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Dahar Raikanda

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Everything posted by Dahar Raikanda

  1. Dahar took a few deep breaths, it helped to calm him as the pain in his chest faded away. But deep in his being he felt an ache, like the chill of wind on bones. He knew it was time to leave. His old friend had been in possession of a ship that he kept docked at the local spaceport, Dahar would use this for his journey. Once out of the planet's orbit he would attempt to reach the order, or what may be left of it. But as he stood and went over the departure details in his head, he felt a presence. In one sense it was barely familiar, the feel of someone he once knew. But in the other sense it was strong, like a light in the darkness, the beacon of the Force center around a person. A young Kiffar whom Dahar remembered as Tobias. There was a newness to the man, not all too different than the newness Dahar felt in his own being after spending years in cleansing. There was the peace of nothingness about him, although the sound of silence was quickly becoming masked with the haze of being alive. The Jedi Master stretched out through the Force to pour a wave of calming over the area and the two of them. If Tobias were open to it, he would feel it. "Tobias... Vos. It's been a long time, hasn't it? Dahar judged that from the strength of what he felt anyone sensitive to the Force might have been aware of the disturbance. He knew, however, that this might not be totally true, the Force revealed what it wanted to. "Do you feel it to?"
  2. It's a cold morning on Taris, the kind where a Jedi is thankful to have the Force to strengthen him. Dahar had traveled the galaxy and served the Jedi order for a decade. Events had transpired over the past few years that had led him to his solitude on the planet. Granted, it wasn't a true solitude, people lived around him, but it had been many moons since any contact with another Jedi. There were times when he had thought of returning to the Order. He had never truly left. It wasn't as if he had withdrawn for political reasons. His reasoning was his own. ----- It had been five years since Dahar had dipped his foot in the pool of the Dark Side. He never had gone all the way in, but a Jedi needed to be committed to the Light. It was a sneaky seduction that had lured him. His own failures were the catalyst. Defeat in battle led him to the search for power instead of inner reflection and improvement. But the quick and easy never comes without cost. Dahar had spent a month being instructed in the dealing of the Dark Side. Not by a Sith, not with intention of betraying the Jedi, but with a thirst for knowledge to know all sides of the Force. And that's what gets you. Wanting more, more than you can handle. He was fortunate enough to realize, one night, that what was happening needed to stop. So he left. It was here on Taris that the Force had lead the Jedi Master to a healer. An old Jedi known as Mijae. Mijae lived in an isolated section the Taris Ruins, enjoying a humble retirement and meditation on the Living Force. His time was nearing an end, but Dahar's coming had been foretold to him in a vision. The two lived on the outskirt together for three years. Some days they joked and laughed while they broke bread. Other days words were not needed. Mijae was an expert at what he did. He knew that a simple appreciation of the life around us was the start to cleansing. At the end of his life Mijae went in peace, knowing that his work was done, leaving the Jedi with a pure heart and renewed spirit. And one last mission. "The people of this planet will need you for a time. They have been good to me, be good to them." It had been many years since Dahar had completed his training but Mijae was the closest to a master he had. So he knew that his dying wish must be fulfilled. Dahar had moved into the city and taken up shop as a pharmacist. Through the use of Force driven charisma he made the right friends and secured the right shipments. His shop was small but served many of the impoverished in the city. He employed a young apprentice who, although not force-sensitive, had an obvious gift with medicine. Together they researched new chemicals. When the plague broke out Dahar was the first to act on it. Even the local government was at a loss, but the Force guided him. Dahar knew that stopping this horrible epidemic had been what Mijae had meant for him to do. His research saved countless millions. ----- As the Jedi Master stood that morning, his cloak dripping from the pouring rain, he felt a great disturbance in the Force. Something was happening, somewhere. Something big. It was as if an old wound in the galaxy had been ripped asunder. Dahar was overwhelmed with pain for a brief moment, a body numbing pain, which subsided within a few seconds. But somewhere deep in his being a small ache jabbed at him. It poked and poked, threatening to tear deeper as time went on. Dahar knew his reprieve was done. It was time come out of the shadows.
