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David Shimenski

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Everything posted by David Shimenski

  1. Shimenski walked over to the door and opened it. "You know you could have just opened the door theres nothing for me to hide in this room." Shimenski leads Macleod into his room and closes the door behind him. "So, what business brings you here?"
  2. David was sitting in his own room when there somebody knocked on the door. Shimenski ordered them to entered and a storm trooper entered the room. Storm Trooper: Sir, Colonel Macleod is looking for you. "Is here near by?" Storm Trooper: I do not think so sir. "Well then find him and tell him where to find me" Storm Trooper: Yes sir! The storm trooper exited and Shimenski continued working on a secret project plan for Kerry, and training plans.
  3. "Roger that sir." Shimenski rounded up his men and followed Kerry's orders. He sent out the storm troopers under his command to put up ads and Venom trained the basic defensive locations until the storm troopers returned. Using locations like behind cement flower beds and overwalks as cover and shooting positions Shimenski activated a few droids to test his locations, they worked perfectly. The flower beds provided cover for troops on the ground and the soldiers on the overwalks were completely covered and had a good sniping position for most of the angels enemies could take. After the storm troopers returned Shimenski began to place them by Venoms division already in place. They formed a tightly secured circle around the palace which could very well keep an army away with proper fighter support to deal with heavy vehicles. That was another concern that Shimenski would address with Kerry after words, building heavy blaster cannons around the roof of the palace to provide anti-air and anti-tank protection to ground forces. Then to really test his planning he had all men put their blaster rifles to stun and he ordered a battalion of storm troopers to assault the palace. After much waiting the storm trooper finally appeared in a barrage of gun fire. Shimenski's men returned fire on the assaulting storm troopers and they were torn apart by well placed blaster bolts. After the battle medical droids assisted any minor injuries caused by the stun bolts. Once all of the storm troopers were out of the area Shimenski drilled his men on getting to their positions as fast as possible with providing cover to others and not getting shot themselves. He drilled them until it was dark, and even then he did for hours. He dismissed his men around 2:00 a.m. and ordered them to get rested up for a long day of training the next day. Shimenski walked inside the palace and he removed his helmet. He sat down in a chair and started to go over his training plans to make his men even better than they are.
  4. An explosion rocked the interior part of the factory. "Cheap bastards! Somebody take out that rocket launcher! I can't get a shot on him!" No later than a second after Shimenski spoke one of the Venom Soldiers fired a blaster bolt that hissed right into the head of the gaurd with the rocket launcher that was hiding up in the cat walks. "Rush 'em!" Venom came from behind their cover and started to rain blaster fire all of the place. The gaurds in the factory were then neutralized and the factory secured. "Shimenski here, factory secured." ---------------------------------------------------------- Dreli and the Venom Soldiers following him continued in clearing and capturing the employees, it didn't take them very long to finish and then they received a comm from Shimenski. Dreli: Roger that, employee room and secure and employees are tied up. Dreli then continued to the armory, where he linked up with Shadow Division that were in the process of securing the armory. The Venom Soldiers that were with Dreli kept the captives detained.
  5. Shimenski saluted Kerry and left with Venom Division following behind him. They loaded up into their transports and left the docks. The shuttle roared through Sullust's atmosphere and approached the mission area. It came into a hover and Venom jumped off and entered the caves. No sooner than Shimenski entered the cave they became under fire from gaurds and droids with little pistols. Shimenski, not even being phased by the enemy fire aimed his gun and began to pick off the resistance one at a time while the rest of Venom Division prepared for their operations. After they got set they were in groups of two, one led by Shimenski and the other by Dreli. They split and went on their way. Shimenski's main target was the factory section of the corp. and Dreli's was the employee's rooms and offices. Shimenski made an explosive entrance into the factory however all gun sights were on him. He jumped and rolled behind some crates while him and his men remain pinned down by gun fire. Shimenski grabbed a grenade and tossed it over the crates and right into the middle of a group of gaurds that were focusing on him. The grenade blew and he came from behind the box and started to suppress fire on the other gaurds the allow the rest of Venom Division to enter. Once all of the Venom Soldiers entered the factory the tides of the fire fight began to change. Dreli planted an explosive on the main office of the Sorrosuub corp. and blew it. Him and the the Venom Soldiers under his command rushed in and quickly settled and gaurds in the building and began to tie up high ranking employees for their own use. They left the office with two Venom Soldiers to gaurd the subdued employees. Dreli began to lead the Venom through the employee rooms and arrested them all and killed those who fire upon them.
