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Rane Scando

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Everything posted by Rane Scando

  1. lol, tmrw I'm gonna buckle down and read this. Sorry I haven't really popped in here yet, Ben. PS. I hope you didn't make HA a I am an idiot.
  2. Write a short story called The Art of Quea Fing.
  3. Yaki Kadafi's Character Sheet Basic Info: Name: Yaki Kadafi Alias(es): ... Age: 37 standard years Species: Changeling Sex: Male Home-world: Tatooine Force User: Yes Alignment: Evil Physical Description: Varies. Will continue to flesh this character sheet out as the Yaki Kadafi character develops in RP.
  4. "What the?" Death Two cries out in frustration as strange noise blasts out of his single earpiece. With a snarl, the pilot pulls the earpiece out, and casts it aside as he swerves his fighter to avoid fire from the enemy ship. A moment later, two other fighters pull alongside Death Two's craft and the trio swing around to attack Vladimir Faust's ship. With a look of intense pleasure, Death Two presses down on his control stick's firing buttons. The beams of energy from Death Two's craft lick the side of Faust's ship. Death Seven and Hustle Four, the pilots flying the two fighters flying alongside Death Two's craft, fire moments later. Meanwhile, the center of the station begins to glow.
  5. Raska Thrane's voice resonates throughout the station. Terminate that ship, you fools! Two dozen starfighters pour out from an opening near the bottom of the station. The fighters are spherical in shape, and advance on the intruders at an amazing speed. Inside the lead fighter, the pilot known as Death One grins as pushes down on the firing studs on his control sticks. Brilliant blasts of red energy lance forth towards Vladimir Faust's ship. As Death One fires, the other fighters break away and spread out.
  6. A strange being, clad all in black, stands in the corner of the hangar, staring at the Soldier of Fortune ”“ Rane Scando's ship. The strange being disliked the ship very much, and disliked Scando even more. Why was Scando here at Cloud City anyway? Shouldn't he be out looking for that smuggler? Unless, unless the Scando was tracking her now ”“ maybe Miss Fifty Million was here at Cloud City too! The strange being, not a bounty hunter, rushes out of the hangar ”“ the strange being had a few calls to make.
  7. A hologram of an old man appears. The old man, Raska Thrane, is gaunt and extremely pale. His thin hair is swept back, and he is clad in elegant black robes. Raska Thrane is a prominent figure in several important operations and corporations, including the powerful Commerce Guilds. In the hologram, Raska Thrane is sitting down, and bent over with a weary expression. I am offering a sum of 50 million credits to the person, or persons who bring Reagan McGreggor to Coruscant. She is wanted for the murder of Mining Guild official Huje Wainer. She is to be restrained to the extent that she is not able to speak, or communicate in any way ”“ her words are poison, as our Huje Wainer found out. McGreggor and her ship are to be brought to zone 3-X of the chief Industrial Sector of Coruscant. The hologram flickers out of focus, and Raska Thrane vanishes
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