  3. Some spittle landed on Dahar's robe which he gently brushed away. It surely wasn't the worst bodily fluid ever to tarnish his garment. There wasn't a lot of time and the situation was becoming dire. The man wasn't going to willingly cooperate and seemed to have no regard for his own life. Facing death was easy, pain wasn't always so simple. Dahar reached deep into the prisoner's mind. With decades of practice in the Force he was able to look at the smallest of things with precision. Master Kirlocca had instructed him in detail about shatterpoints, the smallest crevices in the universe where the Force could flow into. There were exact neurons he was looking for, and found them. His figurative hand held the man's mind. From the perspective of the prisoner the temperature inside the cell quickly turned cold, very cold. Any creature without fur would feel quite uncomfortable inside. It was a dry eerie frigidness, one that left a hint of impending doom in the air. In stark contrasts to the cold the man's body started to feel warm. Well, awkwardly, everything below the neck. At first it would have been a relief from the chill but quickly it became a problem. The heat rose and rose and soon would be the equivalent feeling of being engulfed in flames. It wasn't just his skin, this was happening to the prisoner on a molecular level. Patches of flesh felt as if each cell was bursting from the inside. The blood flowing through his body felt particularly hot in certain places, as if tiny razors were being carried along poking at his insides. Dahar spoke, but it in a very different manor. His speech seemed extremely slowed, as if time was almost at a stand still. What would have been maybe ten seconds of dialogue to the man seemed to stretch over ten minutes, all the while the pain seared inside of him in real time. Still very much in control of the man's brain Dahar had created the illusion that he actually had the ability to slow down time. The Jedi's demeanor had changed. "Are you uncomfortable, friend? You should get used it. If I wanted to I could freeze time just for you. Sure, without your cooperation we will all die, but do you know how long that will take? I do! As long as I want it to! There is no death, only the Force, but maybe a century or two before your demise in this predicament will allow you to reflect on your choices." Each word drew out with a deafening boom in the prisoner's head. Unfortunately for him the message was still very comprehensible.
  4. "What exactly would you do with a blaster? I could get you one. I don't think it would help much behind those bars. Unless you plan to take your own life? Do you? I could have that arranged." Dahar carried himself with characteristics that were different than most Jedi. His inner calm allowed him to have a hardness that didn't damage him. The man in the cage only had the power to take life, something anyone could do. Whether one or millions it wasn't special. Other than that he was powerless in his cell. Dahar's tone changed. "I could help you, if I wanted to. And I don't need to help myself. I am quite comfortable where I am, thank you. If I die I will still be comfortable. You and your type talk about change? What change? What would you do if you had your way? You'd have nothing to fight for and invent something new. Maybe you're just bored!" "As far as the Order of the Jedi, what do you know? Are you a mindless pawn to your cause? No? You think for yourself? So do I. I am a member of the Jedi, yes, but my alleigance is to the galaxy" Dahar paused and reflected "and to myself." "You're so smart aren't you? Millions will die at your hands. Very smart. You're no different than those you oppose." "We can do this the easy way or the hard way."
  5. Dahar felt immersed in the scenario. For all intents and purposes it was real. Master Darkfire had always been a pro at illusions. Dahar let his mind melt into the situation and lose track of the outside world. Slowly his identity became part of the scene. "Very well," he replied to the lieutenant. The Jedi Master rose and followed the man through winding corridors. The mood was dismal. Whatever conflict they were part of had been going on for a long time. Very few knew of the impending doom awaiting them. Dahar would have been able to sense the urgency. There were however a few men whom Dahar knew were aware of the situation. In them he could feel the dread. Dahar did his best to bring with him an aura of calmness. It emanated from him and pierced those around. It wasn't long before Dahar was outside the holding chambers. The captives were separated for obvious reasons. "I'd like to see the human first." The door on the left opened and Dahar entered the room. Behind the flickering beam of the cell a man rose to his feat from a position of rest in the corner. Dahar reached out through the Force and poured waves of himself over the man. Even in this turmoil Dahar was at peace. He shared that peace with the man, feelings of calm and serenity. Hopefully this would ease his nerves and make him more willing to cooperate it. Dahar stood still for a moment and stared into the man's eyes. "Let me help you."
  6. Dahar nodded in agreement to the shadow master, opening his mind. The Force could weave tapestries that one could easily mistake for real. He knew from personal experience that Aryian was a master of such things. He would keep his wits about him but was curious to see what would happen.