  6. Venom: Sir! Support has arrived! "Thank god, hopefully they brought some heavy firepower with him." Just then a blaster bolt wizzed right past Shimenski's head and slammed into the wall behind him. He ducked down just as another one did the sam thing only it almost took his head off. He grabbed a plasma grenade from hos belt and tossed it into a group of droids. When the explosion came droid body parts flew every which way and the parts even took out a few other droids there we so many. "Yup, we're deep in it right now. Is any air support ready yet?" Bomber: Roger that sir, making a fly by now. The roaring of the Tie Bomber filled the air as it dropped off some its load sending battle droids flying everywhich way. Shimenski just laughed at the droids when another Venom soldier got his attention. Venom: Sir, two more groups has just came up on radar, they are moving faster than the other groups, destoryer droids perhaps? "Well lets sure hope they aren't, or we'll be really deep in it!"
  7. David's assault squad's shuttles lifts off from the docks on the ship and headed down towards the planet. They entered over the target city to see that some bombers and fighters have already engaged in combat. "Alright guys get ready to go in!" The shuttles came to a stop over their target locations and set down quickly. The 50 Venoms soldiers and stormies got out quickly and the shuttles then blasted off. The soldiers entered four buildings and took up a defensive perimeter. In no time a scout squad of enemies came from the north and opened fire on Shimenski. He took cover then popped back up and took careful aim took fired on the group of 5 militia men. Then small group of Venom that was with him followed his lead and fired on the enemy until they were taken out. "Ok guys move forward." The soldiers exit the building and begin to move toward their new objective areas in their small groups of 10 Venom soldiers and 4 stormies in each group. One group mounted up on speeder bikes and sped off to the hangar. With Epsilon group leaving the battlefield that left Alpha (Shimenski), Beta, Charlie, and Delta to fight by themselves. They split up into different directions each going after their own objectives. Alpha's goal was a heavily gaurded vehicle plant, Beta's was a mineral refinery, and Charlie and Delta were hunting for militia strongholds. Within ten minutes of dealing with amature street snipers Shimenski reached his target. The gaurds were clueless of what was about to happen to then. Three of the Venom soldiers took up a sniper possition and began to pick off enemy gaurds while the others stormed the complex. Alpha rushed in and began to battle the gaurds. The gaurds were crushed with little gun fire and the plant was then secure. "Alpha here, plant is secure, status report." Venom: Beta here, refinery is secure. Venom: Charlie, my target list is clear. Venom: Delta here, mopping up a few stragglers. Venom: Epsilon, still in route to objective will be there in 3. All of a sudden loads of gun fire erupted. "What the hell is going on?!" Venom: Sir! Droids are assaulting our possition! "How many are there?!" Venom: Atleast a hundred attacking us! There are about 20 more groups moving around of equal or greater size! "HOLY HELL! Take to the windows and return fire! Air squadrons the is Lt. Shimenski we need heavy air support on the double! we have a droid army of 30 times our size advancing on us!" Tie: Sir, we're all tied up here, damn how did they get so many of these guys? "Ugh! Just keep raining hell down on them!" Shimenski rushed to a window byt his squad's side and began to help suppress the giant droid army's fire power. Beta: Lt. Shimenski!! We have contact! Lots of contact! "I'm aware of that, just fight them off until we are able to get some support, the fly boys are busy at the moment." Beta: Roger "Charlie and Delta merge together and take up a defensive perimeter before your guys become under attack!" Charlie: Yes sir! The two sides continued to exchange red blaster bolts with niether side showing signs of dieing.
  8. "Roger that sir, we are now just waiting for your orders to launch." Shimenski told his men the plan, to watch your fire and only blow up buildings he says to. And also not to kill civis and what not. ((When you said biggest militia city I thought this might be a little hard ))
  9. Shimenski got all of his men prepared for combat with proper weapons and armor. They then loaded into the shuttles and he commed back to Kerry. "Sir, Venom Division is ready for depature into hostile territory." Shimenski did one last safety check over all weapons and armor, he knew that in the battle field nothing could go wrong or it would be all of their lives. He then took his seat and looked over the city terrain. The buildings provided great cover for snipers and some could even have a small group hold off an army if explosives we're used. He then started to think of what the best approach was.
