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Sol Kadav

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Everything posted by Sol Kadav

  1. Sol followed Anilara to the next room, where he was sure they would find Harrun. As much as he wanted to get this over with, he knew that he wouldn't be able to resist lodging another M9 missile into the Twi'lek's cranium. The remains of both the bone, and brain matter splattered all over the wall, floor, and ceiling would be quite a sight for sore eyes. He could only hope that the alien was still alive; he wanted nothing more than to torture the good-for-nothing bastard, and end his life any way he wanted to. As he thought about it, he figured that Anilara would become suspicious, should he use his missile launcher again. He decided that it would be best if he kept it hidden from view; the last thing he needed right now was to be bombarded with the questions that he knew she would have, should she find out about what happened with him in the basement of the Black Sun Citadel. He still had his blaster rifle gripped in his hands, and fired a series of several shots at the remaining, fleeing guards. Two of them went down, though the remaining three bolted into the communications room. It had been blown to hell, thanks to the explosion caused by the missile. He remembered Smash telling him that a single missile could take down a small freighter. He wasn't sure exactly how many missiles were stored in his arm, nor did he care. When he was out of them, he was out of them. It was as simple as that. He would ”˜restock' himself with them when they got back to the Citadel. He stepped through the blown-out doorway and made his way over to one of the consoles, which had been partially destroyed in the explosion. Several bodies were strewn about the room; for a second, it looked like every single person in the room was dead. However, as he looked closely, he saw the slightest twitch coming from a Twi'lek, who was laying spread-eagle on the ground. Harrun, no doubt. The vile”¦ thing was reaching for its hold-out blaster, which was next to his outstretched hand. He had been seriously injured, though that didn't seem to bother him. He was obviously putting up a good fight, despite the fact that his arm and leg were both broken. The tips of his bright green fingers brushed the blaster, but before he could so much as move it, Sol's heavy boot came down on his hand. Being one of the strongest ”“ if not the strongest ”“ genetically enhanced being in the galaxy, along with the force at which he brought his foot down, he would be surprised if he didn't flatten the Twi'lek's hand. A loud snap was heard, followed by an agonizing shriek coming from Harrun. ”œYou”¦ you bastard!”
  2. Sol allowed himself to be yanked by Anilara, already working on his counter to their attack. The missile launcher that Smash had demanded be built into his arm was now visible, though he made sure to hide it from her view. He didn't need to be ridiculed for what Smash's doctors had done to him. Not now. Not ever. He was stronger, and had one hundred times the endurance that he'd had before. He didn't care what anybody thought about him now. He could take down a Jedi, should he ever need ”“ or want ”“ to. He stayed crouched behind the table, then reached around it with his right arm, firing a single M9 missile towards the bar. If Anilara were to have looked to see what he had done, he hoped that she would assume that he had some sort of compact weapon with him that could fire small, eight inch long missiles. As soon as the missile left his forearm, he ducked back behind the table. If it wasn't for the fact that it was made of a strong, durable metal, they'd be done for. The blast of the explosion rocketed the entire room. He heard a couple of their attackers cry out in surprise and pain, though the blaster fire still didn't let up. There were perhaps seven of them left, and from the sound of it, their morale was falling at a steady rate. One, if not more of them, ran from the room, towards the back of the bar. Whether or not they were going to try and escape remained yet to be seen. He brought his blaster rifle up and squeezed the trigger, blind firing their remaining assailants, swinging his aim from the left to the right to spread the shots out, hoping to hit a couple of them.
