me and now a damn crazed falleen. Great. Keeping as much foliage between her and the hunter, she tried to get more distance. Damn, Dex was right, I should have stayed with smuggling. Reaching out for Sly, she could feel him start to recover, he was still going to be of no help to her. Damn she knew he should have stayed with the one. Reaching a cliff, she looked down, Well, its only about 100 or so feet and there is water at the bottom. Hearing the hunter running behind her, she made her decision and jumped. Splashing through the swamp, she swam as quickly for the edge as possible, know that something in the swamp might find her a tasty little snack. Pulling herself out of the water, she lay there for a moment catching her breath. I swear to god, if you get me out of this, I'll do whatever my parents want. Really, I'll be the dutiful daughter. Just let us survive.
  20. Airleas stood up and started running, and stopped as she ran into Mes, literally. "Dammit Mes, where on earth did you come from? It's like the entire galaxy is on this planet now." Seeing Tares come up, she ran and gave him a quick hug. Then smacked him hard in the arm. "Dammit Tares, next time you leave me alone on a desolate planet, you mind leaving me a ship to escape these damn sith. I mean really this is starting to get on my nerves." As the sith or whatever he was stepped out into the open, Airs stood there with the others. Jesus, she couldn't be this damn popular. What the hell... Tares and Mes were telling her to run, but she wasn't going anywhere. She wanted to know what this guy wanted.
  21. When the hand reaches around and covers her mouth, Airleas nearly jumps out of her skin. Instantly her reflexes kick in and in one motion, she turns and nails the person behind her in the head with the butt of the blaster. Flipping the plaster around, she points it directly in the face of the attacker. Seeing who it is she sighs... "GOD DAMMIT, Sly, don't you ever listen? Where is the child? You realise that I almost just shot you. God, I'm not without resources." Sly just smiles and pulls her to him, not caring about how angry she is. Just that he knows that she is safe. Sighing to herself again, she puts her arms around him and holds him. It had been so long since she had held him and she really was glad to see him.
  22. Airleas stops running through the trees to rest a moment, and she is instantly aware that there are others on the planet. She reaches out with the force, and feels Sly. Dammit, he can't come after me. It will get more involved then. Trying to figure out what to do, she sends Sly a message through the force. "Sly, don't. I'm fine. Stay with the child, and I'll try to head him away from you. Please, you can't help me here. Once I have him away from you and her, I'll try to double back to you." Hoping that he got that, she started out again, picking up the pace slightly and heading directly into the swamps. It would not only get him further away from Sly, but hopefully cover her tracks as well.
  23. Waking a few hours later, Airleas could sense something was wrong. She wasn't alone in the trees. There was a darkness here. She instantly wished that she and Tares had trained more. Damn, a lightsabre would be good right about now. Turning in the tree, she tries to see if she can spot him. She couldn't, it was just before dawn on the swamp planet and even then there would be very little light. Grabbing her vibro knife, she started cutting the back of the tree. Once she had a hole big enough for her to get out of, she climbed out the back of the tree. Slowly, she started making her way down the back. About a meter or so before she reached the bottom, her danger sense went off and she stopped. Trying to adjust her eyes to what light there was, she looked down at the ground searching for what the danger was. As she looked, she saw the dew dripping from mid air. Scaling down a little more, she saw the thin hair wire. Smiling to herself, she was really glad that Dex had taught her well. Going down the rest of the way, she gingerly stepped onto the leaf covered ground. She knew she needed to get out of this tree grove. Crouching low to the ground, she carefully stepped over the wires. Making sure that she did not disturb anything. Damn, this guy is good. She thought to herself. Keeping the tree behind her, she began her tedious way out of the trees. After about two hours of taking baby steps out, she finally made it through. Pulling out her blaster, she smiled to herself. Well, that was fun. Lets make sure he knows I'm just as good. Pointing the blaster at the tree that she had slept in, she aimed and pulled the trigger. In an instant, the tree exploded and set off a chain reaction throughout the grove. Getting up, she immediately turned and ran in the opposite direction.
  24. After hours of trudging through the rain and the mud, Airleas finally arrived at the hut that she and Tares had built. Knowing that she couldn't stay here, she grabbed a satchel and threw in a few changes of clothes and the food rations that were there. Also, she hooked two of her blasters to her hips, and threw in the rest of her side arms into the bag. God, it's a damn good thing that my brothers made sure I was a dead shot. This presence is dark though. If he is a sith, I'm not sure what a damn blaster will do for me. Looking around the hut, she also threw in a couple of glow rods and the matches. Pulling her hair up and out of her face, she tied it back and stepped back out into the rain. She moved quickly and as quietly as she could through the swamps and mud of Dagobah. Trying not to stop and rest to often so as not to give her pursuer a chance to close the distance between them. As often as she could, she reached out with the force to touch the minds of some of the animals. Making them think there was some sort of danger behind them, and bringing them stampeeding across her tracks. Finally at the end of the first day, she found a hollowed out tree and crawled into it. She ate a ration bar and closed her eyes to rest. As she drifted off into a light sleep, she saw her pursuer, finally making it to her small hut, and then starting out to follow her path through the swamps.
  25. Looking up into the fog-filled skies, Airleas saw leathery-winged avians. Reaching out with the force, she could tell that Dagobah was teeming with life. As she wandered farther and farther away from her camp, she saw no signs of any type of technology. Why in the name of the republic would Tares bring her here, she thought to herself. After many hours of walking, the rain began. Taking cover in a nearby cave, Airleas tries to wait out the storm. As the constant rain falls outside the cave, she begins to meditate. Relaxing in the force, Airleas feels the wildlife around her. Somewhere deep in the cave a butcherbug is spinning a deadly razor-sharp web, while in a nearby swamp a dragonsnake is making a quick meal out of a swamp slug. Reaching out further, Airleas senses the darkness. A foreboding presence on the planet. And it was heading her way. Getting up from her spot, she went to the mouth of the cave and looked out. The rain showed no signs of letting up so she was going to have to go regardless. She was not going to be stuck in a cave if whomever that dark presence was found her. She'd rather take her chances in the rain and swamps. Checking her blaster, she darted out and started to run back through the swamps retracing her steps back to the hut.
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