  10. Shimenski obeyed his orders and got his men out of the tank as fast as he could. The Venoms soldiers boarded the Atlas transport with thier armor still on and they lifted off towards the ship. Once they were on board they hurried to the barracks and awaited Kerry's orders.
  11. Shimenski led his men into the aquatic training grounds and they began to engage any threats. Shimenski, taking the point. Was blowing the most fish heads off. They continued down the tank until they reached the bottom. "Sir, we reached the bottom, but what exactly am I looking for? I don't see anything silvery down here."
  12. Venom completed the facility after several long hours of work. "Sir, this is Shimenski. The facility is complete and we are waiting for your next order. Shimenski out." Venom stood idle in the new AHA suits waiting for what ever Kerry wants to happen next.
  13. "Right" Shimenski got into the AHA just as all of the Venom troops did. Shimenski practiced using the claws and after that instructed his soldiers if some of them were having trouble. They all exited the armory andwent totheir construction site. They found transports landing and dropping off supplies and material. They all started to lay the foundation and began building the structure itself.
  14. Shimenski commed back to Evan. "Roger that sir." The groups continued into "enemy" territory and engaging training droid scouts on the way. To keep their attack a secret they practiced using silent take downs and just plain avoiding them. After an exausting 6 hours of foot travel they reached their objective. Shimenski radioed to the other squads. "Bravo prepare to take the vehicle yard, Charlie get into a sniper possition and take out those gaurds, Delta go with Bravo just incase they materialize their vehicles, all on Bravo go call. Epsilon wait for Alpha go call to get into position to capture and set plants on the factory's reactors. On Bravo capture and wait for Charlie to blow them. Alpha is going to hit the security room and assure us a stealthy ride. Shimenski over and out." Shimenski in Alpha moved into the "rebel" factory only shooting when needed to. Moving down the metallic hallway would have seem to give their position away quickly but with Venom's extensive training they learned to keep footsteps silent even when walking on metal. When they reached the factory's security room the charged in hit it with extreme force, leveling all the attendants within a few seconds. "Go call, Alpha." With the Alpha go call sent Shimenski moved his squad into position for their high priority objective, experimental heavy weapons and vehicles. Shimenski was in position and jsut waiting for Epsilon to givethem the go ahead. Epsilon: In position for Bravo sir. "Roger that. Go call Bravo, I repeat Bravo." Whenever the comm shut down explosions could be heard all through the base, some being enemy vehicles going up in flames outside and some being doors being blown open. Shimenski's squad infiltrated the weapon's hold and elimenated the threats quickly and effectively. Epsilon captured their objective only it was quite as easy. With all the enemies in Alpha's and Epsilon's objective down they began to plant the charges. "Alpha here, chargesat objective planted, pulling out." Epsilon: Epsilon here, charges are also in place, pulling out. Alpha and Epsilon squads exited the factory egaging all enemies on their way. When they exited Charlie snipers tookout enemy snipers to provide cover fire for their retreat. Bravo: Bravo and Delta squads pinned down in vehicle yard! Need backup! Epsilon: Roger, sir Epsilon requestion permission the flank enemies from their rear. "Permission granted. Give em hell boys." Shimenski moved into evac position and while there ordered Charlie to meet at their position. Charlie retreated as multiple vehicles could be heard exploding. Bravo: This is Bravo, Bravo and Delta objectives complete. Thanks Epsilon. Epsilon: Don't mention it. "Roger, all squads retreat to evac point our ride will be here soon." A few minutes after they met at the evac point an Imperial transport landed and allowed them to load up. When they took off Shimenski set off the charges and they entire facility went up in one big fire ball. Shimenski got his mobile computer that he ordered one of the transport crews to bring with them. He continued to work on his project and had enough of it completed to present it to Evan. When the transport landed Shimenski had his small computer in hand and commed Evan. "Sir! Shimenski here. Venom training mission is complete. Heading to the armory to get suited up into your new suits. I also have something that you may be interested sir. Perhaps you should take a look at the breif information I created." Shimenski led his men to the armory.
