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Darth Heretic

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Everything posted by Darth Heretic

  1. OOC: Ok, Bishop, that was just NASTY!
  2. Falleen Astrographical Information Region: Mid-Rim Sector: Doldur Sector System: Falleen System Orbital Position: 1 Moons: 0 Grid Coordinates: P-6 Physical Information Class: Terrestrial Atmosphere: Type 1, breathable Primary Terrain: rainforests, plains, icy mountains Points of Interest: none Societal Information Indigenous Species: Falleen Immigrated Species: none Primary Language(s): Falleen Faction Affiliation: neutral Defense Rating: Level 3. Falleen are highly intelligent and well-organized, arrogant and self-focused. JediRP Canon History: Falleen was once the site of a Blademaster training ground. Several Sith were also trained here. ((Summary compiled by Amidala Skywalker. Thank you!))
  3. OOC: You two knuckleheads knock it off, before I smite ya both right outta RP. I'm da one you answer to, when admins aren't around. It would serve you well to remember that.
  4. This is now reopened, no more arguements. I will give my judgement at a later date.
  5. This thread is now under the rule of ME. Now all of you get out.
  6. Darth Heretic


    OK, I see what has happened here, and it is almost cheating, but not quite. It appears to me that Jeng was really Hethrir, hiding in a Jeng suit. So therefore, the ball is still in play. Here is what is going to happen: Hethrir and MP are both standing at the ready, llightsabers drawn. READY? GO!
  7. Darth Heretic


    OK, I was asked to get involved, and rule on this, so this ruling will be final, and will nto be up for discussion. Lord Hethrir, it was brought to my attention that the posted kill was added after MP had made his defensive post. Hethrir, bad post, no kill. MP, BAd post, no kill. This is where it stands, as I see it: Hethrir, you are charging MP, arms flailing wildly (Why you are doing that is beyond me), and MP has his saber drawn at your head as you charge him. Now, nobody is dead. So lets take it from the top.
  8. Aracoun Morion Astrographical Information Region: Unknown Regions Sector: -- System: Aracoun Orbital Position: 1 Moons: 1 Grid Coordinates: H-10 Physical Information Class: Terrestrial Atmosphere: Type 1 Breathable Oxygen Mix Primary Terrain: Barren cliffs, sparse plains, obsidian rock. Points of Interest: Ruins of Sith Fortress. Shadow Order Compound built by Tares Vortex Societal Information Indigenous Species: None Immigrated Species: None Primary Language(s): Galactic Basic Faction Affiliation: Neutral Defense Rating: Level 1 JediRP Canon History: Once a dark side haven, brimming with dark power, Aracoun Morion was the fortress of Dark Lord Darth Hatred. It served as training grounds and home base for the Sith, as well as stomping grounds for many such infamous names as Lord Ar-Pharazon, Bishop of Battle, Tarrian Skywalker, Kaylynn (who was born on Aracoun Morion), Brook/JGoD, Barohm Zar, Ciagyoel, Raynuk Montar, and John Skywalker. Black Sun's CORE virus was sown on the planet, but highly sophisticated air filtration systems defended the ecosystems of the planet. The sentient life on Aracoun Morion was treated by an antidote procured by LAP from Black Sun. Eventually, the Republic became aware of the hidden Sith planet and bombed it, forcing its denizens to other locations to hide. The extensive defenses of the planet were subsequently obliterated, not to be replaced. Tares Vortex built a compound on the planet following the purge of its latent dark side energies. The planet was soon occupied by the likes of Jedi Skye Organa, Shy-Ree, Ara-Lai Kaipi, Darla Sar and Darex Trevelian, Fynn Relmis, Aira Cadan, and Roene Givrah, the latter of whom searched the planet's barren surface for lightsaber crystals. ((Summary compiled by Jaina Jade Skywalker. Thank you!))
  9. *Taking in his first breath since his death, the dark Master sits up from the basin, and looks blindly at DMD, not recognizing him at first. Then, as if a light turned on, recognition set in.* Diabolus? You are Darth Mortis Diabolus. You are the one that has brought life into my once-dead body. *Getting out of the basin, he stands wobbily on his new legs. DMD comes up and offers the Master a cloak to cover himself up.* This will be remembered, my faithful subject. I have need to get to my temple.
  10. Darth Heretic


    Byss Astrographical Information Region: Deep Core Sector: Byss Run Sector System: Beshqek System Orbital Position: 5 Moons: 5 Grid Coordinates: L-9 Physical Information Class: Terrestrial Atmosphere: Type 1 Breathable Primary Terrain: canyons, lakes, urban (formerly lush and fertile, now desolate); blue-green sunlight Points of Interest: Emperor’s Citadel, abandoned Sith Academy Societal Information Indigenous Species: none Immigrated Species: humans Primary Language(s): Galactic Basic Faction Affiliation: neutral Defense Rating: level 1 JediRP Canon History: Byss is a natural conduit for Force energy, particularly the dark side, and is one of the most powerful dark side nexuses in the galaxy. Given this, it’s unsurprising that the planet that Emperor Palpatine used to vacation on has been the site of a Sith Academy for years. The original temple, built by Sith Master Darth Mortis Diabolis, was destroyed by the Bugs. The Rebel Alliance briefly used the system as a staging ground, before the Sith returned to the system and built their academy there. The academy, presided over by Sith Master Tarrian Skywalker, was the starting point for many Sith of that era. Eventually, however, it fell into disuse. ((Summary compiled by Amidala Skywalker. Thank you!))
  11. *DH's SSD Heresy pulls up behind Thrawn and without warning, blows the SD to smithereens.* Ya dead, homie!!! ------------------ Gravity doesn't really exist, the Earth just sucks.
  12. Just as a note, this is for Shawn Kenobi to run. What he says goes.
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