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Jzora Scorpio

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  1. Jzora Scorpio


    ...And then the haze lifted. This wasn't the first time Jzora had blacked out, and she had a feeling it wouldn't be the last. She put her feet on the ground gently, feeling blood slowly ooze out of the hundreds of shallow cuts on her body. Angry messages were scrawled on the wall in her blood, such as "I'm ugly" and "I'm worthless". I hate you! was particularly large and underlined with a smear of blood on the room's mirror. Gingerly dressing to return to her ship, Jzora could feel the turmoil and unrest of the person in the adjacent room. It called to her like the lapping sounds of ocean waves at the beach, something familiar and comforting compared to the chaos of the room. Jzora stepped out of her room and into the neighboring one, the door having not yet been shut. Gripping the young man's lekku Jzora ripped him off the foot of the bed and slammed his head on the nearby wall. The concussive impact was enough to disorient the twi'lek as Jzora dragged him back to her ship...
  2. Jzora Scorpio


    The pair walked the streets in silence for some time, Jzora scanning the people they passed, looking for something in particular, Corvus apparently taking nicely to the pheromones. The prospects here were far slimmer than Jzora expected, she had heard that Naboo was one of the pilot planets for the imperial cleansing projects, but she wasn't aware of the extent that the planet's populace had been... replaced. Nearly three quarters of the population appeared to be biological constructs. It had a sense of order and purpose that appealed to Jzora, a display that complete control could create a safe place. That said, it made it nearly impossible to find what Jzora was looking for. So they continued in silence for some time, before Jzora finally found what she was looking for. She was a pretty little thing, the daughter of the security chief. Doe eyes and an carefree smile defined her face, while her outfit could best be described as virginal with its whites and creams. Jzora hated her immediately, for the girl was everything that she had lost or been denied in life. Jzora approached her with an easy, casual gait, verbally greeting her and putting an arm around her shoulder to hide the dosing of drugs Jzora injected into her. As the girl tried to remember who this warm stranger that greeted her so fondly was, her grip on awareness slipped in a warm tumble into dream land. Using the Force, Jzora copiloted her body into a a quiet alcove in one of the nearby alleyways, bading Corvus to follow. When the young man joined her, she spoke to him of his choice. "The new security chief for your area, appointed by the rebel government, is building a case against you and your cohorts. Should you choose not to act, and continue your life the way you are, you will be arrested and spend years in a penal facility for chasing your true nature. Pledge yourself to my teachings and murder this girl as a message to the chief, and not only will the legal pressure dissappear, but you'll be one step closer to who you really are. So the choice is yours, will you rot for a system of supposed justice, or will you embrace the only truth of the galaxy, shed your morality, and take your place among the powerful?" Jzora produced a knife from her robes and offered it to Corvus...
  3. Jzora Scorpio


    Jzora took a small black orb with a reflective sheen out of her pocket, and stroking the activation stud, it floated in mid air as she let go. Now her conversation with the youth would stay private. "I'm here because you need me. Rather, you need what I can offer you. You're a priveliged youth in an idyllic world who has tasted too much, and found everything in life is muted. You want to feel something, and the only way you ever do anymore is when you give in to more deviant desires, but even that is now not enough. You were meant for a different life than that of the idle aristocrat, Corvus, and I can give you that life. But first, I'm going to give you the choice I never had, if you would join me for awhile outside."
  4. Jzora Scorpio


    OOC((Appologies for the delay, real life took precedence for a bit.)) Jzora waited in an overstuffed couch, poise elegant and straight despite the level of comfort the furniture provided. Soon enough she would meet her caller, and everything would fall into place.
  5. Jzora Scorpio


    "Such generous hospitality is always appreciated. You may tell your master that lady Lyria Anthati has come in response to his recent communique. I understand his concerns for his son, and I will do everything in my considerable power to... distract him from his current lifestyle into something a bit more suitable for one of his standing. Or you could just send the young man directly to me" One of the advantages of being a Sith was access to imperial security records. The son here was a thrill jockey, engaging in illicit activities with his other rich bored friends. He was most likely dabbling in the black and had reached out by accident. If it wasn't him, she could work the house through him. She had "blossomed" when she came through the door, the pheromones of her species released into the air to entice any who came near her. The last bit of her statement had been half purr and half command through the Force. She didn't want to leave any unnecessary corpses or deal with intermediaries.
  6. Jzora Scorpio


