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Everything posted by Rajah

  1. Rajah


    Rajah tried to imagine what would have happend if she and Hou-Jo had crossed paths in in this last battle. She guessed he would have killed her. And fairly easily. He looked as if he were on the verge of killing her in the Last Call after she'd administered the inital move aside smack to his ass. After a few minutes of silence, his voice yanked her out of her thoughts. "It wasn't business that pulled me to Bespin." she said quietly. "I went to meet an old friend. If I remember correctly, I think I physically assaulted him in greeting too." She smiled to herself at the memory, and wondered if maybe she should adopt a friendlier means of meeting people.
  2. Rajah


    Rajah took off her sunglasses and pocketed them before she answered Hou-Jo, "I'm hoping like crazy my ship is still on Bespin. I had someone take it back to Cloud City after they dropped me off in the midst of the most recent attack on Coruscant." She lowered her head a bit and smiled, "I had intentions of joining the conflict. On my own. Knew I'd most likely end up dead. Didn't care." Rajah looked up at the ex-Jedi, her smile broadened. "Stopped at the Last Call first...for a shot or two of courage before charging into battle. Got distracted. Damn that place." she joked affectionately. "Every time I go there I meet someone...intriguing. And get distracted by them." Rajah's smile slowly faded as she thought about what she had intended to do during the battle. "Were you there?" she asked, the tone of her voice dropped a notch, "At the temple as it was being attacked?" She knew he had to have been, but just had to ask.
  3. Rajah


    ~Contact made from Rajah Loathay to Slicer via the data pad he provided her with before they parted ways. Basically informing him that she is back where they first met~
  4. Rajah