  3. Sol was sure that the blaster shot would have alerted Harrun, or anybody else who was nearby. A couple of civilians ran off in various directions, as if their lives were in jeopardy, as well. He, however, did not intend to question anybody else. He was sure that they would be able to simply storm the core of the structure, and take out anything that moved. He could only hope that it was going to be that easy. He followed Anilara to the turbolift, and pressed the button to call it to their floor. Only two seconds later, the doors slid open. He made his way into the compartment with Anilara, watching as the doors slid shut behind them. He jammed down on another button, which started the turbolift's descent towards the inner core of the building. It was a slow-moving ride, so Sol was able to ready himself before their confrontation with Harrun, and whoever else he may have had along with him at that time. He pulled both blaster pistols from their holsters and held them, one in each hand, and re-adjusted the strap around his chest, which held his blaster rifle to his back. He glanced over at Anilara, unable to deny the fact that seeing her both interrogate and kill the Rodian was”¦ exhilarating. ”œYou ready?”
  4. Sol was keeping busy with interrogating a random pedestrian as to where their target's whereabouts could be. The man he was questioning now looked at him with a puzzled expression on his face, obviously not planning on being bombarded with questions about a criminal who he clearly had no affiliation with. "I don't know who you're talking about, sir," he said, running his hand across his forhead. He was perspiring, which made Sol even more suspcious. "You're sweating," he remarked, smirking at him. "You know something, don't you?" The man shook his head. "No," he said. "I don't. I swear." Sol held eye contact with him for a couple of seconds. He started to debate with himself, of whether or not he should let this guy go. He wasn't very convincing, telling him that he didn't know anything. However he finally realeased him. He stepped back, as if to allow the man to leave - which he did, without hesitation. Sol turned back to Anilara, and couldn't help but feel a little bit surprised after she had asked him her question. "Yes," he replied. "We should question a couple of the pedestrians around here, and ask them if they've seen Harrun."
  5. As always, Sol had his two blaster pistols holstered at either hip, and now, slung his own, customized blaster rifle to his belt. For good measure, he stored four thermal under his shirt, to a strap that was fitted around his bare chest. To get to it, he had to lift the front of his shirt up, and clip each detonator on to an available metal loop. He glanced down and saw the stitching in his chest, and sighed. While he knew that the 'improvements' that the Black Sun doctors had given him would give him an enormous advantage in battle, he couldn't help but feel... different from the average, 'normal' being. But, he couldn't think about that now. Smash had given them an assignment, and he wanted it dealt with as soon as possible. Sol knew that he was an impatient man, but luckily, he had been able to complete the few, but all of his previous assignments on, or before their actual deadlines. He had to admit that the missile launcher built into - but hidden from view - in his right forearm would probably come in handy somewhere along the line during their visit to Kamino. He knew that the man they were after would probably want to make a run for it; however, unfortunately for him, he would never get that chance. He walked over to where Anilara was, and flipped one of the switches on the wall to lower the boarding ramp. Almost immediately, the force of the wind, rain, and chill of the Kaminoan air greeted him. He was used to extreme weather conditions, since he traveled so much, but Kamino was a different story. While he could bear the planet's harsh, stormy atmosphere, it would be difficult for those who had never been to the planet before to cope with it. He turned back to Anilara, blinking a couple of times, as if that would keep his already soaking wet hair out of his eyes. "Come on," he said, having to raise his voice a bit so that she could hear him. "Let's check out that building first." He jerked a thumb towards the nearest tower, which was less than half of a kilometer away from them.
  6. Kamino. A planet that's stormy weather never ceased. For years on end - ever since the planet was first discovered, Sol was sure -, the planet had never seen even a sliver of sunshine. Rain poured down from the heavens, threatening the planet with an increased sea level. There were several small 'communities' on the planet, though the majority of it was deserted. Sol brought the Silver Eagle down to one of the open platforms, near a series of large structures propped up on thick, steel, poles. Every single building looked very modern. It was definitley a sight for sore eyes, for those who had never visited the planet before. Sol had been there only once or twice in the past, and thought that it was... peaceful there. Even he didn't know why he felt that way. Perhaps it was because he was away from Coruscant, where he had grown up and lived for the majority of his life? After his ship settled onto the platform, he shut the engines down and unbuckled his seat belt. He looked over at Anilara, sensing her anticipation of the events about to unfold. "Come on," he said, standing up. "I have a couple of blaster rifles, pistols, and thermal detonators in the cargo hold."