    The Von Braun landed at Naboo without incident, as the ship was still flagged as a registered transport, and was not yet known to be in the hands of a Sith. There was a refreshing feel of order on the planet, a sterile cleanliness that appealed to Jzora's clinical nature. The place that the Force had drawn her to was posh, affluent, even by Naboo standards. It smelled of opportunity, the easy life. The wealthy had been good to Jzora on Coruscant, eager pawns to her... wiles. Hopefully the matter at hand would go equally smoothly. She had chosen her outfit carefully, something that found a halfway point between mysterious and fashionable. It fully covered her body, but her curves were still apparent. She raised the cowl of her designer cloak over her head, masking her face in shadows. Arriving at the door of a rather fine estate, Jzora pressed the door toner three times. It wouldn't do to smash through the window of a potential business associate.
  7. Jzora arched an eyebrow. The slave dialect of the Sith, she had thought that their species had died out millenia ago. What bountiful fortune was this for her to find one. Even greater fortune if it was unclaimed. "Who is your master, slave?" The hungry look of the predator was on Jzora's face now, lost in the hunt.
  8. A presence... With a gesture, Jzora seized the interloper by the throat, lifting it some distance off the ground through the Force. The crushing pressure was powerful but not absolute. The idea of something living or dieing at her whim feeling delicious, like working a particularly succulent piece of food in your mouth with your tongue before swallowing it. The thing was somewhat sentient, judging by the rags it mistook as clothing, and humanoid and feminine, if rather large. At least it wasn't a furry ape like the humans. Most humans at best annoyed Jzora, with their misplaced sense of superiority and overemotional prattle. Jzora had only ever met one who was worth anything. Atia was a... teacher, mentor, master, lover, sticky sweet and slick with blood from the slender cuts and... unique individual. "Who are you that deigns to approach me, your goddess?" Authority always cowed the lesser species, and the backworlders were quick to see divinity in the supernatural nature of the Force. These were factors that Jzora took advantage of to the fullest. Any mistakes could be killed and discarded.
  9. Full Circle It had been over a year since Jzora had last been to Korriban, since she had started to walk the dark path. Returning now almost seemed like a pilgrimage of sorts, at least would be if Jzora had a sense of the sacred. The religous aspects of the order never much appealed to Jzora, who cared little about ceremony and dead ideas. Jzora had first come here to dump bodies, desperately running from a situation that had gotten entirely out of hand. That life seemed so distant now, like a reel of old fashioned film faded and worn. As Jzora understood it now, she didn't even need to hide bodies anymore. Such things as killing were expected of her. Theft too. Although I think her masters may not have had the tombs of Korriban in mind when they said take what you want. Wearing a skintight bodyglove and a dark blue scarf tied around her head like a mask, Jzora set out from the ship. She carried her lightsaber and a blaster with her, ready for trouble if it arrose.
  10. OOC:Wrong star system, chief.
  11. Jzora Scorpio


    "A petty man with delusions of standing. Or perhaps you fancy yourself something of a soldier. It doesn't matter, your status has no meaning, and no skill at arms cannot save you. You are in the Devil's keeping tonight, mortal." A sharp flick of the wrist sent the man's weapons sliding away from him, and another opened his shirt with a loud rip. Drawing a scalpel from the folds of her outfit, Jzora made a wide incision on the man's abdomen. Before you can fix something it has to be broken. The man's mouth was gagged with fabric, no need for him to speak at this point. Jzora opened a plastic container and let her new insectoid friends crawl into the man's gut. "I want to watch you scream with your eyes while the things inside you start eating you alive."
  12. Jzora Scorpio