  15. Shimenski landed on the cold ground of Hoth with the construction teams. He exited the transport with the 50 soldiers in Venom. He was now their commanding officer and he sure was proud of it. He turned to his soldiers and looked them all in the eye. "Alright soldiers, Evan gave me a direct order for us to run some training missions. There are members of the Imperial Training Staff already out on the grounds of Hoth preparing a mission for us. The blasters we are using are not harmful to us, but we are using live blasters however and friendly fire may turn deadly. So for now, get your weapons checked and get rested. We'll have a long few nights ahead of us." Shimenski turned and walked into his room as everyone else scattered and went to go do their own things. Shimenski sat down at his desk and started drawing up plans, and schematics for a big project. He continued to work on it until the mission was ready. Once it was he exited his room and met up with Venom on the outside of the base. "Alright boys, its go time. Our objective is a "Rebel" war machine factory about a 6 hour foot travel from here. When we get to our objective we need infiltrate the base from 5 points. We will all split up into 5 groups of 10, as you are already assigned. You should already know your course of action because your battle plan has been loaded into your helmet's HUD. Good luck and good hunting." With that the groups split up and went their designated paths into the objective. ((Gonna stop here, the burn on my fingers r driving me insane with the pain.))
  16. Shimenski picked up a transmission from other units talking about the new base being bombed and Evans being attacked in the wookie village. After getting this message Shimenski and his troops fired on the two guildes, killing them both instantly. "Alright guys, we have a situation, as your should know, you picked it up on you commlinks also. We will have to punish these wookies. Evan left 1000 storm troopers outside of the village. We will link up with them and storm the village, killing every last one of the that oppose us. Lets move out!" Shimenski lead his men through the forest and met with Evan's unit and began making a plan. After thier plan was made 3 small covert groups entered the village. With the rest of the troops waiting outside. Shimenski lead his small group into their position as the other 2 were ready. They all planted their explosives and stood back. Shimenski radioed the other two groups, Alpha, Bravo, gogogo. The differant places in Luvinnia's hutt blew up and the three elite groups of soldiers took their element of surprise and raided the hut. The wookie gaurds were caught off gaurd and were helplessly destoryed. At the same time the sizable 975 troops that didn't go covert the began to attack and raze the village. Luvinnia, being the only living wookie left in her hutt had 25 pissed off Venom Soldiers aiming their guns at her. "You can come quietly and you can live. Or you can try something funny and be killed. The choice is yours." At this time the army of storm troopers were approaching the hutt and were engaging any of the wookie gaurds around it.
  17. "Yes Sir." Shimenski returned to camp and rounded up his unit and got everybody equiped. He then left the base with his unit is close persuit. They entered the forest with the guild and Shimenski on point. Shimenski looked up at all of the tall trees. This is the perfect spot to be ambushed.
  18. Shimenski stood by Evan with his blast rifle ready, but he was reluctant to bring it up and aim considering he was staring down the barrel of multiple wookie guns. Shimenski then whispered to Evan. "Sir, I don't think we're in a very good possition to be cocky right now. I'm just saying that because there are multiple wookies getting ready to shoot us and rip our heads off."
  19. David Shimenski stands with the other three soldiers that Evan brought with him. David kept scanning the area. He knew that no one outside of the Empire could be trusted, they all have their own ideology and that may be to kill them. He continued to stand behind Evan....waiting.
  20. An Imperial troop transporter blasts out of hyperspace and makes a slow approach the Imperial base on Cardia. The transport made a slow touchdown and multiple fresh recruits jumped out and ran into possition. The most noticable out of the recruits was Pvt. David Shumenski because he was wearing a blue colored full body armor along with a helmet and visor. The higher ranked officer that was incharge of the group dissmissed them and they all ran off, knowing they would probably never see any of them again because they would be put into new units. David walked into his barracks the detatched his helmet. "Life's short so I might as well kick ass while I'm here." David then grabbed a drink of water and put his helmet back on. He left the barracks complex and went to the training complex to work on his aim and hand-to-hand combat skills. These were all things he wasn't able to do sence he left the training which was well over a week ago. He raised his blaster rifle with a low-powered scope attachment and began to fire at targets as they popped up.
  21. Real Name: David Shimenski Age: 24 Species: Human Height: 5'10" Weight: 194 lbs Hair: black crew cut Eyes: blue and tan (mixed colors in both eyes) Sex: male Homeworld: Coruscant Alignment: Imperial Clothing: Cyan colored full body combat armor with helmet Weapon: Blaster Rifle with a low powered scope, and two blaster pistol Non-Force User Inventory: Comlink, grenades, some credits Posessions: A small ship mainly used for travel with two laser cannons
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