  7. After nearly a week's stay at the Golden Link, Sol Kadav emerged from his hotel room, his luggage in tow. He made his way out of the hotel and to the hangar where his ship was currently docked, and a number of service droids were scurrying about. Before he boarded his ship, he took the device that disabled his missile launcher off of his arm and set it onto one of the trays that one of the droids had attached to its frame. --- Minutes later, the Silver Eagle took off, bound for Courscant, and the Black Sun Citadel.
  8. Unable to find a casino that appealed to him, Sol sighed. He'd been wandering around the streets of the Golden Link Casino for nearly two hours. He was hungry, but even more-so, he was thirsty. A shot of Alderaanian ale definitely sounded soothing to him right now. He was sure that it could dull the headache that had suddenly arisen in the back of his cranium. The steady pulse of discomfort had made itself known a couple of minutes after he left his hotel room. Finally, he came across a small, one-story cantina. A modern-looking building, with metal siding, a flat rooftop, and fluorescent light fixtures hanging down on either side of the entrance. He watched as several beings, human and alien, walked to and from the building. He was surprised to see how cheery everybody was. From the first time he had arrived at the Golden Link, the first thing he noticed was how nearly everybody had a smile on their face, or some sort of hidden smirk. He imagined that without any violence or theft ever taking place at the Casino, nobody had anything to worry about. He had to agree with them, even though he had taken part in the murder of one hundred slaves only two weeks prior. He was by no means a cold-bloodec killer, despite what anybody said. Smash Daisaku on the other hand”¦ well, he was a different story. The door leading into the cantina slid open, permitting Sol entrance to the dimly lit, but crowded bar. The majority of the tables were in the center of the room, with dividers separating other tables and chairs to those who presumably reserved them. Aliens and humans alike crowded around the bar, several males eyeing the Twi'lek dancer on the stage, which was directly behind the server. The dancer was wearing lacey, thin fabric, which covered very little of her body. Sol couldn't resist a smirk when one of the men, a Bothan, tried to touch her leg. This was answered with a threat by the man behind the bar, who was a human. He was short, chubby, yet jolly. He welcomed new customers ”“ men and women alike ”“ with a large smile. His forehead was slick with perspiration; Sol was sure that the man's thick, bulky shirt didn't help much. After he'd taken a seat at the bar, the man looked over at him and smiled the same smile that had probably been used a countless number of times before. Nonetheless, Sol nodded in return, and eyed the bottles that lined the glass case behind him. Able to read the label of each bottle, he found what he was looking for. Alderaanian Ale. ”
  9. Dressed in a loose-fitting dark green shirt, black pants, and black combat boots, Sol made his way out of the hotel where he was currently staying. The device attached to his arm that prevented the use of his built-in missile launcher fit snugly around his forearm, though he paid no attention to it. The sprawling entertainment district that was the Golden Link Casino awaited him. Any money that he bet with would be his pay from being a member of the Black Sun, who he knew were frowned upon in this place. He'd heard several rumors about Smash's organization from some of the other people currently residing here; none of them had anything good to say about it. Before he left his hotel room, he caught a glimpse of himself in a mirror. His dirty blonde hair was mussed, so he used his fingers as a makeshift hairbrush to make it look tidier. His face was starting to sprout whiskers, which he would take care off later, back in his ship. Other than that, he looked decent enough for a small outing in the casino. After a couple hours of gambling, he'd return to his room and use the refresher, before retiring for the night. He walked down one of the many streets of the Golden Link, scanning each sign he passed, trying to find a casino that appealed to him.
  10. The guard had taken Sol to the hotel by his request, where he chose to stay for the night. He rented a room out, went up to it, and went to sleep. In his ship, his R2 unit was currently recharging, having activated the security featuers that his ship had to offer to make sure that nobody tried to take it while he stayed at the Golden Link. ((OOC: Sorry for such a short post”¦ I don't know what else to do with this character right now.))