  7. Dahar stood and greeted his fellow expert in the Force. He pushed an annoying piece of hair out of his face to make eye contact. "Morning is different on this planet. I usually enjoy beating the sun to the new day. I don't think the sun here bothers to show up." He laughed a a bit. "I am here. Let me ask, you friend, as I'd rather not speculate. What do you do with your anger? I'm sure you much like myself was indoctrinated as of its dangers. But can anger can be righteous? Can you show me what to do with it?" Jedi were taught to put emotions aside. There is no emotion, there is peace. But clearly there was, Dahar felt them.
  8. It was morning and Dahar remained on Mechis. He wanted to expand himself and his understanding of the Force. He wanted to save the galaxy from itself. The Jedi Master had a small meal and was soon in a meditation chamber deep in commune with the Force. He had some questions for Aryian whom he was sure would find him when he awoke.
  9. "Well, how do you know whether you are on the line or not? Doesn't the Dark Side cloud you judgement?" Dahar debated on whether or not to speak his mind. He trusted, and moreso hoped, that Aryian would not disclose what he was about to say. "Between you and I, Master Darkfire, I would like to learn some of the Dark Path. I know that I could better serve the galaxy if I were to open myself to new ideas. I feel I have been holding back all these years. But I also feel that the resources of the Jedi are nearly unmatched, I wouldn't mean to leave the order." This simple admission had already pushed Dahar closer to the darkness. Deep inside, unknown to him, he wished for power. Perhaps the power was for the greater good, but he still thirsted for control. The Force, the Order, he could use as tools to accomplish what he thought was just.
  10. The Force was all around Dahar. There were so many different feelings in this place. It was foreign yet refreshing. He wondered if he had struck a chord with Master Darkfire. If only the galaxy was in his heart, they would know how close he had become at various points to completely embracing the Dark Side. But they weren't, and never would be. He had done his best to try and cover it up, and it was obviously working. Both parties here saw him as a cookie cutter Jedi, and although this bothered him, he didn't know why. Shouldn't that be something to be proud of? But he knew deep inside there was more. Dahar bowed to Aryian, "I meant know offense Aryian, although I feel I may have caused some. That is on you though, my friend, if there is something to be offended by. And if not then I hope the peace you have found is true." Dahar didn't have to think long before answering, "I would have killed the Sith. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." Dahar wondered for a second if he had heard that spoken somewhere before. "I don't know what every Jedi would do, if I had to guess I think they would let him go. But I don't feel that is right. Being the hero is not always doing what may seem popular or right at the time, it is doing what is for the greater good." Dahar knew the things he was saying were straying far from the Jedi beliefs. But he wasn't raised a Jedi, he was raised a warrior. The Jedi had taught him their ways, made him a Master in their ranks, but his loyalty was to the galaxy. "I know of the Dark Side, I know of the power it can bring. I am aware that many start with good intentions but become consumed in this quest for power. I live only to serve the needs of the people, of the galaxy. Over the past few years I wonder if the Jedi are truly capable of this. What do you think? Is it possible to use the Dark side without letting it poison you in the end?"
  11. The view really was splendid. Dahar had always appreciated aesthetics. Although he had learned to live without their need things of beauty still brought him joy. "With all due respect, Master Darkfire, I don't know if I can agree. I don't think you can separate yourself like that. Perhaps that is the only way you can now cope with the things you did as Darth Ares, to deny that it was you that did them." Dahar sighed, "I suppose I don't really know. Only you can tell that about yourself. But I just don't believe that a spirit can be split completely from itself. Even if one were able to occupy multiple bodies at once, each having its own consciousness, I think it would still be a part of the whole. Just as we can never truly divorce ourselves from the Force, I don't think you can divorce yourself from... well, yourself." Dahar stopped for a moment and realized he was coming off accusatory, which wasn't his intention. "I do believe in redemption, master. I don't know if you can feel remorse or guilt over what has happened, but I believe that you are no longer Darth Ares. As far as myself, yes, I question sometimes. I don't think any Jedi doesn't, and if they don't they are kidding themselves. It is foolish to think anyone can be one hundred percent true to anything, especially our dogma. The Order has its place. I have considered going my own way before, but I feel that I bring a certain something to the council that is needed. I assume you are aware of our dual grandmasters? I know both of them and have a great deal of respect for them both. But if anything were to ever happen to Master Kirlocca, someone I view as a mentor, I think the order would need somebody like myself to balance things out. The rest of the council is far too passive. But maybe that's just me, maybe I walk closer to the edge than the others. I wonder sometimes if I am denying myself knowledge of the entire picture. We are taught from the beginning of our training that the Dark Path can dominate you. But what if we can dominate it right back? I question these things. I question if I am truly doing my best to serve the galaxy by only living in one side of the Force. I have touched the Dark Side before and felt its power. But my conditioning as a Jedi has always made me pull back. Until now. Now I wonder. You have lived on both sides of the fence, and now you seem to live in the middle. I am not arrogant enough to think that mere words, rank and title of Jedi Master, means I am beyond new teachings. What do you think? How do you view these things?"