    Aluc had barely heard the sound of boots tramping along the hard floor when twin stun caught him in the neck. The device delivered a powerful shock to his body, dropping him to his knees. Jzora, flanked on either side by hired thugs, grabbed Aluc's head and smashed it into her knee, causing blood to flow freely from the man's nose. The nearby clones watched blankly, they were programmed to ignore sith and imperial brutality. As the world around Aluc faded to black, Jzora's thugs grabbed him by either arm as Jzora put a bag over his head. The trio dragged the man to a nearby security station, where the officers were encouraged to take a break while Jzora used the interrogation room. When Aluc was sufficiently strapped down, Jzora began to circle around him like a predator, or a raven wairing for its meal to expire. Behind him, she spoke. "You are weak."
  13. Jzora arrived at Mon Calamari within a day's travel, resolved to accomplish her task quickly and effectively. On one of the surface cities, she bartered for the equipment she would need to explore the depths, a wetsuit, underwater light, a symbiotic breathing organism, and a sonic sidearm. In the best circumstances, Jzora wouldn't even need the breathing organism, on account of her amphibious nature. But the possibility of running into a hostile native animal or of this being a trap did not escape Jzora. Atia's behaviour of late had been strange, and her interest in new prospects for apprenticeship made Jzora wonder if she had failed her master in some way. It didn't take long for her ship to arrive at the coordinates over the relic location. Opening the ship's rampway, Jzora slid into the water with serpentine grace. If there was one thing that had come of her tryst with Atia, it had been her validation as a woman. Normally Falleen rely on their pheromones to secure a mate, but the pheromones only work on sentients of the opposite sex. Atia had truely wanted her. It was a line of thought that felt incredible to Jzora, she felt beautiful, sexy, superior. Most of all though, it made her feel powerful, to be able to affect people in that way. As Jzora dove deeper into the waters of Mon Calamari, chill began to set in, and the sunlight dimmed until it became a distant memory. There was only darkness at these depths. For the longest time, the light from Jzora's glowrod didn't even hit anything, lending the impression that the depths would go on forever downward. After hours of descent, Jzora at last began to see what she had come for. There along an oceanic shelf, was a giant crater in the middle of what appeared to be the ruins of ancient city. There was no way that Jzora would be able to recover everything from the site, so she would have to focus on a select few artifacts. Jzora could sense lines of Dark Side energy latticing the city like a power grid, with whatever had been in the crater serving as a central power source. Jzora followed the largest conduits to a vast building, still relatively preserved after however long it had been sunk. The powered doors still worked, even underwater. Perhaps this city had never been sunken, but rather was built underwater. The inside had a sort of dark grandeur to it, and unlike other sunken cities, no sea life had marred or corroded the inside of this building. Statuework was everywhere, massive figures made of midnight black. The writing on the plaques was ancient and unreadable to Jzora, but she could hear the whispers of names in the eb and flow of the Force. Ancient powerful names like Markross, Yfel, Jahat, Nefordas, Felaket, Nhagathul, and Rev'Nullem. She had never heard these names before, but knew instinctively that they were to be feared. She continued onward to another door that opened as she neared it, revealing a grand stairway upwards. Much to Jzora's surprise, she also saw that the area above the stairway was dry. Pressure variations and airtight construction must have created air pockets and moon pools within the structure. Jzora emerged from the water thankful that the wetsuit she was wearing had a thermal stabilization system on it, otherwise she would have suffered from hypothermia long ago. The air was thick with the dark side, ancient and powerful presence was just beyond the door. With no other choice, Jzora pushed the massive door open and entered the room. The room was massive, large enough to contain an imperial picket ship with room to spare. It was circular in nature, with twenty alcoves set in its walls, like the teeth on a gear. Each alcove had a mural and a massive throne set into it. Twenty thrones, but for who? Who's city was this, how old was it? It seemed so vast and empty now, but how did it look when its masters had been in attendance. The whole situation left Jzora with a dilemma, what should she bring back to Atia? Taking a moment to ponder the best course of action, not to mention being worn out from the marathon swim down to the city, Jzora collapsed into one of the thrones in the alcoves. Without warning, her body froze and refused to obey the commands of her brain. Unable to move or flee, Jzora was held captive as cold creeping sensations invaded her flesh. Wet and icy, she felt tendrils move up her body until they were crawling into her nose, mouth, ears, and eyes. Then it was in her mind. Long has it been since we have had flesh to hear your songs. We have missed the feeling of your sensations more than we would like. We see your memories and we are pleased, you will make a suitable vessel for my return. Do not be afraid, fledgling, for you will remain as you are, I simply wish to experience life through your body. I see your past, and your future, and you are a servant to your own desires. Power, control, hatred, sex, these are what drive you more than your own reason. I shall taste these things from inside of you, and in return you shall be gifted with my divine essence. Now look to the mural behind you. After you have taken in the beautiful chaos that is Jahat, take the jewels that were used to craft my eyes. Good. And the chest hidden beneath my throne. Now return to the world of people, little puppet, so that I may feel sensation yet again. Jzora had no choice but to obey the entity, and after gathering everything, she began the long swim up, away from the silent city.
  14. For a moment, Jzora was somewhere else, as memories flooded into her head unbidden. Get up! You will practice the dance routine until you get it right, miserable child. You've already failed me once, daughter, if you cannot at least find use as marriage stock, then you have no purpose, and things without purpose go away. Tears streamed down Jzora's face as the burning sensation of the blow spread across her. Helpless, she began again. Jzora's jaw was shattered by the powerful blow, but this time she did not cry. She had no more tears left. A lifetime of abuse had made her resilient to pain. She rose up smoothly and automatically, just as mother expected of her.
  15. "I pledge myself to your teachings, so that I may one day be reborn free from all binds." Jzora knelt and bowed her head before the stranger.
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