  11. The built-in missile launcher in his arm sounded the alarms. He was afraid of this. Would he not be allowed to enter the Casino? Sure, he worked for the Black Sun; but that didn't mean that he was going to cause any trouble there. He wasn't a cold-blooded killer like Smash Daisaku and his associates. That, along with the fact that he didn't know how to ”˜unload' anything from the missile launcher might just prevent him from enjoying himself at the Golden Link. Still, he took his blasters out of their holsters, and handed them off to his R2 unit, who opened his storage compartment for that very reason. After giving him an enthusiastic warble, the droid rolled back up the ramp and back into Sol's ship. ”œI'm afraid that I cannot unload or disable the weapon within my arm,”
  12. Changing out of his armor that he was currently wearing, Sol left his ship dressed in a light gray tunic, black, baggy pants, and charcoal gray combat boots. He had his two blaster pistols holstered at his sides, though he left his blaster carbine back in his ship, in a safe place. As he walked down the loading ramp, a couple of people from the hangar crew walked up to him. In the back of his mind, he knew that they would ask him to leave his pistols back on the ship. He was suddenly grateful for the M9 Missile launcher that had been built into his right forearm; he probably wouldn't have to use it. The Golden Link Casino didn't look like it attracted many Sith Lords. He stepped off of the ramp and looked towards the crew, waiting to hear what they had to say. ((OOC: Can I leave it up to you to RP what they say/do, Zara?))
  13. The sleek transport craft, the Silver Eagle, exited hyperspace. The Golden Link Casino could be seen in the distance; it would take him perhaps five minutes to get there. The structure itself was attractive; the shops, casinos, hotels, and family-oriented places stood out, even from over one thousand kilometers away. Sol sat back in his chair, putting his hands behind his head. His droid, R2-H5, came into the room. It beeped a query directed towards Sol, who answered it with a slight nod. ”œWe're going to be staying here until Smash needs me again,”
  14. Sol smiled. They were at a stand-off. This would be over quickly, he was sure. However, the man shot a single blaster bolt at him, which he had to merely move out of the way for, and watched as the Mandalorian activated his jetpack. The bright, yellow flames that were emitted as he flew towards him burned several shrubs and foliage as he came at him. Sol launched himself at the man as well. He dropped his pistols and raised his right fist instead. Thanks to his new genetic makeup, he could lift up to a ton weight-wise. Surely, he would have no problem with grabbing this man out of mid-air, pulling his helmet off, and sending a quick, swift punch to his face. When Krote was close enough, Sol grabbed side-stepped his tackle, and with one, quick motion, he grabbed the man out of mid-air, and pulled his helmet off. Before Krote could have known what was happening, Sol drove his fist into the center of the man's face. A sickening crunch could be heard as nearly every bone in his face broke. His nose oozed blood, and his eyes were swollen shut. Using his other hand now, Sol grabbed Krote by the rear. Applying as much strength as he could now, he drove the Mandalorian, face-first, into the ground. He rammed his knee into his head again for good measure, then released him. His body fell to the ground and lay still.