  12. With a hint of a smile Dahar quickly brushed his hand through the air, diverting a small stone that would have embedded itself in his eye. He lightly shook the dirt out of his hair and brushed the dust off his shoulder. He looked at the master a bit perplexed. Aryian knew why he was here, the same reason anything happened. "I am here because it is the will of the Force. You must know that, master." Dahar brushed a bit more dirt off the front of his cloak. "But to be more specific I am following a vision I had. The details aren't important, but I knew it meant I should seek you. Now that I am here, I am curious as to what you have been doing. I can see from our surroundings that you have been busy teaching. I would extend you an invitation to join us on the council. You would be more than welcome to train the Jedi of tomorrow. But we both already know the answer to that. What I am wondering is why. Why do you do your dealings in seclusion?" Dahar knew the answer to his next question, but it needed to be asked anyway. He hoped for enlightenment more than anything else. "Is there some sort of balance you have found out here? I have known the Dark Side myself, but not like you have." He took a deep breath and exhaled as much of the Light Side as he could. The young woman had certainly come out here for a reason too. If she had wanted to join the Jedi or Sith she could have, but she didn't. He hoped that his influence would calm or comfort her, not do the opposite. With careful precision, although taking only seconds, he crafted thousands of specks of dirt into a spinning object. She would be able to see through the Force a bright glow from each grain that Dahar held. The swirling mass painted a picture of a strand of Miraluka DNA. Perhaps she would be able to recognize this part of herself, and that Dahar could sense it as well.
  13. Dahar locked eyes with the Shadow Master as he entered the room. He gave him a bow of respect. The Jedi wasn't sure what to expect from this encounter. He was worried of the emotions he might feel. True, the man standing before him was more the Aryian Darkfire he had heard of than the Darth Ares he had met. But Dahar couldn't help but sense a small part of that would never truly leave him. However Dahar didn't sense a threat, and if there was one the Force would have alerted him. That he was sure of. Regardless of where he was his primary ally was always surrounding him. "Master Darkfire, it is a pleasure to finally meet you alive." Much of the worry left Dahar and was replaced by a hint of comfortability. He reached out both hands to shake Aryian's, one on top of the other.
  14. The landing pads directed Dahar to the rear entrance of the facilities. He took the turbolifts down into the dojo and began to wander around. He was no threat at the time. Well, not any more of a threat than anyone who existed in the Force. True, he had trained for decades, but the Force could move even a child to do things beyond Dahar's capabilities if that was its will. The structure was what one would expect from a master who had long ago moved past the need for decadence or flashiness. It seemed to be designed for function not flare. Dahar could sense various sentients, though not many, moving about their daily lives. The map in the turbolift informed him of a few destinations he could reach. A medical center, a research facility, but Dahar just wanted to get in and meet people. On the main floor he followed the Force, or perhaps his nose, to the dining area. He approached a small round woman and struck up a conversation. He politely asked what was good there. She went on to tell him about her life, her grandchildren, and the lack of fine food crafting materials they had. She pointed out with pride that their chef was so skilled he could fashion anything into deliciousness. Dahar smiled and asked her to surprise him. The Jedi Master sat down and began to eat. Visibly it wasn't anything he recognized but the taste was good and it gave him the nourishment he needed. He watched his surroundings as a few people came in and out of the dining room. People would come, eat, and leave. Everybody had something to do and somewhere to be. After he finished the meal the Jedi let his intuitions guide him. He wandered for a while until he was on the other side of the dojo. A meditation room was calling him which he soon found. It was humble, something welcoming and comfortable to a Jedi. He found a pad for himself and sat, entering into a state that was comfortable and familiar to him. He let his thoughts go and allowed the atmosphere of this place to envelope him. There was a certain serenity here he was not accustomed to. The markings of both the Light and Dark sides of the Force were here. This place must have hosted practitioners of both. But instead of the turmoil something like this would leave there was something, or someone, who had done their best to bring things to a delicate balance. Dahar was again given the vision of the sun and moon brilliantly dancing around each other in harmony. He sat in peace. -------------------------------------------------------- After becoming acquainted with this place through the Force Dahar sat out in search of Master Aryian. His force signature was unique and one that Dahar was familiar with. Traces of both the Jedi and Sith still lingered about him, both of which Dahar had known. Following this beacon Dahar was soon on the other side of the structure about to enter a large room. He could tell the master was there with a student so he stood outside patiently. Slowly he lifted his hand and pointed it towards the door releasing a huge burst of silent energy. Everyone in the room would feel it. But instead of entering uninvited Dahar used this as a polite knock.