    A rough looking little freighter slid out of hyperspace above Coruscant. The pilot expertly found a semi safe path through to the planet below. The recently renamed ship, the Raging Despondence decended.
  5. She'd actually enjoyed the short-lived reunion with Han. He'd changed. They both had since their last encounter. Rajah had momentarily let herself become too comfortable with the man. And for a short time she shut out the rest of the galaxy in an attempt to find enjoyment in life again. In the end, repeated news of the continuing war on Coruscant drew her back into reality. She secretly researched and made plans to return to her war ravaged home planet. Using the credits given to her by the generous Slicer, Rajah had purchased a used ship, weapons, and other assorted nessesities. With each day that passed, her eagerness to leave grew by exponential leaps. Then came departure night. It was as if something had nudged and whispered to Rajah, called her home. She wakened, dressed and silently moved to the door. She hadn't intended to look back, but did. She watched the sleeping shadow shape of Han for a few indecisive moments, then smiled. "See ya round, King. If we're lucky...maybe I'll live long enough on Courscant to actaully miss you," she whispered. Then walked out of his life again. She made immediately for her ship. On the way she commed to a makeshift crew she'd scrounged together. Merely 3 others who had expressed interest in going to Coruscant, all for their own separate reasons. And one pilot to take the ship back to Bespin. The five souls came together and, under a star filled sky, silently boarded Rajah's unnamed frieghtor. They all knew the fate that most likely awaited them all at the end of the line. But none seemed deterred by the near certainess of death. So Rajah, in a fit of morbid humor, dubbed her ship the Raging Despondence. The pilot and Rajah strapped in and readied for lift off. Rajah quickly glanced back to the others, shoved her hair back from her face and smiled wryly. "If you punk out before we get to Coruscant...I'm gonna kick your ass out in mid hyperspace. Any doubts...get out now. This is your last chance." The others exited the cockpit but not the ship. They secured themselves in for the trip. When everyone was settled Rajah's coal black eyes turned to the pilot. "Well...what are you waiting for? Coruscant ain't gonna come to us. Take me...home." Not long after the Raging Despondence lifted from Cloud City and disappeared into the star specked heavens.
  6. Rajah halted at Han's words. "A starfighter?" she asked with obvious interest. "I do believe you just saved me the trouble of having to kill you." A beaming smile spread across Rajah's lips. She approached Han, reached up and patted him gently on the face then flung her arms around him. At a time in her life when it seemed she was completely alone, the sight of a familiar face was a welcome one. "As much as I hate to admit it...It's great to see you again. You handsome mongrel." She stepped back and away but kept one hand upon his shoulder. "And I'm glad I don't have to kill ya. The mess alone would be a pain in the rear to clean up," she joked. She gently tugged him along to walk with her. "So. Tell me. How's the galaxy been treating ya, King."
  7. At the sound of his voice, Rajah's laughter immediatly died. She didn't look to see who it was. She knew it was him. She switched off the data pad and slipped it back into her jacket. "Han." She greeted in a chilled tone. "It's been a long time indeed." She turned in his direction and stalked towards him. Her dark eyes glared relentlessly into his hazel eyes as she neared. As the two of them met, Rajah's fists clenched. "What do you want after all this time? You lying...thieving....double-crossing...sorry excuse for a human being..." She sneered. Without warning one of her fists ripped through the air and slammed full force into Han's face, causing him to stagger back a few steps. "Gimme one good reason why I should let you live..." Rajah half yelled as she advanced on Han.
  8. ((been more than 3 days)) Rajah strode through Bespin. The bottom of her overly long jacket swayed lightly with the motion of her hips as she walked with a purposeful confidence. She had a feeling. Basically knew where to find what she was looking for. And she made straight for it. But as she strode, bits and pieces of conversations found her ears. Coruscant was a hushed whisper upon the lips of Bespin's citizens. A feeling crept about heart...like ice crystals slowly forming around it. She felt certain something was wrong. Very wrong. Rajah's pace picked up. She turned from the main walkway in favor of a lesser used one. Once reasonably alone she whipped out the datapad that Slicer had given to her. She searched for information on Corsucant. Immediately the datapad was flooded with reports and images of the attack on her planet. She staggered back a few steps and leaned against the wall, unable to pry her dark eyes from the scenes of death, distruction and disease. She stood quietly and watched the datapad for a few minutes. Her face pale and frozen with disbelief. A few citizens passed, their stares hard with suspicion. She felt their eyes crawling over her body but didn't give a damn. Without any warning she started giggling like a delighted child. Slowly her laughter grew louder, more maniacal. It bordered on sadistic. The residents of Bespin that passed by Rajah gave her a wide berth and walked a shade faster. "Have you seen?" Rajah asked a passing lady then turned the screen of the data pad towards the woman. Rajah's face became suddenly deathly serioius. "The Jedi are being attacked. Again." she sighed brokenheartedly. "And I'm missing it. Again." She flipped the data pad back over for her own eyes. She tossed her head back, her long firey hair flung back with it, and burst out in riotous laughter. The woman looked at Rajah as if the red head were a carrier of some sort of deadly plague then scurried off without a glance backward. Rajah only laughed all the harder. The reason she was on Bespin was momentarily forgotten.
  9. Rajah watched the ship fade into the sky. "Thanks. And take care." she muttered with a smile before turning towards the city. She turned the data pad over in her hands, giving it a suspicious once over before slipping it into the safety of an inner pocket of her jacket. She wasn't sure whether to believe him about the million thing. 'If it's true...it's true. If not...Oh well.' she thought light heartedly. She hoped she'd run into Slicer again. It'd be interesting to find out what investments he'd pour his jackpot into. She stood and took in the scenery. Sunset on Bespin was simply...astounding. Even though the brilliance stung at her light sensitive eyes, Rajah endured the discomfort. Being from a claustophobia causing place like Coruscant allowed her to wholly appreciate the scenery. A wind swirled up and whipped her hair into her face. She reached up, and with a hand on each side of her head, raked her wiley tressed back. She looked as if she were about to rip her own hair out. Rajah Lothay combed her fingers through her hair then adjusted her jacket. She started towards the city interior, her mind now bent on finding the reason she was on Bespin to begin with. She knew 'it' was there somewhere. She could 'feel' it.
  10. Rajah


    The smile mostly dropped from Rajah's face as she watched Slicer leave to set a new course. A million? she thought. He isn't serious. Is he? Can't be. Can he? When he returned, she answered his last question first. "No. This isn't the business I spoke of in the Last Call. But it is long over due business that needs to be dealt with." She then offered Slicer a half grin. "And what do you mean has hardly done anything? I sacrificed the best hours of my life defending this ship. I mean, how do you know I didn't risk my life fending off a steady stream of ship thieves? Hmm?" She strolled a few steps away. "Of course that never happened. But if it had...I would've fought tooth and nail protecting your baby for you." Rajah said as she patted the wall lovingly. "But I understand...whatever you did to secure your financial future makes my personal sacrifice seem like nothing." She turned back and leaned against the wall. "And, a million or no million, I'm pretty sure I couldn't forget you if I tried. I kind of consider you a savior. If not for you I most likely would have been dead by now. Or at the very least...sitting in a cell block somewhere."
  11. Rajah


    "As a matter of fact...there is somewhere I wanna go." Rajah said as she wondered whether to believe Slicer or not. "Bespin. If it's not too far outta the way." She then paced a few times around the ship, wondering what Slicer could have done to turn himself into an instant millionaire. Unable to fend off her curiosity no longer, Rajah moved to Slicer's side. "Okay...what did you do? I have to know. Abduction? Ransome? Mass murder? Assasination? What?" She stepped suddenly back then motioned as if to push the invisible embodiment of her curiosity away. "No. No. No. Don't tell me. I don't want to know. That would make me an accessory to the crime after the fact...or something of the such. I suppose if it's been covered by the holonet...I'll find out sooner or later anyway. So..no...dont' tell me. No." She glanced around the ship. "So...you're really a millionaire are ya?" She ran her fingers across the wall nearest to her. "You know...if that's true...and you being as irresistable and as kind as you are...perhaps you wouldn't mind sharing a wee bit of the wealth with the sweet and lovely lady who looked after your ship while you were gone?" She smiled sweetly. "Just a thought."
  12. Rajah