  15. Krote's next move caught him off guard. He dove to the side, though he still caught one of the blasts in his right arm. He flinched a bit at the pain, though the majority of the pain wasn't felt. If Krote were to look at the wound carefully, he would see the metal-like fibers that made up the skeletal structure of his limbs. He brought himself back to reality, his gaze hardening. The Mandalorian was standing there, obviously pleased with himself. Sol brought his repeating blaster around again and fired as many shots as he could to the right, left, below, and above his opponent until the gun overheated and stopped working. He tossed it to the ground and brought both of his blasters out, training the aim of both weapons on the Mandalorian. If he were to attack Sol, he would simply shoot him. ((4))
  16. Tree bark splintered beneath Sol's feet, and he quickly leapt up from the tree and landed on the ground, perhaps twenty feet away from Krote. The man was shooting at him, though the shots were fired blindly. He brought up his repeating blaster, his vision suddenly changing. He had zoomed in to his target, who he knew still couldn't see him. Everything was now seen as a thermal image; he was able to spot the Mandalorian, and trained his sights on the man, unleashing three bolts of energy from the end of his weapon. He quickly took cover behind a fallen tree trunk, making sure that he was low enough to remain hidden. ((2))
  17. ((OOC: Don't worry, Doran; it counts. And just a heads up to everyone else, this is an OOC duel.)) Sol was standing where his Krote would never expect him to be: In the open. He had to laugh at the over-estimation of the Mandalorian. His supposed years of ”˜experience' wouldn't help him here. Sol had the advantage, and they both knew it. With him, he had his two blaster pistols, a repeating blaster strapped to his back, and five thermal detonators clipped to his waist. The environment would serve as a weapon as well ”“ if he could find a way to use it appropriately. Krote was of a background where his people were known for their skills in combat and survival. Sol, though he was a mere human, was much more than the average human being. His genetically modified self would prove to be such an advantage, that he would surely out-maneuver, and over-power his opponent. Without warning, he launched himself into the air, landing on a tree trunk that was about five feet long, and thirty feet high off of the ground. From here, he had a better view of Krote, and the element of surprise on his side. He brought his right arm out, extending it so his fist was pointed towards the area where the man was. A patch of skin on his arm suddenly moved to the right, sliding out of the way to make room for an M9 missile to be fired at the Mandalorian; this, of course, was one many ”˜upgrades' that he'd received back at the Citadel on Courscant. He would have to remember to thank the doctor who performed the operation on him; he'd done a hell of a job. A single M9 missile flew from the barrel implanted in Sol's arm. It spun through the air as it went, having already locked on to Krote, who was still standing on top of the tree, around half of a kilometer away from where he was. The explosion of the missile would do enough damage to destroy the wildlife surround the tree, and hopefully his adversary.
  18. ((OOC: Sorry; double posted.))
  19. It had taken Sol perhaps a few hours to reinstall both his ship's navi-computer, along with the freighter's navi-computer, but only an hour to put the new one into his ship. With the help of his droid, R4-J79, he was able to do all of this in less time that it would have taken him if he had done it on his own. With a new navi-computer, as well as a set of armor that Sol was now wearing that he'd found on the freighter, he set out. He was surprised that he hadn't attracted the attention of any sort of security forces on his way out, though he couldn't worry about that now. He was looking at his new- but stolen- navi-computer, wondering if there were any extra features installed within this new toy. R4 rolled into the cockpit, warbling to Sol as soon as he caught sight of him. Sol turned around, rubbing his palm against the back of his neck. "What do you mean, unread messages?" he asked. "I'm not worried about what's played on the Holonet." R4 warbled again. Sol sighed. "Alright, go ahead and play it," he said, sitting down in the pilot's chair and swiveling it around so he could listen to the message. --- Five minutes later, Sol was sitting silently, his chin propped up in his fist, pondering what he had just listened to. The leader of the Black Sun was accepting new members into the Black Sun? He smiled, realizing how big of an opportunity this was to finally earn some real credits. He reached over the console, entering a set of cooridinates into the navi-computer. He watched as the stars around his ship suddenly turn into streaks of bright, silver light as he entered hyperspace. He was on his way to the Black Sun Citadel on Courscant, in hopes of starting to earn some credits.