  15. A small ship exited space above the planet of Mechis. Leaving a transport ring where it departed light speed the starfighter was under manual control. Dahar could feel through the Force where he was going. It was the former Jedi Aryian Darkfire, former Sith Ares, that he was seeking. He had played a large role in bringing the Jedi Aryian back from the depths of the Force into the mortal plane. It was Dahar who, along with Scorp, Aryian's ghost had instructed in what to do. Dahar meticulously followed the details leaving the final task to Master Kirlocca. But it was also Darth Ares who had pushed Dahar to his limits, bested him in battle, and shaken his serenity and faith in the Light Side. After that event Dahar had never been the same. He had resisted the call of the Dark path many times, many more than someone of his training should have dealt with. The truth was he had opened himself up to a world outside of what the Jedi might consider safe. He had come dangerously close to submitting to these urges but had clung to the teachings he knew. Still, in the depths of his mind, he longed for revenge on the Sith Master that no longer existed. He knew revenge was a one way trip to the Dark Side, perhaps that was why the Force had brought him here. To find the balance he needed and remain with the light. Or perhaps it was the Dark inside him luring him into a trap of submission. The fact the he didn't know for sure was troubling to Dahar. Still he held true to his faith, that life would always conquer over death. That death did not exist, only the Force. It was not difficult for Dahar to find the dojo, having such a profound connection to this man. Perhaps Aryian had no idea what he had done to Dahar, maybe he didn't even remember his time as the Sith. Time would tell. As the ship touched down and Dahar stepped out he took a deep breath and beckoned the Force to flow through him like a conductor. He brought himself to peace knowing that, in the end, nothing was of true consequence. It was all just a dance. As he exhaled a part of himself became one with the Living Force surrounding and penetrating this planet. Anybody in tune with such things would be aware of the strong imprint a Jedi Master would carry with him in the Force.
  16. Dahar stood for a brief moment as his apprentice started up the mountain. There were many trails leading to the summit. In his time on this planet he had explored quite a few. Much like the paths that lead us all to our destiny some were more difficult than others. There were ways that would lead quickly to the top and paths that took a bit longer to navigate. Some of the more off beaten trails would lead to curious rock formations, spectacles to behold. Some twisted through dangerous territory inhabited by deadly predators. He made no effort to guide the way in this situation, he would let the Force guide them. Aven had gone first and was following his own path. "How true," Dahar thought to himself. As a Jedi Master he was on his own path and could never direct the steps of another. He could suggest but it wasn't the same. Only the Force had the power to do that. He followed not far behind his apprentice as the two made their way up. The air was crisp and his filled his lungs with peace. The Force flowed through him and guided his steps. There was no fear of that would accompany the average person up a climb like this. The Force was his ally and he had total faith in it. The Jedi Master saw with two sets of eyes. His physical being witnessed only the most basic things. But with his inner eye he could feel the untold secrets of the Force. It whispered to him. Faint hints of the future decades from now, as well as where to place his foot in a millisecond, all of these things he heard and through perfected discernment was able to filter them into the places of his mind where they belonged. All the while they were climbing Dahar kept a close eye on his apprentice. Doing his best to keep his influence subtle he exerted a calming wave over Aven. Dahar remembered what a difficult time he had transitioning from a warrior to a Jedi. Trust had been a big problem of his but he had learned to trust in the Force and, for the most part, the Order. He would need Aven'ger to trust in him if he was to help him grow. The connection between the two slowly grew and allowed Dahar to peek into his subconscious. He didn't want to pry and avoided details, he simply felt out for basic emotions and feelings. No two Jedi were identical. Dahar did however notice similarities between his apprentice and himself. Some Jedi were at their best deep in meditation. Some were not. "Apprentice, why do you think you feel most at peace moving? The Force is a never ending stream, we are constantly being pushed along." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dahar sat alone in the council chambers. Deep in meditation his mind was as silent as the vacuum of space. His focus was on nothing. He simply existed, breathing in and out slowly, content in the comfort of the Force. It was in a state such as this that a Jedi would hear the whispers of mystery and guidance. Dahar wasn't looking for anything, he simply was. From the depths of the silence something stirred in the Jedi Master's mind. It was faint, like the sound of a drop of water far in the distance. Only a mind properly tuned could hear such things. The Force had a will for him, he could feel this. It was unlike most times he felt this pull however. Usually he would receive an idea or vision of what needed to be accomplished. Somewhere or something would become clear to him. But this time the Force beckoned for exploration. For the first time in many years Dahar felt there questions that he needed to find answers to. He had no idea of what the questions were or why they needed to be asked, just that something needed to happen. Inside him he could feel the Force swirling about like a tornado. A distinct vision of a sun and a moon, delicately swirling about each other in perfect balance. What could this mean? The light and the dark living in harmony. The Master's eyes opened and revelation became clear. He knew what it was he needed to find, although not quite sure why the will of the Force was leading him in this direction. He knew though that it was useless to try and move against the current. One could struggle for a while but eventually all would be swept away and brought to oneness. The Jedi had long ago detached from material possessions and had nothing to pack or tend to. Temples had existed before his time, and would surely last long after his death. Everything would be fine here. In a well secured hangar accessible only to the council Dahar found a ship he wanted. It was a Jedi Ace of former Grandmaster Kitt's design, something Dahar had flown long ago. He entered the vehicle and had soon left Lehon.
  17. The two Jedi continued their steady run through the forest. The activity freshened Dahar. With each breath he felt the Force flowing in and through him. "So, everything that happens in this galaxy....is the will of the Force?" asked his apprentice. "Yes, and no." Dahar spoke as the two ran close to each other. "I cannot claim to truly know the Force, on its deepest level, and those who do are arrogant. We only can do our best to understand the great mysteries, but the way I see it..." Dahar stretched out through the Force. Soon a great gust emitted from the pair and blew off into the distance. The two were unaffected as the wind was leading them. The awesome power of the air spread the foliage to reveal a mountain far off in the distance. "You see, the Force has a plan." The two continued running straight, the mountain becoming more clear as they approached it. "You and I can see the mountain ahead of us, we are heading there. That is like the will of the Force. The will is for us to reach that mountain, and if that is in fact the final destination, it shall be reached." Dahar continued for a moment, but then broke off to the left. He jumped high into the air and grabbed on to a branch. He used it to swing himself on to one of the higher more sturdy branches. At this point he continued the run with Aven, both heading to the same destination, taking different paths. Dahar leaped through the trees with the utmost skill, the Force guiding his steps as it had done for so long. "The will of the Force is not completely separate from our own will. We shall reach our destination, but you and I are taking different paths to get there. We have a choice on how we get to our destination. The Light Path, the Dark Path, all will eventually lead to an end." Dahar jumped from the final tree and landed on the ground next to his padawan as they both stopped. The two looked forward and saw that they were at the base of the mountain.
  18. Dahar nodded in agreement with Aven'Ger. Arlan had gone off alone to meditate. The Jedi Master was sure they would cross paths again. "We can attempt to master ourselves, my padawan. We can become masters of our emotions and learn to control our feelings. We can master skills and abilities, or hold the rank of Master Jedi. I don't believe, however, that one can ever be master of the Force. Certain practitioners, the Sith for example, believe they have control over the Force. But the Force is not something to be controlled. As a Jedi, or anyone in touch with the flow of the Force, we can use its power or manipulate its flow. Followers of the Dark Path can use the Force to manipulate mind or nature, to do twisted horrible things. But none of this happens against the will of the Force. It is everything and everywhere. All encompassing and all controlling." Dahar sensed much of himself in his new apprentice. He was the warrior type. Dahar assumed that, like himself, he would find peace and tranquility in physical activity. Although Dahar was now able to be in complete commune with the Force at nearly every moment, in his earlier days it took a bit more skill. He remembered back on his early training. His masters had often tried to have him sit in silence to quiet his mind, but it was only when he was moving that he was able to truly focus on the nothingness. This would be something he needed to share with his apprentice. "The forest here is beautiful, let's go for a run." In the depths of his soul Dahar sensed another familiar spirit arriving at the temple. It was one he had spent much time with and could recognize easily, that of his old apprentice Adenna. Her presence brought him a small joy as he smiled in recollection of the justice she had brought to the galaxy.