    "Holonet?" she asked with a snort. "Sorry. Don't bother with it. It's nothing but underhanded deception and sleazy propoganda 99.9% of the time. I'd trust the trechery of Palpatine himself before believing anything on holonet." She turned away momentarily, then spun back to face Slicer. Her eyes narrowed. "Why ask about holonet right away?" She stepped a little closer. "Please tell me I'm not an unwitting accomplice to whatever it was you've just done..."
  13. It felt as if a few forevers had passed while Rajah had waited for Slicer to return. In her time alone with his ship, she'd become very familiar with it. So familiar, in fact, she had been tempted to try steal it...just to see if she could. But of course she didn't bother. She wasn't a thief. She'd kept her thoughts occupied with Slicer's weapons..until the comm came. It shocked her out of admiring the small armory. As it played, her black eyes grew a shade darker. "Han?" she asked in disbelief. She quickly switched the holorecording off. "What the blazes could he want after all this time?" Her firey hair fell into her face again and she swiped it angrily back. She was about to make her way back to the cockpit when, lo and behold, at long last, Mr. Irresistable himself, Slicer had returned. He made no gesture to greet her, so she didn't bother to play the manners game either. He wasted no time lifting off the planet...so Rajah kept quiet. He seemed to have a lot on his mind. She'd wait till they were well away from this place before she began interrogating him.
  14. Rajah crossed her arms over her chest and attemted to look immensely offended. "Do what you gotta do." she said emotionlessly, though inside she was tremendously amused by Slicer's comment about women. "A weak and defenseless creature such as myself needs all the help she can get when fighting big, bad, beautiful boys such as you." She undid her jacket and let it slip from her body, revealing the belt of throwing daggars clinging to her hips. "Bring on the swords. I do love to play with sharp and shiney things. The bigger...the better." She smirked and ran one of her hands through her red tresses to shove her wiley hair out of her face.
  15. Rajah made herself even more comfortable in her chair and decided to let the millionaire topic slide for the time being. She grinned enthusiastically and crossed her legs. "Apology accepted...this time. Oh, as a matter of fact, I did find a couple of interesting toys stashed in the back I took a liking to. You really should hide your weapons in a more secure place. Some nutcase could find 'em and cause a whole lotta carnage." Her face grew stern. "But then, of course, we both know you'd never leave your ship in the hands of someone like that to begin with." She then stood up and silently eyed the man. "I can fight. Wether I'm good or not depends on who my opponent is." she strolled thoughtfully around the cockpit then stopped a few feet from Slicer. "Would you like to find out how good I can be?" she said, a small smile playing upon her lips. "I'm game if you are."
  16. After some light poking and prying about Slicer's ship, Rajah had quickly grown bored. She'd made her way back to the cockpit and, in Slicer's absence, claimed the pilot's seat as her own. She'd eased into it and eventually drifted off to sleep. She'd been startled awake by the sounds of someone nearby. She sat up striaght and glared at her surroundings. It took a few moments to remember where she was. She relaxed again and slumped back into the seat. Slicer had returned. She could tell it was him by the sound of his footfalls. "Oh...no." she said in an overlyloud voice as she stretched some of the sleepiness out of her limbs. "I don't mind staying here, locked and left dying of absolute bordom on your ship..." It was the answer to the question he'd asked before he deserted her. She crossed her arms and waited to see if he would reply. A grin hinted on her lips as she realized that Slicer had probably forgotten she still aboard.
  17. Rajah


    "Dangerous," she mumbled full of thought. A few seconds later she shrugged. "There's no where that is in urgent need of me at the moment...not that I know of." Rajah settled back and tried to relax. "So where ya headed anyway?"
  18. Rajah


    Rajah nodded. She moved forward for a better look at the universe. Her eyes were met by an endless sea of stars that sprawled into eternity. "There's so many." she muttered. She stood. Leaned forward for an even better view. The vastness of it all made her feel infinately insignificant. Absently, one of her hands reached down in search of support as she leaned farther forward. Her hand came down and depressed most of the buttons on a small keypad. A high pitched alarm immediatly sounded through the ship. Rajah jerked her hand up and away from the keypad. She staggered backwards, blatently startled. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. To do whatever I did." she half wimpered, hoping that whatever it was that she'd done was fixable.
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