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Wyhl the Hutt

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Everything posted by Wyhl the Hutt

  1. Clicking his tongue Wyhl spoke in Huttese to Ob. Echa mein a Jedi! His eyes grew red as he pointed the the jedi. Has business come to this Ob? We are hiring Jedi now? I will ignore it for now as he may come in useful for the attack on Kashyyyk. The more powerful hunters we have the better. Wyhl fingered through his holopadt thinking. Ob!!! Ob bent near to listen to Wyhl whisper to him. Only Ob heard this. What of the Black Sun? I imagine they are rebuilding now. We must do something to slow or stop their rebuilding process. They know not that you are still my major domo. They still think you rebelled. The Empire will not come to their aide this time. Not if they are busy with these hunters on Kashyyyk. I also have a feeling another group will further strain the Empire's fleet and manpower.
  2. Excellent, now we wait. When Smash returns the Black Sun will once again be a respected ally. If he does not return soon we will strike again. I have already pooled many of the BS's resources and Tantooine is on high alert in my absence. Soon we will make our bid for the galaxy, but first ready the mercenaries I have one more mission for them. Wyhl fingers his holopad and shows Ob. There is a large Imperial presence here, on the planet of Kashyyyk. I want the mercenaries to take out the base. Make it look like one of their own. I have brought with me 6 Imperial uniforms for the Mercenaries to wear. If they do not wear them they do not get paid. Simple as that. After this we can begin planning our main hits on the Empire.
  3. Hello Ob. It has been far too long. There have been many developments into our plans. I hear Smash is to return to the Black Sun. This would halt our plans of destruction. However, our bid for the galaxy still stands. How is the Cloud City holding up? Wyhl's repulsor lift moves slowly as Ob and him walk. It appears to be ready we must round up our allies soon to begin attacking the galaxy holders. As for the Rogue hutts their ploy worked well. I will have Boris and the Commander return to me shortly.
  4. Wyhl made his way aboard the transport that would take him to Ob. Slowly but surely the transport took off for the Baron Administrator. Wyhl sat idly not speaking as the shuttle moved towards the city.
  5. Wyhl's ship enters Bespin airspace. "Allow me entrance Ob, it has taken me far to long to arrive here."
  6. -Ob receives a HIGHLY ENCRYPTED message from Wyhl- How goes Bespin? I want a report sent to me as soon as possible on the Hutt's current situation and the prospects it will consume. Have Bekka contact immediately. -the Comm ends-
  7. -comm to HFC- What is your situation? Has your contact met with you yet?
  8. -comm to Bushido- It is not so much my loss of spice. It is more the fact you messed with me. I will see to it you are dead. Do not try anything funny. You are no match for me, you do not know who you justed messed with. You will be dominated, half the galaxy is looking for you. I will reiterate once more, this is not about my spice. I have plenty, this is more the fact you messed with the wrong slug. Your blood will not stay in your body long. You are not as powerful as you believe. Death is coming. young hunter. You have pressured the machine and you will pay, the machine is all that is god. The gears of the machine will crush you you pathetic being.
  9. -comm to Bekka- What is the situation with SoP? I want him dead!
  10. Please read back to find out the armaments and defenses of this planet.. It is the Hutt and Black Sun slave and spice planet.... Anyone not affiliated with the Hutt or Black Sun do not come here or risk death... Once again open the Kessel Slave Driving Planet hold sthe secrets of many horrors.... The near death of Master Prophet as well as the deaths of countless Jedi took place here... It is here enemies of the Hutt's and Black Sun are taken...
  11. Another droids launches its Holo-gram I will attack soon my friends... I will feast on your flesh Council Members, the Jedi will be defeated by the Black Sun and Hutt's once and for all... Just as we have done in the past we will slaughter you ALL... Drool slides off the holographic Wyhl's ugly face. You will all die, prepare to be destroyed and eaten! When the time comes I will target the weak first and save me the main course second... HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! The hologram once again dies.
  12. A droid broadcasts a hologram of the grotesque Wyhl the Hutt. Death will commence in one week my friends. After I kill and mutilate your bodies I am going to eat the Three Leaders... Starting with BLCKCLONE, and then Mes, and then Sly... I can taste it already, you will all DIE!!! The droid melts as the Hologram decipates...
  13. A Probe Droid appears and displays a message... I will eat you Jedi... For I am hungry for blood and destruction! The Droid falls to the ground and melts as the message finishes.
  14. The crystal glows once more as Wyhl's voice projects. Two Firesprays are on their way. I will have them wait at *encrypted code to Geki* that is where they will be until I hear further... Just outside the field of destruction going on on the planet of Dagobah. That is the planet you are on correct? If so when you need them press this button on the crystal and they will track you to the location that the crystal is at... That is all... Conquer my friend conquer... The light dims out on the crystal as Geki places it back in his pocket.
  15. Geki feels a small vibration in his pocket and reaches for it... Surprised he finds a small crystal ball glowing in his hand. It begins to speak... I had this slipped in your pocket as you departed it allows me to hear and see you... It appears you are in a jam... I will send a ship I just need your exact location... What is your location?
  16. ooc: THis was not talked about with the Hutt's as we both own this planet a little message would have sufficed... And Angeline I can't help, but notice this comes at a tiem when we have a warden and a time when your alaises are in custody... I will not allow this without further discussion... The Hutt's have been running this place fine for months with little to no help from the Black Sun... As very good allies I suggest you inform me of any changes... The warden is not Angeline please disregard her post... I was not informed nor was anyone told we need a new warden...
  17. -comm to Yakooza- Yes, we accept the delivery, remember Kessel is as much Hutt property as it is Black Sun. You don't need permission... My fleet Commander will take care of the prisoner.
  18. ... [This message has been edited by Wyhl the Hutt (edited September 03, 2002).]
  19. A large massing Hutt Fleet flies through space and stops. -comm- Black SUn I await you... The site of the golden armoured Hutt Fleet bounces off the Galaxies Suns. As they stay in Space awaiting their allies. ooc: Fleet comprises of: 1 Imperial II Star Destoyers 1 Victory-class SD 1/2 Victory(the other half is owned by BS 5 Carracks 5 Interdictors 15 Dreadnaughts 15 Firesprays 5 Assault Gunboats 5 Correllian Corvettes 1 Nal Huttian Capital Cruiser 2 Mon Calamari Cruisers 2 Hapan Battle Dragons [This message has been edited by Wyhl the Hutt (edited August 22, 2002).]
  20. -comm to Muclev- The target is TBA at this point... I will announce it when our battle fleets are ready... We will begin our assault in a few hours...
  21. ooc: Sorry for the double post, but it is needed to show what is happening next ic: Our destination is the New dawn Palace... The entire Hutt Fleet and Black Sun Fleet blast off for New Dawn Palace
  22. The Hutt Fleet comes out of Hyperspace awating the remaining allies to begin its assault on an unkown location...
  23. The Palace is located outside Mos Espa, it isn't hard to find, but the desolate and dangerous surround make it hard to make it to The palace...
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