  19. Dahar had never met the former Grandmaster Armiena. When he had joined the Jedi Kitt had lead the order until his death and succession by the current two Grandmasters. The Jedi master had met her husband however, both alive as a Sith and in spirit as a Jedi Master. His interested perkep up at the usage of the word "conclusion". Often a young Jedi was over-eager to take the trials, but many times they were indeed ready. The Jedi Master felt out through the force attempting to sense the light side within Arlan. He was strong in the Force, no beginning padawan. Dahar nodded in acknowledgement. "If you feel you are ready to take the trials I can have that arranged. Is that your wish?" As Dahar asked this question his own apprentice entered the area and approached the group. He was wearing his new Jedi garb and had a sense of refreshment about him. The Jedi Master stood to greet his padawan and introduce his new friend. "Arlan, this is my apprentice, Aven'Ger. Aven, this is padawan Arlan Vass. He has journeyed to Lehon to finish his training as a Jedi." Dahar spoke to both of them, "As a Jedi nears the end of his apprenticeship, under most circumstance he will take the trials of knighthood sanctioned by the Jedi Council. However, once a Jedi becomes a knight his studies are far from over. A Jedi never stops learning, myself included. Becoming a knight is symbolic of being cut loose in to the galaxy. It is then that deeper learning can happen. As a knight you are also expected to take on an apprentice of your own."
  20. Dahar sat in a state of relaxation beneath a shady tree in the courtyard. The afternoon sun beat down on him and filled him with the energy of the Force. A Jedi could live this way, almost like photosynthesis. As he breathed calmly he reflected on the jobs to be done. It had been some time since his last apprentice and even longer since his own training. There was much he wished to share with his new companion but he wanted to make sure not to overwhelm him. The Jedi Master could sense someone coming towards him in the distance. When the man spoke he opened his eyes. The young Jedi before him had felt out Dahar therefore giving some of himself over to the master's awareness. He could feel the Force flowing through him. Dahar had not yet seen this man before with his human eyes but he did indeed know him. "All is known through the Force, my friend. The same rich energy flows through your veins as my own. I can sense you are aware of this, you are a brother Jedi." Dahar motioned for the man to join him beneath the tree. "Join me if you wish."
  21. Dahar took the opportunity of his padawan's absence to get in some brief exercise. He had yet to explore the Lehon countryside and found a run through the nearby forest to be quite exhilarating. It was late afternoon when he returned to the temple. The Jedi Master headed for the courtyard and found a nice tree to sit under and enter a state of relaxing mediation. There he waited for his apprentice.
  22. "I wish to learn the ways of the Jedi." "Good, I can help you there. I will take you as my apprentice. In time we will both learn from each other." Dahar said this because as much as each pupil would learn from his master, a teacher would also be shaped by those he guided. By the questions they asked and lessons they learned together. "The ability to calm and quiet the mind is one that takes careful study. As sentients it is only natural for our brains to race. Thoughts pop in and out of being and we feel it our duty to address them. In all actuality the things we think, feelings, thoughts we perceive, are like mere flies on a bantha. Yes, they are there, but we do not need to dwell on them in the ways we are used to. Many years ago I too was a slave to my emotions and thoughts. It has taken much discipline to learn how to exist outside of myself." Dahar took a breath and felt the oxygen flow in to his body. Careful observation was an invaluable technique to a Jedi, something his mentor Kirlocca had taught him long ago during his training in shatterpoints. The Jedi Master quietly watched Aven'Ger for a moment, breathing, being. With the all seeing eye of the Force he was able to grasp a single oxygen molecule in the air and follow it. It passed through the young man's mouth and down into his lungs. There it was changed, part of it diverted in many pieces carrying nutrients through the bloodstream, and part of it simply leaving as something different. Dahar could sense the blood pumping through his veins, his heartbeat. "A Jedi receives his discipline, his strength, from the Force. It flows through everything, and is everything. Without it there would be nothing. I know this may sound like theological mumbo jumbo right now but you will learn to understand." The Jedi arose and invited Aven'Ger to follow suit. He pointed across the room, the two of them still being in the sprawling main lobby, "That lady over there will assign you quarters. After you are settled feel free to find a hot meal and then meet me in the courtyard outside of the east wing. I will be waiting for you there."