  20. Sol Kadav


    Sol flew his ship into Kuat Drive Yards, telling the voice that crackled over the intercom that he was picking up a few parts for his ship that he had ordered. The man on the other line seemed hesitant, but allowed Sol to proceed into the Yards. Sol hadn't ordered anything; he was hoping to find a spare navi-computer to install in his ship. The one that he had now was outdated. He knew that trying to find a recent navi-computer from one of the ships here would prove to be a challenge. What would be even more challenging, however, would be even if he found a navi-computer that he could use, he would need to find a way to take it from whatever ship he found it on and replace it with the one on his own craft without being detected. "This is going to be difficult," he thought to himself, starting to have second thoughts about doing this. He shook his head, shaking all possibilities of getting caught out of his head. He guided his ship further into the shipyards, soon finding a safe area to land. One of the hangars of the yard, as far as he could see, was abandoned. A single Corellian freighter was stationed within it, also abandoned. Sol figured that it had been forgotten long ago. It was an older freighter, though he was sure that the navi-computer within it would be more recent than the one he had in his ship. He landed his ship in the hangar, the field protecting the hangar allowing him into it. It would protect him against the atmosphere of the shipyards as he worked. He smiled to himself, before he set out to retrieve the navi-computer.
  21. The Silver Eagle exited hyperspace, slowly coasting within a sector that was unknown to Sol. He wasn't concerned with being unfamiliar with this part of the galaxy, though. His navi-computer was never wrong. He glanced down at it now, and saw that he was perhaps an hour away from Courscant. The distance-measuring system showed that he was about 1,000 kilometers away from the planet, which gave him more than enough time to kick back and rest. His ship, despite the size of it, was surprisingly fast and maneuverable. It held up well in a fight. A new, state-of-the-art hyperdrive was installed into the ship, which replaced the older, outdated one. It was repainted, the rust-colored plating of the craft now covered with a layer of silver paint. He stood up from the pilot's chair, stretching his arms behind him. He switched on the auto-pilot, and then walked out of the cockpit. He walked down the short length of the hallway connecting the cockpit and Main Hold, sitting down on one of the chairs, placing his feet on top of the metal table in front of him. On top of the table was a bottle of Corellian Ale, which Sol picked up and opened, taking a quick swig of the contents within it before closing it back up. He reached to his side and picked up a holobook, which he activated with one twitch of his thumb. Crossing his left foot over his right, he started to read.
  22. Character Sheet Name: Sol Kadav Species: Human/Echani Sex: Male Age: 23 Height: 6"3 Weight: 210 lbs. Homeworld: Courscant Occupation: N/A _________________ Misc. Information Affiliation: The Black Sun Rank: N/A Trained by: Being trained by Smash Daisaku Non-Force User _________________ Appearance: Eye Color: Green Hair Color & Style: Black, Medium Length Facial Hair: Light Five o'clock Shadow Body Type: Tall/Muscular, Average Height: 6'2" Weight: 175 lbs. _________________ Clothing Sol now wears Eclipse Model Armor, which is forged with Mandalorian ore, but finished with durasteel and various blaster reflective covering and cortosis plating. The armor is lightsaber-resistant, and can hold up very well against any type of blaster or melee weapon. _________________ Weapons Blasters/Blaster Rifles/Ranged Weapons -CDEF Blaster Pistol (Modified) -Firelance Blaster Rifle -MM 9 Rocket Launcher, (built-in to Sol's right arm) Mele Weapons -Vibrosword -Vibroknucklers _________________ Inventory -Comlink -[x5] Medpack _________________ Possessions -R2-H5 (astromech droid) _________________ Surgical Implements Sol became physically - and genetically - modified under the orders of Smash Daisaku. Along with new, genetically enhanced organs, Sol had been modified in such a way, that he can now see up to great distances, as well as see in the dark, and see things as they would be in infared vision. His hearing was changed, so that he can now hear even the faintest whispers around him; even quiet conversations behind held 200 yards away from him. His strength is greatly enhanced, giving Sol ten times the strength that he had before the operation. There is a built-in MM9 missle launcher in his right arm, which fires MM 9 rockets (10" in length, 2" in diameter) with complete homing capabilities. His skull is reinforced with durasteel, which helps protects him from any blows to his head. Sol is also able now to run faster, jump higher, and push himself to extreme physical limits of which he had never been able to reach before.
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