  23. Dahar kept his figurative third eye open and focused on Aven'Ger. The young man was clearly adept with the Force as he did not have much trouble entering into mediation. It was soon after this that a disturbance in the Force arose. Although it would take extreme concentration to completely read his new friend's mind, with his natural connection to the Force he received a brief picture of the distress and pain he was in. The scenes were that of a gladiator. Hatred and conquest, a thirst for blood. This was all too familiar to Dahar and reminded him of his own grim past. Aven'Ger was clearly distraught. Dahar sought to comfort him with positive words. "Good, good. Only one with great potential and a clear connection to the Force would be able to achieve such a deep level of concentration. In time you will learn to control your thoughts and quiet your mind. We all have a past my friend, but we cannot dwell on things that have happened if we wish to move forward. As a Jedi I am a follower of the Light Side of the Force. Peace, serenity, justice. The Sith, or practitioners of the Dark Side, allow their past to drive them. They hold on to feelings of pain and hatred to strengthen them. But, in time, it will consume them and twist them past recognition and eventually be their demise. The Jedi can guide you to let go of your hatred and suffering, or at least use it to promote peace and justice." Not all Jedi would agree with Dahar but his own plight and that of his friends came to mind. His former apprentice Adenna, now an accomplished Jedi Knight, had used her hatred of slavery to liberate the people of Thalassia. "The path you choose is up to you. If you wish to follow the way of the Jedi, protectors of the innocent, keepers of the peace, I can help you."
  24. Dahar was pleased to hear this news and hoped it to be true. It would be a shame if the Jedi's new location was already compromised. Searching the depths of the Force he quickly found the new arrival's words to be honest. The ebb and flow of the Force had indeed pushed him to this spot. Nothing was by chance, nor was their encounter. It had been quite some time since Dahar had instructed anyone. It was a sad memory for him, the destruction of Gala. It had been a place of serenity before the Sith had attacked. But nothing stays, the universe constantly changes and evolves. Creation, destruction. "Indeed you were friend, indeed. A friend you are, I assume? My name is Dahar." The Jedi Master gave a subtle nod of introduction to Aven'Ger. "As I am sure you're aware we are on Lehon. This temple is the headquarters of the Jedi Order. I am a Jedi Master and a member of our council, part of our governing body and a representative on our behalf to the rest of the galaxy." Dahar spoke in basic terms making things clear. "If you feel a purpose for being here perhaps you have found the right place and people." Dahar motioned for the man to relax his position on the floor, and with that hand motion threw a subtle wave of comfort, peace, and relaxation over Aven'Ger. The Jedi placed both his hands palm up on his knees, nodding for him to follow suit, and hopefully releasing his weapon. Dahar took a breath and brought the Force in to sharpen the senses. His connection with the Force was constant, never ceasing. In the depths of his mind he felt a familiar presence entering the vicinity of the temple. Within moments he quickly recognized his old mentor and friend, Kirlocca.
  25. The Jedi Master sat in silence, legs folded, on a soft cushion off to the side. He was in a state of deep mediation, taking breathes perhaps every minute or two. Over years of mastering the mysteries of the Force it took very little to sustain him. The Living Force flowed through his body and kept the pieces together. In his deep trance he was nearly invisible to anyone who wasn't looking for him. Not that he wouldn't be seen if one were to glance, but that he was so at one with the Force that he would be noticed no more than a stick is on the ground. He simply blended in with the scenery. A new presence entered the room, as Dahar had known it would. This was the very reason he chose the spot. Were his actions his own or guided by the all-knowing hand of the Force? Was he delicately placed in the front hall of the temple? Eyes still closed he spoke across the room to the new arrival, distant but still visible, his voice carried by the Force against the friction of matter that would stop sounds from being heard. "Are you looking for something friend?" Dahar opened his eyes and looked the man over. He was pale skilled, definitely humanoid but perhaps not human as himself. Reaching out through the Force he saw with his inner eye. On the spot where the man grasped the carpet Dahar began to pick out individual grains of dust. He gently lifted them into the air in a visible swirling pattern. Slowly they spun into eachother. The shape took that of a small insect. It fell to the ground, taking four or five hops off into the distance before crumbling back in to the dust of the ground.
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